KehilathJeshurunBulletin 19750606 42 ·...

SUMMER ISSUE Kehilathjeshurun Bulletin © Volume XLII Number 15 June 6, 1975 27 Sivan, 5735 RAMAZ LEADS ALL YESHIVOT IN NEW YORK STATE AND NATIONAL ACADEMIC COMPETITION World Zionist Organization Presents School With Shazar Award Two Students Place First and Second in National Bible Contest As the academic year draws to a close, we are very proud to inform the congregational family that Ramaz School, which is sponsored by Congre¬ gation Kehilath Jeshurun, has once again brought great honors to itself and to the Congregation in a wide variety of educational activities. The School, which is completing the 37th year of its existence with a record enrollment of 703 children from nurs¬ ery through grade 12, continues to set the pace for the Yeshiva world in General Studies and Judaic Studies. New York State Scholarships Once again this year, our percent¬ age of winners and alternates in the New York State Scholarship Competi¬ tion was the highest among all Yeshi- vot. Out of 49 students who were eligible to take this examination, more than half 28 seniors won scholar¬ ships, while 6 placed high on the alternate list, so that they will receive scholarships before the program is concluded. National Merit Competition Four students of the Senior Class were Finalists in the National Merit Competition. One of them, Syma Stein- metz, actually won a National Merit Scholarship. Five students were Semi- Finalists, while an additional ten earned Letters of Commendation in this competition. As previously announced, one of our students, Barry Wyshogrod, son of our members, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Wyshogrod, was a Westinghouse Final¬ ist this year. The 59 graduates of the School this year have been admitted to some of the finest colleges in the country, fre¬ quently in large numbers. Among the colleges which have accepted Ramaz seniors for the academic year begin¬ ning in September 1975 are: Barnard University of Chicago Boston University Columbia Brandeis Cooper Union Brown Cornell Carnegie Mellon CUNY Johns Hopkins Michigan M.I.T. N.Y.U. Pennsylvania Princeton Rochester Rutgers Stern College SUNY Syracuse Touro Wellesley Yale Yeshiva Zalman Shazar Educational Award The achievements of the School have also been marked this year by two outstanding results in the area of Judaic Studies. The Department of Education and Culture of the World Zionist Organization has chosen Ramaz this year as the recipient of its annual Zalman Shazar Educational Award "for its outstanding contribution to day school education in the United States." The presentation of this award was made to representatives of the Ramaz Alumni Society by President Katzir in the Presidential Residence in Jerusa¬ lem on May 28. Present for the occa¬ sion were eleven Ramaz seniors who are currently studying at the Jerusa¬ lem Torah College or participating in a work-study program at Kibbutz Yavneh. The presentation of this award is a great compliment to Ramaz. We con¬ gratulate the students, teachers and parents as well as the founder of the School, Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein, on this great honor. David Freudenstein and Deena Cohen Win First and Second Places in Junior Division of National Bible Contest One of the outstanding develop¬ ments of this year was the splendid achievement of two students in the Joseph H. Lookstein Upper School of Ramaz, David Freudenstein of Form II and Deena Cohen of Form I, who won first and second places respec¬ tively in the National Bible Contest, sponsored by the Jewish Agency, the finals for which were held in May. David and Deena scored top honors from among a splendid group of win¬ ners from all over the country in the Junior Division of this contest. The two winners have been invited to Jerusalem next May as the guests of the World Zionist Organization to compete in the International Bible Con¬ test, which will be held in Jerusalem on Israel Independence Day 1976. Our heartiest congratulations to these two splendid youngsters on their diligent work and their exceptional accomplishment. Similar good wishes to the proud parents of the winners, Dr. Ferdinand Freudenstein and our own members, Dr. and Mrs. Charles I. Cohen, on this great nachas. May their children continue to excel in the study, practice and love of Torah. LILLIAN JACOBS COMPLETES 34 YEARS OF SERVICE TO SCHOOL At a moving ceremony last week, the Parents Council of Ramaz present¬ ed our devoted member, Mrs. Lillian Jacobs, with an artistic citation on the occasion of her retirement from the position of Assistant to the Principal of Ramaz. Mrs. Jacobs served the School in a variety of capacities for the past 34 years. Generally referred to as "the First Lady of Ramaz," Mrs. Jacobs left an indelible mark upon the School, its organization, tone, direction and am¬ bience. The Congregation is pleased to extend its congratulations to her upon the official completion of a splendid career at Ramaz. We are sure that she will continue to contribute to the School in many ways for many years to come. Ambassador and Mrs. Yosef Tekoah will be honored by the Congregation at services this Shabbat morning, June 7th as they complete their tour of duty in the U.S. Please join in this tribute.

Transcript of KehilathJeshurunBulletin 19750606 42 ·...

Page 1: KehilathJeshurunBulletin 19750606 42 · General Studies and JudaicStudies. NewYorkStateScholarships Onceagainthisyear,ourpercent¬


KehilathjeshurunBulletin©Volume XLII Number 15 June 6, 1975 27 Sivan, 5735


Two Students Place First and Second in National Bible Contest

As the academic year draws to aclose, we are very proud to informthe congregational family that RamazSchool, which is sponsored by Congre¬gation Kehilath Jeshurun, has onceagain brought great honors to itselfand to the Congregation in a widevariety of educational activities. TheSchool, which is completing the 37thyear of its existence with a recordenrollment of 703 children from nurs¬ery through grade 12, continues toset the pace for the Yeshiva world inGeneral Studies and Judaic Studies.New York State Scholarships

Once again this year, our percent¬age of winners and alternates in theNew York State Scholarship Competi¬tion was the highest among all Yeshi-vot. Out of 49 students who wereeligible to take this examination, morethan half — 28 seniors — won scholar¬ships, while 6 placed high on thealternate list, so that they will receivescholarships before the program isconcluded.

National Merit CompetitionFour students of the Senior Class

were Finalists in the National MeritCompetition. One of them, Syma Stein-metz, actually won a National MeritScholarship. Five students were Semi-Finalists, while an additional tenearned Letters of Commendation inthis competition.

As previously announced, one ofour students, Barry Wyshogrod, son ofour members, Mr. and Mrs. MorrisWyshogrod, was a Westinghouse Final¬ist this year.

The 59 graduates of the School thisyear have been admitted to some ofthe finest colleges in the country, fre¬quently in large numbers. Among thecolleges which have accepted Ramazseniors for the academic year begin¬ning in September 1975 are:Barnard University of ChicagoBoston University ColumbiaBrandeis Cooper UnionBrown CornellCarnegie Mellon CUNY

Johns HopkinsMichiganM.I.T.N.Y.U.


Stern CollegeSUNYSyracuseTouro


Zalman Shazar Educational AwardThe achievements of the School

have also been marked this year bytwo outstanding results in the area ofJudaic Studies. The Department ofEducation and Culture of the WorldZionist Organization has chosen Ramazthis year as the recipient of its annualZalman Shazar Educational Award "forits outstanding contribution to dayschool education in the United States."The presentation of this award wasmade to representatives of the RamazAlumni Society by President Katzir inthe Presidential Residence in Jerusa¬lem on May 28. Present for the occa¬sion were eleven Ramaz seniors whoare currently studying at the Jerusa¬lem Torah College or participating ina work-study program at KibbutzYavneh.

The presentation of this award is agreat compliment to Ramaz. We con¬gratulate the students, teachers andparents as well as the founder of theSchool, Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein, onthis great honor.David Freudenstein and Deena CohenWin First and Second Places in JuniorDivision of National Bible Contest

One of the outstanding develop¬ments of this year was the splendidachievement of two students in theJoseph H. Lookstein Upper School ofRamaz, David Freudenstein of FormII and Deena Cohen of Form I, whowon first and second places respec¬

tively in the National Bible Contest,sponsored by the Jewish Agency, thefinals for which were held in May.David and Deena scored top honorsfrom among a splendid group of win¬ners from all over the country in theJunior Division of this contest.

The two winners have been invitedto Jerusalem next May as the guestsof the World Zionist Organization tocompete in the International Bible Con¬test, which will be held in Jerusalemon Israel Independence Day 1976.

Our heartiest congratulations tothese two splendid youngsters on theirdiligent work and their exceptionalaccomplishment. Similar good wishesto the proud parents of the winners,Dr. Ferdinand Freudenstein and our

own members, Dr. and Mrs. CharlesI. Cohen, on this great nachas. Maytheir children continue to excel in thestudy, practice and love of Torah.


the Parents Council of Ramaz present¬ed our devoted member, Mrs. LillianJacobs, with an artistic citation on theoccasion of her retirement from theposition of Assistant to the Principalof Ramaz. Mrs. Jacobs served theSchool in a variety of capacities forthe past 34 years.

Generally referred to as "the FirstLady of Ramaz," Mrs. Jacobs left anindelible mark upon the School, itsorganization, tone, direction and am¬bience. The Congregation is pleased toextend its congratulations to her uponthe official completion of a splendidcareer at Ramaz. We are sure that shewill continue to contribute to theSchool in many ways for many yearsto come.

Ambassador and Mrs. Yosef Tekoahwill be honored by the Congregation at services

this Shabbat morning, June 7thas they complete their tour of duty in the U.S.

Please join in this tribute.

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Special Anniversaries —

Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. SamuelSilverstein, who have just celebratedtheir 35th wedding anniversary. Sim¬ilar good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. IraW. Nadler and to Mr. and Mrs. NoamShudofsky, who have just celebratedtheir 20th wedding anniversaries.Mazel Tov also to Dr. and Mrs. NathanWachtel, who will celebrate their 25thwedding anniversary, please God, inJune.

Special Academic Milestone —Our warmest congratulations to Dr.

Joseph Litwins, who received in Mayhis B.A. degree from Columbia Uni¬versity. He writes: "This is 51 yearslate, but welcome nevertheless." Dr.Litwins is a distinguished physician inour community. We rejoice at his latestachievement.

Birth —

Mazel Tov to Dr. and Mrs. Leon A.Feldman on the birth of a son to theirchildren Susan and Howard Feldman.May he grow up to Torah, Chupahand Ma'asim Tovim.

A Member and Author —

We are very pleased to announcethe publication of Dr. Michael W.Sigall's second book. It is entitled"New Patterns in American Politics."Dr. Sigall co-authored it with an asso¬ciate of his, Thomas A. Reilly.

The book consists of a series of es¬

says by authorities such as Arthur M.Schlesinger, Jr. on a variety of subjectsincluding: The Imperial Presidency,The Congress to Come, Law as Poli¬tics, The Ethnic Vote, Democracy in theSuburbs, among others.

We congratulate Dr. Sigall, an As¬sistant Professor at Wagner College,on this latest publication.Member in Print —

We are pleased to note the publica¬tion of an article by Dr. Leon A. Feld¬man, which appeared in the JubileeVolume in honor of Professor SaloBaron. The article deals with some ofthe writings of Rabeinu Todros HaleviAbulafia.

Engagements —

Mazel Tov to our member, BurtUsdan, upon his engagement to AliceGoldberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Samuel M. Goldberg of Great Neck.Congratulations also to Mr. and Mrs.Ira Usdan upon this happy milestonein the life of their son.

Mazel Tov to Mr. and Mrs. Norman

Jaspan upon the engagement of theirson, Michael David, to Terry Harary,

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Har¬ary of Brooklyn.Aufruf —

We are looking forward to the cele¬bration of the Aufruf of David Mandel-baum, son of Dr. and Mrs. BernardMandelbaum, which will be held inour Synagogue on Shabbat morning,June 21. We hope the marriage willtake place in happiness and blessing.Condolences —

We extend our condolences to Mrs.Jerome A. Badner on the passing ofher beloved father, Edward J. Lepow.

Similar expressions to Dr. AlbertCornell on the passing of his belovedbrother, Dr. Abraham H. Cohen.

We extend condolences also to

Philip Jadek on the passing of hisrevered father, Avraham Dziadik.Similar expressions to Dr. Samuel

Janus on the passing of his belovedmother, Mary Yanushewitz.

Our condolences to Mrs. Aaron G.Meislin on the passing of her belovedfather Isaac Engle.

We pray that all of the bereavedfamilies will be spared further sorrowfor many years to come.

Kiddush SponsorsWe thank Mr. and Mrs. Ira W.

Nadler for sponsoring our congrega¬tional kiddush on May 24th on theoccasion of their twentieth weddinganniversary.

Similar thanks to Mr. and Mrs. JackPerlberger, for sponsoring the kiddushon May 31st in celebration of thethird birthday of their son, DanielNahum, and on the occasion of theirmoving closer to the synagogue.

Our thanks also to Mr. and Mrs.Norman Bensley and Mr. and Mrs.Steven Thai, who will be co-sponsoringkiddush on June 14th in celebrationof the second wedding anniversariesof both couples.

Thaftk YouOur thanks to Samuel and Allan

Friedman, the sons of Mrs. EleanorFriedman, who have contributed 50daily prayerbooks in memory of theirfather, Joseph N. Friedman and theirgrandfathers, Dr. Samuel Friedmanand Isadore Greif. This is a beautifulway in which to memorialize reveredparents and grandparents.

Similar thanks to Mr. and Mrs. JuliusLassner, who have contributed 27 dailyprayerbooks in memory of theirmother, Rose Lassner.

B'nai MitzvahRON HALLEL

Kehilath Jeshurun is happy to con¬gratulate Dr. and Mrs. Tom Ha I lei uponthe Bar Mitzvah of their son, Ron,which was celebrated in our syna¬gogue on Shabbat morning, May 24.

Ron, an Israeli student in Form Iof Ramaz, read the Prophetic portionon that morning.


Congratulations also to Dr. and Mrs.William Major upon the forthcomingcelebration of the Bar Mitzvah of theirson, Eugene, which will ;be observedin our synagogue on Shabbat morn¬ing, June 7.

Eugene, who is completing Form Iof Ramaz, will read the Torah andHaftorah on that morning. The con¬gregation is invited, as guests of theMajor Family, to kiddush followingservices.

STEVEN EISMANWe extend our best wishes also to

Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Eisman upon theoccasion of the Bar Mitzvah celebrationof their son, Steven, which will takeplace on Shabbat morning, June 21.Steven, who is completing Form I

of Ramaz, will read the Torah andHaftorah on his Bar Mitzvah morning.The Eisman Family invites us all tokiddush following services.

GUY HIUNISimilar congratulations to Mr. and

Mrs. Amatsia Hiuni on the occasion ofthe Bar Mitzvah celebration of theirson Guy, which will be observed inour synagogue on Shabbat morning,June 28.

Guy, an Israeli student who is com¬pleting Form I of Ramaz, will read theMaftir and Haftorah on that morning.We are invited, as guests of the HiuniFamily, to kiddush.

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Nathan Salzman Re-elected President at 103rd Annual MeetingLEBOWITZ, LOW AND EISENSTAT CONTINUE AS OFFICERS.

31 New Members Inducted Into CongregationThe 103rd Annual Meeting of the

Congregation was held in the KamberAuditorium on Thursday evening, May1, before a large assemblage of mem¬bers of the Congregation who filledthe Auditorium to capacity. NathanSalzman, who completed his first yearas President of the Congregation, wasre-elected unanimously to that posi¬tion, as were his fellow officers, Wil¬liam Lebowitz, Vice-President, EdwardLow, Treasurer, and Samuel M. Eisen-stat, Secretary.

The Nominations Report, whichwas rendered by Joseph Moss, Co-chairman of the Nominations Commit¬tee, was received enthusiastically bythe membership.New Trustees Elected

Pursuant to the report of the Com¬mittee, the following were re-electedto three-year terms on the Board ofTrustees of the Congregation:

Harry W. BaumgartenAlbert H. BernsteinDr. Mortimer J. BlumenthalA. Milton BrownEd Low

Joseph H. MossHenry M. RemJoseph RothJoseph SchlangJess Ward

Hyman I. Bucher, who had asked tobe relieved of the last two years ofhis term as Trustee, was elected an

Honorary Trustee of the Congregation.A new Trustee, Benjamin Gottes-

rrian, was proposed by the Committeeto fill Mr. Bucher's unexpired term. Theelection of this distinguished memberof long standing in the Congregationwas also unanimously approved.At a later point in the meeting, Mr.

Salzman, in accordance with the Arti¬cles of Incorporation of the Congre¬gation, asked the assemblage to ap¬prove a list of Associate Trustees for aterm of one year. The following werere-elected as Associate Trustees:Milton BerkowitzBenjamin BrownJames ClarkSamuel M. EisenstatNathan GoldsmithDr. William F. HerzigSaul LinzerEmil Mandelbaum

Myron PolonerRomie ShapiroLeon SigallArthur C. Silverman

Leon SpilkySteven E. Stern

In addition, the following new As¬sociate Trustees were nominated byMr. Salzman and approved by themembership:Steven Gross

Benjamin MandelkerHon. Norman C. Ryp

New Members InductedOne of the highlights of the meet¬

ing was the presentation of 31 newmembers of the Congregation for in¬duction. These ladies and gentlemenhad joined the Congregation duringthe past year. They were presented byArthur C. Silverman, the Chairman ofthe Special Projects Committee of theCongregation. We are very happy towelcome the following new memberswith the hope that their affiliationwith Congregation Kehilath Jeshurunwill be a long, happy and mutuallyrewarding one:Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. BensleyMr. and Mrs. Raymond B. BrennerMrs. Eva W. BrentMr. and Mrs. Samuel L. BrennglassMr and Mrs. Norman W. BulowMrs. Frank A. CohenMr. and Mrs. Steven L. CohenMr. and Mrs. Alan DoftMr. and Mrs. Abraham L. EssesMr. Daniel FeinMr. and Mrs. Edwin L. GitowMr. and Mrs. Walter GruensteinDr. and Mrs. Albert HornblassDr. and Mrs. Samuel J. JanusMr. and Mrs. Stephen J. KuleMr Robert I. KurzweilMr. and Mrs. Joseph H. LammMiss Ruth LazarMr. and Mrs. David H. LevyMr. and Mrs. Steven LorchDr. Neil W. LymanMr. Sol A. MillerDr. and Mrs. Roger E. OppenheimerMrs. Frieda K. PtaschnikMr. and Mrs. Eugene RoshwalbMr. and Mrs. Howard J. RubensteinMr. Stuart C. SloameDr. and Mrs. Alan TuchmanMr. and Mrs. John A. UngarMr. and Mrs. Morris WyshogrodMiss Deborah J. Ziskin

Presentation of AnniversaryCelebrants

As is the custom at the Annual Meet¬ing of the Congregation, we celebratedthe anniversaries of several memberswho were observing significant mile¬stones of their affiliation with the Con¬

gregation. Each of the members waspresented with a citation by RabbiJoseph H. Lookstein and Mr. Salzman.They were warmly applauded andcongratulated by the membership.

Dr. and Mrs. Isadore Givner were

honored on the occasion of their 40thanniversary of affiliation with the Con¬gregation. Irving Angel was congratu¬lated on his 35th year as a member.Mrs. David Warshavsky, Mr. and Mrs.Hyman Weiss and the very popularWeiss sisters, Irene and Vilma, wereall presented in celebration of their25th anniversary of affiliation withKehilath Jeshurun.

We hope that the celebrants willcontinue to enjoy their association withus for many happy and healthy years.

Annual ReportMr. Salzman presented the Annual

Report of the President to the Con¬gregation. He enumerated some of thenew features instituted during lastyear and discussed some of the prob¬lems facing the Congregation in theyear ahead. He thanked the officials ofthe Congregation, our Youth Directors,and the entire membership for theircooperation with the officers.Memorial to Departed Members

In accordance with the long-stand¬ing tradition, the Congregation pausedin tribute to revered members whowere called to their eternal rewardduring the past 12 months. Rabbi Has-kel Lookstein offered brief eulogiesin tribute to the following:William BasserElias M. BlackLeon DanielMay FreedmanDr. Frank GoodmanCharles B. JacobsElla R. KaplanSamuel H. RosenbergRosa SteinFollowing the Rabbi's eulogies, Can¬

tor Davis chanted the memorial prayerwhile the membership rose in memoryof the departed.Ramaz Trustees Elected

Joseph Lorch, Chairman of the Boardof Trustees of Ramaz, then convenedthe Annual Meeting of Ramaz School.Edward Low, Chairman of the Nomi¬nations Committee of the School, pre¬sented the following Trustees for re¬election to the Board:Alexander GrossJoel Lewittes

(Continued on Page A)

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IN PREPARATION FOR NEXT YEARAll of the affiliates of the Congregation are currently preparing their pro¬

grams for next year. We are pleased to announce the new officers of these affi¬liates who will be leading those activities in 1975/76.

Sisterhood OfficersMrs. Haskel Lookstein PresidentMrs. Michael Barany First Vice-PresidentMrs. Eugene Alpert Second Vice-PresidentMrs. Frank Roth Treasurer

Mrs. Leo Davenport Corresponding SecretaryMrs. Arthur C. Silverman Recording Secretary

Men's Club Officers-ElectMilton Berkowitz President

Benjamin Brown - - Vice-PresidentFrank Roth TreasurerAbraham Esses, „ Secretary

Couples' Club Officers-ElectAsher Levitsky PresidentMrs. Charles I. Cohen * Vice-President

Eugene Alpert TreasurerMrs. Benjamin Brown - - Secretary

Annual Meeting (Cont'd)Edward LowMyron PolonerE. David RosenElgin ShulskyHon. Harrison J. GoldinDr. Morris ShorofskyIn addition, the following new Trus¬

tees were nominated and elected:Alfred M. FrankelWalter KoppelMrs. Lillian Jacobs

The meeting concluded with mov¬ing remarks by Rabbi Joseph H. Look¬stein about the meaning of congrega¬tional life at this particular juncture inthe history of Kehilath Jeshurun. Hespoke particularly about the role ofthe Congregation in relief of the lone¬liness of our times.

Following the Rabbi's remarks, theentire gathering proceeded to the Hol¬lander Social Hall for a collation whichwas a throwback to the days of yore:frankfurters on rolls. Not only did theytaste good; they also gave a feelingof nostalgia to some of the memberswho remembered this traditional treatfrom days gone by.

Photo CreditsWe include in this Bulletin a number

of photographs from the proceedingsof the 103rd Annual Meeting. We are

grateful to Jeff Adler and Teddy Pod-horcer, students at the Joseph H. Look¬stein Upper School of Ramaz, for hav¬ing done all of the photographic workin connection with this event.

"HEART LINE"It has been our unfortunate experi¬

ence, on occasion, to find that one ofour members or friends has been illor lonely either at home or in the hos¬pital, without our knowledge. All of usat Kehilath Jeshurun want very muchnot only to celebrate happy occasionswith our friends, but also to lend themour comfort, moral support and friend¬ship in their times of sorrow, illness,loneliness.

In order to do this we requestthat anyone who is aware of a mem¬ber, friend, or neighbor who may needour help should please inform us. Wewill pass this information on to mem¬bers of our congregation, Sisterhood,Men's Club, Youth Program and Cou¬ples' Club, who will be anxious to beof help. A "heart line" for this purposeis in operation at the synagogue office,HA 7-1000.

Neediest Cases FundOur thanks to Mrs. Nathan Gold¬

smith, Mrs. George Jacobs, Mrs. Abra¬ham R. Kirshon, Mrs. Ruth Kurzweil,Mrs. William G. Lebowitz, Mrs. Ed¬ward Low, Mrs. Morris Morgenstern,Mrs. Benjamin Perlman, Mrs. ReubenN. Popkin, Mrs. Joseph Roth, Mrs.Samuel Singer, Mrs. Leon Spilky, Mrs.Jess Ward and Mrs. Samuel Zucker-man for their contributions to the Sis-

Sehmooze GroupA new group is being formed for

senior members of our congregationand community who would like toshare life's experiences and plan aprogram of meetings and activities forthose who are semi-retired and have

time available for volunteer, social-service work and social activities. Thisnew group will hold its first meetingon Thursday, June 12 at 2:30 in theSynagogue Library. Please call ShaindyZeitlin at 427-1000 to inform her of

your intention to attend.

Clara Gross

Happy Day FundMany thanks to Mrs. George Jacobs,

Mrs. Alfred Kahn, Mrs. Joseph H.Lookstein, Mrs. Joseph Lorch, Mrs. IraW. Nadler, Mrs. Greta Pik and Mrs.Jess Ward for their contributions to theClara Gross Happy Day Fund.

Our thanks also to Mr. E. FranklinRobbins for his contribution in mem¬

ory of his beloved mother, Anne H.Robbins.All contributions may be sent to

Mrs. Leo Davenport, 145 East 84thStreet, New York, N.Y. 10028, or tothe synagogue office c/'o Happy DayFund.

terhood Neediest Cases Fund. Contrib¬utions may be sent to Mrs. JosephRoth, 891 Park Avenue, New York,N.Y. 10021.

M IftintutrutmME1R GOLDSTEIN

We record with sorrow the pass¬

ing of a beloved member of theCongregation who worshipped withus for many years and who lovedKehilath Jeshurun very much.Meir Goldstein was a refined and

modest Jew who exhibited in hislife the most beautiful manifesta¬tions of reverence for parents, lovefor his wife and solidarity with hisfamily. He was liked by everyonewho knew him but appreciated mostby those who were closest to himand who knew and loved him best.

We extend our condolences to

his beloved wife and to his es¬

teemed brother, Dr. Eli Goldstein.May they be spared further sorrowfor many years to come.

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Mr. Salzman presenting a scrollto Irving Angel

A partial view of the gathering at the 103rd Annual Meeting.The new members are seated in the foreground.

Presentation to Dr. and Mrs. Isadore GivnerMrs. David Warshavsky.

The Dais, left to right: Cantor Davis, Sandy Eisenstat, Ed Low, William Lebowitz,Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein, Mr. Salzman, Rabbi Haskel Lookstein, Joseph Lorch,

Audrey Lookstein and Milton Berkowitz.

Vilma and Irene Weiss receivetheir scroll.

Presentation to Hyman Weiss.

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Top right: As Eleanor Gug¬genheim looks on, a group ofK.J.-Ramaz tuomen, all ofwhom have visited the SovietUnion, sign a petition for theNew York Conference on

Soviet Jewry together withEleanor Polsky ivhose hus¬band, Victor Polsky, was arecent guest in our synagogue.

Left to right: Mrs. Guggen¬heim, Mildred Hellerstein,Nechi Shudofsky, NaomiCohen, Lilly Kaplan, ElanuPolsky and Audrey Lookstein.

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Top left: Our member,Andrew Fier, President of theCommission on SynagogueRelations of Federation, pre¬

senting the Tzedakali Awardto Rabbi Lookstein on April28th.

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. . . Andrew Abraham, son of Mr.and Mrs. Roy Abraham, upon hisgraduation from Ramaz as a memberof Ateret, the school's Honor Society.He won a Ramaz Radio Club Awardand a Regents Scholarship. He willattend Cornell University in the fall.He is at present on a work-study pro¬gram at Kibbutz Yavneh.

. . . Kenneth Barany, son of Mr.and Mrs. Michael Barany, upon hisgraduation from Ramaz. He won aRegents Scholarship and will attendQueens College in the fall.

. . Steven Berkowitz, son of Mr.and Mrs. Milton Berkowitz, upon hisgraduation from Ramaz, where he wona Sherut-Service Award. He will attendSyracuse University in the fall. He isalso at Kibbutz Yavneh for the com¬

pletion of his senior year.. . . Marvin Binstock, son of Mr. Vic¬

tor Binstock, upon his graduation fromNew York University. He will attendIllinois College of Optometry in Chic¬ago in the fall.

. . . Mrs. Marvin Binstock, daughter-in-law of Mr. Victor Binstock, upon hergraduation from Stern College forWomen. She will teach elementaryschool in Chicago in the fall.

. . . Celia Blumenthal, daughter ofDr. and Mrs. Mortimer J. Blumenthal,a graduate of Barnard College, PhiBeta Kappa. She will attend the Col¬lege of Physicians and Surgeons ofColumbia University in the fall.

. . . Jeremy Bulow, son of Mr. andMrs. Norman Bulow, upon his gradu¬ation from Yale College, Magna CumLaude. He will concurrently receivean M.A. from Yale in Economics. Hewon a National Science Foundation

Scholarship in Economics, and will con¬tinue his studies at the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology toward hisdoctorate.

. . . Seth Bulow, son of Mr. andMrs. Norman Bulow, upon beingnamed to the Dean's List at HarvardCollege, where he is a sophomore.

. . . Lewis Cohen, son of Dr. andMrs. E. Malcolm Cohen, a freshmanat Ramaz, upon winning first prize atthe National Junior High School ChessChampionship.

. . .Allan Friedman, son of Mrs.Joseph N. Friedman, upon his gradua¬tion from Ramaz, where he served asG.O. Treasurer for two years and Man¬ager of the Varsity Basketball andBowling teams. He served as NationalPresident of N.C.S.Y. and has won a

Regents Scholarship. He will attendYeshiva University in the fall.

. . . Samuel Friedman, son of Mrs.Joseph N. Friedman, upon his gradu¬ation from Yeshiva University, wherehe was named to the Dean's List dur¬ing his junior year. He served as Pres¬ident of Pi Gamma Mu (the NationalSocial Science Honor Society), Presi¬dent of the Pre-Law Society, SeniorClass Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer of the Student Organizationof Yeshiva. He recently received theN.C.S.Y. Advisor of the Year Awardand served as Editor of "KeepingPosted with N.C.S.Y." He plans tostudy in Israel next year.

. . . Dr. Steven Herzig, son of Dr.and Mrs. William Herzig, who will be¬gin his residency in Internal Medicineat the University of Pennsylvania inthe fall.

. . . Mrs. Albert Hornblass, our

member, who gave birth to her firstchild (a son) just before Pesach, uponreceiving her M.A. from ColumbiaUniversity.

. . . Jeremy Saul Hyman, son ofProfessor and Mrs. Arthur Hyman, up¬on his graduation from the Universityof Michigan, Phi Beta Kappa. He hasbeen awarded a university fellowshipin Greek Philosophy at Princeton.

. . . Michael Hyman, son of Profes¬sor and Mrs. Arthur Hyman, upon hisgraduation from Ramaz. He won aRegents Scholarship and will attendthe University of Michigan in the fall.

. . . Ronald Howard Jaspan, son ofMr. and Mrs. Norman Jaspan, upon hisgraduation from Dwight High Schoolwith honors. He will attend Clark Uni¬versity in the fall.

. . . Howard Levy, son of Mr. andMrs. David Levy, upon his graduationfrom the City College of New Yorkwith an M.A. in Fine Arts.

. . . Dina Markson, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Martin Markson, upon gradu¬ation from Ramaz. She will attendWashington University in the fall.

. . . Jonathan Medwin, son of Mr.and Mrs. Milton Medwin, upon hisgraduation from Ramaz. He will attendthe University of Arizona in the fall.

. . . Samuel R. Newborn, son of Mr.and Mrs. Abe Newborn upon hisgraduation from Yale where he re¬ceived the American Jewish CongressPrize for Scholarship in Judaic Studies.

. . . Roger E. Oppenheimer, ourmember and a Ramaz alumnus, uponhis graduation from New York Uni¬versity College of Dentistry.

. . .Robert Riederman, son of Mr.and Mrs. Herman Riederman, uponhis graduation from Ramaz as a mem¬ber of Ateret, the school's Honor So¬ciety. He won a Regents Scholarshipand will attend Columbia Universityin the fall.

. . . Andrew Roth, son of Mr. andMrs. Frank Roth, upon his graduationfrom New York University.

. . . Judith Schacter, granddaughterof Rabbi and Mrs. Joseph H. Lookstein,upon her graduation from Barnard Col¬lege, Phi Beta Kappa. She will attendColumbia University Graduate Schoolof Arts and Sciences in Art History inthe fall.

. . . Viviane Sergold, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Leon Sergold, upon hergraduation from Ramaz, where shewon a French Award. She will attendQueens College in the fall.

. . . Binyamin Shudofsky, son ofMr. and Mrs. Noam Shudofsky, uponhis graduation from Ramaz as Presi¬dent of Student Organization. He willattend the Jerusalem Torah College inthe fall.

. . . Naomi Steinberger, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Martin Markson, uponher graduation from Bar I Ian Univer¬sity, with a B.A. in Musicology. Shewill continue her studies at Bar I Iantoward an M.A. in Musicology. She isnow a musicologist at AMLI CentralMusic Library in Tel Aviv. Her hus¬band, Chaim Steinberger, is now anofficer in the Israel Defense Forces.

. . Gilead Tekoah, son of Ambas¬sador and Mrs. Yosef Tekoah, upon hisgraduation from Ramaz, where hewon an Athletic Award. He will attendthe Hebrew University of Jerusalemin the fall.

. . . Eric Wachtel, son of Dr. andMrs. Nathan Wachtel, upon his gradu¬ation from Harvard College, Phi BetaKappa and Cum Laude.

. . . Jeffrey Wachtel, son of Dr. andMrs. Nathan Wachtel, upon his gradu¬ation from Horace Mann School. Hewill attend Stanford University in thefall.

. . . Barry Wyshogrod, son of Mr.and Mrs. Morris Wyshogrod, upon hisgraduation from Ramaz as a memberof Ateret, the school's Honor Society.He won a Ramaz Radio Club Award,a Regents Scholarship, and a Letter ofCommendation in the National MeritScholarship Competition. He was aFinalist in the Westinghouse Competi¬tion and was recommended to receivethe Governor's Citation fror Outstand¬ing Academic Achievement. He alsowon the Waldemar Medical ResearchAward for Excellence in Scientific Ex¬perimentation. He will attend the Mas¬sachusetts Institute of Technology inthe fall.

Page 8: KehilathJeshurunBulletin 19750606 42 · General Studies and JudaicStudies. NewYorkStateScholarships Onceagainthisyear,ourpercent¬



New York, N.Y. 10028HA 7-1000

Synagogue OfficialsJoseph H. Lookstein Senior RabbiHaskel Lookstein RabbiAvrum Davis CantorIsrael D. Rosenberg Ritual DirectorGary J. Lavit Rabbinic Administrator


Saturday, June 7thBlessing for the New Month ofTammuz

Monday and Tuesday, June 9th and10th

Rosh Chodesh Tammuz

Thursday, June 26thFast of the 17th Day of Tammuz

Saturday, July 5thBlessing for the New Month of Av

Wednesday, July 9thRosh Chodesh Av

Wednesday, July 16thTisha b'Av EveEvening Services at 8:15 P.M., to befollowed by Ma'ariv and the read¬ing of Lamentations.

Thursday, July 17thTisha b'AvMorning Services at 7:00 with ap¬propriate readingsEvening services at 8:15

Saturday, August 2ndBlessing for the New Month of El IuI

Thurday and Friday, August 7thand 8th


Saturday, August 30thSelichot Services at 10:00 P.M.

Friday evening, September 5thRosh Hashanah begins

SUMMER SCHEDULE OF SERVICESWeekday mornings 7:30Sabbath mornings 9:00Sunday mornings - 8:30Evenings (except Saturday) - 6:30

Sabbath ScheduleSabbath Afternoon Sabbath

June Service Ends7 Shelach - - 8:15 9:0714 Korach - 8:20 9:1221 Chukat-Balak 8:20 9:1528 Pinchas 8:20 9:15

July5 Matot-Masei (Rosh Chodesh Prayers)12 Devarim (Shabbat Chazon )19 Va'etchanan (Shabbat Nachamu)26 Ekev

August2 Re'eh - 8:00 8:529 Shoftim - - 7:50 8:4116 Ki Tetze 7:45 8:3123 Ki Tavo * 7:30 8:2130 Nitzavim-Vayelech 7:20 8:08

20 9:14

20 9:12

15 9:06

10 8:59

In Case of EmergencyDuring the course of the summer

months or, for that matter, at any time,if, God forbid, a death occurs in afamily, the officials of the Congrega¬tion will be able to help in making allof the necessary arrangements. It isadvisable to get in touch with themeven before calling the Riverside. Foryour convenience, we list the numberswhich can be called. Please retain thislist for your own reference:Synagogue Off ce—427-1000Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein—AT 9-2972Rabbi Haskel Lookstein—628-0340Mr. Rosenberg—TE 1-3684Rabbi Lavit—879-4357Cantor Davis—534-3733




TR 4-6843

Closed Saturdays Open Sundays




76th ST. & AMSTERDAM AVE.ENdicott 2-6600

Gertz Bros n y c Second Class Postage paid at New York, N.Y. This Bulletin i§ published bi-weekly from September to June.