Lane County Public Health Week Open House 2014

NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH WEEK in Lane County April 7-13, 2014



Transcript of Lane County Public Health Week Open House 2014

  • NATIONAL PUBLIC HEALTH WEEK in Lane County April 7-13, 2014
  • Mission is to preserve, protect and promote the health of all people in Lane County.
  • What is
  • Ten Essential
  • OUR Programs
  • Communicable Disease Program Emergency Preparedness Environmental Health Immunization Program Maternal and Child Health Prevention Program Vital Records WIC (Women, Infants and Children) OUR Programs
  • Protects our community from disease outbreaks. If disease outbreaks do occur, CD responds to slow the transmission of the disease.
  • Provide immunizations to children and adults Investigate suspect and active tuberculosis cases Offer testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases and Provide epidemiological investigation of reportable disease
  • A public heath priority, such as being prepared for disasters. Preparedness and response plans are developed, exercised and revised to improve local responses to bioterrorism, infectious disease outbreaks, natural disasters, and other health risks.
  • Collaborates with emergency preparedness leaders at the local, state and federal levels. Works with healthcare organizations and other agencies across our county to assist in preparedness education, identify community needs, and maximize existing preparedness resources and networks.
  • Maternal & Child Health (MCH) Programs function to ensure that mothers and babies are healthy in Lane County.
  • Babies First! identifies children at risk for developmental delays or other health conditions CaCoon (CAre COordinati ON) helps families raising children with special health needs to care for their children as independently as possible Healthy Families Maternity Case Management Oregon Mothers Care prenatal assistance
  • Allows nurses to deliver the support first-time moms need to have a healthy pregnancy, become knowledgeable and responsible parents, and provide their babies with the best possible start in life. -
  • Creating conditions in families, schools, and communities that promote the wellbeing of people.
  • Alcohol & Drug Abuse Mental Health Promotion Obesity Problem Gambling Suicide Tobacco and Other Related Chronic Diseases (TROCD) Supporting the Coordinated Care Organization
  • Register Birth and Death Records Issue Birth and Death Certificates per Oregon Revised Statutes and specified timelines Ensure integrity of vital records and vital reports Work closely with hospitals/birth centers and funeral homes to ensure accuracy
  • BREASTFEEDING: Support, Counseling, Resources, Pumps NUTRITION EDUCATION: Classes, Online, Feeding Relationships, Food preparation
  • SUPPLEMENTAL FOODS: Vouchers for healthy whole foods FARM DIRECT: Helping provide access to fresh locally grown produce and supporting local farmers DENTAL: Prevention & Protection
  • Vaccinations Safer Workplaces Healthier Mothers and Babies Control of Infectious Diseases Safer and Healthier Foods Vector Control Motor Vehicle Safety Reduce Tobacco Use Family Planning Fluoridation of Drinking Water Decline in Heart Disease and Stroke Clean water Source:
  • Public Healthworks to keep our entire county healthy.
  • Our successes may not always be visible, because public health programs prevent poor health. Public Health
  • For More InformationFor More Information