Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of...

Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING THE INTERNSHIP RACE: SETTING UP FOR SUCCESS Last year 137 employers conducted over 2,900 internship interviews at Kelley

Transcript of Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of...

Page 1: Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING.

Kirsten PrangeAssistant Director-Student Serv ices/InternshipsIndiana Univers i ty-Kel ley School of BusinessUndergraduate Career Serv ices Off ice


Last year 137 employers conducted over 2,900 internship interviews at Kelley

Page 2: Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING.

• Vetting internship opportunities• Standards for credit approval• Posting positions and attracting

candidates• Marketing internship opportunities• Internship structure• Internship Expectations-Employer and



Page 3: Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING.

The need to balance: Best interest of the students while providing as many opportunities as possible.

Students rely on their career centers as the SME’s-if we post, we “validate”

Protecting the reputation of what we are “endorsing” as a valid, productive internship

Unpaid internships


Page 4: Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING.

Base of 9 weeks, minimum of 35 hours weekly (minimum total of 315 hours)

Have defined employment datesExperience must be supervised, based in an off ice* with access to a

supervisor at least once a weekContain meaningful learning components relat ive to the further

understanding of their career f ieldHave responsibi l i ty for a relevant business function or project from

start to f inishExperience wil l increase the student’s employabil i ty relat ive to their

career goals


Page 5: Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING.

Have defined employment dates (Internship must end before the student’s degree course work is completed)

Can not have an internship in their “ f inal” semester after they have completed their academic work

The internship must be integral to the student’s educational experience (must support the learning outcomes of their degree program) therefore: Skills learned or developed must reinforce the student’s degree/education The activities/tasks/projects that will be done to ensure this learning must be


Department of Homeland Security- request for addit ional information


Page 6: Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING.

Employers need to understand why students want an internship and what kind of work environment most of them desire-


Page 7: Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING.

Employers need to understand why students want an internship and what kind of work environment most of them want:

“Test drive” their area of interest Not just another experience on their resume Gain competitive skills for fall/full-t ime recruiting Already thinking about full-time conversion when considering

an internship opportunity


Page 8: Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING.


The On-Campus job postingIneffective-• A “cut and paste” from company website• Lacking significant details about projects,

responsibilities• Vague qualifications• Lacking indicators of company culture or the

“fun/social” side of the workplace

Page 9: Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING.


Will this speak to a Millennial?

1-2-3 Company is looking to hire an intern and will util ize the creative and interpersonal skills of the candidate. We sell niche products for the construction, agricultural and power sports equipment markets. Sixty percent of the job is growing existing accounts. Forty percent is looking for new business for existing account managers . If successful, your internship can continue throughout the senior year of college, and potentially, beyond that to a full-time employment position.

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Giving them the whole picture D ur i ng t he 12 - w eek sum me r expe r i ence , i n t e r ns w i l l t a ke on m ean i n g f u l w o r k ass i g n m en t s and m ake t an g i b l e co n t r i b u t i o n s t o t h e t eam ’s su cc ess . I n t e r ns a r e ass i gned t o one pos i t i on w i t h i n M e r chand i s i ng – p r im a r i l y B uy i ng o r Me r ch and i se A na l ys i s . W i t h i n t h ose f un c t i ons , i n t e r n s a r e p l aced w i t h i n a spec i f i c d epa r t me n t i n t he r espec t i v e m e r cha nd i s i ng r o l e – p a s t i n t e r n s h ave w o r ked i n a r eas i n c l u d i n g N i ke A p p a r e l , G o l f , F o o t w ea r, O u t d o o r L i f es t y l e , N C A A L i cen s i n g , a n d m o r e ! T h e p r o g r a m a l so o f f e r s t he p o t en t i a l t o w o r k i n o t h e r c a t eg o r i es , such as M e r chan d i se P lann ing , F i nance , I T o r S up p l y C ha in . T h i s s t r uc t u r ed and w e l l - o r gan i zed p r og r am p r ov i de s on t he j o b t r a i n i ng , c l ass r oo m i n s t r uc t i on , c r oss - f u nc t i ona l d epa r t me n t a l exposu r e and an en d - o f -p r og r am p r o j e c t p r esen t a t i on . I n t e r n s a l so pa r t i c i p a t e i n p r o f e ss i o n a l d ev e l o p m en t w o r ks h o p s , a l l ow i ng f o r ex t en d ed ed u ca t i o n on t he com pany, t he r e t a i l i n dus t r y as a w h o le , and add i t i ona l b us i n ess sk i l l s and kno w l edge . E x t ens i ve exp o su r e o p p o r t u n i t i e s t o m ee t sen i o r l ead e r s a n d a t t en d a p r i va t e l u n ch w i t h o u r C h i e f E xecu t i ve O f f i ce r a r e j us t a f ew o f t he vas t n e t w o r k i n g o p p o r t u n i t i es i n t e r ns ga i n t h r ou ghou t t he sum m er. A dd i t i ona l l y, X Y Z p r ov i de s i n t e r n s m any chanc es t o i n t e r ac t , l i ve t he b r an d , and exp er i en ce so m e s u m m er f u n o u t s i d e t h e o f f i ce t h r o u g h sp o r t i n g ev en t s , s o c i a l ac t i v i t i es , an d n e t w o r k i n g n i g h t s . F u l l y f u r n i she d su mm er hous i ng i s p r ov i ded f o r i n t e r ns w ho r e s i de ou t s i de o f t he a r ea . 

Page 11: Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING.

Some of your experiences will include:• An orientation to introduce you to

the company, city, the program and your classmates

• Working with associates who are experts in their area of business

• Attending various workshops to learn about other areas of the company

• Participating in intern only Q&A sessions with senior leaders throughout the summer

• Working for a day in one of our local city stores

• A variety of social and networking opportunities with your fellow XYZ Company associates

• Watching a insert baseball team here game from the XYZ Company suite

• Working a 40 hour work week, Monday – Friday

Skills we are looking for:• A competitive spirit with a passion for

results• Demonstrated leadership skills • Strong analytical and problem solving

skills• Organization and planning abilities• A dynamic communication style with an

interpersonal savvy to clearly and effectively communicate across a wide range of diverse people

• Ability to work in a fast paced and deadline oriented environment

Providing more detail in the posting will produce more of the RIGHT candidate applying for the position!

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Tech treat

Visually attractive

Quick quals

Perks that matter to them

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• Students are being recruited earlier, the highest quality students can become competitive for internships as sophomores

• Stretch the marketing efforts of your industry and company to allow freshmen and sophomores to participate

• Information sessions (can be web-based) geared toward their class level (education based) to prepare them for internship recruitment as juniors

• Informal meet and greets or RSVP networking events• Participate in Career Panels, Student Organization events• Provide Job shadow opportunities

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• Meaningful, challenging work- make me more competitive

• Interact with people at different levels in the organization

• Opportunities to be included in the company culture- feel like they belong

• Mentorship and consistent, constructive feedback

• Responsibility and accountability• Goals and objectives to achieve

Page 18: Kirsten Prange Assistant Director-Student Services/Internships Indiana University-Kelley School of Business Undergraduate Career Services Office RUNNING.


• Positive attitude, take initiative• Self-management• Teamwork in relation to your skill

set• Tech savvy• Analytical thinking, creative

thinking to solve problems• Return on investment?

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