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Transcript of Maiah

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Ancient Egypt

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After pharaohs died they were thought to enter an afterlife that would never ever end! Also when they were buried they were put in a sacred pyramid and were buried with their most valuable treasures, so when they came back they were still treasured.

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Pharaoh senusre 1st

Pharaoh senunre accomplishments were in religious architecture. He built and improved many temples,shrines, and religious monuments. He had created by many temples that others were buried in!

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Ancient Egypt society

The Egypt society was mad up like a pyramid from rich to poor. First there was the pharaohs,then officials,priests,scribes,artist,and pheasants.the most rich and powerful are at the top and the poor and powerless are at the bottom.

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The ancient pyramids

The ancient pyramids are made out of strong limestone. Everything was made out of the great stone. The sculptures,pyramids,tombs, and the great treasures.

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Priests prayed,practiced rituals for immortality! They were the only ones who could read the writing on the walls.they lived in huge chapels.

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Pharaoh hatshepsut

Hatshepsut actively encouraged trade. It helped spread European influence along the Nile River and near by lands in the middle eastern Asia.

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Ancient artisans

Every picture had the pharaoh and hiss wife.the pictures were usually made with the Rosetta stone. The Rosetta stone was the Greek language and now thousands of words can be translated.