LO2: Task 1 - How media producers define their target audience Nintendo Wii Advert Playstaion 3 When the Wii first started being advertised it is completely family orientated as they decided this is where their market was for such an involving and social product. With this being their main audience market, a product that requires energy and movement won’t appeal to the majority of harder gamers that use it as a relaxation method not something to catch a sweat too. This is where the PS3 will cater to their needs that the Wii doesn’t. This is shown in this particular ad as it goes further than just showing the console. It talks about the hardware within and what it is capable of. This is something left out of other standard console ads as it is not something everyone is interested in as they know nothing about. With this, they’re going for the hardware know it all’s and an audience that is interested in video games and how they’re progressing in times of specifications. Whereas the majority of the stereotype that will be buying the Wii won’t think twice about the contents of the machine, they’re interested in the games and accessory’s you can buy as extras such as ‘numchucks’, steering wheels and golf clubs. It is for families because it has games that don’t require you to be specifically good at something, the skills required for the Nintendo games such as Wii Sports and Wii Play go from balance skills to games with test your reactions and everyone is better at something then the other so everybody has a chance to win. The Nintendo Wii Ad features Jamie Redknapp with his wife, kid and brother sat at home playing the game ‘Goal Getters’ on their Nintendo Wii. They’re all getting really into it and are cheering and shouting at the television when they win and lose. This is a realist narrative, as the situation isn’t unbelievable. Jamie spending time with his family would be something he enjoys, so having something that everyone can enjoy of all ages will bring them all together. The way this is going to get to the audience is1. Because of the celebrity endorsement. If you were a fan of football and were able to recognise Jamie and if you looked up to him, it would make you want to do what Jamie was doing because it is what he thinks is cool. You want to do what famous people do in hope that you can be like them. They do this technique with other



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LO2: Task 1 - How media producers define their target audience

Nintendo Wii Advert Playstaion 3

When the Wii first started being advertised it is completely family orientated as they decided this is where their market was for such an involving and social product. With this being their main audience market, a product that requires energy and movement won’t appeal to the majority of harder gamers that use it as a relaxation method not something to catch a sweat too. This is where the PS3 will cater to their needs that the Wii doesn’t. This is shown in this particular ad as it goes further than just showing the console. It talks about the hardware within and what it is capable of. This is something left out of other standard console ads as it is not something everyone is interested in as they know nothing about. With this, they’re going for the hardware know it all’s and an audience that is interested in video games and how they’re progressing in times of specifications. Whereas the majority of the stereotype that will be buying the Wii won’t think twice about the contents of the machine, they’re interested in the games and accessory’s you can buy as extras such as ‘numchucks’, steering wheels and golf clubs. It is for families because it has games that don’t require you to be specifically good at something, the skills required for the Nintendo games such as Wii Sports and Wii Play go from balance skills to games with test your reactions and everyone is better at something then the other so everybody has a chance to win.

The Nintendo Wii Ad features Jamie Redknapp with his wife, kid and brother sat at home playing the game ‘Goal Getters’ on their Nintendo Wii. They’re all getting really into it and are cheering and shouting at the television when they win and lose. This is a realist narrative, as the situation isn’t unbelievable. Jamie spending time with his family would be something he enjoys, so having something that everyone can enjoy of all ages will bring them all together. The way this is going to get to the audience is1. Because of the celebrity endorsement. If you were a fan of football and were able to recognise Jamie and if you looked up to him, it would make you want to do what Jamie was doing because it is what he thinks is cool. You want to do what famous people do in hope that you can be like them. They do this technique with other advertisements such as perfume and clothing brands. You want what they have, and that is why this method works.

With spending time with your family in mind this is where the 2nd technique they use works. It is a product that bases around not playing alone (though of course the option is there). It wants you to be playing with your family and friends which then this also works out as advertising for their product, you will go off and discus how you had such a great time playing it earlier to other friends and family. This is called word of mouth advertising where because people enjoy the product they want to tell their friends and family without the company needing to tell them too. This is a benefit that company’s can get, because to them it is basically free advertising. Usually buying a console for their child means they will sit in their room to play, and will end up not seeing as much of them. The Wii has been designed for living rooms, and open area where you can fit multiple people in and have space to move. It is there to bring the family together so they can laugh and have fun, which is shown in the advert. Jamie Redknapp with his family being happy they wouldn’t have the family having a rubbish time, because what help would that be to selling the product and getting people to want to buy it? The audience for the Nintendo Wii is family’s, being the parents buying the console and having it to share together. You do not find average gamers buying this console because their graphics and range of games is not completely up to scratch. Also

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the mechanics of having to move and not just relax often puts gamers off, this also means you couldn’t play for long periods of time.

This is where a console such as the Play Station 3 comes in, with an audience from kids to adults that can play together and still socialise, with a more relaxing feel to video games then jumping across your living room, then something like this is for them. The Play Station has an extension called the PlayStation move, which has dance games and such that require you to get up and move, but these are optional. With such a broad market you also tend to find people buying the PlayStation3 because it also has a built in blue ray player so for the money they could have just got the Blue Ray player with that have a package deal as such. PlayStations market is a niche market, I believe it’s not as advertised as other consoles such as the Nintendo Wii and the Xbox 360, but tends to pick up customers from its previous line as the ever so successful PlayStation2. The advert is a heading to a completely different market then the Nintendo did, it gives you facts on what the Play Station 3s processer is capable of, it talks about phyics, artificial intelligence and lighting, which not many people take notice of as they want the product and are not concerned in its power and capabilities because it is not in their hobbies or interests. This being said, that is why is sort of advert would be going out to the tech heads and gamers that are not only interested in playing video games but also the mechanics behind them. I don’t believe this advert would appeal to the younger audience as it is quite slow and monotone, something children would not find interesting, especially if they didn’t understand what he was saying. Out of the two adverts, they both do great in the markets they are going for. The PlayStation3 gives information on its specs, what it is capable of doing, and how it has improved on from the last console. It also has some footage to show the kind of games you can be playing with this system, and says it is as if it is real life. The Nintendo Wii inspires kids with the celebrity being featured and promoting the console. With the Football player with his family it then inspires parents to be able to have a good family time, while everyone is enjoying themselves.

I asked 10 people two watch both these commercials and then answer the questionnaire below.

PlayStation3 Nintendo Wii

Which did you find more informative?

1111111 111

Which made you want to buy the console more?

1111 111111

Which advert used a technique that would work more for you?

111 1111111

Which Advert did you prefer? 111 1111111Which console would you rather go out and buy after watching this?

11111 11111