Leadership by ibrar

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Transcript of Leadership by ibrar

  • 1.M. IBRAR HAFEEZ DDP/SP11/BBA/026 COMSATS Institute of Information and Technology Lahore

2. What is leadership? leading Influencing Commanding Guiding 3. Concept of leadership The action of leading a group of people or anorganization. A person in the formal role of a leader may notpossess leadership skills nor be capable of leading. Leadership is essentially related to a persons skills, abilities and degree of influence. 4. Role of leadership The most fundamental role of leader is to define Establishing a clear vision Sharing that vision with others Formulate plans Organize people To achieve the goals through execution of plans. 5. Cont.., 6. Challenges of being a leader REJECTION CRITICISM LONELINESS PRESSURE MENTAL & PHYSICAL FATIGUE 7. Characteristics of leadership A Good Communicator Competent Forward-looking Inspiring Courageous Imaginative Open to Change Consistent Delegator 8. Leadership styles Autocratic:The autocratic leadership style allows managers to make decisions alone without the input of others. E.g. Cuba & north Korea. 9. Leadership styles Participative:participative leadership values the input of team members and peers, but the responsibility of making the final decision rests with the participative leader. E.g. synergy(apprentice king of jingle). 10. Leadership styles Laissez-Faire:leaves their employees alone to decide for themselves, they are usually surrounded by a skillful team of employees. 11. Leadership styles Charismatic leadership:Leaders inspire enthusiasm in their teams and are energetic in motivating others to move forward. task-oriented leadership: Whose leaders focus only on getting the job done; people-oriented leadership: In which leaders are tuned into organizing, supporting and developing people on their teams. E.g. gold rush(apprentice king of jingle). 12. To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart. Eleanor Roosevelt