loomfield Road, Nilma 3821 Telephone: PRIMARY SCHOOL

1 NEWSLETTER SENTRAL REPORTING As part of the improvement cycle here at Nilma Primary School we are seeking feedback about the SENTRAL reporng package to showcase your child’s learning. Please find aached a proforma for parents to give us feedback on the usability of the soſtware package and what posive or negave experiences parents may have had with the program. Please take the me to complete the sheet ( should take less than 10 minutes). We will then collate the informaon and we aim to use this to improve the usage of the soſtware for families. HOOPTIME Next Thursday 28th July, some students will be represenng Nilma PS in the Year 4/3 Hoop Time Basketball compeon, accompanied by Mr Frost. Permission forms were sent out last week with the newsleer. On Monday 8th August the Year 5/6 students will be aending the Hoop Time compeon. Permission forms are aached to the newsleer today and must be brought back by next Friday 29th July. MT WORTH CLUSTER DAY Warragul Regional College will be hosng all Year 5 & 6 students from the Mt Worth Cluster schools on Wednesday 3rd August. The aim of this day is to offer students in senior primary grades at smaller regional schools an opportunity to visit a large high school seng and immerse themselves in some of the many different curriculum programs at Warragul Regional College. This has proven to be a great experience for all students, whichever secondary school they will be aending, to support their transion from primary to secondary school. Permission forms are aached to the newsleer and must be brought back to school by 29th July. Parents are responsible for taking their children to the Regional College at 9.00am and picking them up from the College at 2.45pm. Children must wear school uniform. Lunch and morning tea will be supplied for all students. NATIONALTREE PLANTING DAY Next Friday, 29th July, the Year 5 & 6 students will be parcipang in the Naonal Tree Planng Day. This event will be taking place at Brooker Park, near Charles St in Warragul. Permission forms and car travel forms will be sent home today and must be returned by 26th July. Students will be travelling by car, with parents & staff members leaving Nilma PS at 2.30pm and returning to Nilma PS at 3.30pm. Acting Principal Mr Ian Frost Business Manager Mrs Rachel Hammond School Council President Mrs Natalie Axford Thursday 21st July 2016 Issue 21-2016 NEWSLETTER CONTENTS Principal Notes ..1 Student Learning ..2 Homegroup Happenings …..3 Calendar ….5 Bloomfield Road, Nilma 3821 Telephone: (03)56232963 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nilmaps.vic.edu.au NILMA PRIMARY SCHOOL Principal Notes THANK YOU TO OUR DIARY SPONSORS PARENT OPINION SURVEY Each year we ask parents to complete a survey about the school. Parent Opinion Surveys were aached to the newsleer last week. The Department allocates schools a set number of Parent Opinion Surveys to be randomly allocated. The parent opinion survey will provide the school with valuable informaon in relaon to communicaon, procedures and pracces at Nilma PS. Please take me to review quesons relang to student learning, home acvies and expectaons, extracurricular opportunies for students (including things like sporng acvies, camps, group days, select groups parcipang in musical events), transion and social learning. Last year we received 90%. This year we hope for 100%! We would appreciate your feedback to develop a school culture that we all have input into. We value your ideas. The survey is confidenal and results are used to further develop the goals of the school. 1. Complete quesonnaire 2. Put in envelope provided and seal the envelope 3. Write the name and year level/s of child/ren on back 4. Return to school by Friday 29th July 2016. Please take me to complete the survey and support Nilma Primary School to build an excing and smulang school.

Transcript of loomfield Road, Nilma 3821 Telephone: PRIMARY SCHOOL




SENTRAL REPORTING As part of the improvement cycle here at Nilma

Primary School we are seeking feedback about

the SENTRAL reporting package to showcase your

child’s learning. Please find attached a proforma

for parents to give us feedback on the usability of

the software package and what positive or

negative experiences parents may have had with

the program. Please take the time to complete

the sheet ( should take less than 10 minutes). We

will then collate the information and we aim to

use this to improve the usage of the software for


HOOPTIME Next Thursday 28th July, some students will be representing Nilma PS in the Year 4/3 Hoop Time Basketball competition, accompanied by Mr Frost. Permission forms were sent out last week with the newsletter.

On Monday 8th August the Year 5/6 students will be attending the Hoop Time competition. Permission forms are attached to the newsletter today and must be brought back by next Friday 29th July.

MT WORTH CLUSTER DAY Warragul Regional College will be hosting all Year 5 & 6 students from the Mt Worth Cluster schools on Wednesday 3rd August. The aim of this day is to offer students in senior primary grades at smaller regional schools an opportunity to visit a large high school setting and immerse themselves in some of the many different curriculum programs at Warragul Regional College. This has proven to be a great experience for all students, whichever secondary school they will be attending, to support their transition from primary to secondary school. Permission forms are attached to the newsletter and must be brought back to school by 29th July. Parents are responsible for taking their children to the Regional College at 9.00am and picking them up from the College at 2.45pm. Children must wear school uniform. Lunch and morning tea will be supplied for all students.

NATIONALTREE PLANTING DAY Next Friday, 29th July, the Year 5 & 6 students will be participating in the National Tree Planting Day. This event will be taking place at Brooker Park, near Charles St in Warragul. Permission forms and car travel forms will be sent home today and must be returned by 26th July. Students will be travelling by car, with parents & staff members leaving Nilma PS at 2.30pm and returning to Nilma PS at 3.30pm.

Acting Principal

Mr Ian Frost

Business Manager

Mrs Rachel Hammond

School Council

President Mrs Natalie Axford


day 2





e 2




Principal Notes ..1 Student Learning ..2 Homegroup Happenings …..3 Calendar ….5

Bloomfield Road, Nilma 3821 Telephone: (03)56232963 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nilmaps.vic.edu.au


Principal Notes



SURVEY Each year we ask parents to complete a survey

about the school. Parent Opinion Surveys were attached to the newsletter last week. The Department allocates schools a set number of Parent Opinion Surveys to be randomly allocated. The parent opinion survey will provide the school with valuable information in relation to communication, procedures and practices at Nilma PS. Please take time to review questions relating to student learning, home activities and expectations, extracurricular opportunities for students (including things like sporting activities, camps, group days, select groups participating in musical events), transition and social learning. Last year we received 90%. This year we hope for 100%! We would appreciate your feedback to develop a school culture that we all have input into. We value your ideas. The survey is confidential and results are used to further develop the goals of the school. 1. Complete questionnaire 2. Put in envelope provided and seal the

envelope 3. Write the name and year level/s of

child/ren on back 4. Return to school by Friday 29th July

2016. Please take time to complete the survey and support Nilma Primary School to build an exciting and stimulating school.



Learner of the Week Recognitions

Homegroup 1/F Red Leaigha Archer

For your dedication and determination with your reading. You have worked so

hard to reach new levels in your reading. Congratulations Leaigha

Homegroup 2/1 Green Oliver Turner

For the enthusiasm and excitement you have shown in Writing and Maths this week. You have brought a smile to

many faces.

Homegroup 4/3 Blue Emma Crook

For the positive effort you make in your learning and the respectful and responsible attitude you always

demonstrate, setting such a great example to your fellow students.

Well done Emma!

Homegroup 6/5/4 Yellow Kiandra Polglaze

For the inspirational way you are setting goals for yourself and reaching them. You are constantly striving to be the best learner you can be. Keep up the

amazing work!


Happy Birthday

Sabrina Thompson

L.A.U.G.H Program Learning Activities Under Guidance of Home


50 nights Shhila Bundle 75 Nights

Jai Macfarlane 100 Nights

Ryan Cane Emma Brown Ashlee Cooke Alex Chesterfield 125 Nights

Harrison Kinsey




Sabrina Thompson

Cohen Cogo

Rhilie Lott

Nicholas Addison



This term, our whole school numeracy focus is on Mass. This week, we have been learning how to correctly read and interpret measurements on kitchen scales. See if you have any analogue kitchen scales at home, and figure out how to read the measurements!


I like playing football. Kaleb

I like playing basketball. Rhilie

I like playing dodgeball. Kurtis

I like playing basketball. Maegan

Journal Writing

Wow it was the best day of my life! We came

second. I was so excited. It was Winterfest. Savannah

Wow! It was so fun. I saw an aeroplane and a

helicopter. I went to Costco. Alex

On Sunday I played with Mia. Then I got my new shelf. Mia

I went to the football. Jai W

I went to the football with dad. Jai M

Home Group - 6/5/4 -

Lemon Yellow

If I were the teacher I would let

them bring pets to school

because pets are friendly and

kind. Shila.

If I were the teacher I would

play games all day like Farmer Sam

and Fruit Salad. It would be

awesome to play all these games.

By Beth.

If I were the teacher I would make the kids do

a higher level than they are on. I would make

them do writing, maths, literacy, Japanese and

much, much more. They would be tired from

school. By Taleah.

If I were the teacher I would go outside for

games. The games that the students play

would be green tiggy, fruit salad, Simpson

tiggy and ball tiggy. By Jessie.

If I were the teacher I would give them pie, the

best quality apple pie. Anthony.

Home Group - 2/1 -

Emerald Green

Home Group - 1/F -

Ruby Red


Well the Sunday before the holiday I was

riding my horse in the paddock. I will tell you

how I fell off! I was trotting and my horse

slipped and he got caught in the tie- down I use

for barrel racing. He started jumping around,

then it got bad! We hit the ditch then I fell and

landed on my left arm . My mum had to carry

me all the back from the shed. Then she went to

get the horse and he was at the shed and she ran

in to him. Mum got the car and rushed me to hospital. I stayed

there all day! I went into the room to get plaster on. I had to get

a needle in my leg, ouch! I stayed there for a while then I went

home. What a start to my holiday!

By Amelia

On the holidays I went to my sister’s house. She lives in a unit. I

stayed there with my brother Blake. On the first day I was there I

played on the PS4 (Play Station 4). I played Minecraft, the

pocket edition and it was really fun. I built a small house and I

had chicken inside. I called him Cluckington. I also grew a farm

but I only grew wheat. I grew wheat to make bread because it

gives you more hunger bars so I don’t die of starvation! I also

found lots of wool and mutton on the ground from dead sheep.

Then my sister Louise came home from Dominos. We got 3

pizzas, 2 loaves of garlic bread and 2 Pepsi, it was delicious!

Then at 10 o’clock I watched ‘Mean Girls’ and went to sleep at

11:31 pm. By Sheree

Home Group - 4/3 -

Aqua Blue



BREAKFAST CLUB The Breakfast Club will be held every Monday and Wednesday morning from 8.30am to 8.50am until the end of term. Students will be able to make their breakfast with other students and staff, and then eat together, encouraging healthy habits and social interaction. Students will also clean up and ash their own dishes! We are asking for parent volunteers to help out with this program. If you are able to help out, please fill in the form below and return to the office by Friday 22nd July. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________



Name of Parent:_________________________________________________________________________

I am able to help with the Breakfast Program on : (please circle) Monday 25th July, 1st Aug, 8th Aug, 15th Aug, 22nd Aug, 29th Aug, 5th Sept, 12th Sept Wednesday 27th July, 3rd Aug, 10th Aug, 17th Aug, 24th Aug, 31st Aug, 7th Sept, 14th Sept Signed by Parent:____________________________________________ Date:________________________


Nilma Primary School is now on Team App!

Follow the instructions as listed in the poster to

download the app and then install Nilma Primary

School on your home screen.

At this stage only parents will be accepted as

members while we trial this communication process.

Once installed, you can set your device to allow you

to receive notifications from Nilma Primary School

on Team App.

During the trial process we will be uploading items

such as newsletters, policies, sponsor information

and events.

Please speak to the Office staff for any further




Issue 22– 21/07/2016

JULY 2016

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa Su


Breakfast Club School Council

Meeting 6.00pm Playgroup

19 20

Breakfast Club School Banking


MARC Van 22

23 24


Breakfast Club Playgroup

26 27

School Banking

Breakfast Club



Basketball Yr3/4


30 31

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa Su


Breakfast Club Playgroup

2 3

School Banking

Breakfast Club Cluster Day WRC

Yr 5/6


MARC Van 5

6 7


Breakfast Club

Dental Visit F-2

Hooptime 6/5


9 10

School Banking

Breakfast Club



13 14


Breakfast Club Playgroup

16 17

Breakfast Club School Banking


MARC Van 19 20 21


Breakfast Club

School Council

Meeting 6.30pm

‘Bookweek’ Playgroup



School Banking

Breakfast Club

25 26 27 28


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Sa Su


Breakfast Club Playgroup

30 31

Breakfast Club School Banking


MARC Van 2 3 4


Breakfast Club Playgroup

6 7

Breakfast Club School Banking

8 9 10 11


Breakfast Club Playgroup

13 14

Breakfast Club 15



End of Term 3

17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25