Leadership In The 21st Century2

Latino Leadership 2.0 Margarita Quihuis Persuasive Technology Lab Latino Leadership Summit May 15, 2010


leadership, web 2.0, Latino, Hispanic, social media, persuasive technology

Transcript of Leadership In The 21st Century2

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Latino Leadership 2.0Margarita QuihuisPersuasive Technology Lab

Latino Leadership SummitMay 15, 2010

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Leadership is defined and shaped by the context and technology of its


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1Michael Hyatt, CEO, Thomas Nelson Publishers

Leadership is not about position, a title, or status. It is

about influence1

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Leadership is about impact

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If culture is just the operating system for a


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Do you think it’s time we had an upgrade?

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Latino 1.0 Feudal Patron-Client mindset



Preserves class and status divisions

Information hoarding

Discourages bottoms up ideas and risk taking



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Latino 2.0 Embraces change

Embraces transparency

Celebrates dialogue

Employs collaboration

Practices sharing

Welcomes engagement

Builds community

Encourages risk taking

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How do we leapfrog?

Social Networks

Psychology of Social Media

Persuasive Technology

Behavior Framework

Evolving Nature of Leadership

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Social Networks Matter

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Did you know your chances of becoming

obese increase…

57% if your friend is obese

40% if your sibling is obese

37% if your spouse is obese

And it’s not until you get to 4th degree of separation that the probability drops below 10%

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Action Items

Think about some of your habits and behaviors and consider their potential impact on others

Are you surrounding yourself with people who model your goals, values and aspirations?

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People as Sensor Networks

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NASA crowdsources Mars Photos

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Food for Thought

What community challenges lend themselves to


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80% of Success is Showing Up

- Woody Allen

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Did you know?

2% of LinkedIn users are Hispanic and 5% are Black, according to a study by Quantcast Corp

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Did you know?

Recruiters are increasingly using sites like LinkedIn and other social networks to find talent.

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Question: Are you showing up?

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Usability governs ‘Can They Do It’, but Persuasion, Emotion & Trust governs ‘Will They Do it?’

Persuasive Technology

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Persuasive Technology is specifically designed to

change what people believe and do

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Can we use persuasive technology to create Latino


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Mobile PhonesWebsites

Exercise EquipmentKiosks

Chat BotsSoftware

Video GamesPDA’s

Attitude Change

Behavior Change


Change in Worldview


Technology Persuasion


What is Persuasive Tech?

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Nike+ Uses Data & Feedback to get you to run

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Opower Encourages Efficiency with Energy Report Cards

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Mint.com Makes Financial Management Fun

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Social Media is changing behavior on a mass scale

Culture of Sharing

Culture of Openness

Shifting Definitions of Privacy

Expectations of Transparency

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What Drives Behavior and How To Design for Behavior

Behavior Model

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3 elements must converge for a behavior to occur:

Motivation +  Ability +  Trigger

When a behavior does not occur, at least one of those elements is missing.

What Causes Behavior Change?

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Sensation AnticipationMotivation

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Physical Effort

Brain Cycles

Social Deviance


Increased Simplicity = Increased Ability

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Triggers tell people to “Do it now!”

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Good triggers involve:

Useful notification

Tailored to you

Spur immediate action

Motivation & ability exist


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Triggers can lead to a chain of behaviors so...

start with the simplest effective behavior...

(in startups, this would be minimum viable product)

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Design Process for Behavior

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Action Item Think of a pressing issue in the


Identify a very specific, measureable target behavior

Design an intervention using social or mobile technology

Collate the results and get back to me

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Social Media is Changing Culture

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Social proof: we look to others to know what is right and appropriate behavior

Reciprocity: we feel the need to give back

Commitment & consistency: we behave more consistently when we have committed to something

Authority: People will obey perceived figures of authority

Liking: we tend to be persuaded by people we like

Scarcity: our desire increases when demand is low

Built-In Patterns of Influence

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Social Media Puts Influence to Work

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Social Media is Training us to Share

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Social Media is changing the nature

of leadership

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“Be Open, Be Transparent, Be Authentic”- Charlene Li

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What is Social Media Leadership?

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Source: Douglas Clegg

It is a motivating energy which mobilizes people

– powered by value and influenceDirecting them to new, more powerful

possibilities – from online social networking efforts

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Be a Social Media GPS

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Source: Douglas Clegg

Leadership in this century will be about the collective ability of the network to

share knowledge, collaborate and come together to solve complex problems.

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Lead people to new ways of communicating, connecting and interacting with people

Lead people to powerful new teachings that others have posted, recorded or archived that they never knew were possible through blogs, articles, videos and podcasts

Connect with people that you do not know that are looking for direction and solutions.

Source: Douglass Clegg

Make an Impact

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Contact Info:txt: mquihuis 50500

[email protected]