
Leaflets By: Varnit Agarwal Tripti Saxena Ankita Jain Abhay Rana


ppt on hw to write leaflets

Transcript of Leafletpresentation

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By: Varnit AgarwalTripti SaxenaAnkita JainAbhay Rana

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What is a Leaflet?

O Leaflets are a type of open letter which is

designed to be handed out to the people,

either by hand, by post, inserted in local

newspapers for distribution, to grab their


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Example of a leaflet

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Characteristics of Leaflets

O Leaflet production is affected by the physical characteristics of paper, such as shape, texture, quality, size, weight, Legibility and color. Quality also affects durability. The major factors involved in selection of paper weights and leaflet sizes are:

O Message length.O Artwork required.O Delivery system to be used.O Press capabilities.O Purpose of the leaflet.

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Why to Write a Leaflet? O To advertise a product

O To provide information about important issues and events

O To draw attention to any organisation, cause or event.

It spurs someone to take an action

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Designing a Leaflet


1)Title & Slogan



4)Attractive illustrations and photographs

5)Include contact information, and where to get further details

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Grab the reader’s attentionStart with a catchy heading, or

Rhetorical questions

Catchy Slogans:

‘Saving you money every day.’‘Every little helps!’

‘Try something new every day.’Fancy a great holiday break?

Are you interested in our maritime history?

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IntroductionO Write the history, mission or vision of the

organisation here.O Example:

“The Acme Corporation offers a rapid it postal order service, and we deliver to even the most remote parts of the desert so you can be certain that you will have your flightless bird-catching devices as and when you need them.”

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Example of Leaflet

It shows how Introduction is written in a leaflet.

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SubheadingsGive informative heading for different sections. Sections provide information and facts about the topic.


Give a clear idea of what the reader is expected to


Keep that idea in the reader's mind

Persuade the reader to take action.

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1. Give a solution to the problem

2. Be specific, state the benefit clearly in the leaflet

3. Use compelling language that makes people think

4. Tell people why this event is good for them.

5. Be clear what the promotion is about, stating what the event is, when and where it is taking place and how much it costs. If it’s free, say so!

Give-away and

offer:Buy one, get one


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Designing a Leaflet

GRAMMATICAL FEATURES:1.A range of different tenses

O They are usually written in the present tense, employing emotive language and often using metaphors and similes.

2.Simple and direct language

3.Use of positive words

4.Use of non- discriminatory language

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Example of Leaflet

In this leaflet we can see usage of Grammatical

Features that were discussed.

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Use SuperlativesBiggest, brightest, tastiest,

creamiest, freshest, quickest etc. Use Imperative ‘You must buy this...’‘Don’t miss this great offer...’ ‘Don’t delay, buy today!’

Designing a Leaflet

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Example of Leaflets

Use of Imperatives can be seen in this leaflet.

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Example of Leaflet

Use of Superlatives can be seen in this leaflet.

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Contact InformationO Include contact information, and where to

get further details ( phone/ cell number, email address etc.)

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Example of Leaflet

Importance and use of contact information can be

seen in this leaflet

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During our Presentation on Leaflets..