Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 · Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November...


Transcript of Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 · Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November...

Page 1: Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 · Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 Pangbourne Primary School has informed us that one of their students was approached
Page 2: Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 · Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 Pangbourne Primary School has informed us that one of their students was approached

Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019

Pangbourne Primary School has informed us that one of their students was approached and spoken to by a stranger on Kennedy Drive near the COOP while they were walking home. The stranger was a white male (around 30 years old) wearing a navy blue rain jacket. The Primary School has reported the incident to the police. We obviously wanted to make you aware of this as the safety of our students is our priority. 2020—2021 Term Dates can be viewed on the front of the website and on the letters page.

Hansel and Gretel theatre visit: open to students and their family members! Hansel and Gretel: South Street theatre, Reading; 6pm performance on Monday 9th December We are excited to be able to offer our special school rate tickets for this show to our students in Year 8-11 and their family members, for just £11.45 per ticket! The show is recommended by the theatre company for children aged 8+. Reading Between the Lines theatre company produce exciting, creative theatre; and I am certain that this production will be magical and innovative. It will be a fun and valuable theatre experience for everyone. Tickets can be purchased online, via the school's payment system. (Please note that children attending who are not Langtree school students will need to be accompanied by an adult with a ticket.). This trip is not currently offered to our Year 7 students, as they have a separate theatre visit to see Creation theatre's The Snow Queen. Year 8 Computing: P lease see the letter from Mrs Morel on the website Year 9 Computing: P lease see the letter from Mrs Morel on the website Year 11 GCSE History: The handout given to the Year 11 History students at parent ’s evening is now on the website. Year 11 Options for Year 12 and beyond….: please see the end of the bulletin for information about open days / apprenticeships / college courses etc. More information can also be found in the careers section of the website: All student will be taking part in PSHE sessions 27th November 2019. Year groups w ill be covering the follow ing: Year 7 - Harmonious Environments: We w ill be look ing at how we can create a harmonious environment in school. We will discuss what bullying is, the various forms it takes and suggest ways in which we can all make a positive difference. Year 8 - Positive Ways to Manage Difficult Feelings & Emotions: Students w ill learn about how to stay emotionally healthy, have positive ways of managing difficult emotions and feelings, know when to seek help for themselves or a friend and know who is available for them regarding support. Year 9 - consent, relationships, contraception: Our school Nurse and a team of Health Promotion Specialist 's for the Terrence Higgins Trust will be visiting the school to discuss healthy relationships, sexual health and consent, and they will be encouraging students to think about the positive and negative outcomes of the decisions they make about their relationships. Year 10 - Careers: Students w ill listen to outside speakers delivering presentations about their careers and also preparing for work experience . Year 11 - Careers: Y 11 w ill be preparing for mock interviews and w rit ing covering letters to potential employers. Drama Club: NEW AND OLD MEMBERS WELCOME! See Mrs Pimm or Mrs Child for a welcome letter, if you plan to come for the first time. Please note the change to dates for Drama Club this term. This term our KS4 facilitators will be leading our KS3 dramatists, working on drama performances for the Christmas Extravaganza, on the evening of Thursday 12th December. Drama Club will take place on 3.40-5pm on: Tues 19th Nov, Tues 3rd Dec (please note that this is the same night as the Yr 7 theatre visit) and Tues 10th Dec Barcelona Trip—Change of DATE: Year 9 students studying Spanish have been offered the opportunity to go on a four day cultural visit to Barcelona in 2020. Due to circumstances beyond our control we have had to move the dates to: Friday 10th July to Tuesday 14th July 2020. This overlaps with Activities Week which is scheduled for the w/c 13th July. Should you wish your son/daughter to participate, the list on SCOPAY is live again so that deposits can be made. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience this date change may cause. Should you have any queries or concerns about the date change, please feel free to contact Mrs Tontini [email protected] or myself, [email protected] SKI TRIP 2020: Parents and Carers of students who are travelling to Italy during February half term have been invited to attend an information evening, if your child is on this trip you should have received a separate email. Please see the website if you have missed this. Meeting date: Wednesday 27th November 2019.

Nominate the PTA and they could win £1000 (use Charity Number 281545)

Term 2 Dates

Wed 20th November

7.30pm GCSE Presentation Evening for the 2019 leavers

Fri 22nd November


Wed 27th November

Ski trip meeting for those travelling in February (Parents and students)

Wed 11th December

Senior Citizens Christmas Party

Thurs 12th December

Christmas Lunch and Extravaganza Concert—evening

Wed 18th December

End of Term 2 (School closes at 12.30pm)

Christmas Holiday – 19th Dec 2019 – 3rd January 2020

Mon 6th January Start of Term 3

The weekly bulletin and letters can be found on the website: CLICK HERE or go to:

ASSEMBLIES At the Parent Forum last academic year parents requested some information about what

themes were covered in our assemblies. This information comes with a strong caveat that there may be changes to the assembly depending on external factors. However, I do hope it gives a

flavour of our diverse programme.

November 2019

18 Mo Year 11 Subject Revision Assembly - English

19 Tu KS4: Individual Liberty Freedom of Speech

20 We KS3: - Langtree Challenge

22 Fr KS4 Outside speaker

25 Mo Year 11 Subject Revision Assembly Ethics

26 Tu KS3: Importance of Voting / Democracy

28 THz KS4: Yr 11s only GCSE Exam Preparation

29 Fr KS3 Outside speaker

Page 3: Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 · Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 Pangbourne Primary School has informed us that one of their students was approached

The Henley College also invite you to see their production of : A Chorus Line, by Michael Bennett their Winter Musical this year. The Musical is set at an audition on Broadway and focuses on the stories of each of the performers. There are some verbal sexu-al references and themes during two small sections, but it is suitable for 13 years and over. Tickets are £10 each and can bought by calling: Deanfield Reception on: (0)1491 579988 Wednesday 11th December 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. Thursday 12th December 7:30 p.m. Friday 13th December 7:30 p.m. Saturday 14th December 1:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.

Page 4: Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 · Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 Pangbourne Primary School has informed us that one of their students was approached

The 2019—2020 term dates are available on the School website:

The remaining INSET days for 2019—2020 are: 20th January 2020, 14th February 2020 and 3rd July 2020.

The sports fixtures calendar can be found HERE

Come and Sing with the

Junior Choir Rehearsals

Every Thursday Lunchtime

the music room

Second Hand Uniform ALL Donations of GOOD second hand uniform would be gratefully received,

please drop off at the school office. If you would like to buy second hand uniform please call into the school office.

There is a voluntary contribution for each item, with a minimum payment of £2.00 / item

Page 5: Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 · Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 Pangbourne Primary School has informed us that one of their students was approached

Lunch Time and After School Clubs Term 2 (2019 - 2020)

Lunch Time Lunch Time 1.15 -1.45 PM



Football Year 9 Astro

Badminton KS 3 - Y 7, 8 & 9 Sports Hall

Boys Choir All Music Room

GCSE Art Year 11 Art Room 10

Maths Clinic All Maths dept.

Homework All IT1


Football Year 10 Astro

Football Year 7 Sports Hall

Senior Choir Years 9, 10 and 11 Music Room

GCSE Art Year 11 Art Room 10

Homework All IT1



GCSE Art Year 11 Art Room 10

KS 4 GCSE Art Course Work GCSE Students Art Room 9

Homework All IT1


Young Carers Drop In Mrs Temple is available in Rm 41 during break and tutor time for any young carers to drop in and have a chat.

Football Year 7 and 8 Girls Astro

Junior Choir Years 7 and 8 Music Room

Homework All IT1

GCSE Art Year 11 Art Room 10

GCSE History drop in clinic Year 11

Art Club KS 3 - Years 7, 8 and 9 Art Room 9

Christian Union All English Room 34

Badminton KS 4 - Y 10 and 11 Sports Hall


Football Year 8 and 9 Astro

Netball All Sports Hall

GCSE Art Year 11 Art Room 10

Homework All IT1

After School After School 3.30 – 4.30 PM (approx.)



Hockey Year 7 Girls Astro

Maths Club(enrichment and problem solving) Year 7 Maths Room 62



Lacrosse. Must have mouth guard. Boys and Girls. KS4 up until Christmas Sports Hall

Drama Club (until Oct half term) (3.30 - 4.45 pm) KS 3 - Y 7, 8 & 9 Main Hall


RUGBY AND HOCKEY FIXTURES - no training if there is a match

Orchestra (3.45 - 5.00 pm) All Music Room

Hockey Year 8, 9, 10 and 11 Girls Astro

Rugby Year 7 Field


RUGBY/HOCKEY FIXTURES - no training if there is a match

GCSE Food Clinic Year 10 and 11 Food Room

STEM Club Years 8 and 9 DT Room 11

Hockey Year 9, 10 and 11 Girls Astro

Rugby Year 7 Field

FRIDAY Gymnastics All Main Hall

Page 6: Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 · Langtree School Weekly Bulletin 15th November 2019 Pangbourne Primary School has informed us that one of their students was approached

Design and Engineering Apprenticeships with Atkins click HERE for more information

Immersive Career Experiences

For Ages 15-18

InvestIN Summer Internships 2020

London and Silicon Valley

More information click HERE

OPEN EVENING Thursday 21st November 2019 6.00pm—8.15 pm

For more information please click HERE