Learn the modern marketing strategies for multi-channel brands

Learn The Modern Marketing Strategies for Multi-Channel Brands As the popularity of online shopping grows, we’re seeing traditional brick-and-mortar businesses dip their feet into the waters of E-commerce. At the same time, it’s also becoming increasingly popular for E- commerce businesses to establish their own physical presences in key geographical markets. The result is a more complex marketplace where modern marketing strategies must involve both online and offline efforts. So today, we bring you 4 strategies for your brand to create your own integrated marketing campaign (online and offline customer engagement). wwww.digitalerra.com

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Learn The Modern Marketing Strategies for Multi-Channel Brands

As the popularity of online shopping grows, we’re seeing traditional brick-and-mortar businesses dip their feet into the waters of E-commerce. At the same time, it’s also becoming increasingly popular for E-commerce businesses to establish their own physical presences in key geographical markets. The result is a more complex marketplace where modern marketing strategies must involve both online and offline efforts. So today, we bring you 4 strategies for your brand to create your own integrated marketing campaign (online and offline customer engagement).


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1. Speaking Engagements

One strategy that’s become increasingly popular in recent years is in-person speaking engagements. While speaking engagements have always been an important part of the business world, they’re now being leveraged as marketing opportunities.

Looking at the offline side of things, speaking engagements allow brands to engage with customers in a very personal way. This face-to-face communication is priceless and quickly establishes trust that would otherwise take a lot of time. From the online side of things, the growth of social media and video streaming platforms like YouTube mean in-person speaking engagements and events can now be rebroadcasted online for continued value. For example, let’s say your brand hosted an event where it discussed how changes in athletic apparel technology are impacting the health and safety of amateur athletes.

While there’s certainly a lot of value to be extracted from the actual speaking engagement, there’s exponentially more value to be gained from publishing a video of the engagement online.

You can stream it on YouTube, write a blog post that goes into more detail about a particular element, and use social media to drive traffic to your website.

When it comes to speaking engagements, there’s a lot of crossover. This makes it a great marketing tool for brands operating in both online and offline spheres.

2. Combining Print and Digital Media


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As everyone knows, print media, and newspapers in particular, are sadly shriveling up and losing readers. However, those that still read physical newspapers hold these publications in high regard.

A Nielsen study reveals that 54 percent of consumers are more likely to buy a new product after discovering it in a newspaper or magazine ad. Not only do newspaper advertisements do an effective job of driving foot traffic to brick-and-mortar stores, but they can also be used to increase online sales.

The best strategy is to offer “online only” coupon codes in print media. This allows you to get your message to customers who may otherwise not be exposed to your Internet presence.

3. Mobile Check-Ins

One of the more obvious strategies involves enabling mobile check-ins at brick-and-mortar store locations. The benefit here is that you’re able to engage customers who are in your store while also broadcasting their physical interactions to their online networks.

This creates some natural crossover between your online and offline storefronts. While the customer who checks into your store may purchase something from the brick-and-mortar location, you get the simultaneous benefit of piquing the interest of online customers. You’re essentially adding extra value to your in-store customers.

4. Custom URLs for Traceable Offline Campaigns


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Generally, offline campaigns are extremely challenging to analyze. There just aren’t adequate ways to measure involvement and penetration.

However, there is one option. By creating custom URLs and web pages, or even full websites, you can direct offline customers to dedicated pages that allow you to conduct real life split testing.

While your traffic numbers will be very small compared to online campaigns, the data you do produce can prove quite valuable for optimizing the future of the offline campaign.

Today businesses have an increasing market focus. If organizations are to serve the needs of their customers they need to be structured in such a way as to identify and meet customer requirements. Businesses therefore need to behave in such a way that they recognize the needs of the customer.


(References: businesscasestudies.uk, business.com)
