Long Way Home Inc #1



A full length PPT that is excellent for potential volunteers to view. Gives country and program overview, pictures of volunteer facilities and costs of volunteering.

Transcript of Long Way Home Inc #1

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Ericka Temple, Architect

Aaron Colvin, Assistant Project Mgr.

Matt Paneitz, Executive Director, Founder LWH

Adam Howland, Project Mgr.Liz Howland

Not shown: Andy Case, WebmasterRebecca Sanchez, Volunteer Coordinator

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San Juan Comalapapopulation 39,000

View of


San Juan Comalapa

Dept. of Chimaltenango

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In Comalapa, the indigenous Kaq’chikel are 95% of the population

5% of the world population

are considered indigenous yet

15% of the world’s poor are


Indigenous people are over-

represented in the group of

the “world’s poor.”

Indigenous people are an important group of

rural poor.

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Indigenous people

constitute an

important group of

rural poor.

In Guatemala

some 86.6% of

the indigenous

people are poor.

44% of population

in Guatemala are

indigenous people

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Indigenous people are an important group of

rural poor.

Yet do not make a strong political force. The single indigenous candidate, Rigoberta

Menchú, received only

3% of the vote in 2008 national

presidential election.

44% of Guatemalan population are

indigenous, 50% of them are Mayan

Received Nobel Peace Prize 1992

Wrote autobiography“I, Rigoberta Menchu”

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StatisticsLife Cycle Median age:

36.7 years Median age:19.2 years

School Life Expectancy

total: 16 years male: 15 years female: 16 years (2006)

total: 10 years male: 11 years female: 10 years (2006)

Gross National Income per capita

$41,950 $4,410

Literacy 99%99% male99% female

56%63% male49% female

Population below poverty line

12% 56%

Expenditures on education

5.3% of GDP (2005)

2.6% of GDP (2006)

USA Guatemala

Facts taken from the Central Intelligence Agency, The World Factbook

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Long Way Home’s mission is to break the cycle of poverty

among youth in developing communities by

•Creating educational opportunities

Tecnico Maya Vocational School

•Cultivating civic interactionSimajuleu Civic Group

•Encouraging healthy lifestylesParque Chimyá


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4 slides of comalapa

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Why Comalapa?

• High unemployment rate in rural areas

• Few educational and work opportunities after 6th grade

• Guatemala has a population of about 14 million and over 400,000 youth are in gangs,

which is about 2.8%• Family oriented, warm, caring culture

with a long and colorful and rich history

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Parque Chimiyá

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living room/office/porch/dining room



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Reforestation Program: 37,000 trees planted in four years

1,182 hours of work

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Parque Chimiya, basketball court, soccer field, organic gardens, public park open dawn to dusk

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The public sanitation system

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Raw materials

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Te c n ic o M a y a Vo c a t io n a l S c h o o l

A p r a c t ic a l d e m o n s t r a t io n o f t r a n s f o rm in g w a s t e in t o

• , - , - , s t r u c t u r a lly s o u n d e c o f r ie n d ly lo w c o s t- lo w t e c h s t r u c t u r e s

• !e a r t h q u a k e r e s is t a n t• in t r o d u c e g r e e n b u ild in g t e c h n o lo g y t o a

d e v e lo p in g c o u n t r y• t e a c h e n v ir o n m e n t a l h y g ie n e• b r in g jo b s a n d b u s in e s s o p p o r t u n it ie s t o

C o m a la p a

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C o lla b o r a t io n w it h Te c n ic o M a y a s t a f f

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Partnership with Community

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Foundation in one week, January 2009

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Tir e s a r e c o l le c t e d f r o m, 3 0 C h im a lt e n a n g o m ile s a w a y

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E x c a v a t ion

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Adam and the crew fill tires with earth.

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Stacked and woven tires form a solid retaining wall.

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Foundation is filled with gravel and earth-filled tires

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Crew filling top tier of tires

School taking shape

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Roof construction November 2009

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Roof has a drainage system that diverts water to a cistern.

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Volunteer bringing concrete to roof

November 2009 February 2010

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Walls have cob applied, 1st layer

Light filters through glass bottles placed into the roof

Vents are poked out after ceiling is completed

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Volunteer fills a liter bottle with earth to make a brick.

Earth-filled and litter-filled liter bottles form the structure for building.

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Earth-filled and litter-filled liter bottles form the structure for building.

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LWH volunteers and the local community teamed together with the Minnesota chapter of Engineers Without Borders to construct a 67,000 gallon water harvesting system for the town of Simajuleu.

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Beneficiaries of the water tank. It will help 5000 have reliable access to water

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Feliciano, Clara and their three children

Past volunteer, Rafael Lindau

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Ways you can help• Internships


Teach environmental education

Teach English

Turf Management

Organic Gardening

Curriculum Development

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Volunteer in USA• Fundraisers, presentation opportunities, (do you belong to a Place of Worship?)• Database research

Additional Ways to Help

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View in Paxan from Vocational School

Costs:$300-$700 roundtrip airfare$50 transportation from airport$75/week Parque Chimiya (includes basics, no meals)$75/week Hotel Sol (includes some meals)$5-$7/day foodTotal: $550/month, plus airfare

View of volunteer headquarters at Parque Chimiýa

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250 interns and volunteers since


We believe that in order to break the cycle of poverty people need to know that

it exists.

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