Magazine cover's analysis

Magazine cover analysis

Transcript of Magazine cover's analysis

Page 1: Magazine cover's analysis

Magazine cover


Page 2: Magazine cover's analysis

The main image of Daniel Craig goes over the

magazine’s title. This connotates that the

magazine is so well known, it doesn’t have to be seen and that Daniel Craig’s character

is very important and powerful. Also the light

coming out behind it, makes him and the title look as if they are in the ‘spotlight’.

The main image shows the two protagonists, giving direct address to the reader (draws them in), looking very serious and slightly sinister. Craig is higher up the the girl, possibly showing his power, and her vulnerability. The black and grey colour scheme of the image is very dark and sinister

Skyline- shows the magazines slogan (also covered as is well known) and states that it is the ‘biggest movie magazine’ making it powerful and superior ( as is the film then)

The date is given

Cover line- title of the film is in bold white letters, with a worn away font which matches the films branding. Its white so stands out against the dark image. Its on the left, which means it will be one of the first things read (read top left, to right)

Features- The quirky pink writing, is quite girly and different to the rest of the dark colour scheme. This makes it really stand out and hints towards the quirkiness of the film . The writing says ‘the icon unveiled’ which makes it sound very important and something they must read and see. The word ‘only’ is underlined because it wants to highlight the fact that they are the only magazine to see behind this ‘iconic’ film. Bar code on bottom right

(last thing will see)

More features- blue writing on white strips stands out. Doesn’t give much away, just short statements. Will want to read to find out more.

Mast head is only thing in read and read is quite a royal, importantnt, shocking colour, that connotates danger and emergency. This shows how the magazine is very important, and that the film is possibly to do with danger etc.

Page 3: Magazine cover's analysis

Masthead/logo- the central placement and that its in a shape, with no colour is very quirky and different, it shows how it doesn’t need to be all bold and fancy to stand out, everything is about the main image. Its memorable also.

Black and white colour theme- connotates innocence and evil which fits well with the plots theme (the girl has a split personality). It is also very elegant which matches the ballet part of the film. Blue the title of the film includes the word black so it links in with that. And swans are white so that’s the white link.

Main image- is a close up of the protagonists face, In black and white and looks drawn. The face is very white, not a lot of shading there (very simple and pure). She is giving direct address and has heavy eye make up which will draw the reader in. She is also very pretty, which is an example of beauty appeal (beauty sells).

The cover line is extremely large and takes up the whole page almost. Its in big black writing. It covers the main image of the girl, possibly hinting that she is trapped? It shows the importance of the film and that is something you need to see!

The feathers are elegant and link to the swan theme. However overall the image doesn’t give a lot away of the film and neither does the cover

There is no skylines, dates, features or lures. Everything is spoken through the striking main image. Its more of a piece of art or a book cover than a magazine cover, but I think this is very effective as it means the reader will have to open it up to find out any information.

Page 4: Magazine cover's analysis

The main image is a midshot of the protagonist in the film, giving direct address which darws the reader in. the image is very sharp and vibrant. The green, jungle style background links to the setting of the film and has a very natural feel to it. Brown hair= mysterious

There is less text on this than the empire magazine but more than LWL. The mast ehad is covered by the main image (shows how well known it is and that the character is important. Its in orange which links to part of her uniform and matches the nature theme (orange sun and green leaves).

Date given top right, very small and white.

The cover line- states title of film, bold white letters so stands out against the black. Its not surrounded by too much text so makes it stand out further. Showing its importance (its all about this film, nothing else)

Feature- exclusive is in bold to make it stand out, draw reader in (they wont find these pictures anywhere else). Jennifer lawrence is written in orange (matches masthead and uniform) to make her stand out and show her importance.