KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010

1 KSA NEWS Issue 1 May 2012 Magazine Newsletter of Kinesiology Schools Australia EMF: The Hidden Danger Coconut Oil By Bronwyn Kennedy


KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2012

Transcript of KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010

Page 1: KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010


KSA NEWS Issue 1 May 2012

Magazine Newsletter of Kinesiology Schools Australia

EMF: The Hidden


Coconut Oil By Bronwyn Kennedy

Page 2: KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010






EMF: The hidden danger

What’s been happening at KSA?




What’s happening at KSA

Don’t like eating your Greens?

Nutritious Green Smoothie Recipe Coconut Oil

By Bronwyn Kennedy

What do you think?

Do you like the new magazine?

Anything you want to know more about

or see in the next magazine?

Tell us! [email protected]

or on our new Facebook Page

Contact us?

Kinesiology Schools Australia

9/57 Gawain Rd

Bracken Ridge, QLD, 4017

(07) 3261 5436

[email protected]



18th May

Practice Night at Bracken Ridge

Make sure you let us know if you are


17th—20th May

Hyperton-X Adv Course

With Trevor Savage ND and Danny Liddell!

Page 3: KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010


What’s been happening at Kinesiology Schools Australia?

Hyperton—X Basic Course

The Hyperton-X Basic Course was held

last weekend 4th—6th May. It was a

fantastic weekend with a group of very

enthusiastic students. One of the great

things about this course is the HUGE

effect releasing all of your own

hypertonic muscles can have on you. At

the end of the class all students had seen

a dramatic increase in flexibility and

release of tension in their bodies!

Congratulations to the students, who will

now be able to use Hyperton-X in their



What’s happening at KSA

Don’t like eating your Greens?

Nutritious Green Smoothie Recipe From top right to left: Scott Birse, Danny Liddell (Course Facilitator), Bronwyn Kennedy,

Lee Berenblum, Shayleigh White, Eija Torkkola, Donna Betterridge and Lenora Kilshaw

Hyperton—X Advanced Course

Thurs 17th May—Sunday 20th May



For all our of wonderful students that have

completed the Hyperton-X basic course, Trevor

Savage ND and Danny Liddell will be teaching the

Hyperton-X Advanced Course later this month.

There are only 12 places available so make sure you

get in quick for this amazing opportunity to learn

from TWO of Australia’s most experienced


Please note: HT-X Basic is a pre-requisite

To Enrol: Contact Trevor Savage

Kinesiology Centre at Cashmere

Click Here or call 07 3882 4446

Kinesiology Schools Australia is now on


Make sure that you like our new FACEBOOK page by clinking

on the button or here


Share information and great success stories with us, other

students and anyone interested in Kinesiology. We will be

creating a private group for STUDENTS ONLY where we can all

discuss certain problems or techniques in the near future. The

aim of this facebook page is there to keep you up to date

with what is going on at KSA, to give you links to interesting

articles and information and to promote Kinesiology to the



Page 4: KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010


What is EMF?

Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) emissions or

radiation are created whenever electrical

power flows though a wire, conductor or


EMF cannot be seen, felt or heard, but they are

present in and around all electrical lines and

devices such as mobile phones, computers

laptops, tv’s, microwaves, and basically anything

which has current. EMF emissions are measured

in units called milliGauss (mG).

The effects of EMF on the human body have

become a highly controversial issue. There is a

growing number of reputable scientists who

claim EMF can cause cancer, leukaemia in

children, depression and even suicide.

A most significant study headed by Australian

Oncologist Ray Lowenthal was recently (Sept

2007) seen on the ABC National News. The

newscast reported

“A Tasmanian study shows that children

living near high-voltage power lines are

more likely to develop cancer. Oncologist

Ray Lowenthal led the research, which

explores the impact of electric power lines

on the development of diseases including

lymphoma and leukaemia. The research

shows that people who lived within 300

metres of power lines when they were

children were more likely to suffer from


How does it affect us?

The level of awareness over the effects of EMF

has increased dramatically over the last few

years. It has been suggested that over

exposure to this radiation might produce

symptoms as such:

Headaches, insomnia and


Various eye diseases

Influence people’s wellbeing and

biological response

Have effect on cognitive functions

Affect the immune system

Be responsible for leukaemia and

brain cancer

There are many other studies that support these

types of findings. This year, in 2011, the WHO

(World Health Authority) formally released a

report stating that mobile phones are a danger

and can cause brain cancer.

Dr. Charlie Tio, a high profile brain surgeon,

reported on Channel 7’s Today Tonight on May

10th 2011, that there has been a significant

increase in brain tumours in the temporal and

frontal lobes of the brain. This is the area next

to our ear where we place our phone. He

believes this increase is directly due to the use

of mobile phones.

EMF: A Hidden Danger

Page 5: KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010


What can we do about EMF


The easiest thing is to try to reduce your

exposure to the fields. In our technologically

advanced world, this is asking for a great

deal too much!

Living without EMF has almost become

i m p o s s i b l e , i t i s a l s o

inconceivable. Electricity and electronic

products such as kitchen appliances,

computers, laptops and mobile phones

have become part of our daily lives, even

part of the lives of children from the time

they are born. They are even part of the

equipment of the vehicles we drive.

All this wonderful electronic equipment will

continue to play a growing role in our lives

and in the lives of the generations to come.

The invention of electricity was a revolution

for the modern world, and its nature deserves to

be understood and respected.

Because of the controversial nature and until the

full fact of the effects of EMF radiation are

completely proven, the best course of action

would be to avoid exposure, or at least protect

ourselves and our loves ones from its effects. It

only makes sense!

So what’s the next best thing? Protection!

WINGUARD Anti-Radiation stickers Help to absorb and eliminate harmful

EMF radiations emitting from your mobile

phone. Protect Yourself and your loved ones by

simply placing a Winguard Anti-

Radiation sticker on your phone.

Winalite EMF Card Anti-Radiation Protection for your chil-

dren, your family and protection from all

radiation in your environment. Simple

and Effective. Just keep the EMF Card with you, place

on your desk, on the kids’ desks, keep it

in your pocket, take it wherever you go!

Now available...

Get protected from EMF – ElectroMagnetic Field Radiation Now

Contact us at Bracken Ridge Natural Therapies (07) 3261 5436

Only $39

Only $90 or $150 for 2

Page 6: KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010


Coconuts have fed and

nourished worldwide

populations by providing a

nutritious source of meat,

water, milk and oil for

centuries. The coconut is

highly nutritious and is rich

in fibre, vitamins and

minerals. The coconut

palm is so highly valued by

the Pacific Islanders, it is

called, “The Tree of Life.”

Historically coconut oil is one of the earliest oils to

be used as a food and as a pharmaceutical.

Studies on people who live in tropical climates

and who have a diet high in coconut oil are

healthier, have less heart disease, cancer,

digestive complaints and prostate problems.

However, when research about the dangers of

saturated fats came out in relation to heart

disease in the 1980’s, many people began to

assume that coconut oil must be bad.

It is true that coconut oil is primarily a saturated

fat however, what people don’t understand is

that there are many different types of saturated

fat and all of them affect the body differently.

The type of saturated

fat found in coconut

oil, a plant source, is

different from the type

found in animal

products. The

difference is dramatic

and is fully document

by years of scientific


Unlike other fats,

coconut oil protects

against heart disease, cancer, diabetes and a

host of other degenerative illnesses. It supports

and strengthens the immune system, thus

helping the body ward off attack from infection

and disease. It is unique among oils in that it

promotes weight loss which has earned it the

reputation of being the world’s only low-calorie

fat and using coconut oil for all your cooking

needs may be one of the healthiest decisions

you could ever make.

As a Kinesiologist and Health Practitioner it is

important to read and research a variety of

topics in order to be able to educate your

clients, particularly when it comes to food and

nutrition. There is a lot of conflicting information

on the book stands and on the internet. At the

end of the day, the more you are aware of the

most updated research, the more you can

inform yourself and your clients about their


One book I highly recommend is Bruce Fife’s,

“The Coconut Oil Miracle.” This book discusses

the history of coconut oil, the political agendas

that gave it a bad name and consequently

have caused more disease than health and

“Unlike other fats, coconut oil

protects against heart disease,

cancer, diabetes and a host of

other degenerative illnesses”




By Bronwyn Kennedy

Coconut Oil

Page 7: KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010


how coconut oil ca be used as a food and

as a medicine to get back to a natural way

of better health. Bruce Fife has done his

research and is an expert in his field. When

it comes to knowing the good, the bad and

the ugly about oils, this book will lead you in

the right direction.

Happy Reading,


Goal Setting Workshop! May 30th 6-9pm

At Bracken Ridge Natural Therapies

with our highly talented Bron

We often blame the weather, the traffic, the economy, our parents, our boss, our friends, co-workers, etc. for

the parts of our lives we don't like.

We all have setbacks. If you want to be successful in all areas of your life you must learn:

how to address your perception of theses setbacks

why they occurred in the first place.

Only YOU have the power to change the quality of the life you live!

Only YOU can be the change you want to see in your life!

Contact us NOW to change your life and reserve your place in this FREE workshop!

(07) 3261 5436 or [email protected]


Ask Danny?

Got a question for Danny?

Email your questions to

[email protected]

with “Ask Danny?” in the subject and

we will feature your question in next

months newsletter if we think it is

something all students should know!

Who am I talking to?

Meet Lee, Bron & Kylie our receptionists at Kinesiology

Schools Australia. Both Lee and Kylie are studying their

Diploma in Kinesiology with Kinesiology Schools Australia,

and Bron is a tutor at KSA and Kinesiologist at Bracken Ridge

Natural Therapies

Lee Berenblum Bronwyn


Kylie Evans

Page 8: KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010



What’s Happening at Kinesiology Schools Australia?

6pm—9pm May 18th


Two hours of practice time for Cert IV and Diploma

Students! And one hour of Q&A with Bronwyn!

Make you that you let us know you are coming, call 07

3261 5436 or email [email protected]

May 18th—21st



Advanced Hyperton-X (HT-X Adv) takes the whole

brilliant Hyperton-X Basic course to a whole new level.

For sporting people this course isolates individual

movements to find and then correct exactly where

the power and speed is lost.

Click here for more info….

May 30th


This is a workshop to help you make the change in

your life that you have always wanted.. Discuss your

goals and determine your values so that you can

remember who you are and experience everything

your heart desires. Set goals for your year that you

can and will achieve!

Click here for more info….

July 27th—29th


THERAPY — Module 1

(3 Module Advanced Course) N.O.T is one of the

most advanced Kinesiology therapies available.

Under the guidance of Trevor Savage and Danny

Liddell, practitioners will gain valuable techniques

and knowledge that will help take your practice to a

professional level and provide the skills for success.

Click here for more info….

July 21st —Byron Bay


This is a course for every parents. Make parenting

easy. Bumps, bruises, sprains, bites, colds, flu,

tonsillitis, burns, tummy upsets and many other minor

problems that often occur. A must for everyone,

especially if you have kids.

Click here for more info….

Sept 2012


Our Certificate IV graduates qualify at practitioner

level and can go straight into the workforce as

Kinesiology consultants

Click here for more info….

Page 9: KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010



1-2 cups cabbage

1/2 bunch parsley

1/2 ripe avocado - peeled and deseeded

1/2 cup raw walnuts (freshly cracked out of

their shell if possible)

7 fresh dates (make sure the pips are out)

1 TBS pure maple syrup

1 TBS pure coconut oil

1 1/2 tablespoon cacao (raw cocoa)

Don’t like eating your Greens?

Try this Green Chocolate Smoothie! It’s rich in nutrients!

2 TBS goji berry (optional)

1/2 cup filtered water

1 banana

10 ice cubes


Blend all the ingredients except ice until

smooth then add the ice and blend again.

Serves 1-2.

Looking for an alternative to

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Anion Sanitary pads are non-toxic, more

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Includes an Anion strip that emits negative

ions which help to inhibit growth of bacteria

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Sample Pack today!

Page 10: KSA Brisbane newsletter May 2010


Kinesiology Schools Australia

9/57 Gawain Road

Bracken Ridge, QLD 4017


[email protected]

(07) 3261 5436