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Public Sector Reform Unit(Draft 1)

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ContentsGLOSSARY OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS.....................................5EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.......................................................................................6

SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS...........................................................8MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND AVIATION.................................................15

Statutory Framework...........................................................................................15Mandate...............................................................................................................16Vision Statement.................................................................................................18Mission Statement...............................................................................................18Projects................................................................................................................19Organizational Structure......................................................................................19National Transport Coordinating Committee (NTCC)........................................21Working Arrangements.......................................................................................21Communication with the Public..........................................................................22Records Management..........................................................................................23Human Resource Management............................................................................23Training...............................................................................................................25Material Resources..............................................................................................25

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY..........................................................................26Statutory Framework...........................................................................................26Mission................................................................................................................27Functions and Mandate........................................................................................27Structures.............................................................................................................27Staffing................................................................................................................28Training...............................................................................................................28Scheme of Service...............................................................................................29Oversight Responsibility.....................................................................................29Low Budget Allocation and Lack of Funding.....................................................29Procurement.........................................................................................................29Internal Audit.......................................................................................................29Material Resources and Accommodation............................................................30

METEREOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT.................................................................31Statutory Framework...........................................................................................31Functions and Mandate........................................................................................31Structures.............................................................................................................31Staffing................................................................................................................32Training...............................................................................................................32Scheme of Service...............................................................................................33


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Oversight Responsibility.....................................................................................33Inadequate Budget Allocation.............................................................................33Procurement.........................................................................................................33Material Resources and Accommodation............................................................34

SIERRA LEONE MARITIME DEPARTMENT....................................................35Statutory Framework...........................................................................................35Vision Statement.................................................................................................36Mission Statement...............................................................................................36Functions and mandate........................................................................................36Structure..............................................................................................................38Working Arrangements.......................................................................................39Management Systems..........................................Error! Bookmark not defined.Projects................................................................................................................40Material Resources..............................................................................................41Accommodation..................................................................................................41Communication with stakeholders......................................................................41

SIERRA LEONE ROAD TRANSPORT AUTHORITY........................................42Statutory Framework...............................................................................................42

Mission Statement...............................................................................................43Vision Statement.................................................................................................43Functions and Mandate........................................................................................43Devolution...........................................................................................................45Structure..............................................................................................................45Working Arrangements.......................................Error! Bookmark not defined.Material Resources..............................................................................................49Accommodation..................................................................................................49Communication with stakeholders......................................................................49

APPENDIX 1: CURRENT STRUCTURE OF THE MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND AVIATION....................................................................................................50APPENDIX 1: PROPOSED STRUCTURE FOR MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT AND AVIATION....................................................................................................51APPENDIX 2: TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR POLICY AND PLANNING UNIT........................................................................................................................52APPENDIX 3: CURRENT STAFF LIST OF MTA...............................................54APPENDIX 5: RETIREMENT PROFILE 2010-2014...........................................56APPENDIX 6: PROPOSED ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE FOR CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY.....................................................................................57APPENDIX 7: PROPOSED ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE FOR METEREOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT.................................................................58


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APPENDIX 8: CURRENT STRUCTURE OF SIERRA LEONE MARITIME DEPARTMENT......................................................................................................59APPENDIX 9: PROPOSED STRUCTURE FOR SIERRA LEONE MARITIME DEPARTMENT......................................................................................................60APPENDIX 10: CURRENT STRUCTURE FOR THE SIERRA LEONE ROAD TRANSPORT AUTHORITY.................................................................................61


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DFID - Department of International Development GBAA - Government Budget and Accountability Act of 2005

GoSL – Government of Sierra Leone

HRMO - Human Resource Management Office

ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization

ICT - Information and Communication Technology

MD - Meteorological Department

MDAs - Ministries, Departments and Agencies

MFR - Management and Functional Reviews

MTA - Ministry of Transport and Aviation

MTEF - Medium Term Expenditure Framework

NASSIT - National Social Security and Insurance Trust

NCP - National Commission for Privatization

PRSP - Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper

PS - Permanent Secretary

PSRU - Public Sector Reform Unit

RMT - Records Management Team

SL - Sierra Leone

SLAA - Sierra Leone Airports Authority

SLCAA - Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority

SLMA - Sierra Leone Maritime Administration

SLPA - Sierra Leone Ports Authority

SLRTA - Sierra Leone Roads Transport Authority

SLRTC - Sierra Leone Road Transport Corporation


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1. As part of the Government of Sierra Leone’s (GoSL) commitment to strengthening the

performance of public institutions for efficient service delivery, a Public Sector Reform

Programme has been developed with help from development partners.

2. The primary objectives of the Reform programme include the restructuring and

capacitating of Ministries. The process includes conducting Management and Functional

Reviews, which examine the structures, mission, vision, mandate, and processes used in

each Ministry and make recommendations on the way forward.

3. The Ministry of Transport and Aviation has the important mandate of ensuring safe and

reliable transport systems in Sierra Leone. This mandate covers all the modes of transport

including road, air, and sea.

4. Over the years specific agencies have been set up to manage each of these modes of

transport, including the Sierra Leone Airport Authority, Sierra Leone Maritime

Administration, and the Sierra Leone Road Transport Corporation.

5. The oversight control of the Ministry over these agencies has been further affected by the

National Commission for Privatization which was established in 2002 to manage certain

public enterprises marked for privatization.

6. Currently, the Ministry has an oversight authority over seven agencies inlcuidng Sierra

Leone Ports Authority(SLPA), Sierra Leone Airports Authority(SLAA), Sierra Leone

Roads Transport Corporation(SLRTC), Sierra Leone Maritime Administration(SLMA),

Sierra Leone Roads Transport Authority(SLRTA), Meteorological Department (MD),

and Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority(SLCAA).


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7. This supervision is shared with the NCP with regards to the SLRTC, SLPA, and SLAA,

all of which are have been earmarked for possible privatization.

8. The Ministry is peculiar in that it only has administrative staff who supervise the

activities in the sector. It does not have a technical wing like other Ministries. In effect,

the semi-autonomous agencies it supervises perform the technical functions for the


9. The Management and Functional Review of the Ministry process therefore included a

review of these agencies in order to gain a proper understanding of the relationships.

However, this review was limited to four agencies out of the seven. These include the

Civil Aviation Authority, Maritime Administration, Road Transport Authority, and the

Meteorological Department. The remaining three agencies are large and complex

institutions in their own right and, as such, merit individual reviews. These will be

conducted as soon as possible.


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1. That the Ministry be prioritized in national reform initiatives, especially with

regards to training in strategic planning and policy development and

analysis, and resource provision.

2. That the Ministry develops a Values Statement exemplifying positive

guiding principles.

3. Implementation of an organizational structure that incorporates the missing

technical functions

4. The establishment of a permanent Steering Committee, meeting several

times a year, that will serve the following functions;

Provide a regular forum for formal consultation between the MTA and

all government and non-governmental agencies in the transport sector

Provide a regular forum for formal consultation between the NCP and

agencies in the transport sector

Recommend sectoral priorities to be addressed by the Cabinet

Preparation and endorsement of sector strategies and work plans

5. That a Budget Committee is formed and that this Committee meets at least

twice in each quarter to review the finances.

6. That the Accountant-General’s Department deploy an Accountant and an

Accounting Assistant to the Ministry.


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7. That the Ministry requests an Internal Auditor from the Audit Services.

8. Establishment of a Procurement Unit comprising two qualified Procurement

Officers and three assistants.

9. That the Ministry seeks the assistance of the PSRU in developing a Service


10.That the Ministry is provided with an ICT officer by the HRMO who will be

responsible for updating the website which should include a section for

queries and concerns.

11.That the HRMO deploys a Records officer to the Ministry, and that one of

the first tasks is the creation of a library.

12.That the vacancies resulting from this review are filled as quickly as possible

by the HRMO

13.That all staff due for statutory retirement are recommended for such to the


14.That the Ministry retains only three (3) Third Grade clerks

15.That the Ministry retains only two messengers.

16.That the Ministry and HRMO develop a Scheme of Service informed by the

TORs developed for the existing and new positions

17.That the Ministry develops a Training Plan in line with the National

Training Policy


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18.That staff have access to Internet services


1. Urgent action should be taken by the Government to appoint a substantive

management structure and a Board of Directors with oversight responsibility

over the SLCAA.

2. Recruitment of additional technical / professional staff

3. Development of a Human Resource Development Plan to meet the training

requirements of the Authority.

4. Review the existing Scheme of Service to ensure that all professional,

technical and clerical staff are provided with a written job description.

5. The Authority should establish appropriate institutional frameworks to

ensure its regulatory, supervisory and policy management and oversight

responsibilities it has over the Sierra Leone Airport Authority, as well as

aviation-related Training Institutions.

6. Government should provide adequate funding for the Authority until such a

time when the Authority will generate its own resources.

7. That the Authority should continue to implement the procurement rules as

prescribed in the Procurement Act and the Procurement Committee should

continue to function even after the initial discussions in the budget allocation


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8. That the Authority liaises with the Audit Services on acquiring an Internal

Auditor according to the generic terms of reference developed for the post of

Internal Auditor in MDAs.

9. That Government provides adequate funding to enable the Authority to

purchase vital equipment for its operations and ensure that in the near future

the Authority secure a permanent accommodation.


1. That the process of transforming the Department into an Agency should be

fast-tracked to ensure efficiency and productivity in meteorological services

across the country.

2. The immediate recruitment of technical and professional staff in the


3. A human resources development plan for the Meteorological Department,

which will identify and plan for the recruitment and training requirements of

the Department.

4. That the Schemes of Service of the Department are reviewed in line with the

proposed structure.

5. That Government should provide adequate funding for the Department to

allow it operate as a Meteorological Department

6. That the Department should continue to implement the procurement rules as

prescribed in the Procurement Act and the procurement committee should


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continue to function even after the initial discussions in the budget


7. That the Government provides adequate and conducive office

accommodation for the Department.


1. That a Policy on Maritime Administration for Sierra Leone be produced, and

that, based on that policy, the Board seek an amendment of the Maritime

Administration Act of 2000.

2. A change of name from Director of Admin/Finance to ‘Director of Human

Resources, Administration and Finance.

3. The following units will fall within this Directorate: -


Logistics and Supply/ Planning

Human Resource Management

4. That an Internal Audit Unit be established that will report periodically to the


5. The development of a Human Resource Manual that provides guidelines on

Manpower planning, training, and conditions of service.

6. Effective records management and library system to be developed.


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7. That staff meetings should take place at least once a month so that the staff

members become aware of the activities and achievements of the

organization and staff responsibilities

8. That SLMA establishes a Change Management Team that meets regularly to

discuss implementation and progress of the restructuring process

9. That SLMA should develop a training plan and conduct a training needs


10.The establishment and recruitment of an Information and Communications


11.That the SLMA send copies of its quarterly and annual reports to the

Ministry of Transport and Aviation, and keep copies in the library.

12.That all minutes of Board Meetings are collated and kept in the library


1. The development of a human resource development plan; this will include

the following steps:

Staff rationalization following a Job evaluation.

Development of Schemes of Service of all Posts

Absorption of qualified staff to positions of their competencies

Development of Training Plans


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Periodic training of all staff at all levels

2. That the Board places a ban on the importation of derelict and non-

conforming right-hand vehicles

3. That the Authority approach partners in Government in securing a large

piece of land to use as an Impound Lot.

4. That the Authority develop Road Safety Campaigns targeting both

commercial drivers, especially motorbike riders, as well as transport users.


Statutory Framework

The Ministry of Transport and Aviation is responsible for ensuring safe and reliable transport

systems in Sierra Leone. Even though various additional mandates have been added over the past

decade, this primary role of the institution remains unchanged. In 1995, there was a

reorganization of the Transport sector administration, the shift being towards reducing the

influence of Government whilst at the same time enhancing participation of the private sector.

The Ministry was made to exercise oversight over the various autonomous and semi autonomous

parastatals and departments established in the sector.

The Sierra Leone Ports Authority(SLPA)

The Sierra Leone Airports Authority(SLAA)

The Sierra Leone Roads Transport Corporation(SLRTC)


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The Sierra Leone Maritime Administration(SLMA)

The Sierra Leone Roads Transport Authority(SLRTA)

The Meteorological Department (MD)

The Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority(SLCAA)

In 2002 the name of the Ministry was changed from the Ministry of Transport and

Communications to its current one of Ministry of Transport and Aviation, effectively

establishing its authority over the three main transport modes, road, marine and air

transportation. While all of these modes are regulated by statutory bodies, the Ministry maintains

oversight over policy development and implementation.

In 2002, the National Commission for Privatization was established by an Act of Parliament with

the mandate for the privatization of public enterprises. The NCP Act 2002 lists the functions of

the Commission to include serving as “the policy and decision-making body with regard to the

divestiture and reform of public enterprises, transfer the management of all public enterprises to

the Commission, and remove the interference in the management of public enterprises from line

Ministries thereby ensuring transparency, corporate governance and avoidance of conflict of

interest in the affairs of the public enterprise.”

The NCP Act 2002 established joint supervision by both the NCP and the Ministry of institutions

that had been previously under the sole control of the Ministry, including the Sierra Leone Road

Transport Corporation, the Sierra Leone Airports Authority, and the Sierra Leone Ports

Authority. Nevertheless, the Ministry represents all of these agencies at the Parliamentary and

Cabinet level.


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MandateThe Ministry is responsible for ensuring efficient, sustainable and affordable transportation

networks to facilitate economic development, including access of the rural farming population

and urban poor to market centres.

Strategic policies to achieve this mandate include;

a. coordinating and integrating a consistent framework to monitor the transport subsectors

and planning prepared by sector agencies and authorities;

b. monitoring the economic, financial, social and environmental performance in the sector,


c. monitoring the implementation of projects in the sector.

One of the core activities included in this mandate is the procurement and disbursement of

official vehicles for Government MDAs.

The key policy directives for the three key modes of transportation include;

a. ensuring physical access to services, markets, and revenue-generating opportunities

b. lowering transport costs to ensure affordability of transport

c. increasing efficiency in the delivery of transport services

d. promote safety in the roads, air and marine sectors

e. provide daily weather information for aviation, marine and agricultural sectors

Notwithstanding the importance of the role of the MTA in national development, the Ministry

seems to have been relegated to a second class status, and is not regarded as critical. The

relevance of the work of the Ministry to all other components of the national development

agenda, including trade, agriculture, mining, and tourism, is made very clear in the PRSP II and,


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as such, there is a need to raise the profile of the Ministry to a vibrant policymaking and

regulatory institution of government.

The mandate of the Ministry is in place and is expansive enough to achieve the goal of

developing efficient transport networks that can facilitate the movement of goods and people

within the country and those leaving the country. What are lacking are the strategies to ensure

effective execution of this mandate. The oversight mandate is not properly executed and there is

very little monitoring of the agencies. This is certainly regrettable given the deplorable state of

transportation networks in the country, and the priority placed on infrastructure development

within the national development agenda.

Solutions to this unfortunate state of affairs will have to come both from the Ministry making a

concerted to improve its productivity and profile, and also from the external governance

environment, through acknowledgment of its pivotal role in development and therefore providing

more support to the Ministry. It is therefore recommended that the Ministry be prioritized in

national reform initiatives, especially with regards to training in strategic planning and policy

development and analysis, and resource provision.

Vision Statement The Vision statement of the Ministry reads, “To have a modern and efficient transportation

system that can support the development of Sierra Leone.”

Mission Statement The Mission statement reads, “To develop policies and provide guidelines and effective and

efficient implementation mechanisms, which will ensure safe, reliable, affordable and

sustainable transport and Aviation systems throughout Sierra Leone”


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Both the vision and mission statements are acceptable, but we recommend that the Ministry also

develop a Values Statement exemplifying positive guiding principles. Some suggestions include

honesty/integrity, dedication, innovation, professionalism, teamwork, customer service,

perseverance, and empowerment.

Projects The Ministry supervises two major Projects, and hosts their implementation units. The

Infrastructure Development Project is a World Bank -funded project for road development.

These include major highways such as the Bo-Kenema Highway and the Makeni-Matotoka

Highway, feeder roads, runway at Lungi International Airport, as well as infrastructural work at

the SLPA. The second project is the ICF-funded Airport Transfer Project, providing

infrastructural development at the Lungi Airport, as well building jetties and a helipad.

Organizational Structure The MTA, like other Ministries, is led by the Minister who is the political head, with the

Permanent Secretary serving as the administrative head and Vote Controller. Technically, it is

the latter that is responsible for the running of the Ministry, including proper financial

management. However, as the strategic leader of the Ministry responsible for ensuring that the

national development goals are translated into workable strategies, the Minister is also held

accountable for the success or failure of the Ministry. To prevent functional duplicity it is

necessary that the roles of both the PS and the Minister are clear and that each position comes

with specific targeted deliverables. The performance contracts that Ministers sign provide some

guidance in this regard and once the PS and their senior management personnel are placed on a


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similar performance management system, planning and service delivery will improve


Functionally the Ministry is unique in that it is not divided into Administrative and Professional

wings. Rather, it has only an Administrative section headed by the PS, and comprising personnel

from that cadre including a deputy secretary, two senior assistant secretaries, an executive

officer, clerks, drivers and messenger posts. The absence of professional posts was noted by the

review team; it was attributed to the fact that the Ministry only plays a regulatory and oversight

role over the eight technical semi-autonomous agencies. The organogram in Appendix 2

illustrates the current organizational structure. The lack of capacity in the Ministry is such that it

performs only the most basic supervisory role; this role is limited to senior staff serving as

representatives on the various Boards. The review team could only gather minimal information

in terms of the level of interaction the Ministry has with the agencies under its supervision, and

virtually no information as to the sectoral priorities. This information vacuum is very much an

indication of the limited strategic and technical capacity and focus. It is important that the

Ministry have technical staff for policymaking and analysis, monitoring, as well as

administration. To this end, we recommend implementation of an organizational structure that

incorporates the missing technical functions, as illustrated in Appendix 3. The new structure will

be divided according to the following functions;

i. Administrative Division

This division will consolidate all support functions of the Ministry including personnel

management and human resource development; financial management/accounting including


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budget formulation, expenditure monitoring and control compliance with financial

regulations; records management

ii. Planning and Policy Division

This division will perform the core strategic and policy formulation functions in the Ministry.

It will strengthen the Ministry’s capability to better co-ordinate transport planning and

monitor policy and developments in the transport sector, including the work of the agencies

under the Ministry’s aegis.

The functions highlighted in Appendix 4 are meant to serve as a guide in developing

comprehensive TORs for the positions in the Planning and Policy Division.

National Transport Coordinating Committee (NTCC)In order to enhance its supervisory role and to improve policy analysis and data collection, we

recommend the establishment of a permanent Steering Committee, meeting several times a year,

that will serve the following functions;

- Provide a regular forum for formal consultation between the MTA and all government

and non-governmental agencies in the transport sector

- Provide a regular forum for formal consultation between the NCP and agencies in the

transport sector

- Recommend sectoral priorities to be addressed by the Cabinet

- Preparation and endorsement of sector strategies and work plans

Working ArrangementsThe Permanent Secretary is the Vote-Controller and Chairman of the Procurement Committee.

He is supervised by the Minister. As the Vote-Controller, the Permanent Secretary supervises the

Accounts Section and is part of the approval process for budgets and procurements. The

Government Budget and Accountability Act (GBAA) of 2005 Section 20 (2) requires each


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Ministry to establish a Budget Committee, which has responsibility for budget planning, and an

Internal Audit Unit. Section 23 (b) of the GBAA requires the adoption of a Medium Term

Expenditure Framework (MTEF) process for budget planning which calls for the development of

a strategic plan by each Ministry. Until the advent of this directive, the process of budget

planning was the sole preserve of the Permanent Secretary who assents the Ministry of Finance’s

Budget Circulars. Budgeting is a continuous activity and as such we recommend that a Budget

Committee is formed and that this Committee meets at least twice in each quarter to review the

finances. As such, we recommend that the Accountant-General’s Department deploy an

Accountant and an Accounting Assistant to the Ministry. We further recommend that the

Ministry request an Internal Auditor from the Audit Services.

In line with the Procurement Act, the Ministry has set up a Procurement Committee chaired by

the PS, and including the Deputy Secretary, Snr. Assistant Secretaries and Accountant. This

Committee plays a large role in the Ministry since they are responsible for procuring through

national and international bidding, vehicles for Government offices. In fact, the review team was

informed that over 90 percent of the Ministry’s budget goes towards this activity. Given the

complex procurement duties of the Ministry, it is vital that its Procurement Committee is guided

by professionals in this field. We therefore recommend that a Procurement Unit comprising

two qualified Procurement Officers and three assistants is set up. This permanent unit will not

only develop procurement plans for the Ministry, but will also be able to maintain the asset

registry that will inform efficient supply of government vehicles to all MDAs.

Communication with the Public The Ministry has set up a website, but this seems to be at the early stages of development and

very little information is available on it. As with most other government institutions, it lacks a


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mechanism for holding dialogue with the public on matters relating to its work or to obtain

feedback. There is no Complaints Unit, which could be used to assess the performance of the

Ministry or the agencies under its supervision. The Ministry is one of those with a direct link to

the public and it is important that they have a mechanism for addressing issues that arise. One of

the most effective mechanisms for facilitating dialogue with the public is through a Service

Charter, and we recommend that the Ministry seek the assistance of the PSRU in developing a

Service Charter. We also recommend that the Ministry is provided with an ICT officer by the

HRMO who will responsible for updating the website which should include a section for queries

and concerns.

Records Management The Ministry does not have a records office or a professional records management officer. The

need for this specialty in the Ministry was immediately apparent to the review team, when none

of the senior management could lay claim to recent documentation relating to the legislative or

functional mandate of the Ministry. All the documents provided to the team were at least five

years old and most are no longer relevant. The Ministry lacks recorded institutional memory

which all becomes all the more significant considering that both the PS and Deputy Secretary are

new and the team could only rely on the recollections of one of the Senior Assistant Secretaries.

The lack of proper records management is unfortunate because the Ministry is expected to

collect, collate, analyze and report on the activities of the agencies it supervises, and the transport

sector as a whole. We recommend that the HRMO deploy a Records officer to the Ministry, and

that one of the first tasks is the creation of a library.

Human Resource Management The current staff strength of the Ministry stands at twenty-eight including the Ministry and

Deputy Minister. Of these, eleven are purely support staff serving as drivers, messengers, and


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security personnel. Only four staff members can be classified within the middle and senior level.

The remainder are clerical staff. In terms of qualifications, all four of the personnel in Grades 8

and above possess at least a Bachelors degree, with two possessing post graduate degrees. Yet

still, as a whole capacity remains weak, both in terms of staff numbers and qualifications, and we

recommend that the vacancies resulting from this review are filled as quickly as possible by the

HRMO. Unlike other ministries, MTA does not have ‘technical professionals’. This situation

does not bode well for effective supervision, and we have made relevant recommendations to

rectify it, and ensure the Ministry has a range of technical specialties. The breakdown of current

staff is illustrated in the staff list in Appendix 5. The proposed organogram illustrates the need

for a number of new units to be created and manned.

In terms of the current administrative staff, there is a need to ensure that efficient service

delivery is maximized by having the right staff mix. The following observations were made in

this regard;

- There are three staff aged 60 and above (Appendix 6), two of which are past the

retirement age of 60 years. We accordingly recommend that all staff due for statutory

retirement are recommended for such to the HRMO.

- There are ten (10) Third Grade Clerks in a total staff size of twenty-six. Considering that

there are already First Grade (1) and Second Grade Clerks (2) in place, and the fact that

the new positions to be advertised will include competencies in Microsoft applications

such as Word, there is little need for this number of clerks. As such, we recommend that

the Ministry retain only three (3) Third Grade clerks.


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- There are five messengers in the Ministry, and we recommend that only two are


Currently, there is no Scheme of Service, and we recommend that the Ministry and HRMO

develop one informed by the TORs developed for the existing and new positions. As part of its

work, the HRMO has been developing comprehensive job descriptions for all Ministries, and we

anticipate that the MTA will be included in this exercise.

Training Although the Ministry has a budget line for training, there is a no comprehensive training plan,

and staff have not been exposed to training in a long time. As a supervisory Ministry, staff of the

MTA are expected to be au fait with the functions, policies and strategies utilized by the agencies

they supervise. By the same token, administrative staff should be exposed to regular training in

innovative management practices. We therefore recommend that the Ministry develop a

Training Plan in line with the National Training Policy.

Material Resources In addition to improving on the staff strength and quality, it is vital that the MTA is provided

with additional working tools to ensure that its staff are able to perform and more importantly are

able to keep abreast of developments in the sector. This means that in addition to providing

computers, printers, and copiers, we recommend that staff have access to Internet services.


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Statutory Framework

Prior to the establishment of the Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority, the Civil Aviation

Department was a Division in the Ministry of Transport and Aviation. The Aviation Department

was governed by the 1966 Act of Parliament whose provisions are considered inadequate in

addressing the new challenges of aviation.

In April 2008 the Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority (SLCAA) was established by an Act of

Parliament to respond to the growing challenges facing the aviation industry and to ensure that

the Authority is independent in providing professional oversight of both international and

domestic air transport and cargo services in conformity with International standards and


The creation of the Sierra Leone Civil Aviation Authority was precipitated by the Mandatory

Universal Safety Oversight Audit Programme conducted by the International Civil Aviation

Organization (ICAO) in May 2006. It was discovered during the audit exercise that the Sierra

Leone Civil Aviation was faced with several challenges that needed urgent attention. Eight

critical areas were identified for reform:

Primary Aviation Legislation

Specific Operating Regulations

State Civil Aviation System and Safety Oversight Functions

Technical Personnel Qualification and Training

Technical Guidance, Tools and the Provision of Safety-Critical Information

Licensing, Certification, Authorization and Approval Obligations

Surveillance Obligations

Resolution of Safety Concerns


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Notwithstanding the establishment of the CAA, there were still challenges to be addressed, such

as Air Craft Worthiness and their operations. These required technical expertise, which was not

readily available within the CAA, necessitating the recruitment of expatriates.

The CAA has drafted a comprehensive policy document indicating its objectives, strategic thrust

and regulatory framework that is being considered by management for adoption.

MissionThe Mission Statement for SLCAA is:

“To develop Policies and provide guidelines, effective and efficient implementation

mechanisms, which will ensure safe, reliable, affordable and sustainable air transport and

aviation systems throughout Sierra Leone”

Functions and MandateAccording to the SLCAA Act of 2008, the Authority performs the following functions;-

Licensing and regulation of Civil Aviation in accordance with International and domestic

demands for air transportation and air cargo services including oversight in the provision,

operation and maintenance of aerodromes and related facilities for aviation, and to advice

Government on the efficient development of the Aviation Industry

Promotion and development of aviation safety, including oversight in aircraft operation,

air navigation facilities and services, air traffic control, meteorological services and

facilities to combat hazards to air navigation

Licensing and registering of aircraft and ensuring safety of air navigation

Licensing and regulation of air transport

Coordinating search and rescue operations

Certifying and regulating the operations of air travel agents

Structures Civil Aviation had operated as a department in the Ministry of Transport and Aviation until in

2008, when the SLCAA was established as an autonomous Authority. The defunct Civil

Aviation Department was under the direct superintendence of the Ministry of Transport, with a


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Director as one of the line Managers in the Ministry. The 2008 CAA Act made provision for a

Director-General and Deputy Director-General with a Board of Directors charged with the

responsibility of overseeing the activities and operations of CAA. Currently, the SLCAA does

not have a substantive management structure in place. The former Director of the Aviation

Department is serving as the Director General. As per provisions of the CAA Act, the Authority

should have a functioning Board of Directors, which is currently lacking. The Review team is

of the view that urgent action should be taken by the Government to appoint a substantive

management structure and a Board of Directors with oversight responsibility over the


StaffingAccording to information provided by the SLCAA, there are 19 names on the staff list, of which

majority of these are currently serving as secretaries and messengers. The Authority does not

have adequate technical and professional staff to carry out its activities, although two inspectors

and five cadet officers were recently recruited. The Authority is largely been assisted by

COSCAP/ICAO who had made frantic efforts to assign a flight operations Inspector to the

SLCAA in order to help the Authority comply with the current ICAO requirements of

International Safety Obligations. The proposed organizational structure of the Authority is

attached as Appendix 6.

Given the importance of technical expertise within the Authority, it is recommended that

recruitment of additional technical / professional staff be pursued without delay.

TrainingA functioning SLCAA is vital in generating revenue and for safe flight operations. With

enormous technical responsibility relating to flight operations, there is every need to capacitate

staff to enable them perform their tasks efficiently and effectively. It is not only important to

have technical/professional Staff, but also that Staff undergo periodic training to update their

knowledge/skills. We therefore recommend that a Human Resource Development Plan is

developed to meet the training requirements of the Authority.

Scheme of ServiceThe Authority had a Scheme of service that was developed by a Consultant when it operated as a

department in the Ministry of Transport. However, the Scheme of Service does not take on board


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all relevant positions highlighted in the proposed organizational structure. For the purposes of

role clarity to maximize efficiency, we recommend that the existing Scheme of Service is

reviewed to ensure that all professional, technical and clerical staff are provided with a

written job description.

Oversight ResponsibilityWith the new mandate and function of SLCAA, the Authority exhibits oversight responsibility

over the Sierra Leone Airport Authority, Aviation Training Institutions and other Aviation

Stakeholders. However, there seems to be no institutional framework to enhance this oversight

responsibility. We recommend that the Authority should establish appropriate institutional

frameworks to facilitate the regulatory, supervisory and policy management and oversight

responsibilities it has over these institutions.

Low Budget Allocation and Lack of Funding Government budget allocation to the Authority is inadequate. This is one of the greatest

challenges facing the Authority, particularly as it has to provide professional training

opportunities for its staff in such critical areas as airworthiness operations, air traffic controls,

etc. We recommend that Government should provide adequate funding for the Authority

until such a time when the Authority will generate its own resources.

ProcurementThe Procurement Act does not discriminate against MDAs with respect to size or volume of

activities. MDAs are urged to undertake procurement in accordance with the Procurement Rules.

Accordingly, we recommend that the Authority should continue to implement the

procurement rules as prescribed in the Procurement Act and the Procurement Committee

should continue to function even after the initial discussions in the budget allocation.

Internal AuditThe Authority is without an Internal Auditor, although provision is been made for one in its

proposed organizational structure. The Internal Auditor will ensure transparency and prudency in

the use of resources, as well as guide the Authority in the implementation of financial

management systems and procurement. We recommend that the Authority liaises with the

Audit Services on acquiring an Internal Auditor according to the generic terms of

reference developed for the post of Internal Auditor in MDAs.


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Material Resources and Accommodation As stated above, the Authority had formerly operated as a Department in the Ministry of

Transport and Aviation. The source of funding for the then Department of Aviation was

integrated into the Ministry’s annual budget allocation. With the creation of the SLCAA, much

provision was not made for the procurement of equipment/tools such as computers and

accessories, and other basic aviation equipment. This in itself has made the operations of the

Authority very difficult and has the potential of undermining laid down international aviation

standards and practices.

Also, the SLCAA has no permanent and adequate office accommodation. The office space

provided for the Authority at the then National Development Bank Building at Siaka Stevens

Street is not ideal for the effective operations of the Authority. We recommend that

Government provides adequate funding to enable the Authority purchase vital equipment

for its operations and ensure that in the near future the Authority secure a permanent



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Statutory FrameworkThe Meteorological Services Department in the Ministry of Transport and Aviation is an

offshoot of the British West African Meteorological Service established in Sierra Leone in May

1927. The department became full-fledged when the country attained its independence in 1961.

Functions and MandateThe Department over the years has mainly performed three functions, until quite recently when

the department had to respond to the issue of alleviating poverty through socio-economic

development especially in the area of Agriculture and Marine development. The under-

mentioned functions are being performed by the department;-

Ensure the safety and general welfare of citizens through the timely provision of weather

and climatological forecasting

Collect and retain custodianship of important historical meteorological and climatological

data and records for present and future generations, and understanding the global climate,

and related climate change issues

Adhere to international obligations and procedures especially those connected with the

World Meteorological Organization (WMO) United Nations Framework Convention on

Climate Change (UNFCC), United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification

(UNCCD), etc.

The functions and mandate of the department have not been fully accomplished due to lack of

requisite equipment and personnel to undertake such activities especially in the area of ensuring

the safety and general welfare of citizens through timely provision of weather and climatological


Structures The Meteorological Department is under the Ministry of Transport and Aviation. Various studies

conducted on the department such as the World Meteorological Organization (WMO)

assessment of the department’s position after the war, have revealed that there is an urgent need

to transform the department into a self-financing institution. A proposed bill for the operations of

the Sierra Leone Meteorological Agency (SLMA) has been submitted to the Ministry of


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Transport and Aviation for consideration and onward ratification by Parliament. This proposed

legislation makes provision for an independent institution with a Board of Directors to oversee

the operations and activities of the Agency.

The transformation of the department will accord the new institution the capacity to expand its

current services and improve on the quality of service.

The current organizational structure of the department makes provision for a Director and a

Deputy-Director. The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry supervises the activities and

operations of the department. We recommend that the process of transforming the

department into an Agency should be fast-tracked to ensure efficiency and productivity in

meteorological services across the country.

StaffingThe Meteorological Department has severely suffered from staff incapacitation especially in

terms of technical/professional staff and number. The Review team noted that amongst the 55

staff of the department, few perform technical functions whilst the Director and Deputy Director

largely concentrate on administrative duties. Both Directors proffer technical advice as the need


The department over the years has not benefited from trained and qualified personnel. The

Review team was informed that the requirement for recruitment into certain technical positions is

five GCE O’ Levels including Maths and Physics or its equivalent. As such, qualified GCE O’

Level students preferred pursuing further education to working for a department with

uncompetitive Conditions of Service. Such staff deficiency does not augur well for the total

provision of timely weather and climatological forecasts. We recommend the immediate

recruitment of technical and professional staff in the Department.

Training The provision of training opportunities is essential for the development of human and

institutional capacity of an organization. For the past decades, the department has not benefited

from organized training programmes. The human resource capacity is severely depleted. The

‘middle level’ cadre is virtually non-existent as majority of the staff are Meteorological


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Assistants without requisite background, qualification or training. We recommend that the

Ministry should develop a human resources development plan for the Meteorological

Department, which will identify and plan for the recruitment and training requirements of

the department.

Scheme of Service The Meteorological Services as a department under the Ministry of Transport has a Scheme of

Service. However, this Scheme of Service is yet to be reviewed. In order to enhance role clarity

and efficiency, it is recommended that the Schemes of Service of the Department are

reviewed in line with the proposed structure. Technical backstopping for this exercise will

have to be provided by the HRMO.

Oversight Responsibility The Ministry of Transport and Aviation has oversight responsibility of the Meteorological

Department. We recommend that the Ministry continues to exercise such mandate until

when the Department would have been transformed into an Agency. We further

recommend that the transformation process is expedited.

Inadequate Budget Allocation Government budget allocation to the department is inadequate. This has been adversely affecting

the output of the Department. The functions of the Department require a highly technical

workforce, as well as the provision and use of the appropriate equipment for their operations. We

were informed, for instance, the department has not being able to replace the destroyed weather

forecasting radar situated at Tower Hill despite various appeals and representations to the

Ministry. We therefore recommend that Government should provide adequate funding for

the Department to allow it operate as a Meteorological Department.

ProcurementThe Procurement Act does not discriminate against MDAs with respect to size or volume of

activities. The Review team noted that the Meteorological Department has a functional

Procurement Committee. However, the procurement Committee of the Department meets with

the Ministry’s procurement committee as and when necessary.


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We recommend that the Department should continue to implement the procurement rules

as prescribed in the Procurement Act and the procurement committee should continue to

function even after the initial discussions in the budget allocation.

Material Resources and Accommodation For the past decades, the department has been permanently housed in an environment that is not

conducive for meteorological activities. As stated inter-alia in this report, the department is

grossly incapacitated in terms of fiscal availability. As such it lacks the resources to purchase

modern equipment for its day-to-day operations. The office space provided for the department is

inadequate and dilapidated. We recommend that the Government provides adequate and

conducive office accommodation for the department.


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Statutory Framework

The Sierra Leone Maritime Administration Act 2000 established the Sierra Leone Maritime

Administration Office as an autonomous and regulatory body for the registration of ships and

other vessels; the licensing and safety of maritime personnel; and the regulation and

development of maritime, coastal and inland water transport.

The Act makes provision for a Board of Directors that has control and supervision over the

administration with responsibilities as follows: -

a) Securing the implementation of the functions of the administration;

b) Approving policies for the proper management of the administration; and

c) Sound and proper financial management of the Administration.

The Board is headed by a Chairman; four persons being designated as representatives by each of

the following institutions: -

- The Ministries of Transport and Aviation; Fisheries and Marine Resources; the

Department of Customs and Excise of NRA; and the Ports Authority.

- A person appointed for his knowledge and experience in the legal aspect of the Maritime


- the Executive Director and

- three persons one of whom should be nominated by the Minister and the others

nominated by an association of persons in the Maritime and Coastal and Inland Water

Transport business recognized by the Minister.


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We note the provisions of the Act and believe that after 10 years of operations SLMA is in place

to seek an amendment based on a new policy on Maritime Administration. We therefore

recommend to the Board that a Policy on Maritime Administration for Sierra Leone be

produced, and that, based on that policy, the Board seek an amendment of the Maritime

Administration Act of 2000.

Vision Statement To establish an efficient regulatory body for the registration of ships and other vessels, and the

licensing and safety of all Maritime Personnel and the regulation and development of Maritime,

Coastal inland water transportation.

Mission StatementTo administer and regulate and develop improved standard of performance, practice and safety in

the shipping Industry in Sierra Leone, including Coastal and Inland water transport system.

Functions and mandateThe Maritime Administration was established to regulate and develop improved standards of

performance, practice and safety in the shipping industry of Sierra Leone, including the coastal

and inlands water transport system, and in maritime environment.

It also carries out the following functions: -

a) To administer, in addition to the administration of the Registration of Shipping Act,

1965 and any other legislation relating to maritime affairs;

b) To ensure the safety of navigation in the territorial sea;

c) To fulfil flag state and port state responsibilities in an effective manner having regard to

the relevant international maritime conventions, codes and other instruments;


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d) To deal with maritime search and rescue matters including the coordination of the

search and rescue operations of the Armed Forces of Sierra Leone, the Ports Authority,

and the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources;

e) To regulate shipping in inland waterways, including the safety of navigation;

f) To investigate any accidents of maritime casualty and taking such action thereon as may

be appropriate;

g) To plan monitor and evaluate training programmes against any maritime convention and

to oversee the training, and recruitment and welfare of Sierra Leonean seafarer


h) To ensure in collaboration with such other public bodies as the board may determine the

prevention of maritime source pollution, protection of the marine environment and

response to marine environment incidents.

i) To pursue the ratification or accession and implementation of international maritime

conventions in conjunction with other appropriate agencies of Government:

j) To access the manpower needs of the maritime sector for national planning purposes;

k) To liaise effectively with other public bodies of maritime transport and related transport

matters for the purposes of harmonizing activities in the maritime industry;

l) To initiate research into national maritime transport development for effective planning

and coordination;

m) To ensure an efficient, cost-effective and orderly provision of shipping services,

including the determination of rates for freight and passenger services;


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n) To initiate action for the promotion, establishment and development of private shipping


o) To propose policies for the development and maintenance of maritime infrastructure such

as ports and harbours with other interested organizations in Sierra Leone;

p) To advice the Government on maritime affairs generally;

q) To represent Sierra Leone at both national and international fora on maritime matters and

r) To do all such things as will contribute to the attainment of the objective of the

administration stated in subsection (1).

StructureThe Board of Directors had approved a structure for SLMA but we are informed that this

structure is not operational. It was not explained why the structure was not implemented;

however we noted that the three directorates of Shipping/Legal Affairs, Engineering /Technical

services and Admin/Finance lack a substantive head.

The new structure as approved by the Board makes provision for the following:

Executive Director

Deputy Executive Director

Director- Shipping/Legal Affairs

Director- Admin/Finance

Director-Engineering/ Technical Services

We were happy to note the existence of a structure. However we note with grave concern that the

structure approved by the Board is not operational. Also we accept the three levels of Directors

i.e. Shipping/Legal Affairs; Admin/Finance and Engineering/Technical Services; we are

recommending changes to the directorate of Admin/ Finance.


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Firstly, we recommend a change of name from Director of Admin/Finance to ‘Director of

Human Resources, Administration and Finance.

We also recommend the following units under the Directorate of Human Resources,

Administration, and Finance, as indicated in Appendix 9: -

1. Finance

2. Logistics and Supply/ Planning

3. Human Resource Management

We also recommend that an Internal Audit Unit be established that will report periodically

to the Board.

If and when this proposed structure is approved, SLMA should prepare a Scheme of Service and

Job descriptions for each post. SLMA will need the services of a professional Human Resource

Officer to do this, further warranting the need for SLMA to make substantive recruitment to the

new posts immediately. This is urgently needed as it is affecting the morale of staff. It also

affects staff retention as staff members are always looking out for job opportunities.

Finally we recommend the development of a Human Resource Manual that provides

guidelines on Manpower planning, training, and conditions of service.

Working ArrangementsWe noted that the working arrangements are not up to the required minimum standards of an

institution that has existed for over 10 years. Staff cannot be aligned with the structure as

approved by the Board. We also observed that there are no schemes of service that will inform

upward movement of staff and the required skill mix required for a post. Hence human capacity

development is weak and no strategic training plan exists although most senior staff had

undergone training on Maritime administration


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We also note that records management is weak as each Officer develops his or her own method

for record keeping. There is no central depository for records. We recommend that the SLMA

establish effective records management and a central library system. It was reported by the

general staff that staff meetings take place but are irregular. We recommend that staff meetings

should take place at least once a month so that the staff members become aware of the

activities and achievements of the organization and staff responsibilities.

We also recommend that SLMA establishes a Change Management Team that can meet

regularly to discuss implementation and progress of the institution.

We note from the staff list that most of the upper level technical staff are appropriately qualified.

However this is not so for the middle level staff. It was also reported that training opportunities

exist although training itself is not regulated. We recommend that SLMA should develop a

training plan based on a training needs assessment.

Projects The following projects were listed as being funded by ECOWAS Bank for Investment and

Development; -

1. Construction/Rehabilitation of Jetties

2. Procurement & Installation of Navigation Aids

3. Procurement & Installation of Communication Equipment

4. Wreck Clearing

5. Headquarter Building Construction

6. Procurement of Search and Rescue Boat

7. Institutional Capacity Building


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Material ResourcesIt was reported that material resources such as office equipment and furniture, are available but

an upgrade is required. SLMA has only one vehicle, while the other vehicles are project related.

AccommodationAlthough SLMA has constructed a new building, the present location of the office is not

adequate for its staff. They need a larger building that can accommodate the optimal number of


Communication with stakeholdersInformation relating to the operations of SLMA is heavily guarded. There is no provision for a

Communication and Information Officer in the present structure. We recommend the

establishment and recruitment of an Information and Communications Officer.

The head of the SLMA claims that the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Transport and Aviation,

is a member of the Board and all Board papers are distributed, but the review team was unable to

access these documents from either the SLMA or the MTA. Also the SLMA does not share its

progress reports with the Ministry and other stakeholders. Hence the Ministry of Transport and

Aviation was unable to provide detailed information about operations to the review team.

We recommend that the SLMA provide copies of its quarterly and annual reports to the

Ministry of Transport and Aviation, and keep copies in the library.

We further recommend that all minutes of Board Meetings are collated and kept in the



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Statutory Framework

The Roads Transport Authority operates under the provision of Act No. 4 of 1996 “The Roads

Transport Authority Act 1996”.

The Authority is governed by a Board of Directors consisting of a Chairman; (4) institutional

representations from the Ministries of Transport and Aviation, and Finance & Economic

Development; the Sierra Leone Roads Authority and the Sierra Leone Police Force; the

executive Director as ex-officio member; (2) members of the public nominated by the Minister

and three(3)”…others nominated by any association of persons in or directly connected with the

transport business and recognized by the Minister as such, including petty traders”.

After a review of the provisions of the Act we do not recommend any further review as the

authority is trying to implement the provisions of the Act, which has been delayed due to

unforeseen issues.

Institutional development in the Sierra Leone Roads Authority is relatively positive, although

capacity building should be prioritized. If the Authority is to build on the gains made so far, it

should embark on an effective Capacity building effort. We accordingly recommend, for the

consideration of the Board, the development of a human resource management plan. This

will include the following steps; -

1. Staff rationalization following a Job evaluation.

2. Development of Schemes of Service of all Posts


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3. Absorption of qualified staff to positions of their competencies

4. Development of Training Plans

5. Periodic training of all staff at all levels.

Mission Statement To regulate and coordinate development in the road transport industry, including the registration

and licensing of vehicles, the licensing of drivers, the prescription of routes for passenger and

goods transportation and for other matters.

Vision Statement To deliver unto the people of Sierra Leone goods and services that make road transportation

modern, safe and more efficient through a better regulation, co-ordination and promotion of

effective practices by all stake holders in road transport sector.

Functions and MandateThe Road Transport Authority Act (Act No. 4 of 1996) sub section 1 of section 26, according to

which the Authority was assigned the following functions under the Road Traffic Act, 1964,

were assigned respectively to –

a) the principal Licensing Authority by Subsection (3) and (4) of section 3 of the Act in

respect of general administration of the Act and being the central registrar of all motor

vehicles, trailers and all licenses;

b) the Road Transport Board under section 9 of the Act;

c) the Transport Advisory Council, under Section (3) of Section 20 of the Act;

d) the Minister for making rules under Subsection 18; regulations under

Section 56 and the Highway code under Section 59 of the Act and for the appointment of the

Principal Certifying and Examining Officer under Section 4 of the Act.


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The Sierra Leone Roads Transport Authority is service oriented. These services include;-

(a) To design, develop and administer rules and regulations regarding

(i) The registration and licensing of vehicles whether for private or commercial use;

(ii) The testing of the fitness of vehicles for their intended use and the fitness of persons

to be drivers of vehicles;

(iii) The licensing of drivers of vehicles;

(iv) The inspection and supervision of vehicle repair and maintenance services and;

(v) The routing and monitoring of passenger and goods transportation;

(b) To undertake the development of the human resources needed to service the transport

industry, through training and retraining needs of transport personnel in the private


(c) To study and advise Government on vehicle standardization and maintenance back-up

policy, taking into consideration the need to conserve the environment;

(d) To promote road safety through-

(i) The establishment and dissemination of a code of conduct to be known as the

Highway Code for Drivers and Other Users of Roads and Highways; and

(ii) The provision of rest-stops as well as first-aid centres along provincial routes;

(e) To establish and maintain a data bank of relevant information on vehicles and the

transport industry as a whole; and

(f) To do all such things as are necessary, expedient or conducive to the attainment of the

objectives for which the Authority was set up.


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In addition, the Road Transport Authority was given power, in connection with functions under

the Act-

1. To impose and levy fees, including vehicle licensing and registration fees with the

approval of Parliament: provided that any vehicle licensing fees levied by the Authority

shall be paid into the Road Fund under paragraphs (b) and (c) of subsection of section

25 of the Sierra Leone Roads Authority Act, 1992, less any amount which the Authority

may be allowed to retain to defray the administrative costs of the levying of such fees;

2. To initiate appropriate legal action or process either alone or in conjunction with other

persons or authorities, for the enforcement of – (i) any rules or regulations made under

the Act that set the Authority up; and (ii) any powers conferred on the Authority by any

other law.

DevolutionThe functions of the Sierra Leone Roads Transport Authority have not been marked for

devolution. Nevertheless the Authority maintains regional offices to serve clients.

StructureThe Authority has the following Departments; -

1. Transport

2. Licensing

3. Finance

4. Internal Audit

5. Safety and Enforcement

6. Human Resources and Planning

Transport Department


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This department works through committees set up with the private sector in the following areas:

Vehicle maintenance and repairs garages

Vehicle band spare parts dealers

Traffic Management and Road Safety

Drivers’ Association s and Unions.

This department also has the Vehicle Examination for Fitness Unit that tests the fitness of drivers

for driving licenses and vehicles for road worthiness, valuations, and accident reports. It is also

responsible for assessing Government vehicles before and after maintenance and repairs.

The Licensing Department

This department is responsible for registration and licensing of vehicles, transfer of ownerships,

issuance of vehicle and driver’s license. This is the principal revenue generating department.

Finance Department

The Finance Department is the central hub of all financial transaction of the Authority; it is

responsible for Budget preparation and conducts all financial transactions of the Authority.

Internal Audit

The Internal Audit department is the watchdog of all financial controls and processes. Internal

Auditors work with external Auditors and produce reports that are sent to the Board.

Safety and Enforcement Department


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With an additional power vested to the Authority under the Road Transport Authority

(Amendment) Act 2002, the Traffic Warden Corps was established to complement the Sierra

Leone Police with regards to traffic duties.

Their functions include the following:-

a) to control and regulate traffic;

b) to render the roads fine from unnecessary obstruction and ensure the free flow of traffic

c) to educate the public on road safety

d) in the case of accident:-

i) to direct traffic from the scene when necessary

ii) to keep on lookers away and render first-aid to any injured persons;

iii) to dispatch the injured, if any, to the nearest health centre or hospital without


iv) to report the accident to the nearest Police station;

e) to enforce all rules and regulations pertaining to the conduct of road users, including

pedestrians, for the promotion of road safety.

f) To issue on the spot fine tickets for offences not associated with a third party.

Through the recruitment of additional one hundred Traffic Wardens in 2009, this department

intensified its enforcement functions such as the decongestion of the Central Business District

and the arrest of violators of road traffic rules.

Vehicle Maintenance and repairs


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We observed that there are certain serious problems with vehicle regulation that the Authority

needs to address immediately. One such problem is the large number of sub-standard vehicles

imported into the country; when they are on the road, they are often environmental hazards. In

most cases, these vehicles run for only a short period of time before they are abandoned on

highways, streets and lanes, obstructing traffic and often causing accidents. Another problem is

the high volume of right-hand vehicles on the road, which create a challenge on our narrow

roadways. We recommend that the Authority place a ban on the importation of derelict

and non-conforming right-hand vehicles.

A related problem is the sub-standard level of vehicle maintenance and repairs. Most the

mechanics and garages only have experience working on older models of vehicles, and do not

have the relevant equipment and access to spare parts to diagnose and fix vehicles. Whilst we are

not suggesting that the Authority close down all garages that lack the latest equipments, we do

believe that in light of its functional mandate it can facilitate certain measures to address this

problem. These include collaborating with the SLRTC in developing its mechanical school,

working with the Local Councils to ensure that garages do not spill out into the roadways.

Human Resources and Planning Department

This Department currently acts as the main administrative secretariat of the Authority, with the

head being the Secretary to the Authority. They also handle personnel issues, including training,

for the Authority as stated in part III section 2(C) of the Road Transport Authority Act No. 4 of



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The Planning Unit of the Authority is responsible for collecting data on services performed by

the Authority as well as data from the private sector relevant to the transport industry. All

activities of the Authority are computerized, enhancing efficiency. The printing of receipts,

licenses, certificates of fitness and authorization to operate commercial vehicles are all done by

front desk officers using computers. Most of the programmes used were developed by local

consultants. Off-site backups are done on memory sticks and kept by the Chief Executive and

the Head of MIS. There are proposals to interlink the various offices in 2010 so that operations

are carried out from one central database. Regular management meetings are held in which

departments are required to report on their activities, in terms of achievements and constraints.

Material ResourcesThe Authority is need of equipment and tools, especially those to ensure road safety.

A pressing need is of tow trucks to remove unwanted vehicles from the roads. Another need is

the technology required to link the various departments’ computer systems to operate as one unit.

AccommodationThe present location of the Authority is adequate but there is need for an Impound Yard where

vehicles impounded are taken for safe keeping. We recommend that the Authority approach

partners in Government in securing a large piece of land to use as an Impound Lot.

Communication with stakeholdersWith the hiring of a Public Relations Officer, the Authority‘s profile and public information

sharing has been stepped up. Sensitization of the public is ongoing and awareness campaigns are

conducted periodically. We recommend that the Authority develop Road Safety Campaigns

targeting both commercial drivers, especially motorbike riders, as well as transport users.


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M&E Officer

Policy Asst

Admin OfficersHR ManagerRecords OfficerICT Officer Clerical staff


Transport Policy Analyst

Research/Statistics Officer

Drivers, Messengers

M&E Asst Research Asst

Accountant & AsstProcurement Officer & Asst.

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Duties - To provide strategic advice and technical backstopping to the Government through the

Ministry and the National Transport Coordinating Committee (NTCC) on sectoral issues- Take the lead in developing and implementing the national Transport Sector strategies

and work plans- Work closely with the relevant agencies and organizations in the transport sector to

ensure effective implementation of sectoral work plans - Supervise unit staff to ensure development, effective implementation, and monitoring of

work plans for the Ministry- Assist in monitoring performance management in the Ministry

Transport Policy Analyst

Duties- Serve as a focal point (liaison) for specific agencies under the Ministry’s supervision - Participate in transportation systems, program, project and policy planning and project

development, both service and facility, by collecting and analyzing transportation statistics and information

- Preparing and/or analyzing and evaluating existing and proposed plans, programs, projects for their ability to meet transportation objectives, including their effects on social, economic and ecological factors; and preparing reports of findings

Monitoring and Evaluation Officer

Duties- Develop a results-based M&E framework for the transport sector informed by the goals

set in the PRSP II- Monitor the implementation of projects and activities in the agencies supervised by the

MTA- Develop M&E competencies in the agencies supervised by the MTA- Assist the Director in improving coordination with sectoral institutions- Prepare quarterly monitoring reports on the work of the MTA for the Government,

NTCC, and other stakeholders - Assist in the development of division and Ministry work plans - Assist in implementing performance management system including performance


Research/Statistics Officer



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- Using a variety of sources, collects qualitative and quantitative data to inform strategic planning in the Ministry

- Analyzes and presents data on the transportation industry to the Ministry and the agencies under its supervision

- Assist in preparation of reports and presentations for internal and external clients- Assist in development of the Annual Work Plan- Any other duties as assigned in relation to the general mandate of the Ministry

Programme Assistants (M&E, Policy, Research)

Duties- Assist the Ministry in implementing the activities in the work plan and sectoral strategies - Provide programme support to the relevant unit - Assist in conducting sectoral studies, improving coordination with all institutions in the

sector, and developing reports - Assist in the preparation of work plans , drafting of documents and presentations as



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1 Permanent Secretary

2 David W S Banya Deputy Secretary 30.11.64 BA, MA Dev. Mgt

3 Umaru Conteh Snr. Asst Sect. 5.5.69 BA (Gen)

4 Samuel A Kargbo Snr. Asst Sect. 28.10.67 Bsc (Hons), Msc (Dev. St),


5 Palmyra Thomas Snr. Sec Stenographer 22.12.46 Higher Cert. Dip

6 Joyce Clarke Stenographer Grade II 12.11.50 Stenographer G.II

8 Margaret George Second Grade Clerk 12.2.51 Basic Training

9 Margaret Johnson Second Grade Clerk 10.1.52 Conf Sec Computer Training

10 Gifty Jarrett Third Grade Clerk 31.5.56 Civil Service Result

11 Nanah Abdulai Third Grade Clerk 31.7.55 Computer Training

12 Fatmata Ahmad Third Grade Clerk 6.4.61 Computer Training

13 Adama Benya Third Grade Clerk 6.1.60 Computer Training

14 Stephanie Bio Third Grade Clerk 30.12.61 Computer Training

15 Massah B Sawi Third Grade Clerk 23.4.52 Computer Training

16 Edna Jalloh Third Grade Clerk 30.8.54 Computer Training

17 Kadiatu Kamara Third Grade Clerk 6.10.64 Computer Training

18 Numa B Kobba Third Grade Clerk 23.9.64

19 Isatu Deen Third Grade Clerk 22.4.64 Computer Training


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20 Saidu Kamara Driver 11.12.64 Driving

21 Mallay Bangura Driver 10.6.62 Driving

22 Samuel Mansaray Senior Messenger 8.2.62

23 Umaru Mansaray Messenger 1.4.67

24 Alie Samura Messenger 26.12.79

25 Alpha Kamara Messenger 24.7.75

26 Sorie Samura Messenger 6.1.72


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20101 Palmyra Thomas Snr. Sec Stenographer 22.12.462 Joyce Clarke Stenographer Grade II 12.11.503 Rita Johnson First Grade Clerk 12.6.49

20111 Margaret George Second Grade Clerk 12.2.51

20121 Margaret Jackson Second Grade Clerk 10.1.522 Massah B Sawi Third Grade Clerk 23.4.52


20141 Edna Jalloh Third Grade Clerk 30.8.54


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Admin & Finance Directorate

Air Transport Directorate

Safety & Ops. Directorate

Flight Permits & BasaInternational Organizations

Regulations & Statistics

Flight Operations


Human Resources & IT



Public RelationsAerodrome/ Ats Standards

Personnel Licensing

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Deputy Director General

Director General

Director Applied Meteorological


Director Training and planning

Director Engineering and Technical Service

Director Finance, Administration and Legal Services

Senior Technician

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Conf. Secretary

Board of Directors

Executive Director

Deputy Executive Director

Manning Welfare


Director-Engineering/ Technical Services

Director Admin/ FinanceDirector Shipping/ Legal Service

Gen. Admin. and Training

Accounts Commercial Planning

Nautical Engineering

Nautical Survey

Radio Survey

Hull/ Machinery

Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director

Principal synopticPrincipal Marine

Principal AgrometPrincipal Hydromet


Assistant MeteorologistMeteorologist

Senior AgrometSenior SynopticSenior Aviation

Senior MarineSenior Hydromet

Senior Engineer

Assistant Engineer

Technicians (Principal, Senior, Technician)

Principal Engineer

Senior Principal OAgrometSynoptic Aviation MarineHydromet

Principal SynopticPrincipal Marine

Principal AgrometPrincipal Hydromet


Accountant HR Manager/ Legal Adviser

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Naval Architecture


Conf. Secretary

Board of Directors

Executive Director

Deputy Executive Director

Manning Welfare


Director-Engineering/ Technical Services

Director of Human Resources and FinanceDirector

Shipping/ Legal Service

Human Resources

Finance Policy and Planning

Nautical Engineering

Nautical Survey

Radio Survey

Hull/ Machinery

Naval Architecture

Internal Audit

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