Love Your Parks Book



Campaign for Santa Clara County Parl

Transcript of Love Your Parks Book

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If they can’t make it to the park, we’ll bring the park to them. Integrating local companies will not only bring the community together, but benefit both parties as well. We’ll be working with innovative companies like Apple, Google, and Cisco, notoriously famous companies that still love their local area. These employees may be coming from outside of the Santa Clara County, but a majority of their life is spent here. They come to work, maybe go some-where out in town for lunch, then go home or hit up a local bar with some coworkers. Educating them about the extent resources and parks around them would benefit not only Santa Clara County Parks but also bring awareness to Love Your Parks day.

“Working is what drives me”

Although these consumers are motivated by extrinsic rewards, they are fulfilled by intrinsic rewards. This means they do like making money, but the core values and doing enjoyable work is what keeps them going.

“I prefer to work with people I enjoy being with”

Valley employees have a healthy appreciation for the importance of good teamwork. We found that Silicon Valley professionals were more likely than their non-Val-ley colleagues to choose their jobs based on the people they’d be working with. This is important.

Heavy multi device users not only for work but also at home.

age 24 - 47

would rather spend a friday night in but occasionally goes out

makes $100,000+ yearly

owns a rescuedogmet partner on

runs a bay area food blog as a hobby

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Target 11

Our second target audience are Active Community Members. What we mean by active community members, are individuals that participate in clubs, sports or any group activities. Such as an adult so�ball league, slam poetry club or maybe possibly a hiking meet up group for example. Through targeting these “active community members”, we are able to spread awareness of how parks are also a fun place for group activities and socializing. These active community members are important to target since they communi-cate and enjoy participating in group activities.

“I love hanging out with people with the same interests as me”

These community member sought out like minded people because they like the feeling of a close knit community with like minded individuals.

The active community members are social media heavy. They enjoy partici-pating in online discussions and chatting in forums.

age 20 - 55

loves socializing and isn’t afraid of meetups.

makes $40,000+ yearly

loves staying activehas several


very active on social media

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Through our research we discovered that people are more likely to volunteer, ex-plore and experience together rather than alone. So we decided to target groups (corporations, clubs, sports teams, etc) rather than individual people. We wanted to create a shareable experience to promote parks, so we created a park that comes to you.


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As said before, we believe home is where the park is. The biggest role of our campaign will be through the use of guerrilla marketing by bringing the park to the people. How is this done? Through pop-up parks and social media!.This will expose Santa Clara County Parks to companies and the residents of Santa Clara County by allowing them to interact with the pop-up park and take a break from their daily routine. Our campaign will promote the parks as your home away from home and bring Santa Clara County Parks and Love Your Parks day to the forefront of everyone's minds. .

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The Pop Up Park is the main idea behind the Love Your Parks campaign.

In a selected area, there is going to be a park that randomly appears. The area is going to be urban and surrounded by buildings. (So possi-bly First Street in San Jose, the Mission District in San Francisco, etc.) There will be a new location every week or so and we will give announcements on our twitter and other forms of social media.

The park will include real grass which is sprawled out by a truck and men. This will cause a disturbance in people’s day so that it will get attention. It will include a couple of trees and in these trees there will be soccer

balls, frisbees, badminton rackets so people can play on this park. There will also be a couple swing sets and bean bags to relax on. This creates an environment in which people want to stay and hang out in. All the equipment will just have the hashtag #loveyourparks, which creates a curiosity and also an opportu-nity to share.

The park will start making rounds four months prior to the Love Your Parks day. We will also contact businesses to see if they want to Pop-Up park to make a trip to their offices. (Google, HP, Apple, Stanford, etc) to interrupt the daily grind while promoting a good cause. This is also a good way to start partnerships with businesses.


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POSTERSThe posters, one promoting the pop-up parks and the other promoting Love Your Parks day, will be scattered about Santa Clara County wherever we can legally post them. If you see something enough, you'll remember it. Some will be leading the way to the pop-up park that has already been set up, others will promote general locations and the dates.These posters can also be spread digitally through Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

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SFX: Ambience of city noises, so� cars honking, busy chit chat.

Narrator: Don’t worry, no one is honking at you. This is a Radio Ad!

SFX: A pop noise, like you’re suddenly appear-ing somewhere, or a tree falling in reverse. Then the ambience of a park, the sound of leaves crunching, branches rustling in the breeze, and the sound of children playing.

Narrator: You’re probably in your car right now. You might be late to work or mad that a Pruis just cut you off, again. But don’t worry, you’re in a park now. Well, not literally, but you could be.

Narrator: At the end of March, pop up parks will be taking over schools, business, and VTA in Santa Clara County. So take a break, post a selfie, and enjoy life.

Narrator: Head to to find out more information.

For our radio ad, we plan on increasing the frequency of the airing when the date of Love Your Parks Day comes closer. We want to air this ad during the main hours of commute (6am - 8am and 4pm - 6pm) so that a lot of the silicon valley techies that commute in their car are targeted. to listen

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We'll be taking over the Santa Clara County Park social media channels while also creating new ones. We’re going to be promoting the use of the hashtag #loveyourparksday to organize photos and promote sharing while interacting with the campaign.

We’re going to create their Instagram while cleaning up the Santa Clara County Park Facebook and Twitter.

For the Instagram, we want to focus on beauti-ful imagery of the Santa Clara County Park area. We also want to feature awesome hike trials and user generated photos. That was people that love nature will follow and promote our parks through the hashtag.

For the twitter, we would like to create an opportunity to network with other counties,

companies and groups. Through mutual “re-tweets” and likes we can make connections while also promoting our park. We would like to use twitter as more of an information relay for events, pop-up park locations and anything that’s going on locally.

As for Facebook, we would like to incorporate the “best practices” by posting relevant information and posting proper imagery. We would like to post hiking, nature, wildlife and local information pertaining to our parks. During the campaign, we would like to put an emphasis on our pop-up park, including locations and corporate pop-up park events. Through this shareability, more businesses (possible partnerships) would be aware of the pop-up park / love your parks day.


santaclaracountyparks The sunset at the Los GatosCreek Trail was amazing. Thanks @a.cvra for sharing!#LoveYourParks #LosGatosCreekTrail #BayArea

The pop-up park is looking good on First Street. Stop by for your complementary cold brew from our friends at B2.

#LoveYourParks #BayArea #DTSJ #FirstFridays

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Santa Clara County Parks are an integral part to the Silicon Valley. The goals of this campaign was to raise awareness of county parks, increase their network and generate more volunteer interest with the residents.

Through the use of social and traditional media, we are able to reach a wide variety of individu-als to raise awareness for Santa Clara County Parks.

Also, putting these pop-up parks in corpora-tions and businesses is a good way to create business to business relationships. Along with networking and sharing on social media, we are able to reach plenty of potential business partners.

Click here to play ad


When you raise the awareness and increase the business partners, naturally there will be more volunteer interest with residence. We wanted to target groups instead of individuals, since groups are more likely to volunteer rather than an individual alone.

By implementing this social media strategy, Santa Clara County Parks will be able to raise hundreds of volunteers for Love Your Parks Day.