Life’s Little Instructions - Constant...

March 2017 Monthly Publication Vic’s Views Life’s Little Instructions by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. I love it when folks say to me after a sermon…. “That was practical...I can go and do that today!” In that same spirit of practicality, I offer these Life’s Little Instructions. Compliment three people every day. Over tip breakfast waitress. Watch a sunrise at least once a year. Once in your life own a convertible. Sing in the shower. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated. Never refuse homemade brownies. Strive for excel- lence, not perfection. Plant a tree on your birthday. Learn three clean jokes. Return borrowed vehicle with gas tank full. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them. Whistle. Leave everything a little better than you found it. Think big thoughts but relish small pleasurers. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know. Surprise loved ones with little unexpected gifts. Floss your teeth. Learn CPR. Ask for a raise when you feel you have earned it. Be forgiving of yourself and others. Take time to smell the roses. Say “thank you” a lot. Say “please” a lot. Avoid negative people. Buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front yards. Wear polished shoes. Remem- ber other people’s birthdays. Rekindle old friendships. Commit yourself to constant improvement. Focus on making things better, not bigger. Be kinder than necessary. Carry jumper cables in your trunk. Have a firm handshake. Look people in the eye. (Continued on page 2)

Transcript of Life’s Little Instructions - Constant...

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March 2017 Monthly Publication

Vic’s Views

Life’s Little Instructions by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I love it when folks say to me after a sermon….

“That was practical...I can go and do that today!”

In that same spirit of practicality, I offer these

Life’s Little Instructions.

Compliment three people every day.

Over tip breakfast waitress. Watch a

sunrise at least once a year. Once in

your life own a convertible. Sing in the

shower. Treat everyone you meet like

you want to be treated. Never refuse

homemade brownies. Strive for excel-

lence, not perfection. Plant a tree on

your birthday. Learn three clean jokes.

Return borrowed vehicle with gas tank

full. Never waste an opportunity to tell

someone you love them. Whistle.

Leave everything a little better than

you found it. Think big thoughts but

relish small pleasurers. Become the

most positive and enthusiastic person

you know. Surprise loved ones with

little unexpected gifts. Floss your

teeth. Learn CPR. Ask for a raise

when you feel you have earned it. Be

forgiving of yourself and others. Take

time to smell the roses. Say “thank

you” a lot. Say “please” a lot. Avoid

negative people. Buy whatever kids

are selling on card tables in their front

yards. Wear polished shoes. Remem-

ber other people’s birthdays. Rekindle

old friendships. Commit yourself to

constant improvement. Focus on

making things better, not bigger. Be

kinder than necessary. Carry jumper

cables in your trunk. Have a firm

handshake. Look people in the eye.

(Continued on page 2)

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(Continued from page 1)

Be the first to say, “Hello.” Use the

good silver. Return all things you

borrow. Make new friends but cher-

ish the old ones. Keep secrets. Sing

in a choir. Show respect for all liv-

ing things. Plant flowers every

spring. Have a dog. Always accept

an outstretched hand. Stop blaming

others. Take responsibility for every

area of your life. Wave at kids on

school buses. Take good care of

those you love. Be there when peo-

ple need you. Feed a stranger’s ex-

pired parking meter. Don’t postpone

joy. Never underestimate the power

of love. Drink champagne for no

reason at all. Live your life as an

exclamation, not an explanation.

Cherish your children for what they

are, not for what you’d like them to

be. Become some ones hero. Marry

only for love. Count your blessings.

Call your Mother.

P.S. These are also excellent ways to go

fishing with Jesus using nets, not hooks!

Your are Loved!

Pastor Vic

New Members Class

The new members classes will

be held March 23rd & 30th for those

interested in joining the church.

Classes are from 6:00—8:00 p.m.

in the Lampp Building. Member-

ship Joining Sunday will be April

9th during the service you attend.

The classes are a great way for

Pastor Vic to get to know you as

well as for you to know him, and

learn about the history of EUMC.

Included in the classes: a discus-

sion of the membership vows, a

tour of the facilities, a brief look at

Methodism, and information on

ministries and programs that may

be of interest to you.

If you are interested in joining

the EUMC family, please call the

church office at 941-474-5588, ext.

105 and let Teresa know you’re

planning to attend the classes.

Childcare will gladly be provided

upon request.

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How are you? How’s your soul? Do you recog-

nize that there are different ways to bring your

physical body and your soul home? Think about it,

sometimes the world could be spinning around you

but for some reason your soul is at ease. Other

times, your life could all be lining up and all the

ducks in a row, but your soul is at odds and unset-


The same way our physical self has a place to

relax and be at peace (often times this is in our

homes), so do our souls. God breathed life into us

in the beginning and when our souls need home, its

in God we find that rest and relaxation.

In Psalm 42 and 43, King David shows us so

perfectly how we can have two different places we

need to go home to. He talks all about the things he

is doing for God. King David led the community in

worship to God. Yet, in his next breathe he says,

“Why are you cast down, O my soul?” David rec-

ognized that though he was doing the things he

needed to do, his physical responsibilities in lead-

ing people in worship, his soul wasn’t at the same

place. His soul needed to find rest in God. He

asked lots of questions. “When is God going to pay

attention to me?” (42:2), “Where is God?” (42:3),

“Why has God forgotten me?” (42:9). Isn’t this

what we do too? When we are discouraged, we

tend to ask a lot of questions. Especially the unan-

swerable ones…

Maybe your feelings of your soul longing for

more or the reality that your soul isn’t always in

the best spot, surprises you, but it doesn’t surprise

God. He isn’t shocked or embarrassed because our

feelings are out of hand. He knows our craziness

and chaos, and that doesn’t bother Him one bit. God

designed our human soul. It’s only logical that He

would know how to fix it when it’s out of align-

ment or feelings are out of hand. So though some-

times we might be embarrassed by our emotions

and so freaked out by our feelings that we avoid the

one who knows our soul the best.

God is our God. He is our salvation. He is our

hope. He is available to you 24/7. You can talk to

God. You can involve Him. He knows your feelings

and emotions. There is nothing to hide. God caring

for you makes you healthy on the inside. With God

you can find comfort and rest. God enables you to

rise again, to believe again, and to walk again.

King David proves that to us! He was a “man

after God’s own heart.” When he continually sought

God, he found God and was renewed and refreshed

to pursue greater things with and for God. God de-

sires to bring your soul home to be refreshed and

renewed also!

It’s an honor to serve with you….

Pastor Perri

Pastor Perri…




Youth Mission Trip SIGN UP!

June 25th - July 1st

Where: Lexington, SC

Cost: $175

Some of our projects will include:

Repairing roofs, building fences,

Home renovation and much more!

$50 deposit due by

Wednesday, March 15th

If interested, contact Gil for more Information at

[email protected]

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Mission Notes

March; month of St. Patrick Day, Irish songs,

and when everyone has a little bit

of Irish in their blood – if only for

a day.

Spring is just around the corner

and the days are longer. God is


In last month’s Messenger the total of Alterna-

tive Gifts was listed. The total donated to Heifer

International was $5,190. A thank you to EUMC

was received which read: “Thank you for your

generous gift to Heifer International. Your de-

sire to help others will build hope for future gen-

erations. Families in countries where we work

like Bangladesh, Guatemala and Malawi, who

once struggled with hunger and poverty, now

have the livestock and training they need to im-

prove their farms. With your commitment and

their hard work, they are on their way to build-

ing lives of self-reliance and dignity, uplifting

entire communities in the process. Thank you

for choosing Heifer International and helping

us make a better world, one family at a time.”

Mission Conference “God Wink.” Hal and Sue

Hoege arrived at the Lampp Building for the con-

ference all smiles and very excited. They are mis-

sionaries with Joy in the Harvest in Kigoma, Tan-

zania where they work in Christian radio broad-

casting. They work with Galcom in their ministry

and have Skyped and emailed with Hefziba Alan-

so who spoke for Galcom at the conference. They

saw the article in the newspaper about the confer-

ence and came to meet the woman they had been

working with and who they had never met. What

a joy to see this person-to-person meeting.

Ryan Kaminski, Rising Star School in Uganda

has reported through Facebook: “So, so, so very

proud of last year's Primary seven class...results

recently came out from their national exams

(Primary Leaving Examinations) and all 21

passed and met the standard, but 6 out of the 21

received 'Division One' marks, which put them

above standard results (the class before then had

1 out of 20 with that distinction)! Most of these

children had no hope of a future, but that

has completely changed...they are making the

"“impossibe", POSSIBLE! Now they are off to sec-

ondary school, dreaming of a brighter future!”

“When the child sponsorship money is collected

every month, we're not only able to employ 33 staff

to teach our nearly 400 vulnerable and orphaned

students, but with the little extra we can buy 400

durable cups and plates for feeding ALL these won-

derful children for FREE! Next month it will be

medicine for the school clinic!”


Cups …..

Thank you EUMC for

all you do.

Nancy Prins Chair, Missions Committee

Tervis Tumbler Sale

As part of a fund raiser for the Pastor’s Discretionary

Fund*, we are selling 16 oz. Tervis tumbler glasses

with lid (no handle) and the church logo as seen

here. They make great presents! $20 each.

Get yours on any Sunday in Fellowship Hall.

*Discretionary Fund is used to help people who walk in

to the church in need of assistance.

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Youth Winter Retreat Update!

In January we went on our annual Winter Retreat

to Lake Aurora Christian Camp with our youth and

Christ UMC’s youth. We had a fantastic time of fel-

lowshipping together while playing gaga ball, kick-

ball, basketball, paintball, and relaxing on the lake.

We took a great group of 25 youth from EUMC!

During our 4 sessions we played some crazy fun

games and had some fun singing and dancing with

our worship music! The theme for the weekend was

STORIES: Live One Worth Sharing. We talked

about “cropping” things out of our life that keep us

away from God, making God the “focus” of our life,

and begin “sharing” that story with other people

around us. We also had some time to share in our

small groups about some of the things that the youth

were struggling with and coming up with an action

plan to accomplish the goals that they committed to

during the weekend.

In the last session, we gave the youth time to

share some of the things God has been working on

in their lives during the retreat, and many of them

came up with some great action plans to eliminating

the things that keep us drawing closer to God. We

then received Holy Communion together and then

the youth were invited to accept Jesus into their

lives for the first time or recommit their lives to

God. And I am pleased to announce that 7 of our

youth raised their hand to make one of these com-

mitments! YAY GOD!

I ask for your continued prayers for all of our youth

and their journeys with God and that they would live

a story worth sharing!

Interested in volunteering with our awesome Youth

Group? Please contact me at [email protected]

- Gil





7:30 – 11:00 A.M. Saturdays

March 4 & 18 and April 1


With Egg and Sausage, or Biscuits and Gravy,

or Quiche and Fruit, Orange Juice and Coffee

$6 Adults – Under 12 Free (with adult)

UMW Unit Meeting

Thursday, March 2, 2017

10:30 a.m. Covered Brunch


Call to Prayer and Self Denial


Beth Harrison

Englewood Community Care Clinic


Leah Circle

Please bring your “Self Denial” offering.

Would you like to join the Welcome

Desk Team ?

We need more people to help cover the “Welcome Desk” out-side of the Sanctuary on Sun-day mornings. It is a wonder-ful way to make EUMC a place where people are connected to one another. And it is a lot of fun!

If you think you would like to be a part of the Wel-come Desk Team, please contact Brownie Schoen-bauer at 603-493-8543 or Georgie Squier at 941-697-3993.

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Ms. Patty’s….


We would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to

all who helped our “Sponsor a Child Campaign”.

Much was given to ensure our children have conti-

nuity of service when families are faced with finan-

cial challenges.

I want to send a SPECIAL THANK YOU to

Tri-County Appraisals and Auditing, Inc. and Sym-

biont Service Corporation for signing up to be

Community Sponsors of the Preschool. Soon you

will see signage recognizing them for their generos-

ity and they will be included in all publications. If

you know of a business that would like to be a

community sponsor of the preschool, please have

them contact me or let me know who they are and I

will call them.

Finally, I want to thank our Adopt a Classroom

sponsors. This month, the classrooms were provid-

ed new devotional books to ensure that each child

hears the word of God on a daily basis in additional

to their weekly chapel. It has been exciting to see

both the staff and children get excited about this.

Additionally, we have been able to purchase some

new tools to help us in the classroom. These are

really important in helping to stimulate both the

kids mental and physical growth. It is all quite ex-

citing and couldn’t be done without your help!

Our Preschool keeps getting better and better. I

am so grateful to God, this church, the parents and

our amazing staff. Thank you...thank you!

Ms. Patty Preschool Director

Women’s Bible Study

Priscilla Shirer’s “War Room”

Monday, March 13-April 17

10:00 AM or 6:30 PM

Workbook $8—scholarships available

Sign up in Fellowship Hall between services or by

calling the church office 941-474-5588

Summer Music & Drama Camp

The Williamson Music and Fine Arts Fund is

again sponsoring a Music & Drama Camp at

EUMC this summer. The camp will run from Mon-

day, June 12– 16, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. with

a Friday, June 16 performance at 7:00 p.m. of the

delightful musical “Oh, Jonah.”

Open to rising 4th-12th graders, the week’s

schedule will feature singing, handbells, drama,

Music in the Dark, recreation, and Drum Circle.

Lunch and a camp tee shirt is included in the $25

registration fee. The balance of the cost will be

underwritten by the Williamson Music and Fine

Arts Fund. Registration forms are available in the

church office. Register early to be guaranteed a


We all have those

Senior Moments!

Tuesday, March 14 at 11:00 a.m. special guest speaker Karen Hart BA, CDP, Patient Community Liaison Memory Disorder Clinic at Sarasota Memorial Hospital will give a short, informative talk on the subjects of

types of memory disorders, how to recognize them and what resources are available.

Refreshments will be served. Registration is not required, but requested so we know how much food to have! You may do this in Fellowship Hall on Sundays or calling the church office. The meet-ing will be held in Room 102.

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Super Senior Birthday Registration


Birth Date / /

Month Day Year

Are you a Super Senior of

four score years or more? We

have the names and birth dates

of many of our 80 (or more)

year olds, but we want to recog-

nize ALL of these honored

members. Please register your

birthday if you haven’t done so

already. Just call the church of-

fice or send in the registration


The Super Senior birthdays

are listed each month in the

Messenger. Help them celebrate

their super birthday by congratu-

lating them on their special day.


Super Senior


** 90 (or over) Years Young!

3/05 Millie Wilson **

3/08 Luella Davis

3/08 Larry Stout **

3/11 Marlene Baker

3/14 James Padgett **

3/16 Jody Brokaw

3/18 Franklin Sykes

3/20 Jeanne Sawyer **

3/22 Dorothy Pryor **

3/25 Julia Ferguson

The Florida United Methodist Children’s

Home is not “just an orphanage.” While its gen-

esis over 100 years ago focused primarily on car-

ing for children whose parents died, or whose

home was “broken”, the Home has evolved into a

full-fledged child care refuge, educational and

rehabilitation ministry. State and National certi-

fications allow the Home to provide: Residential

Care, Foster Care, Independent Living, Spiritual

Life Enrichment and Worship, Specialized Ther-

apeutic Group Homes and Early Childhood

Guidance and Development.

From a recent letter: “For the children who

come to us at the FUMCH, their definition of

love and self-worth is skewed, and their hearts

have been broken. Before coming to us, many of

our children didn’t know what is was like to

have their own bed or food on the table,

Happy All!

let alone loving and supportive parents who encour-

age emotional and academic success on a daily ba-

sis. The therapeutic intervention we provide helps

to get to the heart of the matter and provides the

tools to become successful in all areas of their lives.

Perhaps, more importantly, it gives the children

hope.” (E. Gadd, CDO)

Thank you for your prayers and for your help in

sharing the faith, hope and love that God intends for

all of us: His Children.

~ together with you in mission,

Marsha & Bill Oakley

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Book Buzz

As I sit at my desk looking out at the

pond and the fronds blowing gently in

the breeze, I remember the home where

we raised our children. We lived in a woods of about

80 trees, maple, redbud, hickory nut and walnut

which were surrounded by very tall fir trees that

swayed in the winter winds. An owl lived in this

woods and would hoot in the night, hunting. I would

feel comfort when awakened to his call. The children

played on the tire swing way out back and many

hotdogs were roasted in our old cement and brick

fireplace out by the dogwoods.

I guess we transplants miss our homes where

many memories were woven. And when we go back

for a visit, those memories crowd our brains with

comfort and a melancholy longing.

Beside my desk hangs a framed poem by Can-

dace Kelly written in beautiful calligraphy that I love

and will share with you.

If you stand very still in the heart

of the woods, you will hear many

wonderful things...the snap of a twig

and the wind in the trees, and the whir

of invisible wings.

If you stand very still in the turmoil

of life, and you wait for a voice from

within, you’ll be led down the quiet ways

of wisdom and peace in a mad world

of chaos and din.

If you stand very still and hold to

your faith, you will get all the help

that you ask; you will draw from the

silence of things that you need:

Hope and Courage and Strength

for your task.


Pam Heady Your church librarian

Dinner in Fellowship Hall

5:00-6:30 p.m.

$6 suggested donations, but is

not required. Children eat for free!

Come join in the fellowship.

March 1


Cole Slaw—Rolls


March 8

Sponsored by: Emmaus

Open-face Roast Beef Sandwich

Mashed Potatoes with Gravy



March 15

Stuffed Cabbage

Mashed Potatoes




March 22

Sponsored by: Girl Scouts

Parmesan Crusted Chicken

Mashed Potatoes

Green Beans



March 29

To Be Announced

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Health and Wholeness

Dirtiest Places In Our Homes

1. Kitchen particles from our plates

serve as a breeding ground for E. Coli and Salmo-


Solution: Sanitize the dirty sink daily or less often

with bleach, clean the plug and let the water go

down the drain. Do not rinse for 3 minutes.

2. Tooth brush...after using, rinse and put in a dry

place to dry. The cap on the electric tooth brush head

should be cleansed periodically.

Germs from flushing the toilet stay in the air for up

to 2 hours before settling down on the surfaces in the

bathroom...these include bacteria and viruses.

Solution: Put the toilet seat down before flushing.

Replace the tooth brush after you are sick or soak in

bleach water for 3 minutes.

3. Salt and pepper shakers: In 2008 the University

of Virginia study asked people with colds to name

10 places they had touched in the past 18 hours.

They then tested these places and 41% of them were

positive for the cold virus!

Solution: When wiping down the table include the

salt and pepper shakers. Wash hands with soap and

water for 30 seconds. Sing Happy Birthday 2 times

for timing.

4. Remote control: The same University of Virginia

study found that 50% on the remotes had cold virus-

es on them!

Solution: Wipe it off with alcohol wipes or bleach

germicidal wipes.

5. Computer keyboard: When you eat, sneeze or

sit down to surf the net without washing your hands

you could be passing E. Coli, Staphylococcus or vi-


Solution: Wash your hands frequently and wipe the

keys with alcohol or germicidal wipes.

6. Bathtubs: Especially those with whirlpool fea-

tures. A Texas A & M microbiologist tested 43

whirlpool tubs and found all to have dangerous bac-

terial growth. Almost all also showed fecal material,

81% fungus and 34% staphylococcus bacteria. The

lining of the pipes contained bacteria as they were

trapped in the pipes and became a breeding ground

for these microbes.

Solution: Clean the tub with cleanser and in the

whirlpool tubs clean the pipes also.

Next month we will explore other dirty places in

our homes.

Grace Talada, Chr. Health and Wholeness

Prayers & Squares Workshop will meet on

Thursday, March 16th from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

in Fellowship Hall 1 & 2. You are

invited to join us whenever your

schedule allows.

We'll be working on several

tasks for prayer quilts and would

welcome your help! If you'll be

joining us for 12:30 lunch, bring a

sack lunch and beverage. Refrigerators are availa-


Please contact Jane Parker 941-564-6844 or

[email protected] with any questions.

Memorial Corner

The following members passed away

January 19—February 15

1/19 Erik Halvarson

1/20 Beverly Dean

1/21 Madelyn Gary

1/22 Jerry Parthemer

Our thoughts and prayers are with their

family and friends.

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I Saw His Light

I was 21, single, a nurse

working on a Surgical Unit,

and living at home. It was

Christmas Eve and I was sick

with the flu, on the verge of

pneumonia. Mother had

phoned our family doctor to

make a house call, because I

wasn’t getting better. The

doctor was not happy with

my condition. Only because it was Christmas Eve,

he was delaying putting me in the hospital for one

more day. He was a very kind Jewish man. He

gave me a shot of penicillin and promised to look

in on me the next day.

Traditionally, our family would attend Christmas

Eve midnight mass together. We would meet at our

parent’s house, since six of my siblings were mar-


It had come time for the family to leave for

church but my newly married brother and his wife

were late. Since I was not going to church, Mom

made up the couch in the living room for me to rest

until my brother arrived. I would tell David and

Terry to meet the family at church.

The next thing I knew, I was seeing my body ly-

ing on the couch, while I hovered above. In a split

second I was moving full speed down a tunnel, as

if flying! I was moving very fast but along the way

saw busts of people I knew. We didn’t speak, but

communicated in our thoughts.

My body slowed down and I could see ahead of

me a soft yellow light. I felt deep love, uncondi-

tional acceptance, and a strong desire to go into the

light. Suddenly a hand appeared in the light, mo-

tioning for me to stop. A voice came from within

the light that said to me, “Not now.” “Your time is

not yet.” “You must go back.” With that, I felt

something shaking my shoulder. It was Dave. He

exclaimed; “Sis, sis, are you alright?”

“You look as though you were dead! You are as

white as the sheet that covers you!” I was stunned.

I just blurted out, “Quick, you better get to church,

you are late!”

I was left alone with my thoughts. “What had

happened to me? Where did I go? Who spoke to

me? I don’t feel sick anymore!”

Later, I shared with my family what had hap-

pened to me that Christmas Eve, but all they could

say was that I had had a dream. I know better. I

had a miracle that night. God brought me into the

presence of His Light. I was healed! I am forever


Barbara Ierardi Intercessory Prayer

Dynamic Marriage Bible study to

enrich established marriages 9 week course, on Wednesday evenings

6:00-8:30 p.m.

Informational meeting Wednesday, March 29 at 6:30 p.m.

Lampp Building—Room 100 (approximately 1 hour)

Sign up in Fellowship Hall between services, by email [email protected], or call-

ing the church office: 941-474-5588

Facilitated by Joe & Rose Lynn Chirillo

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At Home

Bill Anderson

Dorothea “Dodie” Fleming

Andy & Audrey Grant

Nancy Hallman

Kathleen Harris

Ron Hook

Joe Mang

Irene Perry

Pauline Quimby

Damon & Ruth Runyon

Doris Smith

Adele Stewart

Matt White

Virginia Wilson

Bay Breeze

Dick Davis

Joan Larsen

Bella Vita

Doris Charron

Evelyn Mellor

Brookdale Venice

Jim Roch

Discovery Village

Jean Lesher

Family Affair

Marjorie Fitzgerald

Betty Gatewood

Gardens of North Port

Milt Shimmel

Grand Villa

Paul Brutsehea

Chelsea Nelson

Leonora Wilhelm

Horizon Bay—Sarasota

Glen & Mary Brewer


Millie Messner

Jacaranda Trace

Gertrude Barclay

Magnolia Acres

Gayle Davis

North Port Pines

Janice Reynolds


Jeri Demmin

Pines Sarasota

Dave Holt

Quality Health Care Center

Dorothy Burton

Sunset Lake Village

Mike Bibens

Winnie Leschasseur

H E L P N E E D E D Our Congregational Care Ministry is in need of your help in providing names of congregants who are

homebound, in assisted living facilities or nursing homes. The team enjoys visiting people and are such a

blessing to our people. We keep in touch through visits, home communion, and other services as needed.

Please complete this form if you have a relative or friend in need of our ministry.


Home/Facility Address:__________________________________________________________________

Other means of contacting him/her: _________________________________________________________

Referred by:___________________________Phone:_________________________Date:______________

Please return this form to the office. Thanks for helping us spread God’s love through our church family!


Pastor Don Burlock

& Your Congregational Care Ministry Team

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Baskets are being assembled and will be available for pick up:

Tuesday April 4th 6-8pm, Thursday April 6th 6-8pm, Friday April 7th 6-8pm or Saturday

April 8th 9am-12pm. Please invite parents who may need this blessing for their families

to come to Room 103 of the Lampp building during one

of the above distribution times.

Annual Egg Hunt April 15th

On-site registration & activities begin at 9am

Donations of candy, grass

and empty baskets are


Warren Willis Summer Camp

Summer is just around the corner! Rising 4th and 5th grade students are invited to attend

camp as a group during the week of July 10th–15th, 2017. Registration is underway, so

please see Suzie Asa for more information or to sign-up!

Parent Date Night Co-op March 11th, from 5 to 8 pm.

Volunteer only twice annually (per family) and get 10 evenings of free child care in return!

Sign-up sheets for kids, volunteers and parents are located in Fellowship Hall after all three services and

during weekdays in the church office or in the entry to Foundation’s Preschool.

The next Child Protection Training that is a requirement for Volunteers is scheduled for Sunday, March

5th at 11am in classroom 303 (upstairs). Nursery and One Room Holy Moly (Rm. 304) are available to

accommodate your children.

For information about any of the above, please contact Suzie Asa at 474-5588 or by emailing

[email protected].

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Ministry of Music

I was happy to welcome several new singers

to the Sanctuary Choir in the last few weeks. It

is a joy to work with all those who participate in

the music ministry of EUMC.

The final concert of the 2016-17 concert season

is this month. The Easter Cantata, "Come to the

Cross and Remember" will be presented at the

9:15 and 11:00 worship services on March 26.

We will remember Jesus' last days and His

poignant sacrifice for us through the various

symbols of Holy Week: the palms, the flowers of

the Garden of Gethsemane, the cup and loaf, the

garment of Jesus, and the cross. This is a brand

new work of music by Pepper Choplin. A small

orchestra and organ will accompany the beautiful

songs, along with visuals and narration.

Don't forget to sign up your children and grand-

children in 4th-12 grades for the Music and Drama

Camp being held in June. See the February news-

letter or Sunday bulletins for further information.

Registration forms are available in the church of-

fice and Music Suite.



Ash Wednesday Service

A meaningful worship service will

be held on Ash Wednesday, March 1,

at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.

Ashes will be imposed at six stations by active

and retired pastors. Inspirational music from cello

and harp will prepare us for the upcoming Lenten

journey following Christ to the cross.

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Easter Lily Plants

As in the past we will be decorating our Sanctuary with lily plants for Easter Sunday

services. If you would like to order a plant “in honor of” or “in memory of” someone spe-

cial, please fill out the form below. Please put the form in the collection plate or bring

to the church office. Make the check payable to: EUMC, $10 per plant. Please make

this a separate check from your offertory check. The names will be printed in the

April 16th Easter Sunday bulletin.

The deadline to order is Monday, March 27th


Please Print Clearly


Phone No._________________________email____________________________

In memory of:______________________________________________________

In honor of:_______________________________________________________

Foundations Preschool

In Memory of: Pat Smith

Given by: Betty Corser

Jamie Chandler

Memorial Garden

In Memory of: Roger Eberly

Given by: Dick & Irene Nelson

In Memory of: L. Richard & Harriet E.


Given by: Kathleen Dawson

In Memory of: Eunice Brower

Given by: Vera Green & Family

Memorial Gifts

Mission Fund

In Memory of: Eunice Brower

Given by: Bill Bussard

Willadean Kelly


In Memory Of: Helen “Pat” Smith

Given By: Jack & Ruth Flynn

Page 16: Life’s Little Instructions - Constant’s Little Instructions. Compliment three people every



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March 2017

Englewood United Methodist Church

700 E. Dearborn St., Englewood, FL 34223

Phone No. 941-474-5588 Fax 941-475-2865



Following the example

Of Jesus Christ,

The Englewood United

Methodist Church

Shall strive to make God

And His Kingdom

More real through our

Caring, worship, study

Fellowship & outreach.

To this end, as a

Servant Church,

We offer ourselves

And our facilities

For the Christian growth

Of all persons.


Adopted 1978 Revised 1989