LinkedIn Presentation FERN Fall 2016

Bridget Gibbons, InspiriaMedia Group

Transcript of LinkedIn Presentation FERN Fall 2016

Bridget Gibbons,InspiriaMedia Group

● The world’s largest professional network with over 300 million registered members in 200 countries and territories worldwide.

● Executives from all Fortune 500 companies are members and 66% of LinkedIn users are decision makers or have influence on purchasing decisions for their companies.

● Average household income is $109,000 – highest social media site.

● Driving more traffic to your website

● Getting media attention

● Promoting your events

● Interacting with professionals from around the globe

● Obtaining advice from top consultants on urgent business issues

● Your Power Profile

● Endorsements vs Recommendations

● Optimizing Your Profile For Search

● Company Pages

● Using Advanced Search for Prospecting

● Leveraging Introductions

● Groups

● LinkedIn Advertising

● 100% Complete

● All Star profile bring benefits – you show up in more searches for your expertise

○ Current position with description

○ Industry and postal code

○ At least 2 past positions

○ Education

○ At least 5 skills

○ A profile summary and photo

○ At least 50 connections

● Professional headshot

● Great Professional Headline

○ Benefit statement approach■ Top Graphic Designer Makes All Your Promotional Materials Pull

Customers in Like a Magnet

■ Helping Small Businesses and the Tri-State Area Leverage Social Media to Grow Their Business

○ Concise, compelling and Value-Driven

● One of the most important parts of your profile

● You have 2000 characters to use them all!

● Outline format easiest to scan

○ Who you are

○ Whom you help

○ How you can help

○ How to get in touch with you



● Quick way for people to get a sense of your strengths as a professional and for you to help out your connections in a few simple steps.

● Click on “Asked to be Recommended” on any position on your profile and select which connection can speak to your work at that position.

● They’ll submit a brief recommendation for your approval.

● You can control which recommendations to display by clicking “Manage”



● Add at least 3 recent positions.

● Provide details on your responsibilities. This dramatically helps improve search results.

● Hover over this section to see edit pencils.








● Like Google, enter a keyword in the search box

● Search your own connections and groups.

● Find and reconnect with people, or look for new connections by company, expertise, or education.

● Filter search results by powerful facets like location, industry, language, and more.





Company Pages to Create Opportunities

● Find and get to know target company employees

● Follow companies you want to sell to

● Follow companies you may be thinking of acquiring, merging with or partnering with

● Research your competitors in your industry

● Stay current in your field by following the leading companies in your industry

● Look for updates you can use as talking points and relationship builders when reaching out to connections at companies

Successful Selling on LinkedIn

● Create value first, then sell

● Put yourself in your prospects’ shoes – is there something they need to achieve, some goal they need to accomplish? What is that? Focus first on helping them achieve it.

● How? Focus on what information you have assembled – e-books, videos, articles, blogs, interviews, white papers, webinars, etc. Make sure they are valuable, that they speak to your prospects’ needs.

● Give them away without expectation of a purchase.


● Identify prospects and then give them something of value.

● Example:

○ Hi, Dr. Smith, I read your profile here on LinkedIn, and I see you have a family dental practice in White Plains, NY. I have helped hundreds of dentists just like you triple their client base in a very short time by leveraging social media. I’d like to send you my free report “The Top 10 Social Media Strategies for Building Your Dental Practice.” There’s nothing to buy and no strings attached. Please let me know if I can send it to you. Thanks for your time.

● As a next step, could offer 20 minute free consultation.

● This strategy is dependent upon having valuable content.

● If you don’t have, that’s the place to start

● Add current and past clients, reach out to current and past colleagues, former classmates, other you meet in the community at networking events.

● The larger your network the greater your influence

● One way in which a large network benefits you is if you are posting LinkedIn status updates on a regular basis.

● Everyone you are connected to can see them on their home page.

● Demonstrate that you’re a valued resource and someone worth getting to know.

● Limited your updates to a couple a day

● Restrict updates to business topics – everything you do and say on LinkedIn is branding you.

● Share helpful information – Links to articles, case studies on your website, upcoming event that will help people in your network.

● Stir people’s curiosity – provide something that makes people want to learn more “Read this case study to see how one company increased client loyalty by 20 percent.” with a link.

● Announce business events – use updates to alert others about large sales your company just made or upcoming events where you will have a booth.

● Identify the position/title of your best prospects

● Run an advanced people search to generate a list

● Save the search and have LinkedIn send you the report monthly or weekly



● Paid version of LI. Helps sales professionals find and build relationships with prospects and customers by creating conversations about your products / services.● Custom lead recommendations based on your preferences

● Instantly import your Salesforce data with a single click

● Easily find the right leads with Advanced search with lead builder

● Get real-time sales updates on your prospects and customers

● See who's viewed your profile in the last 90 days

● Reach out to any LinkedIn member with InMail

● $80 per month per person.


● Once you have the potential client lists, you should go through their profiles one by one and research the valuable information they have shared about themselves.

● This is a gold mine of information to absorb before you contact them

● You can learn:

○ What they are measured on – investigate their current job, what are they responsible for and how are they measured

○ Where they worked before – look through their prior work history – is there a personal connection?


Research your prospects

● You can learn:

○ What you have in common – check out their organizations, charities, community involvement, and groups. Find something you can use to develop rapport.

○ What’s on their mind – look at their status updates and find topics you can talk to them about or learn what they are working on right now.

● All this information allows you to decide if they are a good prospect and the best way to approach them.

Join Groups to Sell More

● People self-select and organize themselves into special-interest groups that you can join.

● There’s a group for every industry, and you have the opportunity to learn from and engage with your best clients, demonstrate what a valuable resource you are by posting interesting information and send a message to anyone in the group, even if you’re not first-level connections.

● Gives you an opportunity to listen and discover the problems you can solve.


● New management or a change in ownership – new managers typically bring in new vendors

● Company name change or new positioning – company could need marketing or PR help

● New clients acquired – company may need to beef up customers support services

● Expansion into new market segments- company might need your expertise

● Lots of new job openings – could indicate expansion and growth, meaning need for logs of new services

Look for trigger events

● Make up a list of trigger events, think about your recent client acquisitions

● Think about how your products or services can help the individuals involved achieve their business objectives.

● Finding trigger events will shorten your sales cycle and you’ll get a jump on the competition


Long-Form Published Posts

● When you publish a long-form post on LinkedIn:

○ Members not in your network can now follow you from your long-form post to receive updates when you publish next.

○ Your long-form post is searchable both on and off of LinkedIn.

● Long-form posts should share your professional expertise. Write about challenges you've faced, opportunities you've seized, or important trends in your industry.



● To export your connections list go to