Lesson 4 asian heritage

ASIAN HERITAGE A. INDIANIZATION OF SOUTHEAST ASIA Indianization refers to the propagation of the Indian Civilization. This propagation was a two-way process, that is, the propagation of the Indian Civilization was effected not only by the Indian Colonists and colonizers, but also by the Southeast Asians themselves. These Southeast Asians, particularly the Malays, were bold navigators. Hence, visiting the parts of India let them acquire Indian culture and brought them to their native countries. 1. The Sri Vijaya and Majapahit Empire Sri Vijaya Majapahit Other names Sin-fo- tsi(Chinese) Zabagin(Arabian) Nationality Malayan Culture Indianized Capital Palembang Majapahit Capital Mahayana Buddhist Brahmanistic Hindu The Philippines was never ruled by the Sri Vijayan and Majapahit Empire due to ff: There are plenty of historical materials on Sri Vijaya as a maritime power and its relation with China in the annals of Tang, Yuan, Sung, and Ming Dynasty. Of those materials, there is no mentioned about Philippines being a vassal state of the Sri Vijaya Empire. Chau-ju-kua in his chronicles, listed fifteen vassal states of the Sri Vijaya and the Philippines is not one of them. Contemporary authorities on the history of Southeast Asia never claimed that Philippines was a vassal state of the Sri Vijaya Empire. The claim of Prapanca in his eulogistic poem, Negarakertagama, that ninety- four vassal states of Majapahit Empire includes Solot which he referred as Sulu of the Philippines is not real. Most likely, Solots are the tiny island in the lesser Sundas which still bears the name Solot and the northeastern part of Borneo. 2. Relations with the Orang Dampuans The Orang Dampuans or Men of Champa are group of immigrants who came in the Philippines from Southern Annam (Modern Vietnam) between 900- 1200 A.D. They established a trading post in Sulu that resulted in a flourishing trade between Sulu and Southern Annam. Their main interest is to have trade with Buranuns People of Sulu). Their increasing prosperity aroused jealousy of the Buranuns who in fit of anger, massacred some Orang Dampuans. Having superior weapons, they took their bloody revenge on the Buranuns and having leveled the enemy’s village to the ground, sailed to their homeland.

Transcript of Lesson 4 asian heritage

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Indianization refers to the propagation of the Indian Civilization. This propagation was a two-way process, that is, the propagation of the Indian Civilization was

effected not only by the Indian Colonists and colonizers, but also by the Southeast Asians themselves. These Southeast Asians, particularly the Malays, were bold navigators. Hence, visiting the parts of India let them acquire Indian culture and brought them to their native countries.

1. The Sri Vijaya and Majapahit EmpireSri Vijaya Majapahit

Other names Sin-fo-tsi(Chinese)Zabagin(Arabian)

Nationality MalayanCulture IndianizedCapital Palembang MajapahitCapital Mahayana Buddhist Brahmanistic Hindu

The Philippines was never ruled by the Sri Vijayan and Majapahit Empire due to ff: There are plenty of historical materials on Sri Vijaya as a maritime power and its

relation with China in the annals of Tang, Yuan, Sung, and Ming Dynasty. Of those materials, there is no mentioned about Philippines being a vassal state of the Sri Vijaya Empire.

Chau-ju-kua in his chronicles, listed fifteen vassal states of the Sri Vijaya and the Philippines is not one of them.

Contemporary authorities on the history of Southeast Asia never claimed that Philippines was a vassal state of the Sri Vijaya Empire.

The claim of Prapanca in his eulogistic poem, Negarakertagama, that ninety- four vassal states of Majapahit Empire includes Solot which he referred as Sulu of the Philippines is not real. Most likely, Solots are the tiny island in the lesser Sundas which still bears the name Solot and the northeastern part of Borneo.

2. Relations with the Orang Dampuans The Orang Dampuans or Men of Champa are group of immigrants who came in the

Philippines from Southern Annam (Modern Vietnam) between 900- 1200 A.D. They established a trading post in Sulu that resulted in a flourishing trade between Sulu

and Southern Annam. Their main interest is to have trade with Buranuns People of Sulu). Their increasing prosperity aroused jealousy of the Buranuns who in fit of anger,

massacred some Orang Dampuans. Having superior weapons, they took their bloody revenge on the Buranuns and having

leveled the enemy’s village to the ground, sailed to their homeland.

3. Relations with Bandjarmasin The Orang Bandjar (Men of Bandjarmasin) were immigrants from Bandjarmasin,

Borneo settled in Sulu and engaged actively in the rich pearl trade. They introduced the Indian influences in Sulu in which made Buranuns possessing

Hindu customs and worshipping vedic gods.

Evidences: An evidence of the Philippine intercourse with the Indianized countries of

southeast Asian nations is found in the manuscript entitled, Suma Oriental, which was written by Tome Pires. According to this Pire Codex, the Lucoes (People of Luzon) annually sent trading vessels to Borneo and Malacca and the Bornean traders used to sail to Luzon to buy gold or food stuffs.

Relics Place Year Specifics

Gold Image of Agusan Wawa River near Esperanza, Agusan Province

1917 Tara (Beyer)

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Bronze Image of Mactan Mactan, Cebu 1843 Hindu God Siva (Beyer)Lokesvara (Francisco)

Copper Image of Ganesha Mactan, Cebu 1843 Elephant God of Hindus

Clay Medallion of Calatagan Calatagan, Batangas

1958 Buddho- Siamese Art (Francisco)

Gd Garuda Pendant of Palawan

Brooke’s Point, Palawan

1961 Mythical bird which served as a vehicle of Hindu god Vishnu

Ceramics from Cambodia, Annam, and Siam

Rizal province, Batangas, Laguna, Mindoro, Sorsogon and palawan


4. Indian Influences in the Philippines Religious Beliefs

Bathala- Chief God of the Tagalogs who was derived from Bhattara- great lord.

Bukidnon Four Cardinal Points Hindu DeitiesDumalondong North KuberaOngli South YamaTagolambong East IndraMababaya West Varuna

Also of Hindu origin was the belief of the ancient Filipinos that the universe is alive with devas and hantus, good spirits and evil spirits or demons, through whom all good and evil are done in this world.

Mythology and Folk Literature Bantugan, the mythological hero of the Maranaos and

Lumawig, the legendary savior of the Bontoc are identified with Indra of Hindu mythology.

The Darangan of Lanao, the Lam-ang of Ilokandia, and the Ibalon of Bicolandia and the Ilim and the Hudhud of the Muontain Province were inspired by the Mahabharata and other Hindu epics.

Fables The Tagalog story of the monkey and the turtle, the tale of the race between

the deer and the snail, and the Visayan anecdote of the hawk and the hen. The hilarious adventures of Juan Tamad reveal traces of Hindu influences.

Customs and Traditions Placing of a fresh flower garland around the neck of the visitor upon his arrival

or departure, symbolic of hospitality and friendship. Before marriage, a groom gives dowry to bride’s parents and renders personal

services in the house of his future parents- in- law. After the wedding ceremony, the guests throw rice upon the bride and the

groom. The offering of a buyo (a mixture of betel nut, ikmo leaf, and lime) to a guest as

an expression of hospitality. A childless couple goes on pilgrimage to a holy shrine, whose deity is believed

to have the power to grant the virtue of fertility to those not blessed with children.

Superstitious Beliefs A maiden who sings merrily before a stove while cooking will marry an old

widower. A comet is a bad omen, for it is a harbinger of famine, war, or some other

calamity. A pregnant woman who eats twin bananas will give birth twins. When a cat wipes off its face with paws, a visitor is coming to the house.

Pagan Mandayas   HinduMansilatan Creator of the Universe BrahmaBadla Protector of Men VishnuPudaugnun Destroyer of Men Siva

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If a sleeping person dreams that one of his teeth falls out, somebody close to him will die.

Mode of Dressing Of Indian origin were putong (turban) of the men and sarong (lower garment) of

the women in pre-Spanish Philippines. The Muslim men in Mindanao and Sulu wear tight- fitting trousers which

resemble the Indian putees and their women use embroidered shawls which are suggestive of the Indian sari.

Industries Quicklime mining in Masbate Boat building Weaving of cotton clothes Metal works

Musical Instruments Kudyapi (Guitar)


Filipino Sanskrit EnglishAma Ama Father

Asawa Atawa SpouseRaha Raha KingSaksi Saksi Witness

Maharlika Mahardlika Noble

B. EARLY CONTACT WITH CHINA Sino- Philippine intercourse begun in 10th century A.D. during the Sung Dynasty. The earliest known authentic data of the Sino- Philippine in 982 A. D. was recorded by a

Chinese chronicler, Ma- Tuan- Lin in his monumental work entitled, Wen Shiann Tung Kao (General Investigation on the Chinese Cultural Sources)

The following are the Chinese influences in the Philippines: Manufacturing/ occupations/ games

Gunpowder The method of placer gold mining The art of metallurgy The use of porcelain, gold, silver, tin and other metals Blacksmithing Goldsmithing Kite flying Gambling- jueteng, kuwaho, pangginggi

Manner of Dressing The sleeved jackets (kangan) of the pre-Spanish Filipino males, the loose

trousers of the Muslim and the dresses of women of Sulu and Minadanao. The use of slippers, bakya(wooden Shoes), fans and umbrellas. Of Chinese introduction was the yellow garb of native nobility, the blue dress of

the commoners, and the wearing of white clothes for mourning. Culinary Art and Diet

Roasting of pigs for a delicious meat Brewing of tea for drinking Cooking of such dishes as lumpiya, pansit, mami, tsapsoy, and ukoy Appetizers such as tahuri, heko, toyo Edible vegetables including bataw, petsay, and upo

Social Customs Fixed marriage Hiring of go-between in marital negotiations Employment of professional mourners during the funeral and the veneration of

departed ancestor. The filial respect accorded by children to their older brothers and sisters,

parents and elders. The explosion of firecrackers on the advent of new year and other festivals The collection of tong (percentage fee) by the owner of a gambling joint. The haggling between the merchant and customer to arrive at the final fix price

of commodity The beating of gongs to celebrate a feast among pagan Filipinos of northern

Luzon, the Muslim Filipinos of Sulu and Mindanao. Language

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Filipino Chinese EnglishBakya Bak- kiah Wooden ShoesBantay Bang- tai Sentinel Gunting Kan- ting Pair of scissors

Pinto Pin- to DoorSusi So- si Key

C. EARLY RELATIONS WITH JAPAN The regions settled by the Japanese during the pre- Spanish times were the delta of Cagayan

River, the Lingayen Gulf Region, and Manila. The town of Agoo in Lingayen Gulf was busy center of trade with Japan which was later called

by the Spaniards as Puerto de Japon. The following are the Japanese influences:

Industries Manufacture of arms and tools The tanning of deer skins Artificial breeding of ducks and fishes which is Japan’s greatest legacy to our
