Lighting Industry India

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Transcript of Lighting Industry India

  • 7/25/2019 Lighting Industry India


    Lighting Industry in India (Value in Rs. Crores calculated at wholesale prices Year 2014(Jan!ec" #uantity in $illion %ieces

    The data has been prepared by Elcoma, the Lighting Association of India on the basis of production data receivedfrom members and estimates obtained from market feedback of non-member production and market trends ofdifferent categories. The figures are only estimates and we do not take responsibility of !!" accuracy of thisdata.

    SHYAM SUJAN, Secretary General, ELCOMA

    CategoryValue 2010Rs. Crores

    Value 2011Rs. Crores

    Value 2012Rs. Crores

    Value 201&Rs. Crores

    'r Value 2014 'rowth

    Lamps category including

    GLS, FTL, CFL and other


    3600 4068 455 50 5!3" 4#5

    Luminaires including $igh


    3500 4!"0& 4'53 55'" 3 6!3

    (ccessories, Components

    and Control Gears

    850 '5! 00 0" " 56 8

    )otal (*+cluding L*!Lighting"

    ,-0 -2-0 104/- 11/,- 12 12/0/

    L*!s 00 0 120 12 4/ &&- /

    ))L LI'3)I' I!56)RY

    VL5*0-0 10140 11,1- 1&04 1 1/001 1.


    2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Gr % 2014 Gr %


    711 757 779 734 766 797 757 758 780 3% 725 (7%



    180 186 190 186 179 182 194 200 234


    243 4%

    Compact!"orescent Lamps 67 100 140 199

    255 304 340 401 453 13%

    425 (6)%

    L$ &etro't Lamps



    L$ treet L*g+ts 02
