
| 1 Page Food Production A Cycle of Life 1/1/2013 Martina Jervis, Isabel María Chiriboga, Felipe Jijón, Raúl Martínez


Felipe Jijon Group

Transcript of Magazine

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Food Production A Cycle of Life


Martina Jervis, Isabel María Chiriboga, Felipe Jijón, Raúl Martínez

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Table of Contents

Contents A Serious Game that can Cost Life .......... 3

Food Production- Historical Events ........ 5

Food Production News ............................ 7

Use and Effect of Technology ................. 8

Works Cited ............................................. 9

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A Serious Game that can Cost Life Food production is a serious environmental issue that affects the whole world including us, people. The movie home states that the fertile land makes trees grow and the trees produce food for us, the serious global issue is that humans are committing a lot of deforestation and this is really bad not only for the environment, for living creatures too and they are the ones who create most of the fertile soil. Humans have been taking possession of every habitat, and they needed food this is where it all begins, over food production. The agriculture was the first break to solution, but now there

are only 100000

farmers left in the use to feed 2 billion people, the

rest of farmers use technology which in my opinion is not that good because the more natural, the better. Although, agriculture that is produced is mostly not for humans, it is for cows which produce meet and just feed 2% of the world’s population. If we mix a little the environmental issues we can see that food production is causing other environmental issues such as water scarcity because harvest uses 70% of the water and it takes 15 million liters of water to make 1 kilo of meet, we are running out of water. Another issue that is provoked by food

production is over fishing because we are killing too much fish and other marine animals that also eat fish are dying in some areas because there are no more fish and they have to migrate to another place to find food and most of them do not

survive during the migration cycle. In my opinion we need to take care of the environment because according to scientists 20% of humans consume 80% of the world’s resources and the cap is 40% thinner than 40 years ago.

Food production is growing now more than ever since it is expected that by 2050 the population may grow nearly into 9 billion people, the problem is that 20 to 40 percent of the world´s crop production is already lost, the crops are disappearing because of the effects of weeds, pest and diseases crops have after already being produced, also we are losing them because cities are beginning to expand into huge cities on land that can be good for crops, and we are running out of space. As I mention before agriculture and food production have benefits

because of the advances of technology which allows the food production to increase faster, but advance technology is not good

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since the plants receive many chemicals and resources to grow faster and food can cause diseases to a human if someone eats it. In conclusion, my opinion as an student is that agricultural productivity is the key to food production because it is helping the plants grow healthy and it is allowing millions of people to live by eating but I do think that over food production is affecting crucially the world and I am sure that if we don’t propose a solution for it we might end up with no water, no food and we will probably die, so it is a serious global issue that people should be concerned about it.

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Food Production- Historical Events Food Production started with agriculture, the first appearance of technology. At c. 8000 BC, nomads hunters, and gatherers collected food and hunted animals from the wild. Scientists say that agriculture started in the Middle East; which was home to a variety of cultivated and fertile crops such as wheat, barley cereal, lentils, peas, chickpeas, etc. The Fertile Crescent, located at Middle East, had also a variety of animals; sheep, pigs, goats and cattle were some of the animals that humans found in this region. Cattle, being a very important source of food, also helped at work. The Fertile Crescent had a very big advantage of good animals and plants, making it an advantage for Europe. Quickly, agriculture began to expand to China, Africa, Mexico and what we now know as Central America.

In the Ancient World, many ships started carrying olive oil from Greece, grains from Egypt, and spices directly from Middle East. Cities of Italy, like Rome, started depending on Egypt and Africa, because of the grain that helped them feed their plebeians. This type of technology helped to increase the food production of the middle Ages. The Arab world had a good food

production system; introducing citrus and rice to Europe. China depended on wheat, millet, and soybeans; these helped the rice production increased. As they discovered America, the New World, they also discovered new crops. Potatoes, peppers, corn, and tomatoes where introduced and were brought to Europe. Brazil was another country that had a lot of crops that Europeans took with them, such as the famous sugarcane.

Refrigeration developed too. Beef was exported from Argentina to England, and bananas from Central America to United States. Refrigerated cars allowed these trading ships to export a variety of stuff through the whole world, in 19nth century; food trade was transformed to exportations worldwide of 18 million tons in 30 years and by 1914, to 40 million.

Today, food is highly processed before being consumed. What we call “organic” food is now getting more popular. Manipulation of crops grew faster between the 1990´s and had a big impact to food

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production. People are discovering new things to make food production easier and faster that will benefit humans. These changes will bring us to an easier and maybe healthier life.

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Food Production News

World cereal production set to reach historic high in 2013.

In july 11 the world cereal production expanding the 7% in the last years the production of

cereal, they said the united nations of food . But warned that in spite of a boost in supply

various regions including Central Africa, West

Africa and Syria are still affected by food

insecurity. The Food and Agriculture

Organization forecasts that cereal production this

year will reach 2,479 million tons, a new record

level. Wheat, coarse grains and rice production

are all expected to expand, which will help

replenish global supplies of cereal and stabilize markets over the next year, the report says.

Even many developing countries are affecting by food insecurity, and this report focuses on

various countries where conflict is preventing the population from satisfying their food

needs. In Syria, wheat production dropped significantly this year due to the escalating

conflict in the country. The livestock sector has also been severely affected, and the report

estimates that some 4 million people are facing severe food Egypt is civil

unrest and dwindling foreign exchange reserves are also raising serious food security

concerns. Conflict has also affected food security in the Central African Republic and the

Democratic Republic of the Syria, wheat production dropped significantly this

year due to the escalating conflict in the country. The livestock sector has also been

severely affected, and the report estimates that some 4 million people are facing severe

food insecurity. In Egypt, civil unrest and dwindling foreign exchange reserves are also

raising serious food security concerns.

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Use and Effect of Technology Technology in food production has improved in a lot of ways. They have invented machines that have make food production and food making a lot easier. One example is the Ruffles French fries because they use a lot of machine to make the fries and another one just to put each one in the bag. There is another example that we drink all days and that is Coca Cola, we see this in supermaxi in a bottle but before that they use a lot of machines to mix the cola and they use machines that do everything. Allot of products that before took a lot of time to make know they are making the same product and better in 3 minutes.

Research in the field now known as food technology has been conducted for decades. Nicolas Appert’s development in 1810 of the canning process was a decisive event. The process wasn’t called canning then and Appert did not really know the principle on which his process worked, but canning has a major impact on food preservation techniques .He developed the process of heating milk and milk products to destroy food spoilage and disease. In his research about food technology he knew that this would make easier.

In food production we have make a lot of machines that have taken the spot human hand. There are factories that in the past they had a lot of people working, and know there are just machines because they do it faster and is cheaper. The food production industries have taken away human had for 2 reasons. The first one is because they are cheaper. The second one is because they don’t make mistakes.

If they don’t replace humans they make the work easier. Like farming, in the past it took the whole day and know 2 or 3 hours.

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Works Cited

"Agriculture." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 21 Oct. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

Lobb, Richard L. "History of Food Production." Answers, n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

Food Technology." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 29 Sept. 2013. Web. 24 Oct. 2013.

"Increasing Food Production." And Crop Yields : Benefits of Pesticides. N.p., 27 Sept. 2012. Web. 02 Oct. 2013.