Male Anatomy Female Anatomy Reproduction STD’sHIVLife 100 400 300 200.


Transcript of Male Anatomy Female Anatomy Reproduction STD’sHIVLife 100 400 300 200.

Male Anatomy

Female Anatomy

Reproduction STD’s HIV Life

100 100100100 100 100

400 400400400 400 400

300 300300300 300 300

200 200200200 200 200

Male Anatomy 100

Where is sperm made?


Male Anatomy 200

What is the job of the scrotum?

Regulate temperature

of testes

Male Anatomy 300

How does a sperm become semen?

Mixes with fluids from prostate & seminal vesicle

Male Anatomy 400

How does a sperm travel through the

male body?

Testes, epididymis, vd,

sv, pg, ut in penis.

Female Anatomy 100

What is ovulation?

When egg is released from ovary usually

day 14

Female Anatomy 200

Where does fertilization


Fallopian tubes when a sperm meets up with

an egg

Female Anatomy 300

What is the menstrual cycle?

• Day1 1st sight of blood, lasts 5-7 days,

• Day 14 ovulation occurs • Day 28 endometrium lining

released. Needs to occur to reproduce.

Female Anatomy 400

What is PID?

Caused by untreated STD, scarring of uterus & fallopian tubes. Can

cause infertility

Reproduction 100

What is fertilization? What is its purpose?

When a sperm & egg meet to make a baby.

Reproduction 200

• What is the product of fertilization?


Reproduction 300

How long is a woman pregnant for?

9 calendar months, 40

weeks, 280 days

Reproduction 400

When can a woman get pregnant?

2 days before and after ovulation

STD’s 100

Which disease can cause infertility, is common

among teens, is caused by a bacteria, & can be spread w/o knowing you

have the disease?


STD’s 200

What part of the body does gonorrhea infect?

Lining of vagina, throat, urethra.

Severe cases vital organs, joints

STD’s 300

What is Hepatitis?

What does it affect? Liver. Considered STD because of transmission via sexual contact.

STD’s 400

Which disease is bacterial, has stages (including chancre in 1st stage) & can be

cured by antibiotics?


HIV 100

What is HIV?

Virus that attacks T cells of

immune system.

HIV 200

When does someone have AIDS?

Have HIV, T cell count @ less than 200, opportunistic


HIV 300

How is HIV NOT transmitted?

Casual conatact-hug, sitting next

too, kiss. Through saliva & urine.

HIV 400

What are the stages of HIV?

•1) Asymptomatic can take up to 12 years to apperar.

•2) Symptomatic •3) AIDS-opportunistic inf

Life 100

What is menarche & menapause?

What are some symptoms of both? 1st period ~ age 12.

End of cycle, ~45-50, osteoporosis, hot flashes due to hormonal changes

Life 200

What is the average length of time a person

is expected to live?

Life expectancy

Life 300

• What are the stages a person lives?

• Childhood, • Adolescence,• Young Adulthood (21-35)• Middle Adulthood (35-65)• Older Adulthood (65+)

Life 400

What stage would a person be conserned

about their career, going to college, getting


Young adulthood