Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad

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  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    1!Kendall & Kendall

    Systems Analysis and Design, 9e

    "uality #ssurance

    and I$ple$entation

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-2Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    %earning b'ecti(es

    ) *ecogni+e the i$portance o users andanalysts ta-ing a total uality approach to

    i$pro(e the uality o sot/are design and$aintenance.

    ) *eali+e the i$portance o docu$entation,testing, $aintenance, and auditing.

    ) nderstand ho/ ser(iceorientedarchitecture and cloud co$puting ischanging the nature o inor$ation syste$design.

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    16-3Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    %earning b'ecti(es

    continued3) esign appropriate training progra$s or

    users o the ne/ syste$.) *ecogni+e the di5erences a$ong physical

    con(ersion strategies, and be able toreco$$end an appropriate one to a client.

    ) #ddress security, disaster preparedness,and disaster reco(ery concerns or

    traditional and 6ebbased syste$s.) nderstand the i$portance o e(aluatingthe ne/ syste$, and be able to reco$$enda suitable e(aluation techniue to a client.

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    16-4Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    7a'or 8opics

    ) 9i: 9ig$a

    ) "uality assurance

    ) 6al-throughs

    ) 9tructure charts

    ) 7odules) ocu$entation


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    16-5Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    7a'or 8opics continued3

    ) Clientser(er co$puting

    ) ;et/or- types


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    16-6Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9i: 9ig$a

    ) # culture built on uality

    ) ses a topdo/n approach

    ) Pro'ect leader is called a =lac- =elt

    ) Pro'ect $e$bers are called

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    E(ery 9yste$s #nalyst 9hould nderstandthe 7ethodology and Philosophy o 9i:

    9ig$a >igure 1!.13

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    *esponsibility or 8otal

    "uality 7anage$ent) >ull organi+ational support o

    $anage$ent $ust e:ist

    ) Early co$$it$ent to uality ro$the analyst and business users

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    9tructured 6al-throughs

    ) ne o the strongest uality$anage$ent actions is to do structured

    /al-throughs routinely) se peer re(ie/ers to $onitor the

    syste$?s progra$$ing and o(erallde(elop$ent

    ) Point out proble$s

    ) #llo/ the progra$$er or analyst to $a-esuitable changes

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    10/8816-10Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    In(ol(ed in 9tructured

    6al-throughs)8he person responsible or the part

    o the syste$ being re(ie/ed

    ) # /al-through coordinator

    ) # progra$$er or analyst peer

    ) # peer /ho ta-es notes aboutsuggestions

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    8he 8opo/n #pproach

    )8opdo/n design allo/s thesyste$s analyst to ascertain

    o(erall organi+ational ob'ecti(esand ho/ they are best $et in ano(erall syste$

    )8he syste$ is di(ided intosubsyste$s and their reuire$ents

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    16-12Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    #d(antages o the 8op

    o/n #pproach) #(oiding the chaos o atte$pting to

    design a syste$ all at once

    ) Enables separate syste$s analysistea$s to /or- in parallel ondi5erent but necessary subsyste$s

    ) Pre(ents losing sight o /hat thesyste$ is suppose to do

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    16-13Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    7odular e(elop$ent

    ) =rea-ing the progra$$ing intological, $anageable portions or

    $odules) 6or-s /ell /ith topdo/n design

    ) Each indi(idual $odule should be

    unctionally cohesi(e,acco$plishing only one unction

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    16-14Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    #d(antages o 7odular

    Progra$$ing) 7odules are easier to /rite and


    ) 7odules are easier to $aintain

    ) 7odules are easier to graspbecause they are selcontained


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    16-15Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

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    16-16Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    sing 9tructure Charts to

    esign 9yste$s)8he reco$$ended tool or designing a

    $odular, topdo/n syste$ is a structurechart

    ) # structure chart is si$ply a diagra$consisting o rectangular bo:es,representing the $odules, andconnecting lines

    ) ollo/ circle arro/s represent data beingpassed up and do/n the structure) >illedin circle arro/ represents a control

    s/itch or @ag

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    16-17Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    # structure chart encourages topdo/n design using $odules >igure


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    16-18Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9er(ice riented #rchitecture

    9#3)8he 9# approach is to $a-e

    indi(idual 9# ser(ices that are

    unassociated or only loosely coupledto one another

    ) Each ser(ice e:ecutes one action

    ) Each ser(ice can be used in otherapplications /ithin the organi+ationor e(en in other organi+ations

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    16-19Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9er(ice riented #rchitecture


    ) # ser(ice can use certain deBned protocolsso that it can co$$unicate /ith otherser(ices

    )8he burden o connecting ser(ices in auseul ashion, is a process calledorchestration

    )8his can e(en be acco$plished by selectingser(ices ro$ a $enu o ser(ices and$onitoring the$ by setting up an 9#dashboard

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    16-20Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9er(ice riented #rchitecture


    ) In order to set up a 9#, ser(ices $ustbe

    ) 7odular) *eusable

    ) 6or- together /ith other $odulesinteroperability3

    ) #ble to be categori+ed and identiBed) #ble to be $onitored

    ) Co$ply /ith industryspeciBc standards

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    16-21Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    7odules in ser(iceoriented architectureare independent and can be ubiuitous

    >igure 1!.43

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    16-22Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9yste$ ocu$entation

    ) Procedure $anuals

    )8he >%K%*E $ethod

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    16-23Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Procedure 7anuals

    )8he Englishlanguage co$ponent odocu$entation

    ) Key sections) Introduction

    ) o/ to use the sot/are

    ) 6hat to do i things go /rong

    ) # technical reerence section) #n inde:

    ) Inor$ation on ho/ to contact the $anuacturer

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    16-24Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Procedure 7anuals

    continued3) Procedure $anual co$plaints

    )8hey are poorly organi+ed

    ) It is hard to Bnd needed inor$ation

    )8he speciBc case in uestion does notappear in the $anual

    )8he $anual is not /ritten in plainEnglish

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    16-25Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    8he >%K%*E 7ethod

    ) Collects inor$ation in categories

    ) Custo$s


    ) 9ayings

    ) #rt or$s

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    16-26Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Custo$s, 8ales, 9ayings, and #rt >or$s sed inthe >%K%*E 7ethod o ocu$entation #pply toInor$ation 9yste$s >igure 1!.D3

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    16-27Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Choosing a esign and

    ocu$entation 8echniue) Is it co$patible /ith e:isting


    ) Is it understood by others in theorgani+ation

    ) oes it allo/ you to return to

    /or-ing on the syste$ ater youha(e been a/ay ro$ it or a periodo ti$e

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    16-28Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Choosing a esign andocu$entation 8echniue

    continued3) Is it suitable or the si+e o the

    syste$ you are /or-ing on

    ) oes it allo/ or a structureddesign approach i that isconsidered to be $ore i$portant

    than other actors) oes it allo/ or easy $odiBcation

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    16-29Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    8esting, 7aintenance, and#uditing

    )8he testing process

    ) 7aintenance practices

    ) #uditing

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    16-30Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    8he 8esting Process

    ) Progra$ testing /ith test data

    ) %in- testing /ith test data

    ) >ull syste$ testing /ith test data

    ) >ull syste$ testing /ith li(e data

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    16-31Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Progra$$ers, #nalysts, perators, and sers #llPlay i5erent *oles in 8esting 9ot/are and9yste$s

    >igure 1!.!3

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    16-32Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Progra$ 8esting /ith 8est

    ata) es- chec- progra$s

    )8est /ith both (alid and in(alid


    ) Chec- output or errors and $a-eany needed corrections

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    16-33Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    %in- 8esting /ith 8est ata

    ) #lso reerred to as string testing

    ) Chec-s to see i progra$s that are

    interdependent actually /or-together as planned

    )8est or nor$al transactions

    )8est /ith in(alid data

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    16-34Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    >ull 9yste$ 8esting /ith

    8est ata) #deuate docu$entation in

    procedure $anuals

    ) #re procedure $anuals clearenough

    ) o /or- @o/s actually F@o/G

    ) Is output correct and do usersunderstand this output

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    16-35Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    >ull 9yste$ 8esting /ith

    %i(e ata) Co$parison o the ne/ syste$?s

    output /ith /hat you -no/ to be

    correctly processed output) nly s$all a$ounts o li(e data

    are used

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    16-36Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    7aintenance Practices

    ) *educe $aintenance costs

    ) I$pro(e the e:isting sot/are

    ) pdate sot/are in response to thechanging organi+ation

    ) Ensure channels or eedbac-

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    16-37Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all


    ) a(ing an e:pert /ho is not in(ol(ed insetting up or using the syste$ e:a$ineinor$ation in order to ascertain its

    reliability)8here are internal and e:ternal auditors) Internal auditors study the controls used in

    the inor$ation syste$ to $a-e sure thatthey are adeuate

    ) E:ternal auditors are used /hen theinor$ation syste$ processes data thatin@uences a co$pany?s Bnancial state$ents

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    16-38Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    I$ple$enting istributed9yste$s

    ) Can be concei(ed o as anapplication o teleco$$unications

    ) Includes /or- stations that canco$$unicate /ith each other and/ith data processors

    ) 7ay ha(e di5erent hierarchical

    architectural conBgurations o dataprocessors that co$$unicate /ithone another

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    16-39Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Client9er(er 8echnology

    )8he clientser(er $odel reers to adesign $odel that can be thought

    o as applications running on anet/or-

    )8he client is a net/or-ed co$puter

    that uses s$all progra$s to dorontend processing, includingco$$unicating /ith the user

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    16-40Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Client9er(er 7odel

    #d(antages,isad(antages) #d(antageHgreater co$puterpo/er and greater opportunity to

    custo$i+e applications) isad(antageH$ore e:pensi(e

    and applications $ust be /ritten as

    t/o separate sot/are co$ponentseach running on separate$achines

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    16-42Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Cloud Co$puting

    ) rgani+ations and indi(idual userscan use

    ) 6eb ser(ices) atabase ser(ices

    ) #pplication ser(ices o(er the Internet

    ) one /ithout ha(ing to in(est incorporate or personal hard/are,sot/are, or sot/are tools

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    16-43Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Cloud Co$puting >igure


  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-44Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Cloud Co$puting

    ) # large collection o corporateusers 'ointly bear the lo/ered cost

    ) *eali+e increases in pea-loadcapacity

    ) Co$panies also hope to i$pro(e

    their ability to peror$ disasterreco(ery

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    16-45Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    E*P and Cloud Co$puting

    ) 7any o the issues and challengesassociated /ith i$ple$enting E*P

    syste$s can be $itigated by E*Po5erings that ta-e ad(antage ocloud co$puting

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    16-46Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    ;et/or- 7odeling

    ) ra/ a net/or- deco$positiondiagra$ to pro(ide an o(er(ie/ o

    the syste$) ra/ a hub connecti(ity diagra$

    ) E:plode the hub connecti(ity

    diagra$ to sho/ the (arious/or-stations and ho/ they areconnected

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    16-47Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    se 9pecial 9y$bols 6hen ra/ing ;et/or-eco$position and ub Connecti(ity iagra$s>igure 1!.L3

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    16-48Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    # ;et/or- eco$position iagra$or 6orld?s 8rend >igure 1!.103

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    16-49Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    # ub Connecti(ity iagra$or 6orld?s 8rend >igure1!.113

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    16-50Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    # 6or-station Connecti(ity iagra$ or6orld?s 8rend >igure 1!.123

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    16-51Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all


    ) 6ho to train

    ) People /ho train users

    )8raining ob'ecti(es

    )8raining $ethods

    )8raining sites)8raining $aterials

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    16-52Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    6ho to 8rain

    ) #ll people /ho /ill ha(e pri$ary orsecondary use o the syste$

    ) Ensure that users o di5erent s-illle(els and 'ob interests areseparated

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    16-53Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    People 6ho 8rain sers

    ) Mendors

    ) 9yste$s analysts

    ) E:ternal paid trainers

    ) Inhouse trainers

    )ther syste$ users

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    16-54Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    #ppropriate 8raining b'ecti(es, 7ethods, 9ites,and 7aterials #re Contingent on 7any >actors>igure 1!.1A3

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    16-55Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Con(ersion 9trategies

    ) irect changeo(er

    ) Parallel con(ersion


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    16-56Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    >i(e Con(ersion 9trategies orInor$ation 9yste$s >igure 1!.143

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    16-57Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    irect Changeo(er

    ) ld syste$ stops, ne/ one starts

    ) ;eeds e:tensi(e testing

    ) *is-y approach to con(ersion) sers $ay resent being orced into

    using an una$iliar syste$ /ithout

    recourse) ;o adeuate /ay to co$pare ne/

    results to old

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    16-58Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Parallel Con(ersion

    ) *un the old and ne/ syste$s atthe sa$e ti$e

    )8he ad(antage is that you canchec- ne/ data against old data

    )8he disad(antage is doubling

    e$ployees? /or-loads

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    16-59Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

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    16-60Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    7odular Prototype

    Con(ersion) Each $odule is tested and put into


    )8he ad(antage is that each $odule isthoroughly tested beore being used

    ) sers are a$iliar /ith each $odule

    as it beco$es operational) b'ectoriented $ethodologies oten

    use this approach

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    16-61Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    istributed Con(ersion

    ) 6hen there are $any installations o thesa$e syste$, such as at branch oNces

    ) Install sot/are at one oNce) #d(antage is that proble$s can be

    detected and contained

    ) isad(antage is that e(en /hen one

    con(ersion is successul, each site /illha(e its o/n peculiarities to /or- through

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    16-62Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    ther Con(ersionConsiderations

    ) rdering euip$ent

    ) rdering any e:ternal $aterials

    supplied to the inor$ation syste$) #ppointing a $anager to super(ise

    the preparation o the installation site

    ) Planning, scheduling, and super(isingprogra$$ers and data entrypersonnel

    i ti l 7 t h 7 C t ib t t th

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    16-63Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    rgani+ational 7etaphors 7ay Contribute to the9uccess or >ailure o an Inor$ation 9yste$>igure 1!.1D3

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    16-64Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9ecurity Concerns

    ) Physical security

    ) %ogical security

    ) =eha(ioral security

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    16-65Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9ecurity Concerns

    continued3) Physical security is securing the

    co$puter acility, its euip$ent, andsot/are through physical $eans

    ) %ogical security reers to logical controlsin the sot/are itsel

    ) =eha(ioral security is building and

    enorcing procedures to pre(ent the$isusing o co$puter hard/are andsot/are

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    16-66Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9pecial 9ecurityConsiderations orEco$$erce) Mirus protection sot/are

    ) E$ail Bltering products

    ) *% Bltering products

    ) >ire/alls, gate/ays, and (irtualpri(ate net/or-s

    ) Intrusion detection products

    i l i

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    16-67Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9pecial 9ecurityConsiderations orEco$$erce continued3) Mulnerability $anage$ent products

    ) 9ecurity technologies such as

    secure soc-et layering 99%3 orauthentication

    ) Encryption technologies

    ) Public -ey inrastructure PKI3 useand obtaining a digital certiBcate

    P i C id i

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    16-68Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Pri(acy Considerations orEco$$erce

    ) 9tart /ith a corporate policy onpri(acy

    ) nly as- or inor$ation reuiredto co$plete the transaction

    ) 7a-e it optional or custo$ers to

    Bll out personal inor$ation on the/ebsite

    P i C id i

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    16-69Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Pri(acy Considerations orEco$$erce continued3

    ) se sources that allo/ you toobtain anony$ous inor$ation

    about classes o custo$ers) =e ethical

    i * Pl i

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    16-70Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    isaster *eco(ery Planning

    ) Identiy tea$s responsible or$anaging a crisis

    ) Eli$inate single points o ailure) eter$ine data replication

    technologies that $atch the

    organi+ation?s ti$etable) Create detailed relocation and

    transportation plans

    i t * Pl i

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    16-71Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    isaster *eco(ery Planningcontinued3

    ) Pro(ide reco(ery solutions thatinclude an o5site location

    ) Ensure the physical andpsychological /ellbeing oe$ployees and others

    Id ti 6h I

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    16-72Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Identiy 6ho Is

    *esponsible) 6hether business operations /ill continue

    ) o/ to support co$$unications

    )6here people /ill be sent i the business isuninhabitable

    ) 6here personnel /ill go in an e$ergency

    ) 9eeing to the personal and psychological

    needs) *estoring the $ain co$puting and /or-ingen(iron$ents

    9i l P i t > il d

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-73Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9ingle Points o >ailure andata *eplication 8echnologies

    ) *edundancy o data pro(ides the-ey or ser(ers running 6eb

    applications) 9;#s and data $irroring

    * l ti d 8 t ti

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-74Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    *elocation and 8ransportationPlans

    ) 9end e$ployees ho$e

    ) *e$ain on site

    ) *elocate to a reco(ery acility

    C i ti Ch l

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-75Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Co$$unication Channels

    ) E$ail

    ) E$ergency inor$ation 6eb page

    ) E$ergency hotline

    ) E$ergency response agencies

    * 9 l ti d

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-76Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    *eco(ery 9olutions and9upport or the 6ell=eing oE$ployees) *eco(ery in(ol(es an o5site

    location and con(erting paper

    docu$ents to digital or$ats) 6ellbeing o e$ployees $ight

    include pro(iding /ater or saety


    E l ti 8 h i

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-77Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    E(aluation 8echniues

    ) CostbeneBt analysis

    ) *e(ised decision e(aluation

    approach) ser in(ol(e$ent e(aluations

    )8he inor$ation syste$ utility


    I ti 9 t tilit

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-78Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Inor$ation 9yste$ tility

    #pproach) Possession) >or$

    ) Place)8i$e

    ) #ctuali+ation


  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-79Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Inor$ation 9yste$ tility

    #pproach continued3) Possession utility ans/ers the

    uestion o /ho should recei(e output


  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-80Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    Inor$ation 9yste$ tility

    #pproach continued3) >or$ utility ans/ers the uestion

    o /hat -ind o output is

    distributed to the decision $a-er)8i$e utility ans/ers the uestion

    o /hen inor$ation is deli(ered

    ) #ctuali+ation utility in(ol(es ho/the inor$ation is introduced andused by the decision $a-er

    6ebsite E aluation

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-81Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    6ebsite E(aluation

    ) Kno/ ho/ oten the /ebsite is(isited

    ) %earn details about speciBc pageson the site

    ) >ind out $ore about the /ebsite?s


    6ebsite E(aluation

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-82Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    6ebsite E(aluationcontinued3

    ) isco(er i (isitors can properly Bllout the or$s you designed

    ) >ind out /ho is reerring /ebsite(isitors to the client?s site

    ) eter$ine /hat bro/sers (isitorsare using

    ) >ind out i the client?s /ebsite(isitors are interested in ad(ertising


  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-83Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all



    ) esigning syste$s and sot/are /ith a

    topdo/n, $odular approach) esigning and docu$enting syste$s

    and sot/are using syste$atic $ethods

    )8esting syste$s and sot/are so that

    they can be easily $aintained andaudited

    9u$$ary continued3

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-84Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9u$$ary continued3

    ) 9i: 9ig$a) eBne the proble$

    ) bser(e the proble$) #naly+e the causes

    ) #ct on the causes

    ) 9tudy the results

    ) 9tandardi+e the changes

    ) ra/ conclusions

    9u$$ary continued3

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-85Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9u$$ary continued3

    ) 9tructure charts

    ) Procedure $anuals

    ) >%K%*E


    ) 9yste$ $aintenance

    ) #uditing


  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-86Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all


    ) I$ple$entation) istributed syste$s

    ) Clientser(er

    )8raining users and personnel) Con(ersion

    ) irect changeo(er) Parallel

    ) Phased)

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    16-87Kendall & Kendall Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Prentice all

    9u$$ary continued3

    ) 9ecurity

    ) Physical

    ) %ogical) =eha(ioral

    ) rgani+ational $etaphors

    ) E(aluation

  • 8/9/2019 Kendall Sad9 Pp 16 saaaad


    Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.Copyright 2014 Pearson Education, Inc.

    Publishing as Prentice allPublishing as Prentice all