Map reduce on mongo db with sharding

MongoDB CRUD Operations : - Starting mongodb using mongod command by specifying the data directory using mongodb.conf file. Contents of conf file are below :- Connecting to mongo db using mongo command and inserting a sample record:

Transcript of Map reduce on mongo db with sharding

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MongoDB CRUD Operations : -

Starting mongodb using mongod command by specifying the data directory using mongodb.conf file.

Contents of conf file are below :-

Connecting to mongo db using mongo command and inserting a sample record:

Sharding in MongoDB :-

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Configuring the mongodb's config server : -

Starting Shard controller :-

mongos --configdb bharat-Lenovo-G580:27018 --port 27019

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Creating two shard directories, starting mongo on them and add those shard directories to shard file

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Total daemons running now :-

Running MapReduce on downloaded article in MongoDB

Step 1 : Downloading the data in form of text file from chronicle website.Step 2 : Inserting the text file data to MongoDB using PyMongo script shown below.

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Step 3 : Inserted data in pages collection in articles db is shown below :

MapReduce program on calculating wordcount for each article :

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Output of word count :-

Dropbox Link for code :-

Thanks Bharat Khanna