Paper - 1 Q.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives from those given in the brackets : (i) In Saurashtra .................. cows are famous for milk production. (Sahiwal, Deoni, Gir) (ii) Forest cover in Andaman and Nicobar islands is about ............ percent. (24, 87, 34, 13) Q.1. (B) Match the Columns : Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’ (i) Micro – irrigation (a) Controls ventilation (ii) Bio – technology (b) Sprinkle irrigation (c) Organisms are used Q.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2) (i) Demand for mica has decreased. (ii) Oil refineries are located along the sea coast. (iii) ‘Land’ is a very important physical resource for the people of India. Q.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2) (i) Shifting cultivation. (ii) Manganese producing areas. (iii) Poultry farming. Q.3. (A) Draw a simple bar graph with the following information : 1 1 4 4 2 S.S.C. Test - III Batch : SB Marks : 30 Date : Time : 1 hr. GEOGRAPHY Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12 ECONOMICS Chapter : 1,4,5 MAHESH TUTORIALS Years Wheat Production (IN LAKH TONNES) 1999 - 2000 76.4 2000 - 01 69.7 2001 - 02 72.8 2002 - 03 65.8 2003 - 04 72.2

Transcript of mahesh tutorials SSC QUESTION PAPER WITH SOLUTION


Paper - 1

Q.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives fromthose given in the brackets :

(i) In Saurashtra .................. cows are famous for milk production.(Sahiwal, Deoni, Gir)

(ii) Forest cover in Andaman and Nicobar islands is about ............ percent.(24, 87, 34, 13)

Q.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Micro – irrigation (a) Controls ventilation(ii) Bio – technology (b) Sprinkle irrigation

(c) Organisms are used

Q.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) Demand for mica has decreased.(ii) Oil refineries are located along the sea coast.(iii) ‘Land’ is a very important physical resource for the people of India.

Q.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) Shifting cultivation.(ii) Manganese producing areas.(iii) Poultry farming.

Q.3. (A) Draw a simple bar graph with the following information :






S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12

ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5


Years Wheat Production(IN LAKH TONNES)

1999 - 2000 76.4

2000 - 01 69.7

2001 - 02 72.8

2002 - 03 65.8

2003 - 04 72.2


Paper - 1... 2 ...






Best Of Luck

Q.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)(i) Mumbai High Oil Producing Centre(ii) Leading state in silk production(iii) Tea producing area in Assam(iv) Tarapur Atomic energy centre

Q.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) Write in brief about milk production in India & show leading state in milk

production in the outline map of India.(ii) State the main types of land use.(iii) Give information about depletion of plants and animals.

Q.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Economic development means ................... in real national income.

(increase, decrease, stability)(ii) The services are .................. (intangible, tangible, durable)

Q.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) What is meant by economic growth?(ii) Who is a consumer ?(iii) Who do not purchase food grains from PDS?

Q.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) What are the rights of the consumers as per the Consumer Protection

Act, 1986?(ii) Explain Targeted Public Distribution System.


Paper - 1

A.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives fromthose given in the brackets :

(i) In Saurashtra Gir cows are famous for milk production.(ii) Forest cover in Andaman and Nicobar islands is about 87 percent.

A.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Micro – irrigation – Sprinkle irrigation(ii) Bio – technology – Organisms are used

A.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) 1. Mica is a mineral which has insulating properties hence it is

used in electrical and electronic industries.2. It is also used in production of medicines and paints.3. Nowadays artificial materials like plastics which are more

effective and cheaper than mica are used as a substitute.4. So the demand for mica has decreased.

(ii) Oil refineries are located near the coastal parts of India1. There are 18 oil refineries in India out of which several

refineries are located on the coast.2. 70% of the mineral oil used in India is imported from foreign

countries due to the production of mineral oil being less thanthe consumption.

3. This mineral oil is transported by water ways and thus itminimizes the cost of transportation if the oil refinery is locatedalong the sea coast.

4. This also helps to avoid the risk during the transportation dueto its inflammable nature.

(iii) 1. There are various types of landforms in India covered bymountains, hill ranges, plateaus and plains.

2. In India 30 % of area is covered by mountains, about 27 percentby plateau and 43 % by plains.

3. The mountainous regions have forests and wild animals. mineralresources are amply found in the plateau regions. Most of the






S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.

GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5




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plain areas are suitable for settlements, agriculture and othereconomic activities.

4. Hence, land is a very important physical resource for people ofIndia.

A.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) 1. Shifting cultivation is a very primitive type of farming. It is practised

by some communities from the remote mountainous and forestregions.

2. When fertility of land decreases, people move in search of newpiece of land. This is the main feature of shifting cultivation.

3. After the piece of land is selected, the land is cleared and vegetationthereupon is burnt. Due to this, potash content in the soil increasesbut the organic materials are lost.

4. Good quality seeds, crop protection methods and modern implementsare not used. Hence crop production is low.

5. Cutting of trees, soil erosion, floods, low production and unstablelife are the main problems of this type of agriculture.

6. Shifting cultivation causes degradation of environment. Hence, thereare some restrictions on practising this type of farming.

7. Shifting cultivation in different areas have different local names.e.g. Jhum in North east India, Kumri in Kerala, Bewar in MadhyaPradesh, Podu and Dungar in Orissa.

8. Major crops like rice, corn, jowar, bajra, ragi, chillies, oil-seeds etc.are cultivated.

(ii) Manganese deposits are generally found in the nearby fields of iron ore.In India large reserves of manganese are mainly at1. Karnataka - Shimoga, Chitradurga, Bellary and Uttara Kannada.2. Madhya Pradesh - Chhindwara and Balaghat.3. Andhra Pradesh - Srikakulam.4. Jharkhand - West Singhbhum.5. Gujarat - Panchmahal and Vadodara.6. Rajasthan - Banaswara and Udaipur.7. Maharashtra - Nagpur and Bhandara.8. Goa.

(iii) 1. Poultry occupation is mainly done to get meat and eggs.2. India ranks fifth in the production of eggs in the world.3. This occupation is considered as complementary to agriculture.4. This occupation is well developed in the sates of Andhra Pradesh.

West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Punjab, and Kerala.





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2A.3. (A) Draw a simple bar graph with the following information :









0 1999-2000

2000-01 2001-02 2002-03



t Pro


ion (IN






SCALE : 1 cm = 20 Lakhtonnes on Y axis



Paper - 1

A.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)

A.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) During the Post independence period special emphasis was given to dairy

occupation and due to this India ranks first in milk production in the world.1. Special breeds of cows and buffaloes, nutritious fodder and capital for

other activities is provided to the farmers dealing in milk production.2. Veterinary care services have been started in India even at the

taluka level.3. The Government of India has attempted to boost the production of

milk by implementing ‘Project Operation Milk Flood’4. The objectives of this programme are to provide the farmers with a

fair price for their products by linking the rural areas which are high

... 4 ...




Leading state in silk production- Karnataka

Tea producing area in Assam

Mumbai High Oil Producing Centre1.



Tarapur Atomic energy centre4.

Mumbai High








Paper - 1... 5 ...



milk production areas to the urban areas which are high milkconsumption areas. This programme also aims at achieving theobjective of generating employment in the rural areas and to increasethe intake of milk and milk products in the diet of the common man.

Hence, due to the efforts taken by the government, today India ranksfirst in milk production in the world. (Use stencil)

(ii) Considering the characteristics, there are five major categories of landuse in India.1. Area under forests – All types of forests are included in this category.

About 23 % of the total area of the nation is under forests. Generallyforests are dense in the mountainous and heavy rainfall regionsand vary according to the amount of rainfall.

2. Land not available for cultivation – Lands under roads, railways,settlements and water bodies are included in this category. Similarlybarren, rugged and land not suitable for cultivation also come inthis category. About 13 percent of the area of the country is includedin this type of land use. West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Meghalaya,Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh have large area of this type.

3. Grazing and cultivable waste land – There are very few permanentpastures in India. Permanent pastures, area under miscellaneoustrees and cultivable waste land which is not cultivated at present,are included in this category. Out of the total land in India about 10percent comes under this category.

4. Fallow land – Land which was under cultivation but presently is notbeing cultivated is known as fallow land. Some farmers keep someland fallow for a year or two to maintain fertility of the soil. Areaunder fallow land is about 8 percent in the nation.

5. Cultivated land – About 46 percent of the total area of the nation isunder cultivation. Distribution of cultivated area in India is uneven.Percentage of cultivated land is highest in Punjab and Haryana and lowin Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand.

Thus, the use of land depends on the characteristics of the land.(Draw divided circle)

(iii) India is one of the twelve countries which have a lot of biodiversity. India has5% of the total living species. India has several varieties of cereals, pulses,spices, vegetables, fibre crops, beverages and a variety of plant species.1. It is a matter of growing concern that the cover of vegetation in the

forests is declining.2. The species of plants and animals in India are decreasing rapidly.3. In the past few decades, vegetation has decreased. Of the known

medicinal herbs some species have become extinct.4. The growing population and various industries are directly or

indirectly responsible for depletion of plant and animal life.


Paper - 1... 6 ...






5. Roads, railways, houses, agriculture, industrial projects and hydroelectric projects are being developed in the regions of biodiversity.

6. Hence it results in depletion of plants and animals and also destroysthe entire ecosystem.

In order to prevent extinction of plant and animal species they arebeing conserved. Protected areas are being developed in our country.

A.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Economic development means increase in real national income.(ii) The services are intangible.

A.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) (i) The term ‘economic growth’ refers to increase over time in a

country’s real output of goods and services or more appropriatelyproduct per capita.

(ii) It is generally measured in terms of GNP/NNP. Other measuresare extent of urbanisation, degree of industrialisation, level ofhuman development etc.

(ii) (i) The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 defines any person whobuys any commodity or service or a user of such a commodityor service as a ‘Consumer’.

(ii) However, an individual buying a commodity for the purpose ofresale will not be treated as a “Consumer”.

(iii) (i) The homeless poor and those who do not have proper residentialaddress do not purchase food grains from PDS.

(ii) The Above Poverty Line (APL) families also have reduced theirpurchase from PDS after the introduction of the Dual PricingSystem in 1997.

A.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) The rights of the consumers under the Consumer Protection Act,

1986 are as follows :(i) Right to Safety :

Every consumer has a right to be protected from goods whichare hazardous to life and property. E.g. colours used in foodproducts, toys, home appliances.

(ii) Right to Information :Every consumer has a right to be informed about quality,quantity, potency, purity, standard and the price of thecommodity or service before purchase.

(iii) Right to be Heard :a) Every consumer has the right to express his/her opinion

regarding the quality and prices of the goods or services.b) Consumers views should receive due consideration from


Paper - 1

manufacturers, traders and sellers.(iv) Right to Seek Redressal :

Every consumer has the right to seek redressal of grievances from theDistrict Forum, the State Commission and the National Commission.

(v) Right to Choose :Every consumer has the right wherever possible, to have an accessto a variety of goods at competitive prices and make a choice accordingto their financial ability and preferences.

(vi) Right to Consumer Education :Every consumer has the right to receive information about low quality,spurious, adulterated and dangerous goods through posters,exhibitions and literature and other media.

(vii)Right to Environment :a) Every consumer has the right to enjoy clear and pollution-free

environmentb) The consumer can lodge a complaint in writing against any

business unit creating pollution and claim redressal.

(ii) (i) In 1997, a dual pricing structure was introduced under the PublicDistribution system called as the Targeted Public Distribution System.

(ii) The P.D.S prices for Below Poverty Line families (BPL) were 50% ofthe market prices.

(iii) On the contrary, P.D.S prices for Above Poverty Line (APL) familieswere very close to market prices.

(iv) There was no incentive for the Above Poverty Line (APL) families tobuy from the P.D.S.

(v) As a result, their purchase from P.D.S reduced and the stock of foodgrains with the government piled up.

(vi) To solve this problem the government has reduced the P.D.S priceby 30% for Above Poverty Line (APL) families in July 2001.

... 7 ...


Page 10: mahesh tutorials SSC QUESTION PAPER WITH SOLUTION

Paper - 2

Q.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives from thosegiven in the brackets :

(i) Oxbreed of .................. is from Rajasthan.(Nagori, Kathiawadi, Malwa)(ii) An agricultural activity which is practiced with protection and

conservation of resources is called ............... agriculture.(modern, traditional, sustainable, shifting)

Q.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Sandalwood (a) Packing boxes(ii) Sheesham (b) Perfumes

(c) Furniture

Q.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) Forests are of great economic and ecological importance.(ii) Intensive agriculture is done in densely populated regions.(iii) India exports iron ore on a large scale.

Q.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) Oil seeds(ii) Land conservation.(iii) Project Operation Milk Flood Programme.

Q.3. (A) Draw a simple bar graph with the following information :






S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12

ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5


India : Sugar Production

Years Production

2001 - 02 150

2002 - 03 190

2003 - 04 170

2004 - 05 130


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Best Of Luck

Q.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)(i) Leading Rice producing state in India(ii) Iron ore producing area in Jharkhand(iii) Coffee producing area in South India(iv) Geothermal centre in Himachal Pradesh

Q.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) Give information about coal producing areas in India.(ii) What are the characteristics of Indian agriculture ?(iii) State the various measures for conservation of forest taken at the

government level.

Q.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Development process is continuous and is experienced in ...................

period. (short run, long run, very short run)(ii) ............... is an exception to the Consumer Protection Act.

(Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra, Karnataka)

Q.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) What is meant by economic development?(ii) Which services have been excluded from consumer protection?(iii) What is the basic objective of PDS?

Q.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) What are the duties of consumers?(ii) What is the progress of PDS?

Page 12: mahesh tutorials SSC QUESTION PAPER WITH SOLUTION

Paper - 2

A.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives from thosegiven in the brackets :

(i) Oxbreed of Nagori is from Rajasthan.(ii) An agricultural activity which is practiced with protection and

conservation of resources is called sustainable agriculture.

A.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Sandalwood – Perfumes(ii) Sheesham – Furniture

A.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) 1. Forests are of great economic and ecological importance because of

their protective and productive functions.2. Forests provide us with firewood, timber, sandalwood, medicinal

herbs, lac, gum, honey etc.3. They also perform various protective functions such as it reduces the

intensity of floods and prevents soil erosion, maintains ecological balance,purifies the environment and provides a natural habitat for wild animals.

4. Thus forests not only give us economic gains but also prevents thedegradation of environment and maintains ecological balance.

(ii) 1. In India farms are fragmented into small parts which are dividedamong a number of inheritors. Besides, the farms are bunded whichreduces the farm size.

2. Farming operations are based on animals and human efforts. Dueto the small size of farms use of machines is very difficult.

3. Because of dense population manpower is available and people getemployment.

4. So intensive farming is practiced in the areas of dense population,where cultivable land is limited.

(iii) 1. India has very large reserves of iron ore and accounts for 20 percentof the total iron ore reserves of the world.

2. There has also been a significant increase in iron ore productionduring the post independence period.






S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.

GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5



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3. After supplying iron ore to its own industries India exports largequantities of iron ore.

4. This helps India to earn a lot of foreign exchange.

A.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) 1. Groundnuts, sesame, sunflower, safflower, mustard, soyabean,

linseed are main oil-seed crops.2. These crops occupy about 12 percent of the total food cropped area

of the country.3. Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan and Andhra

Pradesh produce 60 per cent of the total oil-seeds of the country.4. Groundnut is the principal oil-seed crop. Highest production of

groundnut is taken in Gujarat followed by Andhra Pradesh and TamilNadu.

5. Soyabean is produced on a large scale in the states of MadhyaPradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan.

6. Production of sunflower is mainly from Karnataka, Andhra Pradeshand Maharashtra.

(ii) Conservation of land means protection of land against degradation andimproving quality and productivity of it. For providing protection and asecure future to living beings, it is necessary to conserve land. Thefollowing measures are useful for conservation of land resources :-1. Make proper and wise use of land.2. Develop pollution - free industrial processes.3. Prevent deforestation and promote afforestation in the deforested

regions.4. Make limited use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture

and make use of organic fertilizers.5. Construct bunds on sloping land to prevent soil erosion.6. Restrict use of agricultural land for other land uses.7. Control polluted elements which mix with atmosphere and land.8. Make proper disposal of man-made waste materials, plastics etc.9. Spread importance of land conservation by means of population

education, literacy and environmental education at all levels.

(iii) 1. India ranks first in milk production in the world. During the postindependence period special emphasis was given to dairy occupation.

2. Farmers were given other facilities such as special breeds of cowsand buffaloes, nutritious fodder, veterinary care services and capitalfor other activities

3. The programme ‘Project Operation Milk Flood’ has been chalked outby the Government of India to increase the milk production

4. The objectives of this programme are to provided a fair price to thefarmer for their products.




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5. It also has the objective of connecting the rural and the urbanareas.

6. The other objectives are to increase the intake of milk in the diet ofthe common man and to provide employment in the rural areas.

A.3. (A) Draw a simple bar graph with the following information :














0 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05



r pro


ion (I

n lak

h t



SCALE : 1 cm = 20 Lakhtonnes on Y axis

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A.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)

A.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) In India, coal is a very important resource of energy. About 67 percent

of the total energy is obtained from it.1. Coal deposits are found in the river basins of Damodar, Son,

Mahanadi, Brahmani, Wardha, Godavari and Indravati and also inthe regions of Satpura and Rajmahal hills.

2. Peat, lignite, bituminous and anthracite are varieties of coal whichare classified on the basis of their carbon content.

3. Peat contains less than 50 percent of carbon occurs at Palaniand Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu and some parts of Jammuand Kashmir.


Iron ore producing area in Jharkhand – Singhbhum

Coffee producing area in South India

Leading rice producing state in India– West Bengal









West Bengal

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4. Lignite contains 65 to 75 percent carbon and is found in thestates of Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Rajasthan. In Tamil Nadu,Neyveli is the important lignite coal producing field.

5. Bituminous coal contains 85 to 90 percent of carbon and is found inthe state of Jharkhand, West Bengal, Orissa, Chhattisgarh andMadhya Pradesh.

6. In Jammu and Kashmir anthracite coal is found in small deposits.India stands third after China and United States of America in the reservesof coal in the world. (Use stencil)

(ii) India is an agricultural country. It holds an important place in Indianeconomy. The features of Indian agriculture are -1. Employment generating sector :

Indian agriculture is based on human labour. Hence, it providesemployment in agricultural occupations on a large scale. Out of thetotal population, about 65 percent of the people are engaged in thisoccupation.

2. Rainfall-based agriculture :Indian agriculture is dependent mainly on monsoon rains. Areaunder irrigation is very limited. Agricultural production is affecteddue to uncertain nature of the rainfall.

3. Crop diversity :Several varieties of crops are grown in India in different seasonsand at different places throughout the year. Foodgrains, pulses,fibre crops, oil seeds, fruits and vegetables as well as beveragecrops are cultivated.

4. Traditional and modern agriculture :Traditional as well as modern methods of agriculture are found inIndia. In the undeveloped and remote areas traditional methods ofagriculture are still in practice. In developing areas modern methodsof agriculture are practiced. During the pre-independence periodtraditional agriculture was being done on a large scale. However,after independence, implementation of new schemes had increasedthe use of modern agricultural methods.

5. Size of farms :Due to fragmentation of land, size of farms has decreased. Therefore,use of machines becomes difficult.

6. Relations with industrial sector :Due to changing policies in Indian agriculture, co-ordination betweenagriculture and industries is increasing. Similarly, due to modernmeans of transport and marketing facilities, relations betweenagriculture and industries have strengthened.

7. Significance of agricultural products in export :Agricultural products have importance in export trade of India.Agricultural products valuing upto 14 percent contribute to exportsof the nation.

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(iii) It is the need of the hour to conserve forests for maintainingecological balance. Following are the various measures forconservation of forest taken at the government level :1. Prevent cutting of trees.2. Application of land use for growth of forest.3. Sanction government grants for tree plantation.4. Encourage fruit farming.5. Control conflagration of forest.6. Involve students of schools and colleges in afforestation.7. Implement tree adoption system.8. Plant trees in open public places, barren land and hilly areas.By adopting these measures efforts are being made to prevent treecutting and conserving vegetation.

A.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Development process is continuous and is experienced in long run

period.(ii) Jammu and Kashmir is an exception to the Consumer Protection Act.

A.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) (i) Economic development means a selective attack on the worst forms

of poverty.(ii) Goals of development are progressive reduction and elimination of

malnutrition, illiteracy, diseases, inequalities and unemployment.

(ii) Services which have been excluded from consumer protection are(i) Free services like free libraries, free medical service etc.(ii) Services provided in the form of individual contract i.e maid servants,

domestic servant, etc.(iii) Services of doctors in Government hospitals.

(iii) (i) The basic objective of P.D.S. is to provide essential consumer goodsat cheap and subsidised prices to the consumer.

(ii) Besides this, the other important objective is to maintain theminimum nutritional status of the population.

A.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) The duties of consumers under Consumer Protection Act, 1986 are as

follows :(i) Protection against unsafe and dangerous products :

A consumer must check the products before purchase.(ii) Protection against deceptive and unfair trade practices :

A consumer must obtain proper receipt at the time of purchaseof goods.

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(iii) Protection against all types of pollution :A consumer must protect the environment from air, water and soundpollution.

(iv) Proper knowledge :A consumer must acquire basic knowledge of the goods and serviceswhich he/she intends to buy.

(v) Consumer education :A consumer must participate in consumer education programsorganised by voluntary organisations with the help of mass media.

(ii) PDS is a system created by Government to supply essential goods atreasonable prices through a chain of fair price shops.(i) Major items covered :

Major items covered under PDS are rice, wheat, sugar, kerosene,cloth and edible oils.

(ii) Items in demand :86% of the total PDS sales were for rice, wheat, sugar and kerosene.

(iii) Requirements of PDS :Ration cards are issued to the households on the basis of residentialaddress.

(iv) Coverage of PDS :PDS covers the entire population.

(v) Number of fair price shops :The number of fair price shops have increased from0.47. lakhs 4.74 Lakhs (1960) (2002)

(vi) P.D.S distribution worth :-The P.D.S distributes commodities worth Rs. 30,000 crore annually.

(vii) Families benefitted :16 crore families are benefitted annually by PDS.

(viii) Peak level offtake :Peak level offtake of 19 million tonnes took place in 1991-92.

(ix) Decreasing offtake :In recent years the offtake from P.D.S. is decreasing due to thereducing gap between open market price and P.D.S. price especiallyof wheat and rice.

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Paper - 3

Q.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives from thosegiven in the brackets :

(i) For making colours and bangles ............ is used.(gum, lac, sandalwood, honey)

(ii) Large reserves of manganese deposits are present in ................ districtof Andhra Pradesh. (Nagpur, Srikakulam, Singhbhum, Hazaribag)

Q.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Kaiga (a) Karnataka(ii) Narora (b) Uttar Pradesh

(c) Tamil Nadu

Q.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) The size of the farms is small in India.(ii) There is a little scope to increase the area under cultivation in India.(iii) Aluminium is used on a large scale in industrial sectors.

Q.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) Wind energy.(ii) Land degradation.(iii) Bio-technology.

Q.3. (A) Draw a multiple line graph with the following information :






S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12

ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5


























CROP PRODUCTION (in million tonnes)

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Best Of Luck

Q.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)(i) Leading spices producing state in India(ii) Mineral oil producing area in Assam(iii) Cotton producing area in Maharashtra(iv) Solar energy centre in Gujarat

Q.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) Mention the uses of Indian forests.(ii) What are the features of intensive farming ?(iii) Give information about cultivated land.

Q.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Economic growth process occurs in a ................... economy.

(static, dynamic, sound)(ii) The consumers are ................. (organised, scattered, unorganised)

Q.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) Give any one indicator of growth.(ii) Where can a complaint be lodged ?(iii) What is the share of 4 Northern states in the total offtake of food grains

for families below poverty line?

Q.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) Why is the offtake from P.D.S decreasing?(ii) What is the progress of PDS?

Page 21: mahesh tutorials SSC QUESTION PAPER WITH SOLUTION

Paper - 3

A.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives from thosegiven in the brackets :

(i) For making colours and bangles lac is used.(ii) Large reserves of manganese deposits are present in Srikakulam district

of Andhra Pradesh.

A.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Kaiga – Karnataka(ii) Narora – Uttar Pradesh

A.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) 1. Density of population is very high in India, whereas the area under

cultivation is limited.2. Due to dense population manpower is available and farming operation

are based on animals and human efforts.3. In India, farms are fragmented into small parts which are divided

among a number of inheritors.4. Besides, the farms are bunded which reduces the farm size.

(ii) After independence as much land as possible has already been broughtunder cultivation. There in not much scope left today to increase thearea under cultivation because :1. Land under roads, railways, settlements and water bodies cannot

be brought under cultivation and even grazing land is limited.2. The area under forests cannot be reduced.3. Besides, the unfavourable physical and climatic conditions have

restricted addition to the area under cultivation.4. Therefore there is no alternative but cultivate the available land and

increase production by improved methods of cultivation.

(iii) 1. Aluminium is obtained from bauxite and abundant reserves of it arefound in India.

2. Aluminium is lighter in weight than steel but its alloys are as strongas steel. Therefore spare parts of automobiles, aeroplanes, ship etc.are made of it as they consume less fuel.






S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.

GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5



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3. Due to its property of conduction of heat and electricity it isused in the manufacture of utensils and electric wires.

4. As it is cheaper and readily available aluminium is used on a largescale in industrial sectors.

A.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) 1. Wind Energy is a non conventional source of energy.

2. The amount of production of the wind energy depends on its velocity,direction of wind and physiography of the region.

3. India ranks 5th in the world in the potentiality of generating wind energy.4. A large wind energy grid is located near Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu.5. Wind energy is generated in some parts of Maharashtra, Andhra

Pradesh, Karanataka, Gujarat and Orissa.

(ii) 1. Decrease in carrying capacity of land due to natural or humanintervention is called land degradation.

2. Nowadays, mechanical equipments, and chemical fertilizers are usedat large scale. Besides, due to running water and winds, soil particlesare transported.

3. It results in decrease in the quality and productivity of soil. Thequality of soil decreases. Such condition of land is called landdegradation.

4. Floods and water logging have led to formation of saline soils leadingto degradation.

5. As land is limited we experience its shortage due to growing populationand increasing demands.

6. Due to increase in industrial areas, urbanisation, mining andmodernisation in agricultural techniques the problem of landdegradation has become very severe.

(iii) 1. Certain organisms are used to obtain better quality of production tocontrol pests and diseases of crops and to increase production.

2. This technique is called bio-technology.3. In recent times, progressive farmers are using bio-technology for

farming.4. It is modern concept which has benefited the farmers to a great


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2A.3. (A) Draw a simple bar graph with the following information :





p p


ion (

in m


on t








2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-20041999-2000 2000-2001







SCALE : 1 cm = 10 milliontonnes on Y axis





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A.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)

A.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) Forests are of great economic and ecological importance because of their

protective and productive function.1. Forest products include wood, lac, gum, medicinal plants, honey,

cane, bamboo, different types of grasses, fruits, flowers and otherproducts.

2. Forests in India provide wood for buildings, furniture and productsrequired by industries. Some of them include teak, deodar, sal,sheesham, khair, sandalwood, sundri, haldu etc.

3. Teak, sal, haldu, provide wood for building purpose. Teak, deodar,sheesham and haldu also provide wood for furniture.


Cotton producing area in Maharashtra

Leading spices producing state in India – Kerala




Solar energy centre in Gujarat – Madhapur








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4. Matchboxes and plywood are made from soft wood like deodar.5. Sundri trees are used for boat making and manufacturing paper,

Khair is useful for tanning and making katha.6. Perfumed oil, handicraft articles and agarbattis are made from sandal

wood.7. Grass in the forest is used as fodder, lac for making colours and

bangles and the bark of babul for medicines.8. Firewood is still used as fuel in rural areas, bamboo used for building

material and cane for furniture.9. Along with the above productive functions the forest also performs

various protective functions such as it reduces the intensity of floodsand prevents soil erosion, maintains ecological balance, purifies theenvironment and provides a natural habitat for wild animals.

Thus, the contribution of Indian forests to the Indian economy is worthconsideration

(ii) Intensive farming is practised in the areas of dense population andwhere cultivable land is limited. To get high production intensive labour,high yielding varieties of crops, fertilizers, insecticides and irrigation isused. The features of intensive farming are :1. Farms are fragmented into small parts which are divided among a

number of inheritors. Besides the farms are bunded which reducesthe farm size.

2. In this type of farming, animals are domesticated. These animalsare used for various farming operations. Besides, milk, meat, eggsare obtained as supplementary products from them.

3. Farming operations are based on animals and human efforts. Becauseof dense population manpower is available. Due to the small size offarms use of machines is very difficult. Being labour based agriculture,people get employment.

4. Food grains, fruits, vegetables, oil-seeds are cultivated.5. Rice is grown where the climate is hot and humid and in heavy

rainfall areas. Wheat is grown in low rainfall areas.6. Intensive agriculture is practised in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,

Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.Yield per hectare is high in intensive type of farming. (Use stencil)

(iii) The distribution of cultivated area in India is very uneven1. About 46 percent of the total area of the nation is under cultivation.2. Percentage of area under cultivation is highest in Punjab and Haryana.3. In states of West Bengal. Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala,

Karanataka and Gujarat, area under cultivation is higher than thenational average.

4. In the mountainous states of Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, HimachalPradesh and Uttarakhand, area under cultivation is very low.

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5. Efforts were made to bring as much land as possible undercultivation. This has led to increase in the cultivated area.

6. There is not much scope left today to increase the area undercultivation, because the area under forests cannot be reduced.Besides, unfavourable physical and climatic conditions haverestricted addition to the area under cultivation,

Therefore, there is no alternative but cultivate the available land andincrease production by improved methods of cultivation. (Use stencil)

A.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Economic growth process occurs in a dynamic economy.(ii) The consumers are unorganised.

A.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) (i) Increase overtime in a country’s real output of goods and services

is the most important indicator of growth.(ii) It is generally measured in terms of GNP/NNP.

(ii) An aggrieved consumer can lodge a complaint at the District Forum /State Commission.(i) A consumer from any place, who has purchased a commodity from

Mumbai, must lodge his complaint at the Mumbai Forum/MaharashtraState Commission. (Mumbai - place of purchase of the commodity)

(ii) A consumer residing in Pune, who has purchased a commoditymanufactured in Haryana, must lodge his complaint at the PuneDistrict Forum / Maharashtra State Commission. (Pune - place ofresidence of consumer)

(iii) (i) The four Northern States of Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthanand Uttar Pradesh accounted for 48% of Below Poverty Line families.

(ii) And the food grain offtake from PDS accounted for just 10% of thetotal offtake of food grains in the country.

A.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) (i) In recent years the offtake from P.D.S. is decreasing due to the

reducing gap between open market price and P.D.S. price especiallyof wheat and rice.

(ii) For example - In Delhi the gap between open market price andP.D.S price of wheat reduced from 47% to 8% from 1991 to 1994.

(ii) PDS is a system created by Government to supply essential goods atreasonable prices through a chain of fair price shops.(i) Major items covered :

Major items covered under PDS are rice, wheat, sugar, kerosene,cloth and edible oils.

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(ii) Items in demand :86% of the total PDS sales were for rice, wheat, sugar and kerosene.

(iii) Requirements of PDS :Ration cards are issued to the households on the basis of residentialaddress.

(iv) Coverage of PDS :PDS covers the entire population.

(v) Number of fair price shops :The number of fair price shops have increased from0.47. lakhs 4.74 Lakhs (1960) (2002)

(vi) P.D.S distribution worth :-The P.D.S distributes commodities worth Rs. 30,000 crore annually.

(vii) Families benefitted :16 crore families are benefitted annually by PDS.

(viii) Peak level offtake :Peak level offtake of 19 million tonnes took place in 1991-92.

(ix) Decreasing offtake :In recent years the offtake from P.D.S. is decreasing due to thereducing gap between open market price and P.D.S. price especiallyof wheat and rice.

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Paper - 4

Q.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives fromthose given in the brackets :

(i) Natural gas is produced at .................. on a large scale.(Mumbai High, Nazira, Digboi, Koyli)

(ii) ............... state has the highest production of groundnut.(Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu)

Q.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Cow (a) Jersey(ii) Buffalo (b) Mahesana

(c) Bikaneri

Q.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) Goat rearing is less expensive.(ii) Wheat production increased significantly after the Green Revolution.(iii) Minerals in certain areas are on the verge of extinction.

Q.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) Sustainable agricuture.(ii) Fallow land.(iii) Forest products.

Q.3. (A) Draw a compound bar graph with the following information :






S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12

ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5


















(Production of Railway Engines)

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Best Of Luck

Q.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)(i) Leading state in milk production in India(ii) The state having lowest forest cover in North India(iii) Sugarcane producing area in Maharashtra(iv) Atomic energy centre in Rajasthan

Q.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) State the measures for conservation of plants and animals.(ii) What do we mean by conservation of land ? Write the measures for the

conservation of land resources.(iii) In the outline map of India show the main rice producing states and give

information about rice production in India.

Q.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Increase in income of developed countries is ................... developing

countries. (less than, more than, equal to)(ii) The reputed firms have their own .................... control departments.

(quantity, quality, price)

Q.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) Give any one characteristic of developing economy.(ii) Who can lodge a complaint?(iii) Why is the offtake from P.D.S decreasing?

Q.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) What are the objects of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986?(ii) Which measures have been suggested in order to remove the defects of


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Paper - 4

A.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives fromthose given in the brackets :

(i) Natural gas is produced at Mumbai High on a large scale.(ii) Gujarat state has the highest production of groundnut.

A.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Cow – Jersey(ii) Buffalo – Mahesana

A.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) 1 It is less expensive to buy a goat.

2. It is a sturdy animal which thrives on bushy grasses and thornyvegetation.

3. Goats are small in size and require less space.4. Goats provide us with milk meat and manure.5. As goat rearing requires less expenditure even a poor man can

afford to rear goats. So goat is called the poor man’s cow.

(ii) 1. Wheat is cultivated in areas with mean annual rainfall of 75cm. and fertile soil. It is cultivated in the Rabi season.

2. The highest quantity of wheat in the country is in Uttar Pradeshand it is followed by Punjab and Haryana where wheat isproduced on a large scale.

3. There is a significant increase in the production of wheat aftergreen revolution. Improved seeds, proper application of fertilizersand irrigation facilities are utilized.

4. So, wheat production increased significantly after greenrevolution.

(iii) 1. Minerals are formed by natural processes of long duration andare limited and exhaustible.

2. The use of minerals has increased on a large scale due toincreasing demand from the agricultural and the industrialsectors.






S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.

GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5



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3. Therefore, minerals in certain areas are on the verge of extinction.4. Industrial development depends on availability of minerals so

for the continual industrial development of a nation a regularsupply of minerals is essential. So conservation of minerals isnecessary.

A.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) ‘Sustainable agriculture is a modern concept. An agricultural activity

which is practised with protection and conservation of resources is calledsustainable agriculture. Its main objectives are as follows :1. Maintain environmental balance.2. Achieve socio-economic equality.3. Get economic benefits.Farmers, labourers, consumers, planners and other related aspects arean integral part of this agriculture. This type of agriculture does notcause harm to human health and environment and resources arepreserved in good quality for the use of future generations.It is practised in some parts of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra.

(ii) 1. Land which was under cultivation but presently is not being cultivatedis known as fallow land.

2. Some farmers keep some land fallow for a year or two to maintainfertility of the soil.

3. Area under fallow land is about 8 percent in the nation.4. With some efforts such land can be brought under cultivation.

(iii) 1. Forest products include wood, lac, gum, medicinal plants, honey,cane, bamboo, different types of grasses, fruits, flowers and otherproducts.

2. Wood is used for making traditional implements for agriculture,timber, paper etc.

3. Scented wood is used for making perfumes, soaps, agarbattis etc.4. Lac is used for colours and making bangles.5. Matchboxes and plywood are made from soft wood.6. Wood is also used to manufacture sports goods and packing boxes.7. Bark of babul tree is used for making medicines.8. Sundri trees are used for boat making and manufacturing paper,

Khair is useful for tanning and making katha.9. Forests in India provide wood for buildings, furniture and

products required by industries. Some of them include teak,deodar, sal, sheesham, khair, sandalwood, sundri, haldu etc.




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2A.3. (A) Draw a compound bar graph with the following information :



























SCALE : Scale : 1 cm = 1000 Engines






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A.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)

A.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) In order to prevent extinction of plant and animal species they are being

conserved. Following are the measures undertaken :1. Protected areas are therefore being developed in our country.2. National parks and sanctuaries are protected by law. Tree cutting

and hunting is strictly not allowed.3. The national parks are restricted from cattle grazing and other

traditional occupations. India has 92 national parks and about 500sanctuaries.

4. They play a vital role in the protection and conservation of naturalhabitats and their biodiversity.


The state having lowest forest cover in North India – Haryana

Sugarcane producing area in Maharashtra

Leading state in milk production in India – Uttar Pradesh




Atomic energy centre in Rajasthan4.

Rawatbhatta 1



2 Uttar Pradesh


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5. Certain projects are undertaken to protect animal species andprovide natural environment for the animals.

6. Tiger project, elephant project and save barasingha project areexamples of such efforts.

7. Outside their natural habitat animals and plants are conserved inthe zoos and botanical gardens.

8. For the conservation of plant species certain governmentmeasures like encouraging fruit farming, controlling conflagrationof forest, implementing tree adoption system etc. are also beingundertaken.

Thus by developing sanctuaries and adopting programmes like Van-Mahotsav, animals and plants are being conserved.

(ii) Conservation of land means protection of land against degradationand improving quality and productivity of it. For providing protectionand a secure future to living beings, it is necessary to conserveland. The following measures are useful for conservation of landresources :-1. Make proper and wise use of land.2. Develop pollution - free industrial processes.3. Prevent deforestation and promote afforestation in the deforested

regions.4. Make limited use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture

and make use of organic fertilizers.5. Construct bunds on sloping land to prevent soil erosion.6. Restrict use of agricultural land for other land uses.7. Control polluted elements which mix with atmosphere and land.8. Make proper disposal of man-made waste materials, plastics etc.9. Spread importance of land conservation by means of population

education, literacy and environmental education at all levels.

(iii) 1. Rice is the main grain crop of India. India ranks second in the worldin production of rice.

2. About 34 percent of the total cultivated area of the nation is underrice cultivation.

3. Out of the total production of foodgrains, production of rice is 42percent.

4. Rice is cultivated in areas having annual average rainfall of 125 cm.and average temperature of 23 degree celsius.

5. Major rice cultivating areas are north-east India, eastern and westerncoastal regions and river basin of Ganga.

6. West Bengal, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh are the major riceproducing states. (Use stencil)

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A.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Increase in income of developed countries is more than developing

countries.(ii) The reputed firms have their own quality control departments.

A.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) (i) A developing economy like India has Low Per Capita Income as

compared to developed economies.(ii) For eg. in 2003 :

The per capita income of India was $ 530 and on the other hand theper capita income of Switzerland was about 75 times, U.S.A. was71 times and that of Germany was 48 times more than the percapita income of India.

(ii) As per the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 the following can lodge acomplaint :(i) A consumer.(ii) One or more consumers having the same complaint.(iii) The Central Government or any State Government.(iv) Any Voluntary Consumer Association registered under the

Companies Act, 1956.

(iii) (i) In recent years the offtake from P.D.S. is decreasing due to thereducing gap between open market price and P.D.S. price especiallyof wheat and rice.

(ii) For example - In Delhi the gap between open market price andP.D.S price of wheat reduced from 47% to 8% from 1991 to 1994.

A.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) The objects of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986 are as follows :-

(i) To protect the interests of the consumers.(ii) To set up quasi-judicial machinery to settle consumers grievances.(iii) To seek speedy and simple redressal to consumer disputes through

the machineries which are set up at District, State and Centrallevels.

(iv) To give relief of a specific nature and to award compensation toaggrieved consumers on the basis of merit of each case.

(ii) To overcome the defects of P.D.S. the following measures can beadopted :(i) Establishment of food banks :

a) Food banks should be established at the local level as thiswould help in the procurement, storage and distribution at thelocal level.

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... 7 ...

b) This would reduce the cost of transport, storage and handling,ensuring adequate and timely supply of essential commodities.

(ii) Extension of P.D.S Coverage :P.D.S coverage should be extended to cover all BPL families especiallythe homeless ones.

(iii) Adoption of Wage Employment Programmes:Wage Employment Programmes should be adopted by theGovernment to liquidate the food stocks of Food Corporation of India.

(iv) Restructuring of P.D.S:The P.D.S should be restructured to solve the problem of largenumber of hunger ridden people on one hand and stock of excessfood grains in Government godowns on the other.

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Paper - 5

Q.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives from thosegiven in the brackets :

(i) Keonjhar in Orissa is famous for ................ mineral.(mica, iron ore, dolomite, bauxite)

(ii) Out of the total forest area in India about ............ percent comes underthe reserved forests. (25, 23, 33, 55)

Q.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Lignite (a) 90% to 95%(ii) Bituminous (b) 85% to 90%

(c) 65% to 75%

Q.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) The production is low in shifting cultivation.(ii) Oil refineries are located along the sea coast.(iii) Fish production has increased in India.

Q.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) Wind energy.(ii) Uses of copper.(iii) Cattle resource.

Q.3. (A) Draw a multiple bar graph with the following information :






S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12

ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5


Admissions in Mahesh Tutorials

1990-91 1991-92 1992-93

Mulund Branch 200 350 400

Andheri Branch 300 400 500

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Best Of Luck

Q.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)(i) States having highest area under cultivation(ii) Leading state in fresh water production(iii) Kaiga atomic energy centre(iv) Mumbai High - Natural Gas Field

Q.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) Write about the iron ore mineral in India.(ii) State the objectives of National Forest Policy.(iii) What are the features of Indian agriculture ?

Q.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Economic growth implies ................... changes are expected.

(qualitative, quantitative, comparative)(ii) The Consumer Protection Act is basically passed to protect the interests

of .................. (producers, consumers, merchants)

Q.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) What is meant by economic development?(ii) What do you understand by Right to be heard?(iii) In which year was the offtake from P.D.S outlets maximum?

Q.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) Explain the term “Unfair Trade Practice”.(ii) What are the defects of P.D.S?

Page 39: mahesh tutorials SSC QUESTION PAPER WITH SOLUTION

Paper - 5

A.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives from thosegiven in the brackets :

(i) Keonjhar in Orissa is famous for iron ore mineral.(ii) Out of the total forest area in India about 55 percent comes under the

reserved forests.

A.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Lignite – 65% to 75%(ii) Bituminous – 85% to 90%

A.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) 1. Shifting Cultivation is a very primitive type of farming.

2. It is practised by some communities from the remote mountainousand forest regions.

3. After a piece of land is selected, the land is cleared and the vegetationthereupon is burnt, the potash content in the soil increases butorganic materials are lost.

4. Good quality seeds, crop protection methods and modern implementsare not used. Hence crop production is low.

(ii) Oil refineries are located near the coastal parts of India1. There are 18 oil refineries in India out of which several refineries

are located on the coast.2. 70% of the mineral oil used in India is imported from foreign countries

due to the production of mineral oil being less than the consumption.3. This mineral oil is transported by water ways and thus it minimizes

the cost of transportation if the oil refinery is located along the seacoast.

4. This also helps to avoid the risk during the transportation due to itsinflammable nature.

(iii) 1. Due to the encouragement offered by the government, modern andwell-equipped boats are being utilized.

2. In order to improve fishing occupation the ‘National FishSeedlings Programme’ has been set up.






S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.

GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5



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3. The fish breeding has been developed by planting fish seedlingsin tanks, lakes, reservoirs and other water bodies.

4. Fishermen are provided with well-equipped boats, modern nylonnets, cold storage facilities, loans and government subsidies.

5. This has helped in increasing fish production in India and India hasbecome an exporter of fish.

A.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) 1. Wind Energy is a non conventional source of energy.

2. The amount of production of the wind energy depends on its velocity,direction of wind and physiography of the region.

3. India ranks 5th in the world in the potentiality of generating windenergy.

4. A large wind energy grid is located near Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu.5. Wind energy is generated in some parts of Maharashtra, Andhra

Pradesh, Karanataka, Gujarat and Orissa.

(ii) 1. Copper is a non rusting metal and also a good conductor of electricityand is thus used for making electrical wires and electricalequipments.

2. It is also used for making of utensils and alloys.3. It is also used in the manufacture of medicines.

(iii) 1. India ranks first in cattle production in the world.2. Cattle play a major role in the economy of India.3. Cows and buffaloes provide us with milk, meat and manure where

as the oxen are used for agricultural operation and draught forces.4. The Kathiawadi (Saurashtra), Nagori (Rajasthan), Malwa (M.P) and

Khillari (Maharasthra), are important varieties of oxen in India.Gir(Saurashtra), Sahiwal (Punjab), Deoni (Maharashtra and AndhraPradesh) are breeds of cows which give large quantity of milk Jersey,Brown, Holstein are cross breeds of cows.

5. The population of cattle is high in the states of Uttar Pradesh,Uttarakhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Maharashtra, Gujarat,Rajasthan, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh etc.




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2A.3. (A) Draw a multiple bar graph with the following information :

Andheri Branch

Mulund Branch






l A











0 1990 - 91 1991 - 92 1992 - 93



SCALE : 1 cm = 100 unitson Y axis

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A.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)

A.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) Iron ore is used in the manufacture of iron and steel. Iron and steel are

the major bases of industrial age.1. Haematite, magnetite, limonite and siderite are varieties of iron ore.

In India haematite deposits are in large quantities followed bymagnetite deposits.

2. Out of the total iron ore reserves in the world 20% is found in India.3. In India most of the iron ore mines are in Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand,

Orissa, Goa and Karnataka States.4. The important iron ore mines are located in Durg and Dantewara districts

of Chhattisgarh, West Singhbhum and East Singhbhum districts ofJharkhand, Sundergarh, Keonjhar and Mayurbhunj districts of Orrisa.


Leading state in fresh water fishproduction – West Bengal

Kaiga atomic energy centre

States having highest area under cultivation – Punjab and Haryana




Mumbai High – Natural Gas Field4.

Mumbai High








West Bengal

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5. In Maharashtra iron ore deposits are in Chandrapur,Gadhchiroli, Bhandara and Sindhudurg, districts.

6. India supplies iron ore to its own iron and steel plants and alsoexports a large quantity of it through the ports of Vishakhapatanam,Paradwip, Marmagaon and Mangalore.

There has been a significant increase in iron ore production during thepost independence period. (Use stencil)

(ii) In order to protect and conserve the forests the National Forest Policyhas the following objectives :1. Maintain ecological balance to stabilize the environment.2. Conserve natural vegetation.3. Prevent soil erosion in the catchment areas of rivers, lakes and

reservoirs.4. Prevent expansion of deserts in Rajasthan and the coastal tracts.5. Provide an alternative to firewood as a source of fuel to tribals and

rural people.6. Increase the productivity of forests to satisfy needs of the nation.7. Provide an ideal substitute for wood and encourage proper use of

forest produce.8. Enforce afforestation on a large scale with the help of social forestry

programmes, to increase the forest cover area.9. Encourage people’s movements on a large scale with participation of

women.Thus efforts are being taken by the government for conservation offorests.

(iii) India is an agricultural country. It holds an important place in Indianeconomy. The features of Indian agriculture are -1. Employment generating sector :

Indian agriculture is based on human labour. Hence, it providesemployment in agricultural occupations on a large scale. Out of the totalpopulation, about 65 percent of the people are engaged in this occupation.

2. Rainfall-based agriculture :Indian agriculture is dependent mainly on monsoon rains. Areaunder irrigation is very limited. Agricultural production is affecteddue to uncertain nature of the rainfall.

3. Crop diversity :Several varieties of crops are grown in India in different seasonsand at different places throughout the year. Foodgrains, pulses,fibre crops, oil seeds, fruits and vegetables as well as beveragecrops are cultivated.

4. Traditional and modern agriculture :Traditional as well as modern methods of agriculture are foundin India. In the undeveloped and remote areas traditional

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methods of agriculture are still in practice. In developing areasmodern methods of agriculture are practiced. During the pre-independence period traditional agriculture was being doneon a large scale. However, after independence, implementationof new schemes had increased the use of modern agriculturalmethods.

5. Size of farms :Due to fragmentation of land, size of farms has decreased.Therefore, use of machines becomes difficult.

6. Relations with industrial sector :Due to changing policies in Indian agriculture, co-ordinationbetween agriculture and industries is increasing. Similarly,due to modern means of transport and marketing facilities,relations between agriculture and industries havestrengthened.

7. Significance of agricultural products in export :Agricultural products have importance in export trade of India.Agricultural products valuing upto 14 percent contribute toexports of the nation.

A.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Economic growth implies quantitative changes are expected.(ii) The Consumer Protection Act is basically passed to protect the

interests of consumers.

A.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) (i) Economic development means a selective attack on the worst

forms of poverty.(ii) Goals of development are progressive reduction and elimination of

malnutrition, illiteracy, diseases, inequalities and unemployment.

(ii) (i) Right to be heard means that the consumers have a right toexpress their opinions regarding the quality and prices of thegoods or services.

(ii) Their views should be considered by manufacturers, sellersand traders.

(iii) The offtake from P.D.S outlets was a maximum of 19 million tonnesin the year 1991-1992.

A.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) Unfair Trade Practice means a trade practice which for the purpose of

promoting the sale of any goods or service adopts any unfair or deceptivepractice.Some of these Unfair Trade Practices are as follows :-

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(i) False representation of goods or services being of a particularstandard, quality, quantity, grade etc.

(ii) False representation of the second hand/renovated/old goodsas new goods.

(iii) False representation of sponsorship/affiliation which the sellermay not have.

(iv) False warranty or guarantee which the seller does not have.

(ii) The PDS has been criticised due to some of its defects.They are :(i) Limited benefits to poor :

(a) Only 20% of the poor were benefitted from P.D.S.(b) This means it left out majority of the homeless poor and others

who do not have proper registered address.(ii) Regional disparities:

a) The four southern states accounted for 18% of Below Poverty Line(BPL) population and 49% offtake of the PDS commodities in 1995.

b) The four northern states accounted for 48% of Below PovertyPopulation (BPL) population and 10% offtake of PDS commodities.

(iii) Urban Bias :a) The offtake in the urban areas was about 85% of the total PDS offtake.b) 75% fair price shops are in rural areas but due to very poor

delivery system often foodgrains are not available in them.(iv) Inefficient Food Corporation of India (F.C.I.) :

a) The economic cost of F.C.I. has been rising.b) The surplus stocks of wheat and rice are concentrated in only a

few states.

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Q.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives from thosegiven in the brackets :

(i) Farming in which farm produce is just enough to satisfy foodrequirement of the farming is called ............... farming.

(traditional, modern, subsistence, intensive)(ii) Katha is prepared from ............ tree. (Sal, Khair, Sheesham, Haldu)

Q.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Fertile land (a) Animal rearing(ii) Pasture land (b) Mining

(c) Agriculture

Q.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) Forest conservation is the need of the day.(ii) Minerals are important natural resources.(iii) Natural gas is an important fuel in India.

Q.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) Plantation farming.(ii) Buffalo resources.(iii) Mica.

Q.3. (A) Draw a divided rectangle with the following details :






S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12

ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5


Types of electricity Uses of electricity

Residential 25%

Commercial 8%

Industrial 35%

Farming 24%

Others 8%

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Best Of Luck

Q.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)(i) Copper Producing area in Rajasthan.(ii) Leading state in sea fishing.(iii) Jute producing area in West Bengal.(iv) Atomic energy centre in Uttar Pradesh.

Q.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) What efforts have been made by the government to increase the fish

production in India?(ii) What are the features of intensive farming ?(iii) State the measures for conservation of plants and animals.

Q.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Economic development means ................... in real national income.

(increase, decrease, stability)(ii) ............... is an exception to the Consumer Protection Act.

(Jammu and Kashmir, Maharashtra, Karnataka)

Q.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) Give any one characteristic of developing economy.(ii) What is a defect?(iii) What is the basic objective of PDS?

Q.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) Explain any five factors leading to consumers exploitation.(ii) Explain Targeted Public Distribution System.

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A.1. (A) Fill in the blanks choosing the appropriate alternatives fromthose given in the brackets :

(i) Farming in which farm produce is just enough to satisfy foodrequirement of the farming is called subsistence farming.

(ii) Katha is prepared from Khair tree.

A.1. (B) Match the Columns :Column ‘A’ Column ‘B’

(i) Fertile land – Agriculture(ii) Pasture land – Animal rearing

A.2. (A) Give geographical reasons : (Any 2)(i) 1. Due to irrational cutting of trees there is a danger of extinction

of several plant and animal species.2. Cover of vegetation in the forests is declining leading to problems

of soil erosion, floods, formation of barren lands and problemsof ecological imbalance.

3. Although it is possible to grow trees, their growth requires a longtime.

4. Therefore, forest conservation is the need of the day formaintaining ecological balance.

(ii) 1. Minerals are naturally occurring substances having a definitechemical composition and structure and are formed due toinorganic processes.

2. These are used for the manufacture of machines, production ofmedicines and also for agricultural activities.

3. The growth and development of industries depends upon theavailability of mineral resources.

4. Thus minerals are important natural resources.

(iii) The use of natural gas should increase in India because1. Natural gas reserves are large in India and thus its availability is

more.2. More over it is less polluting fuel as compared to other conventional







S.S.C. Test - III

Batch : SB Marks : 30

Date : Time : 1 hr.

GEOGRAPHY – Chapter : 4,5,6,7,8,9,12ECONOMICS – Chapter : 1,4,5



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3. The strain on the conventional fuel wood will be reduced if weare successful in supplying natural gas to the rural areas.

4. This will also help in protecting the forests from destruction byman and so, ecological balance can be maintained.

A.2. (B) Write short notes : (Any 2)(i) Major crops like tea, coffee, rubber, spices and coconut are cultivated in

plantation farming.1. The farms of plantation farming are called ‘plantations’ or ‘estates’.

The size of the plantation farms in India is about 40 hectares. InWest Bengal, some estates are about 200 hectares in size.

2. Only one crop is cultivated in plantation farming. Tea plantationsare found in Assam, Meghalaya, West Bengal etc. Coffee plantationsare in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. Rubber plantations are inthe states of Kerala, Tripura and Tamil Nadu.

3. Plantation agriculture requires a large amount of capital.4. Most of the products of plantation agriculture are exported.Plantation crop products have an important place in Indian economy.

(ii) 1. India has the highest buffalo population in the world. 57 % of theworld’s buffaloes are found in India.

2. 60 % of the milk production in India comes from buffaloes.3. The famous breeds of buffaloes in India are Jaffrabadi and Mahesana

from Gujarat, Niliravi from Punjab, Murha from Haryana, Bhadwarifrom Uttar Pradesh, Nagpuri from Maharashtra.

4. She buffaloes give us milk where as the male buffaloes are used asdraught force and for agricultural work.

5. The buffalo population is high in Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, MadhyaPradesh and Punjab.

(iii) 1. Mica is a non metallic mineral which has insulating properties2. It is used in electrical and electronic industries as an insulating

material.3. Mica is also used in production of medicines, paints etc.4. Mica reserves are very large in India and most of the production of

mica comes from Bihar, Jharkhand, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.5. Demand for mica has decreased due to the use of artificial substitutes

such as plastics which are much cheaper.




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2A.3. (A) Draw a divided rectangle with the following details :

25% 8% 35% 24% 8%








0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

SCALE : 1 cm = 10 %

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A.3. (B) Mark the following on the outline map of India : (Any 2)

A.4. Answer the following in detail : (Any 2)(i) 1. Due to encouragement offered by the government, modern and well-

equipped boats are being utilized.2. In order to improve fishing occupation, the ‘National Fish Seedlings

Programme’ has been set up.3. Fishermen are provided with well-equipped boats, modern nylon

nets, cold storage facilities, loans and government subsidies.4. Fish breeding has been developed by planting fish seedlings in tanks,

lakes, reservoirs and other water bodies.5. This has helped in increasing fish production and India has become

exporter of fish.


Leading state in sea fishing

Jute producing area in West Bengal

Copper Producing area in Rajasthan – Jhunjhunu and Alwar1.



Atomic energy centre in Uttar Pradesh4.








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6. Food requirement of the growing population is met with fishproducts to some extent. (Use stencil)

(ii) Intensive farming is practised in the areas of dense population andwhere cultivable land is limited. To get high production intensive labour,high yielding varieties of crops, fertilizers, insecticides and irrigation isused. The features of intensive farming are :1. Farms are fragmented into small parts which are divided among a

number of inheritors. Besides the farms are bunded which reducesthe farm size.

2. In this type of farming, animals are domesticated. These animalsare used for various farming operations. Besides, milk, meat, eggsare obtained as supplementary products from them.

3. Farming operations are based on animals and human efforts. Becauseof dense population manpower is available. Due to the small size offarms use of machines is very difficult. Being labour based agriculture,people get employment.

4. Food grains, fruits, vegetables, oil-seeds are cultivated5. Rice is grown where the climate is hot and humid and in heavy

rainfall areas. Wheat is grown in low rainfall areas.6. Intensive agriculture is practised in Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh,

Bihar, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Gujarat.Yield per hectare is high in intensive type of farming. (Use stencil)

(iii) In order to prevent extinction of plant and animal species they are beingconserved. Following are the measures undertaken :1. Protected areas are therefore being developed in our country.2. National parks and sanctuaries are protected by law. Tree cutting

and hunting is strictly not allowed.3. The national parks are restricted from cattle grazing and other

traditional occupations. India has 92 national parks and about 500sanctuaries.

4. They play a vital role in the protection and conservation of naturalhabitats and their biodiversity.

5. Certain projects are undertaken to protect animal species and providenatural environment for the animals.

6. Tiger project, elephant project and save barasingha project areexamples of such efforts.

7. Outside their natural habitat animals and plants are conserved inthe zoos and botanical gardens.

8. For the conservation of plant species certain government measureslike encouraging fruit farming, controlling conflagration of forest,implementing tree adoption system etc. are also being undertaken.

Thus by developing sanctuaries and adopting programmes like Van-Mahotsav, animals and plants are being conserved.

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A.5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate alternative :(i) Economic development means increase in real national income.(ii) Jammu and Kashmir is an exception to the Consumer Protection Act.

A.6. Answer in 1 or 2 sentences each : (Any 2)(i) (i) A developing economy like India has Low Per Capita Income as

compared to developed economies.(ii) For eg. in 2003 :

The per capita income of India was $ 530 and on the other hand theper capita income of Switzerland was about 75 times, U.S.A. was71 times and that of Germany was 48 times more than the percapita income of India.

(ii) Defect means any fault, imperfection or short coming in the quality,quantity, potency, purity or standard which is required to be maintainedby any law or as is claimed by the trader in relation to any goods.

(iii) (i) The basic objective of P.D.S. is to provide essential consumer goodsat cheap and subsidised prices to the consumer.

(ii) Besides this, the other important objective is to maintain theminimum nutritional status of the population.

A.7. Answer in 5 or 6 sentences each : (Any 1)(i) Following factors lead to consumers exploitation :

(i) High prices :a) Sometimes artificial shortage of commodities is created in the

market.b) The consumers are forced to buy them at higher prices.

(ii) Poor quality of goods and services :a) In order to earn greater profit, manufacturers increase the

quantity but neglect the quality of production.b) Adulterated material used in production, endangers the health

of consumers.(iii) Lack of knowledge :

a) Consumers do not get full information about the quality, quantity,potency, purity and standard of the products.

b) So, they are compelled to buy unknown substitutes.(iv) Misleading advertisements :

a) Sometimes false claims made by advertisements can misleadconsumers.

b) The manufacturers through such advertisements create artificialdemand for undesirable goods.

(v) Intangible services :a) Services are intangible and cannot be seen, touched, heard or

tasted, before buying them.b) So consumers are often cheated while purchasing services.

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3(ii) (i) In 1997, a dual pricing structure was introduced under thePublic Distribution system called as the Targeted PublicDistribution System.

(ii) The P.D.S prices for Below Poverty Line families (BPL) were 50% ofthe market prices.

(iii) On the contrary, P.D.S prices for Above Poverty Line (APL) familieswere very close to market prices.

(iv) There was no incentive for the Above Poverty Line (APL) families tobuy from the P.D.S.

(v) As a result, their purchase from P.D.S reduced and the stock of foodgrains with the government piled up.

(vi) To solve this problem the government has reduced the P.D.S priceby 30% for Above Poverty Line (APL) families in July 2001.