Man ystuf f 5 / 15 - · Man...

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process? 1 All I create is just reflexion of me and my feelings...and my works is to come up to the mirrow and make a copy of the picture I see! Nothing more! Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process? 2 About the Process \ Manystuff 5 / 15 Stanislav Chepurnov

Transcript of Man ystuf f 5 / 15 - · Man...

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


All I create is just reflexion of me and my feelings...and my works is to come up to the mirrow and make a copy of the picture I see! Nothing more!

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


About the Process \ Manystuff 5 / 15

Stanislav Chepurnov

Manystuff is a blog presenting, on a daily basis, graphic designers, their work and links to their websites.The aim of this PDF, in which many graphic artists have kindly participated, through their replies to the same question concerning their creation processes, is to arouse the interest of graphic artists, students and all graphic arts aficionados.

Manystuff est un blog présentant quotidiennement des graphiques designers, leur travail ainsi que le lien vers leur website. Ce pdf, auquel ont gentiment participé de nombreux graphistes, a pour ambition, à travers leur réponse à une même question concernant leur processus de création, d'intéresser les graphistes, étudiants, ou tous les passionnés lambdas du graphisme.

The question was:

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process? Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?

Here then is an outline of the working methods and thought processes of graphic designers today.

Each reply from a graphic designer is illustrated by images of his/her work (the illustration sometimes being the reply) together with the links to their websites for those who would like more information.

La question était celle-ci :

Lorsque vous travaillez, lorsque vous créez, pensez vous en termes de formes ou en termes de processus de creation; avez- vous clairement un vision de votre image finie, ou decoule-telle uniquement d'un processus de creation pensée en amont?

Voici donc un aperçu de la méthode de travail ainsi que de la réflexion de designers graphiques aujourd'hui.

Chaque réponse est illustrée en image par leur travail (illustration servant parfois de réponse) et accompagnée par le lien de leur site web afin d'approfondir la découverte de l'artiste.

Baldwin Sam Base : Jean-Marc JosephBRND : Stanislas ChepurnovBygg Studio : Hanna NilssonConor and DavidCoolmix : Tim Schmitt & Johannes SpitzerDemo Design : Justin FinesDixonBaxi : Simon Dixon & Aporva BaxiDovier YoannDronecorpEatock Daniel Gauckler Genevieve Hello Jim : James FalconerPete Hughes : WorkswatchI am Mint Condition : Travis Stearn

Karlssonwilker : Hjalti Karlsson & Jan WilkerKotje : Corentin PirardMadame Paris : Alexandra Ruiz & Sandrine PelletierMagnus : GrandPeopleMcFetridge Geoff Morris Philip Nowherehead : Craig WardOgiva design : Joao MachadoPleixPractise: James GogginPragg Johan Qian QianRouse Andy : Tha Graphic AwareRumbero Design : Xavier EncinasSom of Tam: Jason TamStiletto : Stefanie Barth & Julie HirschfeldTétier Florence Vanni Pierre Vignaux DamienWe Work For ThemYeti vs Yeti : Ryan MiglinczyZinker und Pfeffer : Denny Backhaus



When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


I see a finished piece as a resolution to a problem. I like to be given the brief, and then discover the best solution to it through experimentation with different media, both on the computer and by traditional methods. I love getting lost in my work. Usually, my final image is nothing like my original idea!

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Sam Baldwin

Sam Baldwin

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


I really would say that its both and that the proportion inbetween changes in function of the project. Its true that at Base we're very attached to the "idea" and the "conceptual" side of the project, so it always takes an important part of the final result."

Example :

1 Be tv / Broadcast designThe starting point was the new name of the Belgian Canal+ : Be tv. Be tv, be a TV, I am a TV, I exist and I speak. Be tv is the speaking TV.From there, we decided that instead of saying "Cinema" before a movie or saying "Foot" before a match, we could have a TV that litteraly speaks to the spectator. A TV that displays "statements", sometimes related to the following program, sometimes absolutly not. This was the concept for the jingles.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Jean-Marc Joseph

Logically, after having said the statement, the TV signs it. This is why the logo looks like a signature. Following the whole idea, the corporate typeface is a customised version of the American Typewriter.This is an example were we could say that the creation process, the concept, determines the form.

2 Journées Européennes du Patrimoine / TV SpotIn this case, the idea was very simple. To write the title of the event with buildings. Put people inside those buildings and let them visiting and doing activities available during the weekend of the "patrimony days". We had a very precise idea of how this shoudl look from the very beginning. Black and white draws, silhouette characters that at the end almost look like ants... The final image of this spot was very defined, but of course, we always take care that the idea is appropriate with the subject.

Jean-Marc Joseph

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


All I create is just reflexion of me and my feelings...and my works is to come up to the mirrow and make a copy of the picture I see! Nothing more!

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Stanislav Chepurnov

Stanislav Chepurnov

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


When it comes to our work most of the time we have a pretty clear idea about the final result before we start working - of the feeling and the atmosphere we want to communicate as we often focus on the aesthetics. It´s not always something we discuss, we very much share preferences and sooner or later it turns out as we want it to. But of course the process is important as it might make you discover something you use in another project.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Hanna Nilsson

Hanna Nilsson

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


As designers, we create narratives. As we tell a story we gain a greater understanding of what must be communicated; so even if we start off with a clear vision of form, the process and the narrative invariably manipulate the aesthetics to their own ends. For us, this is why our process must be just as relevant to the narrative as the finished work.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


There isn't necessarily a clear vision in the beginning, sometimes it's just not predictable how an idea will turn out in the end. And to be honest, so far we were driven by formal ideas most of the time. That's totally unprofessional of course. We're still looking for a real concept of graphic design actually.

Unfortunately we were both rejected at Werkplaats Typografie, where we hoped to find some kind of orientation. After interviewing us they probably thought we were already lost. So, we're curious to see other people's responses to this little survey. If anyone else has a good idea about how graphic design should work, please write to: [email protected]

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Tim Schmitt & Johannes Spitzer

Tim Schmitt & Johannes Spitzer

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


images as answer

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Justin Fines

Justin Fines

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


It depends on the project though we tend to be quite eclectic in our approach. We take each project on it's merit as we work in a lot of different media - TV, Film, Directing, print, identity, interactive - so we need to react to the various processes these throw up. When directing it is about concept and vision. Pulling lots of different threads, people and production techniques into a clear sequence you need to remain focussed to achieve good work. With print, illustration or even interactive there is a more craft. We build and tweak and change, the process is more individual and you can take time to ponder. Overall I think the process is where it happens as we remain open to ideas throughout as during the project something will spark and it feels right. There's always a bit of alchemy as we don't always work the same way so it builds in a degree of uncertainty. It keeps us on our toes

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Simon Dixon & Aporva Baxi

Simon Dixon & Aporva Baxi

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Tout d'abord, je penses qu'il est impossible de dissocier le fond de la forme; les deux étants liés par un lien de cause à effet. Autrement dit, une forme est toujours pensée en amont, que le procès soit affirmé ou non.

Pour ce qui est du processus de création en lui même, il joue pour moi sur cette distinction : au lieu de créer une forme et de lui donner une justification, créons d'abord cette justification qui conduira par la suite à une forme.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Yoan Dovier

Yoan Dovier

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Image as answer

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Daniel Eatock

The idea is the image

Daniel Eatock

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


To answer your question, I would say that I'm more working in terms of forms but I have always in the back of my mind different thoughts like the technic I should use, and also the meaning of the work, what it says. I guess it's because of my background: I'm first a graphic designer and I art directed some projects, so I'm thinking of the brief of the client and the final result all the time. I barely have a clear vision of the final image, which is good, otherwise it would be boring. But on the other hand, it's sometipmes a bit stressful because I don't reallly know if I'm going to achieve the image, to get a good result, something I'm happy with and that the client is also happy with.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Genevieve Gauckler

Genevieve Gauckler

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Its a tuff question about the process because at the moment I want to trynew things. I don't really see a final image before I start a project,but alot of the time I feel where I want to go. I find when you work, newideas bounce around in your head and it may end up completley different toyour first thoughts or nearly the same.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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James Falconer

James Falconer

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Pete Hughes

I create work based around a structured form and process too. When there's a tight deadline the process simply becomes shortened, which is always frustrating.

Pete Hughes

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


My creative process is something I tell myself I have, but it really only exists between the excitement of discovering some new method for making and paging through a myriad of references across the gradient of design & art (I admire the work of so many people). Sometimes I have an idea that takes me through till the end. Others I have to keep redefining for myself. These sorts can drag on a little longer than expected, but usually I end up with something that surprises me and ultimately changes my perspective toward that certain aspect (space, time, identity, language).

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Travis Stearns

Travis Stearns

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


when we start a project we care about, we usually have nothing inside our heads (at least we try very hard), then, slowly, we start developing this feeling; and then we wouldn't give up until this feeling issatisfied/matched. some years ago it's been different, but that's the way it is now. a little weird. but these days, we like it.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Hjalti Karlsson & Jan Wilker

Hjalti Karlsson & Jan Wilker

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


It's easier to answer with an exemple ; one of my latest work, instant. I had to "illustrate", to visually accompany, this design exhibition. The briefing said "an exhibition about relationship between designer and industry". I had to work with two colours because of the budget and I had to respect a "kind of identity" designed for "Mode Design Brussels 2006", a global event during which "instant" was organised (Type > akzindenz gotesk, logotype and halftone screen composed this identity). To suggest industry and mass production I decided to create a pattern that illustrate this exhibition ; a brain linked to a hand holding a (Bic) pen designing mechanical elements producing biro and smoke linked to the brain linked to a hand linked to…repetition, mechanical, linked element, chain… Forms are direct and simple ; the message had to be legible by everyone but only a few people understand the meaning of the "wallpaper look" and can read the subliminal message written in the brain (designing industry). The pattern is used as a background for every publication, poster, ad or invitation related to the exhibition.A multi-level illustration.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Corentin Pirard

Corentin Pirard

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Le processus de création au sein de Madame Paris se fait parAddition. Nous commençons toujours par trouver une idée ou une directioncommune; un concept qui serait né de deux cerveaux en même temps.La vision de la forme finale est déjà présente mais fuyante.Ensuite nous réalisons notre concept à quatre mains. Et là, la forme peutévoluer. En additionnant nos personnalités, notre savoir-faire individuel,nos techniques propres, nous créons quelque chose de totalement commun. (etqui parfois s'enrichit d'accidents heureux).

Nous aimons à penser que Madame Paris est un robot multi-fonction bicéphal.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Alexandra Ruiz & Sandrine Pelletier

Alexandra Ruiz & Sandrine Pelletier

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Both. Often the process is based on our different sets of visual preferences. If our different personal preferences can be given the names A, B and C - we try to combine them and see what we get. We often know what we want but the conceptual process always gives the projects the main core - the Spine. Therefore we never do anything on autopilot.Our process can be described as A+B+C=X

And other times we do it differently. New projects offer new processes. A formula is just direction.

We have ideas and hopes about what the final result can be. They usually never ends up as what we expected - but never far away. We have control in the meaning that we are aware the dangers on the way and navigates with our experience from previous projects.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


I recently was talking to a friend of mine who was feeling very overwhealmed by her job. She was feeling that the business of her work was getting in the way of her being happy and creative. I tried to relate to her how working in the Void is just as difficult. The creative process to me is very much about dealing with total emptyness, holding off depression and panic. There are som many ways to go wrong in the emptyness. I know I am going down the wrong track when I can't find that totallyempty place, if there is a lot of stuff around (past work, old ideas,clutter) then I know I have to go deeper into the White Well. It is anunfortunate truth, for me, that when things are going well, it is because they are sort of difficult and challenging.

The true test of a good bike is how it goes uphill, not down.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Geoff McFetridge

Geoff McFetridge

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Discover new things. Have fun. Surprise yourself!

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Philip Morris

Philip Morris

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


I very rarely have an idea how a project is going to turn out, and for me that's half the fun. I've always made a point to eschew having a style in favour of an approach - in effect my style IS my approach - so the process is pivotal in producing something you can stand up and defend if need be. I am, however, guilty of working more and more with type these days (visit for my typographic projects), so I will try, if possible, to turn a brief towards a typographic solution, but again, I'll try lots of different methods: be it letterpress, illustrated/hand rendered, stenciling or just diving straight onto the mac and playing around in Illustrator.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Craig Ward

Craig Ward

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


[- images and their title as answer-]

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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João Machado

Theform is a part of the process

I have a goal. I don't know exactly how it's going to look like

João Machado

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


It can be both ! it depend a lot of the project, some of them are more inspiringthan others...

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


I will often have an immediate clear vision of how a project should look, in terms of materials and colours, based on research I've made, the content of the project, first conversations with a client and the brief itself. But my end result is invariably completely different to my initial vision. I used to feel like this was a mistake, that it hadn't turned out how it had looked in my mind. But I've gradually learnt to accept this as something positive, that sometimes I surprise even myself with how thinks end up looking. So many elements change during the course of designing and working on a project. Allowing external elements like client discussion, peer critiques and, again, the content of the given project, affect the process leads to this slightly random feeling of me not being completely in control of my own aesthetic direction. It feels like the end product comes from a more honest place, not something preconceived by the designer alone.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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James Goggin

James Goggin

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


I think starting with a clear idea is essential. Equally essential though isbeing open to departing from the original idea in terms of style, but notin terms of intention. Oftentimes the most interesting images are discovered along the way.

More interesting still is giving other people - photographer, stylist ... -space to reinterpret the original idea. Them taking it somewhereunexpected - expanding the limits of the original vision.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Johan Prag

Johan Prag

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


This really depends. I don't have a definitive pattern. Sometimes, the form comes first in my mind, then I try to give it some idea/concept. Other times, I start with ideas, then create forms. I usually have a rough direction before I create each image. Words, such as organic, cute, warm, or cool, edgy, etc. to guide myself to reach the final form.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Qian Qian

Qian Qian

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


I think form, process and thinking are all intertwined, generally the formand process are a result of the thinking. The thinking is the crucialingredient of graphic design, i'm always confident that I can make worklook good, but the image has to have a relevance or significane to thecontent. I try not to follow the same process for every brief, althoughcertain formulars seem to work well. If i've thought about the work enoughthen I will have a pretty good idea of how it will come together and whatit will look like.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Andy Rouse

Andy Rouse

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Tout dépend du projet. Pour donner un exemple, l'un de mes clients est une galerie d'art. A chaque exposition, je cherche à mettre en scène dans l'invitation le nom de l'exposition ou de l'artiste. Je n'ai jamais une idée claire du produit fini. Je passe toujours quelques jours à imaginer, assembler des idées. Le premier jet est parfois le bon, parfois non. Et puis petit à petit les idées changes même si souvent il y a des fondements de départ.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Xavier Encinas

Xavier Encinas

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


To me one of the most important asset a designer should possess is flexibility, because most probably we would face projects that vary greatly in nature. Often times its like solving a crime, although there are the your usual formulas that always seem to work, its important to find ways around your usual path. After I brainstorm ideas, I let them overlap each other, or I devise new branches. It's about how well you control the images in your mind, and eventually everything will piece together. Case closed.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Jason Tam

Jason Tam

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Really, we like to come up with a smart & challenging idea - then we start visualising that idea by playing with contrasting visual elements ...

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Stefanie Barth & Julie Hirschfeld

Stefanie Barth & Julie Hirschfeld

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


c'est pour ma part un mélange des deux... d'abord je regarde ce qui a été fait, les livres que j'ai, ceux que je préfère dans ma collection, même s'ils sont "hors sujet" histoire de me replonger dans l'univers pictural qui me parle le plus... aussi je demande à mon ami google de me sortir des informations sur le sujet sur lequel je travaille... je vais pas mal me balader en ville également, histoire d'avoir un peu d'inspiration... je pars en voiture faire des tours juste pour réfléchir (si si c'est pas mal efficace) je parle avec les gens de mon entourage, dans le milieu ou non, je regarde la télé, écoute des disques (beaucoup, beaucoup)... après tout ça, j'imagine que je commence à avoir dans ma tête plus ou moins une vision du final dans son ensemble, surtout au niveau du media... (medium? je sais jamais) si ça va être un livre ou des photos ou je ne sais quoi. en général l'objet à l'arrivée est plutôt fidèle à celui que j'avais imaginé, à quelques détails près, même si je ne me mets aucune barrière et m'autorise à changer en cours de route. mais dans l'ensemble c'est assez spontané et intuitif à partir du moment où j'ai mon concept bien en tête...

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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florence tétier

florence tétier

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Pierre Vanni

With a process...This is how I like to work.P.

Pierre Vanni

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Je crois que j'utilise en fait les deux approches.

Pour des travaux de commande, il arrive fréquemment que je n'ai pas "l'idée miracle", celle qui s'impose d'elle même, et je suis donc obligé d'ouvrir un nouveau fichier sans perspective particulière et d'avancer par petits bouts juxtaposés... Mes réflexions sont beaucoup plus formelles et esthétiques que réellement thématiques. Je préfère donc partir d'une couleur ou d'un style (vectoriel, photomontage ou je ne sais quoi d'autre) et réfléchir en terme d'harmonies, de rythmes, de composition plutôt que de suivre une démarche analytique un peu scolaire qui me permettrait de dégager des axes de réalisation. A priori on est sensés fonctionner comme ça, et c'est ce que je faisais au début, mais maintenant je préfère laisser le mélange prendre et le sens émerge dans le travail en train de se faire... si ça ne marche pas j'efface, j'édite, je recouvre, je change de piste. Si le visuel devient beau mais vide de sens par rapport au projet, je me le

garde dans un coin pour le réutiliser dans mes recherches et j'embraie sur autre chose pour le client. En fait je réfléchis sur mes compositions en construction, ce qui est quand même mieux que de ne pas faire d'analyse du tout !

Pour mes recherches personnelles j'ai par contre une démarche plus classique. Je pars d'une idée relativement précise et je me lance assez rapidement dans sa réalisation définitive, au maximum après un ou deux croquis. Ca marche mieux comme ça parce que l'enjeu et les motivations ne sont pas les mêmes. Quand je veux faire une toile ou une petite vidéo, c'est une envie précise qui me prend et je le fais pour développer un micro-scénario ou une petite idée qui m'a traversé la tête. C'est souvent bête, genre un groupe de gangsta rapers violent et mysogines dont les tenues de scènes sont des costumes d'animaux mignons. Donc je vois de suite à quoi ça peut / devra ressembler à la sortie ; et cela que je choisisse de passer par le numérique ou par un outil plus traditionnel.Donc je dessine un peu et je me lance. Mais pas grand chose, rien de bien fini, juste de quoi économiser un peu de temps par la suite ! C'est le principe du storyboard, pour faire celui qui s'organise... en fait j'ai besoin de savoir que ce que j'ai en tête va marcher à peu près, au niveau des agencements de formes, des couleurs, et là si rien ne me freine (problemes souvent techniques de maitrise de mes petits outils...) je peux y aller, sur des rails jusqu'au bout.

Après, et pour les deux approches, y'a une phase assez longue où je me donne le temps de revenir sur le visuel. Je le laisse décanter, je le montre à pas mal de monde, je prends des remarques, je retouche... souvent je simplifie et je reviens un peu en arrière.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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Damien Vignaux

Damien Vignaux

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Each project's creation process is always different as each project is different. We always switch things up but it normally starts with us talking about the project to see how we want to approach it, then one person starts on it, or one person just starts on it and then passes the file when they are ready. We do not have a set process and I don't know if that is a good or bad thing. For our last project, we talked about ideas for over an hour and then decided to just go with our past experiences on the topic and create little stories about the subject matter for the concept. One person always starts the piece and sets the tone, and it is passed back and fourth adding things onto the piece until it is done. We worked the same way on client work too but it normally was lead by the clients direction and how we saw to communicate the idea.

Since we have two (or more) people working on the images, there normally isn't a set idea of what the final image will look like. Its much more exciting and really when you think about it, nothing comes out how you imagine it most of the time. I stopped trying that a long time ago.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


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we work for them

we work for them

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


For illustration work there is always some kind of way I want the work to turn out. Obviously there is a personal style to employ on the work and so there are always certain elements I can rely on to give it those personal touches. I like to mix elements of handdrawn and digital work and the spontaneous part comes in the fact I create many parts of an image first, and then bring it all together at the end, playing around with the elements until I get a look I feel gets across what I want to say with the image. When working on graphic design jobs there has to be a different approach. Obviously there is still an element of style, thats one of the reasons why people come up to you in the first place, but the main reasons be your problem solving and how successful your solutions have been in the past. With illustration work, I tend to go straight into the work, mark making and creating from the off, but with design work there has to be a lot more research into the subject so that what the client wants say gets across and the actual design work comes later where the personal touches can once again be applied.

Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


About the Process \ Manystuff 75 / 78

Ryan Miglinczy

Ryan Miglinczy

When you work, do you think in terms of forms or in terms of a creation process?


Do you have a clear vision of your final image or does it come only from an upstream creation process?


About the Process \ Manystuff 77 / 78

Denny Backhaus

hmm, hard to answer. actually it depends, it's not that clear... i think in the last months i haven't been working too experimental, almost everything i made was based on a defined concept

in general, i've been working alot more experimental some years ago then now... almost everything i did came from experimenting, from the creation process, trying things, looking at it, trying something else and so on. but actually, the results i got back then were mostly quite "designed"... i mean, it looked beautiful, but there was no meaning behind it. i mean, i was young then, and i still am, but this kind of working began to bore me, or maybe i just began to expect more from my work, so more and more of my work was being based on concepts and thoughts i made before doing anything graphical. so when i thought about the projects i definitely had a super clear vision of the final product in my mind that i just produced.

actually right now i'm at a point where i try to combine both ways. (of course i don't think about it that way: "hey, let's combine both ways!" — it just happens) somehow i get the image this super-concept- based work is a bit too dry, lifeless. it needs something else. having a concept before you start to "produce" is essential, but somehow i really have this lust to experiment again, without thinking too much.

i just don't know!

Denny Backhaus

Charlotte Cheetham / Manystuff Pierre Vanni

Adrien Dufond


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