Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08

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Transcript of Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08



    Added function api_reset_queue Fixed an issue with the function api_sms_available_spacethat wouldn't return the real available

    space Fixed documentation of functions that use the sms_dir parameter (previously it showed dir

    instead of sms_dir)


    Fixed function api_reset_sent_counternot setting counters to 0 permanently Added the following functions:







    Added optional parameter set_readto functions api_recv_get_first_nand api_recv_get_last_n


    Added function api_get_channels_status Added function api_reset_sent_counter


    Added optional parameter channelto function api_queue_sms Added optional parameter channelto function api_get_status

    Added the following functions



    Parameter Enconding and Supported Characters

    As it was stated in the introduction, the encoding used for the parameters is UR !RF" #$%& with the additionof ()*s that may be used for spaces+

    he characters currently supported are the following:


    "haracters lie and z are excluded on purpose, because the use of these would truncate the maximum_Z_ length to K0 characters !from G&0+

    Web API Commands

    Zost of the following commands reuire authentication with the web server+ he parameters used forauthentification are:

    username: Username for _Z_ A]W service authentication

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


    password: ]assword for _Z_ A]W service authentication

    apiversion: eb A]W version used by the client

    he api_versionspecified must match the one supported by the firmware version installed on the device+ heexamples encountered through the documentation use (webuser* as usernameand (webpass* aspassword+

    he details of each command will indicate if it reuires the authentication parameters or not along its own



    #escription" ^ueues the text message indicated in the uery parameters and returns a ticetassociated with the _Z_+ his ticet can be used later to as for the delivery status of themessage

    Parameters" content: "ontent of the test message in UR formatdestination: _Z_ destination number

    channel !optional: "hannel that should send the message !G to &+ Wf not specified,the message will be sent by any enabled channel

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: Zessage was succesfully inserted in the device database

    0: An error ocurred

    messageid: icet of the ueued message+ Wf an error ocurred, this fieldwon't be present on the response

    errorcode: \nly if an error ocurred+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:



    { CsuccessC: true, CmessageidC: J |


    #escription" Retrieves the status of the message associated with the ticet indicated in theparameters

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    Parameters" messageid: icet of the message to be ueried

    channel !optional: et status for message associated with this channel+ Wf notspecified, the status returned will be from messages belonging tothe general ueue

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: Zessage status was retrieved succesfully0: An error ocurred

    messagestatus: Wf an error ocurred, this field won't be present on the response+ 0: [ew G: ]rocessing H: _ent #: Failure

    lasterror: Wf an error ocurred, this field won't be present on the response+ 0: [one G: Unnown H: Sestination number #: "ontent I: [etwor, temporal J: _imcard

    ntries: [umber of failed attempts to send the message

    num: Sestination number of the message

    channel: ast channel that attempted to send the message, successfully ornot

    senddate: Sate in seconds from epoch when the message was sent

    recvdate: Sate in seconds from epoch when the message was ueued

    reportstage: ]ossible values are:0: [o status report has been received yet

    G: emporary status report+ Zore reports should beexpected to arrive+H: Final status report+ Final report received for thismessage+

    deliverystatus: _tatus code contained in the report+ ]ossible values are:0: Zessage deliveredG: Zessage forwarded by the _" but unable to confirmdeliveryH: Zessage replaced by the _"#H: "ongestion#J: _ervice rekectedI%: _pecific to each _"&J: Wncompatible destination

    deliverydate: Sate of the last status report received for the message

    errorcode: _ee error codes section

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapigetstatusBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBmessageidNJBapiversionN0+0%BchannelNG

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true, CmessagestatusC: H, CnumC: C%I0KH&&&C, CchannelC: G, ClasterrorC: 0,CntriesC: 0, CsenddateC: CG##&JHG$G&C, CrecvdateC: CG##&JHG%J%C, CreportstageC:CHC,CdeliverystatusC:C0C, CdeliverydateC:CG##&JHHIC |


    #escription" Retrieves the status !a part of it on this version of all the available channel

    Parameters" [o additional parameters reuired

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: _tatus of the channels retrieved successfully0: An error ocurred

    errorcode: \nly if an error ocurred+ _ee error codes section

    channels: A X_\[ array with the following info for each element !channel:

    id: [umeric channel id !from G to &

    smssendena: G if sms delivery is enabled, 0 if not

    state: _tring indicating the channel status

    imsi: Wf state >N (disabled* and state >N(nosimcard*,

    WZ_W of the simcardnsentsms: _ame conditions as imsi+ [} _Z_s sent by the


    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapigetchannelsstatusBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true, CchannelsC: { CidC: G, CsmssendenaC: G, CstateC: CregisteredC, CimsiC:CK#00GGJJJJJJJJC, CnsentsmsC: J |, { CidC: H, CsmssendenaC: 0, CstateC: CregisteredC,CimsiC: CK#00GG&&&&&&&&C, CnsentsmsC: 0 | z |


    #escription" \btains the status of the specified ueue+ Wt's not recommended to use this functionfreuently, since it checs the whole ueue and may lower performance on A]W webintensive applications+

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


    Parameters" channel !optional: et status for ueue associated with this channel+ Wf notspecified, the status returned will be from the general ueue

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: Zessage status was retrieved succesfully0: An error ocurred

    nmsgs: [umber of messagges on the ueue

    nnew: [umber of messages mared as (new*

    nproc: [umber of messages currently being processed

    nsent: [umber of messages that were sent

    nfail: [umber of messages mared as (failed*

    errorcode: _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapigetueuestatusBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%BchannelNG

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true, CnmsgsC: I, CnnewC: 0, CnprocC: 0, CnsentC: I, CnfailC: 0 |


    #escription" Resets the _Z_ sent counter for the simcard of the WZ_W or channel specified

    Parameters" imsi: WZ_W of the target simcard, or

    channel: "hannel where the target simcard is inserted

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: "ounter was reseted successfully

    0: An error ocurred

    errorcode: \nly if an error ocurred+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:



    { CsuccessC: true |

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08



    #escription" Returns the eb A]W version supported by the device

    Parameters" [o additional parameters reuired

    Auth" [o

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following element:

    apiversion: eb A]W version supported by the device

    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapigetversion

    Answer:{ CapiversionC: C0+0&C |


    #escription" \btains the number of received messages

    Parameters" [o additional parameters reuired

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: [umber of received messages obtained succesfully0: An error ocurred

    nsms: Wf no error ocurred, this field will be present on the responsecontaining the number of received messages

    errorcode: ]resent when success field is 0+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapigetnumberrecvsmsBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true, CnsmsC: J00 |


  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


    #escription" \btains the number of unread received messages

    Parameters" [o additional parameters reuired

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: [umber of unread received messages obtained succesfully

    0: An error ocurrednunread: Wf no error ocurred, this field will be present on the response

    containing the number of unread received messages

    errorcode: ]resent when success field is 0+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapirecvgetnumberunreadBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true, CnunreadC: G% |


    #escription" \btains the first [ received messages

    Parameters" nregs: [umber of messages to retrievesetread !optional: G: Zar messages retrieved as read

    0: eave the messages as they are !default

    Auth" es

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: \btained all or part of the messages succesfully0: An error ocurred

    nread: Wf no error ocurred, this field will be present and contain thenumber of messages succesfully read from the device

    regarray: A X_\[ array containing the messages+ Tach message has thefollowing structure:

    id: Zessage WS

    senddate: Sate on which the message was sent

    recvdate: Sate on which the message was received

    readdate: Sate on which the message was read

    numorig: \rigin number of the message

    message: "ontent of the message

    status: (0* means unread, (G* means message read

    channel: Sevice channel that received the message !D

    imsi: Wmsi that received the message !D

    errorcode: ]resent when success field is 0+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapirecvgetfirstnBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%BnregsNG

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true, CnreadC: G, (regarray*: { (id*: HJ, (senddate*: (H0G0EG0EH0G#:0J:0G*, (recvdate*: (H0G0EG0EH0 G#:0J:J0*, (readdate*: (E*, (numorig*:(GH#IGH#I*, (message*: (hi, how are youP*, (status*: 0, (channel*: &, (imsi*:(GH#IGH#IGH#I* | z |

    !D _ome messages may have channel (EG* and an empty imsi if they were received by any simcard on a yric `oW] device with firmware

    version below `0+H0G


    #escription" \btains the first [ unread received messages

    Parameters" nregs: [umber of messages to retrieve

    setread: G: Zar messages retrieved as read0: eave the messages as they are

    Auth" es

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: \btained all or part of the messages succesfully0: An error ocurred

    nread: Wf no error ocurred, this field will be present and contain thenumber of messages succesfully read from the device

    regarray: A X_\[ array containing the messages+ Tach message has thefollowing structure:

    id: Zessage WS

    senddate: Sate on which the message was sent

    recvdate: Sate on which the message was received

    readdate: Sate on which the message was read

    numorig: \rigin number of the message

    message: "ontent of the message

    status: (0* means unread, (G* means message read

    channel: Sevice channel that received the message !D

    imsi: Wmsi that received the message !D

    errorcode: ]resent when success field is 0+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapirecvgetfirstnBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%BnregsNG

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true, CnreadC: G, (regarray*: { (id*: HJ, (senddate*: (H0G0EG0EH0G#:0J:0G*, (recvdate*: (H0G0EG0EH0 G#:0J:J0*, (readdate*: (E*, (numorig*:(GH#IGH#I*, (message*: (hi, how are youP*, (status*: 0, (channel*: &, (imsi*:(GH#IGH#IGH#I* | z |

    !D _ome messages may have channel (EG* and an empty imsi if they were received by any simcard on a yric `oW] device with firmware

    version below `0+H0G


    #escription" \btains the last [ received messages

    Parameters" nregs: [umber of messages to retrieve

    setread !optional: G: Zar messages retrieved as read0: eave the messages as they are !default

    Auth" es

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: \btained all or part of the messages succesfully0: An error ocurred

    nread: Wf no error ocurred, this field will be present and contain thenumber of messages succesfully read from the device

    regarray: A X_\[ array containing the messages+ Tach message has thefollowing structure:

    id: Zessage WS

    senddate: Sate on which the message was sent

    recvdate: Sate on which the message was received

    readdate: Sate on which the message was read

    numorig: \rigin number of the message

    message: "ontent of the message

    status: (0* means unread, (G* means message read

    channel: Sevice channel that received the message !D

    imsi: Wmsi that received the message !D

    errorcode: ]resent when success field is 0+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapirecvgetlastnBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%BnregsNG

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true, CnreadC: G, (regarray*: { (id*: HJ, (senddate*: (H0G0EG0EH0G#:0J:0G*, (recvdate*: (H0G0EG0EH0 G#:0J:J0*, (readdate*: (E*, (numorig*:(GH#IGH#I*, (message*: (hi, how are youP*, (status*: 0, (channel*: &, (imsi*:(GH#IGH#IGH#I* | z |

    !D _ome messages may have channel (EG* and an empty imsi if they were received by any simcard on a yric `oW] device with firmware

    version below `0+H0G


    #escription" \btains the last [ unread received messages

    Parameters" nregs: [umber of messages to retrieve

    setread: G: Zar messages retrieved as read0: eave the messages as they are

    Auth" es

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: \btained all or part of the messages succesfully0: An error ocurred

    nread: Wf no error ocurred, this field will be present and contain thenumber of messages succesfully read from the device

    regarray: A X_\[ array containing the messages+ Tach message has thefollowing structure:

    id: Zessage WS

    senddate: Sate on which the message was sent

    recvdate: Sate on which the message was received

    readdate: Sate on which the message was read

    numorig: \rigin number of the message

    message: "ontent of the message

    status: (0* means unread, (G* means message read

    channel: Sevice channel that received the message !D

    imsi: Wmsi that received the message !D

    errorcode: ]resent when success field is 0+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapirecvgetlastnBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%BnregsNG

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true, CnreadC: G, (regarray*: { (id*: HJ, (senddate*: (H0G0EG0EH0G#:0J:0G*, (recvdate*: (H0G0EG0EH0 G#:0J:J0*, (readdate*: (E*, (numorig*:(GH#IGH#I*, (message*: (hi, how are youP*, (status*: 0, (channel*: &, (imsi*:(GH#IGH#IGH#I* | z |

    !D _ome messages may have channel (EG* and an empty imsi if they were received by any simcard on a yric `oW] device with firmware

    version below `0+H0G


    #escription" _ets a message as read and its read date to the moment it is set

    Parameters" id: Wd of the message to be set read

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: Zessage set read succesfully0: An error ocurred

    errorcode: ]resent when success field is 0+ _ee error codes section

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapirecvsetreadBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%BidNK

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true |


    #escription" Tnables the specified channels for _Z_ delivery

    Parameters" chanlist: "omma separated list of channels to be enabled

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: "hannels were enabled successfully0: An error ocurred

    errorcode: ]resent when success field is 0+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapismssendenableBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%BchanlistNG,H,#

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true |


    #escription" Sisables the specified channels for _Z_ delivery

    Parameters" chanlist: "omma separated list of channels to be disabled

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: "hannels were disabled successfully0: An error ocurred

    errorcode: ]resent when success field is 0+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapismssenddisableBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%BchanlistNG,H,#

    Answer:{ CsuccessC: true |

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08



    #escription" Seletes the messages matching the specified state from the specified ueue

    Parameters" smsdir: in: ueue of the received messages

    out: ueue of the outgoing messages

    channel !out: _pecifies the target channel ueue !G to &+ Wf not specified, it'lluse the general ueue for outgoing messages

    status: unread !in: deletes unread messages

    read !in: deletes read messages

    new !out: deletes pending messages

    sent !out: deletes sent messages

    failed !out: deletes messages that failed to be sent

    any !in or out: deletes messages matching any status

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: Zessage were deleted successfully

    0: An error ocurred

    errorcode: \nly if an error ocurred+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:



    { CsuccessC: true |


    #escription" Seletes the message matching the specified id from the specified ueue

    Parameters" smsdir: in: ueue of the received messages

    out: ueue of the outgoing messages

    channel !out: _pecifies the target channel ueue !G to &+ Wf not specified, it'lluse the general ueue for outgoing messages

    id: Wd of the message at the specified ueue

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: Zessage were deleted successfully

    0: An error ocurred

    errorcode: \nly if an error ocurred+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:



    { CsuccessC: true |


    #escription" Returns the remaining available space on the specified ueue

    Parameters" smsdir: in: ueue of the received messages

    out: ueue of the outgoing messages

    channel !out: _pecifies the target channel ueue !G to &+ Wf not specified, it'lluse the general ueue for outgoing messages

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: Zessage were deleted successfully

    0: An error ocurred

    errorcode: \nly if an error ocurred+ _ee error codes section

    navailable: [umber of messages that can be inserted in the ueue beforeoverwritting the oldest message

    E%amp&e" ^uery:



    { CsuccessC: true, (navailable*: I00 |

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08



    #escription" Seletes all messages from ueue if there's no message in the (]rocessing* state

    Parameters" smsdir: in: ueue of the received messages

    out: ueue of the outgoing messages

    channel !out: _pecifies the target channel ueue !G to &+ Wf not specified, it'lluse the general ueue for outgoing messages

    Auth" es

    $eturns" he result !in X_\[ format of the function contains the following elements:

    success: G: ueue was resetted succesfully

    0: An error ocurred

    errorcode: \nly if an error ocurred+ _ee error codes section

    E%amp&e" ^uery:http:webuser:webpass-G$H+G&%+H00+G0cgiEbinexecPcmdNapiresetueueBusernameNlyricapiBpasswordNlyricapiBapiversionN0+0%BsmsdirNoutBchannelNJ


    { CsuccessC: true |

    Error Codes

    C)#E #ESC$IP*I)+Satabase]roblem Sevice database couldn't be accessedA]WSisabled eb A]W is disabledSestinationTmpty _Z_ destination was not specified"ontentTmpty "ontent was not specifiedUsernameTmpty Username was not specified]asswordTmpty ]assword was not specifiedA]W`ersionTmpty A]W version was not specifiedadSestination Sestination must be a numeric value

    adUser]assword Wncorrect username or passwordadApi`ersion Wncorrect A]W versionUnix_ocet]roblem "onnection to unix socet failedAppAnswer]roblem Application does not answerApp[otification]roblem Application answer has errorsZessageWdTmpty Zessage ticet was not specifiedSatabase]roblem\RWd[otFound Satabase couldn't be accessed or ticet does not existSevice[otReady Sevice hasn't initiated completly yetrong"hannel "hannel specified is invalidZissing"hannelist A comma separated list must be specified

  • 7/26/2019 Lyric API Web Documentation 0.08


    _etReadTmpty Sidn't specify whether to set messges as read or notrong_Z_Sir Xust (in* or (out* is accepted[o_Z_Sir smsdir parameter was not specified"hannel[otReuired _pecified channel for the received _Z_ ueueZissing_tatus _tatus parameter was not specified_tatusrog _tatus parameter is different from (in* or (out*ogTrror Wnternal error while trying to access a ueue"hannel[otWnitialied _pecified channel is not initialied

    Wmsi[otFound _pecified imsi couldn't be found^ueue]roblem ^ueue nonexistent or unown ueue related error


    Gz http:www+kson+orgHz http:tools+ietf+orghtmlrfc#$%z http:www+python+orgftppythonH+KpythonEH+K+msi !for indowsIz http:www+yx+clsoporte+html