Lines of Distinction

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  • 8/14/2019 Lines of Distinction


    Lines of Distinction

    By Network Minister

    M. Tichi

    Updated and Corrected: 7-1-2006

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    Yahweh created man, and then afterwards He created woman, and each were

    given a specific role in the world. Large groups of modern women have long

    been proponents of equality, trying to erase the lines that separate the two

    roles. Some groups, like the National Organization for Women advocateagainst women being controlled by men.

    Isaiah 4:1And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We

    will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be

    called by thy name, to take away our reproach.

    Note:"YHWH warned us all through Isaiah that women would bewanting to support themselves, have their own careers, and hide their

    independence by asking men to give them their last names (marriage)

    anyway so that they would not have to be held accountable for being

    unmarried and selfish. However, YHWH knows because He searches

    the reins of the heart, and sees what is hidden within it's chambers."

    Not that I advise it, but pick up any womens magazine these days and on

    the cover (you'll find) societys picture of The Perfect Woman: beautiful,

    rich, and sexy in either a dominant or alluring pose. Pick up any mens

    magazine and what you see is a clean shaven (boyish), handsome (actually

    pretty), rich, and sexy man. Men are just as oppressed as women these days.

    They are given an ever increasingly unattainable image to obtain just as we

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    women are. So who is really being controlled here? We allare! Every adult

    male, and female living in the United States of America (and other

    "Westernized" Countries) are being controlled by a perverse and worldly

    system that is trying to turn us all into subordinates and slaves. My sisters,

    there is a vast difference between oppression and subordination;

    subordination is a choice, oppression is not. Subordination is what is

    asked of us by YHWH, so the hierarchy within a family is retained, and

    the spiritual messages are retained as a result.

    Titus 2:3-53 The aged women likewise, that they be in behavior as becomes

    holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good

    things;4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their

    husbands, to love their children,

    5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own

    husbands, that the word of Elohim (Yahweh) be not blasphemed.

    Even those magazine companies have a hierarchy within their business. First

    you have the owner or CEO, his presidents, vice presidents (senior,

    executive, etc.), stock holders, upper level employees, mid-level employeesand lower level employees. A business cannot run without a leader who

    makes all of the decisions, and neither can a family household. A Believers

    household requires a hierarchy too. The man has Yahweh given duties (by

    design), and makes the decisions, based on Yahweh's Eternal Love (Spiritual

    guidance), and provides shelter, protection, basic needs, and designates duties

    to the rest of the family (his assistants); just like YHWH takes care of us in a

    spiritual way. The woman has her own Yahweh ordained responsibilities,

    such as bearing, feeding, nurturing, and the rearing of(their) children, and

    also, utilizing those provisions (whatever they may be) that are provided by her

    husband; just like YHWH takes care of us in a spiritual way. The children evenhave their role(s), established by their Eternal Father, their Earth father, and

    Earth mother by being obedient so that they may assist their G_d given

    parents, and prevail in overcoming "The World;" just like True Believers do.

    The Family Hierarchy not only provides clothing, shelter, comfort, food,

    Spiritual direction, and education, but satisfies the basic needs of Love,

    Trust, Companionship, Order, and a "Sense of Family," that is absolutely

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    necessary for all family members to obtain and maintain a "Sense of Well


    In today's disobedient society(ies) many households now require two

    incomes, necessitating a shift in the list of family responsibilities; and so a

    full or part-time job is often another responsibility of the woman, which may

    require the delegation of some of her normal duties to another trusted and

    older family member(the eldest child) or members.

    Note: What does Titus 2:5, above, mean when it says,"Keepers at HOME"? When women selfishly enter or are

    forced to enter the workforce instead of keeping their home, the

    children are left to their own devices or are taken care of by

    strangers, thus the influence the mother has over the childrencrumbles. However, like The Holy Spirit, who is constantly

    (always) taking care of The Eternal's children, the mother should

    always there too.

    Assume now (if you will) that a woman wants to have all of the control and

    attempts or begins to take over her husbands duties because of pride (as if

    she were taking over YHWH's duties); What happens to the family? It becomes

    confused and disorderly, trust and well being are now in question (as iswhere her loyalties lie), Husbands no longer have their G_d given (natural)

    family position of responsibility (The natural male mentality suffers and he

    become dissatisfied). The children no longer believe in "Order" and begin to

    follow the selfish example of the liberal woman (who cannot truly replace the

    man), the sense of well being virtually disappears, and the family structure

    falls apart. How would that big magazine company prosper if every time the

    president makes a decision, one of the vice presidents disagrees with him

    and tries to take over the company? I would say that vice president is on a

    fast track to unemployment.

    By design Yahweh gave males and females their own responsibilities within

    His Company, and these responsibilities were "Set in Place" for two

    reasons: LOVE and HARMONY. Together these two things make a

    complete "uplifting" circle, or whole, of ONE THING.

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    Genesis 2:21-2421 And the LORD Elohim (Yahweh) caused a deep sleep to fall upon

    Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs (DNA perhaps), and

    closed up the flesh instead thereof;22 And the rib, which the LORD Elohim (Yahweh) had taken from

    man, made (created) He a woman, and brought her unto the man.

    23 And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my

    flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

    24 Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall

    cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.

    Yahweh cannot be complete without a family (Love must be shared). Mancannot be complete without Yahweh, and a family (a woman and hopefully

    children); woman cannot be complete without Yahweh, and a family (a man

    and hopefully children). Children cannot be complete without The Eternal

    Father(Yahweh), an Earth father, and an Earth mother; And mankind cannot

    be complete without Love and Harmony. The two sexes compliment each

    other in a sense that, as one flesh, we are physically whole, and with Yahweh

    at the head we are Spiritually whole. The so called intelligent of today's

    society will tell you that we must overcome our ancient instincts if we are to

    progress as a society. They even prejudice those instincts by referring to

    them as animalistic in nature. These instincts are not animalistic, they are thevery biological essence of who we are, and only obedience through love to

    Yahweh can or will bring harmony back to a physical society.

    As covered in the sermon "Head Coverings for Women," the woman is the

    symbolic representative of the Congregation of True Believers of

    Messiah, or The Bride. Yahweh sees us as beautiful, charitable, caring,

    virtuous, and capable of moving mountains. As The Bride we are

    responsible for unity within our realms, keeping peace through problem

    solving, nurturing, and generally caring for everyones well-being, the exactspiritual parallel of being a mother. We are the symbol for the whole purpose

    of Yahwehs teachings about love, how to love and how to be loved. This is

    our portion in the world and our Yahweh designated responsibility. What

    better job could you ask for?

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    Isaiah 62:55 For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee:

    and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy Elohim

    (Yahweh) rejoice over thee.

    Galatians 3:26-2826 For ye are all the children of Elohim (Yahweh) by faith in Messiah


    27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Messiah have put

    on Messiah.

    28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free,

    there is neither male nor female: for ye are all ONE in Messiah


    Acceptance is the key here. Women have their roles, men have theirs. The

    two sexes together can do amazing things, but only if we work together in

    unison rather than in opposition, and with the realization that we are both

    oppressed slaves to the worldly system. Men will be happier, women will be

    more satisfied and the divorce rates will drop significantly (or even

    disappear), and the best part of it all is that the children will have both of

    their parents in the home to learn from and they will have a happier sense ofwell being, and will be better equipped to deal with the world (the way True

    Believers can and do).

    One more thing, the way you take care of your family (an act of selflessobedience) shows Yahweh how well you regard Him, spiritually speaking,

    through voluntary servitude. Look at this challenge as a blessing of love

    rather than as a curse.

    Proverbs 14:11 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it

    down with her(own rebellious) hands.

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    Embrace the "Lines of Distinction," my sisters, and you will seeamazing cohesion. Try it out and be humble and subordinate to your

    husband and show Yahweh that you can be humble to Him; Admit it - you

    dont really want mans job do you? You like being a wife and mother, and

    even if you aren't married or have no children of your own, you can still be awife and a mother to Yahweh's Greater Family (Yahwehs Bride or Messiah's

    True Congregation), as Yahweh's "Virtuous Symbol of Purity, Righteousness,

    Harmony, and Love.

    Proverbs 31:3030 Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the

    LORD Elohim (Yahweh), she shall be praised.

    Ephesians 5:22-2422 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the


    23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Messiah is the

    head of the assembly (family): and he is the saviour(by Proxy) of the


    24 Therefore as the assembly is subject unto Messiah, so let the wives

    be to their own husbands in everything.