Lecture 2 Review of “Classical” Optics

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 1 Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics PHYS522 ECE695 (“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/ Lecture 2 Review of “Classical” Optics

Transcript of Lecture 2 Review of “Classical” Optics

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 1

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Lecture 2 Review of “Classical” Optics

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 2

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Lec 1: Light-Matter Interaction

matter Light (in) Light (out)

X (light or other particles)

Y (light or other particles)

Quantum optics (broadly defined): Light (radiation) & light-matter interaction where quantum physics matters [further generalization: extend from light to other waves (including matter/particle waves)]

Quantum photonics: Quantum optics applications & devices

(light cannot be studied alone)

Electron Atom Solid |vac>


Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 3

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Lectures Topics Lecture 1 (1/13) Overview (FQ1+) Lecture 2 (1/15) Review Classical Optics (FQ2; FS1-2) No Class on 1/20 Monday (MLK day) Lecture 3 (1/22) Review Quantum Mechanics, birth of photons (FQ3+) Lecture 4 (1/27) Quantum Information, cryptography & communication (FQ12) Lecture 5 (1/29) Radiative Transitions in Atoms & Molecules (FQ4; FS8.2) Lecture 6 (2/03) Radiative/Inter-band transition in solids (FS3, FS7.3.2) Lecture 7 (2/05) Masers & Lasers: CW, pulsed, frequency comb, Xasers Lecture 8 (2/10) Photon Statistics (FQ5) Lecture 9 (2/12) Photon Correlation (FQ6), extension to other (quasi)particles Lecture 10 (2/17) Coherent, Squeezed & Number states (FQ7,8) Lecture 11 (2/19) Resonant Light-atom interaction, density matrices, Rabi oscillation (FQ9) Lecture 12 (2/24) Solid state quantum structures: wells, wires and dots (FS6) Lecture 13 (2/26) Laser cooling of atoms & solids (FQ11+) Lecture 14 (3/03) Cold atoms & atom optics, atom lasers (given by TA R. Niffenegger) Lecture 15 (3/05) TBD (Special topics/APS/coherent control) Lecture 16 (3/10) Excitons and Polaritons (FS4+) Lecture 17 (3/12) Luminescence, Luminescence/NV centers & quantum emitters (FS5,9+) No classes on 3/17 & 3/19 (Spring Break) Lecture 18 (3/24) EIT, slow light (Agarwal) & coherent control Lecture 19 (3/26) Quantum entanglement, memory & teleportation (FQ14) Lecture 20 (3/31) Atoms in cavities, Jaynes-Cummings model (FQ10) Lecture 21 (4/02) Cavity QED/circuit QED, optomechanics Lecture 22 (4/07) Quantum Computing, photon based QC (FQ13+) Lecture 23 (4/09) Quantum Computing systems: ions, Rydberg atoms, molecules Lecture 24 (4/14) Quantum Computing systems: superconductor/cQED, quantum dots, NMR Lecture 25 (4/16) Photonics with nanomaterials: CNT, graphene & 2D materials (FS8+) Lecture 26 (4/21) Phonons/Vibrons and Raman spectroscopy, CARS (FS10) Lecture 27 (4/23) Special topics: Quantum Sensing & Photodetectors, applications Lecture 28 (4/28) Special topics: Optically synthetic gauge fields/topological/quantum

matter, quantum emulation, student presentations Lecture 29 (4/30) Special topics: Casimir, (quantum) plasmonics etc. student presentations Final Exam on (TBD)

Course Outline Part 1: basic review: Optics+Quantum; Part 2: Basic Light-matter interaction; laser; Part 3: Quantum Optics of photons Part 4: More advanced light-matter interaction Part 5: Quantum information/photonics/ applications

Subject to change; Check updates on course web/wiki

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 4

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Who are you? • Please briefly tell us:

– Your name – Department/major – Year – Research Group (if any) – Current research area (brief) – Anything else (brief) to help remember you

Please turn in the class survey (HWK#1)

† ?aany

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 5

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Course Requirement & Grading Components 1) Homework (approximately every 1-2 weeks): 30 points 2) Papers/Projects: 30 points consisting of 2 parts (15 pts each): 2a) a lecture notes (review article style) for an assigned lecture and upload to wiki within 2 weeks from the assigned lecture (every student will be assigned (alpha) to 1lecture based on class list, see wiki); 2b) a paper reviewing either a classic experiment/milestone achievement (before 2002) [undergrad only] or a topic not covered in lectures (eg. one from a relevant seminar), or a current frontier area/topic of your interest. You can find suggested topic in lecture slides though you are not limited to them. I encourage you to check with me about your topic and not to wait to the last week to upload so you may be selected for presentation. Revision can be made till last class. 3) Final Exam: 30 pts 4) Class Participation/Service (10pts) that can be earned in several ways (extra will be bonus): 4a) Occasional in class quizzes (1 pt for each problem); 4b) great question/comment/correct a non-trivial mistake in lecture (0.5-1 pt per incidence); 4c) Attend one of the eligible related seminars (see list under Wiki/Seminars) and have either speaker/host sign a form [see wiki] after the talk to prove your attendance (1 pt for each seminar attended); 4d) Give a 10-15 min presentation on your paper/research, or volunteer to teach a topic or explain a concept of interest that may fit into a given lecture (5 pt per presentation, consult with instructor to schedule) 4e) Other service that enhances class learning; eg. offer to give a lab tour to class members of your research lab (5 pts; must be approved of both your lab supervisor & Prof. Chen)

Final Grade: A (>85); B(>70); C(>55); D(>40); [typical sufficient condition, subject to minor change]

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 6

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Course Web & Wiki • Course website

http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/ – Syllabus, Lecture notes, homework etc

(course material) • Course wiki https://qopticsphotonics.wikispaces.com/

– Upload student work: lecture notes, essay – Post interesting seminar info – Share other links/articles/news of interests

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 7

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

This Lecture • Review key concepts from classical optics (cf. *FQ Chap2; also of interests: *FS Chap 1-2; *E. Hecht, Optics (esp. Chap 8 on polarization) *Lauterborn & Kurz, Coherent Optics, Chap 1-3)

Prerequisite 1: Classical Optics eg. PHYS 322/422 (E.Hecht “optics”), ME587, or some photonics course (or at least a good E&M, PHYS 272H/330/430) eg. D.Griffiths “Intro electrodynamics”; E. Purcell’s E&M; Feynman Lec. Vol 2; etc.

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 8

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Additional Reference Books Quantum Optics Gilbert Grynberg, Alain Aspect, Claude Fabre, Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Introduction to Quantum Optics: From the Semi-classical Approximation (2010) [book by some masters] C. Gerry & P. Knight, Introductory Quantum Optics --slightly more on theory side, knight is well known expert R. Loudon, The quantum theory of light --- slightly old, also slightly emphasizing theory more M.Scully & MS.Zubairy, Quantum optics --- by leading QO expert, but less suitable of textbook L.Mandel & E.Wolf: Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics .. handbook & encyclopedia JS Peng, Introduction To Modern Quantum Optics (1998) Photonics/Lasers: Bahaa E. A. Saleh and Malvin Carl Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics (2nd ed, 2007) --- classic large comprehensive book on photonics, good handy ref RS Quimby (RPI), Photonics and Lasers: An Introduction – shorter than ST, but seems a good photonics book Siegman’s Lasers: big book classic Orazio Svelto, Principles of Lasers (5th ed): good comprehensive text explaining lasers AMO physics: Christ Foot, Atomic Physics Solid state physics: C. Kittel, Intro to Solid State Physics Some classics on light-materials interaction: JI Pankove, Optical Processes in Semiconductors W Hayes and R Loudon, Scattering of Light by Crystals

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 9

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Optics: what is light? Classical Optics • Geometric/ray optics

• Newton etc: (classical) particle (“corpuscular”)/ray theory • Reflection • Refraction (Snell’s law) • Basic optical elements: mirrors, lens, beam splitters etc. • ABCD matrices • Simple optical engineering.. OSLO..

• Wave optics • Huygens-Young (interference)-Fresnel (diffraction)- … • Fourier Optics • Light is electromagnetic wave

• Faraday effect (magneto-optics) • Maxwell Equations • Hertz experiment

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 10

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Optics: what is light? • Quantum optics • Nonlinear Optics • Statistical optics

• Speckle • Light/wave localization

• See also “random laser” • Photon statistics -- part of QO

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 11

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Speed of Light measured by Ole Roemer (1676)

211,000 km per second (~0.7c)


Eclipse of Jupiter moon

Other clever “old” tricks in astro: see eg. F. Shu, the physical universe

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 12

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

TOF by Fizeau/Foucault ….

(ray optics)

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 13

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Maxwell Equations & speed of light

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 14

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Michelson-Morley Experiment (measure invariance of speed of light)

M-M interferometer

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 15

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

M-M interferometer

Other common use, measure • wavelength • n

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 16

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Wave optics: diffraction


Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 17

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Photons (Planck) • Black body radiation

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 18

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Maxwell Equations for EM waves

• Plane wave • Spherical wave • Evanescent wave • More complicated solutions…

“triumph” of “classical physics”?

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 19

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Properties of Light • Wavelength, frequency [precise!], speed,

wavevector, period • Amplitude, phase • Power, Intensity [rel; NL], and E-field, B-field • Polarization

– Linear – Circular – Elliptic – Polarization vector & Jones matrix

• Orbital Angular Momentum • Energy & momentum & mass (photon)

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 20

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Polarization optical elements • Waveplates (1/2, ¼)


Optics companies eg. Edmund, New Port, Thorlabs … catalogue/tutorials

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 21

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/


Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 22

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Basic coherence

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 23

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 24

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 25

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Basic Nonlinear Optics

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 26

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Purdue University Spring 2014 Prof. Yong P. Chen ([email protected]) Lecture 2 (1/15/2014) Slide 27

Introduction to Quantum Optics & Quantum Photonics

PHYS522 ECE695

(“Coherent Optics & Quantum Electronics”) http://www.physics.purdue.edu/academic_programs/courses/phys522/

Next Lecture (3): Review Quantum Physics

• FQ Chap 3