Make more friends in facebook



These ara some basic step to make more friends in your facebook page.This notes are edited for the needs of the educational program e-twinning

Transcript of Make more friends in facebook

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Make more friends in Facebook fun page

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Reason of this presentation

These are some basic step that we can implement to our fan pages.

It is good also to measure the effectiveness of each method or tool.

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1.Post a Status Update

Post a status update mentioning your facebook page.

Don’t be afraid to outright ask people to join your facebook page.  Ask and you shall receive.

Give them a great reason why they should join, tell them news, or find a creative way to mention and link to your page:

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2. Get fans to upload and tag photos

If you host (or attend) an event with several of your fans take a bunch of pictures, post them to your page, and then ask your friends to tag themselves in the pictures.

If you can get your fans to upload pictures to your page, or tag themselves in pictures you uploaded, this will post to their walls as well and will lead to additional traffic for you.

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3.Offer an incentive for people to sign up

Using custom iframes you can create a dynamic facebook landing page with a “reveal tab” that contains content that is visible only to fans of your page.

The more valuable your incentive is, the more people will be compelled to click the “Like” button to access it.

Examples of exclusive content could be: An exclusive Video, an exclusive whitepaper/.pdf, exclusive pictures.

The image below shows different levels of increasing effectiveness for acquiring new fans.

Involver offers apps (and several of them are totally free) that make it easy to create a “Fan Gate” containing incentives, like a file or coupon, that will cause more people to “Like” your page.

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4. Contact admins of groups related to your page

Groups are more powerful than pages in terms of their messaging ability. Pages send updates, but groups send messages directly to a users facebook inbox, triggering an email alert.

If you contact the admin of a facebook group with some valuable content that adds value to their readers then this can help them nurture their community and help you build yours.

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5.Suggest your page to friends

Use the “suggest to friends” feature of your page. Use this feature sparingly. Personally, I try to only invite people go my page once because I know it annoys me when multiple people invite me.

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6.Upload video to facebook

Facebook video is very underrated, and exceptionally powerful.

When you embed a facebook video on another website this video includes a watermark link in the top left corner to the fan page it came from.

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7.Deliver an exceptional experience7.Deliver an exceptional experience

Although facebook pages are no longer officially considered “fan pages” if you work to create fans of your brand many of them will certainly seek out and join your facebook page.

Strive to deliver an awesome experience for those who interact with your brand. Go above and beyond when engaging with your community and they will spread the word.

A famous article called 1,000 true fans maintains that they are all you need to create a thriving business. Don’t try just to get people to click “like” but instead seek to create raving true fan who will spread your word far and wide.

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8.Analyze your demographics with insights

Facebook demographics are a powerful feature of insights that allows you to determine the gender and age of the people in your page.  Once you know this information you can focus your content to appeal to the age group and gender of your fans.

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9.Run a targeted ad campaign

Facebook advertising is exceptionally powerful due to the ability it offers to hyper target your market.

Facebook ads can be targeted based on age, location, and interests.

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10.Do a “fan of the month/day” promotion

By highlighting one of your best fans every month you indirectly encourage fans to engage more, so that they can win the coveted fan of the month title the next month.

Offer a monthly prize, such as a cool free product or service related to your brand, and the competition for this title will only increase.