LAFTAs inspiration

Many Happy Returns Inspiration for our LAFTAs entry

Transcript of LAFTAs inspiration

Many Happy Returns

Inspiration for our LAFTAs entry


While planning our film and coming up with the storyline, we looked for inspiration in pre existing films.

We chose some key points that we wanted to feature in our film and we looked for these features in other films and videos.

The features that we wanted in our film

We wanted the actors for our film to be old

We didn’t want our film to feature dialogue but to have background music all the way through instead

We wanted the characters to have a heart felt relationship

We wanted the main location of our film to be a place that is open to the general public


We wanted our actors to be old

The main film that we watched to get inspiration for our actors was It’s complicated.

This is a link to the it's complicated film trailer

Dialogue/Sound Design

We didn’t want our film to feature any dialogue and instead we to tell our story visually with the aid of background music.

We used this short film from Vimeo to inspire us for this element of our film

This is a link to the Vimeo video

Relationship between characters

We wanted the relationship between our characters to be heartfelt

We didn’t want our characters to have a romantic relationship

We watched the film It’s complicated to get inspiration for this element of our film

This is a link to the it's complicated film trailer


We wanted our film to be located in a public place

There are many films that were shot in various shops and other public locations such as libraries and restaurants