Managing Clients in the IEZ Quote System Objective: Become an expert in managing your clients in the...

Managing Clients in the IEZ Quote System Objective: Become an expert in managing your clients in the IEZ Quote System.

Transcript of Managing Clients in the IEZ Quote System Objective: Become an expert in managing your clients in the...

Managing Clients in the IEZ Quote System

Objective: Become an expert in managing your clients in the IEZ Quote System.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Use Dual Browsers for this Tutorial: To get better results from this training tutorial:

Adjust the browser for this presentation so it takes up the left third of your computer screen

Launch a second browser and enter the URL (it’s the same as this one) and put it on the right side of your screen so you can view both

Follow the instructions given in this presentation and execute the command prompts on the second browser as indicated.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


The IEZ Quote System…

Provides a database of all your clients, including: Individuals and their Dependents Groups, their Employees and their Dependents

Supplies an Internet portal for all of your clients

Supports the concept of a “Client for Life” and an “Agent for Life”.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


However, the IEZ Quote System is only as useful as the data you’ve put in it, so… Add your clients as you encounter them,

including: Individual clients and their dependents (or have

your secretary add them) Group clients and their Employees (or have the

Group client add their Employees along with their Dependents)

Insurance Policy information, including all Pending comments and indicators

Use the system to keep track of all your correspondence, appointments, and so forth.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)



This Advanced Topic guide will show you how to:

Add an Individual client to your IEZ Quote database Add Dependents of both Individuals and to Employees Add a Group client and then add Employees Send your client information concerning recent products,

announcements, and training meetings with a quick and easy procedure.

Note: Policy information for your clients will be entered by our support staff here at SBGI so you as well as your clients can view it on site.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Example 1: Adding an Individual client in the IEZ Quote System (slide 1 of 2)… On your second browser (which should be running, click on the “Members” tab at the top Log in with your user name and password (Click “Forgot your

username or password” if you have forgotten what they are) After logging in, from your main menu click on “Individuals” below

the “My Clients” link Above the (initially empty) “Individuals List” that appears, locate

the Menu toolbar Place your cursor over the “Edit” item Click on the “Add Individual” command from the list (An alternative is to click the “[Add Client] link at the top of the


Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Example 1, (cont’d): Adding an Individual client in the IEZ Quote System (slide 2 of 2)…

On the “Add Individual” screen that appears, enter the username, password and legal name of the Individual as appropriate We suggest making a user name that has the client’s first

initial, middle initial, last name and last four digits of their Social Security Number, for example “jkhenry4321” for a Mr. John K. Henry with a SSN of 529-34-4321

His password could be “John”, which is easy to remember and which he can change later to something more secure

Note: if you had clicked on “My Clients” from your main menu, you can still add an Individual by clicking on “Add Individual” from the Edit list of commands.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Flow Control options upon adding an Individual client… Once you have successfully added an Individual

client, a list of “flow control” options will appear: View [your] list of Agents [n]. View [your] list of Individuals [n]. View [your] list of Groups [n].

Edit [Individual’s Name]. View [Individual’s] list of Dependents [n].

Clicking on the “Edit [Individual’s Name]” link will take you to the first in a series of information screens for that client. Note: the “[n]” stands for the number of items found.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Adding Information to Individuals through the main menu… You may also fill in your client’s information:

Clicking on “Individuals” from the main menu then clicking the name of your Individual client from the list presents the same “Client Information” screens your client sees

On the information screens, headers indicate whether the client (in green) or the agent (in blue) typically fill in the data

Once you have added an Individual client, help him log into IEZ Quote with the user name and password you have provided for him The very first time he must agree to the Terms of Use

Agreement, then is taken to his home page After that, he clicks on “My Info” from his main menu and fills out

the series of “Client Information” screens.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


The Individual’s Information screens… The Agent’s screens for Individuals has several

fields which your fill out but which the client does not see, including: The “Contact Type”, which includes

“Lead”, “Prospect”, “Client” or “Dead File” The “Contact Rating”, which ranges from

1 to 5, and A through E The “Service Request To” list, which includes

you and your managing agent(s) Select appropriate values for each of these fields.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Data Entry screens for the Individual client are also color coded… Since the agent and the Individual client can both

access the same series of Information screens, the list below indicates who typically enters the information: “Client Information” (Client fills out this information; green note) “Client Information (Continued)” (Client fills this out) “Current Plan Information” (Agent fills this out; blue note) “Benefit Plan Selection” (Agent fills this out) “Benefit Plan Details” (Agent fills this out) “Medical Information” (Client fills this out; green note) “Medical Specifics” (Client fills all these out)

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Flow Control options upon finishing the Individual’s Information screens… Once you are through entering data on the

Individual’s screens, you will click on “Finish” This will bring up a list of “flow control” options

again, which will appear as: View [your] list of Agents [n]. View [your] list of Individuals [n]. View [your] list of Groups [n]. Edit [Individual’s Name]. View [Individual’s] list of Dependents [n].

Clicking on any of these launches the associated task, however if you have dependents to add, click on the last option.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Example 2: Adding Dependents to Individuals through the main menu… You can also add an Individual’s dependents by

clicking on “Individuals” from your main menu, Then click on the number under the column “Dependents”,

click “[Add Dependents]” and add the data to the information screens presented

Click “Finish” to save and end the procedure Or get your Individual client to add his dependents

by clicking on “My Dependents” from his main menu He then clicks on “[Add Dependents]” to enter the

requested information on several screens, then clicks on “Finish”.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Example 3: Adding a Group client to the IEZ Quote System (slide 1 of 2) On your second browser (which should still be running, click on the [Home] link Then from your main menu click on “Groups” below

the “My Clients” link (You could have also clicked on the shortcut “Companies

(Groups)” command under the “Jump To:” menu) Above the (initially empty) “Groups List” that appears,

locate the Menu toolbar Place your cursor over the “Edit” item

Click on the “Add” command from the list

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Example 3, (cont’d): Adding a Group client to the IEZ Quote System (slide 2 of 2) On the “Add Group” screen that appears, enter the

username, password and name of the business or group as appropriate We suggest making a user name that combines the Group

client’s business name and his business telephone number without spaces, for example “Carl Gray Tire Co.” at (208) 529-3300 would have a user name of “carlgraytire2085293300” and an easy password of “carlgray”, which Carl should change the first time he access the IEZ Quote System

Note: If you had clicked on “My Clients” from your main menu, you can still add an Individual by clicking on the “Add Individual” command from the Edit menu.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Flow Control options upon finishing the Group’s Information Screens… Once you have successfully added a Group client, a

list of “flow control” options will appear: View [your] list of Agents [n]. View [your] list of Individuals [n]. View [your] list of Groups [n].

Edit [Group’s Name]. View [Group’s Name’s] list of employees [n].

Clicking on the “Edit [Group’s Name]” link will take you to the first in a series of Information screens for the Group client.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Adding Information to a Group Client using the main menu… You may also fill in your Group client’s information

Click on “Groups” from the main menu then click the name of the Group client from the list to launch the same series of “Client Information” screens.

Click “Finish” to save and end the procedure Once you have added a Group client, get your client

to log into IEZ Quote with the user name and password you have provided for him After he logs into IEZ Quote and agrees to the “Terms of

Use Agreement” he may click on his “My Info” link to fill out the series of “Client Information” screens too.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Selecting flow control options at the end of the Group’s Information screens… Once you have successfully added a Group client,

the same list of “flow control” options will appear: View [your] list of Agents [n]. View [your] list of Individuals [n]. View [your] list of Groups [n].

Edit [Group’s Name]. View [Group’s Name’s] list of employees [n].

Clicking on the “View [Group’s Name’s] list of employees” will take you to a list of employees (initially blank) from which you can add Employees.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Example 4: Adding Employees to a Group Client through the main menu… You may also add Employees to a Group by clicking

on “Groups” from your main menu Then click on the number under the column “Employees”,

and on the screen that appears, click “Add Employee” from the Edit menu in the Menu toolbar

Enter a user name and password (as recommended in the “Quick Start Guide”) and the full name of the Employee

Get your Group client to add his Employees by clicking on “My Employees” from his main menu He then clicks on “[Add Employees]” and adds the

requested information, clicking on “Finish” to save the information.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Extended Flow Control options upon adding Employees to a Group… Once you have successfully added an Employee to a Group

client, another list of “flow control” options will appear, which will be very useful for adding more Employees and their Dependents: View [your] list of Agents [n]. View [your] list of Individuals [n]. View [your] list of Groups [n].

Edit [Group’s Name]. View [Group’s Name’s] list of employees [n].

Edit [new Employee]. View [new Employee’s] list of dependents [n].

Clicking on the “View [Group’s Name’s] list of dependents” will take you to a screen where you can add all of this Employee’s dependents.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Example 5: Send all of your Groups an information flyer (slide 1

of 5)… Click on [Home] then from your main menu, click on

the link “Groups” under the major link “My Clients” On the list of your Group clients that appears, click

on the command “Mark All” under the “Edit” menu You will see a check put in every check box under the Mark

column—one for each Group client Then click on the “Write an E-mail (1+)” command

under the Mail menu in the Menu toolbar

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Adding Dependents to Employees through the main menu (slide 2 of 5)… You may also add an Employee’s dependents by

clicking on “Groups” from his main menu Then click on the number under “Employees”, then the

number under the column “Dependents” when it appears, and click “Add Dependents” and fill in the information requested

Click “Finish” to save and end the procedure Get the Employee to log in and add his dependents

by clicking on “My Dependents” from his Main Menu He then clicks on “[Add Dependents]” and adds the

requested information, clicking on “Finish” to save and end.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Flow Control options at the end of adding a Dependent to an Employee (slide 3 of 5)… Once you have successfully added a Dependent to an

Employee, a list of “flow control” options will appear: View [your] list of Agents [n]. View [your] list of Individuals [n]. View [your] list of Groups [n]. Edit [Group’s Name]. View [Group’s Name’s] list of employees [n]. Edit [Employee’s Name] View [Employee’s] list of dependents [n]. Edit [Employee’s dependent]

The last three links in particular are useful to add additional Employees to this Group, edit this Employee’s Information screen, add additional Dependents, or edit this same dependent’s information screens again.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Send information via E-mail, Fax, Letter or Memo (slide 4 of 5)… Several options are available for getting your

message out to your clients, including: E-mail Fax Letter Memo

These types of mail are interchangeable in the IEZ Quote System so you can use the best combination possible, depending on the addresses you have for your clients (much more about this in an Advanced Topic presentation)

Lets look at an example...

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Example 6: Send all of your Groups an information flyer (slide 5

of 5)… Next, you’ll see the E-mail addresses for all of your groups in the “To:” box appear on the E-mail Writer

Type in an appropriate subject in the “Subject:” line Click on the “Browse…” button to add the flyer (in

electronic format) to the first “Attachment(s):” line In the Message box, type in an appropriate

message announcing the information flyer attached. Click on the “Send” button to send this message

with the attached flyer to every one of your Groups (at least those that have E-mail addresses)

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Flow Control options at the end of E-mailing… Once you have successfully sent an E-mail to your

Group clients, the pervasive list of “flow control” options will appear: View [your] list of Agents [n]. View [your] list of Individuals [n]. View [your] list of Groups [n].

Edit [the Group] [n]. View [the Group’s] list of employees [n].

Clicking on any of these links will take you to the location indicated, or use the options in the Navigator to work in other areas of the system.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)



Adding clients and their dependents is assisted with “flow control” options, which help guide you through the process

IEZ Quote supports portals for all your Individual clients, Groups and their Employees

Take advantage of the distributed configuration of IEZ Quote and let your clients help enter their data for you

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)



This tutorial has explained how to add clients and their dependents in the IEZ Quote System

Embedded “flow control” helps you control the process of client entry from top to bottom

IEZ Quote is set up so clients can also access the system and enter their own information!

Your clients will come to rely on the IEZ Quote System for their insurance needs and as a result, you become their “Agent-for-Life”

You will waste much less time just “doing stuff”.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)



Start using the IEZ Quote by adding your information and that of all your clients

Take advantage of the multi-portal design of the system Every client has his own personal IEZ Quote portal Every agent has access to his own “book of business”; no

other competing agent can see it Use the extended features to make each a “Client- for-Life”

Review additional tutorials offered and become proficient with the IEZ Quote system.

Managing Clients in IEZ Quote. © SBGI 2009 (30 slides)


Where to from here?... There are over a dozen “Advanced Topic”

presentations designed as in-depth study guides or refresher courses on particular areas of the IEZ Quote system, for example: “Using the Pre-Screen Procedure” “Using the Pending Status Procedure” “Using Service Request Procedures” “Using the Search Procedures” “Using the Management Tools”To find these additional presentations, simply click on

Presentations at the top of the Web page (in the black line), select IEZ Quote, Inc from the Company menu and click the Select button.