Letter From The Editor - MITPUNE Engineering College · Krishnamohan Manmohan Prashant Kumar Singh...


Transcript of Letter From The Editor - MITPUNE Engineering College · Krishnamohan Manmohan Prashant Kumar Singh...

Dear Readers, We are delighted to bring to you the 10th issue of the MIT Computer Users Group Newsletter! We would like to begin by congratulating our newsletter team for their hard-work and dedication. The work wouldn’t have been so great without your inputs and co-operation! We would like to express our gratitude towards Prof U.K. Raut for his guidance and support. Here’s hoping this issue lives up to the MCUG tagline “Sharing knowledge, Bridging gaps”. Let’s come together and make this newsletter an iconic platform for revolutionary ideas and IT breakthroughs! Thanks and Regards, Anees RG & Rubal Jabbal Editors, MCUG Newsletter. The Editorial team:- Reeshi Joshi Shriya Vanvari Pooja Sanga Sayali Nakashe Vinita Tibdewal Pawan Alur Krishnamohan Manmohan Prashant Kumar Singh Shantanu Nanwatkar Varsha Mundra Sanyogeeta Lawande Follow us on: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/mitcug Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/mitcug For any queries or feedback: Mail us to: [email protected]

Letter From The Editor

Showcase your talent!

Internships – A pre-industrial life.


Which is the best data structure of them all?

How teachers make a difference!

Digital Pune Hackathon

The Code War



A mega carnival, where young minds with innovative thoughts come under one roof to showcase their skills. Formerly, MIT used to have departmental events namely Intechxication (Computer & ENTC), Axelerate (Mechanical) and Accolade (IT), which is culminated into a three-day event since 2014 as Texephyr and now held in February/March every year. It is a national level event, held with a view to bridge a gap between various aspects of the different fields of engineering. It is a fusion of technical & non technical events, along with various workshops & gaming events. Texephyr, a techno-bonanza hosts a range of 40+ events from programming competitions; to robotics events; to fun events; to paper presentations and much more. The premier events conducted by Computer Department are Let's 'C' If u can Crack, Algoholics, Code Storm, Twisted Code Relay & various workshops. Paving a way to garner hidden talents, Texephyr’16 is bound to be a greater spectacle than the editions before it. Growing by epic proportions in just two years, Texephyr has carved a niche for itself as one of the biggest technical fests in India.

While entering into the Second year of engineering, everyone feels clueless. Everything changes... We no longer have the same group of friends, teachers. Not even the same classrooms! It takes some time for us to adjust into this new environment. In this mayhem, it becomes extremely difficult to know about the various events which your department hosts. Well, here we have for you, a list of the various events our Department hosts every year..


Showcase your talent!


In a bid to promote cultural activities, Computer Department students started organizing an Intra Department music, arts and dance competition called as "COMPADS". It comprises of various events like group dance, singing, stand-up comedy and drawing. With a motto to nurture self esteem, social and interactive skills of students, Compads presents the perfect platform to expose the students to healthy competition and provides an opportunity to showcase their inherent talents. After the great response received from the students last year, Compads is back and will be held on 12th of September in Swami Vivekanand Auditorium.


Teknothon 2K15, a technological extravaganza organized with the vision of 'Bridging the Gap' between the students and the industry by conducting workshops, seminars, informal and formal interaction sessions, competitions and lots more. Aiming to recreate our last year’s successful workshops based on Arduino, Unseen Java, Sudo Access, we are thrilled to conduct various workshops and sessions on even more interesting topics. This year Teknothon will be held on 12th and 13th September with this edition focusing on the theme 'Internet Of Things (IoT)', the latest trend which is set to revolutionize the world. We believe that acquiring and updating skills according to trending topics help students stay ahead of the race. That being said, we have roped in top companies who are experts in IoT, to conduct sessions.

(Come Participate Act, Dance and Sing)

It’s funny how things work out. One day you’re giving the entrance exams, the next you find yourself in the middle of an interview. Time flies, and before you know it, you’re old! Kidding. Who doesn’t want an internship? Some of us don’t even know What an Internship is, but we want it nevertheless. So, what really is an Internship? Type in “Internship” on Google, and it returns with the string, “A Job training for white-collar and professional careers.” Sounds fancy, doesn’t it? Seems, it really is cool to have one! What to Expect? Well, you might end up bringing coffee for the boss every day and updating one’s relationship status on Facebook; Or, One could do something productive! There are people who have achieved greatness and then there are those who’ve fallen prey to societal norms. Let’s imagine a scenario where a guy moves to a different city to be an Intern. He goes to the office each day, you know, because it’s compulsory, text people on WhatsApp. Maybe update a status on Facebook every hour, click selfies; And at the end of the day, come back home. WiFi in the office is really fast, so better stay late, create


Source: thecomicstrip.com

In an alternate reality, the same guy, goes to work each day, Observes his guide. He sees how things proceed, how life is and what his downs and Weaknesses are. He does a self-assessment and plans his life to fulfill his shortcomings. B-O-R-I-N-G? Reality check, He’ll be the boss of the previous guy, someday. Remember, landing up with an Internship is easy, but landing up with a Good Internship is really hard! There are firms which give an Internship for 8,000/- bucks and then there are those which pay you 50,000/-.

What to Do? Some might tell you to score extraordinary marks, or be the God of Coding. But that is not what an Internship is about! All they expect from you is that you know stuff! That, you are Capable and Worthy of the same. It is an experience of a lifetime. Internships are often used as an extra certificate in your resume. Do not be one of those. Explore your field of Interest, and if things don’t work out, there is enough time to change it. Students usually fail to recognize its worth until after their BE, where all they have is the Skill to click selfies in weirdly awkward positions!

Choose Your Destiny What do you want to be? Who do you want to become? The Wheel is in Motion. Your choices decide your future. So, choose wisely, An Internship CAN change your Life. . .

OwnCloud Cloud computing is, perhaps, the buzzword of the 21st century. You must have read about it in tonnes of article or in your syllabus. Cloud computing may sound complex at first, but it simply means “Using some-one else's storage and computing power”. You may ask: “Really? Is that it?”. Well, yes. That is it. The fact is, Cloud computing uses a lot of complex technologies to achieve this simple target. You must have used Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive (SkyDrive), etc. These are few of the various cloud storage platforms, which we all use in one or the other form. Did you ever think about a platform which provides you a single interface for your google drive, Dropbox, Amazon S3, and various others? Did you ever think about making our own cloud? What scares you the most? The various algorithms that you might have to implement to create your own cloud, or the various “highly efficient” data-structures that you might have to learn? Well, worry not! We have come to your rescue. What is OwnCloud? OwnCloud is free and open source software that operates as a very simple way to set up your own syncing, Dropbox-like cloud storage sys-tem on your own server or web site. OwnCloud is about as powerful as Dropbox, but it also allows people to make and share their own apps that run on OwnCloud including text editors, task lists, and more. That means you can get a little more out of it then just file syncing if you want.

OwnCloud can be used to create your own storage cloud by installing the ownCloud server on your storage system and accessing it from the various devices .

You can also use ownCloud as an email server to access your emails from it.

To use OwnCloud to access the various cloud services you use in your daily life, all you’ve got to do is follow three simple steps: 1: Download & Install 2: Connect the Clients 3: Extend the connectivity

And you are done! Once you do this, All data can be accessed at One Single Location! Cool, isn’t it?

- Neha Javalagi The compilers came when they were called, for a reference had to be resolved. A committee was formed for them to find, which data structure was one of a kind. The array they thought a "homo-genius" hero, Array-Bhatta himself knew the importance of zero. But after his 'continuous demands' to them it dawned, When they give him more space, they'd be conned. The linked list's head was in the right place, But a clumsy fellow who took any available space. Leaving directions for them to mull, They asked "What's the point if it all points to null?" My toppers come last says weird Mr. stack, What if he pops our bubble and gives us back? To push it on him they felt loath, they thought, "is having no priorities ever growth?" The sorted heap says it makes no waste, But they felt decisions aren't made in haste. Queue points it's index finger, data's easy to find, but he puts down what's on top of their mind. They scratched their heads to devise a test, to find which data structure was the best. At last they decided they're all at par, for all of them are born under the star (* )

Which is the best data

structure of them all?

Data mining is exploration and analysis of large quantities of data to discover meaningful patterns and rules which are hidden in the data. Predictive data mining models analyze data and generate predictions for future. They work on the basis of feature analysis of predictor variables and consider one or more features as predictors and generate output as some function of the predictors, which is called hypothesis. The generated hypotheses are tested for their acceptance or rejection. Being an ensemble, it generates multiple decision trees as base classifiers & majority voting is applied to combine the outcomes of base trees. The randomization is present in two ways: 1. random sampling of data for bootstrap samples as it is done in

bagging 2. random selection of input features for generating individual base

decision trees. .

Effective Learning and Classification using

random forest algorithm

– Prof. (Dr.) V.Y. Kulkarni

How Teachers Make a

Difference! When the students are achieving great heights, we know their mentors are eminent and have achieved great milestones themselves. Here we highlight a few notable achievements by our teachers. We’d like to congratulate our H.O.D Madam, Prof. (Dr.) V.Y. Kulkarni, for completing her PhD under Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU).

Strength of individual decision trees and correlation among base trees are key issues which decide generalization error of Random Forest classifiers In this research work, an attempt is made to improve the performance of Random Forest classifier in terms of accuracy and time required for learning and classification. As an outcome of our research, The empirical analysis and outcomes of experiments carried out lead to effective learning & classification using Random Forest algorithm.

Our beloved, Prof. B. M. Patil was honored with the position of State Student Coordinator (Pune, Aurangabad & Solapur Chapter areas) by CSI for the year 2015-16.

Prof. (Dr.) M. Bedekar was awarded with the Best Faculty

Award on 3rd June 201 5 by Cognizant.

We Are proud of You

Digital Pune

Hackathon Digital Pune Hackathon is a competition of nearly 60 colleges in which Thirty teams of 6 people each will be coding for 24 hours non-stop to create a program that shall serve as a working model of their own idea. It takes place on 10th-11th October 2015. The prize for winning this event is a cool 1,00,000 rupees for the winner, and other prizes for the top 5 teams. This event is organized by Persistent to identify new innovations to solve problems in Pune city.

One more benefit to being one of the chosen team is that you shall be trained by Persistent itself in the technology needed to make your idea a reality. This is a session that lasts for 2 days. It is not enough, however, to just go and code. The selection into the top 30 who are eligible to code is just as difficult. First, every college must send up to 3 ideas on how to solve the problems in Pune city. These ideas will be evaluated, and out of approximately 180 ideas from 60 colleges in Pune, the top 30 will be chosen. These ideas should be both relevant to the topic and feasible for implementation (so no flying cars running on solar power please). The areas of focus are Power, Water & Sanitation, Education, Public Health, Transportation and Citizen Security. To take part in this competition, MIT Comp. and IT department had organized an intra-college event for all students in these departments. The team who have their idea chosen will be allowed to take part in the team if selected into the main event.

It has been our vision ever since we started working on the Newsletter Venture. With the advent of this Issue, We would like to introduce a new Module, The Code War. An interdivision coding module. We know you all are excited to participate in this one! Following are the Rules we’ve decided: The Section will contain 2 Problem Statements. Students can submit the answers via mail to the Newsletter Mail Id

which will be mentioned in each Issue. The Best Answer will be evaluated on the basis of Time & Space

Complexity of each algorithm that has been followed. Marks on 10 will be awarded to each entry.

Only the Solutions in following Programming Languages will be held Valid:

1) C/C++ 2) JAVA 3) Python A merit list of top students as well as top divisions will be released

in the next edition. Exciting Prizes await for the best student at the end of the year.

The Code War

Source: Geek.rohitkalans.com

Following is a sample Problem Statement for your reference:

The citizens of Byteland regularly play a game. They have blocks each denoting some integer from 0 to 9. These are arranged together in a random manner without seeing to form different numbers keeping in mind that the first block is never a 0. Once they form a number they read in the reverse order to check if the number and its reverse is the same. If both are same then the player wins. We call such numbers palindrome.

Ash happens to see this game and wants to simulate the same in the computer. As the first step he wants to take an input from the user and check if the number is palindrome and declare if the user wins or not .


The first line of the input contains T, the number of test cases. This is followed by T lines containing an integer N.


For each input output "wins" if the number is a palindrome and "losses" if not.


1<=T<=20 1<=N<=10000

Input: 3 331 666 343 Output: losses wins wins Mail your solution to: [email protected]


Across Down

1. Android Emulator(9) 1. Harry Potter and a Database(9)

2. A valley(7) 2. Executing instance of a program(7)

3. Jerry(5) 3. What you see is what you get editor(7)

4. Packet Internet Groper(4) 4. Data Structure and a Living Organism(5)

5. GPU(5)

Across Down

1. Android Emulator(9) 1. Harry Potter and a Database(9)

2. A valley(7) 2. Executing instance of a


3. Jerry(5) 3. What you see is what you get


4. Packet Internet Groper(4) 4. Data Structure and a Living


5. GPU(5)