Keynote Beamer

Advanced Topics in L A T E X Shawn Lankton Georgia Institute of Technology January 28, 2015 Lankton Advanced LAT E X 1/24

Transcript of Keynote Beamer

Advanced Topics in LATEX

Shawn Lankton

Georgia Institute of Technology

January 28, 2015

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Getting to know each other

How many have used LATEX?

How many have written a paper?How many have experience with beamer?

How many are here is working on a thesis?How many want to know more about graphics?How many want to know about posters?How many want to know about slides?Anything I missed that people want?

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Getting to know each other

How many have used LATEX?How many have written a paper?

How many have experience with beamer?

How many are here is working on a thesis?How many want to know more about graphics?How many want to know about posters?How many want to know about slides?Anything I missed that people want?

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Getting to know each other

How many have used LATEX?How many have written a paper?How many have experience with beamer?

How many are here is working on a thesis?How many want to know more about graphics?How many want to know about posters?How many want to know about slides?Anything I missed that people want?

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Getting to know each other

How many have used LATEX?How many have written a paper?How many have experience with beamer?

How many are here is working on a thesis?

How many want to know more about graphics?How many want to know about posters?How many want to know about slides?Anything I missed that people want?

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Getting to know each other

How many have used LATEX?How many have written a paper?How many have experience with beamer?

How many are here is working on a thesis?How many want to know more about graphics?

How many want to know about posters?How many want to know about slides?Anything I missed that people want?

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Getting to know each other

How many have used LATEX?How many have written a paper?How many have experience with beamer?

How many are here is working on a thesis?How many want to know more about graphics?How many want to know about posters?

How many want to know about slides?Anything I missed that people want?

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Getting to know each other

How many have used LATEX?How many have written a paper?How many have experience with beamer?

How many are here is working on a thesis?How many want to know more about graphics?How many want to know about posters?How many want to know about slides?

Anything I missed that people want?

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Getting to know each other

How many have used LATEX?How many have written a paper?How many have experience with beamer?

How many are here is working on a thesis?How many want to know more about graphics?How many want to know about posters?How many want to know about slides?Anything I missed that people want?

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• Basic LATEXreview• GT thesis tips• Useful packages• BibTeX bibliographies• Great looking figures• Slide presentations in LATEX• Posters in LATEX

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Basic LATEXreview

• Markup language• Used to typeset documents easily• Based on \commands[options]{arguments}• As well as\begin{environments}

with stuff in them\end{environments}

• Driven by style files• Compiled into beautiful documents

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Our setup here

• Windows - OS• MiKTEX - TEXDistribution• TEXnicCenter - Editor• Other OS?

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GaTech Thesis

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GT Thesis

download from here:

most important files:• gatech-thesis.cls• gatech-thesis.bst• gatech-thesis.sty• example-thesis.tex• example-thesis.bib

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Taking a Look at the Thesis

Download and unzip gatech-thesis-1.7.zipOpen example-thesis.tex (also in thesis_tutorial)

• Title information• Preliminary pages• Options and defaults• Draft mode• Figure captions• Readme

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Useful Packages

• amsmath, amsfonts• hyperref• subfigure• other suggestions?

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\hypersetup{bookmarks=true,pdftitle={My title},pdfauthor={Author},pdfsubject={Subject},pdfcreator={Creator},pdfkeywords={keywords},pdfnewwindow=true,


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• My usual setup:\usepackage[colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

• Activate back references in bibliography\usepackage[pagebackref=true]{hyperref}

• URL Links in your paper:\url{}

• Links when you use \ref or \cite:Example: Slide 3

• Make the whole thing click-able like this:\hyperref[frame:outline]{Slide \ref{frame:outline}}

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• My usual setup:\usepackage[colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

• Activate back references in bibliography\usepackage[pagebackref=true]{hyperref}

• URL Links in your paper:\url{}

• Links when you use \ref or \cite:Example: Slide 3

• Make the whole thing click-able like this:\hyperref[frame:outline]{Slide \ref{frame:outline}}

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• My usual setup:\usepackage[colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

• Activate back references in bibliography\usepackage[pagebackref=true]{hyperref}

• URL Links in your paper:\url{}

• Links when you use \ref or \cite:Example: Slide 3

• Make the whole thing click-able like this:\hyperref[frame:outline]{Slide \ref{frame:outline}}

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• My usual setup:\usepackage[colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

• Activate back references in bibliography\usepackage[pagebackref=true]{hyperref}

• URL Links in your paper:\url{}

• Links when you use \ref or \cite:Example: Slide 3

• Make the whole thing click-able like this:\hyperref[frame:outline]{Slide \ref{frame:outline}}

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• My usual setup:\usepackage[colorlinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 0}]{hyperref}

• Activate back references in bibliography\usepackage[pagebackref=true]{hyperref}

• URL Links in your paper:\url{}

• Links when you use \ref or \cite:Example: Slide 3

• Make the whole thing click-able like this:\hyperref[frame:outline]{Slide \ref{frame:outline}}

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BibTeX Topics

1 Bibliographies2 Creating .bib files3 Shortcuts to making .bib files4 Bibliography styles5 Usage

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Figure Topics

1 The basics2 Setting sizes3 Spacing4 Subfigure5 Boxes6 Tabular7 Cheating

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Beamer(Posters and Slides)

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Why use beamer?

• Free• Cross-platform• Text-based design• Easily incorporate equations• Easily incorporate figures

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Beamer basics

• Just a package•• Mostly, just like documents• Slides or posters

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Slides tutorial

1 Basics2 Frames and frame titles3 Pause, order, and overprint4 Blocks and columns5 Themes and getting pretty6 Sections and outlines7 Wrapping up

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• The originator: Philippe Dreuw∼dreuw/latexbeamerposter.php

• OR: Google “beamer poster”• Basically a single slide• Great for conferences

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Poster Tutorial

1 The basics2 Sizing the poster3 The basic format4 Making things line up

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• “Not so Short Guide to LATEX2e”• “Beamer User Guide”• Google• My site:• Me: shawn at shawnlankton dot com

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