KZRS'12 Daily Issue 1

YESTERDAY... Halloween whispers 1 © Annika Ader On Halloween night, the officials’ team arrived at the school, unaware of the dark mystery they were getting themselves into. Settling in was accompanied with bi- zarre noises - humming, screaming and pumping. Deciding to ignore this, the officials went on a hunt for food, deep into the fog. Fog can hide many mysteri- ous things. This time, the mystery did not stay outside. Back from the hunt, the officials brought the mystery with them. While doing the last preparations, you could feel eyes on the back of your head, watching. There is something lurking in the deep dark cor- ners of this school...


The first daily issue of KZRS'12 Media Team.

Transcript of KZRS'12 Daily Issue 1

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Halloween whispers


© Annika Ader

On Halloween night, the officials’ team arrived at the school, unaware of the dark mystery they were getting themselves into. Settling in was accompanied with bi-zarre noises - humming, screaming and pumping.

Deciding to ignore this, the officials went on a hunt for food, deep into the fog. Fog

can hide many mysteri-ous things. This time, the mystery did not stay outside. Back from the hunt, the officials brought the mystery with them. While doing the last preparations, you could feel eyes on the back of your head, watching. There is something lurking in the deep dark cor-ners of this school...

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© Māris Rutkis

Halloween is not just necessary, it is the sin-gle best holiday of the whole year for a very simple reason – vol-untary participation. There is no needlessly attached pressure of buy-ing gifts, visiting te-dious relatives or even acknowledging the holi-day – it’s your choice. If you do not wish to take part, you are free to do so with no remorse, unlike in your family’s Christmas dinner or New Year’s celebrations.

Not to mention the fact that trick or treat-ing, the most sought-af-ter practice during Hal-loween, is a valuable self-development prompt-ing activity for young people. Working out what costumes to wear and characters to play re-quires quite a lot of creative thinking. What is more, the entailed confidence to knock on a door, speak to a stranger and try to convince him to share his treats is an ability you will need for the rest of your life. Halloween is a holiday that promotes fun and silliness, something of-ten missed and needed in modern day society where people tend to take life too seriously. We are here for a finite amount of time so why not enjoy ourselves and dress up as a pirate zombie to ter-rorize our neighbours?

Treat or Trick

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Against / THE CLASH


© Alex Coates

Halloween is a time of the year which has ancient roots in European culture as a celebration of the harvest and the coming of the harsh winter. As this is the case why has it become a night of lack of clothes, ‘zom-bie apocalypses’ and com-plete social indignity?

It’s also becoming a con on the part of corpora-tions, who are selling a cheap, tacky idea with fake pumpkins and ‘scary’ sym-bols such as skeletons or ghosts. Such symbols have no relevance to a holiday with such historical val-ue, but people are too hap-py getting drunk to notice.

A celebrated event like this could also be seen as a lesson to children in beg-ging. The act of walking to someone’s house and expect-ing free, sugary sweets is in my eyes, ludicrous. In turn, the actions of these innocent children could

lead to more extreme ones such as theft or fraud.

This substantial historic shift has meant that Hal-loween has become exces-sively commercialised and therefore, in my opinion should be reformed or abol-ished completely. Prop-er education of people may be a form of this reforma-tion. However, this is just the first step to wiping out these newer traditions and replacing them with the le-gitimate memory of Hallow-een’s humble beginnings.

Treat or Trick

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© Ieva Pastare

Talk with 3 random officials about boiling cucumbers.

Quote“A day without sunshine is like,

you know, night.”- Steve Martin

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© Māris Rutkis & Reinis Tutāns


Head organizer’s Mārtiņš’ Halloween costume this year was Creepy Old Lady

Niklāvs and Mārtiņš preserving energy for their journey up ahead with the always useful full-feet technique.

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Cut out a face!

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Cut out a face!

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And the ‘Best Photobomber of the CJO Dinner Award’ goes to…

Someone is getting a little too excited for the session.

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Qs & As


© Anna Trine Raudsepp & Alyona Vyshnevska





Aija: „I am exhausted. My trip started at 4 am from Smiltene but I am still excited to be here. “

Aija: „I am sure I know what I have signed up for. No sleep during a session. “Annija: „I am going to meet new people and I will have a great experience. “Elina: “I am kind of sure. What are we going to do? Discuss, I guess.”

Rihards: “I have a cute miniature toothpaste.”Diana: “Coca-cola”Aija: “Condoms”Emily: “Homework”Dita: “Two mobile phones, because I have two ears.”Aleks: “Three liters of water”

Signe: „Maybe“!Dita: Not really…

PS! None of delegates ad-mitted stalking their com-mittee members and chairs.

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© Reinis Tutāns

ARIES MARCH 21 - APRIL 19Today Aries are likely to find themselves in an extra-ordi-nary environment. Face your fears and grasp all the food you see. This might come in handy during the next days. Consider

changing your phone brand.

TAURUS APRIL 20 - MAY 20This is a fine day for Taurus to expand their knowledge of how their bones are structured. Be aware of the signs you see around, they are likely to have a meaning. Smile in order to

be noticed.

GEMINI MAY 21 - JUNE 20Senses of Gemini are extra powerful today. Be cautious and you might discover some dirty secrets about a relative of yours. Inspect every person you encounter in order to find


CANCER JUNE 21 - JULY 22Bad mood is the first step to depression. Your perception about changes is highly based on emotions – negative ones. Eat vegetables to adapt to the new environment. Do not eat

anything red, it will fire up your anger.

LEO JULY 23 - AUGUST 22Fortune has left the almighty Leos. Advisable to avoid gam-bling, cancel all business meetings or you will be tricked. Look on the bright side; unlucky in cards, lucky in love.

Recommends having an aromatic bath.

VIRGO AUGUST 23 - SEPTEMBER 22Be careful, your easy-going nature might be used for selfish purposes. Relevant day to meet an old friend and empty can of orange juice or two. Avoid sunlight, you’ll get burns.

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LIBRA SEPTEMBER 23 - OCTOBER 22Your inborn charm seduces everyone you have contact with. Be careful, the first impression is usually incorrect. Take a look at the moon, its power will illuminate your mind.

Good day to have a drink with other Libras.

SCORPIO OCTOBER 23 - NOVEMBER 21Keep your spikes in your pockets, don’t get arrogant be-cause you have birthdays now. Good day for presentations

and standing out in a group. Think of mastering a new music instrument.

SAGITTARIUS NOVEMBER 22 - DECEMBER 21At last you can express your true nature… shoot everything that’s on your mind. Don’t be ashamed of irrelevant jokes, you will be understood. After a hard day of work, rethink

having a sensual massage.

CAPRICORN DECEMBER 22 - JANUARY 19Speak to a person you find pleasant and reliable. You need a psychologist. Possible to fall asleep during an important

meeting. Fine day to travel to Azerbaijan.

AQUARIUS JANUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 18Consider not eating food today, consume only water. It

would only harmonize your soul. Blonde people are awesome today, high five each one you meet.

PISCES FEBRUARY 19 - MARCH 20Pisces are feeling joyful today. Dress up nicely because there’s a big possibility of finding your true love. Avoid

Taurus to keep out of trouble.

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The Secrets of


© Laura Vizule

In EYP you always have to be ready for everything. Each session is a great place where a lot of ran-dom, fun and sometimes even slightly weird stuff happens. A great example is The Special Suprise event that our dear orgas have planned for us this evening. It promises to be interesting and excit-ing. Just like any oth-er surprise, this could be the perfect, ulti-

mate challenge for you to show your magnificence and introduce yourself to EYP and vice ver-sa. You’ll see, It will definitely be a blast!

So, don’t be scared, just take a leap of faith, use every opportunity that you have and for-get about the shyness. Everybody here is wel-comed to show their true colours and be unique.