Kookaburra Chroniclessouthpadburyprimaryschool.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/... · look at...

9 August 2018 Edition #11 Kookaburra Chronicles TA1 and The Little Red Hen As part of the Talk for Writing program the children in TA1 have been learning the story 'The Little Red Hen'. By orally learning the script and performing supporting literacy activities, the children are enabled to imitate the language and write their own versions of the story. Check out some of the activities we have been performing in class. Unlike the bull, the cat and the rat in the story, TA1 work as a team to achieve great outcomes! Talk 4 Writing

Transcript of Kookaburra Chroniclessouthpadburyprimaryschool.wa.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/... · look at...

9 August 2018 Edition #11

Kookaburra Chronicles

TA1 and The Little Red Hen

As part of the Talk for Writing program the children in TA1 have been learning the story 'The Little Red

Hen'. By orally learning the script and performing supporting literacy activities, the children are enabled

to imitate the language and write their own versions of the story. Check out some of the activities we

have been performing in class. Unlike the bull, the cat and the rat in the story, TA1 work as a team to

achieve great outcomes!

Talk 4


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Dear Parents and Caregivers


Thank you to all of the people who took the time to complete the school survey. We had an extraordinary participation rate with 97 respondents. I’ll present a full and thorough analysis of the results at a community forum that will be held on Wednesday 19 September 2018 at 9.00 am in the school’s staffroom. Also in this forum I’ll cover 2018 NAPLAN results and the school’s reviewed Behaviour Management Policy.

I’ll remind the school community of this forum via the app and the Facebook account closer to the date. For a full copy of the school survey please request a copy from me via email at;

[email protected]

In regards to the survey, in very general terms;

87.1 % of respondents responded positively about the school.

6.05 % of respondents responded negatively about the school.

6.85 % of respondents were neutral.


These results will be arriving shortly, but let’s continue to downplay their importance. They’re far from being the ‘be all and end all’ of assessment and are a poor performer of future academic performance. They are simply one assessment tool in a suite of many and should be treated as such.

Staff News

I have employed Mrs Kylie McIntyre effective as of Monday 6 August 2018 right through until the end of the year to support individual and small groups of children throughout the school who require, at this point in time, some extra support and assistance.

Mr Shane Dillon, who has been on leave throughout the year has retired. Miss Georgia Bird will continue in his role right through to the end of the year.


The Kindergarten and Pre Primary enrolment processes are now finalised and for the first time in the school’s history, we’ll be running 2 straight classes for each year group. This is the school’s cap, as we’ve run out of classrooms. The school’s Science room will be used as a classroom next year. The school does not qualify for any additional buildings or demountable as our 2 neighbouring schools in Padbury have plenty of capacity to take in students. As a result of this, we were unable to offer a place to all of the applicants, with many students missing out on a place.

The process for setting up classes in regards to room allocations, teacher and student allocations is now well underway. In fact, consideration to student allocations began in February and continues throughout the year as I navigate what teacher is the best for each individual student. In order to know this, I spend a lot of time in classrooms, with students, teachers and parents/caregivers. I know every child in the school and their strengths, weaknesses and idiosyncrasies.

Given the complexity of the process, while parental requests are accepted and taken into account, they are not a strong influence in my decisions pertaining to class placements.

David Knox



The next assembly will be held on Friday 10 August and will be conducted by our

Music students. The assembly will commence at 8:45 am in the undercover area.

Parents of the children are invited to morning tea with Mrs Pollard and the Principal

in the Staff Room immediately after the assembly.

Indo Lingo Term 3

Halo semuanya! Welcome back to Term 3.

I have been delighted to teach the Pre-Primary children this term to

introduce them to learning about Indonesian culture and the language. We

have lots of fun and the children are very enthusiastic.

This term the Year 1 and 2’s will be learning vocabulary relevant to pets and

farm animals, how to tell a friend what pet they have and use adjectives to

describe it.

The Year 3 classes will be revising body parts in context with the Balinese

New Year celebrations, in particular the Ogoh-ogoh characters. We will

look at the similarities and differences of Indonesian celebrations and those

we have in Australia.

Year 4 & 5 are learning about ‘Pakaian’ (clothing). We will look at the many

different styles of traditional Indonesian clothing, school uniforms and also

learn how to describe what we are wearing, culminating in an oral


The Year 6 class is learning about daily routines and ‘Sekolah’ (school).

Telling the time in Indonesian has been interesting and I think the students

are happy they don’t have to go to school six days a week like they do in


Indonesian Independence Day – Hari Kemerdekaan is next week on August

17. As this falls on a Friday and the senior children are participating in the

One Big Voice Concert we will be having our Indonesia Day on Thursday 16

August. I have organised a morning full of activities for the Years 1-6 and all

of the teachers are so helpful! I thank them for their support in making this

day a lot of fun for everyone. Children and teachers are encouraged to

wear traditional Indonesian clothing if they have some, or clothes which are

red or white, (if they want to), as these are the colours of the Indonesian


Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa lagi!

Thank you and see you soon!

Ibu Ridout

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Interschool Cross Country


It was the coldest, most wintery day at our

recent Boot Camp, but the hard core crew

of participants with a ‘never say never’

attitude continued despite the weather.

3.8Km of cross country running coupled

with 100 sit-ups and 70 push ups was a

mere warm up to this dedicated group! If

this sounds like the sort of activity you

could enjoy, join us on Monday,

Wednesday and Friday mornings from

7.30 – 8.00am. See you there!

Hamish Mackay

Well done to all our participants in the Interschool Cross Country last week, who acquitted themselves beautifully and represented South Padbury with pride.

Congratulations to our Year 5 boys who brought home the pennant. Marlin McPhail, Jasper Frost , Angus Fricker and Caleb O’Regan

Overall South Padbury were a very credible 2nd behind Hillary’s PS.

Financial Statements

Statements have gone home with children today. School Voluntary Contributions are $40 per child and P&C Voluntary Contributions are $30 per family. Thank you to all our families who have already paid school contributions.

Payments may be made at the front office by cash or cheque, or via the QKR App. Sorry we do not have Eftpos available. Only payments for contributions and camp can be made by Direct Deposit - South Padbury Primary School Bankwest BSB 306-104 Account 4187254. Please reference your child’s surname and state what you are paying for e.g vol contributions.

If you did not receive a statement then please do not pay any money. If you are unsure please check with the front office.



* No Notes since the last Newsletter

Contact Information: 56 Warburton Avenue PADBURY WA 6025 Phone: 08 9307 5833 Email: [email protected] www.southpadburyprimaryschool.wa.edu.au Police Communications: 131 444 Education Security: 9264 4771 or 9264 4632

Dates to put in your diary….

Friday 10 August Music Assembly

Thursday 16 August Indonesian Day Activities

Friday 17 August YR5/6 Choir ‘One Big Voice’

Monday 20 August 10:30am YR6 Graduation Photos

Monday 20 August Book Week

Thursday 23 August 9am BookWeek Parade undercover area

Friday 24 August TA5/YR5 Assembly

Monday 27 August BookWeek Play 9:15am ‘

Treasure Hunt’

P&C News

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The P&C had fantastic attendance at last night's meeting despite the horrible weather.

The disco was a huge success and the changes to the format have been well received. Massive thanks

to Michelle Overton for organising another fantastic event. The disco raised $867.70!!

The P&C will be holding a Subway lunch order fundraiser at the upcoming Faction Carnival. Order forms

will be sent home next week. Order forms for the Father's Day Stall will also be going home next week.

Please remember to return your forms by the due date - there will be no late sales.

The next P&C meeting will be held on 12 September at 7pm in the staff room. Everyone is welcome to


Students not returning to South Padbury for 2019

Lost Property

A sizeable amount of lost property has accumulated in the

undercover area, including lots of windcheaters and lunch

items. Please take a minute to check if your child has lost any

items. Any remaining items will be cleared out before the

Edu-Dance concert in week 9.

If you do not intend for your child to continue at South Padbury for 2019 could you please let the front

office know. You can contact us via the Flexibuzz App, phone, in person or by email

[email protected] If you have a potential work transfer or possible house move, please

let us know so we are aware of this possibility.