LBudziak Indesign Final

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Transcript of LBudziak Indesign Final

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    Table Of Contents

    All About Me


    Las Vegas, Nevada : Bellagio

    Vector Art

    Vector Art : Variation

    100 Stroke

    Cup Shading


    Difference In Stroke

    Circle Bottle

    Bottle In A Dark Room

    100 Lines




    Cup Drawing

    Random : MAC & Mouse

    TALL Ship

    Computer Graphics Class

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final





    My name is Lauren Budziak. Im a sophomore here at Saint Xavier Universitystudying speech pathology. Though I do not play a sport here on campus, I keep

    busy as a head cheerleading coach back at home. Last year, rst semester, I at-

    tended Lewis University specically for their nursing program. When I droppednursing I realized what it was I really wanted to study, which brought me here toSaint Xaviers excellent speech pathology program. Here I plan to complete myundergrad and my masters. I believe this university will help me become suc-

    cessful with my future career choice.Throughout high school I took a painting class as well as a digital photo

    class, which I really enjoyed. My junior and senior year I helped at an elementaryschool where I did various crafts with the children and also took those ideas with

    me when I would babysit.

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    Hue Wine BottleIn class, we had to make 5, 100 stroke drawings. We hadto pick any 5 items of our choice using only 100 lines.The lines couldve been curvy, straight, circular, etc. Formy drawing, I chose a small vase. I used straight andslightly curved lines. I bumped the stroke size up to 3

    and changed the color to a baby blue. Using the pad andpen attached to the MAC desktop computer, I chose thepaintbrush icon from adobe illustrator and started creatingmy vase starting from the bottom up. As you can see, thelines started out longer, and then got shorter as I started

    approaching the top. When I created the entire vase, I stilldidnt use all 100 lines. I decided to make the li nes not onlygo horizontal, but vertical too to make the shape of thevase more accurate.

    When I look at my drawing, my eyes focus on the lines on the left side of the vase. I think this becauof the lines I was drawing, overlapped causing thelook thicker which stands out more than the thinnelines. The thicknesses of these lines also make the

    appear darker. After noticing the left side rst, my then switches to the other vertical lines on the righof the vase. This being because they are going a dent way as well, but they just isnt quite as dark asside. Finally my eyes go right to the bottom horizo

    Here I overlapped some lines as well, making themdarker and thicker than the rest.

    The overall message of this project was to create s

    thing by the way you interpret it and see an object

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final



    Today in class we learned many new techniques with adobe illustrator. Command 2 is to undo something. The shiftbutton as well as the black arrow button from our tools bar, highlights an entire image and also allows you to resize

    it or move it around the page. The option and zoom button lets you zoom out of an object t hat you have magnied.Our work ow was also different for this assignment. We were asked to draw a few different shapes like a triangle,square, the letter T and W and our name. After we did that with the calligraphic pen, we became familiar with turningcolors on and off and making sure we nished the shapes we were drawing so we can use the ll button to makethem different colors. We also started using the eye drop tool that lets you click on one color and then click it on

    another object and it will make those two objects the same color.To start a new project and folder, we learned how to make a new folder my simply right clicking on the desktop,

    dragging a photo from the desktop into that folder of doing le, save as into that particular adobe illustrator folder andsaving it. After placing your photo into the folder you are then able to resize.

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    class, we had to pick a photograph that we took our-

    ves. I chose to do a picture that I took during the sum-r time at the Bellagio hotel in Las Vegas. This was parthe lobby and it was a summery scene with giant in-ts hanging from the ceiling. In the original photogaphcolors were much different. There were more greens,

    ks and reds as well as different shades of yellow. Whatd was change the colors and stroke of each item inphotograph. I changed the season from summer to

    and feathered the entire image. In the original image

    rtst thing that caught my eye was the gazebo in thekground. In this image it has a ghostly effect to it. Nowead of the gazebo catching my eye right away, I noticebottom left of the image where I changed the green

    leaves to two different shades of brown.



    Las Vegas, Nevada

    Summer to Fall

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final



    During class, we were asked to get famil-iar with using the pad and pen. By doing

    so, we repeatedly wrote out our signature

    covering an entire page on adobe illustra-tor for MAC. We rst used the color black,then switched to red and were able toget more creative by using different col-

    ored backgrounds and stroke sizes. In notime I felt comfortable using the ll but-ton creating a variety of pictures as wellas taking screen shots of my art work bysimply pressing shift, command and the

    number 3.Once I got the hang of using these

    different tools, I started creating differentdesigns. I used a gray background with

    black and red writing and a white back-ground with black and red writing both

    with two different stroke sizes.

    The red writing denitely stood out more,which grabbed my attention rst. Not onlywas the color brighter than the black and

    gray, but the stroke size was bigger aswell. The black writing was what I saw

    second and lastly the grey background.Since the color was so dull, and my sig -

    nature almost covered the entire page, Ididnt notice it as much.

    We were asked to use our names

    for this specic project because it was themark we were most familiar with. It wasntsomething we had to think about whenwe wrote; we used it so many times that it

    was natural to write. Since using the penand pad were so unfamiliar to us, writingour name made it easier because its whatwe know best and what weve used our

    entire life.

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    Vector Art


  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    100class, we had to make 5, 100 stroke drawings. We had to pick any 5 items of our choice using only 100 lines. The linesuldve been curvy, straight, circular, etc. For my drawing, I chose a small vase. I used straight and slightly curved lines.umped the stroke size up to 3 and changed the color to a baby blue. Using the pad and pen attached to the MAC desk-

    p computer, I chose the paintbrush icon from adobe illustrator and started creating my vase starting from the bottom up.

    s you can see, the lines started out longer, and then got shorter as I started approaching the top. When I created thetire vase, I still didnt use all 100 lines. I decided to make the lines not only go horizontal, but vertical too to make theape of the vase more accurate.

    hen I look at my drawing, my eyes focus on the vertical lines on the left side of the vase. I think t his because some of

    Strokesthe lines I was drawing, overlapped causing them to look thicker which stands out more than the thinner blue linesthicknesses of these lines also make the blue appear darker. After noticing the l eft side rst, my attention then swto the other vertical lines on the right side of the vase. This being because they are going a different way as well, just isnt quite as dark as the left side. Finally my eyes go right to the bottom horizontal lines. Here I overlapped s

    lines as well, making them appear darker and thicker than the rest.

    The overall message of this project was to create something by the way you interpret it and see an object in yourDuring class when we critically analyzed each others artwork, everyone saw the same drawing in a different wayno right or wrong answer by the way you see things and draw them out.

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    Using adobe illustrator for MAC, we were rstasked to do some warm up exercises because thistime, the pen was working a little differently thanthe pervious times we used it. In my opinion it was

    easier and I liked it better. I started off with the penand pad, with a stroke size of about 4 with the colorred. I made horizontal and vertical lines. Then, I put4 dash marks in each of the corners turning theminto abstracts. I put circles around them and then

    connected all 4 corners. I continuously did this allover the screen. Then, I made the stoke size larger

    and larger using different color grays. Starting

    off with the lightest gray and eventually to blaccovering the entire screen. A light was castedonto a teacup to show the effects it had on thevalue of the cup, and I was asked to start draw

    ing the brightest spots of t he teacup using thecolor white. Then use different shades of grayrepresent the next lightest and darkest spots. entire teacup was created by different shadesa time nally showing the entire object. Drawi

    the outline of the object was unacceptable.

    Control with your hand and eye..

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final





    For this assignment, I had to pick any object from home.Shining a light on it, I had to draw it by the way the light

    touched it, not by outlining. I used the color green to giveit some variation to the different variations I made. I thenhad to go give it different strokes to change the textureof the object. For this particular one I picked, it made theobject look rough by the way the middle and outline of the

    sides look. The object also looks pointy and sharp by theway the top and bottom is displayed.

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    Difference InStroke

    When creating two objects using the pad and pen tool, I played around with different colorsand strokes to add variation to my objects. These objects are actually two different teacups.They range in size and shape. When adding this stroke to the objects, they look more similarthen they really are. The stroke made the objects look like they were drawn using squares

    and cirlces instead of smooth strokes.

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    Circle Bottle. The warm up exercise consisted of making small circles run-

    ning horizontally across the page. Squiggly lines then were conntected to the

    circles running vertically. The crazy lines in the back are actually circles t hatwere made going from one corner of the page to the other. The circles startedoff small and then grew bigger in size. The red object on the left is a bottle. Itarted making this from bottom to top using small circles. On the left side Itarted creating the same bottle but using bigger circles.

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    Bot tle in a Dark Room




    In this dark room, the bottle looks ghostly. This bottle was part of my 25 variationsproject. I had made the bottle using verticle and horizontal lines. I had made thelines on the handle of t he water bottle something like a backward C. Since the

    object was oating in space I added a table as well as a window to give it somestability.

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    For this project, I was given two objects. Those ob-

    jects were a teapot and a teacup. Using only 100

    lines, I drew those objects. On the teapot, I usedhorizontal and verticle lines. I started from the bot-

    tom up. With the teacup, I used only verticle linesand went from the left to the write. The checkered

    background was just a warm up excercise to get myhand used to drawing with the pad and pen tools.

    100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Line

    100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Lines 100 Line









  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    For our midterm we went to the Art Institute ofChicago. I chose this masterpiece because itwas something Ive seen before in my historybook in high school. I was most familiar withthis piece than any other we talked about. This

    painting is oil on canvas by Antonio Mor duringthe Renaissance era.

    Like I mentioned before, this was created with

    oil on canvas and is a portrait of a young wom-

    en. This art is very dignied and looks so realis-tic. It was made with much detail and it looks asif someone took a picture of the women ratherthan paint it. The rst thing I notice is the wom-

    ens face.

    Her skin is so pale and has a glow to it. Ithe lightest thing in the picture especially neto the dull background and black dress. NeI notice her hand resting on the table. This

    the next lightest color and sits next to her dadress and the dark table. Lastly I notice hdark dress. For some reason, this stands oagainst the plain dull background. I think thauthor is trying to show us what oil on ca

    vas can do and how much detail he put init. This painting looks like it was taken with

    camera and he wanted to put as much detas he can with her clothes, hair and featuresbelieve he made the background so boring o

    purpose so that we can focus on the wommore.




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    ight was casted on this cup and it was drawn by its shades. The darkest shade was drawn rst. As you can see, the entireottle received the least light except for parts in the middle. Thats where the lighter greens come in. There was a label one bottle so the light made the label appear brighter. The cup however received the most light which is why it is made up of

    mostly light greens. A few dark spots appeared on the left side.

    This is actually the same drawing as the one on the left except it is a variation of that object. A variation is a changedifference in condition, amount, or level, typically with certain limits. Here the object went f rom verticle and horizo

    to rectangles.


  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    Life is not orderly. No matter how we try to make lifeso, right in the middle of it we die, lose a leg, fall inlove, drop a jar of applesauce.

    -Natalie Goldberg



  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final





  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    Random Objects MAC & MouseHere is a mouse that is connected to the computer. Aside from using the pad and pen tool for our projects, we wedependent on the mouse when it came to making variations of our different artworks. Here, the mouse was madeverticle and horizontal lines. The color blue was added to give it more excitement instead of just plain black.100 lmake up this object.

    or this assignment, random objects had to be drawn. It didnt matter what objects they were, but they had to be our ownnd something other than a teapot or teacup. The Macintosh computer was drawn using circles. Only 100 circles make ups objects. Its interesting because circles are being used to draw the shape instead of lines like were use to seeing. The

    olors represent the actual computer. On a Mac, black outlines the screen and silver makes up the bottom half as well as

    e stand.

    B.Sykes B

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.



    TALL Ship

  • 7/30/2019 LBudziak Indesign Final


    ativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a littbecause they didnt really do it. They just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after awhile.

    -Steve Jobs