LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to...


Transcript of LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to...

Page 1: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.


Page 2: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

LANGUAGEA system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that share the language.Can you think of examples?

Page 3: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.


Symbol vs. SignalSymbol: Shared understandings

about the meaning of certain words, attributes, or objects.

Signal: An instinctive sound or gesture that has a natural or self-evident meaning.Like choking on food or sneezing

Page 4: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

HUMANS vs. PRIMATESKoko the Gorilla:

KokoChimpanzees, Orangutans and Gorillas can

communicate through sign language at the level of a ~2-3 year old human child.

Human culture is ultimately dependent on an elaborate system of communication far more complex than that of any other species.

Page 5: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

LINGUISTICSThe Study of Language --one of the 4 major sub-fields of Anthropology

Descriptive LinguisticsPhonology: “Sound-study” The study of language soundsSounds in some languages that are absent/difficult to pronounce in others?

Page 6: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

LINGUISTICSThe Study of Language --one of the 4 major sub-fields of Anthropology

Descriptive LinguisticsMorphology: “Form-study” The study of the patterns or rules of word formation in a language: Verb tenses, pluralization and compound words

Page 7: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

LINGUISTICSThe Study of Language --one of the 4 major sub-fields of Anthropology

Descriptive LinguisticsSyntax: The patterns or rules by which words are arranged into phrases and sentences

Page 8: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

LINGUISTICSThe Study of Language --one of the 4 major sub-fields of Anthropology

Descriptive LinguisticsGrammar: The entire formal structure of a language, including morphology and syntaxGrammar rules of different languages? Definite article differences?

Page 9: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

HISTORICAL LINGUISTICS The origins/changing nature of language

Deciphering “dead” languagesDifferences between earlier and later forms of the same language

How older languages developed into modern ones

Interrelationships among older languages

Page 10: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

LANGUAGE FAMILYA group of languages descended from a single ancestral language

Indo-European Language Family:

Map University of Texas Linguistics Research Center

Nilo-Saharan Language Family: Map Ethnologue report

EthnologueAn online research and reference

guide to over 6,900 known languages

Page 11: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

glottochronologyThe Linguistic divergence of languages

may be traced by a method known as glottochronology which compares the core vocabularies of languages (pronouns, lower numerals, and names for body parts and natural objects). Assumption: These basic vocabulary words change more slowly than other words and at a more or less constant rate of 14 to 19 percent per 1,000 years.

Page 12: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.


Selective BorrowingEx: Foreign words in the English language? English

words in other languages? Professional SpecializationEx: Anthropology/Psychology terms! Medical, Legal

terms Sub-culture lingoDoes the “gamer” culture have specific lingo? How

about those who frequent Starbucks?

Page 13: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

LANGUAGE LOSS AND REVIVAL Language loss usually the result of a

dominant society assimilating subordinate societies.

Ex: English colonialism (500 years). In U.S. wiped out about half of all Native American languages.

Over the last ~500 years, 3,500 of the world’s 10,000 or so languages have become extinct because of forced assimilation, epidemics and warfare.

Page 14: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

Patricia Ryan TED Talk: “Don’t Insist on English!” (Films on Demand)

Page 15: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.


UNESCO (The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) is focused on preserving and reviving traditional languages

Page 16: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

LANGUAGE LOSS AND REVIVALInitiative B@bel: Promotes

multilingualism on the Internet, this initiative aims to bridge the digital divide (over 80% of all internet users speak just 10 languages) to make access to Internet content and services more equitable for users worldwide. Initiative B@bel (Home Page)

Page 17: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

LANGUAGE LOSS AND REVIVALReviving and Preserving language Koro language, Northeast


Page 18: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

LANGUAGE IN ITS SOCIAL AND CULTURAL SETTINGS Sociolinguistics: Relationship between

language and society. How social categories (age, gender, ethnicity, religion, occupation and class) influence the use and significance of distinctive styles of speech.Gendered Speech: Distinct male and

female speech patterns Ex: Gendered speech in U.S. culture? Do

men and women speak in different ways?

Page 19: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

LANGUAGE IN ITS SOCIAL AND CULTURAL SETTINGS Dialects: Varying forms of a language that

reflect particular regions, occupations, or social classes and that are similar enough to be mutually intelligible.Ex: Formal (standard) vs. Informal speechA few American Dialects:

Sampler Appalachian Louisiana Swamp

Page 20: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.


Ethnolinguistics: The study of the relationships between language and culture, and how they mutually influence and inform each otherLinguistic Relativity: The idea that

distinctions encoded in one language are unique to that language…

Page 21: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.


Ex: Color spectrum and arbitrary names/divisions

Ex: Things most important to a culture are accorded more names and conceptsThe Ayamara Indians in the Bolivian Highlands

have 200 words for “Potato”The Nuer pastoralists of Africa have over 400

names for cattle.Ex: How many words do we have for “car”? (i.e.

different parts or types of “car”?) What about words for “money”?

Page 22: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.


What do elements of our language say about us… We “conquer” space, “fight” the “battle”

of the bulge, carry out a “war” against drugs, make a “killing” of the stock market, “shoot down” an argument, “torpedo” a plan, “spearhead” a movement, “decapitate” a foreign government, or “bomb” on an exam.

Page 23: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.


“The structure of the language one habitually uses influences

the manner in which one understands his environment.

The picture of the universe shifts from tongue to tongue.” -

B.J. Whorf

Page 24: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

GESTURE-CALL SYSTEM Body signs account for over 60% of our total

communicationIt provides the “key” to speech, providing

listeners with the appropriate frame for interpreting what a speaker is saying. Ideas about personal space? Business space? Paralanguage: voice effects that convey

meaning Giggling/groaning/sighing/pitch/tempo of

words Clip from Pretty Woman

Page 25: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

GESTURE-CALL SYSTEMTonal languages: In some

languages, intoning a word slightly differently will change the word entirely. Ex? (70% of the world’s language are Tonal)Ex: Zhutwasi, or “San Bushmen”

click language:

Page 26: LANGUAGE. LANGUAGE A system of symbolic communication using sounds and/or gestures that are able to be understood by all members within a society that.

GESTURE-CALL SYSTEM What about texting, email, Facebook,

etc… without body signs and other cues, how do we get across the right meaning?(According to a recent study, the

intended tone of email messages is perceived correctly only 56% of the time)