Makalah bahasa inggris tawuran

i CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1. BACKGROUND Brawl, it seems the people of Indonesia are already familiar. Almost setiapminggu, the news media decorate. Not only brawl between students just yangmenghiasi print columns but fighting between citizens, between the religious, between the police and students, very sad. This is a phenomenon that occurs between students and the community kita.Tawuran fighting between teens getting menjadisemenjaknya creation of gangs. Behavior between always exhibited amongst the people. They felt that it was not the act is highly commendable and could disturb public tranquility. Instead they feel proud when people were afraid of the gang / group. A student should not do like that. Usually hostility between school starting yangsangat trivial problem. But teenagers are emotionally unstable level instead menanggapinyasebagai a challenge. Another trigger with a sense of revenge is usually high kesetiakawananyang students will reciprocate treatment due to adverse siswasekolah considered a student or defame sekolahtersebut.Tawuran brawl between students is often done in a group remajaterutama by students. Even the students that in fact the high yangberpendidikan in solving problems using kekerasan.Kekerasa been regarded as a highly effective problem solver in kaumremaja. It seems to be clear evidence that a student as if sangatleluasa to do things that are anarchic and premanis. Surely perilakuini very detrimental people involved in the brawl. Even the other people involved are also feeling the impact whichnot the brawl. 2. PROBLEM FORMULATION 1.What understanding brawl? 2.What is the cause of the fight? 3.How brawl impact for students? 4.Bagaimana efforts in anticipation of a brawl? C. 3. PURPOSE OF WRITING This paper aims to provide guidance and how we respond to the clashes among adolescents. So that we can avoid ataumembentengi to abstain from action brawl. In fact we can figure out how to solve problems without using violence

Transcript of Makalah bahasa inggris tawuran

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Brawl, it seems the people of Indonesia are already familiar. Almost setiapminggu, the news

media decorate. Not only brawl between students just yangmenghiasi print columns but

fighting between citizens, between the religious, between the police and students, very sad.

This is a phenomenon that occurs between students and the community kita.Tawuran fighting

between teens getting menjadisemenjaknya creation of gangs. Behavior between always

exhibited amongst the people. They felt that it was not the act is highly commendable and

could disturb public tranquility. Instead they feel proud when people were afraid of the gang /

group. A student should not do like that. Usually hostility between school starting yangsangat

trivial problem. But teenagers are emotionally unstable level instead menanggapinyasebagai a

challenge. Another trigger with a sense of revenge is usually high kesetiakawananyang

students will reciprocate treatment due to adverse siswasekolah considered a student or

defame sekolahtersebut.Tawuran brawl between students is often done in a group

remajaterutama by students. Even the students that in fact the high yangberpendidikan in

solving problems using kekerasan.Kekerasa been regarded as a highly effective problem

solver in kaumremaja. It seems to be clear evidence that a student as if sangatleluasa to do

things that are anarchic and premanis. Surely perilakuini very detrimental people involved in

the brawl. Even the other people involved are also feeling the impact whichnot the brawl.


1.What understanding brawl?

2.What is the cause of the fight?

3.How brawl impact for students?

4.Bagaimana efforts in anticipation of a brawl? C.


This paper aims to provide guidance and how we respond to the clashes among adolescents.

So that we can avoid ataumembentengi to abstain from action brawl. In fact we can figure out

how to solve problems without using violence

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Indonesian dictionary "brawl" can be interpreted as a fight yangmeliputi many people. While

the "learner" was a man of learning. So that

understanding of student brawls are the fights conducted by a group of people that fight

Which was done by people who are psychologically belajarSecara, fights involving students

adolescence is classed as one of the main forms of juvenile delinquency (juvenile

deliquency). Juvenile delinquency, in the case of a fight, can be classified into two types,

namely situational and systematic delinquency.

1. Situational delinquency, fights happen because of a situation that "require" them

to fight. The requirement that usually arises due to the need to be cepat.2

memecahkanmasalah. Systematic delinquency, the juvenile involved in a fight that was in

particular suatuorganisasi or gangs. Here there are no rules, norms and habits that should

diikutiangotanya, including fighting. As a member, if pride can grow melakukanapa expected

by the group. As we know that during adolescence remajaseorang will tend to make a gang

which of the formation of free teen gang inilahpara do anything without the regulations that

must dipatuhikarena he was dilingkup group sebayanya.II friends.

The factors that led to the brawl pelajarBerikut are the factors that lead to student brawls,


Internal Factors

The internal factors occurring within the individual itself that goes through a false self

prosesinternalisasi in solving the problems around them and semuapengaruh coming from the

outside. Adolescents who do not normally fight mampumelakukan adaptation to complex

environments. That is, it is not self can customize with a diversity of views, economic,

cultural and other berbagaikeberagaman increasingly diverse. The teens yangmengalami it

would be hasty to solve any problem without berpikirterlebih first whether the consequences

will be caused. Moreover, emotional instability pararemaja also had a hand in the fight. They

are usually easy friustasi, not easy to control yourself, not sensitive to the people around him.

A remajabiasanya requires recognition of her presence in the midst of the

people around him.

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External Factors

External factors are factors that come from outside the individual, namely:

-Factor Family

The family is the first place where the education of parents applied. If a child is accustomed

to seeing violence perpetrated within the family after he grew menjadiremaja then he will get

used to violence because it is a habit that comes darikeluarganya. Besides family disharmony

can also cause kekerasanyang done by students. The family atmosphere that creates a feeling

unsafe and unpleasant and poor family relationships can pose a danger psikologisbagi any

age, especially in adolescence.

According to Hirschi (in Mussen et al, 1994). Based on the results of one study

ditemukanbahwa satupenyebab delinquency due to non-functioning of the elderly as a figure

teladanyang good for children (Hawari, 1997). Based on the results of the study found that

one of the causes of delinquency remajadikarenakan malfunction as a parent figure a good

example for children (Hawari, 1997 ). So this is where the role of parents as guides his son to

always berprilakubaik.

-School Factors

School is not just to make the students proficient pandaisecara academic but also moral.

School is a place for the students to develop self-menjadilebih well. But schools can also be a

forum for students become better, it inidikarenakan superior teaching quality loss. Examples

school jarangditemukan not there a teacher who does not have enough patience in educating

children muruidnya the teacher finally showed his anger through violence. This bisasaja

emulated by the students. And this is where the role of the teacher is required to become an

educator who has a good personality.

Environmental Factors

Home environment and school environment can influence the behavior of adolescents living

remaja.Seorang home environment is not good to make remajatersebut come to be not good.

Violence is often seen teenagers will form polakekerasan minds of teenagers. This makes

teenage anarchist react. Adanyakegiatan not done for pleasure by the students around her

house could also lead to a brawl.

2. It is a trigger tawuranTak rarely caused by teasing or even just stare at each school between

people of different learners. Even the women fight each other can be pemicutawuran. And

many more other causes.

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Brawl between students is a meeting between two or more groups are equally capable of

causing fights among kurangberpendidikan them in public places other sehinggaorang

innocent become victims. Brawl between students is included into the type of deviation

collective (group deviaton) where students apply dalammasyarakatsehingga cause unrest,

insecurity, discomfort and other crime. Fighting between learners can result from the

existence of the association ataupertemanan group of people who created solidarity among its

members so mautidak would sometimes have to go follow kenakalantersebut. Though they

were aware they were taking part bahwadengan dalamtawuran between the student will harm

himself danmasyarakat, but ironically they regard it all as a way for them to maintain their

own group or school-masing.Pengaruh Poor From Parents, Behavior criminal and

TindakanAsusila.Pengaruhburuk of parents can also be a factor penyebabterjadinya fighting

between pelajar.Sebagai example when an argument between father and mother, and

especially the immoral acts such ayahselalumelakukan beat his wife and children without

disadarisang melihatkejadian so that the children tend inginmempraktekan what happened to

his parents. Here back again at the beginning of the principle that both the poor child

dipengaruhiolehsikap and behavior tuanya.Lingkungan unfavorable school can be

bangunansekolah that do not meet the requirements, without playing the cukupluas pages, no

exercise room, study room the lack of facilities, the number of students in the classroom

overcrowding, poor ventilation and air dansanitasi lainsebagainya.Seorang teenagers staying

home is not a good environment to come into the menjadikanremaja not good. Violence is

often seen teenagers will form a pattern of violence minds of teenagers. This makes teenage

anarchist react.

Not infrequently caused by teasing or even just stare at each school between people of

different learners. Even the women fight each other can be pemicutawuran. And many more

other causes.

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B. IMPACT BECAUSE student brawls:

o physical disadvantage, students who participated brawl is likely to become a victim. Both

itucedera mild, serious injury, even death.

o Surrounding communities also harmed. For example: if the damage to the homes of

students who were throwing stones and fighting on home residents.

o Disruption of the learning process.

o The decline in the morality of the students.

o Loss of sensitive feelings, tolerance, tolerance, and mutual respect


a. Provide moral education for students

b. Presenting a good figure to be emulated by students. Hadirnyaseorang such as teachers,

parents, and peers who can direct students to better selalubersikap

c. Give more attention to the teenagers who are searching for true identity

d. Facilitate the students for both within the home or school environment to perform activities

that are beneficial at a time when spare. Examples: mosque or adolescent bonding

Karangtaruna and make useful events, mewajibkansetiap students to join the organization or

extracurricular disekolahny

Kartini Kartono also offers several ways to reduce teenage brawl, including:

a. A lot of introspection, seeing his own flaws and shortcomings and do koreksiterhadap

mistakes that are not educated and do not lead

b. Provide an opportunity for youth to emancipated dansehatc in a good way.

c. Giving shape and educational activities relevant to the needs remajazaman now and its

relation to the development of talent and potential juvenile

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Factors that led to the brawl was a teenager not only come from the individual student's

sendiri.Melainkan also occur because of other factors that come from outside the individual,

diantaranyafaktor family, school factors, and environmental factors.

The students are generally still have a tendency to teenage melakukanhal unexpected things

which could potentially harm himself and others, then this is the role of a parent is required to

be able to drive and remind her jikasang child suddenly made a mistake. Modeling a teacher

as well as an educator dilepaskan.Guru can not be used as an instructor in the education of the

students agarmenjadi human personality more baik.Begitupun in the search for playmates.

The child must be briefed dariorang adults to be able to choose good friends. Surrounding

communities must bisamembantu youth in developing their potential by recognizing its



In addressing the issue of student brawls, especially teenagers above, the author

memberikanbeberapa suggestions. Among them:

a. Family as early education places the student should be able to establish a good pattern for

students pikiryang

b. Society should be aware of its role in creating a conducive situation

c. Formal educational institutions should already provide a good service

to help students hone skills and develop all the potential that he adadidalam

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a. Dr.. Sofyan, S, Willis, M. Pd, Youth and problem, ALFABETA, 1995, hal141

b. Singgih Gunarsa D. and D. Gunarsa Singgih NY, PerkembanganAnak and Adolescent

Psychology, PT. BPK Gunung Mulia, Jakarta, 1983, p. 180

c. R. Sugandhi, op cit 366 things

d. Tongat, Sh, M. Hum, Op cit case 69

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Praise and Gratitude I pray to God the Almighty, because of the blessings and abundance

rahmatnyalah then I must finish an essay in a timely manner.

Here the author presented a paper entitled


Through this preface first writer apologized and pleaded proclamation which the

contents of this paper when there is a shortage and there are posts that I make less precise or

menyinggu reader feeling.

I hereby dedicate this paper with gratitude and may God Almighty bless this paper so

as to

provide benefits.

Raha, Maret 2014


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PREFACE................................................................................................................ i

TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................................................................... i i

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION.............................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ....................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Formulation of the problem................................................................................ 1

1.3 Objective............................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER II THEORY ...................................................... ................................... 2

CHAPTER III DISCUSSION ............................................... ................................. 4

CHAPTER IV PENUTUP....................................................................................... 6

REFERENCES ................................................ .................................................... 7

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