Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials

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  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials





    TRADE MARKS, Res. U. S. Pqt. OII.


  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials


    TYPE DN-543 uNrrThe Type DN-543 Mognolluxt Unit wqs de-signed primorily to provide inexpensive equip-ment lor oircrcrlt overhqul work. It is suiioble forinspection by the wet-olternqting current methodol o greot vcriety ol mqchined pcrts. During

    overhqul of smoll qircroft engines it is used toinspect criticol ports lor lotigue crcrcks ond similordelects. It moy qlso be used to inspect pcrrts lorgrinding ond heci treoting crcrcks crnd voriousother signiliccrnt surlqce discontinuities. This unitis ol compoct, rugged construction crnd hqs

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    DN-543 UNIT

    o Chicogo - NewYork - LosAngeles:- Dotlos - Detroit - Clevelondmoineiic porticle inspection. Processes qnd melhods used in mognetic porticle inspeclion ore covered by vorious U. S. Lelteis PqtEnt.

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials


    WV e@ruhW gbWru caruwelw w s@H6A00 EAST WASHINGTON E LVO.



    665-600t . aREA CODE 2t3


    3 7004 9005 1200



    FAIRCITY San DiegoEQUIruENT Magnaflux


    NO 4822L220/440


    3 tso4 9so5 tzso6




    Using Rheostat without_/1184.QC Copper pads2 5oo 2 soo 2 5oo3 zoo4 9oo5 tzoo6 Using maximum2100 Max. current contrdl switch 5189 2100 l{ax. 2150 Max.9Iulaximum using-copper padsCOIL: No. Turns -6 700 .A.per Turns 4200posltion Pistol Gri

    703, type 3 (unfiltered), equippeddlsc.

    - 1800 ampsl{ax. AnperageLIGHTING: &Pf[fX Black !ype-- 4:23:"Light intensity test nade with a Weston site meter No.with a 10x multlpller disc or 0-750 wlrh Ehe multlplierFoot Candles at 15rr 50


    OIL PUMP: Yes lrl No I-l OIL FAlt: YeeCLEAN RECTTFTERS: yeslmllo(fldxE] CHECK CONTACT PoINTS: Yes F(-l No nTII*{ING SET srlr.I"lachine in satisfactory conditionLoss of 400 amps should improve a little in use of new cable.Recomrend blacklight should be replaced at once.

    was f'ound working satisfactory, but 400 amps below rated output.qulp,urent},ATERIAL

    IiIONDITTRUCTIVE TE!TI NG gY''EM3 xElHooa tlFvrcE3 Servlce Engineer

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials



    fl 1. I'tlestinghouse D.C. Ammeter, type PX 151 0-6000 amp, FS=300 M V, Lf2% accuracy(or equivalent)

    EI 2. I'rlestinghouse A.C. Ammeter, type A 317 0-1000 amp, Current TransformerRatio = IOOOI2OO/1, 17. accuracy (or equivalent)3. Fu1l wave shunt bar shaved to Ll4% accuracy, 1000 A M p - 50 M v

    4. Half wave shunt bar shaved to l/4% accuracy, 500 A M p - 50 M v5. Simpson model 260 VOM or equivalent, D.C. acctracy 2% A.C.

    accuracy 37. (or equivalent) MX 1497

    fIflEfl 6. trrleston light meter type 703-3 A. 7-L/2% ful1 scale accuracy when calibrared

    wiEh standard source of 27OOo K (or equivalent)7, Type 51 Electronic Timer, Accuracy 17" (or equivatent) dial face reading

    scaled in 100th of a second.8. Round coPPer bar 1" dia. X 18" long. Standard load used when checking

    A.C. magnetizing ampere output.Above instruments are traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. Calib-ration of instruments is performed by qualified commerical facility orlaboratory with reference standards directly traceable to the National Bureauof Standards, and an up to date National Bureau of Standards certificate number.

    Arrmeter .National Bureau of Standards Certification 1|L.2/L7341L,2tL.Or / L9 /905, L. 3 / L7 s67 4In conpllance with one of the following:Shunt ...National Bureau of Standards Certification lf8OO766National Bureau of Standards Certification #800189National Bureau of Standards Certification ltL5ZO5LNational Bureau of Standards CertificaLion lf$Ol767

    trrleston Light Meter Model 703, Foot candle Meter Type 3A, National Bureau ofStandards Cerrificati.on lt2. L / 17 0571In compliance with MIL Spec M6867C

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials


    Mognollux-Mognoglo Accessory Items qre designedto help you do q better job ol nondestructive testing.Mony of these qccessories will give your Mognofluxunits greoter flexibility, others will help to speed thetesting process, ond still others will oid in interpret-

    ing test results. We will be hoppy to onswer onyquestions you mqy hqve concerning these qcces-sories or other odoptotions to mqke your Mognofluxequipment still more efficient {or your porticulor use.Price in{ormqtion is shown on pqge six oI this Iolder.

    .. :.1

    No. 1845





    No. t846C

    AUTOMAT!CMAGNETIZING FEATUREThe Mognoflux Automotic Mog-netizing Feqture No. 386i0 IorARQ, TAQ, DRC qnd other wethorizontql Units permits control oiclomping qction ond mognetizingcurrent by o single Ioot switch.When switch is depressed, portbetween heods is clomped; whenreleqsed, mognetizing currentshot occurs, q{ter which the portis qutomqticolly unclomped. Withthe continuous method, f loorswitch is held down while inspec-tion bqth is opplied. Pneumqtictimer controls the durotion ofmognetizing current.

    CONTACT BLOCKMognollux No. 1830 Contqct Blockis used to connect cobles to Mog-noflux units with contqct plote!when current is to be possed thruclomps, prods, leeches, etc. Thelugs ol the cqbles ore ottqched tothe contqct block which isclomped between the contqctplotes of the Mognollux unit.

    When only smoll contqct qreois qvqilqble becouse ol shope orirregulor surfqce of ports to bemognetized with Mognoflux unitshoving contqct plotes, speciolcontqct pods often ore helpful.Mognoflux No. 1845 Contqct Podscrre mode Irom heovy copperbroid. Mognollux No. 1846C Con-toct Pqds consist ol Yz" thick Neo-prene blocks with bqse qnd heovycopper brqid covering. Mogno-Ilux No. 1846D Contqct Pqds oresimilor to the No. 1846C model buthqve "V" blocks Ior supporting

    qnd centering the pqrts beingmognetized. The No. 1845 podsmoy be used with either verticollyor horizontolly operoting units.The No. I846C ond No. 1846Dpqds qre used with horizontollyoperoting units only ond ore qt-tqched to the regulor supportshelves by meons ol pegs. No.1848 Replocement Pods ore qvoil-qble {or use with both the No.1846C qnd No. 1846D pods. All ofthe pods hove contoct surlqcesc xD

    %P sqll


    No. 1576o. 157'lCABIE - LUGS - CONNECTORS

    Flexible coble, size 4t0 ond 2/0,rubber covered, is ovqiloble instondqrd lengths of 10, 15, qnd20 feet. Lugs, Eitherend connec-tors, or q combinqtion will be ot-toched. This flexible cqble cqnolso be ordered by the foot. Mog-nqflux No. 1574 (size 4/0) qnd No.

    1572 (size 2i0) Combinotion Either-end ond Lug Adopters ore qvqil-oble-lor use when coble withEitherend Connectors is to bebolted to clomps, or roils, etc. No.1576 Combinqtion Eitherend ondLug Adopters (size 4/0) ore similqr ond provide cr 90 o connection.



    IN CANAOA:williams and Wilson, Ltd. (Eastern Provinces) f,udel Machinery, Ltd. (Westetn Provinces)TEST SYSTEMS

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials


    BOOKS"Principles oI Mognollux Inspec-tion" By F. B. Doqne, Third Edi-tion, 388 pqges, 170 illustrotions,is on extensive discussion of theuse of Mognoflux. Every personconcerned with this type inspec-tion should hove'o copy ovoil-oble. "Operotor-Inspector Guid-qnce Chorts," qvoilcble Ior mount-ing directly on Mognollux Unitsprovide cr constont reference onmethods Ior operotors, os well qso simple, bosic explonqtion oI theprinciples qnd techniques in-volved. Includes description ollongitudinol qnd circulqr mqgne-tizotion ond whot eoch does, prep-qrqtion of boths, etc.

    No. 28t170 No. 28471

    AUXILIARY ADAPIERSThe Smqll Pqrts Contqct Adoptersqre used for inspecting smollports. They ore Mognollux portsNo. 28470 (lelt) ond 2847I (right).They lit on the heod ond tqilstocks oI stqndord Mognolluxunits qnd moke the hcndling olsmcrll ports much eqsier. TheSmqll Ports Adcpters speed upthe operotion by making it eosierfor the operotor lo see whqt heis doing, moking it eqsier lor himto get his honds in qnd out, re-ducing the possibility of

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    Designed for use with Mognoliuxhorizontol type units to supportond qllow rotqtion of round ports,such os cronkshoits, cylinders,heovy bors, etc. Steodyrests moveon roils to qccommodote ports ofvorious lengths. Height is odjust-qble.Both 3" (No. 14786) qnd 5%" (No.14787) Roising Blocks mqy beused with this Steodyrest. The 3"block con be used wlth tt e iO"ond 20" coils; the 53/t" wilh q 25"coil.

    SIEADYRESI No. 26270Provides q similor service qs theNo. 1857 (obove) but is mounteddirectly to the heodstock oi wethorizontol uniis. Ruggedly built towithstond shock crnd ]ocrd olheovy ports.

    V-BIOCK STEADYREST No.26147Attqches to either heqdstock ortqilstock oI wet horizontol units.Mode o{ cqnvqs-bose lqminotedphenolic resin, metcl mountingpins, ond removoble stops.

    HAIRPIN COIL No. reossSimplifies mognetizotion of pinionond ring geor teeth on diesel qndelectric locomotives. Mognetizes 3teeth qt one time to Iocote fotiguecrqcks ocross the teeth. Fits overteeth up lo 6Yz" fqce. Connectionto cqbles from Mognollux Unit isby Eitherend Connectors.

    Set.up of X-1584 and temovablspeed inspeclion of end.bell

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    Mognoflux No. 1570 Contqct Prodsore wiciely used in the inspectionwith Magnqllux ol weldments,costings, ond forgings. They oreporticulorly well suited lor mqk-ing electricql contqct on roughqnd uneven surfqces. One prod oleoch poir hos 20' of control cqble,qnd a trigger switch built into thehqndle.When contqct prods qre usedduring inspection with Mognofluxtwo men usuolly work together.One mqn handles the contqct

    prods ond the other one oppliesthe Mognoflux powder qnd looksfor indicotions. In some opplico-tions one mon using the Mogno-IIux No. 1571 Double Contoct Prodcqn do qll the work. This doubleprod is best used only when theoreqs to be inspected involve noshorp corners or smqll rqdii ofcurvqture. In most opplicotions itis desirqble to be oble to vory thedistqnce between the points olcontqct ond the ongle betweenthe prods.

    CENIRIFUGE TUBEAND STANDConcentrotion of Mognollux orMognoglo bqth in the wet methodunits is meqsured with MognofluxNo. 2461 Centrifuge Tube shownhere with Mognoflux No. I837ACentriluge Tube Stqnd. It is nec-essory thqt the bqth be moin-tqined qt constqnt strength forconsistent inspection results. No.246I Centri{uge Tube is especiollyuseful Ior Mognaglo becousegroduotions ore well spreod otlower reodings.

    IYPE XB.2APOWDER BTOWEREspeciolly designed Ior proper,ropid opplicotion of Mognolluxpowders to lorge qreqs, verticqlor overheqd surfqces, ond inspec-tion ol lorge weldments. Deliversq low velocity cloud of Mognofluxpowder or q streqm ol cleqn oir,through 15' flexible rubber hoseond pistol grip nozzle. Smoll lightin nozzle lor inspection ol poorlylighted surfqces. Cqbinet hqs crhopper holding up to 20 lbs. ofMcgnollux powder, q smqll com-pressor qnd control opporotus.Overqll dimensions are 20" x 17"x 14". Normolly operotes lrom Il5V., 60 Cy. l-phose current.


    POWDER BTOWER AND POWDER BULBPOWDER BLOWER - The No. 58600 PowderBlower is especiclly uselul in opplying Mog-nqllux powder to lorge qreqs. The blower iscompletely seU{ontqined qnd requires only20 psi oir supply for operotion. Its ionge is re-stricted only by the length of the oir supplyline. Selection of either powder or cleqn oiicqn be mode by depressing one oI two pushbuttons.POWDER BUlB-Mognqflux No. 2552 PowderSproy Bulbs qre used to opply Mognolluxpowders to relotively smoller oreqs thon theblower unit described obove. The PowderBulb is both light in weight ond eosy to use.Cop is eosily removed {or Iilling.

    CONTACT PRODS No. r57o

    No. 58600

    No. 2552-4-

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials


    PER}IANENT TIAGNET LEECHThe Magnollux Permonent Mog-net Leech No. 54975 hos been de-signed Ior use with qnother leech,os o poir, or in conjunction with qprod. Use ol o leech Ior Mogno{luxtesting operotions eliminotes theneed {or two men. Once set inposition, the leech remqins os longqs desired, ollowing one mqn withqnother leech or prod to perlormthe entire inspection operotion.The. permonent mognet leech isequipped with cost steel polepieces ond on oiuminum corry-ing hondle. A 5' length ol size 2 0coble, with one end connected tothe leech, is provided with cr size4 [ Eitherend Connector Ior eosycoupling to the mognetizingsource. The leech moy be plocedon verticql or overheod members.4.C., D.C. or holf-wqve current ofnot more thun 1500 qmperes mqybe used.

    VINYI..NYLON COVERSWhen MognoIlux equipment isnot in use ii is desiroble to coverit Ior protection. Lint ond dirt moyinterlere with proper functioningo{ fons, rectiliers qnd switches.High quolity, vinyl-cooted groy-green nylon covers qre qvoilobleIor oll Mognoilux equipment.Toilored to fit eoch unit; wqterqnd Jlqme resistqnt.

    NOGTO PETLEISUsed to overcome bockgroundfluorescence thot moy be oc-quired when oils qnd greosewqshed from ports get into Mog-noglo both. C-5 Noglo Pellets oreodded when both is first preporedto prolong bqth life. Bqth is dis-ccnded only when enough Iluor-escence is present to overcomeeffects o{ pellets, ond seriously re-duce the controst between the in-dicqtions qnd the bockground.Pqcked in cqrtons of six.

    MARKING DYESMognoflux Morking Dyes oreused to identify oll types oI ports.They form thin, tightly odheringcootings qnd qre oil ond nophthoresistqnt. Army-Novy Aeronquti-col Specilicotion AN-I-32 requirescertqin ports which hove possedmognetic porticle inspection re-quirements to be mqrked withorqnge dye. These dyes, usuollyopplied by dipping ports, orepocked in 1,5, qnd 55 gollon con-tqiners. The vorious colors qndtheir designqtions qre indicotedbelow:C-21 OrongeC-22 Red C-23 GreenC-26 Yellow

    FIELD INDICATORMognollux No. 2480 Field Indico-tor is q pocket size mognetometerused to explore ports {or oppreci-oble mognetic poles for comporo-tive reodings. The mognet, modeof q cerqmic like moteriol, is high-Iy resistont to demqgnetizotion.The diql is morked to plus ondminus ten divisions. These indico-tors qre porticulorly sensitive be-tween zero und plus or minus fivedivisions dellections, the regionwhere occurocy is most importont.The No. 2480, a new qnd improvedindicqtor, delivers consistent reqd-ings which crre eosy to reqd onthe new ploinly mqrked diol.

    TEST METERThe No. 10090 TEST METER, issuitqble for checking the output oIony D.C. (full wove rectified A.C.or bottery operoted) Mognolluxunit incorporoting contoct heqdssuch qs AN, ANQ, ARQ, TAQ, BF,BFQ, etc. To use, the shunt is re-moved from the box ond clompedbetween the heods, the mogne-tizing current button depressedqnd the omperqge noted on theunit ommeter qnd the test meter.The test meter hqs o ronge ol0-6000 qmperes D.C. The shunt iswired to the qmmeter through o4 It. flexible cord. A sturdy metolbox contoins the mounted qm-meter, ond storoge lor the shuntqnd cord when not in use.

    PROTECTIVE HAND CREAMAND DISPENSERMognoflux Protective Hqnd Creqmis qn "invisible work glove"which keeps dirt, grime, oil, qndgreose from penetroting the poresol the skin.Kit No. I includes six l0 ouncetubes of creom qnd o hondy dis-penser which provides Ior neqt,economicql use of the creom. Kits2 ond 3 consist of twelve ondtwenty-four tubes of creqm re-spectively.

    'Mognollux, Mognoglo ond Zyglo, Reg. U. S. Pot. Olf., lrode morks ol Mognoflvx Corporotion opplied to ils equipment ond moteriol lor mognelrcporlicle ond fluorescenl penelronl inspeclion. Processes ond metfiods used in mognelic porlicle inspecrion ore covered by U. S. lerrers Potent.-5-

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials


    No.38610I 830I846CI845I846Dr 848rs12I 574I 57628470128471t18624I865I865414710r47 t3I 6689I4769I85714786t47872627026t4714798I 4799t47251 S055x.1584



    c-5c.2Lv-zzc-23c-262480I 0090

    Price$ 2I5.00,/ecr.13.50,/eo.31.00,/pr.9.00,/pr.39.00,/pr.

    I 1.50,/pr.7.00/eo,8.00,/eq.8.00./eo.

    60.00/pr.I 50.0o,/pr.22.5O/pr.28.00/pr.2.25/eo'.2.25/ea.53.50/eo.14.00/ea.



    s0.00,/pr.45.00/eo.75.00/ ea..95/eo.4.15/ea.2.75/ea.355.00/eo.50.00/eo.93.00,/eq.37.00/ea.I10.00,/eq.


    PRICE LISTAccessory llemAuiomotic Mdgnetizing FeqtuteContoct BlockContoct PodsContqct PqdsContoct PodsReplocement PodsEitherend ond lug odopter (2,/0)Eitherend ond lug odopter (4/0)Eitherend qnd lug odopter (4,/0)Auxiliory ContoclsContoct ClompsContqct ClompsContoct ClompsReplocement BroidReplocement BroidMognoglo Pressure Applicotor GunMognoglo Hond Applicotor GunSteodyrestRoising BlockRoising BlockSteodyrestV-Block SteodyrestMognoglo KitMognoglo KitSplit CoiIHoirpin CoilVerticol Contoct Adopter

    Contqct ProdsDouble Contoct ProdPowder BlowerPowder BulbsCentriluge TubeCentriluge Tube StondPowder BlowerPermqnent Mognet LeechVINYL.NYLON SLIP COVERS:For TAQ-524, TAQ525. DR-523. DRC-523For KRH.2D, KRH.3D, (C-3D, KCH.3DFor TAQ-1006, DR-1003, DBC-I003(Covers Ior other stondqrd modelsqlso qvoiloble. Write Ior price inlormotion)Noglo Pellets (6 to corton)MARKING DYES:OrongeRedGreenYellowField IndicotorTest MeterPROTECTiVE HAND CREAM:Kit No. 1 (6 tubes plus dispenser)Kit No. 2 (12 tubes)Kit No. 3 (24 tubes)

    Brqnch OIIices:25 Wesl 43rd StreetNew York 36, New York2300 South GorlieldLos Angeles 22, Cqlilornio

    Iune 1, 1961Net Weight (opprox.)23 ]bs.3 lbs. 2 oz.5 lbs. 13 oz.I lb.9Yz oz.6 lbs. 1 oz.I Ib. I0 oz.7 oz,ll oz.14 oz.I lb. ll oz.I Ib. 1l oz.6 ]bs. 6 oz.3 lbs.5 lbs.5 oz.4Yz oz.2 lbs. 3 oz.I ib. 4 oz.20Vz lbs.4lbs.7 oz.5 lbs.19% lbs,12 oz.20 lbs.8 lbs.19 ]bs.23/q lbs.75 lbs.

    4 lbs. I oz.3 lbs. 12 oz.2 lbs, 4 oz.2 oz.2 oz.13 oz.80 lbs.7 lbs. Il oz.

    Prices, subject to chonge without notice, cre F.o.B. Mognoflux p)ont chicogo, and opply withinContinentql United Stctes o;nd Hqwaii only.IIAGXAFTUX CORPORATIOlIA Subsidiary of General MillsMoin Plonl: 7300 West Lowrence Avenue, Chicogo 31, lllinois

    I gol. cons$3.00 per gol.5 gql. cons52.90 per gol.55 gol. drums52.50 per gol.

    2.90/ea.95.00,/eq.t 1.60/eo.I 3.00/eo.27.00/eo,.

    3 oz.I lbs.38 lbs.4 I5 lbs.2 oz.7 lbs. 6 oz.7 lbs.j oz.11 lbs.4 oz.22 lbs. S oz-

    3317 Prospect AvenueClevelond 15, Ohio2777 E. Grqnd Blvd.Delroit I1, Michiqon

    5l6l Brownsville RoodPittsburgh 36, Pennsylvonio2823 Monor Wo'1;Dollqs 35, Texos

    -6-orm No. 8-437-7, l5M, 6-61 SA Frinled in U.S.A.

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  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials


    How It Begansuccessful companies usunllE combi,ne both, otttstanding personalitiesand products. So i,t is with Magnafl,ur Corporatioit.A. V. de Forest (d. 19L5) wa,s one of Arnerica's ott.tstattclittg physicists-an er,pert in metals, and their failures-a ntart of t.ision-tn inientorwith the uttusual characteristic ol practicality - a cottsurting engineerof repute.In 1929 Mr. de Forest was called in as a, cortsultant by a tnanufactut"erof oil well drill pipe utho usas hauing some cllfictity tt:itlt cracking ofsome of this pipe. one of the fi,rst problents u;as to locate, rapidty-anctconclusiaely, the eract location of ttte cracks. De Forest appliett a neut"magnetic dust" test, which he perfectecl for this job, atict solo-ecl theproblem.De Forest ioined, forces u;ith F. B. Doanc of pittsburgh resting Labora-tories in the deuelopment of the methocl ancr th.e Ttromotion iy tts use.Inuolaed, in his consulting rnork, ancl later his research and teaching atthe Massachusetts Institute of rechnology, cle Forest cletotecl himsellto th,e problems of scientifi.c resean'clt ancl ettgineering apprications in thedeuelopment and use of the methocl. Doane, an tlttttstLal contbination ofengineer and erecutiue, appliecl himself to the business opet.ation ofthe new enterprise, the practicat apptication of the methocl to its numer-o'tts uaes, and the deuelopment of equipment ancl materials f or its use.During the neut fi,ae years much cleaelopment utork, in methods, materialsappl;ications, and e quipment ut as xt er. f orm e d,.Tuso other men ca,flLe into the ?Joung conlpany-chades A. Mccune(d. 19L0), f ormerly Director" of Resear"ch, f or American Chaitt Co., ancla founder of the American Welding Society; ancl CarI E. Betz, Chiefchemi,st of Pittsbur"gh resting Laboratories. Mccune brought great er-perience in the use of new methocls ancl cleep unclet.stanrtittg of theproblems of inclustry. Betz brou,gltt souncl technical erperiertce, broaderperimental trairuing, arud an unusual talent in teachittg the use of newmethods.In th,e nert fiue years "Magnaflur" became a fittcLttcially sound, profi,t-able company, with a reputation of higlt technical capacity and. hon-esty. "Magnaflur" grew to become tlte best kttott'tt itott-crestizLcttt;e test-ing means i,n tlte world-and was usecl all ot,er the zcor.ld..Through the years, rnan?l able engineers hat-e grow^n up utth tr[agnaflur,deueloping new meth,ocls and new applications of otcl ntethocls-ih.omas',9lgfk",_Reid, Taber de Forest, Migel, Scltiebel, Oye, Baughman, VaitKirk, Dehn, Strother, Christensen-ancl matty othirs.Under Doane's leadership theization grou; in number anclnumb et' and acceptance.The purpose of this booklet isCompang 'in more detail.

    ktst twebe years hat,e seen the o?.gan-capability, and th,e pt'oclucts increase into erplain some of tlte actitities of tltis

    Magnaflux'methods are used by more industries, for moreinspection operations than all other methofs combined.

    Copyright 1951, Ir{osnoiux -r"

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials


    From Rocket Planesto Streamlined Trains .From Sewing Machinesto Mowing MachinesWrorrER you are, whatever you do, wher-ever you live or go, every day of your life, directlyor indirectly, you are served by scores of ma-chines and devices that are better and saferdue to the positive, non-destructive, cost reducingtesting methods pioneered and perfected by Mag-naflux Corporation!It's a fact.The car you ride in, the plane that flies you thou-sands of miles in just a few hours, the barrel of1-our shotgun-yes, even the porcelain enamel on1-our kitchen stove or sink, have most likely, atone stage or another, been subjected to the sci-entific inspection processes created by MagnafluxCorporatioh.Every activity, each research project of Magnafluxis aimed squarely at helping Industry DETECTDEFECTS-Io find the invisible imperfectionsthat might cause needless, costly and even peril-ous failures of equipment and materials.)Iagnaflux Corporation is engaged in the manu-facture and sale of equipment for non-destructivetesting of structural materials for physical de-fects. Without these methods, defective parts maybe built into all kinds of machinery and equip-ment, and those parts may fail, to cause seriousloss of life and property.From its original, yet-to-be-equalled MAGNETICPARTICLE INSPECTION, the scope of the com-pany's research and engineering has steadily ex-panded. Now it is playing a vital part in helpinga wide variety of manufacturers make their prod-ucts less costly to buy and better to own throughadditional methods, such as:

    Positive detection of defects in non-magneticmetals and in ceramics.Ultrasonic measurement of dimensions whichcannot be directly measured.Mat'erials and processes for indicating danger-ous stresses and strains, used as a guide fordesigners and manufacturers.

    These advances-these strides of Science which

    you'll find explained on following pages-haveearned for Magnaflux Corporation a unique stand-ing with Industry by supplying positive ways ofpreventing waste and of improving quality stand-ards ! Yet with all its increased activities andgrowth, the company insists on scientiflc, labora-tory exactness in its approach to each problemand to every operation.The Magnaflux engineer who rolls up his sleevesto pitch in with production or engineering man-agement of a company is a practical specialist withhis feet on the ground, even though he may be"reaching for the stars." His advice and recom-mendations are accepted with confidence becausethey are based solidly on extensive experienceand continuous training-and because he is backedby an expert staff of research and engineering sci-entists in the home office and factory. Here's'aclose-working team that is understanding in itsgrasp of problems - creative in its proved abilityto come up with practical solutions. These mennever-let's say it again, neaer - suggest a Mag-naflux method or unit unless they know of acertainty that it will do the job expected of it I. It's one of the reasons why the companymaintains its position as the undisputed leaderin its field.Users of the various testing methods get the serv-ices of intensively trained Magnaflux engineers.All users are thoroughly trained in the correctprocedures of inspecting and testing and in inter-preting indications of defects. Text books, engi-neering classes in centralized cities and scientificlaboratory services are included in the cooperationwhich is an integral part of the services which thecompany extends. These users include nearly all ofthe large companies in the U.S., and many of thesmallest, several thousand in all.In addition to the manufacture and sale of its test-ing equipment, Magnaflux Corporation maintainscompany-operated Field Inspection and LaboratoryInspection Service in strategically located cities.These services are made available upon a fee basis.The Field Inspection Service is widely used by op-erators of large equipment of many kinds as a partof erection or overhaul inspection. It is availableto users anywhere in the United States.Magnaflux testing means include; MAGNAFLUX,and fluorescent MAGNAGLO for magnetic mate-rials; ZYGLO for non-magnetic metals and solids;STATIFLUX for non-conducting ceramics, suchas porcelain enamel; PARTEK for porous and un-fired ceramics, powdered metals, etc.; SONIZONto measure thickness from one side only, withultrasonics; and STRESSCOAT brittle coatingsfor stress measurement of actual working parts.They are described on the following pages.

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    MAGNAFLUXU...for inspection ofmagnetic materialsPuts Magnetic Force to Workto DETECT DEFECTS

    BEFORE AFTERAt lelt you see a king pin lor truck lront axleas it appeared under aisual inspection, ap.parently sound and, sale for seraice. At fightyou see what inspection usith Magnaflux re-aealed, Excessiae heating during grinding hascaused dangerous cracks. lt useil, this crackedpart utould har:e tailed, early in seraice, m.ightaild another accident to the highuay toll.

    This inoisible crack in a spe.cial aircralt boh could. ha"-ecaused lailure in flight, In-spection with lllagnaflux shousit here, to keep you safer-inthe air as on rails or road,

    Fatigue crack in an airplaneengine crankshalt retsealeilby llagnaflux during ouer.haul. Inspection by Magna-flux Corporation methods isstandard u'ith the airlines.Have you ever been inconvenienced or endangeredby the breakage of a locomotive part, spring orsteering part in a car or bus, or even so compara-tively trivial an occurrence as the failure of a partin a washing machine or power Iarvnmower ? Ofcourse you have-BUT the means are availableto prevent such things, either during manufac-ture or maintenance.For Magnaflux and its fluorescent extension,Magnaglo, are increasingll' providing Industrywith its most effective means of prer-enting suchfailures-and research lr)' ]Iagnaflux scientists ismarching steadill- and rapidlr- ahead to supply thebesl inspection, at less and less clrst lrer' ltiece-less even than visual inspection alone IFinds Defects Before ProcessingIt is a mone)--\\:asting b11sings5 to use costlymanufacturing time and equipment fot' processingparts and materials that are defective flom thestart. It is as unnecessar')- as it is expensive I Bythe same reasoning, mone)- is saved and time issaved u'hen manufacture is confined to usable,safe palts and materials. It's here that Magna-flux is outstanding. For Magnaflux is so accuratethat it shows up a crack twenty millionths of aninch deep. And you can believe that that's toosmall for detection by the eyes of the keenest

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    Applying the "bath" d,uring use ol Magna.flur tor otserhaul inspection ol a crankshaft.

    A small type portable Magnflux Unit prouides accuramaintenance inspection to praent bredkdouns on the joSimilar units are rcidell rrseon drillingequipment.crane hookmachine tooetc.

    This lllagnaflux conveyorizedunit is automatic used lor pro-duction line inspection ol air.craft .iet engine turbine bladis.eagle-eyed inspector who ever lived. Whereas nohuman e)'e can "see" into an opaque solid, Magna-flux can and does. It detects delects remaining un-discovered by any other means.)Iagnaflux equipment-from general purpose andpol'table models to specially designed, automatic,conve)'orized- units for fast, production line in-spection-is sold for the inspection of parts of allsizes, weighing from a few a number oftons.-{pplications of Magnaflux inspection for cracks,foleign inclusions or discontinuities at or near thesul'face are almost limitless. Typical are inspec-tion of steel billets-hot-rolled or cold drawn barstock - forgings - castings - plates - pipe -eamless tubing - weldments and any steel partssuch as machine tools - springs - automotiveand aircraft parts. Magnaflux inspection is alsoroutine in most railroad shops and in aircraft,truck and bus overhaul shops . . . and in the ArmedFolces-Army, Air Force, and Navy . . . duringboth manufacture and overhaul of equipment.

    How Magnaflux WorksA suitable magnetic field is set up in the properdirection within the part with Magnaflux equip-ment. Sudden interruptions to this magnetic fleldby cracks or discontinuities in the part crowdsome of the magnetic flux (i.e. lines of force) out-side the surface of the part. These "leakage"fields act as local magnets, and attract and holdfinely divided ferro-magnetic particles as they areapplied. This builds up a definite indication at theexact location, showing the extent and shape ofthe crack or flaw. The magnetic particles are ap-plied by hand or automatically, either as drypowder or by the "wet" method in suspension ina thin oil carrier. Various colors are provided tomake the crack indications stand out most clearlyon any color of surface.

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    MAGNAGLO'...for inspection ofmagnetic materials(Jnder Black LightInuisible Cracks BecorneGlowing Danger Sigrwls

    BEFORE AFIERThis is the same truck king pin shown on page2. Here you see hou inspection u:ith fluorescentMagnaglo under black light reaeals cracks asglowing danger signals impossible to oaerlook.Magnaglo increases the speeil of inspection. ltalso makes it easier to spot delects in keyways,bolt threads, interiors of parts and other hard,-to-see places.

    An accident uas breuing here! See hou inspection uith Mag.naglo shows u1t otheruise intisible latigue cracks in this tuckwheel spindle. Magnaglo is regulark used by motor bus lines,fleet operators and in licensed illagnaflux Automotiae Oaer-haul shops.Magnaglo, developed to meet industry's need forspeedier inspection, is so fast that it keeps pacewith the highest production line volume and speed.Essentially an extension of Magnaflux MagneticParticle Inspection, it is the fastest means knownfor continuous inspection. It is faster even thanvisual inspection. Magnaglo makes it possible tofind defects in small parts at rates up to thousandsof pieces per hour. Even large parts, such as rail-road axles, are being inspected - and euery d,efeetfound-with Magnaglo and a single operator, atrates up to and exceeding 150 axles per 8-hourshift.Magnaglo reveals even the smallest crack with aglowing indication so clearly defined that it can-not escape being seen. Defects are instantly ob-served in normally hard-to-see places, such as inthe threads of bolts or in the interiors of holes.For maximum sensitivity plus high-speed inspec-tion Magnaglo offers four pronounced and out-standing advantages:1. The indications glorv in the darkness toatftact the inspector's eyes. He does nothave to search the surface for them.

    2. The speed with which the eyes are at-tracted to the indications greatly steps upinspection rates and reduces inspectioncost per piece.3. More positive detection is possible in thelocating of very small defects or defectsin parts with dark surfaces such as roughforgings.4. The glowing indications are largely inde-pendent of surface color or shape.

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    )Iagnaglo is rrsed by railroad Diesel locomotiue repair and,oterhaul shops lor inspection ol critical parts, l;ttch as ,iiscrankshalt. Freight and. passengers enjoy more ilependable, ontinte arritals because ol Magnaglo.

    Ty pical Magnaglo Applications)Iagnaglo is adaptable to the inspection of prac-lic.a.ltl. any magnetic part or material. Among theflelds in which it is substantially improving tli'e ef_liciency and slleed of inspection ure,1-r.,lunte production industties such as automobileirarts plants, n hel'e automatic units ancl inspectiont'ith )fagnaglo is reducing per-piece cost of in_spection to a negligible factoi'-even cheapet. thanvisual inspection !.1lrcra.ft. bus and truck ot,erhaul stations. Herefatigue clacks and other cracks from set.vice.,\'erloads are found in preventive maintenancei:rspection, so that defective parts will not stay inser'\-ice until they fail.T",tl; - both at the tool crib, in production useand duling manufacture. pre-failure defects inclies, molds and magnetic tools are quickly locatedirefot'e they stop procluction.Reilroad equiprnent inspection. Magnaglo inspec_tion is a standar.d requirement with mosj railroadsc,n cal', and locomotive parts.)Iagnaglo Inspection Equipment is available forlrspection of parts of virtually any size in bothgenei'al anrl special purpose units. Automatic, con_ver-ot'ized units are being used increasingly.Hou Magnaglo Works^{ppiication of Magnaglo is similar to the Magna_ir,r\ "wet" method, but the inspection mateiialsai'e specially developed particles that glow undeririack light. The Magnaglo particles are fluorescentas u'ell as magnetic. In the inspection booth everyci'ack is mat'ked b1- a glowing indication.

    This ntrchine conrers undcracA's in any direction in aspeed inspection.

    sleant tur.for lore-cost, high.

    Clowing lllagnaglo indications in connecting rods, Iocated marutfacture. ll parts like these are used, and lail in can ca.rse.seuere tlamage to other parts or ueck the engine.

    This spring looked to be suitable lor seruice. lnspection uithMag:naglo shoued cracks that uould haue reyitetl in breakageon the job. In this lroay Magnaglo inspection protects the taluesprings in your car's engine, for long ntiles ol seruice,

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    On this type ol small but efficient Zy-glo unit are done aircralt manufic.turing or oaerhaulinspection, railroadDiesel inspection, orloundry control in.spection.ZYGLO'...for inspection of non-magrletic solidsFluorescent Penetrant and Black Light PutInuisible Cracks "On Display"

    BEFOiE . . . These are neu) or lreshly reground, carbiiletipped tools that appear perlectly good to thebye, and uhich will be used on critical machin-ing operations lor high speed. manufacture.Failure of parts and materials due to invisiblecracks is not limited to magnetic metals. Equallyserious because they forecast ultimate destructionare cracks in such metals as - aluminum, magne-sium, bronze, tungsten carbide - in plastics andcertain ceramics, glass and other non-magneticmaterials.The problem used to be how to find these cracksquickly, positively and cheaply. Today the mostfrequently used means is Zyglo, the FluorescentPenetrant Inspection. It is also broadly used forinspection of certain magnetic parts such as mal-leable iron castings.By revealing: every surface defect-at productionline speed -Zyglo provides positive detection inits fleld similar to that provided by Magnaglo inthe inspection of magnetic metals. Butlt workson an entirely different principle.Puts "Fluid Light" Into Eoery CracleZyglo employs an oil base penetrant that is bril-liantly fluorescent under black light. It penetratesevery crack, hole or seam, no matter how fine or6


    AFTER . . . lnspection @ith Zyglo shous up the completelyinaisible craclts by fluorescent lines, iieuedunder black light. These tools uould break inseroice, causing waste ol parts and machinetime.

    how deep, and reveals it in sharp, glowing contrastto the surrounding flaw-free surface.Inspection with Zyglo shows up defects detri-mental to the life of the part; it also makes iteasy to distinguish between true defects andharmless scratches or other blemishes. It preventsthe needless rejection of sound parts in the samesimple application that eliminates rvastefui finish-ing of defective ones. Zyglo is also used in overhaulinspection, as by railroads and airlines, to findthe invisible cracks from service before criticalaluminum, stainless, brass or magnesium partsfail in service.Other specific advantages resulting fromtion with Zyglo include:

    Positive detection of defects, even onrough surfaces where visual inspection byordinary means is difficult or impossible.Speed, simplicity and low cost per piecethat makes 100ft inspection of parts prac-tical at any stage of production.


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    This automatic anil lully conoeyorized Zyglaunit uses only tuto petsons lor lull receioing in-spection ol malleable castings, such as brakepedals, in a large tractor plant. Parts are plnced,on conoeyor at lar enil, all processing is auto-matic, and the inspector need only turn the partsooer uniler the blacle lishts in the loregrounilto see all detects markeil. utith fluorescence.

    Zyglo fluorescent indicaaions ol othentise inaisible cracks inceramic spark plug and electronic equiprnent insulntors.

    3. Increased salvage through detection of de-fects while it is still possible to correctthe cause.4. Improved production and foundry methodsthat eliminate causes of defects.5. Safeguarded quality that makes the fin-ished product better and more saleable.Typical Defects Reaealed by ZygloShrinkage cracks in castings, aluminum, brass,magnesium or plastics.Fatigue and service cracks in aircraft, railroad, orrefinery parts.Forging cracks and laps.Porosity areas in castings, ceramics, etc., and leaksin castings or tank weldments.Lack of bond between bearing surface and backing.Cracks in carbide tips on tools.Cracks in glass seal in vacuum tubes and in manyceramic parts.Cracks in plastic structural parts.

    Zyglo fluorescent lines mark serious cracks that occumed. ilur-ing cooling ol this cast aluminum motor housing. This defecti"*eone has been eliminated lrom the many good ones in the lot.

    Zyglo Equipment includes portable units, unitsfor portable or fixed location with hand operation,and conveyorized models for automatic processingin high volume.How Zyglo WorksA film of Zyglo Fluorescent Penetrant is appliedby simply dipping, brushing or spraying. After ithas entered all cracks, holes and seams, the sur-face excess is washed away with water spray andthe part is allowed to dry. Either a dry powder orwater-suspension developer is applied to create adry powder fllm on surfaces to draw Penetrantfrom the defect. All operations may be automatic.Inspection is conducted under blaek light in adarkened booth. Every defect glows as a brilliantindication.

    Leak tests are conducted by applying fluorescentZyglo penetrant to one side of welds or castingwalls after which the opposite side is inspectedwith portable black light. Any leak glows brightly,as a fluorescent line or spot, when the fluorescentpenetrant draws through the finest crack or pore.

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    STRESSCOATU...the sprayed-on brittlecoating that simplifi,esstress analysisReduces Time and Costof Ouerall Stress Measurement

    DynamicStaticIn Seruice TestIn Laboratory TestOn Production UnitsOn Pilot ModelsThis testing has been called "stress inspection",since stresses in a working part are tested andmeasured, to flnd weak design spots - or over-weight designs that waste material.Experimental stress analysis is a recently de-veloped and widely used field of engineering rvhichis providing new ways to reduce the cost of makingbetter products-and making products iighter andstronger for better service.Stresscoat is a brittle coating, perfected by Mag-naflux, which spotlights over-stressed parts, oneof the common causes of fatigue failures, andshortens design and testing time. Locating highlystressed areas, makes possible the most economi-cal use of metals rvith no sacrifice of safetyfactors. It predicts where parts would fail, sothey can be correctly designed not to fail in ser-r-ice. In addition, Sti'esscoat often enables salvageof defective designs of finished parts on handthlough simple machining. Direct savings of thiskind, amounting to hundreds of thousands of dol-lars, are being reported.Application is SimpleStresscoat brittle coating is sprayed Iike a painton the part to be tested. At the same time a simplemetal bar is sprayed. Both are allowed to dry.The bar is used to evaluate and measure theclacking of Stresscoat so that strain levels areactually measured.The part under test is loaded by actual operation,or by simulated loading in the laboratory. Thecrack patterns in the Stresscoat show areas ofhighest stress, direction of stress and forecastlocation and direction of possible failure. Theoverall stress picture on the entire part is obtainedb1. continued loading.

    , , , : .[0tr0:.This rocker arnt t xrs subjected to a static loading uhich simu-lates seroice loading. The location and. direction of highestsrresses are shoutn in the marked Stresscoat crack patterns.


    Impact stresses that occur during the firing ol a gun or thosedue to shock loacls on aircralt lantling gear can be easilysndied u,ith Stresscoitt.(Belout) Srresscoat is applied here to a pressure housing todetermine the actual operating srresses trom a specified internalhydraulic pressure, and shous stress concentration points.


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    If You Han)e an Inspection Problem. . . Let's Look It Ouer Together!You'll find it's good business to get acquainted with the Mag-naflux engineer.He's a specialist. And his specialty is knowing how to finddefects in materials and parts - positively and economically,and knowing what causes those defects, so they won't occuragain. He knows his business-this business of detecting de-fects - as do few, if any, other men. Call him scientist, engi-neer or trouble-shooter; it doesn't matter. What does matteris the fact that his entire career is concerned with finding theright solutions to inspection problems, no matter how indi-vidual.Backing him up - at his every need and call - is the wholeengineering and research organization of Magnaflux Corpor-ation. At his command are the extensive resources of Magna-flux - its complete line of equipment and material - used bymore industries for more inspection operations than all othermethods combined.No matter how unique your inspection problems, a logical firststep toward solving them is to call in the Magnaflux engineer.His experience and authoritative know-how are yours for theasking. Simply drop us a line and meetings will be scheduledto suit your convenience.In addition, you can benefit from the extensive literatureMagnaflux has available. It covers in detail the non-destructivetesting methods touched upon so briefly in these pages. Itincludes case histories and examples of specific applications, aswell as reprints of technical editorial material, all relating toaspects of non-destructive inspection. If you rvili just give ussome idea of the nature of your operations, '*'e'll gladly sendyou literature relating most closely to 1'our problems and needs.

    MAGNAFTUX CORPORATION590O Northwert Hwy., Chicogo 3t, lltinoirNEWYORX 18 ' DAIIAS9 ' DETTOIT It ' CTEVETANO 15 ' IOSANGETES 5E

    t2Etqo?t Dirt,ibulor: Curtirr Wilght Corp. ln Conoda: Williomt t Wilson. Lld,

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials



    F. B. Doqne. . . President I fressurerC. E. Betz. .Executive Vice Presldent^ T. C. Diller,...Secretory & Generol CouncilM. E. Morsh. .ComptrollerDESIGN & PRODUCTION RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT

    W. D. Reid, Jr. ... ...2nd V.P. E Plont Mgr. J. E. Clorke. . . . . .2nd V.P. Dir. of ReseorchA, E. Chrislensen.....Chief Design Engineer T, de Forest........2nd V.p. Reseorch Eng.C. D. Ceske. ....Purchosing Agent R. A. Peterson..,....Assi. Dir. of ReseorchFIETD ENGINEERING

    W. E. fhomos. .....Vice PresidentL. J. Oye. .Field ltlonogerF. S. Cotlin, Jr........Iechnicol CoordinotorR. C. Eichin. ......Office MonogerD. P. Wqlsh......Speciol Prolects EngineerH. N. Slqqts. . . . Speriol Proiects EngineerFIELD BRANCHESNew York

    H. Migel. ...,.2nd V.P. - MonogerA. K. Solris. .......Field EngineerH. Gi Bogorl. ......Field EngineerR.5. Pelerson. ....Field EngineerD. G. Smith. ......,Field EngineerA. B. Albertoli. .....Field EngineerCommerciol lnspeclion Monogers:A. E. Feldt ... .New YorkR. P. Mogeou ..HortfordDollosG. t. C. Dehn... ..,....MonogerA. J. DeVries. tr.....,.... .Field EngineerCommerciol lnspection Monogers:W. H. T. Conner. . .DollosJ. D. Von Kirk...........Wichira

    F. B. Stern, Jr... . ... . .. ,HouslonR. B, Wqlker. ....Odesso

    ChicogoR. O. Schiebel. ..MonogerC. R. Rqcine. ......Field EngineerK. A, Skeie. .......Field EngineerA. R. Lindgren. .....Field EngineerE. J. Oclon. . .Commercisl lnsp. Mgr.

    ClevelondR, N. Boughmon...... ..MonogerN. H. Sondermon.......,,,.Field EngineerP. H. Rithter. . .. . .. .Commerciol lnsp, Mgr.

    DetroitK. M. Vcn Kirk.... ......MonogerM. J. Von Bqolen.. ,Field EngineerJ. R. Priore. . .Commerriql lnsp. Mgr,

    Los AngelesR. G. Strother. ..MonogerR, P. Turner. ..... .Field Engineer (OoklondlL. B, Holler. .,.....Field EngineerCommerciql lnspection Monogers:W. A. Henkes......,Los Angeles3. H. Poyne. . ...Oqktond5. F. Olson. .Oil Tool Div.

    lN CANADA: Willioms ond Wilson, ttd. - EXPORT DTSTRIBUTOR: Curtis Wrighr Corp.

    Magnaflux' Methods are used bymore industries for rnore inspection,operations than all other rnethods combined.

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    itAG l{f, ttu)( rierd inspecrion serviceOIL FIELD INSPECTIONThe ropid, non-destructive ond positive leotures of inspec-tion wiih Mognotlux qre oI inestimqble vqlue to the oilindustry. In the regulor use oI Mognollux FieldrlnspectionService, operqtorg of oil lields qud refineries find ercellentinsurdnce qgdinst expensive Ioilureg. Mognoflux quicklyreveols lotigue crocks ond similor delects in preasure veB-sels, vdlves, piping ond oll other highly stressed equipment-thus qverting foilure oI the pcrt in service, qud.oltenpermitting its continued use with mino! repoir. This meonsmqteriql sqvings in time, money ond lobor - greqter solety,

    TURBINE INSPECTIONSome oI tbe lcrgest turbine mqnulocturera hove odopiedMognollux cs o stqndord procedure, Ior its superior dccurqcy,greoter speed, ond procticol convenience. Inspection oI oturbine with Mogmoflux requires less thqn one-third the time\ _ oI visuol ond mognilying glcss methods. However, turbine' inspection lor power plont operoiors is qlso oflered os sMcAncflux Field Inspection Service perlormed by trcined\nspecGon Engineers ol the Mognoflux Corporotion, with\ipment brought to the individuol job. Iis. scheduling conb6'drrdaged to coincide with tegulor teor-down ond- overhqul work.

    In ihe production oI lcrge ond expensive ports, where mochining isq costly operotion, 100% inspection often proves q reol economymeqsure. But in those instonces where production techniques orecorelully developed ond mochining is relotively low-cost, inspecEoaoI selected units is usuolly suflicient to qssure sotisloclory quolity.The .brood experience ol Mognollux etrgineers quolilies lhem toossist users in deiermining the most economicol points i.u the production processes to perlorm inspections.

    When ond whot percentoge oI production should be inspected withMognollux is best determined by two loctors: (l) requirements oI theporticulor port; (2) the production stoge ot which imperlections hovebeen estoblished qs lirst oppeoring in serious numbers. A bosicconsiderotion is the rejection of delective pqrts os soon os llqwsoccur belore lurther lqbor qnd time qre invested which eventuollyqre lost in scropping the pon.In beoring mqnufocture, Ior exomple, it might be discovered thotseqmed qnd otherwise delective tubing employed in rocewoys ieproving the moin cquse ol rejection. Thus, sqtislqctory productionmight well be reqlized with inspection ol rqw mqteriql only. Simi-lorly, crocks qnd other delects might oppeor r rith greotest frequencyin Iinished rqces os s result oI grinding. Following thot operoton isobviously then the logicol time lor inspection. Mdgndllw irdicdtiors ol grinding crccks.

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    Now, the preparation of Magnaglo andMagnaflux baths becomes as easl as mixinginstant coffee. Just add dry concentrateto the oil or water, allow it to disperse andcheck concentration. That's all!

    ,a''t.-'-,t;, ,'t. i/r.41i-..r'."i..1!* I f ,'l..S,j l'or-.: ,i ,; ql,1:1,'. : ,


    ''..,'iis^i- MAGNAG LO and

    Magnaflux-Magnaglo unit shown is one of broad-purpose"N" Series, versatile enough to handle all magnetic particletest requirements in 8 out of every 10 plants.,.

    IURIi liliS PAGL Fi,ii DLTAiLS 0N THi BiGGtSl iMPR0ViMiNT lN

    MAGNAFLUX :.-:;j-: r . i *ou i-: ,;Tff $-n\rf: ff' }t ". r :"i i\f ,:: f: ,rS T- #d.1 ;t"#SFOR WEI NETHOD 'NSPECT'ON


    No Hand Stirring, Mixing or MussC I e ai:n e r - Faste r- E asie r - t o - UseNo Settling Out or Hardening in CansUp to 5 to 6 Times Greater Magnaglo BrillianceBetter Performance on the PartLess Corrosion and FoamingNo lncrease ln Cost per Gallon of Bath

    4f'MACNAiLT,iX iiiiSI il.{i, iiDl.!CED lllAGN!-il0 PiiRIlCLt TSTINGF-ST TIATTRIALS SINi,E

    It.. - --,,,

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials




    Stir paste in can. lf canhad been standing fora considerable lengthoI lime, and had. sepa-rated, this sometimesrequired several minutes.

    Scoop out and measureby weight the requiredamount of paste forproper bath concentra-tion, according tod i rection s.

    Add slurry to bath.Allow sufficient time {orthorough asitation otentire bath solution.Check bath strengthwith centrif u ge settlinglube. lf too low, addmore paste, repeatingsteps 2, 3, 4 and 5. li toohigh, add oil or water.

    Measure out required amount ofMagnaglo or Magnaflux Concentrateaccording to directions. Use anystandard measuring cup, spoon,or weight scale.

    FORMER PASTE MATERIALSPut paste in separatecontainer and add oil orwater, whichever isused in bath. Stirthoroughly to make athin, lump-free slurry.

    After thorough agitation, check bathstrength with centrifuge settling tube.lf necessary add Concentrate or oilor water to obtain optimumconcentration.

    MAGNAGLO lndications Up to G Times More BrilliantNew ilo. lOA Concentrate Compared toFormer No. 1O PasteThis unretouched photograph suggests the rela-tive fluorescent brilliance of del'ect indications,using Magnaglo Paste No. l0 (left) and neuMagnaglo Dry (loncentrate No. l0A (right) onone part, processed simultaneously. As measuredon fluorometer, No. l0A (loncentrate has up to6 times the brilliance of olil No. 10 Paste.In other nerr Concentrate malerials" fluorescentbrilliance has been typically increased from 407oto 707o as compared to previous porrders orpasles for similar lesl service.:::::::::::::: :^:.:._: ",..."

    FORMER NO. 10 PASTE NEW NO. lOA DRY CONCENTRATEldentical amperage used for both.

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    TT,IAGNAGLONo. 10A (replaces No. 10)

    A wide-use test material, for manufac.turing or preventive maintenance inspection. Excellent vis.ual contrast, with fluorescent brilliance flve to sili times thatof No. l0 paste, is especially useful rvhere black light intensitris marginal. the inspection booth is not rtell slriel,led uroperators cannot become dark-adjusted. Suggested concen.tration is 0.2 oz. per gallon.No. 14A (replaces No.'14)

    This new Concentrate ex-pands the already excellent brilliance and sensitivitv olNo. 14 Magnaglo powder. It is about 40/6 brighter, andmore uniform in particle size. This increases visibility offluorescent indications and makes them sharper and moreuniform. Cost per gallon of bath is low. Recommendedconcentration, l/6 oz. per gallon. (*For use with water,see WA-2A below.)

    MAGNAFLUXNo. 7C Black (replaces No. 7B Paste)c I ea rl r c o n r ras t \{ i t h m os t fr n i s he d? T.l,'; "T:t"H:3:"t:g;n manufacturing. Duplicates sensitiiity of No. 7B Paste,tet is manv times easier to use-and goes further. Recom-nrended concentration is 1J+ oz. per galion.No. 9C Red (replaces No. 9B Paste)Substantially the same as\o. iC e,\cept for red color. Used to provide sirong contrastrr'here red rr'ill be more apparent than black. Recommendedconcentratioll is lr+ oz. per gallon.Note: \o. 9C Concentrate in a nrixt-d oil suspension is sold as No.9CNI Prepared Red trlagnaflux Bath. replacing former No. 9Bl\I. Sold inl2-oz. pressure cans. 1-quart and S-gallon cans.No. 27A Black (replaces No. 27 Paste)su spen dibre No. i c. R"."1H'"'fl"i' .H.lillHill'iJ rliper gallon.No. 29A Red (replaces No. 29 Paste)s u spe n d i bte N o. e c. R " " "E;o*'"';I::t . :1, ;H',l""iilf f r.l:, ;;lper gallon.Note: Both No. 27A and 29A incorporate the new WA-2A Warer Condi-tiorrer (see below). Bath foaming is reduced up to 909i, compared toearlier No.27 and No,29 rvatt,r suspendible pastis. Corrosion piorectionis Frealer and baths are practicallv odor-lree.*WA-2A Water Condiiioner (replaces WA-2)This neri'and greatlt irnproved wetting agent reduces loaming,improve-s corrosion protection and cornpletely dissolves iir\{ater to insure more accurate readings ofbath concentrations.WA-2A Water Conditioner is incorporated in'Magnaglo No.20A Water Suspendible Concentrate and Magnaiiui'Wrt".Suspen,libJe Concentrates No. 27A arrd 29A. -It rru,st be used rrith l,lagnaglo Concentrates No. 14A and No.[5 and Magnaflux Concentrates No. 7C and No.9C to renderthem l,ater suspendible. It thus enables use of these materialsin.trater-*spensron baths in concentrations to meet particulal.needs. Mixing instructions_are provided.^Sta-ndard centrifugesettling tube tests are used to measure final concentration"s.


    Note: No l4A Concentrate in a rnixcd oil suspension is sold as No.l,trAM Prepared Nlagnaglo Barh, replacing Iormer No. 14M. Sold in12-oz. spray cans, l-quart and S.gallon cans.No.15terial espe c i au y s u i ted ro. i,,.pe ct il| i?.iT',lli, iili, ",tt,Tf"ourtls, etc., and large castings testing by foundries. Oflershiglr sensitivitv and rapid l,uild-up ol indit.ations on large oropen defect; and rela'tivelv lorr'scnsilivitl on small 'non.pertinent defects. Speed t,t insPecti,,n is'high. Suggestedconcentralinn is i76 to I B oz. per gallon.No. 20A (replaces No. 20)

    No. 20A is a pre-mixed cornbinationof No. l4A Concentrate and WA-2A Water Conditioner (seebelorv). It is about ?0?i brighter than No. 20 MagnagloPori.der, and particle sizes are more unifornr, indicitionssharper, background is more uniform. The improved u.atercondilioning agent renders it less corrosive and less foamy,and elinrinates sensitivity to natural u.ater hardness. Recom-mended concentratior) ii approxinrately llri oz. per gallt.rn.New Magnaglo and Magnaflux Concentrates are as easy tomeasure out as coffee or sugar. They could be weighed on anyaccurate, finely graduated scale. Or, any standard kitchen meas-uring cup or{ractional measure may be used simply by scoopingit firmly into the Concentrate and scraping it off level full.For example, these are the weights and measures applicable toMagnaglo No. 10A Concentrate:

    Magnaglo and Magnallux DryConcentrates are ,lust that*con-centrated materials. They areeconomical where it counts-inthe bath. Costs o{ mixed bathare comparable to or less thanthe older materials they replace.Further, they minimizethe effectsof contamination. A little goes along way-and lasts a long time.At right are approximate costsper gallon of final mix in thebath, using concentration recom-mended f or most common uses:

    Measure Weiqht1 cup 6 ounces/.cup 3 ounces/,cup 2 ounces% cup 111 ounces1 tablespoon 3A ounce

    Weig hts for olher Concentrateswill vary somewhat but can beeasily determined or are indi-cated in directions furnishedwith each,

    . $0.12

    . $0.t2

    . $0.36

    . $0.36' ' " $o'ti*Based on large conlainer prlces,

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials



    Long before you even heard rumors of these nerv N{agna-glo and Magnaflux Dry Concentrates, each had behind itthousands of man-hours of scientific development, re-search and field testing. Instruments and testing devices,too, r{ere accurate as you are likely to see in themost adr.anced research laboratory.For instance, did you know that at Magnaflux, formula-tion, improvement, and control of testing materials in-volves the use of such equipment as electronic counters,digital computers, photometric and fluorometric instru-ments? That it is a full-time job for 16 specialists andtheir That, depending upon the material andits use" rte measure and test for such specifics as:

    We test our own test materials on actual defects-during manufacture. We test them in the freld, over andover again, and evaluate them in our N{aterial TestingLaboratories. Onlv after proven success are they releasedto vou IOut of just such meticulous, scienti6c programrring carrrethe nerr N{agnaglo and l\{agnaflux Dry Concentrales. Ther'could have come in no other rvav another breakthroughfor you in better, easier magnetic particle testing frontI'Iagnaflux.All this, because your testing results can be no better thanthe test materials you use.

    Packaged to Meet Your lnspectionVolume Needs Most Conveniently


    t. Ferrograph instrument is used to evaluate the magnetic properties ofconcentrates. lt presents a hysteresis loop from which it is possible tocalculate flux density, coercive force, and initial and maximum oermea[ility-;.

    2. Nefluoro-photometer is usedduring development to measurefluorescent brilliance of Mag-naglo materials. lt may also beused as a colorimeter to deter-mine light absorption by a sus-pension oi solids in a liquid'

    3, This photofluorometer isused in manulacturing accept-ance tests {or all batches offl uorescent Magnaglo materials.

    803,1 O


    OIL ORWATER* TYPEPKG.SIZE4 oz.1i oz.Spray Can1 tb.5 tb.

    1o lb.25 Ib.



    ;fFWhether you inspect in high or lou volume, nerv Magnaglo andMagnaflux Dry Concentrates are packaged 1rl meet all your Wettr4ethod test needs economicalh' and conyeniently. The follorv-ing charts show the r.ide range of packaging sizes available.





    PKG.SIZE12 oz.Spray Can

    1 tb.5 tb.

    10 lb.25 lb.'

    4. Extremely accurate centri-fuge is here used to determinesolids contents of liquid sus-pensions. One ol its uses is indeveloping concentralion rec-ommendations for various testuses.

    * For water suspension, muslbe used with WA-2A waterconditioner available i.n 1 lb.,5 lb., 10 lb. and 25 lb. pack-ages. Iilote:12 oz. Spray Cans areprepared bath solutions,using Magnaglo No. 'l4A orMagnafl ux 9C Concentrate.These Prepared Baths, No.'l4AM or 9CM are also avail-able in 1-qt. and S-gal. cans.

    -iMAGNAFLUX CORPORATION,7300 W. Lawrence Avenue, Chicago 31,11l.NEW YORK 36 . PITTSBURGH 36 . CLEVELAND 15OETROIT 11 . DALLAS 35 . LOS ANGELES 22


    Form No. 161.1. 8M. 2-62. GE Printed in U. S, A.

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials


    WHAI I|AGilAFLU)(1

    the key operqtionThroughout the metol industries, corelui ond sysrilotic inspectionhos come to be recognized os on operotion ol primory importonce:(l) to lorestoll occeptonce of delective row moteriqls Ior processing;(2r to permit constont check on vorious processing steps, lor the sokeol improving production methods; (3) to keep the product, os shippedto customers, Iree Irom delects. Thus, inspection hos won occeptonceeverywhere cn its obility to prevent useless wqste ol time ond loborond mointoin those quolity stondords which build o compony bybuilding its reputotion.It meons o greot deol to o monulocturer when o relotively low-costoperotion (Inspection) leods to eliminotion of Ioults thot couse cus-tomer reiections; to design refinements thot moke substontiol sovingsin mon-hours ond moteriols; to.speedier produation ol belter costings,belter lools, welded ossemblies, Iobricoted ports ond similor prod-

    ucts . ot.lower cosls eosier to sell becouse ol their dependoblequolity.Systemotic inspection is equolly eflective os q molntenqnce tool inpromoting operoting economy ond efliciency. To operotors ol rqil-roods, oircrolt, bus ond truck Iines, regulor overhoul inspection isthe key to better solety records ond longer equipment lile. In the oilIield ond refinery in the power plont in Ioct wherevermoving ond highly stressed equipment is in use, its periodic inspec-tion is the best ond cheopest insuronce qgoinst hozordous Ioiluresonci costly shut-downs.And os inspecticn is the key operotion in o mojority of industries, soMognoflux is the key to procticol, positive qnd economicol inspectionol steel ports.



    For testing mognelic metol ports, non deslructivelyond in step with modern production )ine speed.Mognollux mokes occurote inspection ol everyport procticol. Mognollux indicoiions ore eosy-to-

    As originotors ond pioneers ol mognetic porticleinspection, Mognollux Corporotion ond its stofl hove occumuloted on unequolled lund olspeciolized knowledge ond experience on this sub-ject. This is ploced ot the disposol oi industry in

    Agoin, os pioneers in mognetic porticle inspection,Mognollux Corporotion hos been in the only proc-ticol position to design ond monulqcture slondordequipment Jor correct lunctioning ol oll inspection.Units Ior mognetizing, demognetizing, opplyinq the

    Mognollux powders ond postes ore the result ollong ond pqinstoking reseqrch lor inspection medi-ums best suited to use with Mognollux equipment.There qre no procticol substilutes ior these mqte-riols. All ore prepored under strictest control ondcon be depended on lor unilorm eflecliveness.Powders lor use with the dry method ore ovoiloblein three colors - groy, red qnd black. Postes lor

    reod guides lo the exoct noture ond type ol existentflows. (Other Mognollux Corporotion equipmentond moteriols provide similor technics Ior non-mognetic products.)

    the service extended to Mognollux users. Includedore: troining Ior operotors, necessory text-bool s,regulor contocts by Field Engineers. school sessicnsin centrolized cities, loborotory service. qnd otherphoses ol lull cooperotion.

    powders or wet method boths ond exomining theindicotions ore ovoiloble. Generol purpose ondspeciolly designed sutomotic ond semi-outomoticproduction types ore constructed to hondle ports ololl sizes Irom o lew ounces lo severol lons.

    use with the wet method ore supplied in red qndblock. This ronge ol colors ossures mqximum con-trost lor voried opplicotions. Another medium loruse with the lyet method---Mognoglo" Poste-is highJy lluorescenl uder neor-ultroviolet light,ond is speciolly suited to inspection ol obscure sur-loces, ond lor mony high speed production inspec-tion opplicotions.

    ji,i . -r

    t Mognollux, Reg. U. S. Pot. Ofi., o lrqdemqrk ol Mognqllux Corporqtion opplied to its equipment qnd mqteriqls for mqgnetic porticle inspection.

  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials


    z.ql-4c0&l8;Eix9Jo*t:lr .t("z0(fq. i.,



    liirlil-i i -r I ' Ir I I J' I I l; r-_..r*-ll,1 l; .l ri ii r"r'l

    .1 \\\-i rt --vt',. -),.


  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials


  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials





    Ifarcb. l-6, 1948San Diego Yocatioaal lichool548 iiest }farket StreetSan Diegor Califormia

    Attention: Hr, -'S. G. eoates, Supt. of Atrcraft insp.Gentlemen:

    Ln aecord.auce wlth your reeent request we are enelosingor our $&IAQ tfrpe lV1agnaflux unlt. !=t'e believe this will assistotrrerat ing your*q*it--'.,.,t'"" 0n Februaty 25, 1948 we submitted. an Ed.ucatlonaL $ervice Agreoment.,.,' and. License to ir{r.. E. $. Thompson, ?urehastne Agent, San Dlego Snifiedi School- District, 2101 Cormerci"aL Street, San Biego, California for yoursehool. If you will have thls agreernent signed by the proper persoasand returned to us immediately, p3.ans could. be nade for glvlng you addi-\. tional assistance. .-,e.-'-

    is' -i;6[GstdA; *'i6 {ifd'dls'o' butmittine tir" followiug informatlon onZyglo:fur tYpe ZA-LZ unlt is reeommend.ed for educatlonal tnstitutLoas and.provides for alL operatlons of fluoregeent penotrant lnspeotloa. Thisunit, as illustrated. in the eacloeed folder, and the treoessarTr Zyg1:nateriale are prlceel as follows, f.o.b. our Chicago factory:

    1 - ZA-12 WeLo Uait eoastructed. for operationfrom 220 or 4d,0 volt {but not both) 50 or 60cycJ,e, slngle-phase curent------ ----SIagf.OO2O - galloas trI-I Zyglo Penetraat at $+.+5/ga1.---- B9.OO5 - Bouad e *-3 at $.sO/tb"------- 2.50

    As the n::lter explained to you, schooLs whose entlro use of Zfrglow11L be limitecl to non-profit work and !&ose general operation ls eoa-d.ueed orr & r3.orl-proflt basis are entitl"ed to a strreeial- edueatlonal agree-ment at a reduced fee of $Z$.OO payabLe at the time of signlng the agree-ment, aad. then $t.OO each year thereafter. Ia additioa to the non-profttrequirement it ie requlred that the scbool aeeept at least one d.ayrslnitial instmetions from us and have sultable equlpment approved by us.If the one dayrs lnstruetlonal visit ean be made at our couvenience,there ls no addltional eharge; otherwise, traveling expenses from theLos Aageles offlee and return are chargable.

    JEFFERSON 5273

    Itteratureyou i.n\\\ii



    NEW YORKi-


  • 7/29/2019 Magnaflux DN-543 Operation Materials



    San Diego YeatLonaL Sehool Hareh. L5, L94'8

    !{e are eaelosing trvo eoples d an agreeueat nacle our for yoursehool. Botb. coples shouLd be slgned. by the proper prsoas aad re-turned to as. Thef wtl-L thea be exeeuted. by our offieers, dated.,aad, the origlaal retu:sed to you.A1L prleee quoted &r'6 r1r Shieage faetory; thls quotationw111 reaaln la effeet for thirty d.ays. ses are inereased by sal-esaaei aee taxeE where applleable. &r terps of payrcnt are net thtrtydays. $hiprneat at present ie nrnalng frop tea to twelre weeks followiugreeeipt of your srder.We greatLy appreoiate tbe oSrportualty of servlng you aad ask tlatyou cal-l upoa us if lafo:matloa is deslred.

    ?ery truS-y yours,l ,** c o*Pg*il?fel{

