L) C New library LINCOLN...

- It doesn't pay to horse around with Lildllllood Aileen Lindamood haR come up With a formula to speed up Medicare payments After trymg for four months to persuade l\ledicare to "payoff" on a medical bill. she contacted Ed Pen- nybacker of KOAT-TV's "On Your Behalf" sho.... on C1Jannel 7. TIrree weeks later she got her check, Pennybacker landed at Carrizozo Airport at 10; 15 a.m. to tape an interview with Lindamood on the subject of Medicare practices. Her "well edited" remarks were later seen on Channel 7, "Great airport you have here." he said on stepping out of the chQrtered plane. "Didn't even know you had it. .. and a mid-school, elementary section complete with a Tack line for art or class work display. Also added are filmstrip and tape listening carrels and a separate room for the AV library and professional materials collection. The new area also provides expansion room for the 6.500 volume collection. Said Mrs. j<'lorian. "Without the Inventory work of Mrs. Lyn Miller, Mrs. Mary Ann Patterson and Mrs. Connie Dearen dunng the last t .... o weeks. the students wouldn't haH access to thIS lovely library no .... " Tv.-o Bth graders. 1\1l'llssa Greer and Lisa Ho .... ard. served refreshments and Kathl('l'n Ulnlslead aided 10 thE' kltl'hl'lJ Julia Holhs. hbranarl all1t' chaired the guest l.Jook The ranch and 11 ,Inl' IlV\ wtll meet .... Ith ("onJo! .JOE· 111 Hoswell. Uct IJ. \j a 11, iit Ih(' Fpderal BUlJdInJo! to prPM'nl Itl('lr case stores V, hen the Ei I'asc' ,;lid \01 theastem IUlllroad d('(,Hlt'(1 to bypass V,hlte (Iak:.. Ih( 1""'1 slipped Into qUIPI rt'!.J0M· TIlt· settlement IS noVo tht cd Ihl' annual \\hlte llakb to l.Jf.llolr Pom I::xpres!> Ha('e lonceSSlOn Mid ilrt, and crafts booths Youl ht' <I pan of the IPStlVltles :'.laster of lor thr pvpnl 15 Jln "'urtl- ',f KHIH{ raolo KUldoso l an:plnj/ <lr('u:- YoI" hI' available \'-Itil lrpl' parkmg dnd dUn:plllS1: st8110n:- lor rl'l rPbllltl. vehicles (OSI ot thE' pv pnl SII' pE'r person lor dl1d or .. onlv. the p<'r person :-'Iost of the \\ III be donated to the hllE' Ilah :\luseunl for expansion The grand opening and dedication of the Carrizozo Public School's Clegg Hall Library ad- dition was held Oct. 1. Guests of honor at the ceremonies included; Supt. J. C. Clegg (retired) and his wife Katherine of Portales. NM. and 1964 School Board members John A. Hightower. C. Ray Wells and Hobert M, Schafer. seventy-two guests toured the new facility and enjoyed rt'ception fare provided by Mrs Larul' Wetzel, carrizozo kindergarten teacher. The new facility adds one- third more space to thl' l'xlstmg lIbrary. According to l\lrs. Flonan, head libranan. the ad- ditIOn prOVides a high schlxll area T1-X"(ORH \i.hlll' .... <I 1>0111: II:l lI;old n.lnlfUo( to"'n In thE> latE' :Il." , Ihat boasted a populatIOn of 2 .. ')1.' with a bank. oper,t housp lodlles. ill,d rpl d il Pallbearers were brothns of the parents; Jeff Wells. Wendell Wells. Ken Wells and Hocky Langley. Honorary pallbearers included Stirling Spencer. Steve Harkey. Bob Curtis. James Heddleston. Tom Sullivan and all friends and family. Amber was born 31. 1981 10 HUldoso. NI\1. New library dedicated Bob Jones, preSident of thf' :'\PYo MeXICO cattle (jro .... prs Assn. and Denny lri!ntry. the orl'(alllzatlOn , secretary The approxImate 90 mvolved 10 the maclp the pomts that the 1942 IPast' agreements With the !l.overnnlPnt state that ranches and mmes .... 111 be returned to theIr OWllers 10 !/,ood condition. with all 1m provements restored. If not. t hE'll rull market price for the proper! IS asked. a third optIOn. If Ihp lI;oyernment refuses either, IS the to co-use their property. and that the appraisals made by the Corps of as to the value of the various properties was never made. and If made. are fraudulent. EST. 1905 ..-- .- fft. L ... _. o "It \;:I >U "&. ';'1.. 1ft. a complaint by a neighbor who objected to the offenslw odor coming (rom the I1vesto<:k. Ken.lOlscenl 01 , IhE> IInV 10Yon ul hit,· (Ii, .. , ' ... revive tlllles pabl "'111 ", \i. hlte lJaks Annuul (, \i. est ern :\ 1 u S I(. I- ('1.[ I \. , .... eekend. lJct II and 111 (Dlorful skIrts sw 11'1111;': :. " and hanm. .., iii hll/.llIll/.h! d slreet cia lit E' banjO and IlddlinJo! ('ontpt-lio lind" cow pattie lhro .... lng 1',ventsstart each at Y .Ill d n, Handal "Tex Cobb I" Jom the festiVIties. taklOl< 11111(' lOU' from hiS tralOlnp; for hiS Iltll' tH,uI With Heavyv.elght Ch,tll'pl'" Larry Holmes next monlh ((,tlh tralOml/. 10 HUldoso. hut ,1)0, weeks thiS summer trBllllng In lh(' area of \\ hit I' (laks lJnd In Carnzozo Also on tap IS }{rx Allt-ll .Jr country musIc artist HE' \\ ill entertam Sunday al j p nl Ranchers fighting for return of their land taken by the fpderaJ government 40 years ago for the White Sands Missile RangP met here with Attorney General Jdf Bingaman last week. Bingaman promised thl' :lll ranchers who gathered at the Recreation Center that he would look into the legality of thr Ilovernment taklnl'( state lantis. but could do nothJn!( about federal land mvolved. Among those theIr cases that the government had not honored its agreement to return their lands or prOVide adequate compensation for them included Mary McDonald, Dave McDonald. Florence and 1"rank Martin, Wally Ferguson, Hoy Tucker Jr. Big doings at White Oaks BII\I{Drnl'mlwr D"n \\allrnakl" "pl'ning rl'mark, at Iibrarv tll'ltu'ali"n "'upt .J ( ('Il'gg frptirp(ji .11111 \Ir'. aI" a\ right Amber D' Aun Langley rites held Amber D'Aun Langley, Infant daughter of Allen and Barbara Langley. died oct. 1 in Carrizozo A private funeral service was conducted at 51. Matthias Episcopal C1Jurch at 2 p.m., Oct 4 It was followed by graveside services for friends and family at White Oaks Cemetery in White Oaks, with Fr. Burdett Stampley officia tlng. Bingaman hears ranchers COUNTY NEWS BEST AifAflAl.E COpy I::dna Littleton and \i. ard W III serve refre!>hllll'ntio al the \\ LJHA n,eetlOl/. em played iI' Ihl' dep"l In Carrizozo, L.el/.bll Yoorkmg pilr! time for Cltlz.ens Stat(· B<llIk In 1952 he acceptpd lulltlll,l' employment ....'th the hank at Vaughn He reSigned In 111:;7 te, become Town (Jerk al Carnill/ll In 1961 he .... ent back mto th,· bank on a full lime basiS A to .... n reSident I>P('11 ordered to renlOVt' t Yo 0 v\}lI('11 he has penned .... lthlll Illl' IOYoII The OIlin has until lll'l 11 til relllove the S .... lOl· or bl' t" pl'nalllles llstl'd In tlll' ordillillili' book ThiS actIOn .... us tlH' III profitable. The snack bar IS open from B a.m. to 2 p,m. and agam at 5 p.m until 10 p.m. The center IS open until 12 p.m. each eveOlng Leagues bowl every t'vt'ning and the ballroom 15 used by local groups. The homeconllng dlilll'e IS scheduled to be held there thiS Fnday. Trustee J 1m Ill' told the counCil that the local .... Ullll'n's aSSOCiation IS consldt.'rlng hplplllg the town run tht' pro shop Oil .... eekends. The shop IS l'1o!'>l'd no .... .and no carts an' n·nt(·d because of lack 01 to pa ,I town employee. TI1l' WOlllen .... 111 diSCUSS .... llh the to .... 11 at a lalpr date 01 their plans to do vol unt (.(." work at the !/.oJf t'OW'SE' THURSDA Y, OCTOBER 7, 1982 follow the hearing. At Tuesday's special meeting the council moved to advert 1St' on bids for new space heaters needed at the RecreatIOn Center. Lmcoln County Arriba Inc. preSident Blil Payne was present to request town assistance 1Il paying for thE' work. estimated to cost $7.000 Payne explained that the c('nter's solar system, when complet('d. Will not be suffiCient to hl'at the faclhty. The agreement bet .... ('{·lI the town and Arnba states that the town will be responSible for mamtenance repairs ovpr SZ()() The counCil discussed Its portion of the Lodg('r's Tax reserved for the recreatIOnal purpobeb to help Arriba obtam the needed heat('rs The cigarette tax money .... as a Iso mentIOned as a 50urce of n'VE'nUE' Doyle Wood. tht.' manal(er. the count'l! iI progress report. \\ ood su Id till' facility IS .... (·11 and soon the ventun' should prll\ I' later became ardmaSIl'r at Carnzozo \'-Ith the Sout hl'rn PaCific Johnson !(raduatl'd from Carrlz.ozo schools 10 1936 and w {'nl to work for the railroad the same year as a clerk-stenographer During World War II hf' tran- sferred to traU1 service as a brakeman and served as termInal trainmaster at the CarrlZ070 shops. He was transferred back to office work and 1Il 1948, .... hlle 51111 LINCOLN CAHRIZOZO, NM I L) C_ f r l. f ... - The publ1c IS lIlVItl"d to JOin the WOHA members to hear Stearns' expenences that go back to 1004 when hiS father. Orsa broker license for more than 2:' years. He and Ius wife Margarpt have three children. all natives of carnzozo Bob, Judy (;lover and Lmda Gib60n. Steams. was employed by the Paso &. Southwestern Hauroad as a switchman at Carrizozo. and Quintana explained that the program consists of single pur- pose and comprehension projects The single purpose plan is for activity that requires one year to complete. A multitude of ac- tivities which require two to three years to complete come under .. com prehensIOn ... Only one heanng IS reqwred thiS year and It's oul<:ome aids the town council 10 decldlOg where thl' new money should be spent and what type of project WIll be at tempted. The appll<:atlOn IS dUE' Nov B, 11182. will conduct thE' (let 11 pubhc heanng. He wul ans .... er questions and expiall the CIlB(; program. The purpOl)(' of the heanng, whJch starts at ti pm . IS to let the councu know the pubhc's OpinIOns and suggestIOns on ho .... to use the money and to ellSlIre Ihat the greatest net'ds arc Identified for the benefit of Ihl' community The scheduled to .... n .... III VOLUME 77, NUMBER 40 HOMECOMING Queen candidates and princesses at Carrizozo High School. Back row, Diana Vega; front row, Julie Vega, Marina Baca, Kelll Vigil, Diana Silva and Stephanie Saucedo. Lisa Cantrell is not pictured. Baca, Vigil. Silva and Cantrell are Queen hopefuls; the others are Princess candidates. Johnson Stearns plans to rellre as president of Citizens State Bank on Dec. 31. 1982 and will open his ov.-'T! real estate office 10 the old Exchange Bank Bldg In Carrizozo. John50n made the statement 10 connection with an invllallOn to speak to the White Oaks Histoncal Assn: on Friday. Oct. 15. 7 30 p.m. in the Carrizozo school conference room. Stearns has held a real estate The Department of HOUSing and Urban Development tHUD' has $9 million available for statewide use on the Community Development Block Grant - Small Cities Program ('DB(; , Carrizozo will be eligible to apply for a grant of $350,000 under Hus program. Hubert Quintana of Roswell. director of the area's projects. was at Monday's special town hall meeting to discuss changes 10 ttm; year's CDBG applicatIOn. He told the council and audlenl't' ho .... important It IS for public par- ticipation at a CDBG hearing The ellgible actlvltles m('}u{k the acqulsltlon of real for community development COli servatlOn, rehabilitatIOn or Ill· stallatlOn of neighborhood facliities, semor cItizens Cl'nl('rs and street, flood and Improvementtl Other activities are the rehabliltatlOn and preservatIOn of resldental or commerCial structures On WOHA Stearns to retire at CSB Public input sought Town to apply for $350,010 grant

Transcript of L) C New library LINCOLN...


It doesn't pay tohorse aroundwith Lildllllood

Aileen Lindamood haRcome up With a formula tospeed up Medicare payments

After trymg for fourmonths to persuade l\ledicareto "payoff" on a medical bill.she contacted Ed Pen­nybacker of KOAT-TV's "OnYour Behalf" sho.... onC1Jannel 7. TIrree weeks latershe got her check,

Pennybacker landed atCarrizozo Airport at 10; 15

a.m. to tape an interview withLindamood on the subject ofMedicare practices. Her "welledited" remarks were laterseen on Channel 7,

"Great airport you havehere." he said on stepping outof the chQrtered plane."Didn't even know you hadit. ..

and a mid-school, elementarysection complete with a Tack linefor art or class work display. Alsoadded are filmstrip and tapelistening carrels and a separateroom for the AV library andprofessional materials collection.

The new area also providesexpansion room for the 6.500

volume collection. Said Mrs.j<'lorian. "Without the Inventorywork of Mrs. Lyn Miller, Mrs.Mary Ann Patterson and Mrs.Connie Dearen dunng the last t.... oweeks. the students wouldn't haHaccess to thIS lovely library no.... "

Tv.-o Bth graders. 1\1l'llssaGreer and Lisa Ho.... ard. servedrefreshments and Kathl('l'nUlnlslead aided 10 thE' kltl'hl'lJ\l,,~ Julia Holhs. hbranarl all1t'chaired the guest l.Jook

The ranch and 11 ,Inl' IlV\ npr~wtll meet .... Ith ("onJo! .JOE· ~k(,(,ll 111

Hoswell. Uct IJ. \j a 11, iit Ih('Fpderal BUlJdInJo! to prPM'nl Itl('lrcase

storesV, hen the Ei I'asc' ,;lid \01

theastem IUlllroad d('(,Hlt'(1 to

bypass V,hlte (Iak:.. Ih( 1""'1

slipped Into qUIPI rt'!.J0M· TIlt·settlement IS noVo tht ~Ite cd Ihl'annual \\hlte llakb to l.Jf.llolr

Pom I::xpres!> Ha('elonceSSlOn stand~ Mid ilrt,

and crafts booths Youl ht' <I pan ofthe IPStlVltles

:'.laster of ('eremonle~ lor thrpvpnl 15 Jln "'urtl- ',f KHIH{ raoloKUldoso

l an:plnj/ <lr('u:- YoI" hI'available \'-Itil lrpl' parkmg dnddUn:plllS1: st8110n:- lor rl'l rPbllltl.vehicles

(OSI ot thE' pv pnl I~ SII' pE'rperson lor ~turd<lv dl1d ~Undd\

~ or ~unda .. onlv. the (0~1 I~ S~ p<'rperson :-'Iost of the prQ{'eed~ \\ IIIbe donated to the \~ hllE' Ilah:\luseunl for expansion

The grand opening anddedication of the Carrizozo PublicSchool's Clegg Hall Library ad­dition was held Oct. 1.

Guests of honor at theceremonies included; Supt. J. C.Clegg (retired) and his wifeKatherine of Portales. NM. and1964 School Board members JohnA. Hightower. C. Ray Wells andHobert M, Schafer.

seventy-two guests toured thenew facility and enjoyed rt'ceptionfare provided by Mrs Larul'Wetzel, carrizozo kindergartenteacher.

The new facility adds one­third more space to thl' l'xlstmglIbrary. According to l\lrs. Sall~

Flonan, head libranan. the ad­ditIOn prOVides a high schlxll area


\i.hlll' lIak~ .... a~ <I 1>0111: II:llI;old n.lnlfUo( to"'n In thE> latE' :Il." ,Ihat boasted a populatIOn of 2 ..')1.'

with churche~. a bank. oper,thousp lodlles. saloon~ ill,d rpl d il

Pallbearers were brothns ofthe parents; Jeff Wells. WendellWells. Ken Wells and HockyLangley. Honorary pallbearersincluded Stirling Spencer. SteveHarkey. Bob Curtis. JamesHeddleston. Tom Sullivan and allfriends and family.

Amber was born l\la~ 31. 1981

10 HUldoso. NI\1.

New librarydedicated

Bob Jones, preSident of thf' :'\PYoMeXICO cattle (jro .... prs Assn. andDenny lri!ntry. the orl'(alllzatlOn ,secretary

The approxImate 90 famlll('~

mvolved 10 the controvHS~ maclpthe pomts that the 1942 IPast'agreements With the !l.overnnlPntstate that ranches and mmes .... 111be returned to theIr OWllers 10

!/,ood condition. with all 1mprovements restored. If not. t hE'llrull market price for the proper! ~

IS asked. a third optIOn. If IhplI;oyernment refuses either, IS thert~t to co-use their property. andthat the appraisals alle~eol~

made by the Corps of En~mpers

as to the value of the variousproperties was never made. and Ifmade. are fraudulent.

EST. 1905

.~ ..-­

. - fft.L ...,~........ _.o "It • ~ \;:I

~>U • "&. ';'1..

~~ 1ft.

a complaint by a neighbor whoobjected to the offenslw odorcoming (rom the I1vesto<:k.

Ken.lOlscenl 01 tlll't·~ ~·(,'II ,

IhE> IInV 10Yon ul \~ hit,· (Ii, .. , ' ...

revive tlllles pabl "'111 ",

\i. hlte lJaks Annuul (,\i. est ern :\1u S I(. I- ('1.[ I \. ,.... eekend. lJct II and 111

(Dlorful skIrts sw 11'1111;': :. "'1(lIl,PIO~ and hanm. tIU~'PIII~' .., iiihll/.llIll/.h! d slreet cia lit E' ~OlJ,I'

banjO and IlddlinJo! ('ontpt-lio lind"cow pattie lhro .... lng (Olll('~1

1',ventsstart each da~ at Y .Ill d n,Handal "Tex Cobb pl,tl1~ I"

Jom the festiVIties. taklOl< 11111(' lOU'

from hiS tralOlnp; for hiS Iltll' tH,uIWith Heavyv.elght Ch,tll'pl'"Larry Holmes next monlh ((,tlh I~

tralOml/. 10 HUldoso. hut ~pl'nt ,1)0,weeks thiS summer trBllllng In lh('area of \\ hit I' (laks lJnd InCarnzozo

Also on tap IS }{rx Allt-ll .Jrcountry musIc artist HE' \\ illentertam Sunday al j p nl

Ranchers fighting for returnof their land taken by the fpderaJgovernment 40 years ago for theWhite Sands Missile RangP methere with Attorney General JdfBingaman last week.

Bingaman promised thl' :lll

ranchers who gathered at theRecreation Center that he wouldlook into the legality of thrIlovernment taklnl'( state lantis.but could do nothJn!( about federalland mvolved.

Among those presentin~ theIrcases that the government had nothonored its agreement to returntheir lands or prOVide adequatecompensation for them includedMary McDonald, Dave McDonald.Florence and 1"rank Martin,Wally Ferguson, Hoy Tucker Jr.

Big doings at White Oaks

BII\I{Drnl'mlwr D"n \\allrnakl" "pl'ning rl'mark, at Iibrarv tll'ltu'ali"n "'upt .J ( ('Il'gg frptirp(ji.11111 \Ir'. (ll'J.~g aI" a\ right

Amber D'Aun Langley rites heldAmber D'Aun Langley, Infant

daughter of Allen and BarbaraLangley. died oct. 1 in Carrizozo

A private funeral service wasconducted at 51. MatthiasEpiscopal C1Jurch at 2 p.m., Oct 4It was followed by gravesideservices for friends and family atWhite Oaks Cemetery in WhiteOaks, with Fr. Burdett Stampleyofficia tlng.

Bingaman hears ranchers


BEST AifAflAl.E COpy

I::dna Littleton and l)cdl~

\i. ard WIII serve refre!>hllll'ntio althe \\ LJHA n,eetlOl/.

em played iI' I hl' dep"l InCarrizozo, L.el/.bll Yoorkmg pilr!time for Cltlz.ens Stat(· B<llIk

In 1952 he acceptpd lulltlll,l'

employment ....'th the hank atVaughn He reSigned In 111:;7 te,

become Town (Jerk al Carnill/llIn 1961 he .... ent back mto th,· bankon a full lime basiS

A to.... n reSident ha~ I>P('11

ordered to renlOVt' t Yo 0 hog~ v\}lI('11he has penned .... lthlll Illl' IOYoII1Jnllt~ The OIlin has until lll'l 11 tilrelllove the S.... lOl· or bl' ~ulll(~·t t"pl'nalllles llstl'd In tlll' ordillillili'book ThiS actIOn .... us tlH' J('~1111 III

profitable.The snack bar IS open from B

a.m. to 2 p,m. and agam at 5 p.muntil 10 p.m. The center IS openuntil 12 p.m. each eveOlngLeagues bowl every t'vt'ning andthe ballroom 15 used by localgroups. The homeconllng dlilll'e ISscheduled to be held there thiSFnday.

Trustee J 1m l'a~ Ill' told thecounCil that the local .... Ullll'n's ~oJf

aSSOCiation IS consldt.'rlng hplplllgthe town run tht' pro shop Oil

.... eekends. The shop IS l'1o!'>l'd no .....and no ~olf carts an' n·nt(·dbecause of lack 01 nlonp~ to pa ~ ,Itown employee. TI1l' WOlllen .... 111diSCUSS .... llh the to .... 11 at a lalprdate 01 their plans to do vol unt (.(."work at the !/.oJf t'OW'SE'


follow the hearing.At Tuesday's special meeting

the council moved to advert 1St' onbids for new space heaters neededat the RecreatIOn Center. LmcolnCounty Arriba Inc. preSident BlilPayne was present to requesttown assistance 1Il paying for thE'work. estimated to cost $7.000Payne explained that the c('nter'ssolar system, when complet('d.Will not be suffiCient to hl'at thefaclhty.

The agreement bet .... ('{·lI thetown and Arnba states that thetown will be responSible formamtenance repairs ovpr SZ()()

The counCil discussed UhIl1~ Itsportion of the Lodg('r's Taxreserved for the town'~

recreatIOnal purpobeb to helpArriba obtam the needed heat('rsThe cigarette tax money .... as a IsomentIOned as a 50urce of n'VE'nUE'

Doyle Wood. tht.' centpr'~

manal(er. ~ve the count'l! iI

progress report. \\ ood su Id till'facility IS dOIO~ eXl'pptlOnaJl~ .... (·11and soon the ventun' should prll\ I'

later became ~eneral ~ ardmaSIl'rat Carnzozo \'-Ith the Sout hl'rnPaCific

Johnson !(raduatl'd fromCarrlz.ozo schools 10 1936 and w{'nlto work for the railroad the sameyear as a clerk-stenographerDuring World War II hf' tran­sferred to traU1 service as abrakeman and served as termInaltrainmaster at the CarrlZ070shops. He was transferred back tooffice work and 1Il 1948, .... hlle 51111



C _f r l.

f... -

The publ1c IS lIlVItl"d to JOinthe WOHA members to hearStearns' expenences that go backto 1004 when hiS father. Orsa

broker license for more than 2:'years. He and Ius wife Margarpthave three children. all natives ofcarnzozo Bob, Judy (;lover andLmda Gib60n.

Steams. was employed by the f~1

Paso &. Southwestern Hauroad asa switchman at Carrizozo. and

Quintana explained that theprogram consists of single pur­pose and comprehension projectsThe single purpose plan is foractivity that requires one year tocomplete. A multitude of ac­tivities which require two to threeyears to complete come under..com prehensIOn...

Only one heanng IS reqwredthiS year and It's oul<:ome aids thetown council 10 decldlOg where thl'new money should be spent andwhat type of project WIll be attempted. The appll<:atlOn IS dUE'Nov B, 11182.

~lntana will conduct thE' (let11 pubhc heanng. He wul ans .... erquestions and expiall the CIlB(;

program. The purpOl)(' of theheanng, whJch starts at ti pm . ISto let the councu know the pubhc'sOpinIOns and suggestIOns on ho....to use the money and to ellSlIreIhat the greatest net'ds arcIdentified for the benefit of Ihl'community The re~ular

scheduled to .... n meetln~ .... III


HOMECOMING Queen candidates and princesses at Carrizozo High School. Back row, Diana Vega;front row, Julie Vega, Marina Baca, Kelll Vigil, Diana Silva and Stephanie Saucedo. Lisa Cantrell isnot pictured. Baca, Vigil. Silva and Cantrell are Queen hopefuls; the others are Princess candidates.

Johnson Stearns plans torellre as president of CitizensState Bank on Dec. 31. 1982 andwill open his ov.-'T! real estate office10 the old Exchange Bank Bldg InCarrizozo.

John50n made the statement10 connection with an invllallOn tospeak to the White Oaks HistoncalAssn: on Friday. Oct. 15. 7 30

p.m. in the Carrizozo schoolconference room.

Stearns has held a real estate

The Department of HOUSingand Urban Development tHUD'has $9 million available for

statewide use on the CommunityDevelopment Block Grant ­Small Cities Program ('DB(; ,Carrizozo will be eligible to applyfor a grant of $350,000 under Husprogram.

Hubert Quintana of Roswell.director of the area's projects.was at Monday's special town hallmeeting to discuss changes 10 ttm;year's CDBG applicatIOn. He toldthe council and audlenl't' ho....important It IS for public par­ticipation at a CDBG hearing

The ellgible actlvltles m('}u{kthe acqulsltlon of real propt'rt~ forcommunity development COliservatlOn, rehabilitatIOn or Ill·

stallatlOn of neighborhoodfacliities, semor cItizens Cl'nl('rsand street, flood and drama~E'

Improvementtl Other elJ~lbl('

activities are the rehabliltatlOnand preservatIOn of resldental orcommerCial structures

On WOHA !!!&~a~

Stearns to retire at CSB

Public input sought

Town to apply for $350,010 grant

.'.,.. ,.".' ,.






and using telecommunications products and services.We'll be talking with you aliout all the coming changes as they

happen. In ads like this and on television.We want to make it easy for you to get answers to any questions

you might have. That's why we've set up a special toll-free number,1 BOO 555-5000,* you caJ;l ro-Se-;;i;n;';;;;';~k~LET~Ai.K;eO~ CHANGE1

call Monday throug~ Fri- I C Please hall'e !lOl'lIeOlleClllll1l~ with 1\1101'lTlItlOlfon; :

day from noon to 10,30 I ::::JAftemoomtarebest o Residencetlllltomet 1p,m. • r 0 Evenings are belt Cl Business -custOllleT I

There'll be somebody I Send to: Mountain Bell, P.O. Box-1976.~fIl)M 1190, Ialk So bod

I tOOS l7Ih Street. Denver,Cokn'ado802O% Itot to, me yto I Ihelp you. Somebody to Nameget you information. Like : Add~ Clly lour free bookIet. "Let's I Slate Zip .. .-.t.. 4ri..... ITalk About Change." I Telephone • LA:::1,.l!lj ..... I

We'll be talking with L .....°'He';nqi;P;I;;;-TTV-;tOii;sl~m~;I-;~I-:...J .--you. 180D525·6()23,

HAJN! Marvin Row.... fl&hlug pole at the ready. ""sts" the lake In front on bi,s home 011 B Avenue"Nearly an inch of rain I.ast Wednesday created ponds Uke ....is all over town.



P.O Box 483 CapJtllh, N.M.

"~'1.'. \'

Every time you pick JlP a paper there'ssomething else about the changes coming

.- ,'.;. ....

f 'lbe ~',Natio.nltJ Forestwilloialn \b!iI._..u Christmastrees I<> i/lI!iVldualll for theirpersonal_ "

A total QJ, 1),-150 trees Will beavailable for d.l,tting in five areasof tI\e forest, Pe:rmit8 Win sell f(lr$5 and willllli~fle the holder to atree up I<> 10. f!!!ll in height.

Applicalioiul lQr permits willbe available about the firs' ofNovember. 'Ibe application willcontain the location of the cultingareas and the species avaUable,As the time aPPfOache6, ad­ditional information will be.vsUable through the media.

ItSnot all blackandwhite.

carrizozo Schools wiH hold thl'annual high school and mid-schoolparent·teacher conferences onOct. 14, S to 9 p.m •• at theoJd gym.

Parents are uked to come tothe table set up in the middle ofthe gym floor to get copies of theirstudents' 8(!heduJes. Teachers willbe at desks around the outside ofthe gym Door 80 that parents mayvisit with each teacher and alsopick up their children's reportca......

Parents, teachers

to visit, Oct. 14


J'.~"~':>' " "~ "',r:.- t'_"_'ii., .1' ,'."

clltilt I trees.......-for tile CIlttiII

" '.,

Let's talk.to the telephone industry.

About OUT coming separation from AT&T and whert' it's going totake us. We want to help you understand what it win mean to you.

At Mountain Bell, we believe in talking things over. And we wantto talk to you about the stoJ;'y behind the stories.

First, let's talk about your selVice. .You'U still have tfie se.rvice you depend on in the rural areas

because we'll have the same dedicated people standing behind it.We'll still be your local telephone company, When you get a dial

tone, that'll be us.We'll still be your gateway tQ the worid's communications net­

work. To local and long-distance lines. To international service. Andto all the sophisticated new services the future holdS.

There will be chan~s 90; new concepts are developed in homeand business communIcations, There will be new ways of obtaining

('ORRECTIONLast week it was reported the

FFA would charge for meatprocessing. This was in error. TheFFA wilJ NOT charge aprocessing fee, bul will accepldonatior15 for this service.

725871 5174 477...

, . "'''' .' " .,


Bud Payne'sWeeklyWeather Report

holders,Trammell explained that the

opportunity to nomlJ18te. vote andbe elected to ofnce is guaranteedto all farmers regardless of race,religion. sex. age, coJor ornattonal ongin.

A hSl of lJle names of aJlknown ehglble persons to receiveballots In the upcoming annualASC commltt.ee eJeetion isavailable In the counly ASCSoffice Ttus year's election will beby mati ballot between Nov. 26and Vee, 6,

PH, ZS7-ltOlI or 257·2921

Anyone who meets thefollowlllg requirements 16 eligible10 vote 1I1 these farmer committeeelections. any lndlVldual of legalvoltng age ......lh an interest in alarm all owner. tenanl, or~harecropper who 16 eligible topartiCipate In any ASCS program

Several leneral provislon5relale to ASCS voter eligIbilityAn:-' person under legal volmg agecan vote If he or she runs a farm.and a legal guardian who runs afarm fOT a chdd can vote {or thechild The spouse of an eligJblt'voter IS also ehgable to vote,

A person may cast a baUot In

an~' county In .....hlch he or she is anehj1;lble AS<.: voter,

H.amfall for the month of Sep­tember, 1.98 inches, Sorry.Capllan, Thai record coldreported last week lUI happeningIn 1935 should have read 1936,

H. LoMon. sept Xi 83 52Tues ,Sept. 28 73 59""ed_. Sept_ Z9 ;6 46

I 8J inChes of mOISture I

Thurs. sePt 30(-'n ,(Jet 1~t,{)Cl2

l'>Wl .. Uct, 3

Ql·tCK SERVICE ONWater Elit racUon

10 percent discounton aU our services

until ...OCT. 7th

In LincolnCounty

Call: l-B01)..SSI-0249

Ruidoso, N.M.

l·phoJstery & CarpetsCompletely Renovated -,

In Place


t',\RRIZOZO'S Vallt'y of Fire-s Lioness Club oburved WOJ'ld 8en'iee Day by donating a cheek to theWhcMlllibrary. Accepting the ch....ck is Sally Florian. librarian. Lionesses include: Charlotte Rowan.lSI \j("t>-prt'l>ident; Julia Hollis. library aide: Verna Rodman. 2nd Vlee.~elildent: Lyn Miller.\\I[untPPf Iibrar~' aide; Francis PitlJlo, club board member: Ruth Hawk. president.

We Specialize In Smoke& Water Extraction

Pagel ..•....•..• LINCOLN COUNTY NEW8.11ian•• Oct.1,ll1Z

In CapitanCall: 354-2785



Means hospitalized

with mild attack

!,'annenl and ranchers han­been wed to numUUlIt> can­dadates of theIr chOice \0 bl> on theLtncoln l'ounly A~C l'omnuUI't'

ASC comnllllel'S art'responsible for managinggovernment farm prol/;rams Oil

the local level. To meet thf' m"t'dbof individual produl'PrI;, ASCcommittee members must ht'concerned and responSible In

davlduals. Allen K. Tr81111111'11coumy execu!I""" dJrl'('tOT. !oo'lIdPellllOns "'ere mailed ttl ull krn.l .... n(amlers and ranch",r", un (Al:1 ;,

A fev. basIc (-oru;ldl'ralllln...should be kepI 1I1 nllnd I,/,ht'nclrculallnjit petltlOnl>, TramnwlJlIaJd In order to be \ ahd. 1X'lltlUnloomust be lmlltf'd to ont' nUIIILnt'('each. must IlJdudl' I,/, nfft'fl ('('r(lflcallOn Ihal tht' nomlnt't' lloo

.... l1hfllol: !U aen.-t' II ..h'l.·\(·d .<l1I!

mUllt be 1Iljitnt'd b) ilt h·tlbl Ihn",'ehj;llb.le farm \ottrl> III tJw ('I/UIll}PetitiOns nll,lSt tit' n't't'l\t"CI In Ihl'county office no lillt'r than :,\,,\ 1

!-'arnlers n,lI\ nn'ulalt· liTSIRn nonl!nallfl,ll pt"llllOllh I'>T ..~man) canduiall'li Sb tht'} t h.",... ·Anyone IllS} ('un18ct Ihl' 1.11,' "InCount)' A~l~ OliIU' al MI< ..:.~; 1"rmore details ('utl'ttot'rn,,I;l 11.,·elechon. eltlUblht\ tu ,,,It' "rHl

ehl{lblht)- reqwrt'rl't'nlh I"r """,'.

Farmers, ranchers toselect ASe committee

k IS Bob ;\!p.ltn!o III(arTlWZO .... as flo .... n II} ht'Jn'uplt>r10 Veterans Hospital InAlbuCUlerque ~unda} n,{,rn,nRsuffennR fron, a nllJd ht"arf attack

At last report he II> lrl hI ahlp

conditIon. but tht' hosplt.81 .... 111 nolpermit telephone calls Card.. andletters ho.... ever. can tlf' M"nt tnhim 1I1 care of tht' hospllal



. ,

, .

Main. '. omC/t

. Phone .847-2521


, .

•• , ~ $32;.<f4lH.oJdgewOIJd & ~i"ulla KnollSI '......... ; 832'-4~83



Em.rg.ncyNumb.r.Mountainah;' &-WlllardJ

! _ ••••M14!:$~2

VJ;iugbn &' Coronal' ,.. -: .-••.•• ; ••••·.84~51lor 841H21l

.'Welri"rt)! & £stQnci.: .

. -~. .- '.. '

..•. 'I'b". I " If '.. J....lat'··.this ti••'


,1"'1: I"


I , ,,III 'I.,111,'1,.'

. ,"1\


Toney Anaya IS Conl8nllo be labeled·... ,:-ApuPPet 0' BlllabOramelals.

BigUnion Inoney is pouring will spend to get Anaya elected as .into New Mexico inan attempt to their Governor in New Mexico.electToney,Ahayaasthe.next.' You ca:il be surethllt union. , , .Governor. DuiiDghis primary bossesex~ son'1e~hptg for the· "election campaign,ToneyAnaya money they're spending on Toney'took in civer $72,000from union Anaya. And the prioornay,beIlpecialinterests. Thismay . paid outofyourtax dollars, andrepresent only the tip ofthe the health t>f your state's 'icebergof the cash unionfatcats economy.

Toney Anaya.TIle Candidate Union Bosses Are·Banking On.' ~


Frldaytoldlabordelegatesherethathedotisnotmindbeingrefenedtoasa'puppet ,oforganizedJabor.' .. .

--. ,

Are'You Conlenlto Have Him as Governor?

PHONE: 'Day orNight


ornelbosa. ;iI.l\l.will continue to serviceall lit Lincoln Coun,y



Bea Sheehan. tbe: formeraeatrice Najar, Is. noW employedat the Sanda Motel Beauty Shopalter h.ving been emplpYocI 1ftCalifornia. as a hair, stylist Bndcosmetologist. .

II e,c t ....." ..

It', tim' for.. NEW Sheriff withNEW Id••, for "'nooln CCJunfy

TOM· SUlliVAN. .


Corona seniorCenter sets .a potluck

"l'be Corona 5enior Citizensare having their monthly poUueksupper at the center, Oct. 11, at6:30p.m.

BIngo will be played foUowlngthe meal, with some tmusual giftsoffered.

Problems the Senior CitizensCenter have heeD having haveapparently been resolved. and isstill WIder the 8pOIl8Orshlp of theWomen's Club Ilf Canizoio. Therecreation "match~' has been metfor the year.

The center pl8ns tundrilistng....jeele In Ute l.bIrO, II qnlIllopluis already been made and isready to put hi the frame. seniorsare invited to attend'and help With.qnlIllng•

..--------,lliIti.. II ••••

.. ". "'"" -',~ ,..~~~~,-"-'.-.".-~'--":"-:-_'_'~_,"!' r._._'""..,'i"';;'-",.-••, ";;:::.'''.'"%5."a _: \'!". ..,:',:""••_<":'/"'::":,,"':.# 4_' _# _ •••.£110'"'''i~L2.IO:r_IIOS_'102."'.. """'0111£1.1&1.'.lIIt.'.ii.lIl&l.'.11I,11I:dillE'!..tlll:••E•••.1.n;1'li2laIISliJi.J, ' "" ''''' .. . , ',' • 'J,' ", . ) . , " .' '"""ii!I!

1. "-~' <'.' c,:," _,' -, j''. '.' •• -: -~ 1." .: ~ • W. ';.,~ ,,"',

- '_~ __ .,. , , -;,: '. .' , ',: ".i "

, ~~~~ Ill'" hOmo III 1>00 lI!Jilem~; Co-'. ~ .....'.... SIo..,...~ .' hIl_ wOl AoP!4~....1!/8Ii1ll~1~~IhI>Il(Ui"'"' SpoOlOII\lOOllll',""",,~; .1"1'.

,0. :¢!!!I ""lh.@lh,lI<laY,<iI. ;!,!oIb"",;~' .!i\f01Tl1ii .91',iliI . m,\hO llOthlcirotol." 01 ~; ~ ,*,"bei'-~w OIl!!,0,11I' '.·wal_l'OlIOI'~Ial': ."_,,"oN.MoW ~~Y14"4>1, . . '0!ll>'\)!tlI1,<l!oIor..... fo< ,)'oy.Th!l <olio.. ·of .~ onll _. _.a b-'\•• 0-.. "..·h·..·

.... ..... 2011\ .' .' ". ~""""""'lOiI'.\l\m tllfI· , ~ __ ~ M~. . ." .' S\II!'!!l"'r.l~jIiij. . """'olaO"lilloo,!" villi> ...mI.I. .-..011 'lboI,_, an . In;

11>. . ...... , '~i..· SIIII., 1'~1. 'tlIo 01~.~ ,..II 1 tI.. I..... '!h' 4••g·• ~i/l ll!!J11. ~ 1<>' 1IO ·r.bIrlle Oild_n ,""",h, 1.0I.ra;,~. '1 ai;·. ..va .tb.lolill,fF<CIArolW!n ''1'~;••;''P.I~''lil".~I.i'.· 4ins th.l il sib.

1'U11 !IOno~tlllh.N.IYM_iF .... Pi......'SiilI...Oler· .1'1II.,•.,.. ~" oot '" tokio> ..~' ... ~Mr,·.ndlltre,aim.p'.1 i~.w••~.n~ ...ilIlb....~oad.ltI>IolimO;01 "",'?!.l!.'L~'I',.~, ....._..•~~ f~~!:..~ ..?~~:.CUn..~ .:WhUa no ""... 01.. 1lYOl>!4a.....""-.~: '~"", . ~ ·""'....'_iw_._.~_~. . 1'<il"".biIl· ..lot.4io exl••,.•l<\lOWl4a oPmPolitlon li)' lIlI;OlI · ...te.. atton4.4.· ••4.0' . in .•~ 'l'y_"''' _.out ber ...""" """" 01 +~ ••. " PemIng.·~.:Will fetin'n. lI1!~ ..1>l4a llIa·l'bio!OSo.· ,, lb.'

'. " _1Or.tllfI_y..rand....... _tid··wbll. Mr "'olbar .............Ilon ..llo lBl<o.d>o. horoe pr<>jeOi .....,., lortl>'pil$l <i<l!n"'-In I _"~ .U,,. . ..M.• i••·_' , ..

twn yooro. OIl!! ~ ,!",illng .'two· .~- . '. .' , .' . 'MII~ WYCHE'(._) ••;".....""..,b...,bQa'enClelt to 1'IsIo')lllel!l.ll~·Wl"'hi!. /,1011..1....., .,.. ., -"8Qd 0IIH.u,"'" ~~. on .why, '" .:,' "The wa)'n('ri1I)~ t.mUy )~<, "'J;l JJ.W,,4Ule;'$aeG.rtlC!lld,l\qthWUlla~sandD/lvtaWyehe.," . ". , .." .' . ,'" , '.., '~..~ith"'TylenoJ. is:'a:....·W..t04.Ib.ooll·"". bow·....~y-J lo""..... toc.... . '. . . . brandno'" OIl!! r.1ors lo 0..1~ .

~~:;=.:."::.~~:~ Grand.,~, . CorOna .WO.... ob,in. Iter 98th. birthday : :i=ihot~o:'-~mle.. . . . " . ~1ri.""In· reliavei' Is Involvod. , "'~

'Sandra Copeland plac~d .·La'.Rd":' ". b·.-", k" . ~SethJi.WyeMltormerJY 'pUil'Uled toga b'a BhOrtwcation;' Mrlf. ,-Wycbe'., birth~)' 'acc:Oi'dblitoLion«!lL.-lUcI1aril- II~ with bet mix aDd ntatdi of_, Coremll, celebrat$\ he.-.' 90th bUt WbUe.sbe w." there • ,met ,-celebration fo1J~fIIi the' weddmR:' . son, Diltrlct Vlb,e(l;lth office.-, HbI'outfitaDdfirstoDh..~kin_, ' : blrtbday in ,;\lbUquerque SatUl'" ~Wydte;,a@wboy'WorktngPn-' ,Qt'- her .sruddaUChtet, T:Jlmm~ "office, will~ lurther 10.°'leatller<ll'alt.' ,," . '. tIaY,oet•.2, ..tthehc~eofherilon, the Diam9n4 _A Ranch near ,MJIhr,tonnilll'lyof'eor.a,at·the. formation ••.1t becomes

·other f.m wiD...· inc:Ju~:'· I J~ B. Wyche.- ' , -RosweJl· Sbl;t-llever Murn.ed -to FI1'ft,. B,pUIJt Chgrch, in aval1ab1e.Kim.Worley, 1st on spOnge cake. owers- Ml'3. Wycb8 was join~ In the T~s. 'llI8 coUple ~e mArried 'AlbUll\hlrqU.e. 'l'NhlDl, dfaughteJ;'

=J.v~IO~J~=~ .. ..... . =:::~~%;~a:~y:' In p::;;::: ~~~:; lol4 ~'~::E~~:':'t:m:; ::'~THE iMIEPATCf, iIc.BevetlyBeU,18tphotograpby,2nd at of,A1buqlle-fQ~ lJlBratclu!J' and ~ family Uu¢ she would rIde ~ matrlfJd ,to AI. HowSfd, SOn of -., 'i. pnbU••peokinS-l'\IOll'yl Roe _. 'e' R..h..4IlObWJlIlom.oIA.....i.. bronc to cala"'a" her - bit. IlJyclellciwsrdol Mboq_, NEWMEXlCO·s~IN""TAJla Alfow. IIjt With weavtng~ , '" I and Sue Gaitieid of -Q)rona. -:, thday. sq,tUJ.'f.hiy, however, $e After '. sbprt trip to San Fran- ADOBE,BU~LDINGJiLOCK

Other State Fair exhibitors Graa:u;lc.tiildte~dbigweni decUned,'saylng she would i'eaJJy clflCO, tbf;! couple win be at their ALAMOGO~DO.rv.l\l.4J7-jt932

were Steve and ,Simeka Copeland; .'1118 ,Fedefal Land' BaPk of Mr. aJJl1_ ~; ~ted Wy~e. Mr. hate to ,ijurt the})oor horse. hO,me,ln Allxlql.lel'que.

cattlei Sandra'Cope1an~ bakmgi· Wicblta hai .nnounc~ a"" and MJ:$. Dennis: StJ1!ht~, ia,ne r-.....,.....,.,........,-..".~---_....._.....,-----_....._.....,---..".---.,...--..,..-'--.....,....Danny Cordova, steVe Copdand,' - Aduetloti ,of one-fOurlh of One M8rie Wyche and Mr, aQd Mrs.Denise _Llgbtfoot, ,and Shane perceut in ~ei rate _ged on au :SObD~i all of AJbuquetque~Owen, leathetcra:fti Emmet Its new Rnd exietiDg variable Mr. and Mrs, George ChwnbJey otSutteme1er. Billy Hefn'er and in~t .arieultural JOans: . ,. ~al ~vQnna Davis of Denton.AlvieMcKiblHm,we!dlngj Warren -'ute, rate.Will: drop to 12.75 1'1(, and Walter.and Katbl G....Russell, sheep; Beverly Bell; , ' I'~ 13 at _.. U' field of Co:rona,tricks for .treatS-.-, __ _percen ,..urnl perce ","eel ve_ Great-grandChildren included

There will be 4o-H record book =~l·b:;.=:~:::mB:: -,.. Qia~;-'Glerin, Amtier- and Keithmeetipgs Oct. 7, 14, 21. and 28. President M:. K. Mathews Jr. ~s ot A1buquerqu~; Johnny,Completed books are- due on OcL SInce 0«. 1, 1981,~ variable .Lynn ~d Robert 'Chumbley of28. rate Jand bank lOaDS bave Wen Adesla, and Jennifer Davis of

Joetta Turner and Cody were billed at '13 percent, the' hlgh'est . ~ton, TX•.Other famiJy andhere from Bloomfield last week to tate' ever charged in the bank's tnends Incll,Jded EffieWy~e, l\h'.visit with tbelr grandmother, Mrs. history. The rate l"educUOn will .&J,d MR. C8rlDah1 and -daughter.Ruby Leary of T or' C. who is result in a Bal1Wgs of' apo Shannon :Romero, Dr. and Mrs.spendinga few daYs with uie eUnt. pl'<lxlmately $1 mUllon a month to WfU'ne Eubank. Mrs. Twitty andSultemeiers. fanner-l"and1er borrowers in the .James and SbieJa Baird, all of

Jeff Wells was. caUed to fOUNtate area served by the Albuquerque, and Mr. and MI"B.Carriz<no Fricley by lh. 4oud> of Feeleral La.41lank 01 Wlehltn. liarvoy lIy•• 01 Arloslo,his UttIe nlecet Amber Langley. II Mra. Juale W)"che was born

Emmet Sulteme1er, Dan and As ~ part of the nationwJde Oct. 3, 1892 hi Weatherford, TK.Beverly Bell, Shane arid loeB oooperahveFann Credit-System, She'worked tbere as" telephoneO\ven, J. J. Young. Warren the Jand bapk obtabis toBO' fun~ operator unW showas 23. Shelhe'nRussell, John James, a parent or through -the sale -of Farm Credit went to visit her older sister andeach cblld. and Mr. and l\frs. Banks S)'Itemwide bonds and brother.ln-law ~o Were Dvirtgdiscount notes to the lnvesUng, ,Danny Lueraa completed the pubUc:' Mathews pOinted Ililt. neal' lloaweJI, 1'JM. She badhunter aafety coune given by "Absolutely·no' govenunent fundsOfficer Hlltaley last week. are involved." '-- - BEA SHEEHAN' JOINS

Joann JOy was honored with a 'l'be Federal Land 'Bank ot , BRAUn SHOP HERE:shower Saturday ilftemoon at the Wlcbita 11 a larmer"rancher

owned agricUltural lendingcoqperattve which speclBltzes In ,long-tena real estfl,te loaDs. OnSal'!. 1. the bank b041r1/1321....o•.lelendlng for ..... blIJJOJl Inunmatured I*fnclpal. 'l'hf$e loansare made and _mced by 41)federal hind bank aBBOCiatloJ1Slocated hi Kanaut OkiahOina,Colorado, and NlM'~~.

SIn.. J\IIy, 196IJ OU \alI4 bankloalis have been made on avarlabl& interest tate plan whiChallows the billing tale to fluctu.teup or down durfng the tenn of theJoatl dependh:ig on DIOl1eY"marietconditions, uSucb a policyprotects tarmers from,irregUiiUiUea in the moneyJlUppJy'­aDd eDBllreB the lowest 'poBilbJetost of borrowing," Mathews said.

DUi'ing the past ·l~,yurt the.land bankts buting 'rate: hal!i .-chanMed~timel. mo~~ UP-4:lil: 19occalilOD8j OOWil otl'the"'llther t!ix,and tiU'Jglng, from:a lOw ot '1.6~t' ~ a hfgh, of 13 percent.

". '

., ,

TIlMSULLlVAN hSS Ih. exp.rl.nCll, .ducatlon endtrtlnlng to Meke IheLIncoln ClIunty Sh.rlff's llepatlM.nl.top nott" law enlortenienlil!J81icvIhetLIncoln Counly cilitilns Ciln be proud.of.




( -::-YOTl TOMSULlllli' FOR SHERIFF, NOV. 2~'''dl''br Tb"M!OLLIV~W........_......._...................-......._i.. ••. II nrnll\-;__..,..,·".,... _._~,~

\tt , Me":! ' t f' 1U to, ", , II'. t ' : .. , 7 - -' • • ! , f [ or, 't t t :- * '0 l-' B N ,," "", .. ' .- _.. '0-_-", ~ ~ ~ ~, 7_~ y_ ,.'

New Mexieo Employee Rights Camp..llld Committee·. . . .


..•• c'

, , . ;

I" "

" '-~ ... .. ,


NAME Wl'l'll!lEl,J)BVlIEQUEST,. " CoronJI,


E:tlI.utV.-lOblei' , JlJIibIttkei'Pete·,Agulliiit., I , •••••• , '.~ H '

l'tttt traCii' • ~: n ~ ..-•••• , ~ i ••••.-:co~..Jl'otlyc&il\"ft, •••••• ~ ~ ••••• , .kepoHe ~SlQJolijet'., •• ~.~ , ., , ~ ,.';..-..:~. I.

CEO. N01'E--lnteresUng.)

....",.EOIT<m-1 reed Wilb In'''''sI your edllerJoI·1n wblob~.. _Mr,lrick'a dIitorted informaUoil reaa-rdJ,ng 'Jhe TOney AnaYIlCam·palgn'IJ adverU8Jngand prJIIUpg~St8. ,

l1u1 llUli. simply. the on.god... are "lIme. ibn .dvertiahlol·""d~ fmo .._ wo. on ....1baoklu'l'low 1Il....0 le puroh...radio;, tehtvilkm and newspaper 'ads• .BI'lCIlUse, of the nalure ofreJaUon8blpsbetweeQ aA agencies and medJ. outlets, Mr. Mayahad to pay the agency which in turn paid New M~eo rpedlaOPUetil. No tne:loey at aU was,spent C)D out Qf.atate medl, ou,tleta, in ,direct. colJtti,8t to Mr~,Irick, who spent money on Texas media.F'inBiIl)', only one brochUre Out or numerousprb!.ting.. jobs wasprluted out ofI~te.-andonl)' beeause QUhe Ifruah" nature of {lDeportInuler job that c1J4 n.1 »OrIn1t ....~f. b.c1< .Ild fertblMr. Anaya ,ptD'chased all Qther p,inUng, including brochures,atatlonefy. bumper atickm, cards, yard signs, novelty items, etc"In Now I\fexl...

Mr. Anaya's campaign continues to tollow the theme Mr.An8)"a eilItabliabedduring the Primary. which fit. liKCfl:p Jt Clean."We contJoue to address the Jssues in New Mexico, whereas oUropJ?QneDt aeemB to lpend his time attacking Mr. Anaya on baselessaD~gaUObl. .

I would I'eJpectfully request that In the futtJr!, in the interestofb41«pce and lAitneaa, youseek ourside of the story-before makmgstatement. that are intended to be l'.esponsible.

DAVlD OAKELEY,Press 8eerelar)'.

E. F. IlRIEGER.Albuquerque.


(ED. NOTE-I did tlOt say the KKK is OK. What 1said was: u'lbeonly organlzatton 1 know that exists for ,promoting the mterests orwhite people is. the Ku Klux lOan. and you know how the law andsociety hi general regards iU" The implication. tar from yOW'lntetpretatiOI'l. 11 thatlawandsoclety have no Use for the Klan, andthat idcludes me. 1banks ror writing)

, <,,0. N.......,tl'J... ~rlDa'aJn;.(21.11lav;,•• lcIeo whmlor .Q'IYa~..eM1'" fmml(3)' AbaUm woU)dBBl'V8~OuQIul',pUtpcise .mce 1 don't lIu,bniit"lny opinionll toa COD$PPSQB qfUJe"~; (411 ..0~ .«om to own. qewspoper. V•• don~'~toe(tb"r1O\lcan UBe thiso~ ,1ilPY time yop pltalle, freei '(,5)l\Iy~¢y 10 to _.1Ie _"'Iole 1blnkIn~for til.....I.... V....·Ietiel' bllIIooteo II worko. Il'''' l'OuJ

EDITOR-l disagree with your ImpllcatlCfn that the Ku lOux lOanII OK. TheKu KluxKlanisNOT OK.

f•••• last words'''Wen ready ill do hatuel,lIegtn U1insJata his dlre.~.tO ~,.fie missiles wdl not be removed tinder 1,...eIl orinyotlletpres'til'e •••1.....AbduJ~ltalhilIUui:dsh ..tI. Ji'9tt.MW....t1fi!l,na,on braeU Prim'e MinJiter Meaichem Begtblii 4eiDIUI' that. SytIiremove- Its lllltl"8lreiilft 'Jiitliutei .treni. tebllll4ib'.

be, "Christians we are treading...During aD interview. Father

Hatc:bett deacribed the hymn"Rise Up 0 Men Of GOd-' as"heretical." But he was not ~t allreceptive to a suggestion that Ifmight be revised to read: "SitDown 0 Girls or God" in order topro'Vide some sexual reparationsand lit the same time e1fminateany taint of Pelagian heresy.(Father Hatchett had noted thatseveral, of ,the excluded hymnswere aCljudged to be heretical.)

Father Hatchett went on todeclare that "1be Son Of GodGoes Forth 'l'o War" iis Ii hynmthat "smackS of almost courtingmartyrdom" becauseofits tributeto the preseeuted Cbristians or theearly church who:

Met. the tyrant's brBrldiahed.teeI.

'the lions gory maJie.'I'hey bowed theii' hecU the

death to !ee1.Who tOUows in their train?FO!het HateheU .p_Uy

prefers tnuch le&i realistie ilndhlstotltfare. tnIclt 8S "Poor LitUeJeliUli Child," .'

ODe of tht' biabops: who votedtor thIilhymnodich~~hunt wasNeWark. Jew J'ei"8e)"s JohnSpotag" a prolitic Writet Who ex­

:plains ther~n olJeeus in.terms dl itbeUJg' i't!8J1y anhlllucli1ation 'or·St.PeU!i'.

Conliidedngthe fact thatIleOl'ly 011 ot tbe writers .f lbeelIeg.diy h...ueol ..d $Oxfo\I11D'IDS are now deceil&ed, Jt' IS',clearly _let-to disparage 'theitde..1tt__ ., fOith IbmllI. f•• allY E\>iOtOpol _teo Iestead up to __.. d..... ",,4powedoll .. Spong.

, A4lllr.iIY -,. In the _w...ba_tole.._bantsbedbynInjI. th_ Illsbeps .te UOUelIyheld·"' we thal);:pl.......lallY lled""OlIybe tadUponf'~ bf·the; twitage, f.(t....y. JlllY oI1d .bey,

draft le.w. ObvIO\lsly. IndlvlQ~soarmol obey QI'lly laws of whloh theyapprove, any more than $: soldleroanbe permitted 10 fight only bettlas ofhis C:holce.

F\lrthermore. draft evaders dO nolsutonlBtloally gat drafted IDlo theS/ll1ed foroes simply by reglslerlng. If­they have IIglllmBla oonsolentlousobjection 10 servlQg In Ihe armedforces they will pe exoused fromcombat duty.

ReglstratlQl'l Is simply a !'\"leans ofascertaining the number and names

.of persona who may IBler be oalled toservice In oase of war or othernational emergenoy. certainly. enation cannot be faulted for taking acensus of persons available fornational defense.

Wa suggest the Ignoble 500.000are simply making an 'lantf-warslatemenl" by failing to register. lII1doashlng In on the publlolty lhal fur­thers their frequant SI1d fervid anti­war demonstrations lhat delight ourenemies.

Stripping them of thalr right 10 voteand hold publlo offloa for a selnumber of years Is. _ believe. fitpunlshmem•. 11 Is also one lhat wculdallow none to escape the: c0n­sequences of the crime, for there Jsno way we OS/'l go about Imprlsoolnga half-mllllCll'l men longing 10 becomemartYrs to their cause.

"Almighty I-'atl!er Strong Tosave" <the second part or the{'4avy Hymn). ""'"hat A Friend WeHave In Jesus" and "1be Son OfGod Goes Fbrth To War."

'I1Ie General Convention ­with tbe bishops yoUngunanimously - Yoted over·wheJmingly to reject '"'TIle BattleHymn Of Tbe RepUblic."

They very nearly voted tomutUate the national anthem byeliminating the second verse.written. by devout Episcopallayman Franeis Scott Key, one ofthe founders of the nowultraI'iberal Virginia TheologicalSeminary.

'l'he Episcopalians arerewriting the· lyrics or suchbeloved hymns as "Stand UP.Stand Up For Jesus" and "On­ward Christian Soldiers" and"Rise Up a Men Of God... Hen·cetorth. the&etbree chuudcs Whichmanaged' to survive P'atherHetchl!tt's hatehet wi1J beptoperly -easttat.ed. ·in order that"sexfsfn" be ellntinated. Hen·cefortb. no Bella Abzug·typeEpiscopalian wID have to 'endurethe trliumB of lliI'Iging, "Brotherswe are t:teading where the saints'bave trod." From nOw 0I'i it will

1l1e1'$ are a h!lIf-!'\"IUUon young menwho have felie<:! tQ regls.er for thedraft .... ~uTI'$l'lby law. Several havealready been conviCted and sen=-·tal'lOed to prison for fellure 10 e<>mplywith the draft law.

This Is a ·cumbersome. cQStly andtlme-oonsumlng way tp' punish500.000 r\"ISn who have defied theIsw.

We suggest an a1temate punlsh~

ment. Instead of sendIng them toprlSQl'l to be supported by taxpayers.why I1Cll daprlva all 500.000 of 1hemoftheir right to vote or hold pubUc officefer a tennof. GaY. 16 years? This waythGy wculd also lose media pubUclty.tha e<:!uIBlIQl'l of their peers. and othertrappings of, martyrdom.

Revocation of these civil rights Isnot without precedent. Not long ago •the law required that no person livingIn the D1B1r1et of Columbia oould vote.Neither oould members of the armedforces. Not C>I1ly were the militarydarned the right to vote. but theyoould I1Cll seek publIc offloe. And thal"penalty" was for men In the servloeof their oountryl Too. any personoorwleted of a orlme was daprlved ofhIs right 10 vole.

1l1e US COr'lSlllullon demands thatCOr'lgress provide for the e<>mmQl'ldefel'1Se of the t18llon. and Artlole 1empowers Congress to make s!Jchlaws. Congress has done so with this

Inside Religion

'Hatchett' job on Episcopal hymnal

Editorial CommentPunishing draft offenders


led by a priest ilamed FatherHatchett, tr you please, thehighest ~I body of the twomUllon-member Episcopaltbureb hal now ravaged itsbynmaJ. bard on the heels of aIIlmllittly dlautroua reviSion of itsBook of Common Ptayer.

'lbe Rev. Marlcm Hatchett ofSew8b6e. TN, is cllalnnan of thedenomilllltion's bymnal revisioncommittee. He bas led theEpiscopal General Conventioninto one of the moat massive ec­clesiaJtIcal alteradOJ1S sinee the~tan lfOOPlJ,of OUver tiromwell

. went all over England trashingcburebes.

Forhtb~Hatcbett and hisfriends have takeu the church'shymnal aod thrown out 2SO of the600 hyirma. ADd tor a~ybody whomay havetbougbt that theEpl.copal hierarch)' basexba.Ulied its capacitY for spec­tacular foolishness, thesebanlibedbypu1jinclu~$eVeral of

'-'....Ihe most betcwed and beautiful inAme1ican 'Cbri~ndom: "NearerMy God To ':Ibee/' "Once ToEvet)i' 'M1iD Iiild Nation," "1 Need'lbee:E:very Hout/' "'rum Back 0~... "On OUt Way Rejoicing,"

• mE CrIme Stoppe...• complldnt II tile time, talent lindmonlJ)' spent to lI;lircumvent the law by acquitting a guilty petson lorsucb tI'lvlaUtiea a. faulty ipdlctment; faOure to read one hiS rights,upguvdechtatementUhat,resuit in mistrials, tbe search warrantritual, "not luUty bY re8&on of~lty'J and other fooliBhDeu,'lbeyarefl1lltrated in that tbelawyer is no leap; committed,legallyand moraUy, to upholding the law as Is the Judge"':' yet be oftenIgnorce tboee mGla1and legal obUgaUonB 10 the Jaw jn his Ie8J toserve his cUent. He 1&, in a manner of speaking, serving twomasterlli ..:... his cUeQt and ,the court.

• THE GWLTY II entlded to •• vlgorolU·. det~ble 81 tho Ju­DOcent. But In doing 80, It seems the lawyer is equally obllpted touphold the law wbieh, iUul(Wed, wO\lld convlet his cllem.,The court,is dedicated flnt to ascertaining the truth in a case. Ideally, evet)'lawyer Ibouldbe Interested in the truth whether It injures his clientor ROt. IdeaUy, then. we would need no prosecutors and lewerlawyers, for there can only be one truth - not one truth for theprosecution and another for the defens,e.

• PRACTICALLY, however. eUmiD.tlon 0' tile .dvernrystance of lawyers and prosecutors would deslrOY the existb1g legalbureaucracy by reducing the nwnber of lawyers and underminingthe fee ayatem. Lawyers are captives of Ibe existing legal system.People should Wlderatand that an attorney cannot defend onlythese peraons be )mows to be innocent. He would soon be withoutclients and beset with a-editors.

• TIlE LAND of enchant.ment played holt let a @ltterlnl galaxy.of perniCiOUS paUticlans Jest week. No real damage bas beenreportfd. US Senator Ted Kennedy, the "Hero of Chappaquiddlck."hove iDlO Albuquerque to boOst the campaigns or Democraticeandidatel (or Congress and to give aid and comfort to others whoshare the tIn1ishecl dream of a perpetually unbalanced federalbudget,. eo-exiatenc:e with communism, unUateral disannament,the abolttlon of BIg Business, and the nOlton that govemment IsobJiged to .upport all the people instead of vice versa. He wasjoined by US Senator Alan Cranston. California's venerableaoc:iaUIt who advocates giving away the national store. whoassisted in the po6tical haymaldng and rallying of Uberal troops.OVer in Silver Cit.)'. Generalissimo Ed Asner of M. Brezhnsv'sguerilla army in EI Salvador. was weeping in bishankie over theWlempJoyment situation in Grant CoWlty. He weeps easUy. ~ore sothis time, for he has recently' been dI:lemployed from" the "LouGrant" televiaioa show, a bit or fou11uclt he took with ill grace. Onthe academic level. Webster's ColJegJate Dictionary has beenbanned in Carlsbad's secondary scboots because it contains ob­scene words, the employment of which Is a charaeteristle con­spicuows among civilized tribes of the worl\l. Students there mustnow take a giant step backward and learn their obsceDities in lessdesirable climates, such as out behind the bam, in the company ofbad companions, and by watching television shows. New MexicoMagazine tells about Ute wel1·loved dog citizens of Red River forwhose protection speed limit Jaws are passed. His Royal Higbness.the Princeof Wales. is here to dedicate the new Annand HammerWorld College of the American West in Montezwna (whew!) NewMexico. Royalty lovers are groveling and curtsying all over themesas. 1D Albuquerque. a man impatient with pollee for notrecovering hiI' stolen C8l". went: out and retrieved it himself••Clovisis studied.aa aite for the MX missUe while AlOOquerqu:8 sighs withreBefat being letoff the hook. Clovis is gearing up to protest aU theway to Washington. '111e1 want it in West Texas. I can settle thecontroversy. Put Ibe gismo in iny back yard - nobody has ever·been hurt by a nuclear missile. which is more than can be said forrock and ron music. garter belts and hot air balloons.

• STILL IN New Mexic:o. RepubUc:an pb_atorl... eilildl4.teJohn Irick abDOUDced hiS SIrOng s:upport for capital ptU'.ll.ilhn1l'!ntand hta Democratic opponentToney Anaya was as strongly againStsame. Neither aBkeci fat my opQt[on. wJiich i$l if SOCiety oouId nottake hanh measures aga1bstit8 malefactots ~.would IOOil fan

, upoO eaUi otbel'.apd, btatea'ch -other'sbrams out.' til'Itil none of uswere left Randing. We aN: rapidly· app'l'olicliing Ws u:nhappypI'08Jleet becaUle we tolerate the kUling of innocents and lotgividgthose w'" "'lhoID In. '1'Il. olfldal sleughter .f• fewIs not too higha price "to pay for preservation of law at1d otder in llI.e- bwnan 'cotnmunity. I refuse to argue the QUe$tion of iilor~ty of a"veqet'ul lOCiety" or that ~pitBl puniiJlunent is no deterrent tocrime.~ I defy my compassfonate friends to Cite one mstancewhere .. murderer, once poi to death. ev-et managed to kill again.

• UP IN Elpanola a lC!hool bOard. meDlbet, 'tbia Salazar,~billll1panic right to utter racistno~ whic::b. tuid it_ Voiced, bY" A/JIlIO. W<II1Id relltl!tln h_treldate>pteslon Inlb. Ubero1 _. %. 1!OUlI.."... InfotMlld his fellow boardlO....bora' ..I .....net'hing agOlno! Allgles, bill I prOlei' ,"y_I.to be t6acbbig" OW'thOdreft.'f. JUStly, 'the tuo-6ntnde Sub.:8 veryntetate weoldr _ hil&4fIIlI.•ncll!d ,n .pology (...... the....... IiIong Wilb hla t1cnI.

• ~ J)(J(j,'roRbI. I~'.il'/;" h•• 'heeD $1ii!d totiDQd- t tB.:dIliJ 1iahoek rQI by hIa lontllel'd. llOelers so.,etlln•• fall ""n tI..er.-ethlnt Ibiol CiIb't be OOld for ihllt dOlilOt' III aulde$l/ HoOpl..1who ......"" lrIend $l.'" tot ....y. h. ePPldn'. reed... bJav1etlln IlodIO Ill> MalU"IlO"<lt>.nd)l/ly _ doeto, $!:alto ,ellbin!_ thn lOldlealed;l'll bet lbot...,.l. )l/Il'il>&·hi$....U

• '.u-:<~l!I\'A..........~."';"""'d,.".~:"'!IIotl .!II lIle ~""1l<l!I rJllIoe......, II. bed .• IlOl!Il, _bora of .~"e.uoe .~ ..1101 ...... e,(1'OlO4.fmo ,.1 lb•......~· q.eoot.... 1I>ey I!Ov. AI\Cll,1lOY Do~ w,n • <:c>\Q'""' (or~ lIlIied Wltb,,,prOI_~ \bill~_ III ,""'0\VIIlllIlg 11>. IlIw II> !reo,,, _It. '1'Il. CIi .~ .... lOd""WilbIb,vl_det_."~""le .Ild ........ \il1>elellllt le~ !... cIolng ov"l'thll\l! In'- _ 1."",ve _'clleots "",-I•. n lon~Mr,'Won'$ !.wl. 11'$ !be·_.0Ur1etlOl_""'l_Ib.t.."ltomeipavvll1ollle booIIlOIIIlI!lo dereo.. !or • cllfllll. ood !eW obPPl4 g",,!fOI WlIb lbel,objective. lIo~ever, it .. -:t~ ~ommon foratwrn98" de(~..cUe. to ~o bel'Ood p"'<l"".... II> 1nj..1 _ ....... lnll> tho!<'defeqse, st-alliDddday, and Mye been: known to int1od~t...trn..y they _IIOW ..b_ olld _UlOeHowori~bt 181$$.'!be .11...."" eon ...... wl\h'lo(liclhalllla lIle dpty ot tb. ~Ijq.to0_ these ox•••••" Bul Ju........·I.wy... fiM.nd ,

. judges second, and ~et~es prone, to oYerJook practiceS whidIthey them~y. on~ ~~9Yed.

• NQ LAWYER '''efendblg a cUent II wub~ a conIIIc:t of Iia-~sI. Firsl, he Ja bbljptad II> provide lbo fmo bl.oUent. 011 the other hand, he is tlQ "offieer of the COUl't" and Utecourt II eoqcerned with law aDd jWitlCtil In f~etng the innocent andpunllhlnl the IfLdltY. ThereinDes the conDict.Most lawyets can tenwbeiilfi8lr eUentaaA·pUty, yet he is sworn to prove htm bmocent.If he provides a dctense that frees a ~ly person, hal he JIl;Itvim-tedhia poIition as BI1 officer of the court, whlcb requires Qlat.. otr....... be pwllsbedl


••I ,",







\. .'.. '.

•is: ' '5 ;; 5:t n I: :: t· T' 17' Tn Tn !iT In' 51 ; 7 ;;'-;' ;;;;'", ·7 rrtS I I? rrJ r " --., iT "C' ersr' 'r 1 ill? ,[ g' r -or n; " ,

7 t



ClJlllall, Bluo, S_d forll>.EaBlem N.t!, Stote Fail'; lion".C()~t·Capi.~an, R~d:'i.ot~!.<log!>Otham. clplta.. [\ed.

a Swt=etMilk Bis,cuitl!l~Sr.'

:M.m~r H4.1lJJ ...... charlOUe ..l:Jefner,'Qpifan,Red. , ' ,

$ Corn Brood Scl"",""",r,Member (lI-lll) - ll<i¢be1 La.y.Capitan, lUue, :Selecte«i lor theN.M, Staw Fa.., .

o.une~ or P$&DlIt 2qtter, Cookie (3,),.Jr• .Member -- ,Tammy~1I8botham, Capita.n, .. Bh~e,SeJect~ b the N.1\ot State Fl'lir;Jelinifet" 'CiJop¢r, Tbu::lie. Blue.Selected tor ~alilterrl N.M'. St4teFair; DaPielle Riska. CapitEin,Red. . .

JkI,.oa:C NutbreadrJr. Member(9~13) - ~tsa ijiglit(iWe~,.

QtmZOlo, Blue; .. 'I\"ack Kelly,"Corona, Blue. '

3-1b Squares Brownies~i',­Member (,g.13) - Liliia Highwwer,Carrizozo, Blue, Selected· for theN.M. ,State Fair; Traci Kelly, .Corona. Blue, Selected for theEastern N.M~'StateFall".

FlIled .. Cookies 131~Jr.

. Member ~9-13) Tracy - TraelK,Uy. Corona, Blue, Selected forth~ N,M:. Stale J?.ur~

.. 'h Loaf Applesauce Bread-Jr.Member (H3) ~ .Traci KeJJy,Corona, Blue, Selected for N.M.State Fair.






15 yearsexperience

specializing in


'. .


Jr; 4-H c~ Decorating _Sandra Copeland, Claunch., Blue:Anclee Maness, COrcma, Red; KimWorley,·CoroIUl..JVhite.

a Plain MuHlnhIr. Member,.1;9-1:1> - Tammy' t.ongboth8m.CaplUln, Blue.

3 Sweet MlIk ·Bt8cuils~Jr.Member (9-13) - Stacy . eox.Capitan, Blue, Selected lor theN.M. State Fair; Rachel, Lacy,



Fodoral taxos are 100 high and musl be reducod;Excossivo fodelal spondlng musl bo brought under control;America's groatness is due 10 rigid conslilulional law Ihal

provtdos froedom from arbitrary govelOmenlal Inlerteronco; andviolallon of Ihat prlnciplo has rosultod in Ihousands 01 loderalcorporate acllvilies now compollng wilh privalo onlOrprlso of IhoAmorlCan poople. Such acllvllies are cosllng billions of lax dollars.

Expensive' givoaway programs, toroign $nd domesllc. arewasling our substance and croaling new probJoms wllhout solvingIhe old· onBS; .

Our nalion has pro~pBrBd Ihrough Individual Inilialivo and work,nolthrough bureaucratic red tape: .

Tbo foderat gov8lOmenl h$S ompower.d II$BII far beyond thelimits set up In the U.S, Conslitution. '

IiSL.. B*tIQ~



-.3 Years to ~ years - George'Cordo'Y'8., Corona, lit & Sr.Champion &:' Rei:erve GrandChamploli; George Cordova,£orona~ 2JJd. ..

1 year aodundeJ" 2 - DannyCorc1ova, 'Corona, 1st; NickiPonder, CapilflD, 2nd; RobbieRunnels, Capitan; ~.

2 yean'to '8 years - GeorgeCqrdova, Cprona. 1st " Sr.Reserve Champton; Nield Pon.del", Capitan, 2nd: Danny Cor.dova, Cordova 3rd.

Sr. Yearling LJsaHillhtower, AndJo, ls\ &:.ReserveJr. 'ChampJon.

Jr. YearUng - Danny "Cor~

dova, Corona. 1St.Sr. Kid - Nicki Ponder,

Capitan, 1st" Jr. Clutmpion. &:Grand. C.hampion. .

Jr. Kid - I)an Bell, Corona,1.IiIt; NJeId Ponder, Ca,pitan, 2nd;Nicki Ponder, Capitan, ant

Buck -Katherine Sanchez.Ltncola. 1st; 'Kerry Clements,Picacho, 2nd; Ft. Slanton, ardiKerry Clements. Picacho, 4th:Gary Means, carrizozo, 6th.

Doe - Pat Vigil, carrizozo•1st: Katherine Sa~, Lincoln.2nd; John Roueche. carrizozo,ard; Pat Vigil. carrizozo. 4th;George Cordova, Corona, 6th.'

Fen of 3 Rabbits - Candy'l'rujl11o, Capitan, 1st; KellyRacher, San Patricio, 2n~: Julie

For tho avorage tamily loday. il has become more dllficUllto savo sarno 01your pay-check back tor a rainy day, Bul some of our troubles are oullinodbelow In "Tho Liborty Alllondmont." It Is our counlry, lot us savo it and Withsome oflhese changos porhaps il will be oaslor lor oUllamllios 10 PUI up partat Iheir earnings In a resorvo .account:



Tallest Dog - Heath Huey,Capitan, 1st; Debbie Bond,Corona, 2nd. .

Shortest Dog - Shad Hoper,1st; Craig Brown, 1st, PaulaMcClain. 2nd; Glnd Griego. 2nd;Kim Huey. 3.\'d; Nathan Roybal,4th; Damian Roybal, 5th.

Smallest Cat - Roman Jeter,laL '

list· of membtrs and Ittlroducedthe chairman of activities. Tenmembers were appointed to a(~

tend the .leadershJp convention.OCt. 15, In Roswell. Beginning theweek of Oct. 11 members will bcselling (ruit and turkeys. Asbotgun. will be given to the boywho sella the most Irult; girlwinner will re~ve a 35mmcamera.

1beFFAchaptermeetson thesecond Tuesday 01 each month at7;80 p.m.



23-Ct..... $1.33


'iopanAltacid '$'198.... $2.17 1tff~t."" ..

~,apitu FFA bootb in 9th place

.' .\

.. I

Capitaa's Future Farmers ofAmerica. had a booth at the StaleFair in Albuquerque which placed9th .in the competition. The firepreyentiOll display was given

. ",,,_ by the Smokey BearRanger Dilt.

'!be .toe:k trailer the FFAbuilt In the agriculture shop lastyear took the cIlsplay to 111. lair.and it placed second.

At the first meeUng of theyear, A1ldr)' Joiner presented the

...~,' .-


. I; "

'... ". '." .. ',


Unusual and

1J<nique gifts


Four S'asons MallP.O. Box P~.

2698 257·7416RaidU$O, HM "345



John Tweedle who was In.juredseriously In a car accident inMarch remained in a coma lorthree months. He then came to,and 18 now recuperating at theRuidoso Care Center. His &.ister,Shirley ClIft. gaYe him a goingaway party. last Sunday. He willbe flown Oct. 16 to the New YorkRehabUaUon Center (or furthertreatment. Any of htsfriends whodesire 10 visit him can do 60 up toOct. 13.

Last Saturday night nearmidnight tbere was a ttuck ae-­cldenl near the Forest Gate herein capitan which broke two bigtrees and injured the occupants.


James and MarceJlaJenklnshave retired here tromAlbuquerque. They live one milesouth of Capitan on Highway 48.They are Parents of Joe, Marlaand Jim Jenkins.

The Wortley Hotel at Lincolnis only open at night ThursdayU1rough Sunday.





l\lr.a.'lIo1"', Jim'MoC'" andfamily .spent Jait weeketid alLogAn Wlltiog her ""rents andIll'andpa\'ehts.

lUNUA! 1'6! !J .;,

Mr,8DdMrs. Tim Proclorandfamily moved to the. Diamond ARanch near RoaweU last Saturdaywhere he ls employed,-


The Capltao American LegionPost No. FIt wul hold a districtAmetlean LegIon meeting Oct. 10at ,the El Pal.sanoCafe.lteglltration alerts at 10 a.m. Alldlatricte: 'In tbIs area wUl bet'epresented,' Includll1g theauxIliaries. AJ1velerans arewelcome.

'!be Capitab FHA girls took atrip to Glorieta Friday andretUI'tJed Sunday evening.


-For tbe month of Septemberthere were 31812 ViBltors at the.Smokey'Bear Museum. Theyenjoyed the 3,000 motorcYcles thatstopped Saturday. Thatwaa 111.check ~int for the Poku" Run.

You .Ilhould see lJ3e heaudfuldabliaB grown ·by Jack Mayfield.'!bey are gorgeous, In all colorsand alzea. Some are 14 Inchesacroas. It 1& a fairyland oC bloom.

Happy Birthday to JimmyWright. Ilia day was Oct. 7,

Butch AlIen and RandyPerkina returned from a week'scampIng trip ill the GilaWUderness,

Shant Hayes, 12, held aslumber party for her classmatesat the home of her parents. Mr.and Mrs. Robert Hayes. 'lbosewho atfended were MirandaHowe, Stephanie McKinney, KimHaey and. Rhonda Strickland. !

sandra Steuslofland SOh bave Rocking Studiogone to 'l'o1edo. O. to make their 'home. TheY have lived here sinCe,Ute fkst of July.

Mr. I'lnd Mrs. Wton Carey ofNorman, OK, 'were guests of hiscouain, Cathleen Mabey. lastW_y ll/ld ThUrsday,

WUUel!Obbo 'risitod ber Sister.. in AbenlII.tby, 'tX, last weekend.She,~ it was very dryarouodtbePortales area and wryhOtln'l'elcall,

"'-,;r~'," ,~ '., ,

" \...'II'.5I1ZII'III".I••'lIillIlilZIii'tIii'tlOiTllr-IIIIl'Iil'Iil'liI'''''...-'....." ..' .....h .......• ..' ..rt........' ..' ......'..'_Flt...._.*_.........,..'.....'::.\,..... h'd _ ....... 0 ,,, ~.~ "'-'."'- ~~ ~ .. , ~••.

'.," ,\',

' .

Whlta Walls




Steel Belted·




"'1'~" 7';P14P2rJ!'J 1'5R'5~225 7ljA1S:>2$ 7SR~S

- .... T",,-


. '. ';;: ".,

.- "'"•

COOnoVAN •.••'•PREMiUM IV '. .

STEEL BELTEDALL SEASONRADIALS· WWl....lDileilthal\4W..ad""U~"'Ch ,~

Pf85.80A13 •- :41~;-'.. for Pl,!i5·8DA13 1.84.80

_ . '410''208.40 ",6$-BlI.13 '1....0

P2Q5.7l5R14·· . -"p~i5hii'-~

4far. .far

'250.00 '230.00H~:;'----" .-..-~··tf,;r

~1..'I5R1111 '2U.40 f:'225.7SA1! 'UUt", .4fOt ..' .41o,

li1!i6-7GR14 "231.2'F'236:-7$R1:J "U4....

Ladies and seniorcitil!ens certainlr

DO NOT!Here is the tire rOO need.

.•. CLASSleWYRE. WHEELS4.wh••l."'''r.·ut...,. ...... 4'$3'00·•••,,"e ,I)

. HQW ,...... ......


·ltadlelllaeliII AOlYlSlflNCl~ TAN()V CDRPORATION

812 New York AvenueAlamogordo, New Mexico 88310


16K TA8-80 Model m. Now a better value than ever beforeon this complete "aJs.ln-one" oo=uter. II's perfect for begl"nersand. pros a1lke-.asy to u...rld to oulglOW. you gel allthls-16,OOO characters of Inte memory, typewriterooStYle~board and a 12,k.y nu..ber pad, Also inciudOd I.th. 12" ~IghrssohAlon monitor for crisp displEiys of,text and graphlc$.ltscompact, self-contaIned design fits nearty every desktop. Our~lnner's manual makes leamlng ahe Modal m BASIC pro­gramming language easy and fun. '

Andyour TfIS.SO Model mis expandable. Just add a cassetterecorder (see below) and you can use our pre-reoorded .cassetteprograms.for personal, professional, and educational AAPllca­tions. plan your'famlly'S budget play exciting games,' followSlOCk trends, computerfze names and addresses, analyze statis­tics, and much more as your needs and skills growl Add aprinter, communications interlace, disk drives (UP to four, twoInternal), and more memory. With manual. U.L.lIs1ed. .2601062 , .. , , • S.I. 888.00

Start Cl1/llputing TQdayWIth the MQdel XII

sa_$111'999Re9,;" ...."


il2.l . ~'''1II1CI

pHIS 7SR14 6ii.S3FIleS 75R14 . 7o.DOP20510A14, 1Uio

·P2flS, 75A14.. 16.261'215,1$"'5 1$.96P!35.1SAf6. 81.83


Shiol BoltllitdRadl.t



15><8 $3750H'

175.16,5 $7709


Plck.Up and 1II"'s

GRAND PRIXSup.rwld.1cictlon

L7OX15 • 4for

~:~EE:5 $27200


.' .


IIU _,.a' ..UIUIIt.I\..~lIJI

. 114·15 114.151...·\5 14T.l1

; ~.



PIE SUPPEIlThe ,home of Dr. and Mrs.

Dale Goad and &O~ Briton was thesite of a church fellowship and piesupper op Sept. 19. A ·varlety· ofhomemade pies were sampled byChurch of Christ members.~ogurtlovers may be: pleased thatI Will track down ,the yogwt pie

recipe that I heard wQamong thevariety of fruit, cream andmeringue plelS.

BACK IN AFRICAA letter with a return address

in DetroIt, MI, arrived at theNEWS from Fr. Joe Sys, whoexpressed his deJight at thechance to see the Hbeautifulpeople 01 Lincoln County:' Theones he mlased most were thebeautiful older people whom theLord has recalled to Himself."

Fr, Sya commended Fr. Da\"f!Bergs lor his part in theremodeling and painling al SI.Rita parish and the new parish

j ('Ilnllnut'd ~n page 8)

'. .

I.. I.

NOWSIGN SERVICE.:~o "'lIeage Chg.,


-2&1·2001-Sox 1371 f{ulduilo

Sighti &- Weekeildtl336-1564

RECIPE CORNERThe cake, cookies and

desaert8 section of the LincolnCounty Extension Club CookbOQk

Bt\1 thew.lI/~I," .Ji ....,r ........'. 'J.,..... ~~' .' "- ".'.

'l!lIllodoo I""~""'I .... o( Mro.""""10~. 0( SO!> Pal,I.lo.!!Or0,,_CrIop.....""'I'..,yto :''WhiP' up"::iDtbne Co..-~~k·"",W..... "tIn.1lI <o1ll<1os 0114.a .JIo.. 0( roW< 10,.1IP 01 •."..>blllb.0JI0l00l<QOIOo"'borm"",lngs.

. . oAlIOelliCrI.po .Inlredi,ntlli 1k 'c,Pvshdr.

.b:ia.Jkiatp'."nUla, -Jrt 'flip.' salt, ­

.¥J- etJP- .. -bJ:owil ,JUgilr,' Jl4 cupiraQuiateflaupJ"', 1 well beaten~I v.. tip. iP~, ~.J,ij cup ,nQllrI 1oup ..tIn••k ._

CoInbine Shortening, vanilla,&lJ}{ 1lIlliI- fJuW'I. _CnaDl.~II.•,add"SSandmbl: wen. Sift 'sodaaQdfloUr, 'im!:J l:!l'elUIled .mbl:ture. Add._aatJIJeal. D..op 'on cookie Sheet.Bakeijn m'oderate oven {350-315c1esn:e} atwut 10 mmutl!!s,

'lb" teclpes: in the ExtensionClub Cookbook, .still avail.able;bave -b(!en. «:oUected from 'lJlemo

&er,iofthe six Exte~on Women'sClubs of Lincoln C01!nty. Some orthe reel.. are very old and hav~

been banded down throughseveral s:en'erationa. ,

11118 'pUt week the NEWSmaU lnCll,Kled a cookie rec1~ forme fte»P sebastopol, CA. Therecipe for' drop sugar cookies,from Dorothy Undtvit, has beenadded to my list of cookies to bebaked this week and taste-testedby my afte1'1chool bWlch.

CIlADWICK TIlAtlE SHOWProfessionals from all over

were attracted to the show ofshows-the lDa2 ChadwJck Oc­tober Trade Show, The event atAlbuquerque's Convention Centerwas presented by the New MexicoHairdresser's and CCMimeto1oglstsAssociation In cooperation withthe New Mexico CoUture Guild.

Among people welcomingJohn and Suzanne Chadwick andthree of their team members wereRita Narvaez, who works atErma's Beauty Salon. Also therewere two former Carrizozo

. residents, Noami Martinez Ritterand Margaret Medina Reed. Thethree constantly strive to improvetheir educational and professionaltechniques in their ch05e.~ mid.Noami works at Holloman AirForce Base Beauty ShopAlamogordo. Margaret is on ahestaff at Alamogordo's La PetiteSalon of Beauty,

'The Chad\\ick husband·wlleteam are internationally known Inthe world of hairdressing. Inaddition to the sharing of theirexpertiseand knowledge the s-dayevent Included contelSts, displaybooths, door prizes and en·tertainment. Theentertainment. atake 01£ from the 1920s. included'tunes and steps of yesteryear.such as the Spaghetti Rag and theCharleston.

Rita traveled to Albuquerquewith sons Pete and Jake and hermothe....in·law. Arsenla Karvaez.They were guests in the home ofArlenia's daughter, Julie ~Wlez,

and daughters, Loretta andBianca.

RELATlVllll VIS~... G"'ilO IMI WeOltlnlbe bOm'0( MI'...i>Q !IIro, 9, J!;, 110....- .nd

,llaQghterFrBnee. w~da.UShti!r1Mrs. LquisELEmbrey 'Qt' Grants•.arufB IcCm aad, h\s wUeiMi", andl\I... ~ll1oilJlorJ',O(M..b. UT.

, W. L. "am". Hobb'a: ~ ofLivermore, -cA, visited ii) dQysin'theholne'· of Bonnie and·~s·· ..Fortenberry recently, Bill, aWeill FarBo securUy emPIoYl!8, IsBonnIe's lOll. lie attended .schoolin carrizOzo for- 10,years, afttlrWhich he enroUed at .NMMi 'In,Roswell. ,After· SO yeai'll in, theNavy he' retired as a U. Com·mander.

Frank Sanchez- of Rofie~ead,CA, was a visitor In New Mexicoiut week. F:rank also ia a retirednavy man and working lr!ano\herfield. WhUe In CarriZOJQ he visitedwith slaters Nena Ortiz,Rlta

'Narvaez and Polly Chavez. HevJsited other relatives In Far~·mlnllton and santa Fe. Frank,who was on vacaUon, is the eldestson ot the late A. B. Sanchez.

'~'SA!lQY .I\e1If 0Ild I<tIn llnbbl 0(


.... Donolll Wayne, wbO dvedSellt. .._ 01 o.,aIcI Cb nM....'I.I '. liO'pll.1 I_A1onI\lIIQl'do. _ bes • __ .year. old _. VIeleI. . .

fo_1 sr...............reformer . Cl.1r.ri.ozQ '.Jde'ptJ'llonalcl and J_' IiObb•• ""'" 0(Lovlngt,ol>, MI'. .n. Mro, Dill'f,.IJngttt:LiIIII~eafJ,re the"'1_ ll\'OIldpo_to,







1- Mini-Pumper Unit

All Ofth:eSupplies &"'Fumiture

,Peggy McCletllln. Ow"...,.Bill Budens. Manager

(505) 257·22811605 SUdderth Drive

P,D. Box36SRuidoso, N.M. 88345

"We 'bell'·er·t



'1\1'" 1t"jU'I"H'l1llltin' \\.11I beIII (ilI"I"lwlU lin Illt &: ardI"hlll· .... ul l·ut'll. IIllillth.


SCHOOL SlH>PLIESKinderglirten thra High

SCbooI-Full Line

BROWN'S c~~:n

Published in the Lincoln Countyi'ie.....sone tune only on OCt. 7. 1982.


Sealed bids will be received by theCOunty Manager at the Lincoln 'County Courthouse. Carrizozo,New Mexito. until 11:00 A.M.,October 29, 1982, for the purchaseof the {ollowlng:-

to.c;':.bEALiMy is} Joy Leslie Ul'pul)'

Published in the Lim.·ulnLounty ~e.... s in tour tiuc.·t·t~i\"(..

Issues on bept. 16, 23 an~ 3U: undUcl. 7.' UIB2.

Invitations to bid withspeciflcations,may be obtained bycalling the County Manager'sOffice (648-2837).

Bid opening wUI be at 11:00 A.M.in the Office of the County

, Manager, Lincoln ColUlty Court-house, on Friday, October 29.1982. The bid will be awarded bythe Uncaln County Board of 'Commis9ioners at their regularmeeting on Friday, November 5.1982.TIle CoWlty reserves the right towaive any. inlormalities or toreject any or all bjds.



lrKJ::KTl:-"ub:You and each 01 ~(IU out'

hereb.., notified thaI ( 1.ULEbt.:HI::H and J. 1.BLl::blHI::H. as j-'lamllifs. haH'tiled an action m the Districtlourt at Lmcoln lount~. :'I.t·\\

~lexlco. !Jocket ~o. n'·2JJ-82.UlVlslon 1..... herem ~ au art' namf.'dor deSignated as lJetendanl:o and'o\herein the said PlamtlU~ l'et'k Inobtain constructive St'r\ICt' IIIprocess upOn you.

The ~enera1 ob,leet (,I l'oUld

action is the establishI,11t'n! 1.1 themterests at the Plamliltl; ID It'(.Simple in and to the prupert~'

descnbed In the Cllmplallli III &l:lld

cause a~alllst the ad\'erse daintsot the lJelendailts. and t'adl IIIthem. and everyone clallnin~ hy.through. or under thenl. and thatthe Defendants. and esch olthe!)1.and everyone clainllnl! b~,

through. or ul1der the:m. bE' Lalh·d.and torever estopped tron, ha'lIlJlor claiming any lien upon. (.r anynght. title or interest 1n or 10 the

said real estate sd\'erse ((; thE'mterests ot the PlalnUf(s. alld thatthe title at the Plaintif£~ thereto in.

GEORGE B. Ml·LLu\S. andi( mamed. !\.IRS. liI':OR(jE B.MULLINS;


"h:~m:f\L"Y uF Al<"1U:,\THe ~'rATE 1IJ-" :\E'\

MI!:XH.:u Tu THE 1-"01.1.0\\ 1;>"1.:-'A~II=:1J uN LlE~H.;:\ATEJ)

lJEl'·I!:l\,OAi\Th;MOHACO, Il'tC.. aXe"

Mexico Corporation:

Margo E. Ljndsa~.District Court Clerk

to, C. SEALIBy tSJ Joy Lesl~.Deputy

Published in the' Lincoln Count)"News for 4 s~cessive issues onSept. 30. Oct. 7. 14 and 21. 19112·

WITNESS my hand and theseal of the District Court of Lin­coln County, New Mexico. this,27th day of September. 1982.

You 8I1d each of you arefurther notified that unI~ youenter your appearance~ rpe saidcause on or before the lith day ofNovember, 1982, judgment will be.renc:lered agaimlt you and each ofyou .bf 'default,· and the reliefprayed fOI; in the. AmendedComplaint for Quiet TJtle will begranted.

The name and .post officeaddress of the attorneys for thePlaintiffs is as follows: Bill G.Payne,'PAYNE.-& MITCHELL, P.A.. Drawer 39, Carrizozo, NewMexico, 88301.

l.l\K~u\\;\. l'LAUIA.YI'':'' o}­l:-"T~HE:Sl L' THE PIU'::\I1:-"~~

AUVEHSJ:: To THE I'I.,,\I;\.·p Tllo·lo·b.










IResl Estate)

A tract of land. known as Tract 21of Watkins Addition. in the XW""SE-4. section 27. To.....nship 11South of Range 13 East of the XewMexico Principal Meridian. moreparticularly described as foUo.....s:

Begtnnlng at a poinl whichlies North 000 10' SO" West or the





You and each o( ~·ou arehereby notified that H. F,BURKSTALLER, JR., andROBERTA BURKSTALLER. mswife. as Plaintiffs. have filed anaction in the District Court ofLincoln County. New Mexico.being Cause No. CV·243·82.Division I, wherein you are namedor designated as Defendants andwherein the said Plaintiffs seek 10obtain constructive sen'ice ofprocess upon you.

The general object of saidaction is the establishmenl of theestate of the Plauitiffs in feesimple in and to the real propert~·

and road easement desCl'ibed inthe Amended Complaint for QuielTitle in said cause against theadverse claims of the Defendants.and each of them. and e\"e~'one

claiming by. through or underthem. and that the Defendants,and each of .thein._,.BtId e\"eI1'·oneclaiming by. through or underthem. be barred and fore'·erestopped (rom having or claimingany lien upon or any right. UUe. orInterest in or to the said realestate and road easement adverseto the estate of the Plaintiffs. andthat the title of the Plaintiffsthere-to in fee simple be fore\"erquieted and set at rest. saidproperty being that certain landand road easement situate InLinC91n County. ~ev.' Mexico.described as follows:

The following named persons.if living; if deceased. theirunknown heirs;







" .. "" i ...

'Ui:GAtIllO'l1C1!:" S"I~W"'I .i>,n~•. 01 SkYI.nd l"'slmple I>e ""v.~q~lod.~,':-" ,'. ," .'" . $qf.1l;llVt,lOR, . B,uWI}SQ/ < New '"i,·••t"'ttaakJ'PrO~1.y,being,

, .'A~~rIOl!~alIl!llIWl<lM""'," dlol"",*01 ~M\l (.01:: ll1"P:.rIOl.land"lU'~'lnrl~~.!-'.~t9~~A.Jtl., ~u, !., by ~. NortbOO9:1.0"ao"WelSt a Ctnmty"NewM,xito, ~eac .~~

I"" ~COlIIlly ll""r!!. 0( di.l..... 0( IlIi!,~ f..': lb...~ f.UOw", ,_,CqtQJQ~"";".at ..• tbe Lbl~ SQqth8ll~1~'1W"~.4istaQQellf t.o1:2 .•....•. ; . , •••.• '•.• , .aleCk,",CoPpt.¥~OI.lfU!ltCa~,. to ,120.Oof"," dienC:e:SOiithOl)Qlo' a:o" "G" ii.ILLSl1a.l>lVl$lON, 1JQmJIl~thI.pPI1e-atlemot Ti'qvls J:uta diit-neeof 121,.$f~t to th~, 'CQuntyi New M~~eQ,~sshownbyM_ I!o........ P.1>. !lox ~I\l polnl 01 ~1iIni_g ...laW"".1_alI , ,~. plat tI,.1'OO/ I".d In IJJ. 0/11..

, II.S.'-ft~~ ;New fd_eo: 88S4Ii. 0." ..~.o( land, mpre flr JeSS. oftb~~Wlt)"Q1erk-ancl,'£:i"Qfflclo... I>'...'..-.l¥ ~p 01 llecorde' ofUn~1n COlIIlly, NewDl$pe-" UqlJOJ' {.,,*se No. 363 (Road Il.sement, situate in Me¥ieQ.from 'la.quin Ortiz, .. Jr., 6eQtion 27,,-Townihip 11 SQllthof. VO~Md. ~ch QI ypu are

~·ca1'l'lZoa», New M,x1co 88801, tl:> Range 18 :Elllat, N,M.P.114.) fl,Ji-ther notifl'ldtbat.wtleslf ,yOI.l,Travis Monroe Ilousler, and ,entf!r y,aur appea"ancebl the lJPl~ .

location from Central and 12th BeglnnlllS at a point. Wflich . QII,\1Jeon Qr lK!fore-tb~th d.ay ot'Streets, Carrizozo, New Mel[lco, lies North '1)00 lO' SO" Wf!st of the OCtQber, 1•• jUdgm~nt wlJl be

: to Highway 70 West Edge Oty SouthWest 'corner Qt SK¥~M<lD :J,1lnc:lered"ainst ycnf:and'eachoT: LImits. S8etJon 36, SWJ,4, L!nCOllf". SUBDIVISION. R'uii:lifso, New ')'Ou by .aet8,utt, arid the rilllwt County... MexlCQ••. c:usUance Qf l!8.0'1' feet~ -" Pl"ayeci..tor intbe c"'oJUpll;liqt ,wUl• THOMAS P. MCKNIGHT Utence ·Nort.b 00,° HI' SO", West a, be ~ranted;

; CHAIRMAN. distailCll. of 192.~ ·tee(;tnence. . '1'he name 8nd~ post' officeBOARD OF NorUt 819 23' West a:. distance'()f address of the a.ttorJieY Jor the

COUNTY COMMISSIONERS· . 25.29 feet; UlenceSouth OOQl{)' SO" Plllintiffs is as folJows: Bill G.Published in the Lincoln East 8> disUmcqr o~' 2OO.5S-feet: '., Payne. ,PAYNE,· 1\-IlTCHEJ..L It:

County' News ln two fiuccessive ··thence North 79° 44'30" East a <..\UlGLEY, ·P,A.. Drawer 39:iasues on l.3ept. 30 and Oct. 7, 1982, distance of 25.S9feet lo-tIle point of l:arrizozo,Ne\\: MeXIco, 4l83UJ.

beginriing c.9ntaiping in all 0.113 WITI'>fh.'1iS my nand and theacres of land, more or Jess. seal o( the Dlitrlc~ Court oj Un".

coln c.;ounty, New Mexico, on thisloth day 01 September, 11162.

Ala'rgo K,Lin(b;a~:

lJiitrict fourtl 'It'rk


; .

'MLA.A..PL.! ;

....__....._ ..__ "".. ""'~"_"_"" __~'."'_'~':'"'~""'~'~~_""~""""<_2 ....."".I~.~._,,_.~.~.._--l-_'_.~'?n.,_n?_,__' .'•._ •.•,•.",,,.__'..'11..._ ......··..•..' .........·• ......'..··..,

-4 '\ .,

J~.O. !kIll; N'Q. 671,('apihlll••'S'ew.MeJ(leo·



TlIl;u11lia, S.M. 88:152l:illal5&j·20D6




'.~; & PlimpSerVice

~on Roybal. Plume 3Ii4·:!3D2


Fuel and other services available,

Only 40 miles northwest of Ruidoso.

Wt."II·lighted hard·Sl.l1'faced 6.000 It.runway on the prairie offers easyday and night limiting itnd take"Off.


, ',.

Today, OCt. 1, both varsityand JV teams will be traveling toVAughn. GameUme begms ot 6:30p.m. Vaughn' defeated bothGrizzly teams earlier in thelfeal$On.

carri1.of.q'e vamlyapd JVvQUey~1J.. tearn,Ill:' 1;)1AY~dM.s:d"I~Jla ,Satill,"PY,Oct: ~ '2d~fe.Ung tb""Sleers for theQii~les..~ .hPnlepme of the138A@l)iI.

They~itybeat Magdaleil8,llHl, 14-016 Imd '15-5. TheSt~s'bad. gOoc;l' ·de!ensiveteam, butoff_Vel)' the qriuUes" couldn'tI>e 098\oil!il<L

In U1eJV gallle,CaJ:'lizozo .came f;luton top 1lj,4,,4016 And 15···12,

, ,:


CHAMBER MEETS TUESDA\'The regular monthly meeting

of Carrizozo tbamber of Com·meree will be held Tuesday noon,Oct. 12. at the Citizens State BankConference Room,

sophomores lno the championshipgame;'~ next game was betw~n Saturday. OCt. 9. the GriZ2l1es

fresbmanand juniors, which WlU.be up against the Cloudcroftjuiliors won. 21·14. . Bemhere ·at 2 p.m; 11ie up-

The jl,lpiors went on to the coming gaDie stlould prove to beaclu~mpionshipgame and defeated' good match liS both teama are ,the ·sophomores, 21-13. .. gettin~ read)' for the Dlstriet SA

Tournament to be held Oct. 30.

. . ., " ,." .

Juniors win' volleyball' competition

• . ,

Ca~zo High SchOol held itsBDn,ualClass VoUeybaU Com­petlUcinB.Oet••• '!be· event waspart of the activitiel5 forlIom~pmlngweek.

'Ibis year's juidoia daS15 wonthe tournament. defeating fresh·men and sophomores. One gamewas playe~ by each team to ascore of 21. all other rules ·wereofficial volleybJU regulations. Allt~ms consisted oUxiys and girls,

'l1ie fb'st game was played bythe seniors and '&OphQlJlores. ' Thesophomores- defeated the seniorSIn a .elose 22-20. putting the

," f .•

. '



'lbereare four senlo;" class 'queen Clmdi.datell. Diana SUva,daughter of Mr. Bnd Mrs. WIUleSUva" who'enioyil m,uslc and playsthe plano. Her 'Jlcort is JuanOsorio, son' of 'Mr. and Mrs.Fruetoso Osorio~ , 1-

KelIi VigD, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Pat Vigil, is classsecretali>.', Ski Club. secretary andOEA parlia~entarian. She enjoysreading and )Dusle. She will beescorted by'Clarence Beltran, sonof Mr. and Mrs. Emilio Beltran.

Marina Baca, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Chevo Baca, enjoysmWllc and plays plano and guitQl'.She is vice-president of her class.a hostess in FHA. and vice·presiden" 01 OEA. She will be~rtedb)'BrianVigU, son of Mr...~ Mrs, Pat V)giI.

Uf$8 CantreD, daugbter oC Mr.and Mrs. Jim Cantrell. is sf.8,tevice-presidentofFHA, acUve in c..Club and dieerleading and istreasurer of the senior class. Herhobbies include reading andmusic. Her escort IsDennis Ortiz.son,of Mrs. NyDIa Ortiz.

, " ..

, <,.


LINCOLN & IERCUI'Slles " Service

801 S. Mlln Roswell

',Caaitan, 'Dexterjn' a'8~6tie ·Ceplt~JlJlj ~'~'P"kt~ to" :·Irn,:' 1)Qterpn '. aYlifd' .tUrI:. 'l'he .1d'1d8~ atad' 'gDb.ok P«noy

a H,IIO In a l!i<>ll!o" ',pm. at D~....._ to .... lor lb. l:ImuIIlno <!ldoot pIo)I. "IllOllor .FtlcIo>',;Jshl, ' .' O\lllY<il'o\ml, bol \'0<0' !iI<>ppo~ , " ' . ,.-, -"'';J'he TiPl1l·~,:the ppenlng -fIhort, an4 ttJ" same «mded in a c.J1i.t&n dl1eii not play 'tlll,k1....«..~_001 00,yards lor '_10. , ' ,wool< ....oboul!lb. 01 lUll B\rongth.,.. ~w:l:idown. PPv14 ~e.t'v~r•.nThe11ger,swere)Ja,mpertl;l on ,fOl;- _til,. fJnIt district pme: IltIt, In from -llyJU'ds out. ''l'be ·Qffe6~ Q. ·qQl¢tlZ'b{l~k·.Gn;l~¥~e,,(kt.:16'.

.~S~~h~~E~''NoIDKomin-Quee":·~". Several 'times Pl»Ctin's . ' _ . . ,~., , .· groutl~iame took them' nem:' the , ' aits" .- , ' . . -at"., . .'

ill)ol,bollllrnbl••~ IhoTil!''''' awa coroo Ionhlrd·hllllOg oloJ'pOl! then,>. Pal!!. . '.. ,'. ., 'Sullivan recqvertd a fumble on .tbe-2 yBfd, lbie tostPp the biggest . :c'arrizozo High School's

·Un'e8to Homecoming Couri thia "yearFinally in till! fOl1rthquarter, CODlIlsts of three class princesses

halfback JPime NatlVJda,d $COl'ed and (our senior .queen cendidates.Julie v_ga, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs.' Nick Vep, hi freshmanelan pi:ioe:ess. She enjoys' aUspona, chtlerleading, parUcipatesin FHA, C-cIub and StudentCouncil. She serves as classtreasurer and enjoys playing thepiano. Her escort is JamesG...vara, son of Mr. and Mrs.Tommy Guevara.

Sopbomore princess is DianaVega. daughter of 'Mr. and Mrs.

, Edward Vega. She plays basket·ban and enjoys music. Her escortis Dominic Vega. &On ofMrs. Della.Vega.

stephanie Sauc::edo is juniorclass princess. the daupter o£Mr. and Mrs. Max saucedo. She isactive in Student Councll, OEA,and serves as class vice-presidentand FHA reporter·historlan. SheIs a cbeerleader and plays thepiano. lIer escort is Daryl Und­say. son of Mr. and Mrs. WesleyLIn$oy.




At GAMBLES We"0 D lor the G rlzz:IIU"

Gtlzzly BDoil~r 1'1


The,Way Gfllthes'GolGolWin!Win l


I WelDY" thlm that Grlnllesl


8 ElC'OIndustries, Inc.


arandGrlllTo u r ZUIIS an IIWlyswlnnlrsl


(JG Bt 'em , G r iullnl

PAUL'S PLACEFlnll M.xlcln Food

'Goon LUCKGtUZiLlaSl '

Hoot & Lind. GIblon





Hwy 70E " RUldO$O DqwasPh.378-44BB


8·.MONTE VISTA TEXACOfGas 'em, Grizzliesl]


"CARRIZOZO 66" '. ' "

There 7:30Here 7:30There 7:30H~re 7:00There 7:30


THE'tITTLE STORE. fdhl.·w ••k .

t:tlo 1;11I .:to a;OD p.tII.. ,

Hatch.Tatum *MountainairReserve


Capitan*HDmlllOllllng SI.

, ,




ZOZO a ,: " ", "" .. "" TEXICO 29ZOZO 35 "" "" . , " . , , , , , , .. , , , , .. , .. , , , , , ' , ESTANCIA 22ZOZO 25 .... " , . , ... ' , " . , , , , , .. , ' . " , " , , , •. ,CLOUDCROFT 12,

October 1October 8october 15October 22October 29

I ron Roofing

Particle BoardA Grade


2x4, 8ft., Framing Grade. ••.. .972"4, 10 ft. Framing Grade. 1.332x4, 12 ft. Framing Grade. 1.60

Ik"4x8 4,75%"4x8 ,... 5.59~!t"4x8 7.39

Steel Farm Gates

8It•••.. .•...•....•.••.•••• 29.5010ft , 32.5012ft 24.5014 ft•••••••••••..••..••.•.• 47.50

ToIlets, A grade,n~seat 46.95

250 Ft.RomexWire

4 ft. J\ound •...........••.. 64.504ft.Oblong 50.95

14.2withground 18.9,512-2 with ground ;,22.99

Field Fencing

32" "330ft 51.5539" x 330 ft 59.9547" x330 ft••••••••• , •••••• 84.954 ft. Horle Fencing,HeavyDuty 72.505 ft. Horse Fencing,Heavy Duty .....•..••••••. 86.50Import Bilrbwlre,121h Ga. 22.95American •Barbwire 12112 Ga. .. ..... , 31.956 ft.T-Posts, Med. wt. ....• 1.751 ft. T-Posts, Med. wt. • •..• 2.356' Heavy DutyT-Posts................... 2.157' Heavy DutyT-Post8....... ..... ....... 2.6934"xlGft.HogPanel •..•.. 16.4952"x16 ft. Cattle Panel .... 17.45


.8ft.x26" ..............•..•. 4.1910 ft." 26" .................• 5.3912 ft. x26" , 6.3914 ft. x 26" , .....•.. 7.3916 ft. x 26" ...•...•.....•.•. ; 8.69


SUPPLY3200 Nil Hia~wa,· 85

BELEH, HI .7002Toll Fre. PHONE:

865:6262. .

Ashley Wood and Coal .Circulating Heaterlil •••..•• 329.9.$Itound Wood andCOalHeaters .• , ...... ; • ,' .• 1$9.95

.Textll~ed M!lsonlte Siding, .7-16",4x8,agrade ..~ ...... 9.75Selll Down Shingles .•...sq.26.49

·151b.felt:" : 5.19'Porilan,ICement : 4.95Redi·J"Ix Concrete, 90 lb. . •.3.1931h" Insulation ..•..••...•. ft,.146"lnsulation:-.". ' •.•.•.. ft.•24Carved Entrance lJoors , 6'9.95Remesh 5 ft. ,,156 ft. ,' 37.95%"~20ft.Rebar 1.95

. 'h" x20ft. Rebar; ' 2.75stucco Netting,3ft.xl56ft 36.95Septic Tanks,Fibergla!!s, 1000 gallons .. 509.004x8 Asphalt Sheathing.... 3.85

E:ight acres of lumber-buIldingmaterialS, farm and ranch sup­plies. One miliion feet of lumberunhand. Let us quote you on yotil'bUilding materials betore yj)u buy,

, We do not sell seconds or Ii-graderejects. seUlng New Mexicostatewide for 36 years;



PHONE '41,4SS7 - Gt.ENCOE·, N.M.










LAST WORDSaint Francis of Assisssi,

whose feast day was Oct. 4, is well

, ,~ t.

B'·th.wa'· ...(~ontinuoo froQi Pllge6)

> •• , .-~ , ,

ha..".... ' .•....t.• '.sac.. ,' ..1W.. aea.n..... ·'. in'. ca....'. Pi.ta.. n.• known U) all religious com.. "1'AT''EI':1"A"LSThe .~P to NI'W· MexlcQ after.a 4- \ ml.qlltiea. Aprayer written by him , . , 'ye~ absence wa~. tl.tt'~u$lllyeJ;l'- .' is tre8s\U'ed by' many. Actor ".

. jO¢d by the for,mer St. R.tapastor, RObert Ponat did a most Sin'- . " .

whO left Oct.5fo.. ,AfrICJl and his ;ptising thimJ.fter ~ deatf1-,.he . ·F·AI·. &.workwiththeWhiteFather~ order ..s)l()~eathilownmemoriahervice . .' . '. .tllete. in L9ndon.· Just before the acwr .

ae mt*d chatting with the ~ed,. ~ .recOrd~ .. the faJnC)lJS . 'RA'N'CH. clergymcm of other'. ffliths who prayer Wiitten l>Y St~ Franc.s, and . '. .'. .' •. .

)l\1ve ~n tr~erred ..He '. had .hi$~8ugges~that it~ played .'. '.

tlOped tovislt in LinColnwitllMr. bll~.aH,he~rvlce: . S·'UP'PLIE'S.and Mrs. Ra!PhDliJlap who were ,Lord, make me achann~ of .., '.. ." ..' ....o\lt.of-state at the time of his vi$it '!by ~ce, .' '. .' .to '~e USA/ He did pot get 'the Tha.t where there~'llat1W'Ichan¢e wvi$iiwith those who may bring love;were at workwhen he W4\S 'here That where there is wrop~ Ithose mservice, college, married mll~'bripg th~ spirit ofand moved ou of town FIe CJlrrieS. forgIveness; .their memorY aU the W~Y. to That where. there is discord'I.Uganda. . . may bring harmony;--

" That where there is' error I........... mllY bring truth; .

FESTIVAL GO,li:RS That. where there is doubt ISever~,19C81 p~ple attended may bring faith;· ..

Roswell'.s·St. FrapcesFestival That Where'thereis des .this past weekend, which inclUded ll)ay bring hope; . pall' Ithe attendance of over· 6,000 at And whetethere'are shadowsSunday's Wool Bowl Mass where I may bring Thy light;

. bfshop-elect Ri~rdoRamirez was 'That where there is sadness Ipresent. (He will be installed as may bnngjoy; . '.bishop of the' newly formed Lord grant that I may seekdiocese of Ls!' eruceson Monday, rather to comfort than be .com.Oct. 18 at the Pam AV1 Center in forted, . ,Las Cruces.) To understand than be un.

The I;losweU weekend festival derstood,included a parade, arts and crafts. To love than be loved;Attending from Carrizozo were For it is by giving that oneMr. and Mrs. Alex Serna, Mabel receives,Vigil, Patsy Sanchez and Fr. Dave It is by self-forgetting that oneBergs. . finds,

It is by forgiving that one isforgiven,

It is by dying that oneawakens to eternal life."

$375 lb.50 lis. or .on.


26 - Adult volleyball practice at 1 p.m. in the high schoolgym. Adult basic education classes at 5 p.m.

29 - Varsity football game with Capitan there at 1:30 p.m.

30 - District Volleyball Tournament here for VarsityGirls (A Girls), Halloween Carnival. Jr. Varsity footballgame with Tularosa there at 2 p.m.

27 - Chapter I program review by State Department (allday). Adult basic educalion classes at 5 p.m.

28 - Volleyball game with Tularosa here at 3 p.m. Jr.High Girls. Adult basic education classes at 5 p.m.

ilGuaranteea or your money back"



21 - Adult basic education classes at 5 p.m. Volleyballgame with Hondo here at 4:30 p.m. A&B Girls.

- Contact Willie Silva ­648-2850 or 648-2964

and place your order

23 - Round robin to seed for the district in Lake Arthurfor Varsity Girls (A Girls).

25 - Adult typing class at 7 p.m. Brownies and Girl Scoutsmeeting at 3:30 p.m. in the Cafeteria·Conference Room.

we deliv~t

in the Carrizozo area


22 - Varsity football game with Reserve here at 7 p.m. Noschool. staff inservice day.

20 - Adult basic education classes at 5 p.m. Cap &Gown,­announcement,-class ring salesperson will be here at thehigh school.

7 - Mid-sc;hool teachers meeting at 3:15 in the ConferenceRoom. Volleyball game with Vaug1,tn tJicreat ~:30 p.nt.A&B Girls. SOuthwest Science~ Englneel'ing Conferencein Albuquerque, Adult basic educa~lon classes at 5 p.nt•.

8 - Varaityfootball game with Tatum hel'e at 7:30 p.nt.

9 - Volleyball game with Cloudcroft tMre at 2 p.m. A&BGirls and Jr. High Girls. Junior Varsity football gamewith Tularosa here at 2 p.m.

11 - Adult typing class at 7:30 p.m. in the hi~ SC"091typing ·room. Brownies and Girls Scouts meeting at 3:30in the Cafeteria-Conference 'Room. District • FFAleadersh.ip trip to Las Cruces. SChoolwide hearing­screening tests will be given this week.•

18 - Adult typing class at 7:30 p.m. In the high schoolgym.

19 - Adult volleyball practice at 7 p.m. in the high schoolgym. Adult basic education classes at 5 p.m. PSAT testfor .all juniors and seniors wh,o would like ~ take forcollege. Board of Education meeting at 7:30 p.m. in t"e

. Conferen~e Room. Junior High football game withCapitan "ere at 4:15 p.m.

14- Adult basic education clasaes at 5 p.m. Jr. highfootball game with Ruidoso there at 6 p.m. High school­mid.school Parent-Teacher Conferences in the highschool gym from 5 to 9 p.m.

15 - Varsity football game with Mountainair there at 7:30p.m. Volleyball game with Alamogordo "ere at 3:30 p.m.Jr. High Girls•.

12 - Adult volleyball practice at 7 p.m. in the high schoolgym. Volleyball game with Capitan there at 4 p.m. A&BGirls and Jr. High Girls. Adult basic education classea at5 p.m.


16 - Junior Var.slty Tourl)ament In Lake Arthur (BGirls). Junior Varsity football game with Moriarty thereat 2 p.m.

13 - Adult basic education classea a~ 5 p.m.

." ''''1 ~

2 - ~~lIeYbaJI gllme wlth Magclelena here Ilt 2 p.ni, ,\~Girls, .

4 -, Adult'Typing"C1ass at 7;.30 p.m. in th.,. 111gb sell.ooltyping rOQm.· FFA Frult"J~alestllmthI8 w~k.

1I0nteco~ingWeekQct~4 thr~tUgIt·Oct. 8th.

5 _ EleJllentary teachers m~et"'g at 3;1,5 In. the 'Con~,.f.m~nce J\oOJll: Adult volleyball praCltlce at·7 p.m.... thehigh !!chQQI gym. '\dultbasicC4iucatioij clas!!efJat 5p.JIl,Volleyball game wltliCorona her~ at 5 p.m. A&BGirls.

6 Adult basic edllcatlQn classCfii ·5 p.m, High Ilchoolteacher$ meeting at 3:15 in the Conference Room.

1 .~ lJbr..y~~cia'1iJ4..c;atlona~cUtlQII g..1l"clop~~g~.p.m.... 4 ".m. Va~lty football game wl~h Hilteb there'at7:30 p.m.

\ '

of The Week', . ,

2 offices..to serve you

Sidelfne CQach honors for 'the Hatch-Zoic,. 'game go to linecoach Aolbert Najar. AlbertNajar is the only ZoZb fan witha 1979 -Ford van speciallyequipped for sic\elinecoaching. On any givenFriday, Albert can be seenequipping his van,' withsideline equipment andheading into the wiid yonder insearch of the nearest Grizzlygame. He has the' super­natural ability .to locate thedownstream §ide of any 30yard line in the state. Onc:e hehas determined that he. hasgood goal position, field islevel, he takes his positionagainst the left front fender ofhis van from. whence comeshis most common call:"Where are the restrooms!"We feel that coaches such asAlbert. who will acceptresponsibility of 30-Yard-Line­Coach. with total disregard forloss of limb, life or pursuit,o.fhappiness. should be dulyrecognized by his peers.



Carrizozo 648-2911Capitan 354-2617

Call us for all yourinsurance needs'



Continuing ANY & EVERY­THING SALE, Friday, Oct. 15,432GAve., 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Allproceeds go to ANCHO COM·MUNITY BLDG. repair. BESTBUY: Men's double knit sportsjacket, size 38. 4O-2tp


I Vote for A Change


, !

.1 D~nald'>J Mendenhall",. .

. . State .Representative, District 52

FOR LEASE: 3-bedroom house.excellent location. Stove.refrigerator. washer furnished.Water paid. Call 648-2373 or see at314-11th St., Carrizozo. 38tfc


JOHN" SUI DUelPT0-_."'h,tllIl ,Itl'''' I .JIlI, ,OMPti TI "d,...,~.rlr s,,.,(~ (l'nur

1lJ,\£{~~~&i NolAt-:~,1~.

FOR SALE: 1979 Datsun pickup,longbed, good condition. $3999.648-2251 or 648-2527, Carrizozo.38tfc

HELP WANTED. D. D. technicianfor women's group home. Positionrequires high school diploma.ability to write reports, validdrivers license, some experienceworking with mentally retardedadults helpfUl. Contact NewHorizons Developmental Center.804 E Ave., Carrizozo, phone 648­2379. Equal opportunity employer,Half-time weekend position. 40-2tc

MARY K Cosmetics Sale, Fallpreview and Christmas giftsets preview. Madelle Mc­Daniel home, 1302 8th St.,Carrizozo, Friday, Oct. 8;Sat.• Oct. 9. 648-2967. 4O-ltp

KENNETH NOSKER is a lifelongresident of Lincoln County whohas a deep interest in its welfare.Elect Nosker County Com­missioner, Dist. 1. Nov. 2. 4o-ltc

THE Outpost Bar & Grill,Carrizozo, is now accepting ap­plications for cook and bartender.Must be 21 years of age. Apply inperson to Harold Garcia, 648-9994.39-2tp

John's T.V. Service1I085tlt t\\'e

Carrlwzo. S. :\lex,Ph. 648·2990 Bus.Ph. 3lH-2679 Res.

FOR rent or sale - nice 2­bedroom house across fromSpencer Park, 648-2927. 4o-Up

FOR SALE: 20 acres with 12" welland 28x70 Nuway mobile home. 3bedrooms, 2 baths, 2 fireplaces. 1mile W. of Carrizozo. Call 648-2511or 648-2529 after 5PM. 39-4tc

SMALL HOUSE for sale orRent, 1-blk, from school. Kit­chenette and bedroom, Furnished.Perfect for single person. .~ tin

• "', • ,~ , -,. "',' '. ," ~- , ~.-- """~I

P~ge,a, "'; .·.·.,;;;·I,.INCOLNCQUNTY NIiJWS, Th'U'S••Oet.;7, .88Z·:

PLUMBING, Heating, Air Con­ditioning, Refrigeration. CallTeclmical Services .Co. Ph. 354­2510. 35-5tp

FORSALE: 40 acres, 2.3 miles SEof Carrizozo. Domestic waterwell. Call ALBERT ZAMORA',648-2420 or write Box, 603,Carrizozo. 39-5tc < - --,

ZOZO CHEVRON,.Hwy.54 &380



Gas Diesel Oil

MAJOR APPf.,IANC,Ii: REEAm.,~ll~i~l Servic~ Co., 354-.a510. 3!Hitp' '

WA1'lT~D; IJnm~tely, ,reliable()«!rson. Who alreacf~ mtlkes daily'trip~ Jr~un Alamogordo toCamzozoafter 3 p.m.' W act asCOl1Jjer. Conia~t MlU'k Brown,AlaDlQgordO, W-'l120; or' Jen'YKoUef in Carrizozo, 648-2177. 39­2tp


.i ,IF' ._FM.;»:"'. .,



I- I



! •

. ,


119~~. , ..

.."" ...

•••~hanclvu-rd for.-tra'~

• La,.. vokAfw.tnufftu

• I.'

.,. "':'t ..~ ,.... ~ ..LAYAWAY~'

NOW! . ~Precious Baby "'-..f(

Softskin & Layette 'V-'1899 ~' r:

~. Sat. PrlC*d


20 In.Mag·Whe~1

"Invader" ~ik, .. .


• Gus.et·r.hiforced hardt.Uframe for rugged 'performance

. • Btack & brushed ..Iuminum alloyL••ter mag wl\eels. BMX tire.

• Hlgh"profIle h.ndl.b..... vinylw.ffI. grips. padded t~p bar

• R.ar coaster brake for safety• Chromed tubular front fork• "'.Ide ulety r.flecto... for· .nere...d visibility & safety• Day- Glo sllver/red graphics20 In. BMX·Style "Invader" featuresrugged Moto-Cross styling for fast­paced fun. Blackenamel frame accent­ed with deluxe chrome fork and brightgraphics. 2Ox2.125 in•.. lItaSiJgero blockknobby ,tires for reliable traction. suoperbflotation. Vinyl saddle. Kickstand.Chainguerd.lt', loaded' 34·2764·8

Eyes move. Drinks. vletatRoath_ir•.Dainty. outfits.bottle..Washable. 12in.fJjby~.lovabre129-7()2f ..$

SaSe Price ••••• 5.5DUM....IftRebate. -1.00

Nlit 4 59Cost

ebatel _

Net Celt ••II.....3.Ot~ 42·U77:n.

11II -4.10tt-1IMtI- •• -1.00

Save Now • •• LayawayNowllor Chrl.tmasl

If your Western Auto dealer ia temporarily 'out of certain advertiseditem•• he can order from his distribution center. He will gladly issueyou a reinch.t:k upon request and will provide you with the item youwant atth. aali price when itbecomes available. 1o-PAGEFCo-t.

TOYLAND IS OPEN!eluate reptlca n' ..tksscale


~.... Em1932 ·Ford Roadster 849Authenticl Detail• .lnctude spoke =-,wheel•• running board.~ high-riding fenders. remova..btl top. hood. Rumble..atopen.! Su".rl29,,3295-2

; I!

Cost 1143for

FurnaceAC Filters47-2200-05.14. t 5

" 1TovoIt ,. I....".•~....


_",,"3m... 1.8Qte· I •• -75c

Us. Westem AutoTOTAL CHARGE.

MASTERCARD or VISA.............--~ at most Palticlpating'Stores.

"navox 19 In. Color FamilyTV39'9 00,•.tIeColor Portable f••tur..blackmatrix pIcture' . ' . ....,.:H'.brightpfctuntand 100% solid state cha••il for I'rloNIKfablo perform.,nee. Coloroacillator trackS atation .lgoa'. for teduced intorferenee.,.tiC color levlling circuit help. maintatn correctcolor.Aotom.tic fine tuning Jocks inWul picture oneveryVliFAJHFch.nn.~!W.lnut"grain ~bJn.t. FamllygUt! 24-4193·9


, "-,' '"." .

Harvest Savings at VIIesternAuto


-'· ,·.


, '".

'T7' l"' ~., i .-

I RnIot_..,IIIIk1ew .. rot

a Popu.... aIzatIHlgh-d_11y poly wown bI"",. Choou 6lI1l.8ll10. 10.12or121118ft. Sizel.Savel 95-58&0-88TIoDowna. 14.20,25"'9505753.55,57 ... lMlcto 1.111

.' "

"CHlr t:IHIICe­OfRcialSize 5 Socc.rballs "Waterproof Iynth.tic. l'3 88Orlnllliblack. White! • . . . Ea. IiradIbIue.36-4023.28 . . i' Sfda DtIuii.360403t.s 2.. ..I.

fle9ulatC or tWePrlI:ed\ .

Dcellbal- 'S'SC"18rlft.PlqjJ. i

2.26-8013.t4 .' .....~:--.

"'" 1io..............1Iodt Ali....¢ .... IJ -.....t.1.IIl'. 2.2Il1ll'.

.' fN 1"-1Il" 1;3iiL 2.21.... \:J ...."'i '-'jIO, - . 1....pt. ,-:.""~olll

. AM, ~ - 1....pt.· , I', j-; .

Ilr.lio,5.l$I00.10,20.11220.30.4Ii.5cJ. ".:

.WI4ritO<i1I1iollOO;2I-lil17-8...: :l.lf. IVLiiOil...s.m.1ijm;2I-lilil-O UlI·'~;JI\oIJ.~2i-8131J.4 ..,;.,,"_····W~...,.~~t~.u..... 7M-

s..Pilt:«III H.P.ElK.1IJaw.,.92·1800-3 ... 8lIJllI

P' ....!_-- ---- -, ,. - ~

, " - .- 'r' - l' - --,. ,




y....CIJolce-Footbali.~:~aJuice.. 1.6".88ofIiciaIslZe m high. . . re.viaibllilyo'Ongeor ."Aulognph"youth lizefootball. 36-5042.43K!drIlIgT PIaatic. 36-5096-7 1.111

IAppR..10 tonI ofapIlttIngroo-

EftIclInlWoodmate81 handlesany Iongth upto 28 In. Mjus18 quJclc/y for faaler workinglimo. I 101120V.3.2 B&Denglne.II~7052'"

McCulloch .,WoodmateElectriclHydraulic

Log Splitter

. .All sallre Cllaln saw10,,"0 OFF! RE.....CEMENT CHAINS

INsrocK .

Forwith Pur·........


Purch... Wood mate••nd Recolpl plu. Cou·pon ptu. , c to McCullochYfho vttllsendyooChatf1Saw! De.ler has detail.-

iIII~:.. a- • . • ' ',

i" '_"'~"~f'_~~'; '\. ::-1" ,,' f$jffi',-t ~~'~-~1" •t "'I,-i~ i,~o;'ll-iJ..~~>tJd.~JtT/y;-\~~ ..;rf , .~~~'~d\.i"~';.-'i!;!iti!.Iw.'''~~''' ';\if.:~~~i;~~;:£~~.~~\:~\~r.ii ,. .~~~~~.,\JJ3N.~', ~~~ I e:.';~

10x6 Ft. Cedarbrook Storage Building 24'.9 99 '.Sturdy motel lta'Oge building holds ell your lawn «. garden gtlarl Cedar· ,look siding with a rusland weather-","llIlInt6nl.h exterior. 05-lal6-1' r10&llFt. Lown~BuIIdIng,Ste.lcompononIJ. W••lher·rellolont6nloh.95-1SI 1-9 , 289•IChl4Ft.BuIIdlngExt...dor. EnlargesIOdft.bldg,101o.131t.slu, 95-1812-7 ., •• ' , , •.•••• ; , 1ZO.

All .an ....own .'" nominal elderiord~: Inlklll dltHMklns 1ft ..

Get ..McCulloch 12

In. ElectrIcChaJnSaw


SuperBB's,;.,. 4 44

Crosman. SOOOJpf<g.Save. 36-3466-4

81n. MiniRucksack

.,. ·····69PrieM 3Zipperedpocket. baitllibs••oz.44-7503-4


~. :::;"6 99,:,;.~ Te.rdrop _hape. Pad·

dad straps. 44-7502-6

Le. PI••_ ••••••••••••• - 3:5.00.... PTtce. . •. . • . • •. • •• •• 34'0.09

....c..•.............. ,.314.6

I IcIeaI "... _'no &II"""'Ina c:hoNI

• Autoa1Il1Ically t8nolon­ed pog-tooth blade

-. "



~~II~E~;sup.rD.lux.~ Automatic Chain Saw

p=., '2399918 In. Wizard Chain Saw by Poulan I. the Ideellightweight chain sow for demondlng cutting jobs.Dealgn featuros Include eutomlIllc end manual chainoiling. 8 In. Control TIP'" aprocket no.e guide bar. allposition carlwrolor. solid _ Ignition. Built-in anli­vibrlllion isoll'tora roduce engine vibration to allow10ngerope'Olion. P1alllc hand-guard. Savel 95-7362-7Poulan 18 In.2-eydo ChaInSaw. 95-7363-5 3111.99

bV~I PI.eIIe ute­



Woodsman's AccessorieslA) 0 Lb. Splltdng Maul. 32 In. h.ndle. 92·3729-8 . . .. 14."

alb. SpfhtlngMaul.35ln. hlckoryhandlo. 92·3739-7 21."(8) !5Voln. EdgeSingleBitA.... 32 In. hsndle. 92-3734-9 15••51n. SlngIa BitAla. 38 In. hickory hlndll. 92-3736-3 ,. 15."(C) 4 Lb. Spllttlno WacIga. Heat·treated _I. 92-3736-9 6••m) 301n. Bow Saw. Peg-toolhblede. 92-1494-1 ....•........ 6••


R.velation .117 Cal. SaIo Prtca .... 42.99

BB & P.llet Rifle Len _ .. - 5.00Wood stock and fontann. Save now! 3e.3376-S

.171 Cal. _ 2.SOIbcz 36-3435-9';',. Prl<:.dl .•....• Each 1.3l1.22 Cal PeI-. 175/box J6.~36-7 s.sePrl<:.dl Each 1.59

Daisy YouthAir Rifi.

450_hotcapacily. 16'88Has easy load port.

Bladeftont_ighl. eafety. Open roer. 36-3340-1

• T_peNd.... "...AnnAl

1 Quart Th.rmos!Handy beverage/soup cont8jn~

er Polished ateel line". no·drippour spout lind insulated stop.per for leakproof seal Full-sizecup S8ve' Hurry' 44-5235·5

I 8tronlI hick"., handles

- .- (~


> .. Auto.nd.' _I.. "," oiling

._. - ----.....oi'~~Bah PrlCfHlI

(A) .-


16 In.haln Saw with

~ Auto Sharpening. . Veraalile I 61n. McCulloch ChainSaw

~~,.. c. sys:~~~:';:;:;':~:~~~=':~e~~

~\\\, • tronlc Ignition/oreuler m.lnten.nco. W'Oparound,\\ \: ch.ln brakelhand guard..muffler .hleld.II5-73()8.(J

~~------, RellDLlH• 1 amp motor 1is In. Saw-OS-7308-o• 5.afetJ hand·

gu..... B.o" Prtce 231l.DQ• 5.afetJ 12 In. _ ·25.00

Insulated EllICtric Net Coat 21499Chain Saw 201............'0......73' ...

Ooublelnaulated. 6499Slove! 95-7212-4

5.a1a Priced .. , ...•.. 24.99Le.. Mall-InReb -3.00

Ne. 2199Co••


~.=...=.=...=-"~2~"''''.:.=''-.. '~f'll ~f-'..... 0010...· .. ,l~ 0.".,



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!ti!EOJ~",~ ;...88 .,

i Pow«'~.''j~ 1Il.~<blIIfun'~flI02", . .

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- .


~~, Sal•.Pt/cad, ' .

Save! 3·WtlY'Combination Exercise Set,

Benefitlhta'e wayswlth one ex.rti.....!se"~ "'1". ·4····'88inctuduonapeir li,iIS;on grips, on.3-sprirtll ' .. " .,', .'.chaatpull.ndDn.d"'llUJumpto~.Doubr.. . - .CDlf.d hHIIl'·g.uge spring .te.l lension' 'grips; Jump~ h.s·polishH~II.ndles;Sal Hurry-$alt!ilnd"oa. 11113$'3831·$

YOll"~:Pill;HAlly TliIlalonKsricfC;dpscor ~VjWIlgIitJililipllalltlniilol1<lwnl.Ton.upyourft1....1..136-:l8-4S.4il ...... ,•. ,. :i;8'

Canvas Cu.CasesSalePriceciNow!

WScope Gun eaa... YDur cholC&ofAO. 42. 1599.... or 48-48 inch long .,..... Natural color. FilII '.. .'length zipper. ProlacIIve hardtlp. With wraparound : .'handl...Wato,·repellontvlnyl. Glva long service. Ea.38-7lI3O-32'

aDT.nCanva.GunCa....YClUrcho;ce 1',.2·,99of 38-"0 In. natural canve,cau 0,42-44. 48-48.50 Inch long tan standard ca__.Wator.rape.llenlwl1llfull·length zipper. Each. 38·71133-35.'1938-4

. .;', ".'

Rt.JJJinlIJl.4(B) 1100 20 Ga. Autoloading

Repeating ShotgunAmerie.a Os most popular Autoloade" 28 in. vent rib.Mod. choke. Americ~1n walnut checkered foreann.pi.tol grip. Ughl flICOli. Ught 6'1,lb,.138·3632·7

.22 Caliber LR Cartridges

1•~.~ng. lo"\~nofO:,,~~2' . Solo,op . rma_.~ .....,...~-.vu... _

Your Choice


~...z:l.~.=_'.M.=.=6(8) Choose .308 to .243~ Cal. Center Fire Rifles

Choose .308or .243 callbar repeatera. Both hllY1l ....hol 23999magazln•• and latin blu.d. tapered barrel. Selld ltaal Soloreceiver i. drilled and tapped far scope mount laeope ....-not inclJ, Hardwood atock with checkered gripend forearm. Ea.311-2603,G4


Universal Cleaning,KitCleaning kit includes 80lvent '7'.'99cleaner. gun oil.lubricanL rod and ..patche•. Storage case, 38-9030-8 :::::..

(C) .22 Cal. Autoloader

Tubular magazine hold. l!i long rifle shell•. Comes with 4.15 power scope. SmDOltt bolt 96~action. Walnut·finished hardwood'tock. Checkered pltIDl grip. 40'1> In. long. 38-2241·8

w.-m Auto e:un..,.,..... acidto mtnorL SakI ~b;Kt to allF~.IUI.Mdb::-'I...(In


CAl Model M250-12 Ga.

Extra-light tltCOiI. Tolall)' new mechanism handles low thru hi·ve'ocily effiCIently. French welnut .tock. 26 In.•mp. cy/.. 28in. mod.orJOln.lullchoko. Ught 7Iba.38-3600.01.02

CD) (C) 12. 16.20 or .410 Ga. Single Shot Shotguns12. 16and .4I0 ga. have full choke. 20ge. haalull Drmodified 8999choke. Ea,y.nd dependabla operatiDn. Conv.nl.ntautomatic .Jector. '.

Color ca... hardened hm•. Ea. Saleend,Oct. 16138·2835.60,95.2920 . . ,:;:;,

(D) 20 Ga. or .410 Ga. Youth Shotgun-Great for Beginner! 999920 gao hee modified choke..410 he. full choke. Simple to ope..... Automatic eJ.ctor. 2·way top lever, Hardwood . ..,.pltIDlllrip atock. 26ln. berrel:Use 31n.•h.lla. GreatG1ft1 Sav. now ..• layawayforChrlatma.Glvingl38-2898.2923 _


Save .e.1 Sale Ends October 161111•

CAlVour·e;,oice 12.'... '.. -",' . . _ ..20 or .410 Ga. Pump Shotgun-. '.

12 and 20 ga. ,hDlgun, In full. modified Drlmprovadcylindar '1'6'9'99<choke,Al0ga. gun InfullchDkeD\1ly.AllchambarodformagnumDr ...." ,.

standard ,hell. Walnut·finl,had ,tDCk. forearm, Ea, 38-3260,62.63,~t5. t6.17.70 " ..,::::"

(B) Your C"0/,;e-12. 20 or .410 Gauge Vent·Rlb Shotgun'2 and 20 ga. shotguns in full, mDdified Dr improved cylind.r chDke.•410ga. gun In full choke Dnly,194"9'9.Ch.ckered pistol grip and atoc:k. Venmated rib provide. unlntenupted .ight plane and dl.,lp,t.. .. 'h.eL SlnIlght line chambering. SmDOltt pump actiDn. Layaway NOWI Ea. 38-3250,52,342~,26,75 .,::::"

For warranty. customor general repair ...Western Auto is yourservice headquarters.See your Western AutoDealer for information.

Western AutoOffers Ezpert

Gun Repair Service






, ,.-.'- -', "

$oy's or Girl'$~O In.aike

s.,. ,g.9·8!iPrfr;.d ,. e;.tI••

2Q- In. flM)( Bike feeture. hall!·taU ""me, hl·profile r;h",m.dhendl.b....nd klipbby black·

'",.11 tlrea.Iilgy'~ba. 1/.125 In.tlrel.rer;lng IIlIddle. GlrI'e h.a1.75 Ill. lIrea, white buket.8p\lrtyl allY now at S.I" e.v·ing.1 l.4)'a",ay for CM.lme.thrillal Hurryl34-2756-4.,57.2

-""~,., . "'-". '

..~ .. : .' "~.""""'-,.1'_,' \~.,

• c.' .

> ":-.,

~,'.. .

.' "...fi·'-••,•.


" " ''', .'


oc:k <:ertilled~ in.~~baa twIHl"ll'!r' .'~oy btake Iev-r.nd...rcan". Padd.d atarnpba'for*CIdadaaf<!ty.'201n.tl ~2.7n·9

1 IMX.!InUtl,3+27foI.5 140••

, 'C , • ,., ~", .. , •••• " _""

,,'. . ..... ,~.,

ackCe.-tified'"."MX·I"".~...~ "


39~~'. ~





Y"lIrCh"lce-16 In.Boyls or Girl"s Bike

!loy's has Mo· 6988to,CrOlI .lyl.. ,.MXhandleba.... eo...2 "Reba'" plaqu... I. redlwhlteJblue.Girl's i. pratty pink/white with bask.t.BothSal.Prir;edl HurryI35·1434-6.35·3

lJoy'."Dlrt Dumr"

20 In. MX "Duster" BikesGlrI'a "Sun Du.I.... haudjuatabl.Breadlo.f 9499aaddle. box.alyl. h.ndl.ba...nd vinyl w.ffI. t.grip•. 2Oxl·.75 In. black kliobby lire•• Boy'. c...."OlrtOu.ter" h...high fronl fork, box l1.ndl.b...., wafflehe~d grIp•.rat·!rep rac:lng ped.I•. Bolh f••tul'll aporty. bold graphlr;. Inr;ludlngflM)(·atyl. h.ndl.b.r.mountnumbarpl.qu8.s've'34-2758.0.2783·8

s.Ie PrktHI lilWl/lSllIa End. Oct, 11S1


wMen'sorWomen's 26 In.Middleweight

134~28x2,,125 In. whltawall IIrea.CI...,. r;hlOrited touring h.n·dl,bera. B.Ig./b,own finl.h.I<Idcallnd.34-2028-8.29·8

CBJ aoy'S or Girl's24 In. aMX Bikes

11:::'" 11988

!loy'a-R.dlbl.ck trim. Girl'.,nol ahown-Baby blu./whlt••l:8ntilever""me. mlddlew.lghtIireD. lend....34-3204.2025

'. PIIdded...... &topba,.~



.. . . ..~.


•'ftat-trap pH."- KnoItbr-IrMcJUrn......r--.. .....b


13 In. Convertible BikeW' ' , 35-1 : .. 7..... RU99·dst••ltub- 4'488• .VII\••1iiI "'iIM"~lN.$1.,-t 14. ul8rlram. c:onveN '"C • . .•" ljIII..-lc"""..'I$I.. toaboy'aorglrl·. e..t",

t~.... ' '.' N,loIIl>tngfllji ,052 ~' 21''' bik•. Adjuatable handl.bars end padded.e~;....~....tJ'~ -'lJ1i3.4' 31M vi_A aaddl•• Seml.pneumatic Ii",a. bl"" ;:--:.-:Jal.;.ftkw;.....~'3441::::::::::::: 27M ch::i~gusrdasnd ped.I•. Savsl35.1441.;"~=.r~....3IIn.~~~.Ifo_~-'!5-I~ ........~~~ _ 181t1.~.3S-1437.9 ....... _ 54.88

.. • ................__.0 .. 0 -



----.., r---'~---------:;;;'"----,---'.-~...-·T,..~.


rlp-£aaCwftlollCripa,~pc. 33-5645-8.••4.18b1lrH.Aut..iUt.33-597ll-79 Ell. 3.58. ".eIlIktT"'.Asoortodsuu.33-598N8 .. Ell. 2.18b T RepaIrKit. 33-5fl6&.O Ea.5:k'"S.I.,..~5a7S. H 750Dnsle-tort"SacItIe. 'loin. damp. Rellljllingt..action. 33-5715-9 11.118tIuu IIont & LIght. IItma!e-a>nlrDI hom. Leu 2~lbaIts.33-7164-8 11.38'••__ TnII""" WhMI.. 6 in. Rubber ti....1I'IekItI.. 3305489-1 •• . . ••. •. . •. •. •. . . .•••• 4.""_rCnol~.33-7578-!1.. : ...... 17.fl8

-,. , - • ow ,

)) (£)

.~119 M

•'. .--,-..~~- ...._" <~ c'c • 'IIi' ...-~ ) d,-" '''ll'~' .... -",T""., .. _r - •..., ,.:. ,,\ '_', ~.. ''':~ • ,'" ",' ,~__ ~1 .:. ....~ ,,--._,~,.,.~,' .;i', ~";'.,.c,_ ...... ~ ... '-_.• ''''''''.: :. _ •., ,_ _., to--'- _


.-1 1

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'r(' .••


A S,.etaclIlI.tr V.III. with....... qllal"YMkI,...d fIt_tures;


• AIItOtIIaIIc fine tuning "~"'''In8c!:<I~tl!"'"'~onVHF atld UHF channel.

• Auto"'*" 1ev~11Ifl circuit....kltaln...,.cted"'*"1_.1ty

.100% aoIId~ c.....I. forbeet perfonBatIce ancf..1Iab111ty

• 8 ..... 3.!Un, ovala"'ker• Blackshl... q~dl!rtt .....~ for~cIefJH«l plctuNlJ• DesIgned forlncruMd eMrgy~""power

Midland'. 191n.Farnily.slzeColorTVfeature.bullt·ln energyefficiel1cyforal;Ol1omlcal enler­talnment valuet W featuru aLltomlitie colorand tlnl contrQlafor crisp, vivid colorplc;lurea.Jetblack matrb: pictur. tube. 100%solid ,tateehaa.i•• Electronlevoltage l'll{Iulator protemageinatdamagingpowerIIIi'll". Buill-InVHF/UHF,ARtenn... CAW/MAW CIIble connector.Hi-ImpactWoodgrain-lookpINtle cabinet. Ro-

. laIY channel' ..lectors and e••y-push on/offlvolume bulton••&lve dUrin"&lleI24-4191·3..."" , .... CeIof'TV wlll_. ControL FoatumAFI',AulolMllcColofLmlinsl,IOO%f(llid_chaaIL24-41D7-oIJ,altJ~ •••ulI•• ''''••'''••• u •• ,. eo.GO

Wpk:turftI &i-n IbtIMMiWt4 61.I'ntIIt·

sa Nowl".. rOllrt:reIIIt• •• Or lAYAWJIY .,.,.t:IIIfsrMB""",

,-, ,

Western Auto's BilgestTV·a.llVideo




•,"-. ,

12 In. MidiandBIWTv.r.Prlced 8'9ggatOnly... , '. : -

leN.. loitcMn. IHtdroom. dorml 100% solid'etate. Auto gaIn control for Improved recep­tion. Te1ucopIc 'lHF. lOop UHF anlllnnas.WoodgJaln llniah. With earphones. 24-3204-512 .... 1JW ACIDC TV.ll<ms on baIIo. (not !ndJ.AC.earIighlodWilhuphoo••24-31lO&4 ••• 11IUIO

19 In. Midland B/W TVGreatV.....I 179'9'g.s.l.Prked ..tOnly... '

Features 100% solid etate cbaeois fOr longreliability. VHFIUHF channel oelecllon. dipoleanIInna. Automlltk: gain control fOr imP<O.-cIreceptiOn. 3~ In. speaker fOr gnl.t 80UndS tool .Hi·lmpact woodgrain cabineLSav,,1 24-3298-7

Odyoooey'by JIII.gn-iJl_lIie fInlI....femlb' an uclthill. 'Vlvl~;,ctiOl1f'uJi~.,1Alph.·hum.rlckeybOlord comili.ndc.nta, 1nSlJik:ta ntlWlI1icrop_.Vide6 computer SyStem lit a variety ofspor1ll. lelim'ng and. aiCaiialla",... ~Hf lricludft two adion-paCked .",.... Slain••,Speildwil, end $P1h'OUltancLOfI8.manllll b1oek.bUliIit. (;I)'Plo-LogIc,t<>1l.t)'Olrrfemlly.slllrllldlEtsy.to.lnl!llllgllm'1fit:lild.a·24~itlOl1 JIljddlt "'lJiliO~Sava1l6wduliJig1lilrsaIe12"'7800-0'

C..... from 33 etcltlng SII,_Prlcedc. 14.aeto·48.ea Ea.1Enjoy thrlUa,..pill•• chlUll FoollNllf, .,...bllil,eo.mlc.liivlii/ I.asV••llIaclij.cl\lll8olIie",1Ge..... forth. el1ti..'gmilyt<> laamariaha'"chilllailll1hlif'urilSliWdurlI1g0Ct.SaIe12....'llOf·34

. r

131n. Color TVwith Remote Control

Aulo lin" tuning. 39900100%solkht.tachauls. lightweight pottabIe dolgn.Woodgrain-lookcabfnet. 2404 I37·6

Midland 13 In. Color TV with Automatic Fine TuningP"rsonal-slze color portable features Auto-Color la .djult 29900intensity and clarity to correct levels. 100.....0 solid stale ehaasi.redUCft energy consumption. Bullt·ln cable connector. VHFI BaJ-UHF .ntennas. 3 in. speaker pnJYido quality lOund reproduc· Prkedltion Lightwelllhl34lbs. Woodgraln·look cabinet. 2404131·9

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long TV t_ pln·prog........_ . '""'::,..,e-.:c.....,..~:'-="':c-...:c-n' .,' ~n,

• \US ' of 12F_ther· . channels

::':Jtouch . ., . n. _ • • .JIy'corttrof. .'; .~"": • =... 11' ~. lk ", ",..-,,- .: ~~ • , 7_ - '"'... g '"' •

e uS (Of.• ;Q: ".li~.lii•.ii;j'i lUi ULII-.I.~. ',',; .." :.- ~ ',., - :!~ : .... ,•., --", ~.' ~ ,. ;~ .. ~ .

T.pe •counter 211'bs. light'

Sharp@> VC·9400 Compact 2-6 Ho Vid60- Call••tte Recorder

• P_.._l-.I front-loading tape .,.tem .nd · 5'·6······.··9'99ther·touch controIe for ...,. _lent taping . .• :.....• CIock/tI r _ AM/PM 12·hour dlgltrondl~" '. ... ....1ncI bullt·lnTVIVTR.output.lgnal_lector· PricedShsrp"e VC-9400VideoCa_Record"r adde .noth"r dimension layout hom"t.levislon .ntertainm"ntayltem. Con""nient. eaay.to-..." pow"r-allistad front.loadlng tape system racords programs from 2 to 6houtlln length on slngl" tape. Sol"noid fe.ther·lauch controlaallowfor preCisetuningandtime..lection. 7­day. , -evant programm"bl" timerlclock allows you Iosat etalling time, length. day and channel to tape yourlavorite programs in your sbsenc". 3-dlgit tape counter for locating taped p.rog",mo. FamIIyFUN! 24-8225·5

,o-PAGE&-" ..... NOWIU.. Conv.nlenl· credit!1- 6 I P"cft.lldlelml I -. - .. .- . .. - - .._ """"" •."00.,.. erelllll dParde ...

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Sale"oftll~e Year••.~NowTbr"OC_.l.!•



.,. -'".

,Save now *t Weltem Auto on our luper. big FamilY'lize 25 In. CQlor TV byMag"",ox ... famoulfor yea,. for IUperb electronicsl Hal every feature forbeautiful colorplcturel wllb clarity.nd aharpne.. t1tetyau can depand on evarytlma you push the "on" buttonl RIch quality lound ayata,". U.p.front controll,ealYpUlhbutton on/off. Glvayour family II wondarful365·dayGlftl Save now ...LayawayforChriltmaljoylIlyingl Hurryl Saleendl Oct 16124-2251·7.52·5

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Mediterranean : •"

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an1flcent We.t8m Auto Value!fled to Give YQU " Your F......'yle.utlful Entttrtalnm.nt •••Ifea, Att., Yeifr.After Yeai'!,

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00% PlOd......~Id.tatechuataoo"rn..l,.. ~'ma!I'lxpic wbeT~hfe"Color' lAve'" ctreultry'"1Idj,*- plctu... perfectly wIMtI .lKI cIMInp to en.., UHFJVHF channel'actronlc volt. N1IIufatJon pI'CIteCtlon'Itch-aound 8.4 In. CWIII .....k.'ifua Ft..Pumltu... at,Ilngl

sa...N.-t Use Crell"at..~Ilea,,,,,,·••• DrIF..,.,.forCllrlSlltuls SIttIng,

M81InavoJt 25 In.'Programntable

Color ConllOle TV


Sa'-Prbd..~1IIVIdaonoatfc sya­

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• Twlnap••k.... for rIChHl·l'1lMK11'1dl.~ftnefUnlng

• HIgh rnoIutJon flIterfor better plctu....• P'ognJIIIIIsbla tunar

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...P bColotCCl wldlflHooIaCofttrctSomeIeolani 24-22S7 121.80

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Sa,. Prit:fId

•a.-Madltolrnanaan orEarly Antarlcan Cliblntlt

• !5-functIon scan remote con'troI for conftlllanca

• Automatic fine tunlng• T__modatn up to

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Enjoy the .... of pUlhbutton remotecontrol tv vieWlngl Calor conaolefeaturel automatic fine tuning. 101IdItaIe chanll and 5-fvnctIon remolec:ontroI. L.E.O. chan",,1 indicator dll'play. Choo.. Medilemnnn or EarlyAm.rican cabinet. 2"'2258-2.59-0

• Up-front apeak.r for V.....t ......nd... Handlf'_y-_.. tuning control•



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ThegreatestPOI18bleIHomeStel8OvulueinWestemA!Jtohistory! De,livers soundquality through a sppsr Hi·Fl delUlle feature packagefound In many home stereosystemscosting m.lM;h morelNowat this Incredlbl.lowpriC8olol'lly215.001

Compare The..Super Features'

e AMIFM Stereo Multi·plex Radio with v....nl.r slide·rule tun.r

• Stereo ea...... Play­arlRacordar has elec·tronlc .oft-touchcontrol•• VIU melers.dIgital tape counter,damped eject door &normal.CRO' & malaltape capabiliti..

• Big 4--,1 Speak.rSystem with two 8 In.woofers & two 2 In.tw....rs

FMlAM/FM Mini Stereo with Cassette• FMlAMIFM ._.-ceIv.r 16999• P1ay/rscord Cas_ wpe :,,'• ACIDC ••• plug In at........ Sale

or take with you enypbcel Prlc«lEm.raon'. Mini-Component FMlAMIFM Steroo Syst.m lJOOllonywh.,., to provide stereo music .ntertalnment. Compact-.Iz..01.,.,0 leotu,.,.......tto tepe/ploy.r with f.ot-forward, rswlnd.record and tape elll<:l. Detachoble apeake..for otereo..parotion.Rotary tuning. voluma. bolanco .nd ton. control. p1u. AMIFMbond ••I.dor end mod. function solec:tor. 11OV. ACIDC. Louballo, Ane gift! Seve now! Lay.woy or Buy on CrodjU 23-7295-1


(A) Cassette Tape Mecorder6 piano-otyle k.y controla. 2'699Condonsormike.23-72UI-o ,' ....-(B) Cassette w/Headphones'Portable p.rson.lot.roo unit. 4''9.99Adjuetabl. h.adphones. Carry . , ....ca..,bell loop. 23-1195-3 " -

(C) AM/FM Stereo-To-GoP.reon.llightheedphones. 3'2-Cond.nsormike.23·3105·6 . ',. .....

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(DJ ANlla=M PocketlRadioDel.... POCket Radio. LEO. l''3"99Indicator. relMcopin9 .nten· . '" ,l'"n•. Earphon.jack. 23-3202-1 ' ....

(El AMJa=MCIOCk MadloAMlF'Minilicator.Battel)l.pow'2'.'699.r back·up. Alain! with ._. ," , ' .....bot. HI-Impact""... 23-~25-3 ' .....

m Del..xe Clock M.dioAMIFM radio. LED cloCltwith ,.. ,' "",."..' .cal.ndar. AMIPM.lndlcl,for,5,, ',499~I'dCOnIjjjIIi,:z3,.21llll'2" ' ", '

,-_-- r" - ,,' _ . .....

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F'",:~J<eyboarddi'_'"··~!'.1H)-2.'4.'9,99 ·, • " ......yll".......or., '; ..,.. IILowandhighVHF.1"1elet ' ,,' '",.,.. p.ltIataur.UHFandUHF·Tband..PaletltodS.".cliveScan ..

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', ..~~

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Gran Prix St&reo MPXlFM/AM/FM Stereo & Cassette Play/Record

·Automatlcciackl.*,- 17999with LED dfgltall'Ndollt ...,...... handy ....HltIng --

EnJoy mreo AMIFM milo, .-cordI. Pf't.recorded cu:iette tspelor makl your own .11AIItomllic clock and timer with dlgitllLED I'IacIout lotiyou listen to mUlie..you driftolllo Irlep: clockshul$ milo offa<JIorn8lic1lly.~er futu... sllde-ruilluning.rollIrytoM,'tOiumeendbalel1c:econtroll.DualruH·rsnoelpelke,..low lilhouette aetY!lc dUltcovlr and heldphonl/lck. 28-6142·9

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I .lfde.rule-"'tJ. be••, n&Ie.. and ..l8No b.l.tince~J. c....utt. yl...-.. with f.l1·• i_.rd, wlnd. atop/ejact

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TappanComp.~.7 C.... Ft.Microwave Oven . r: I

Featu.... ,5 2·:7·.999 (;,,:,Inute~ry ••_ tiltimer.Jntenor .. __ light. oven"on"indlco1Orand A1mov'obIe gl... cooking. troy. Id.al for.mollkitchen. office. Sa-<...n<ttgyl~3401.$





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30 In. Free.Standing. ., . . Electric Range

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• IMJ.mImIte tbur• Uft .,.Lo!Ck" top.

Uft.()ffOVen DoorfotoNII)' cINnIng

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Citation 15.6 Cu. Ft. Chest Freezer• Hold. up 10 535 lb•• of food 4199::.,..,~• Counter·ba'anc:ed lid. 2 __

slld'Il9 stong. baakateImperial Chait Fr.ezar has magnetic door gaskell for reliableclosure. Interior light plus power failure signal warning lighlQuick f...eze aroa. Thlnwall construction. White. 84-1815·410.1 Cu. Ft. Mld-Slz. Choat F.....'. Child·safe lock.. Counter·balanced lid. Adjuslable cold canltol.lI4-' 910·3 3Illl.lIll5.3 Cu. Ft. Compocl F...z.,. Adjustable cold conlrol. Chlld·ssfe lock.B.ake<leCl}lic while enamel flnl.h. 84-1905-3 . . . : 2lIlI.119



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AJmond 30 In. GaoR.~. Sam.Ieatu.....a_ 86-13'4-3AJmond 30In. E1eclric Range. Same feature... above 86-1414.'

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(B) Super 6 Cycle. 5 Tempera-ture Automatic Dryer

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8 .peed•. from .tirring Wering li 'pHd. UOht­10 whipping. 3 qL el••r w.19hL Selector .wilch.gl... bowl rolel•• auto- IMlWen.rgy-lIOYe,. Beet·me"""lIy. 49·2221·7 ....jecllbl•. 49·~04-3

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Cylllld/'lQI.'g~ f'Ol'labIe h!lmt fI">d-' 20,l)llO BTl)'. of b••HCIt .Cllmp. ~1Io. your'hom. winter~•• Hold. ,85 llalloo.of ru.~ wltfr i""",Imum bumtiml' 1D~ 15Mu...Safely Ie.tu,,"lo~' ...ulom.Ih;£b!d·offlf'8CCid.llytipPed~r••~m~tich.od·~otrO"ed8lltlll~ul.h.011 .ftont'moIlnted aaftItyllrld,Sl1Iel cooltruetlooWIlhNOd. mlll\yw1n1arll. "Etecltonlclgnltioo"...:Z"0" be,",!not Illcl,)$avelS7.2Q2lJ.3 .

s.. Our 7.BDOJilTUMode/Oft lb. Front Co".r! .'

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1350 2288Walt •......,tiv. "off" awIIch.ClIny handl•• No-m.rfeat.s.va! 55·3202·31300I1!1OOW. 'lbenn-O­SlIde.55-32»4 •. 4lI.8Il

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V.rIlI ral... door wheo nace...ry. In·elude. hlrdw.re.S.". nowl47· !102-4Standard 1100 DIgIboI Gange Daor Open­or. F••tur.. 'I. fl.P. motor. OnIofIlighting. Easy·lo-lnoliM. &J.~/41·IIOI-6 ..... 1311."


'300/ 3499

1!1OOWTharm.().DlaI~ for c\oii.alant h••t.. Woodgrainflnl.h.s.valS5-32t7.tDolwt. lIOCIttf00l13OO115OOW.~.l. 48.88


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35.000 BTUc.......,24999

Vented. Net. or LPlIII·S·7-1212,13SO,DOOITU.Nat. cwLP.87-721(,1$ ••• 4fD.QlJ



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ickup Truck Louvers

7499to 8499

fit 77-82 l'onl CoIl.ar&Mezda Pick·ups, '81·82 D50 Dodge & louzu. '78­82 Dodge. '73-82 Folll. Chevy/GMCp1cl1Up.A1rcrefteluminum.lll-I976·79

Truck Tadlgate Li"e~,

T.U~/I"",.'11 '6"9'99', .1..otnllt'74-lI2 ,l'olllqrCbewolet "plcllUplnlckt. P~Y'lhY'_llnet p....tecls lI!I81nlt dents and ~nl!lll' ~IectblackOtwhltlplm-r.19.28llO-87



Truck ·UpNeeds alWeste Auto.

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Sporty.13.14.15in.Wire Wheel Covers

~~:::~ 158u!1Iveyour car. trucICorvanthtfully CUI'

tomlzad loold Triple chrom.·pl.ted wire whoalcovo.. faallJro ramovebl. wlreb..keta. dotechlblecaps loreuy cl••nlng & maintenance. Each. 22-6033-35

In sl'ello ftl most truckl. P.(Iold.d nylCln ""ntguld.. lock in pl.ce In m.ln fr.m•. Doublefln s..1weatherstripping attop& bottom rail lor tight .eal.Window latches wh.n vents are closed. Each. 19·'630-38

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VItlourIi.D. t4(ptt.Hlgh....Jnw b.dd'lll,bl Washable. Chook__-" _ ...a:t.Iue,lMck •

-bi:::b,;:E:ch: =i.~1lO'/O11l7·2OOO-61 (II)

IIMrv e-re.· (II) Rear Mats"""'1 =- ~1099 1Saddle Blanket Covers ~r. . ...'

Black, ".",.<1'blue,bfUWrtOtrad.Palr.88-3318-111

•• S"~Xt.1.3

Ii.P.motcw. 123:1 gear..•110.1.500lb•• maxlmumworl<

load. Powar__o Self./ocki"llgearb<l•• Dynamic broke. BuII1.ln

auto.clrcultbreakllr.IQ·'351-6,.. '1I11.a.,W Supuwlneh Ox. Rugged worldto... d..live.. up to 8.000 lbo. mu:lmum worl<l"ll load.202:1 goar rallo. Heavy-duty 2.1 H.P. me...lbl.motor with remote contn>I future. Dealgnad lorroIleble. depandeble liftl"lland pulll"ll on the JoborlrthomeorlhQp.Ill-I350-8 •• , •• 0" 7151MI'll

(8) Supuwlnch X3. Powerfulwinch dellve... 3.500 lils. maxi­mum working load for htevy-dutyIlm>glh. t48:1 go..",110. 1.6H.P,molor with power rev..... Sell·locId"ll gearbox- Dynamic breo.Control switch on _nolon cord.111-1352 2711.l1li




5 Function Electronic Speed Cruise'Controlzr'IOEleetronlcCrulseControllsde'ignedt08l1lefuOllhrouQhconslanl 6'. 4"'. '9"9'spaed ragulatilln. s.opereting functlonslor convenient hlghw.y driving & ." b'!lIt.in lafety faalureo for greatet drivlnge..utanea. Fits .11 caroan.d. Sa"truckl with slandallland aulom.tlc lransmlssiont.. zr·, 0 Cruise Control ..Includee Command ModYle. MagneHcSpeedMonitotto eUmin.l&c:o.tly .. PrieRsurging and Clther gat,w"ling conditlonoIotg"al".mora economical fuel efficiency. H.rdwa 22·1055-7Dalun7.FunciionElac&onldpttdCnl~Control.22.IOS7-3 .. , .. 0' '." "' .0 0 ,. lUllDoIunDrivlnll Ccimpu1er. FtclOty calibrated lor grelllat oIficitlncy, Compute.fuel consumed. time elapsed. mph and mpg lotincroZHd driving economy, Easy-to-tead LEo digital dilplay. Hardware. 22·1040-9 , ,. ,' ,.. ,,0 •• 0 " lUll

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; .. Ii ......• n":;,,, .. .3), .• , ...,,2, ... ,d.


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Kraco~FM/AM/FMCar Stereo with(A) Cassette or'

(Ii) '8·T~ck Player :'• FMlAMIFM lite............ ",,1Ih l'OIIIrytunlllQ.,l_..~b.~-" lIoI- c:ontrola• eaa••1tefeI!tu autl>-atop nd.

lCMlldllll ..et-fo rd -" eject_lftII• S.Track....~OOl"I!\lUIUIlI cfIanMI~• eo",pt,"'","'ahllJnHl'DilahJn~ti. .,Choose the CIIr"ami to mllfll Yllur netdal 1~k11lll follt,torwlrd. tape eject and auto-..op ..KrlK»* ~poct FMlINJI'M lIta.... radio fll' tlpeand.S.T~tapoPloy.rha.channll..lec·~manuall'Otlryl\Jnlng,FMI~b.lH{ ..lectorlor ~.Eacfl lnducle., ~plate In·DI"",awl1:ch8l\lfFMlndICllorlight.Anatunemu.'clor ~·D"h InataJlatlorl hardwlra~ InallUc·)'O!IrllalMlngpl_lOwltltl'Otlry1dne. bIlllnee tJortj 19r ICOfICImlCIII do.lt·yours," Installillon,IndYo1um~ c:ontrola. Autc>-Itop Clllllttehi. ldIlUorOll·th..road nllllllcI2l-l1023-0,24-S "


t ', .I '

.S •..vll\ll.'- ,...'"to put topqUll11ty lIOundIn vaur car'


V.... t:IHJII:e-40 Cbatthel CB Antennas

. SNd'-3 1""688s.l.-PrlcUH..., , _

..PoiIICrIp··..~~~.461n. L 18ft.-.Caiyinltafl.2f·3:l!i3-llGUtter~Antenna. T_IowSWA,~21Iti.L.f4ft-.2f-3$fli.OTrunk Up MOllllt Allt.ll..a, Iftclud••

T~.......... &rackat.4&ift.LISf't_.21.33olO-3

• 'nttall.In ,,,In\tW. for.on·the-mad",ualeal-loY-nt "

o ,.' _ ..... '." .~~ __ '~'A'.

," ( ", . .

~-\- ":~,~ :~'r--, ,


i J -- ~

·1 i \I,) ,,

•1J, I,,r'

,Convenient CreditatPIlrth:'tlatln,lIe.,e,..,

10 "Mal! 'S-I~,-, -.

TOTAL CHARGE t: VISAI:l rii lI ',. )

~-. ,

i5J .

•: Uk 14. t 5&

Mini Precision Pliers...pc.~Spri"llre·1'5'88tum action. Oro....Iofged corlIon steel. . .' .VinylcontlOrt gripe.Save """,,145·50.1B-2

. ... ,"

LlJ 3'1. In. Mechanic'. VI... Colt Iron vi.. feature. 300".wiYel. reloed .erratad jawa and .lIde bar. Po.11ive Lock ilealgnholdlltemaln any position. Bolls_relylo benclt. 45-4821.000 StanIayPowerfock"TapeRule,.Poll1ivelockde.lgnfo,Increuedaccurecy. Mylar-eoated blade. 'Yo in. x20 It.45-6553-7W 4O-Pc. ComboSocketSet.Drop-forged. tampered comon.teel .ocke1a are trtple chrome·plated. Thln·wall conltruction foreal)' operation. 0/.. ,/.In. metric and SAEei....Cooe. 45-5004-2(M) 21·Pc. Metric or SAE Tap & Die Set. ,.pc. solid .teeldle•. lncluda.adjult.bleT·hanclle.ecrewpitchgauge;Wrthpl••ticoIoragetrey. Iliding lid.Saleend.Oct. 161 Hu~1 45-467606.77·6Que.....V_·Bench Workahop Canter (Not .hown!. Pro·vida. excellent oIorege and organizational canto!'.for any flllrege..hop or workroom. Buill-in tool reck and peg·board work .udace.Sway braco. foreXIra .upport. Sate Priced145-4l105·3 ... 26.88


,-' .

......~ .•• •

'.• '


.... =- ·~:-bi....n.~dIHforfilill.'.

. .....,grlpe-...--.-Meclianic'. 2-FisterSet7·pe. eat. Ineludea moet 6··88popullr .an and Iypeo of _llao"Y.cfuty blade•• ldaal for IIrlo.fJIrepairs. maintenance. Savet45-1745-412·Pc.2·n-Set.4$-174&-~ 1l.ea

~..~~.;muA___. .

Heavyweight2 Ton PowerAutc.CableHolilt·Poller

20~~• 4.000lh•.CIIp1lClty'.UN•• lNItlChot holet

• AlItcimatlc let-doWn..r.ty CIItcltteatu..

EaIrIl h..vy.dllty~;OOOlbo.load capacity. Plated meh··.UoCkl. Ileelpinion jle....Indenameledfinr.hiiIH1.High Ilvilrageretio10, con·.llIlence.saver 4506140-3

_L __ ', -" "_, _ •. _ •• , ........__

(£I lI-Pc. SAE 0' Metric Combination Wrench Set. Box andopen end wrenchea are drop-forged_I triple chrome-platod endheat tre.ted for extra .trength. SAE .Ize. from 'I. In to 0/. In. Metricoiz..from 7mm to 19mm. Popular .Ize•. Savel 45·225l1-7.59·5(f) 3-Pc. Flea Ratc_ Set. Flax retehela ere conatructad ofchrome'ploted drop-forged _I. Standard .ize. include 'I. in.. 0/0in., ond Y, In. driu.ldeal forworldn tlghtplace•. Savel'45-2250-4

(GJ 3-Pc. H.m....' & Ax. Set. Vel'Utile oet Includee 16 oz.drop-forged claw hlmmer; drop·forged complng axe: and magnetichoadtack hammer. Tube oteel.hafto. n....llp gripo.45·6141·1

00 7·Pc. Nut Driver Set. Chrome-plated .teel drive.. areproperly hardenod and heat·treated fo, extra otrength.Setinclude.popular lizes ranging from ¥'I in. to In In. Plastic colar-eodedhandle. indicate lize at a gl.nee for quicker acca.l. 45-1729--8


• Infinite Amp Control requlnsonIy3~toutany

Amp from 40 to 200 ••• fast!• tOO% duty cycle for longe,

welding II..... better <Mulls


tAl 3·Pc. VI_ W.....ch Set. Drop-forged .teeljawconatructedfor powerful grip and excellent lever'llge. HeaV)'~duty unitized framehOUSing and hendie Precision cut adiustment knurl. 45-1222-4

(8) 3-Pc. PI1., Set. Drapo-forged steel pliers with convenientvinyl non4 .lip grips. Set includes 6 in. long nose. 6 in. diagonal and? In linesman pliers Great hendyperson accessory. 45-5016--6

ICI 3·Pc. R.tch.tlng Wr.nch Set.Chrome·ploted .teelHrenchel. Set include' \'d'I.,ln. (1 Omm,; Ilmml. VIZ~. in. (16mm I:

, 9mm) and '1axV•• In (1 3mm I: , 4mm) 9lzel. Loolen Dr tighten andlast-run nuts without lifting wrench. Save during Sale! 45·226&-0

(01 3·Pc. He.vy·Duty PlierSet. Large drop-forged .toel plio..feature convenient vinyl grip. and belanced design for increasedleverage Set includes '0 in. water pump. 10 in. vise wrench and 7In hnesman pliers Fordo·it·yourself repairs Save! 45·5017-4

Century Buz Boxl!l 230A Arc Welder230 Amp Arc Welder Ieotureo a 16'98.'8•implilied control panel with , ...inatructionl -printed C!n front 'panel. Meets or exceed. UL,CSA. NEMA. A.N.S.I. and OSHA .pacifii:atlons. Holmet.electroda holder &cable. ground clamp. Iteel case. 46.1669-4

Iw._ '6 I"." .... T.~. ICreditatPartlt:lpafinll 510,........ Opt.Oflil".ttiC.,\~" 1G-PAGE1e,...f4





j. t

~......to-PACE 11-14--

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;. ,~, westOnt Auto Brand.'Auto Trallsmlssion Fluid, •

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'''-'bI~••","llh action, l"aldllllsoldMctloniQued.Stocl<upI78.309+6.\l503



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&ave OiI·ear Clean-up SJ)ttCials!fA) IlluaPaly W....CIaMa,abln...8oz. 73-2521·0(8) IlluaPalYU se•••nt.ClHna,llhlna.Boz'73-2522-8eC) OM SlepPolyPrOketant.Faataaay. '60L73-4825-3un ArMor-AIIPro"cIll!lLOna-attp.16oz.apray.73 484~ 4

WinbtrizeY~ureal'b..retor~8~k.. &. Engine Now!

Sale PrlCIKI NOW!w Pl..........." IhotJ.....FIald. fOtdiscordJum brabt. 0013MolotVshidtBirol<eFJu.J.I~O%o 7805841·2 '.471I'u _~ FhlktQt.780564~.o 3.47.........AaklSllli FlolltI.7.8 ilz.78-lJ955.5 1.f1llQ CllCCI C4oiIJ.I2ilZ.78-8ll48,o 2.171DI CtKlllllcOMSpny.llIbiicant.l0ilZ.7801387-8 2.17CElW..' IAEIIOGM,0II.2~OZ'7llo3m-8 2.77o=JWyM'.TapOll.eoz.CIIl1llo12V9-3 117e


Billa PrioMI Now'

. . Enamel Spray Paint"

I f.1:.•......,4rY ,. 77. 1111.' adarior

\~;lfUlolr.oill_...... for _17:' n.!II""~ lnMriotJExlanol-.EnamelvrIIh Ruat Magic for

..." "'clcoliMy'..,~Oecot.torcolora.prim.....> .!~~J!lf'2holln1. f3 oz.Slockupl 73-1S03-26 •

Creditat· ,






SfDckUplU",it 12Qua""w....",~'. '0W30 MoIorOil~p,...........\*!:tian. for your _'. tIfIlIllledurillll....,.• ....."dri!!inlIc:onditiona.~forNductcI· -.aIntt ..., sold illlP""'Ml ml....'OW3O_i;snt-type~qiI""'APl~Ig...._ lIOyowOWllllll....t78-187lM .

~~OD,WeStemAutQ'...........m 10W30Motoro;n....Pnc.r"'1


Spark. ptug Cables

eAR . ,lUI_mER-.' • WIES1BIIIJIIIIO'__ " . .... ~ -~-"~,." .


CompleteAuto Tu....Up Kits

319to 799

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GIva )I!IlIIt '*.. proper tul1lHlp far.amoatt....._alliclantplirfarmance.EaoSavanowllJ4..85OO.'7,eel".I7

....189a.".~&........lI4-5'25-0 .

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.M f.-.....,.....•• 1•••••011......--...,............dll..,

1jIo...u&ill,2.OUl3l , 5.llO..e,ge-I4-21~jto.13.40" '144"1,11;11 &- ...

.- 21:zs.3S ".. 71..1...• ":"2120;21,22,23.24 ".. 1Ull-_.-' ---

t:!!)"" " , ".:

Battery ............. ;. 2 .F•. ,- .


Our Best! W......n Auto.Tough One Plus



"3' '.,'. , " ',' Jr" _ '. ,.,.....

Fordo-It.,.........,.." .....&. .,tnllll8llC8








, 1,

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FWV.,. . "'J.V_, 4WDOI' C8rJ I'

. I'CfaHtcWI,.. I '

Basket_..-.6.....6 91. Prlc«I

.• AlI_tl body for long.

IaatIiItl ..,,"II8Mce• 72~Eur0p8andeelgn• Oe1ul<t cemercap willi

embClned ",retlll design• Chrome-plated exterfor

, f3x5~in..ize.A1i·l1Hlbody.SportyEuropeand.slgn.Lull

nute notincl.5aYe nowl20-435O.5114atla.2O-ol352,53 Ea.8II.ll715at....20-4354.55 ; ; .. Ea. 72.0715.7"'.20-4356.57 ;... Ea. 7fJ,'i7

Our Lowest Price,dRadial­The Sentry Radial

PI5518OA13 155·13 16-8529-6 43.117 1.,44,P18518Of\13 A1178-13 16-650007 47.00 1.67PIS5I8OAI3 BA76-13 I8-S50I'5 SO.OO 1.78PIB5I75!U4 CA7S'11 18-ll502'3 58.00 1.93105l75AI4 ER78-14 18-8503-1 01.00 .lM)S· •P205175A14 FA76-14 18-6504-0 1111.00 2.31P215175AI4 GA78-f4 , 16-850506 OII~OO 2.47P225175AI4 HA78-14 - - -P205I75A15 FR76-15 - - -P215175AI5 GA78-15 16-B515·5 00.00 2.40P225175AI5' HA7Il-l11 IlI-85l6-3 ,71.00 2.70P235175A15 lA78-IS 16-851B.7 74.00 2.89. .

•ea.·..vlngl'lldlal d••llln• Polyester cord. 2fibargla..

balla for addtd Itrenglh ,• Agg",".lve .Il·u.ion tread

daiion foraure-foqted ro.dtraction and betbtr mileall'

s.,.Prlc«I Prle'"

White Apache IICustom Wheels

14.S In. Lull 3.'1"97null&eap...• .' ,.tra, 2ll-4OO8-7 ... e.,

,li.7In.2OoOCIOt.1',ll1t 38.97lSilfJIMo.<oll.IU' 3tl.II,lS.l0Iil.IO"'OI~'" 48.07lt1.S'liln._1~2 , SU7-, ~

.4•.2..••. 88. .. £XcII.

. . .

47~!'; . ~ . .. ,.


"--------......... ~.....:i





60Only ...•1,':'

(A) Maintenance-Free Western Auto 60 Special!Outstanding Battery Valuel Wemm Auto.60 at our lowpricel Meata noedaof mld-size andfull·ar.oea.... Laad-ealclum construction with envelope uparatore to pro'<ld$ long·life ... dependableperfonnance.lnnercellconnoctlon Iorraduced Internal realatonce, corroaion·...iotance.65-6121.7~

(8) Western Auto Maintenance-Free 40MOlt Amorican. Import ears. 315 cold cranking amp•• Group 24.Co"osion.re.iotantpower.guordtemlinol•• Laad-ealclumcon.truc­tion. lnnorooll connaction. Vou geldependabllityI65.3110-74

(C) Western Auto Maintenance-Free 50For most compactea.... 375CCA.Group24. L.ad-ealciumconstrue­lion. envelope 'eporeto... for Increand power.lnneroen connectionfor co"oolon·...lstance. reducod ro.l.tan... 65·5130-74

(D) Western Auto Maintenance·Free 70Our be.ll 500 CCA. Group 24. Lead·ealclum con.tructlon. dlroclinn.roen connection for Intemal resislanco. balter porfonnance.A.sisll co""'sion. Vdu ll'" lono. dependabl..o",iceI65.7140-B6

Iw_a.. 181"~"""T'~O' I ,1l-l!'AEI~I' U... cndit.t'.-........-sao,.•....... . ()pt.on».,."". fllltf ·IIN ~. . • ~....... " _. - .",". ~

;. ~


.le_Ready for Winter lIIIitblbeBESTI:, . 'j , .. - .. -'" ,,' ,- "',,- , ' ,- . " . .





' ..


·J118.117 2.38 118.111 2.5661.00 3.07 81.00 3"0".00 3.39 85.00 3.44111.00 3.53 111.00 3.83111.00 3.34 111.00 3."3118.00 3.78 118.00 3.95

105.00 ".21 105.00 4.43 ..



Size Stock No. Prlc.' F.E.T.:

'.... ~ .estern Auto Light Truck Tires'

in Highway and 6897Traction Tread /':3e';~TTPrien plus F.E.T. Each Tread ~ltgn may .,aryfrant lIIu,~~

SIze Highway Traction -Tube Type Price' F.E.T. Price' F.E.T.7.00-15 15.00 2.81 75.00 3 T.7.00-16 115.00 3.54 lIlI.OO 3,97


Pl1111/80R13 .6·9829·9 58.97 I.StPI811/8OR13 18-9800·0 84.00 1.60P1811/80R13 16-8801·8 75.00 1.81P111111751U4 16-9803-4 88.00 2.08P:l01l17!lR14 18·9804·2 111.00 2.23P21!lJ7!lRI4 18·9805·9 lItI.oo 2.40P2011I711R111 ,6·981..., 1l1.oo 2.39P2111I7!lR1!l 16·981S·8 98.00 2.S4P2:1!lI7!lR1!l '6·98.6-8 98.00 2.68P23!lI711R1!l 16-9819-0 101.00 2.80

"An pric•• plUI F.E.T. tKh

• :I Po!Jellt.r cord......lpU... :IAnmfd.cord"'''''end :I cord .Id.·wen eteblll••,.

Double Aramld Cord Belt

PI55180RI3 Whilb.11 'ubel•••Ptut1.51 F.E.T. EKh

'Weatem Auto'. fine" redial. 2 Aramld belts are.pound forpound;Stlme.strongerlhansleel. AramldI. lighter, mll1iml.e. heat buildup Ind add. to Ireadlife. AggreaalYetreld plttem and radial constructiontor total performance Ind aure·footed traction In rainor .hlne. Smooth. quiet, ride Ind Increased gasmlleege that you e.'p'~ from e premium redilitire.

. "

Use Your Creditat Western Auto!',

LPS 780 Bias-PlyWhitewall Tire

A~~~~·~~=::1I_3"'6971.42 F.E.T. Each ' '

A78·13 BllckwIIlTubal... Plu.l."2 F.E.T. Each

• 7·rlb tna4 d•••" wlth P,"" BD for'tIfIed-.l rublHor to ...Iet ebr..lon. '

SIn lItocII No. PrIca' F.E.T.A7"t3 16-5100-6- 30.17 1.42

. A1..t3 '180~ 311.87 1.421180t3 1805601·2 "11.00 1.53D7"t" 1805602.0 48.00 Uon"t" 16-5603·8 ,t.oo 1.10Fla.l" 16-5604-11 53.00 2~1

G7"t" 1805605-3 ".00.

2.17H7101'' t80_, '7;00 U9G1"tO 1805815-2 Sll.oo 7.26H1"tO 16-58IU '7.00 2.4,1uo·tO ' 1805119-4 SO.OO 2.798.00.t2 1805121·9 311.00 1.43P15S11G1l13 1805829-3 35.07 1.46t.QO.15 1805850-0 ....00 1.12

lUI p%oa .... F.E.T. Eoch.

'AlI_ pi.. F.E.T.


•'Pleeerull~"'·''6',88'_Irampl ,'.' •• uppottupto ,,' , , PI"7,(100 lb•. gfO.1YehiClewelll1ltpe,pail'. ~In. high lift; SlYe' fS·5C!36-:7S-,'Jack'Stands

HliilYy.du\YstendoliUp. .8'.49pait up to 6,000 Ibo. : '. POI'Hurry'SivilIIS'5026'8

, • . •, SIze Stock No, Prlce' F.E.T.P15518OR13 16-8829'() sun 1.52P185J8OR13 .6-8800-1 511.00 1.67P18fU8OR13 16-880.-11 03.00 1.11.P1et1./7llR14 Itl-8802·7 .,00 ' 2.04P10Sf1llR14 IUl103-5 74.00 - 2.16P205I7llR14 ' 16,llllO4-3 78.00 2.30P21511llR14 16-88Q5.0 eo.OO 2.41P2OSI7!S111!1 .6-681...2

.78.00 2,42

P211l11!1111S 16-6815-11 eo.OO 2.S7P22!11:1!lR1S 16-8816-7 113.00 2.73P23SJ75R1S 16-8819-1 80.00 2.93

. . ..- _IINo. Prfce- F.E-T. '

PlesI8oRt3 111023lJO.a 51.117 l.87Pt85175Rt3 11102301-«1 63.00 t.B7Pt85175Rt" 11102307·3 72.00 2.20Pti5175Rt4 1002303-2 77.00 2.'"

.P205I75Rt.. 1110230+0 82.00 . 2.soP2t5l75Rt.. 11102305-7 117.00 2.70P225175Rt.. 111023OlS.5 Dl.00 2.87P215175RtS '1102315-t1 aoo 2.70P225175RtS 111-23''''' 117.00 2.84P235175Rt5 1110231S1-11 1l3.00 3.15

Our Finest Snow nre! Winter Radia' Belted Tire

:=~::E-=:~~5'1'97loCking "S" dHIgn fo.....IabIe............... .on mud, _wendell w1n_......a ..""'" i'11l5180i1l3 WIH1awIIl Tuba·

,,," PIlls 1 B7 fE:r Each

., ..;

Deluxe "15" Belte,dBias-Ply Tire


. ,

A78·13 Bllckwlli Tubal... PI... 1.50 F.E.t. Ea.

• EJrtn dronll poly cord bI•• pll..•R~ f1....,........"" for lItnngth



'AB pric•• pi", F.E-T. Uch. fWhltewtllon!t. ttlUadcwali only.


Coo PrIca'SIn IlapIICl Stock No. Each F.E.T.

't_t3 A10-t3 18077(1O.4tl 31.00 1,50Pt_t3 A10-t3 1807800-2t - 1,50Pt1SllOllt3 110-t3 1807801.ot - 1.13Ptl5f/!lIIt" D70-t.. 18071102-11t "7.00 1.79Ptl5f/!lIIt" nO·t4 16-7803-111 m.oo I.&:;

I P2OSI7l18t" Flo-t" 1807~t 9.00 2.07P2t5l1!l11t" G70-t.. 18078QS.lt ' S4.OO 2.20P2t5l1118tS G7..tS 16-71I15.flt 54.00 2.34P225I1l18t' H10·t, 16-71I1Wt M.OO 2.46 •

P23Sf7l18tO Uo-tS 18071l11l-2t 51.00 2.65

,.... >, .•.­;.~

-T'" _.--,--:, - --..,- ..-.

.' "

AI'·m.......or,Inflate. lip . ' -2",'3-99to 180pli. ,,". . .QuickCOill18j:. ' ,torwith"""u...check velve. Illci.2V,(t.llrholti.Sav.llS·642 ..2011 i>lll Air eom,.-G,..U 12V.2'hflhOu,.506428·5 4UII




__ 'I

e' ~/ , .~ , f


~b of tbMf.'l advertised Items Is requIred to be re.-dlly available for sale at orbeIowtbe~vertiseclpi'lcelne~h st()re, ~xcept as specifically noted In this ad. We .

. ,,*,rve tb~ right to IImlt.qlJantltles. Nonesoid to dealers~...... _, ..

.' .,~' ':.":',;,~~~(~'>>:'

. ~. - . ' .. PRICES EFFECT:IVE THRD WEDNESD_Y:, OCTOl.lER13th -+.

• • '. """~, ' • .. • e

"'-io .,

,-; .~. r 11

• !' '.' ~

..~•.•1I= r.:;i;;;;;;,.-=n.J'..,., ..... ,. " - ' . -- .. -- . ,. , ". -. . " . . . .

: I


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..,. - RAGU





ii-oz.~'::it!!"" R,EG. OR MINT j

8-02. Bon!.E

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.,"" .-........ PICKLES\'-0:: I • '.. ._.- ' ..

''':, , ~ .. ; .•-:-" 1S-oz. JAR"'. ". ..'. .


•.. TO ~\lla-,QN]:;OC>Q.. ' " ' ~

~~ "''',1##•.··.".:: ~L'III'#", . . .,'.' ",,~, ' ....,~. .

TO.MATO .. '.' .ORANG~,~.

·8-o~.CAN , . 64-0::i!:. CARTON

':. , . DURKEE

Ii.::~ BLACKI ':"'".PEPPER











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2126610; 21$$142$h"I;;11 ;;:i;;a











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