L D Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary...

Tൾ Cඎඋർ ඈൿ Sඍ. Bൾඋඇൺඋൽ 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606 www.stbernardswp.com September 25, 2016 Rൾർඍඈඋඒ 914-949-2111 Lංඍඍඅൾ Dංඌർංඉඅൾ Lൾൺඋඇංඇ Cൾඇඍൾඋ 914-428-4727 Rev. Robert J. Morris Pastor & Director of Rel. Ed. Weekend Associates: Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M. Rev. Michael McFarland, S.J. Rev. Msg. Peter O’Donell Rev. Hernan Paredes, S.J. Verónica Meléndez Rectory Office Manager Jennifer Frías Director The Little Disciple Learning Center Brenda López Coordinator of Religious Education Parish Trustees: Elizardi Castro Millie Castro Sඎඇൽൺඒ Mൺඌඌൾඌ / Mංඌൺඌ ൽൾඅ ൽඈආංඇඈ Saturday/Sábado 5:30 pm Sunday/Domingo 9:00am, 10:30am, 12:00pm (Spanish/Español), Confessions Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time O God, who manifest your al- mighty power above all by par- doning and showing mercy, be- stow, we pray, your grace abun- dantly upon us and make those hastening to aƩain your prom- ises heirs to the treasures of heaven. Amen. Oh Dios, que manifiestas tu po- der, principalmente, perdonan- do y mostrando misericordia, te rogamos, otorgues tu gracia abundantemente sobre noso- tros y permite que aquellos que se apresuran para alcanzar tus promesas sean herederos de los tesoros del cielo. Amén.

Transcript of L D Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary...

  • T C S . B 51 Prospect Street, White Plains, New York 10606

    www.stbernardswp.com September 25, 2016

    R 914-949-2111

    L D L C


    Rev. Robert J. Morris Pastor &

    Director of Rel. Ed.

    Weekend Associates: Rev. Ernie Lukaschek M.M. Rev. Michael McFarland, S.J. Rev. Msg. Peter O’Donell Rev. Hernan Paredes, S.J.

    Verónica Meléndez

    Rectory Office Manager

    Jennifer Frías

    Director The Little Disciple Learning Center

    Brenda López Coordinator

    of Religious Education

    Parish Trustees: Elizardi Castro Millie Castro

    S M / M


    5:30 pm

    Sunday/Domingo 9:00am, 10:30am,

    12:00pm (Spanish/Español),

    Confessions Saturday 4:00-5:00 pm

    Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    O God, who manifest your al-mighty power above all by par-doning and showing mercy, be-stow, we pray, your grace abun-dantly upon us and make those hastening to a ain your prom-ises heirs to the treasures of heaven. Amen.

    Oh Dios, que manifiestas tu po-der, principalmente, perdonan-do y mostrando misericordia, te rogamos, otorgues tu gracia abundantemente sobre noso-tros y permite que aquellos que se apresuran para alcanzar tus promesas sean herederos de los tesoros del cielo. Amén.

  • Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

    “WOE TO THE COMPLACENT” In the me of the prophet Amos a few people en-joyed a superabundance of material goods. But it wasn’t the wealth itself that the prophet saw as problema c. Amos preached against the compla-cency that deafened the wealthy to the cries of the poor and prevented them from allevia ng their suffering. Even worse, complacency blinded them to the ways in which their own habits of doing busi-ness, buying, and consuming goods contributed to the oppression of the needy on their doorsteps. In our own me Americans consume several mes their share of the world’s natural resources, while millions of people cannot obtain basic necessi es. On a global scale, as the rich get richer the poor get poorer. The high standard of living in one country, region, or social class almost always seems to come at the expense of extreme poverty in other coun-tries, regions, or social classes. LISTEN AND REPENT The scriptures for today urge us to change all that before it is too late. The le er to Timothy calls us to live in readiness for the “appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Timothy 6:14), when all will be judged and rewarded according to their deeds. No clearer illustra on could be drawn than the parable Jesus tells us in today’s Gospel. Lazarus, the poorest of the poor, is rewarded with eternal comfort, while the complacent rich man finds himself in eternal torment. Those of us who live in comfort can’t afford to be complacent about the chasm between the rich and the poor. It was bad enough that the people of Amos’ me were deaf to the cries of the oppressed. We Chris ans have the added benefit of hearing the message from someone who rose from the dead. Today’s scriptures warn us to listen and repent. If we don’t ease Lazarus’ torment now, we must be prepared to suffer the consequences. Today’s Readings: Amos 6:1a, 4–7; Psalm 146:7–10; 1 Timothy 6:11–16; Luke 16:19–31 Copyright © World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved.

    Vigésimosexto Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

    “¡AY DE USTEDES, QUE VIVEN TRANQUILOS EN SIÓN!” En los días del profeta Amós, sólo unos pocos gozaban de abundantes bienes materiales. Pero lo que el profeta encontraba problemá co no era la riqueza en sí. Lo que Amós atacaba era la auto-sa sfacción, la comodidad mental que cerraba los oídos de los ricos para no escu-char los gemidos de los pobres y para no aliviarlos en sus sufrimientos. Peor aún, esta auto-sa sfacción los cega-ban y no podían ver el modo en que su manera habitual de hacer negocios, de comprar y de consumir contribuía a la opresión de los necesitados en sus propias calles y vecindarios. En nuestros días los estadounidenses consumen mucho más que su porción justa de los recursos naturales del planeta, mientras que a millones de personas les faltan las necesidades más indispensables. A una escala global, los ricos se van haciendo cada vez más ricos y los pobres cada vez más pobres. Los altos niveles de vida de un país, región o clase social, casi siempre parecen alcanzarse a costa de la extrema pobreza de otros países, regiones o clases sociales. ESCUCHEN Y ARREPIÉNTANSE Las lecturas de hoy nos exhortan a que cambiemos todo eso antes de que sea demasiado tarde. La carta a Timo-teo nos llama a vivir siempre listos para la venida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo (1 Timoteo 6:14) cuando todos seremos juzgados y recompensados según nuestras obras. Para ilustrar esto, nada puede ser más claro que la parábola que Cristo nos cuenta en el Evangelio de hoy. Lázaro, el más pobre de los pobres, recibe una recom-pensa eterna, mientras que el rico sa sfecho de sí mis-mo se encuentra entre tormentos eternos. Los que vivimos cómodamente no podemos darnos el lujo de ser inertes frente al abismo que existe entre ricos y pobres. Ya era bastante con que la gente de los em-pos de Amós se hicieran los sordos ante el clamor de los oprimidos. Nosotros los cris anos tenemos la ventaja de escuchar este mensaje de Aquél que resucitó de entre los muertos. Las lecturas de hoy nos exhortan a escuchar y arrepen rnos. Si no aliviamos el tormento de Lázaro ahora, debemos prepararnos para sufrir las consecuen-cias. Lecturas de hoy: Amós 6:1a, 4–7; Salmo 146:7–10; 1 Timoteo 6:11–16; Lucas 16:19–31 Copyright © World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved.

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    Invest just five minutes a day, and your faith will deepen and grow—a day at a time.


    Not just another day “Casual Fridays” began in the 1990s. Employers were trying to improve office morale without spending any money, so workers were permitted to wear jeans, T-shirts, and flip-flops to work. A look at the Communion procession in most contemporary churches this morning would indicate the idea has spread even to Sunday Mass. If formality in church attire has disappeared, what about honoring the day of the Lord by remembering, “Keep holy the Sabbath Day”? Find a way to make Sunday different from other days of the week in your home.

    Cosmas and Damian were brother physicians in the early church, famous for never accepting payment for their work as a way to witness to their deep Christian faith. While most of us need to earn an income off our professional skills, we also can let these saintly brother doctors inspire us to offer our skills in some volunteer or pro bono (for the public good) work. Look for a way to match your skills to society’s needs and volun-teer somewhere today.

    Life in Europe around 1600 was filled with uncertainty and danger. Vin-cent de Paul, a priest living comfortably in France, was enslaved after being abducted by pirates during a sea voyage. He was bought and sold several times in Muslim countries and ended up with a master who had converted to Islam to obtain his own freedom from slavery. Vincent’s example of steadfastness convinced the master to return to the Catholic faith, and they fled back to France and freedom. Every situation in life, no matter how dire, offers an opportunity to witness to the power of faith.

    “Good King Wenceslaus” is a Christmas carol about a Czech king, who was later martyred and sainted, but who first braved a long journey in a snowstorm, giving alms to the poor along the way. The king’s servant struggled to continue in the harsh weather, but managed to do so by

    following Wenceslaus’ footprints in the snow. Christ, the saints, and myri-ad Christians before you have already beaten the path you’ve been called by your Baptism to take. Following their lead will help you through the trying conditions along it.

    Go on: Try to argue that you don’t miss the angels. When we were kids, angels were dear divine lifeguards to whom we were committed by God’s love, in the words of a popular prayer. But somewhere between surren-dering Santa and the Tooth Fairy, many of us lost a sense of a celestial companion, a divine messenger, a fighting force for good at our side “to light and guard, to rule and guide” us along life’s journey. While faith in winged beings is optional, the conviction that we’re divinely accompanied, advised, and rescued is not. Jesus believes in angels. He should know!

    “Ignorance of the scriptures is ignorance of Christ.” In the fourth century, Jerome was a priest who peculiarly never celebrated the Mass. Instead, he dedicated his life to creating a new translation of the Bible. To probe the mysteries of the Old Testament, he studied Hebrew with rabbis in the Holy Land—a collaboration no Christian had considered for centuries. Aided by lay women like Saint Paula who assisted his work and financially supported him, Jerome labored in a cave in Bethlehem until his death. Catch the spark of Jerome’s passion. Read the Bible regularly.

    Thérèse is one of the most beloved of saints because she found “a little way” to sanctity and made it accessible to all. A sickly child and frail adult who died in 1897 at the tender age of 24, Thérèse nonetheless left her mark on the spiritual life by discovering the strength in being weak. As she wrote: “I will seek out a means of getting to Heaven by a little way—very short and very straight, a little way that is wholly new. . . . To get there I need not grow; on the contrary, I must remain little, I must become still less.” What less can you do?

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    Upcoming Parish Mee ngs

    ♦ Lord of the Miracles Mee ng, today, Sunday, Sep-tember 25th at 1:30pm in the Community Room.

    ♦ Crea ve Cra Group mee ng, Friday, September 30th at 6:00pm in the Cafeteria.

    ♦ Divine Infant Jesus Mee ng, Sunday, October 2nd at 1:30 pm in the Guadalupe Room.

    ♦ Divine Mercy Mee ng, Sunday, October 2nd at 1:30 pm in the Main Church.

    ♦ Ladies of Charity Mee ng, Tuesday, October 4th at 9:30am in Chapel Hall.

    ♦ Virgin of Caacupe Mee ng, Sunday, October 9th at 1:30pm in the Cafeteria.

    Family Life/ Respect Life Office

    Spanish Programs of the Family / Respect Life Office and Catholic Marriage Movement are excited to announce their 8th bi-annual pro-life conference en tled “¡Viva la Vida!” The conference will take place on Saturday, Octo-ber 8th, at Cardinal Hayes High School in the Bronx from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and Sunday, October 9th at John F. Kennedy H.S in Somers, NY from 9:30am to 4:30pm. The dona on fee is $10. For more informa on or to register please contact Denise D’Oleo at (646) 794-3199 or Sidia Cortes (914)589-2990 o con Marcia/Maximo Correa (347)431-4253.

    Blessing of Animals

    Tuesday, October 4th is the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Animals. So that more families are able to a end, we will have our annual Blessing of Ani-mals on Sunday October 2nd at 1:30 pm in the parking lot. All pets, large and small are welcome!!

    The Delany Center for Educa on Enrichment

    The Delany Center for Educa on Enrichment at Pace White Plains is offering services in Literacy and Math for children from the ages 5 through High School. Classes meet a er school and on Saturday mornings. For infor-ma on, call 914-422-1435.

    Ready to Get Married?

    Father Morris is invi ng unmarried couples in our parish to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage on a future Sun-day in 2017. Any couple interested in celebra ng Mar-riage in the presence of our community, at no cost, is asked to contact Father Morris to begin making the nec-essary prepara ons. The date for this Parish–Wide Wed-ding celebra on will be May 7th, 2017.

    High School Youth Group Bake Sale

    The High School Youth Group will be having a Bake Sale today, September 25th a er all masses. The proceeds from this Bake Sale help sponsor Youth Group Ac vi es.

    Homebound Parishioners

    Eucharis c Ministers are available to bring Holy Com-munion to homebound parishioners who are unable to a end Mass. If you know of a homebound parishioner who might like to receive Holy Communion please let them know that Eucharis c Ministers are available to bring them Holy Communion and to contact the Rectory.

    Food Dona on Basket in the Ves bule

    All future food dona ons dropped in the large wicker basket in the ves bule will be used to supply our Midnight Run.

    Registra on of New Parishioners

    The Church of St. Bernard extends a warm welcome to those who have recently started worshipping the Lord with us. O en people a end Mass at a parish for months or some mes years, but never officially register. Regis-tering at St. Bernard’s Church is the expression of your commitment to being part of our parish family. Being a registered parishioner also makes the process much sim-pler when it is me for receiving sacraments, registering for religious educa on, sponsoring a sacrament recipient and even planning funerals. New parishioners are welcome to register at the Rectory during office hours, Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.

    St. Bernard’s English Bible Study

    Join us to our English Bible Study Group on Tuesday eve-nings at 7:30 PM, in the Fa ma Room. This year we will be studying Gala ans, Ephesians, Philippians, Colos-sians, Philemon and more of the Psalms. Please join us and renew your spirit, as we learn more about God’s Word. God’s instruc on and wisdom are greater than any earth-ly treasures. Refreshments are provid-ed. For more informa on, please call Jeanne Cashman at (914) 993-0831.

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    Próximas Reuniones

    ♦ Reunión del Señor de los Milagros, hoy, domingo, 25de sep embre la 1:30 pm en el Salón de la Co-munidad.

    ♦ Reunión del Grupo de Artesanias, viernes, 30 de sep-embre las 6:0 pm en el la Cafeteria.

    ♦ Reunión del Divino Niño Jesús, domingo, 2 de oc-tubre a las 1:30 pm en el Salón de Guadalupe.

    ♦ Reunión la Divina Misericordia, domingo, 2 de oc-tubre a la 1:30pm en la Iglesia principal.

    ♦ Reunión de las Damas de la Caridad, martes, 4 de octubre a las 9:30 am en el Chapel Hall.

    ♦ Reunión de la Virgen de Caacupe, domingo, 9 de oc-tubre a la 1:30pm en el Salón de la Cafeteria.

    Vida Familiar / Oficina de Respeto a la Vida

    Programas de Español de la Familia / Oficina de Respeto a la Vida y el Movimiento de Matrimonios Católicos, se placen en anunciar su octava conferencia bi-anual pro-vida tulada "¡Viva la Vida!" La conferencia se llevará a cabo el sábado 8 de octubre, en la escuela secundaria Cardinal Hayes en el Bronx, de 8:00 am a 5:00 pm y el domingo, 9 de octubre en la escuela secundaria John F. Kennedy en Somers, Nueva York, de 9:30 am a 4:30 pm. El costo del programa es de $10. Para obtener más información o para inscribirse, por favor, póngase en contacto con Denise D'Oleo al (646) 794-3199 o Sidia Cortés al (914)589-2990 o con Marcia / Máximo Correa al (347) 431-4253.

    Listo para casarse? El Padre Morris está invitando a las parejas solteras de nuestra parroquia para celebrar el sacramento del matri-monio en un futuro domingo del 2017. Cualquier pareja interesada en la celebración de su matrimonio en presencia de nuestra comunidad, sin costo alguno, se le pide ponerse en contacto con el padre Morris para empezar a hacer los preparativos necesarios. La fecha para la celebración de la Boda-Parroquial será el 7 de mayo de 2017.

    Los feligreses que no Pueden salir de casa

    Tenemos Ministros de la Eucaris a que están disponibles para llevar la Santa Comunión a los feligreses que no pue-den salir de su casa y por lo tanto no pueden asis r a la misa. Si usted sabe de un feligrés que no puede salir de su casa y que le gustaría recibir la Santa Comunión, por favor, déjele saber que los Ministros de la Eucaris a están dispo-nibles para llevarles la Santa Comunión y que deben con-tactar la Rectoría al 949-2111. Inscripción de Nuevos Feligreses

    La Iglesia de San Bernardo le ex ende una calurosa bien-venida a aquellos que recientemente empezaron su ve-neración al Señor con nosotros. A menudo las personas asisten a misa en una parroquia por meses ó algunas veces años, pero nunca oficialmente inscritos. Inscribir-se en la Iglesia de San Bernardo es la expresión de su compromiso de ser parte de nuestra familia parroquial. Siendo un feligrés inscrito también hace el proceso más simple cuando es momento de recibir los sacramentos, matriculación para el programa de educación religiosa, patrocinar a alguien que recibirá un sacramento y hasta planear funerales. Los feligreses nuevos son cordialmente bienvenidos a inscribirse en la rectoría, durante las horas de oficina, de lu-nes a viernes de 9:00am-5:00pm.

    Estudio de la Biblia en Inglés de San Bernardo

    Únase a nosotros en nuestro grupo de estudio de la Bi-blia en Inglés los martes por la noche a las 7:30 PM, en la Sala de Fá ma. Este año vamos a estudiar Gálatas, Efe-sios, Filipenses, Colosenses, Filemón y mucho más de los Salmos. Por favor, únete a nosotros y renueva tu espíri-tu, a medida que aprendemos más sobre la Palabra de Dios. La instrucción y la sabiduría de Dios son mayores que los tesoros de la erra. Se darán refrescos. Para más información, por favor llame a Jeanne Cashman al (914) 993-0831.

    Bendición de los Animales

    Martes por, 4 º octubre es la fiesta de San Francisco de Asís, el santo patrón de los animales. Para que más fami-lias puedan asis r, tendremos nuestra bendición anual de los animales a la 1:30 pm en el estacionamiento. To-das las mascotas, grandes y pequeñas son bienvenidos!!

    Grupo Juvenil de la Escuela Secundaria - venta de pasteles

    El grupo de jóvenes de secundaria va a tener una venta de pasteles hoy, 25 de sep embre, después de todas las mi-sas. El producto de esta venta de pasteles ayuda a patroci-nar las ac vidades del grupo de jóvenes.

    Donación de alimentos - cesta en el ves bulo

    Todas las futuras donaciones de alimentos que se recojan en la cesta de mimbre del ves bulo serán u lizados para suministrar nuestro funcionamiento del “Midnight Run”.

    El Centro de Delany Enriquecimiento Educa vo

    El Centro Delany para el Enriquecimiento Educa vo en Pa-ce de White Plains, ofrece servicios en lectura y matemá -cas para niños de años 5 hasta la secundaria. Las clases se reúnen después de la escuela y sábados por la mañana. Para más información, llame al 914-422-1435.

  • Mass Intentions for the Week

    Please remember in your prayers those who are ill and those who serve them. Recemos por todas las personas de nuestra parroquia quienes se encuentran enfermas.

    Anthony Cardon Marck Canoli

    Bill Claroni Helena Trinidad

    Prayers for the Sick

    Saturday, September 24, 2016 5:30 Stephen Sules Sunday, September 25, 2016 9:00 Consiglia Marchesani 10:30 Elena & Vincent Iannaci 12:00 For the people Monday, September 26, 2016 9:00 Communion Service Tuesday, September 27, 2016 9:00 Communion Service Wednesday, September 28, 2016 9:00 Christopher Rubow Thursday, September 29, 2016 9:00 Estela Garrido Friday, September 30, 2016 9:00 Richard Dick McCauley Saturday, October 1, 2016 5:30 Nicola Raffaiele Scarano Sunday, October 2, 2016 9:00 Bill Fargelli 10:30 Reneta Josephine Donna 12:00 Juana Cuahuey

    St. Bernard’s Capital Campaign Update

    Total Amount Pledged: $649,196 Total Amount in Payments: $497,514 Average Pledge: $1,690.61

    Jennie Magno a Julie McGuiness

    María Beatriz Cabrera de Mas

    Hymns in Spanish - Cán cos en Español

    Entrada #669 Cristo está conmigo Ofertorio #626 Felicidad Comunión #466 Todos los que han sido bau zados Salida #537 Caminaré

    Last Sunday’s Collec on :

    First Collec on 9/11/16: $4,534 Second Collec on 9/11/16: $1,510 First Collec on 9/4/16: $3,957 Second Collec on 9/4/16: $1,284

    Today’s Second Collec on is for Maintenance. Next week’s second collec on will be for St. Joseph’s Seminary . Thank you for your generous support of our parish. La segunda Colecta de hoy es para el Mantenimiento. La segunda colecta de la próxima semana será para el Seminario de San José. Gracias por sus generosas contribuciones a nuestra parroquia.

    Hymns in English

    5:30 pm Entrance - Hymnal #436 "Seek Ye First” Offertory - Hymnal #476 "Holy Spirit” Communion - Hymnal #357 “One Bread One Body” Closing - Hymnal #383 “Take the Word of God with You” 9:00 am / 10:30 am Entrance - Hymnal #575 "Sing a New Song” Offertory - Hymnal #424 "Amazing Grace” Communion - Hymnal #357 “One Bread One Body” Closing - Hymnal #609 “They’ll Know We are Chris ans”

    Rest in Peace / Que Descanse en Paz

    Please Pray for the repose of the souls of Dorothy Mess-ler & Angela Torelli who passed away last weekend. Favor de orar por el alma de Dorothy Mess-ler & Angela Torelli quien fallecieo la sema-na pasada.

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