COMING EVENTS Wed 8 Sept 8:10am Breakfast Club Canteen 2:40am Staff meeting Thurs 9 Sept 8:30am School banking Canteen Fri 10 Sept 8:40am Pre Primary Blue (item) assembly School Photo Day Mon 13 Sept 9:00am-11:00am Teachers from Bob Hawke College conducting tasterlessons with Year 6 children School Photo - catch up day Tues 14 Sept 8:15am Uniform shop Interschool jumps, throws and long distance run Wed 15 Sept 8:10am Breakfast Club 8:15am Guitar practice Years 5 and 6 Canteen 10:30am Safety House Day pikelets (free) for morning tea PP - Year 6 children 2:40pm School Board Meeting Thurs 16 Sept 8:30am School Banking Canteen 12:55pm Performance choir Fri 17 Sept NO RECORDER CLUB TODAY Interschool athletics carnival Tues 21 Sept 8:15am Uniform shop 8:40am World Peace Day Assembly Book Fair opens Newsletter and Term 4 Planner Wed 22 Sept 8:10am Breakfast Club 8:15am Guitar practice Years 5 and 6 Book Fair Canteen 6:00pm-7:00pm Parent Night and Book Fair Thurs 23 Sept 8:30am School Banking Canteen Book Fair 12:55pm Performance choir Fri 24 Sept 8:00am Recorder Club 8:40am Year1 Purple item assembly and Values raffle draw Last day for Book Fair Last day of Term 3 LAKE MONGER PRIMARY SCHOOL 26 Dodd Street, Wembley. Phone 9205 5400 [email protected] Absentee Message Line :0447 895 776 NEWSLETTER No 13 2021 Dear Parents, Students and Community Members 2021 FACTION ATHLETICS CARNIVAL The faction athletics carnival was held on Friday 3 September. Thank you very much to Mr Justin Douglass and Mr Travis Taylor for all their terrific organisation of this big event on the Lake Monger Primary School calendar. Thank you also to our parents for your huge support of this event. A special thank you goes to our School Captains, Faction Captains, Student Councillors and Year 6 students for their great work on the day. Congratulations to Powis on winning the faction athletics carnival for 2021. All the children are to be congratulated on their excellent partic- ipation, aiming for their personal best; and terrific sportsmanship dis- played on the day. The Pre Primary children thoroughly enjoyed their Faction Athletics Carnival held on Thursday 2 September. The children, parents and other family members enjoyed a picnic prior to the event. The chil- dren really enjoyed having their family members at the carnival to cheer them on. Thank you to our Pre Primary staff for all their work with organising this event; and to the Year 6 children who assisted at the carnival. FACTION RESULTS: POWIS 1498 HARBORNE 1365 MITCHELL 1292 CHAMPION GIRL AND CHAMPION BOY Year 1 Erica Chambers Darsh Liya Year 2 Liyo Kute Jayden Williamson Year 3 Summer Nulud Amaar Hunter Year 4 Catheryn Mok Harley Debari Year 5 Kezang Choeki Sami Hunter Year 6 Caroline Mok Lekdhen Yeshi INTERSCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVALS Balcatta Primary School is hosting the Interschool jumps, throws and long distance run on Tuesday 14 September and the Interschool Ath- letics carnival on Friday 17 September. Children selected to repre- sent Lake Monger Primary School at these events will be announced as soon as possible. 7 September 2021



COMING EVENTS Wed 8 Sept 8:10am Breakfast Club Canteen 2:40am Staff meeting Thurs 9 Sept 8:30am School banking Canteen Fri 10 Sept 8:40am Pre Primary Blue (item) assembly School Photo Day Mon 13 Sept 9:00am-11:00am Teachers from Bob Hawke College conducting ‘taster’ lessons with Year 6 children School Photo - catch up day Tues 14 Sept 8:15am Uniform shop Interschool jumps, throws and long distance run Wed 15 Sept 8:10am Breakfast Club 8:15am Guitar practice Years 5 and 6 Canteen 10:30am Safety House Day pikelets (free) for morning tea PP - Year 6 children 2:40pm School Board Meeting Thurs 16 Sept 8:30am School Banking Canteen 12:55pm Performance choir Fri 17 Sept NO RECORDER CLUB TODAY Interschool athletics carnival Tues 21 Sept 8:15am Uniform shop 8:40am World Peace Day Assembly Book Fair opens Newsletter and Term 4 Planner Wed 22 Sept 8:10am Breakfast Club 8:15am Guitar practice Years 5 and 6 Book Fair Canteen 6:00pm-7:00pm Parent Night and Book Fair Thurs 23 Sept 8:30am School Banking Canteen Book Fair 12:55pm Performance choir Fri 24 Sept 8:00am Recorder Club 8:40am Year1 Purple item assembly and Values raffle draw Last day for Book Fair Last day of Term 3

LAKE MONGER PRIMARY SCHOOL 26 Dodd Street, Wembley. Phone 9205 5400

[email protected]

Absentee Message Line :0447 895 776


Dear Parents, Students and Community Members

2021 FACTION ATHLETICS CARNIVAL The faction athletics carnival was held on Friday 3 September. Thank you very much to Mr Justin Douglass and Mr Travis Taylor for all their terrific organisation of this big event on the Lake Monger Primary School calendar. Thank you also to our parents for your huge support of this event. A special thank you goes to our School Captains, Faction Captains, Student Councillors and Year 6 students for their great work on the day. Congratulations to Powis on winning the faction athletics carnival for 2021. All the children are to be congratulated on their excellent partic-ipation, aiming for their personal best; and terrific sportsmanship dis-played on the day. The Pre Primary children thoroughly enjoyed their Faction Athletics Carnival held on Thursday 2 September. The children, parents and other family members enjoyed a picnic prior to the event. The chil-dren really enjoyed having their family members at the carnival to cheer them on. Thank you to our Pre Primary staff for all their work with organising this event; and to the Year 6 children who assisted at

the carnival. FACTION RESULTS:



Year 1 Erica Chambers Darsh Liya Year 2 Liyo Kute Jayden Williamson Year 3 Summer Nulud Amaar Hunter Year 4 Catheryn Mok Harley Debari Year 5 Kezang Choeki Sami Hunter Year 6 Caroline Mok Lekdhen Yeshi

INTERSCHOOL ATHLETICS CARNIVALS Balcatta Primary School is hosting the Interschool jumps, throws and long distance run on Tuesday 14 September and the Interschool Ath-letics carnival on Friday 17 September. Children selected to repre-sent Lake Monger Primary School at these events will be announced as soon as possible.

7 September 2021


BOOK WEEK (Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds)

Book Week was recently celebrated at Lake Monger Primary School. Apart from the Book Character Dress Up Parade held on Wednesday 25 August for Kindergarten to Year 6, the children engaged in a range of other activities to cele-brate the week including: Pre Primary Red and Year 3 Teal children participated in buddy class reading that included asking questions about the book they read. Year 3 Teal also wrote a miniature book. The Year 4/5 class made ‘circularamas’ with each section representing a different world; an Old World, New World and Other World.

The Year 5 class wrote a review of the Ed Mail story ‘Wreckers Revenge.’ Also children who have borrowed the book from the library reported to the class how the full version differs from the condensed version that was read as a class.

SCHOOL GROUNDS Parents and other visitors coming to school during the course of the school day must enter the school grounds via the front office. If parents are collecting their child/ren from school during the day to attend an activity other than educa-tionally approved a yellow slip must be obtained from the school office prior to presenting to the class room to collect your child. Thank you to parents for following this important procedure. Parents are reminded not bring dogs onto school grounds for health and safety reasons.

MONEY TO THE OFFICE Thank you very much to parents for bringing correct change to the office.

UNIFORM SHOP Please be advised the uniform shop open each Tuesday from 8:15 am – 9:00 am accepts both cash and card.

SCHOOL PHOTO DAY:FRIDAY 10 SEPTEMBER School Photos will take place on Friday 10 September. Anyone that misses photos on Friday can have a catch-up photo taken on Monday, however class photos will only occur on Friday. Photo envelopes have gone home this week. Please ensure your child brings the envelope to school on Friday as they need to hand it to the photographer. Students take the envelope with them to the photo shoot, it does not come to the office. Families that would like to have sibling photos taken should come to the library at 8.15 am. Photographers will provide a sibling order envelope at the sibling photo.

TOWN OF CAMBRIDGE ART AWARDS Congratulations to the following children for being announced as winners in the Town of Cambridge Art Competition – High Commendation Blake James Kindergarten ‘Fishing with Dad’ Encouragement Heer Patel Year 3 Lime ‘Autumn Leaves in the Crystal Sun’

Thank you to Mrs Karen Thurston and teachers for all their work with this competition.

Sunsmart Tip

Layer sunscreen on thickly

20 minutes before going

out in the sun and reapply

sunscreen every two


Waterwise Fact

Wastewater is 99.97%



Emily PPRed Responsibility

Kezang Y5 Creativity

Riley Y2 Aqua Creativity

Grace Polito, Tenzin Pel-mo, Raffaele Corbett Osto, Milla Longley, Hemaanya Gakhar, Vibhuti Patel, Aarvi Patel, Rangshar Yonten, Viraaj Bassi, Kaylen Namgyal, Sonam Dorji, Charmi Purami. Sonam Nima Viraaj Bassi, Shlok Patel, Charlie Liu

PP Arriana Arjon

Hemaanya Gakhar


Kinzang Penjor

Nivaan Bhatt

Nayana Nair

Y2 Hibbah Noor

Phoebe Meades


Oliver Stevens

Armaan Mall

Draduel Dorji

Y4 Lavya Patel

Evan Louw

Y4/5 Sofia Bezzene

Y5 Lekzin Tshomo

Mishell Kempa

Y6 Jam Yeshey

Lekdhen Yeshi

EAL/D Sonam Dorji

Work of the


PP B Hemaanya Gakhar Weekend Recount Writing

PP R Viraaj Baasi Raincloud Science Craft

Y1 P Leah Spielvogel Science

Y1W Darsh Liya Kaylen Namgyel

Narrative Writing Spelling

Y2Aq Sonam Dolkar Artwork

Y2Or Phoebe Meades Adding ‘ing’ to words


Y3T Alex Yee Narrative Writing

Y3L Sonam Lhatshog English Skills Work

Y4 Mason Williamson Maths Test

Y4/5 Rabsel Dukpa

Journal Writing

Y5 Hayden Ireland Yangchen Tashi

Artwork Artwork

Y6 Tandin Zangmo Tenzing Thinley

Art Art


Thank you very much to the Year 3 Lime and Miss Caitlin Clarke for presenting the last assembly. The item ‘The Lorax’ was very fitting to conclude our Book Week celebration. The children are to be congratulated on their item assembly. The next assembly (item) will be held on Friday 10 September commencing at 8:40 am and presented by Mrs Abbie Nunn’s Pre Primary Blue class.


Parent Night is on Wednesday 23 September. The evening will commence at 6:00 pm and conclude at 7:00 pm. All class-rooms from Kindergarten – Year 6 will be open during this time. The evening is not a time for parent interviews but rather a time for children to have the opportunity to show their parents their great work. Parents and children are most welcome to take the opportunity to visit other classes and areas of the school. e.g.; music room, library.

SAFETY HOUSE DAY On Wednesday 15 September Safety House Day will be celebrated at Lake Monger Primary School with a free pikelet with yellow icing (the Safety House colour) served to the children at recess. Children are encouraged to look out for Safety Houses on this day, identified by a yellow balloon tied to their letterbox. Thank you very much to Mrs Pamela van der Muelen and Mrs Sue McAskill for all their work with the ar-rangements for this day.

PEACE POLE ASSEMBLY The Cambridge Rotary has very kindly donated to the school a Peace Pole in recognition of World Peace Day, Tuesday 21 September. An assembly commencing at 8:40 am on World Peace Day will be held to acknowledge this important day. Par-ents are most welcome to attend. It is planned the Peace Pole will be erected in our Nature/ Adventure playground.

NAPLAN REPORTS YEARS 3 AND 5 Last week children in Years 3 and 5 brought home their NAPLAN report. All children are to be congratulated on their report. Please contact your child’s classroom teacher if you have any queries.


LATE TO SCHOOL Parents and children are reminded that school commences at 8:40 am for all children (Kindergarten – Year 6). Chil-dren can arrive at school from 8:30am to prepare themselves for the day.


To assist the school with planning for 2022, it would be appreciated if any children who are currently in Years Pre Pri-

mary – 5 and are leaving the school at the conclusion of the 2021 school year please email Ms Tomlinson by Friday 24

September 2021 to advise of this situation. JEANS FOR GENES

The recent Jeans for Genes Day fundraiser organised by our student councillors raised $247 for this worthy cause. Thank you to our parents and children for your support.

Playground Safety Play is important for your child’s physical, emotional, mental and social development. Playgrounds are fun and pro-vide children of all ages with excellent opportunities for physical activity. Here are some tips for keeping your child engaged and safe in playgrounds.

Encourage your child to have fun and try new things

Visit different playgrounds in the community to keep things new and interesting

Arrange to meet friends at playgrounds

Always supervise your child

Encourage your child to take turns, play safely and think about others

Help your child to develop a simple set of playground rules

Remember to protect you and your child from the sun

Check how your child is dressed—clothing or hats with cords could result in injury

If you notice any damage to the playground, report immediately.

Dental Van

The dental van is currently at Mount Hawthorn Primary School. They can be contacted on 0408 926 794. The Dental Clinic is processing all new

enrolments and will contact you in due course.







Hot - Shots Tennis Lessons at Lake Monger Primary!

Held Monday 7:40-8:25am at the school basketball courts.

Great fun and all ages/levels welcome!

To enrol call/email Ben at [email protected]/0410 909 822.

Cost $60/4wks.

All registrations receive a free Hot Shots T-shirt! Places limited so get in

quick! Choose a game they can play for life! “With All Star Tennis you will

learn the skills, play the game, meet new friends & have fun!”