¥l. 1ft41 'TarzaS, the Acrobatic Dog No Rebukes Oct 3... · gucrite Beech, Ollle Buffalo, Bar bara...

TORRANCE HERALD. Torrane*. California TMtlftaBAV. FEBRUARY ¥l. 1ft41 Founders Honored by Fern Ave. P.T.A. at Program Tuesday An Inspiring Founders' Day program was held Tuesday by tho Fern avenue P.T.A. with many guosts of honor present. Mrs. Abrams, vice-president of San Pedro Council, was chairman of the program. She Introduced the founder of Fern Avenue unit, Mrs. E. L. Hnttor; Mrs. Pcari Bowers, past president; Mrs Christine Gardner, former teach cr and Guy Halllday, first prln eipal of tho school. A book review was given by Mrs. L. F. Watson, Homo Service Chairman and i Founders' Day play was present ed by Mrs. Towner's fifth grad- ers. A candle - lighting ceremony was given by Mrs. Michca' Straszer, representing the or- ganization; Mrs. Holmes, the homo; Mrs. Fregoh, the school; Mrs: Ludwig, the church and Mrs. A. H. Dunsrr.orc, the state. Mrs. J. J. Millard was presented with a life membership. Mrs. Roy Mycrs, membership chairmai announced that membership now totals 165. Mrs. Jack Cox and Mrs. Fremont Mull en, fifth grade room mothers, served cof- fpo at tho social hour. Tlii' Flower Arrangement Class will be Mtl nt l'-r hrmo of Mrs. Mina Shttller, K40 Post avenue, Thursday, March 6. Board mem bers will attend an open house al Mrs. J. J. Mlllard's, Monday, March 3. Mrs. Millard recently represented Fern Avenue at health conference held in Los Angeles. * * * NEWS OF WOMEN OF THE MOOSE Members pf the Women of the Moose arc requested to attend 8 special business meeting be- ginning at 9:30 tomorrow morn- Ing. At this time plans will be discussed for the April card par- ty and work will begin on quilts for Mooseheart and Moosehaven. 'TarzaS, the Acrobatic Dog Tartan, tbe acrobatic dog owned bj Ernral Murtifl ut-Lcxin^Uin, Ky., could cbue a monkey through m Jangle, Jadftaf from thbhlfh wire act performed for benefit of * Universal Newanel cameraman. Be Jump* from platform M feet bl(b, and Has teamed to use a linnet. A luncheon card party^at So- cial hall will be held tomorrow at noon. Games will begin at 1 o'clock with the Ritual and Social committees in charge. HELP THE LOCAL BOY SCOUTS S-e Classified Ad Under Class. 57 National Home Appliance Annex 1327 Cabrillo, Torraneo Helen M. Smith Weds Martin Smith at Las Vegas Feb. 22 Helen Margaret Smith, daugh ?r of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J Smith, 1754 Gramercy avenue, surprised her many friends thi week when they learned that sh had suddenly advanced her wed ding plans by a surprise mar riage last Saturday at Las Vegas, Nevada, to Martin B. Smith ol this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father S. Slahive at St. Joan of Arc church In the Nev ada city. Following a short hon eymoon Mr. and Mrs. Smith will bo at'jbftmc to their friends a' 116 "Nepliifie Avenue, Hermosa SPECIALS THURSDAY. FRIDAY, SATURDAY, FEB. 27, 28, MAR. 1 Fresh Orange Cake... 39' 17- Delicious! Different! Moist gold butter layers. Freshly ground California oranges in the filling and icjng. Try it! Doughnuts . . DOZEN Sugared or niiHugared they're "simply scrump- tious." Made with Una cake flour, fresh eggs, but- termilk, uiul browned In pure vegetable shortening. Kirn, cmnchy toff or, rough-rtlppwl mollow dark chocolato coating. 25* 49« !/ 2 Lb. Box Lb. Box Featured at Regular Prices , . . HOT CROSS BUNS........ ... .............................dojen, 25c POTATO ROLLS . ........ . .dozen, 12c 100% FRESH MILK BREAD..... ........... 10c EL PRADQ and CRAVENS AVE. Torranoe GBOUP ENJOY ACTIVITIES Members of the Thcta Chi Ep sllons, newly organized young people's club of St. Andrew1! Episcopal church,' met Tuesday at the Gardena home of Miss Lucillc Mehan where the eve ning was spent knitting. At th close of the evening refreshments were served to the girls' spons ors Mrs. Baker Smith and Miss Alice Hodge and the Misses Mar gucrite Beech, Ollle Buffalo, Bar bara Carstens, Marjorie Cham bers, Rose Disario, Bette Fosse, Audrey Miller, Dorothy McNew, Lillian Prince, Lucy May Rose, Patty Rojo, Dorothy Sandstrom Ana Watson, Dorothy and Nancy Wilkes, Barbara Woodcock, Aud- rey and Jacqueline Rider. Nu- merous parties including dancing and skating have been enjoyed by the girls under supervision of their sponsors. * * * EECENT ACTIVITIES OF HISS MILLARD'S TROOP The Girl Scout troop sponsored by Miss Millard have recently been making baby garments for British. A hiking trip to KNX and a Valentine party Feb. sponsored by the Misses Myrna Lou Fossum and June fohnstone were also enjoyed by :he troop. * * * BABY CENTER TOMORROW Tho regular monthly meeting if Mothers Educational Center will be held at Woman's Club- house tomorrow morning begin- ning at 9 o'clock. Mothers of babies and small children arc Invited to :his servk avail themselves of > without charge. Bride-Elect Feted at Shower Given by The Misses Wilson Miss Cecllla Ernst, whose wee ding to Wallace West, Jr., w take place at First Christ! church Saturday evening, Man 1, was honored when the Mis: Beulah Wilson and Gladys Bo: entertained with a bridal show at their home, 815 Amapola a' nuc Monday evening. Miss Ernst was the recipiei of many lovely gifts and gann furnished diversion. Refresl ments were served at the clos of play. Those present were the ho oree and her mother, Mrs. R. V Ernst and Mcsdamcs Jeann.ct Wcingartner of Gardena, Ai Slmpson, Freda Prultt, Inez Ra; Inez Nlcolctti, Ladeene Ha mond, Virginia Montague, Jear Wardwell, Anna McFarland, Ru Landreth, Irma Trezlsc, Eth Kirk, Mablu Monson, Rul Found, Irma Cochran, Lucll Thompson and Leona Cloun and Misses Margie Zook Hermosa Beach, Betty Sproni Betty Albright and Madely Plnkham. * * * CATHOLIC LADIES PLAN ST. PATRICK'S PARTY Members of the Catholic Ladli Altar Society were present Tue: day noon at the monthly lunch eon meeting held at Nativlt' Hall. Mrs. O. J. Batsch, }>resldi at the meeting and Rev. Fathi Joseph L. Bauer conducted th opening and closing prayers. The ladies outlined plans f< a dessert bridge which they w iponsor on St. Patrick's Da; March 17. Tables of bridge, pi nochle and EDO will be In pla; There will be a door prize in ad dltion to regulation prizes. Du ng Lent the monthly pot lucl luncheon will be held on Tues day instead of Wednesday. * * * MATRON HONORED AT LUNCHEON, SHOWER Mrs. George Campbell Jones, Jr. was honored when Mrs. J. T. Oursler entertained with a lunch i on and shower for her Thurs day. An arrangement of Cecil Brunner roses was used for th :enterpiece at the luncheon a vhich covers were placed foi Mesdames H. T. Llntott of Lo: ngeles, Melvin Hyde and Vir glnia Shirr of Manhattan Beach Emily^Wulfeson of. Redondo, O ~«*Krasse, Desmond McCall.Joh Ceefer, A. A. Fllnk, C. L. Ingold, and Paul Watson. A stork motif was used am ink and blue were accented ii icccssories and menu. Mrs. Jone: 'as the recipient of many lovely :ifta. * * « MRS. SCHULTZ IS .UNCHEON HOSTESS Mrs. C. C. Schultz was host- is when she entertained mem ers of her bridge club at lunch 'on Thursday. A . Washington's irthday motif was accented In floral centerpiece used for :he luncheon table. Covers were .rranged for Mmes. C. T. Rippy, leorge Peckham, R. J. Dcin- iger, J. W. Post, Grover C 'hyte, J. S. Lancaster, and J. R :iink. Contract awards were re- ceived by Mmes. Peckham and 'ost. * * * You save by bringing your ad the Herald or News office. Dolly Is Happy Now She's Full of Better Milk Everybody who gets all the Mayfair Milk hp or al»P wants Is boupd to bo happy. Bv- orypne H»OWB that pure, fresh niilk keepe human health at its best but not every- one knows what' a treat Mayfair Milk In. You'll Hkn U because it tastes better. Phone 337'for delivery service. "Mayfair MiI/(. . . It's Good" No Rebukes Nails drew mostly rebukes when they Invited American Uitcnera to cable their reaction to German shortwave program*, bat Irish Free State listener* think differ, intly of V. S. shortwave broad' :a»U. Marion Chamber! discovers that Irtih mall ia censored twice (by Irish and British), bat get* throat h to General Electric abort- wave stations in Schcneetadr. N. X. More Than 75 at Club Bridge Party On Nat'1 Holiday , Torrance Woman's Clubhou: presented a gala appearance ft the annual Washington's birth day dessert bridge Friday after noon. Despite the rain more tha '5 members and guests attendee A patriotic motif was accente in the flag centerpieces used a' :he small tables and In the pa: icccssories. Mrs. H. E. Massle, ways an means chairman, was assisted b; Mrs. W. S. Bush who served as kitchen chairman and Mm< Kclsey, Silllgo, Green and Snod ;rass who were in charge ridge, pinochle and BOO. Contract awards were present id to Mmes. Shldlcr, Isen an Rlppy while Mmes. C. Ruppel :nd W. E. Ruppel won at auc :ion and Mrs. Putman. rccelvec n award for pinochle. Mrs. Kill beth Brod and Mrs. W. H. Gil' iert captured door prizes an< .n attractively decorated cak ras won by Mrs. Bryant Powei * * * LARGE ATTENDANCE ,T BAPTIST MEETING Members of the Baptist Mis lonary Society and their guests iet at the church last Thursday fhere a program was enjoyed illowlng a short business scs on. Mrs, Alan Muir presented thi ogram and Mrs. W. R. 3pa irn led the devotionals. Miss idori Kitazono, Japanese mis ionary from Gardena, spoke on This Is My Native Land,'' Spe- al music by Mrs. C. M. Scv rin was enjoyed while Mrs. Dan erson entertained the group Ith a story. Mrs. Woods of Los ngclr.s was the featured speak discussing the Philippines, luncheon was followed by white oss work. * * * K.S. GROUP T NOUKSE HOME Mrs. Lola Hoover, worthy ma on of Torraneo Chapter No. 30, Ordfr of the Eastern Star id her staff were entertained the home of Mrs. Haze burse on Post avenue Monday 'cning. Following a short 10 ruction session, Mrs. Nouree rved refreshments and a social nir was enjoyed. * * * '.M.S. TO MEET AUCIl FOURTH Tho regular meeting of Worn i's Missionary Society of Cen- al Evangelical church will be ild at Guild Hall Tuesday, urch !, ;it 1 p. in. Mines. Gcorg lolton and Grace Burmelster II serve as co-hostesses. Torrance Herald Published Eveiy Thursday Graver C. Wliyte Editor-PubllBher 1339 El Prado. Phqne 444 Torrance, Calif. Entered as second class mat- :r January 30, 1814, at post- 'floe, Tormnce, Calif., under it of March 3, 1807. Subscription Rat«a lywhere in U)» Angeles County $2.00 per year itblde Lou AllKeles County $3.00 per year Judlcated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court. Lou Angeles County. Elementary P.T.A. Has Varied Program on Founders' Day Founders' Day at Elemental Bchsol wa« a gala occasion when a cplcndld program was enjoyi by members and their gvres Tuesday afUrnoon. Mr». W. Tolson presided and Mrs. H. Lee presented Mrs. Edwin Walker, first vice-president 10th district, who spoko "Growth In P.T.A." A pretty feature of the a'tei noon program was a minuet Miss Helen Jewell's group Colonial costume, accompani by Nancy Ann Whyte at the pi ino. An interesting talk and demo: itratlon of the development cei tcr was given by Miss Dclelsse RUCS. Mrs. Fred Quaggln, Foul dors' Day chairman presente Mrs. Tolson with a corsage am ntroduccd past presidents, Mmei Mina Shldler. ,T. E. Hitchcock. O. Bishop, I. C. Rous, M. J. E wards and H. R. Lee while a mi ment of silence was observec for Mrs. Nettle Stelnhllber.fi: P.T.A. president at Elementary school. An announcement was mai by Principal Leonard J. Dyke; that tables had been delivered to the grove for the children1 use during lunch hour and thai the initial step nad been madi toward securing a students' It brary at the school. Mrs. T. Mltchell presented a life me bershlp'to Miss Lovlna Boudln who has taught In this schoc for the past 15 years. The afternoon program was coi eluded iwith a candle- lightlni ceremony by Mrs. Quaggln wl also baked and decorated Founders' Day cake for the occt sion. The tea table at whi .Mmes. Tolson and Lee pourec was beautiful with an arrang ment of iris, yellow marguerite: and matching tapers. Mrs. 3. Hopklns, hospitality chalrma assisted Mrs. Quaggln as c hostess. * * * MATRON HONORED AT STORK SHOWER Mrs. Robert McMaster wi honored when Mrs. C. E. Easli entertained with a stork show for her last Tuesday evening a her home, 234 Camlno Del Campc In-Hollywood Riviera. Pinkswec peas In turquoise bowls accente the pink and blue color arrang mentfeed In shower appointments. Games furnished diversion wit: Miss, Alice Dcvinc as prize win ncr. Mrs. McMaster was pre lentcd with a handsome bassin and other lovely gifts for th heir to be. Refreshments were served the close of the evening to. th honoree and Mmes. W i n s t o Youngren, William Schcll an Foster Day all or Redondo; I E. McMaster, W. J. Neff, Ruth Clutter, J. W. Beeman, Louis Graef, Jean Swarens, John Clay Harvey Flammer, Bob Roberts all of Torrance, and the Misses Alice Mudgett and Martha Phis tcr of Los Angeles, Virginia Klrl if Redondo and Goldie Gordanle; if Torrance. * * * WEST-ERNST NUPTIALS SATURDAY The marriage of Cecelia Ernst f Torrance and Wallace Wesl if Long Beach will be solcmnlzei turday at 8 p. m. in the Chris ian Church. Rev. Frank Porter read the wedding ceremony >orothy Evelyn Ernst, sister o! :he brldo, will be the maid-of onor and Lloyd Crowder will ttend the groom. Following heir marriage, Mr. end Mrs rest plan to reside at 2213 Cab illo avenue. * * * [OTES ON R.N.A. CTIV1TIE8 Attending tho Royal Nelgh- ors' district meeting at San 'edro last Thursday were 4mcs. Lola Doano, Ada McCunc, lary Baker, L. Benzol, Martha 'ooper and Adeline Smith. Th :t district moot will be held In [arch, date to bo announced itcr. A social evening will be Jd at 2171 Torrance boulevard .icsday evening. March 4. * * # LUB MEETS AT :iN8HAW HOME Mr*. M. W. Hlnshaw ent«rt4lM4 tmbers of her club at her hom» >n Cota avenue on Friday eve- 'hg. Contract awards were re ived by Mmns. Robert Ashley nd R. L. Lousing and refresh lents wore served at the close play. Other guests worn Minna, award Rhono, T. R. Marshall, 'red Harder, J. W. Bi>cman, and H. Moore. *' * * ATHOI4C PARTY HIS EVENING lessen for the O»thql|c died' card party th|n evening c Mmes. L. .T. Smith, Bray, otxTt, Obole, Bdimldl. Ray- end nnd Wobb. Everyone |s rdlally invited. There will be tea and retreUimcnts. r CAUNHR of WEEKLY COMMUNITY ry EVEN?* * TONIGHT, FEB. 27 6:30 p.m. RoUry Club at , Legion Hall. 'iOO p.m. Boy Bcout Troop No. 21T. ' 7:110 p-m. Boy Scout Troop No. Jit. 20-80 club at Daniels. V.F.W., 8171 Torranoe Blvd ' V.F.W. Auxiliary, McDonald H&n ( 7:40 p. ni, Knights of Pythias ' at Redondo. 8:00 p. m. Modern Woodmen n _ Catholic Ladles' card party n- FRIDAY, FEB. 28 * 9:00 a, m, Mothers' Educa- n- tlonal Center at Woman's w Clubhouse. nd 11:00 a.m. Women of the s. Moose luncheon meeting. 7:80 p. m. I.O.O.F. No. 198, t Redondo Beach. o- Townsend Club, Men's Bible e< Ctasf Bldg. at 8:00 p.m. Maaonic meeting. ,. SUNDAY, MARCH * j c Services In all churches. * MONDAY, MARCH S *' 3:30 p.m. St. Andrew's Girl Scout T^oop Guild Hall. 6:30 p. m. Ktwanls Club at Daniels ; Cafe. 7:30 p.m. N.B.P.W. business A- meeting. 1 Junior Chamber of. Com- 5 merce, C. of C. Bldg. TUESDAY, MARCH 4 n- 2:00 p.m. Woman's Mission- i ary Society, Central Evan- tio gelical church, a 7:30 p. m. Job's Daughters. a- Boy Scout Troop No. 211 ch Scout Hall. M 8:00 p. m. W.B.A. at McDon- e -, aid hall, es American Legion at Legion R. clubhouse, n, Technocracy, 1915 Carson St. °' WEDNESDAY, MARCH S 12:80 p.m. Woman's Club luncheon. 7:80 p. m. Boy Scout Troop No. 218. as Order of De Molay, Masonic 1 Temple. 1 THURSDAY, MARCH B Oj 11:00 a.m. Christian Church c Missionary and Council. ( ZiOO p. m. Lutheran Ladles' B. Aid. s Episcopal .-Woman's- Auxil- iary.. ,. 1:00 p.m. Girl Scout Troop No. 2 at Scout Hall. ,t e 'Americanism' Topic of Legion Auxiliary Meeting Tuesday "Americanism" was discussed by Garroll Parrish, Commando of the Fourth Area, Sons of th ^eglon, when he spoke before ;roup of members of America jCglon Auxiliary and their guests at Legion clubhouse Tuesda evening. Mrs. Luclllo Lewellen, chair man, also presented Edwin Bird Jommander Torrance Post Amer can Legion, who spoke on phase of .local national defense. Buffe refreshments were served from a table, beautifully decorated with an arrangement of flowers carrying out. the patriotic motif. Mrs. Lewellen was asslste< by Mrs. Roxie Sleeth. * * ' * METHODIST CHURCH CD3CLE MEETINGS Circle No. 1 of the Methodist church will meet at the home'of Mrs. J. H. Young, 1803 Gram- ercy, at 10:30 a. m. Thursday, March 6. Circle No. 2 will mee .at the home of Mrs. Tunks, 720 icrder, at 2 p. m. Thursday, kfarch 6. Mrs. Fred Blako wil >e hostess for Circle No. 3 at ler homo, 814 Madrid, Tuesday, Karen 4, at 2 p. m. * * * DINNER PARTY MARKS NATAL DATE Mrs. Charles Mothor.solo was hostess when she entertained with a dinner parly Friday eve- Ing honoring her hunband on ils birthday. Spring flowers wero mid for the table and covers were pl«c«d fpr.the honoree and Mr. and Mrt. W; $. Cooper ind their mother, Mrs. Sinclair; Mr. and Mrs. C4SP«r Clemmer and in and Mrs. May Reese. * * » PKK-LKNTBN PARTY BNJOYKD TUESDAY Members of at. Cccella'a Guild pf St. Andrew's Episcopal church were entertained at an attrac- tively appointed dussert bridge at Parish hall Tuesday a (tor noon. An BiTangvmont °S IHs and daf- od|lp flanked with matching apers accented the colorful »c- cessorlos. Mhtes. J. B. Scotton ind P«»n L. 8c«rs sri vort an co- lostebdoa, Contract award» wore Van by Mim-*. D. .T. Thomson Clubwomen Will Honor Husbands at Dinner-Program "Husband's Night" will b« ob- served at Torrance Woman's Clubhouse next Wednesday eve- ning when husbands and guests will be feted at the club's an- nual dinner meeting and pro- gram. The hour for serving has been set for 6:30 and reserva- tions must be made with Mrs. E. M. Johniton not later than Monday evening. A fine dinner has been planned by Mrs. W. J. Neelands and her committee while Mrs. R. J. Rog- ers Sr., will serve as dining room chairman. Mrs. E. A. Miles, president, will preside and Mrs. A. H. Silllgo, program chairman, will present Alfred Loan, baritone concert, radio and recprding artist, In a program of selections planned especially for the entertainment of the men guests, including Bruno Huhn's "Invlctus", "It Ain't Necessarily So" from Gershwin's, "Porgy and Bess" Stothard's "Old Man River", "Tho Glory Road" by Wolfe and others. * A representative of- the Fed- eral Bureau of Investigation will' be the .featured speaker. Card games will follow with prizes for men only. * * * British Benefit From Operetta at Malaga Gove One of society's newest phil- anthropic organizations, thoHar bpr District British War Relief Association, presented Mme. Lor- etta Laurenti's Peninsula Light Opera Group In "Mikado" Fri- day evening at Malaga Cove aud- itorium, Palos Verdcs Estate.-;, with an especially fine cast. Proceeds from the affajr will bo used to purchase sleeping bags for 8V raid shelters In England. Mr. 'and Mrs. E. G. Neess wero hosts that evening to Col. and Mrs. Edwin C. Meade of Fort MacArthur, Messrs, and Mmes. C. V. Jones, Baker Smith and Mrs. Laz Noble. Following the oper- etta, the Neesses and their guests were entertained at the Noble home in Palos Vcrdes. * * * GEBRY EMERSON CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY .. The fifth birthday 61' ' Qejry Emerson was celebrated at his nome Saturday with a gala par- ty. Colorful balloons and a beau- tifully decorated birthday cake added a festive note while games furnished diversion. Freddie Maisey was awarded a prize for one of the games whllo small prizes were provided for all participating in a fish pond game. Those present wero the honoree and Jimmy, Charles and Dicky Scott, Shlrley Carr, Monte Backstrom, Joan Gram- ling, Junior and Jeannette Brans- comb, Larry Lowback and Nola Smerson. * * # JOB'S DAUGHTERS TO GREET OFFICER Mrs. Jean Woir, Grand Guar- dlan, will pay her official visit 1 d the Torrance Bethel Job's Daughters, March 4, The Gar- dena and LOB Angeles Bethels will also take part In the cere- monies. Jl Job's Daughters Mothers club will hold a food sale Saturday, March 1, at entrance to Levy's store. The regular meeting of he Mothers Club will be held on Monday, March 3, at 2 p. m. at the homo of Mrs. Margaret Guttenfelder. Mesdames Schultz nd Wertalla will assist as co- lostosses. * * * CHURCH GROUPS MEET MARCH 0 Members of Christian Church Missionary and Council will moot t tho church parlors next Thui-fi- ay, March 6, nt 11 a. m. Mr.i. » V. C. Viollonavc will preside at ho Council mooting and lunch 111 bo served at noon by Group >Jo. 3. The Missionary meeting to o conducted by Mra. Edna Bab- ock will bo hold at 1:30 p. m- * * * .N.G.'S MEETING ELD YESTERDAY Pact Noble Grands of Robekih Lodge w*(i hold yesterday aft«r- oon at Odd Follows' Hall, Lo- ll(a. Mr>)0tf. Clara Conner and >an»y 'Coll wi-vod as hostesses. ^ gm g* -ijrja- INTEND aip TO WED y ^ Notices of Intention to marry ore filed this wnek by: Wallac.; Wanon West Jr., 21, 3046 Adiatic. Long Beach, and coillB Berniw Ernst. 28, of 1680 ott 218th st. Dale Ervin Falk, ID, of 20700 orth Ro^-al, Torrance, and Juan- a Claytor, m of 8726 Perry and Grover C. Whyte. road, ikll.

Transcript of ¥l. 1ft41 'TarzaS, the Acrobatic Dog No Rebukes Oct 3... · gucrite Beech, Ollle Buffalo, Bar bara...

Page 1: ¥l. 1ft41 'TarzaS, the Acrobatic Dog No Rebukes Oct 3... · gucrite Beech, Ollle Buffalo, Bar bara Carstens, Marjorie Cham bers, Rose Disario, Bette Fosse, Audrey Miller, Dorothy

TORRANCE HERALD. Torrane*. California TMtlftaBAV. FEBRUARY ¥l. 1ft41

Founders Honored by Fern Ave. P.T.A. at Program Tuesday

An Inspiring Founders' Day program was held Tuesday by tho Fern avenue P.T.A. with many guosts of honor present. Mrs. Abrams, vice-president of San Pedro Council, was chairman of the program. She Introduced the founder of Fern Avenue unit, Mrs. E. L. Hnttor; Mrs. Pcari Bowers, past president; Mrs Christine Gardner, former teach cr and Guy Halllday, first prln eipal of tho school. A book review was given by Mrs. L. F. Watson, Homo Service Chairman and i Founders' Day play was present ed by Mrs. Towner's fifth grad­ ers.

A candle - lighting ceremony was given by Mrs. Michca' Straszer, representing the or­ ganization; Mrs. Holmes, the homo; Mrs. Fregoh, the school; Mrs: Ludwig, the church and Mrs. A. H. Dunsrr.orc, the state. Mrs. J. J. Millard was presented with a life membership. Mrs. Roy Mycrs, membership chairmai announced that membership now totals 165. Mrs. Jack Cox and Mrs. Fremont Mull en, fifth grade room mothers, served cof- fpo at tho social hour.

Tlii' Flower Arrangement Class will be Mtl nt l'-r hrmo of Mrs. Mina Shttller, K40 Post avenue, Thursday, March 6. Board mem bers will attend an open house al Mrs. J. J. Mlllard's, Monday, March 3. Mrs. Millard recently represented Fern Avenue at health conference held in Los Angeles.

* * *


Members pf the Women of the Moose arc requested to attend 8 special business meeting be­ ginning at 9:30 tomorrow morn- Ing. At this time plans will be discussed for the April card par­ ty and work will begin on quilts for Mooseheart and Moosehaven.

'TarzaS, the Acrobatic Dog

Tartan, tbe acrobatic dog owned bj Ernral Murtifl ut-Lcxin^Uin, Ky., could cbue a monkey through m Jangle, Jadftaf from thbhlfh wire act performed for benefit of * Universal Newanel cameraman. Be Jump* from platform M feet bl(b, and Has teamed to use a linnet.

A luncheon card party^at So­ cial hall will be held tomorrow at noon. Games will begin at 1 o'clock with the Ritual and Social committees in charge.


S-e Classified Ad Under Class. 57National Home Appliance

Annex1327 Cabrillo, Torraneo

Helen M. Smith Weds Martin Smith at Las Vegas Feb. 22

Helen Margaret Smith, daugh ?r of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J

Smith, 1754 Gramercy avenue, surprised her many friends thi week when they learned that shhad suddenly advanced her wed ding plans by a surprise mar riage last Saturday at Las Vegas, Nevada, to Martin B. Smith ol this city.

The ceremony was performed by Rev. Father S. Slahive at St. Joan of Arc church In the Nev ada city. Following a short hon eymoon Mr. and Mrs. Smith willbo at'jbftmc to their friends a' 116 "Nepliifie Avenue, Hermosa


FEB. 27, 28, MAR. 1

Fresh Orange Cake...39'


Delicious! Different! Moist gold butter layers. Freshly ground California oranges in the filling and icjng. Try it!

Doughnuts . .


Sugared or niiHugared they're "simply scrump­ tious." Made with Una cake flour, fresh eggs, but­ termilk, uiul browned In pure vegetable shortening.

Kirn, cmnchy toff or, rough-rtlppwl mollow dark chocolato coating.

25* 49«!/2 Lb. Box Lb. Box

Featured at Regular Prices , . .HOT CROSS BUNS........ ... .............................dojen, 25c

POTATO ROLLS . ........ . .dozen, 12c

100% FRESH MILK BREAD..... ........... 10c



Members of the Thcta Chi Ep sllons, newly organized young people's club of St. Andrew1 ! Episcopal church,' met Tuesday at the Gardena home of Miss Lucillc Mehan where the eve ning was spent knitting. At th close of the evening refreshments were served to the girls' spons ors Mrs. Baker Smith and Miss Alice Hodge and the Misses Mar gucrite Beech, Ollle Buffalo, Bar bara Carstens, Marjorie Cham bers, Rose Disario, Bette Fosse, Audrey Miller, Dorothy McNew, Lillian Prince, Lucy May Rose, Patty Rojo, Dorothy Sandstrom Ana Watson, Dorothy and Nancy Wilkes, Barbara Woodcock, Aud­ rey and Jacqueline Rider. Nu­ merous parties including dancing and skating have been enjoyed by the girls under supervision of their sponsors.


The Girl Scout troop sponsored by Miss Millard have recently been making baby garments for

British. A hiking trip to KNX and a Valentine party Feb.

sponsored by the Misses Myrna Lou Fossum and June fohnstone were also enjoyed by :he troop.


Tho regular monthly meeting if Mothers Educational Center

will be held at Woman's Club­ house tomorrow morning begin­ ning at 9 o'clock. Mothers of babies and small children arcInvited to :his servk

avail themselves of > without charge.

Bride-Elect Feted at Shower Given by The Misses Wilson

Miss Cecllla Ernst, whose wee ding to Wallace West, Jr., w take place at First Christ! church Saturday evening, Man 1, was honored when the Mis: Beulah Wilson and Gladys Bo: entertained with a bridal show at their home, 815 Amapola a' nuc Monday evening.

Miss Ernst was the recipiei of many lovely gifts and gann furnished diversion. Refresl ments were served at the clos of play.

Those present were the ho oree and her mother, Mrs. R. V Ernst and Mcsdamcs Jeann.ct Wcingartner of Gardena, Ai Slmpson, Freda Prultt, Inez Ra; Inez Nlcolctti, Ladeene Ha mond, Virginia Montague, Jear Wardwell, Anna McFarland, Ru Landreth, Irma Trezlsc, Eth Kirk, Mablu Monson, Rul Found, Irma Cochran, Lucll Thompson and Leona Cloun and Misses Margie Zook Hermosa Beach, Betty Sproni Betty Albright and Madely Plnkham.


Members of the Catholic Ladli Altar Society were present Tue: day noon at the monthly lunch eon meeting held at Nativlt' Hall. Mrs. O. J. Batsch, }>resldi at the meeting and Rev. Fathi Joseph L. Bauer conducted th opening and closing prayers.

The ladies outlined plans f< a dessert bridge which they wiponsor on St. Patrick's Da; March 17. Tables of bridge, pi nochle and EDO will be In pla; There will be a door prize in ad dltion to regulation prizes. Dung Lent the monthly pot lucl luncheon will be held on Tues day instead of Wednesday.


Mrs. George Campbell Jones, Jr. was honored when Mrs. J. T. Oursler entertained with a lunch

ion and shower for her Thurs day. An arrangement of Cecil Brunner roses was used for th :enterpiece at the luncheon a vhich covers were placed foi

Mesdames H. T. Llntott of Lo:ngeles, Melvin Hyde and Vir

glnia Shirr of Manhattan Beach Emily^Wulfeson of. Redondo, O ~«*Krasse, Desmond McCall.Joh Ceefer, A. A. Fllnk, C. L. Ingold,

and Paul Watson.A stork motif was used am

ink and blue were accented ii icccssories and menu. Mrs. Jone: 'as the recipient of many lovely :ifta.

* * «MRS. SCHULTZ IS .UNCHEON HOSTESS Mrs. C. C. Schultz was host- is when she entertained mem ers of her bridge club at lunch 'on Thursday. A . Washington's irthday motif was accented In

floral centerpiece used for :he luncheon table. Covers were .rranged for Mmes. C. T. Rippy, leorge Peckham, R. J. Dcin- iger, J. W. Post, Grover C 'hyte, J. S. Lancaster, and J. R :iink. Contract awards were re­

ceived by Mmes. Peckham and 'ost.

* * *You save by bringing your adthe Herald or News office.

Dolly Is Happy Now

She's Full of Better Milk

Everybody who gets all the Mayfair Milk hp or al»P wants Is boupd to bo happy. Bv- orypne H»OWB that pure, fresh niilk keepe human health at its best but not every­ one knows what' a treat Mayfair Milk In. You'll Hkn U because it tastes better. Phone 337'for delivery service.

"Mayfair MiI/(. . . It's Good"

No Rebukes

Nails drew mostly rebukes when they Invited American Uitcnera to cable their reaction to German shortwave program*, bat Irish Free State listener* think differ, intly of V. S. shortwave broad' :a»U. Marion Chamber! discovers

that Irtih mall ia censored twice (by Irish and British), bat get* throat h to General Electric abort- wave stations in Schcneetadr. N. X.

More Than 75 at Club Bridge Party On Nat'1 Holiday ,

Torrance Woman's Clubhou: presented a gala appearance ft the annual Washington's birth day dessert bridge Friday after noon. Despite the rain more tha '5 members and guests attendee

A patriotic motif was accente in the flag centerpieces used a' :he small tables and In the pa: icccssories.

Mrs. H. E. Massle, ways an means chairman, was assisted b; Mrs. W. S. Bush who served as kitchen chairman and Mm< Kclsey, Silllgo, Green and Snod ;rass who were in charge ridge, pinochle and BOO.Contract awards were present

id to Mmes. Shldlcr, Isen an Rlppy while Mmes. C. Ruppel :nd W. E. Ruppel won at auc :ion and Mrs. Putman. rccelvec n award for pinochle. Mrs. Kill beth Brod and Mrs. W. H. Gil' iert captured door prizes an< .n attractively decorated cak ras won by Mrs. Bryant Powei


,T BAPTIST MEETING Members of the Baptist Mis

lonary Society and their guests iet at the church last Thursday fhere a program was enjoyed illowlng a short business scs on. Mrs, Alan Muir presented thi ogram and Mrs. W. R. 3pa irn led the devotionals. Miss idori Kitazono, Japanese mis

ionary from Gardena, spoke on This Is My Native Land,'' Spe- al music by Mrs. C. M. Scv rin was enjoyed while Mrs. Dan erson entertained the group Ith a story. Mrs. Woods of Los ngclr.s was the featured speak

discussing the Philippines, luncheon was followed by white oss work.

* * * K.S. GROUP T NOUKSE HOME Mrs. Lola Hoover, worthy ma on of Torraneo Chapter No. 30, Ordfr of the Eastern Star

id her staff were entertained the home of Mrs. Haze

burse on Post avenue Monday 'cning. Following a short 10 ruction session, Mrs. Nouree rved refreshments and a social nir was enjoyed.

* * *'.M.S. TO MEET AUCIl FOURTH Tho regular meeting of Worn i's Missionary Society of Cen-

al Evangelical church will be ild at Guild Hall Tuesday, urch !, ;it 1 p. in. Mines. Gcorg lolton and Grace Burmelster

II serve as co-hostesses.

Torrance HeraldPublished Eveiy Thursday

Graver C. WliyteEditor-PubllBher

1339 El Prado. Phqne 444Torrance, Calif.

Entered as second class mat- :r January 30, 1814, at post- 'floe, Tormnce, Calif., underit of March 3, 1807.

Subscription Rat«a lywhere in U)» Angeles County

$2.00 per year itblde Lou AllKeles County

$3.00 per year

Judlcated a Legal Newspaper By Superior Court. Lou

Angeles County.

Elementary P.T.A. Has Varied Program on Founders' Day

Founders' Day at Elemental Bchsol wa« a gala occasion when a cplcndld program was enjoyi by members and their gvres Tuesday afUrnoon. Mr». W. Tolson presided and Mrs. H. Lee presented Mrs. Edwin Walker, first vice-president 10th district, who spoko "Growth In P.T.A."

A pretty feature of the a'tei noon program was a minuet Miss Helen Jewell's group Colonial costume, accompani by Nancy Ann Whyte at the pi ino.

An interesting talk and demo: itratlon of the development cei tcr was given by Miss Dclelsse RUCS. Mrs. Fred Quaggln, Foul dors' Day chairman presente Mrs. Tolson with a corsage am ntroduccd past presidents, Mmei

Mina Shldler. ,T. E. Hitchcock. O. Bishop, I. C. Rous, M. J. E wards and H. R. Lee while a mi ment of silence was observec for Mrs. Nettle Stelnhllber.fi: P.T.A. president at Elementary school.

An announcement was mai by Principal Leonard J. Dyke; that tables had been delivered to the grove for the children1 use during lunch hour and thai the initial step nad been madi toward securing a students' It brary at the school. Mrs. T. Mltchell presented a life me bershlp'to Miss Lovlna Boudln who has taught In this schoc for the past 15 years.

The afternoon program was coi eluded iwith a candle- lightlni ceremony by Mrs. Quaggln wl also baked and decorated Founders' Day cake for the occt sion. The tea table at whi .Mmes. Tolson and Lee pourec was beautiful with an arrang ment of iris, yellow marguerite: and matching tapers. Mrs. 3. Hopklns, hospitality chalrma assisted Mrs. Quaggln as c hostess.


Mrs. Robert McMaster wi honored when Mrs. C. E. Easli entertained with a stork show for her last Tuesday evening a her home, 234 Camlno Del Campc In-Hollywood Riviera. Pinkswec peas In turquoise bowls accente the pink and blue color arrang mentfeed In shower appointments. Games furnished diversion wit: Miss, Alice Dcvinc as prize win ncr. Mrs. McMaster was pre lentcd with a handsome bassin

and other lovely gifts for th heir to be.

Refreshments were served the close of the evening to. th honoree and Mmes. W i n s t o Youngren, William Schcll an Foster Day all or Redondo; I E. McMaster, W. J. Neff, Ruth Clutter, J. W. Beeman, Louis Graef, Jean Swarens, John Clay Harvey Flammer, Bob Roberts all of Torrance, and the Misses Alice Mudgett and Martha Phis tcr of Los Angeles, Virginia Klrl if Redondo and Goldie Gordanle; if Torrance.


The marriage of Cecelia Ernst f Torrance and Wallace Wesl if Long Beach will be solcmnlzei

turday at 8 p. m. in the Chris ian Church. Rev. Frank Porter

read the wedding ceremony >orothy Evelyn Ernst, sister o! :he brldo, will be the maid-of onor and Lloyd Crowder will ttend the groom. Following

heir marriage, Mr. end Mrs rest plan to reside at 2213 Cab illo avenue.

* * *[OTES ON R.N.A. CTIV1TIE8Attending tho Royal Nelgh-

ors' district meeting at San 'edro last Thursday were 4mcs. Lola Doano, Ada McCunc, lary Baker, L. Benzol, Martha 'ooper and Adeline Smith. Th

:t district moot will be held In [arch, date to bo announced itcr. A social evening will be Jd at 2171 Torrance boulevard .icsday evening. March 4.

* * #LUB MEETS AT :iN8HAW HOMEMr*. M. W. Hlnshaw ent«rt4lM4tmbers of her club at her hom»

>n Cota avenue on Friday eve- 'hg. Contract awards were re ived by Mmns. Robert Ashley

nd R. L. Lousing and refresh lents wore served at the close

play. Other guests worn Minna, award Rhono, T. R. Marshall, 'red Harder, J. W. Bi>cman, and

H. Moore.*' * *


lessen for the O»thql|c died' card party th|n eveningc Mmes. L. .T. Smith, Bray,otxTt, Obole, Bdimldl. Ray-

end nnd Wobb. Everyone |srdlally invited. There will betea and retreUimcnts.



6:30 p.m. RoUry Club at , Legion Hall.

'iOO p.m. Boy Bcout TroopNo. 21T.

' 7:110 p-m. Boy Scout TroopNo. Jit.

20-80 club at Daniels. V.F.W., 8171 Torranoe Blvd

' V.F.W. Auxiliary, McDonaldH&n

( 7:40 p. ni, Knights of Pythias' at Redondo.

8:00 p. m. Modern Woodmenn _ Catholic Ladles' card party

n- FRIDAY, FEB. 28* 9:00 a, m, Mothers' Educa-n- tlonal Center at Woman'sw Clubhouse.nd 11:00 a.m. Women of thes. Moose luncheon meeting.

7:80 p. m. I.O.O.F. No. 198,t Redondo Beach.o- Townsend Club, Men's Biblee< Ctasf Bldg.at 8:00 p.m. Maaonic meeting.,.

SUNDAY, MARCH *jc Services In all churches.

* MONDAY, MARCH S*' 3:30 p.m. St. Andrew's Girl Scout T^oop Guild Hall.

6:30 p. m. Ktwanls Club atDaniels ; Cafe.

7:30 p.m. N.B.P.W. businessA- meeting. 1 Junior Chamber of. Com-5 merce, C. of C. Bldg.

TUESDAY, MARCH 4n- 2:00 p.m. Woman's Mission- i ary Society, Central Evan-tio gelical church, a 7:30 p. m. Job's Daughters.

a- Boy Scout Troop No. 211 ch Scout Hall. M 8:00 p. m. W.B.A. at McDon-e -, aid hall, es American Legion at LegionR. clubhouse, n, Technocracy, 1915 Carson St.

°' WEDNESDAY, MARCH S12:80 p.m. Woman's Club

luncheon. 7:80 p. m. Boy Scout Troop

No. 218.as Order of De Molay, Masonic1 Temple.

1 THURSDAY, MARCH BOj 11:00 a.m. Christian Churchc Missionary and Council.( ZiOO p. m. Lutheran Ladles'

B. Aid. s Episcopal .-Woman's- Auxil­

iary.. ,. 1:00 p.m. Girl Scout Troop

No. 2 at Scout Hall.,t

e 'Americanism' Topicof Legion Auxiliary Meeting Tuesday

"Americanism" was discussed by Garroll Parrish, Commando of the Fourth Area, Sons of th ^eglon, when he spoke before ;roup of members of America jCglon Auxiliary and their guests

at Legion clubhouse Tuesdaevening.

Mrs. Luclllo Lewellen, chair man, also presented Edwin Bird Jommander Torrance Post Amer can Legion, who spoke on phase

of .local national defense. Buffe refreshments were served from a table, beautifully decorated with an arrangement of flowers carrying out. the patriotic motif.

Mrs. Lewellen was asslste<by Mrs. Roxie Sleeth.


Circle No. 1 of the Methodist church will meet at the home'of Mrs. J. H. Young, 1803 Gram­ercy, at 10:30 a. m. Thursday,March 6. Circle No. 2 will mee.at the home of Mrs. Tunks, 720

icrder, at 2 p. m. Thursday, kfarch 6. Mrs. Fred Blako wil >e hostess for Circle No. 3 at ler homo, 814 Madrid, Tuesday, Karen 4, at 2 p. m.

* * *


Mrs. Charles Mothor.solo washostess when she entertainedwith a dinner parly Friday eve-

Ing honoring her hunband onils birthday. Spring flowers wero mid for the table and covers

were pl«c«d fpr.the honoree and Mr. and Mrt. W; $. Cooper ind

their mother, Mrs. Sinclair; Mr.and Mrs. C4SP«r Clemmer and

in and Mrs. May Reese.* * »


Members of at. Cccella'a Guild pf St. Andrew's Episcopal churchwere entertained at an attrac­tively appointed dussert bridgeat Parish hall Tuesday a (tor noon.An BiTangvmont °S IHs and daf-od|lp flanked with matchingapers accented the colorful »c-

cessorlos. Mhtes. J. B. Scottonind P«»n L. 8c«rs sri vort an co-lostebdoa, Contract award» woreVan by Mim-*. D. .T. Thomson

Clubwomen WillHonor Husbands atDinner-Program

"Husband's Night" will b« ob­served at Torrance Woman's Clubhouse next Wednesday eve­ ning when husbands and guests will be feted at the club's an­ nual dinner meeting and pro­gram. The hour for serving has been set for 6:30 and reserva­tions must be made with Mrs. E. M. Johniton not later than Monday evening.

A fine dinner has been plannedby Mrs. W. J. Neelands and her committee while Mrs. R. J. Rog­ers Sr., will serve as dining room chairman.

Mrs. E. A. Miles, president, willpreside and Mrs. A. H. Silllgo,program chairman, will presentAlfred Loan, baritone concert,radio and recprding artist, In aprogram of selections plannedespecially for the entertainmentof the men guests, includingBruno Huhn's "Invlctus", "ItAin't Necessarily So" fromGershwin's, "Porgy and Bess"Stothard's "Old Man River", "ThoGlory Road" by Wolfe andothers. *

A representative of- the Fed­eral Bureau of Investigation will'be the .featured speaker. Card games will follow with prizes formen only.

* * *

British BenefitFrom Operettaat Malaga Gove

One of society's newest phil­ anthropic organizations, thoHar bpr District British War ReliefAssociation, presented Mme. Lor- etta Laurenti's Peninsula Light Opera Group In "Mikado" Fri­day evening at Malaga Cove aud­ itorium, Palos Verdcs Estate.-;,with an especially fine cast.

Proceeds from the affajr willbo used to purchase sleeping bags for 8V raid shelters InEngland.

Mr. 'and Mrs. E. G. Neess werohosts that evening to Col. andMrs. Edwin C. Meade of Fort MacArthur, Messrs, and Mmes. C.V. Jones, Baker Smith and Mrs.Laz Noble. Following the oper­etta, the Neesses and their guestswere entertained at the Noblehome in Palos Vcrdes.


The fifth birthday 61' ' QejryEmerson was celebrated at his nome Saturday with a gala par­ ty. Colorful balloons and a beau­tifully decorated birthday cakeadded a festive note while games furnished diversion.

Freddie Maisey was awarded a prize for one of the games whllo small prizes were providedfor all participating in a fish pond game. Those present wero the honoree and Jimmy, Charles and Dicky Scott, Shlrley Carr, Monte Backstrom, Joan Gram- ling, Junior and Jeannette Brans- comb, Larry Lowback and Nola Smerson.


Mrs. Jean Woir, Grand Guar- dlan, will pay her official visit 1 d the Torrance Bethel Job's

Daughters, March 4, The Gar­ dena and LOB Angeles Bethels will also take part In the cere­ monies. Jl

Job's Daughters Mothers clubwill hold a food sale Saturday,March 1, at entrance to Levy'sstore. The regular meeting ofhe Mothers Club will be held

on Monday, March 3, at 2 p. m. at the homo of Mrs. Margaret Guttenfelder. Mesdames Schultz

nd Wertalla will assist as co-lostosses.


Members of Christian Church Missionary and Council will moot t tho church parlors next Thui-fi-ay, March 6, nt 11 a. m. Mr.i. »

V. C. Viollonavc will preside atho Council mooting and lunch 111 bo served at noon by Group

>Jo. 3. The Missionary meeting too conducted by Mra. Edna Bab-ock will bo hold at 1:30 p. m-

* * *.N.G.'S MEETING ELD YESTERDAYPact Noble Grands of Robekih

Lodge w*(i hold yesterday aft«r-oon at Odd Follows' Hall, Lo-ll(a. Mr>)0tf. Clara Conner and

>an»y 'Coll wi-vod as hostesses. ^

gm g*-ijrja- INTENDaip TO WED y^

Notices of Intention to marryore filed this wnek by:Wallac.; Wanon West Jr., 21,3046 Adiatic. Long Beach, and

coillB Berniw Ernst. 28, of 1680ott 218th st.Dale Ervin Falk, ID, of 20700orth Ro^-al, Torrance, and Juan-a Claytor, m of 8726 Perry

and Grover C. Whyte. road, ikll.