Logo Design trends 2013

LOGO Design Trends WOW Design 2013


Design is an evolving process and the evolution reflects in all the spheres of design. This is an Evolution Report on the branding identity industry. Here we are highlighting the best of logo design trends following in 2013. They have been listed according to their style, simplicity and their creativity post researching logos across countries. The intention of this report is to share an ongoing view of where logo design is headed and not creating style guide. It is always easier to navigate to the future if you know where you have been. Seeing your trajectory allows you to predict where you will end up and what you should avoid while creating a successful branding identity.

Transcript of Logo Design trends 2013

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LOGO Design Trends

WOW Design


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WOW Design

Design  is  an  evolving  process  and  the  evolu3on  reflects  in  all  the  spheres  of  design.  This  is  an  Evolu3on  Report  on  the  branding  iden3ty  industry.  Here  we  are  highligh3ng  the  best  of  logo  design  trends  following  in  2013.  They  have  been  listed  according  to  their  style,  simplicity  and  their  crea3vity  post  researching  logos  across  countries.    The  inten3on  of  this  report  is  to  share  an  ongoing  view  of  where  logo  design  is  headed  and  not  crea3ng    style  guide.  It  is  always  easier  to  navigate  to  the  future  if  you  know  where  you  have  been.  Seeing  your  trajectory  allows  you  to  predict  where  you  will  end  up  and  what  you  should  avoid  while  crea3ng  a    successful  branding  iden3ty.    



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WOW Design

Object based Logos are designed and inspired by the things we see around our self every day and night. These Logos gives a recreational architecture and a new soul to the non-animate bits and pieces and give them a new look. Object based logos can be seen in various organizations that are known for their creativity and art. Some of the honorable mentions are Apple and Twitter logos.






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WOW Design

In these days twist effect is the famous logo design effect added to the Logos to show the elasticity and friendliness. Twist effect also shows the impression of a complete domain in which the organization is setting up its work. It starts and end facing each other vertically or horizontally reflects that the organization never forget its past and by no means leave its loyal customer when they are in peak of success.





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WOW Design

Unlike any other logo design, the bracket logo design expresses the relation of trust and equality. It always shows the combination of two equal things and combined them graphically to make them considered as one. Bracketing logo design is the latest logo trend of 2013 and has been used to show the meaning of equality and strength.






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WOW Design

Crossed is the design used by designer for ages. It trend become more in in 2013 due to its energetic and striking design. Crossed logo has been used by professional to indicate the initials, a name or a letter to give it more importance than the rest of the graphics. Apart from IT sector the logo represent different meanings in Utensil, tools and equipment and has been used frequently on other fields.






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WOW Design

Slash logo design has deep history in computer networking and graphic design. Slash character has been using in URL’s and web addresses and it literal meaning is to give a choice and variety. Slash logo design has been frequently using due to its ubiquitous meaning and style. The designer often used it when they want to express the flexibility and show the importance of preferences.






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WOW Design

This is the solution for the client who wants to see his logo include everything on the Earth. Literally. Stylistically, this could certainly be broken into two categories: worlds with a perimeter populated by topical detail or worlds built out of topical detail. The challenge here is to crack an amount of detail in a limited space. Minutia on a logo is generally avoided as it can vanish when scaled down, but this group seems to transcend this tenet by inviting the viewer to enter, into the vast brand world.





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WOW Design

Tangrams be damned. As Buckminster Fuller (father of the geodesic dome) suggested, the triangle is the only flex-cornered polygon that holds its shape. Ergo, it alone accounts for all structural shaping in the universe. Like those building blocks of the universe, designers are embracing the use of a field of these modules to carve out space, dimension, and shape. The clustering of many triangles to form a greater whole tells the story of strength in numbers, and it can also create a mosaic of diversity.






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WOW Design

Lets set new trends for