KehilathJeshurunBulletin 19471031 00 00 - Amazon...

SATURDAY AFTERNOON MISHNA CLASS A new study group for men, part of our Adult Institute, will be inaugu¬ rated this Saturday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. The subject of study will be the Mishna and the section to be studied will be Nezikin. Rabbi Lookstein will conduct the study group which will meet every Saturday afternoon be¬ fore the Mincha Service in room 202. We know our members and friends will want to participate in this course, and we extend to them an invitation to begin this Saturday afternoon. IT'S NEVER TOO LATE TO LEARN Enroll in a Class in our INSTITUTE FOR JEWISH STUDIES Sessions are conducted one eve¬ ning a week and are under the direction of qualified / teachers, members of the Religious School faculty. Contact the Synagogue Office for further information. SHOULD RELIGION STAY OUT OF POLITICS? These are days of turmoil and con¬ fusion in political life. Great issues aifecting human welfare are being discussed. Some of these issues defi¬ nitely involve moral considerations. The current investigation by a con¬ gressional committee regarding Com¬ munism in the movie industry is one example. President Truman's loyalty oath is another. In New York City we are on the eve of an election. The voters will be asked to decide on matters pertaining to veteran's hous¬ ing and similar problems involving the well-being of large masses of the population. In the realm of interna¬ tional relations far-reaching decisions are about to be made by our govern¬ ment. Are all these matters purely po¬ litical? Are they merely the concern of civilian authorities? Has religion nothing to contribute by way of guid¬ ance and evaluation to their proper solution? These questions will be considered by Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein in his (continued on page 3) RABBI LOOKSTEIN WILL PREACH THIS SABBATH AT 10:45 A.M. ON "RELIGION'S INTEREST IN POLITICAL AFFAIRS" A Pre-Election Day Sermon

Transcript of KehilathJeshurunBulletin 19471031 00 00 - Amazon...



A new study group for men, part ofour Adult Institute, will be inaugu¬rated this Saturday afternoon at 4:00p.m.The subject of study will be the

Mishna and the section to be studiedwill be Nezikin. Rabbi Lookstein willconduct the study group which willmeet every Saturday afternoon be¬fore the Mincha Service in room 202.We know our members and friends

will want to participate in this course,and we extend to them an invitationto begin this Saturday afternoon.


Enroll in a Class in our

INSTITUTE FOR JEWISH STUDIESSessions are conducted one eve¬

ning a week and are under thedirection of qualified / teachers,members of the Religious Schoolfaculty.Contact the Synagogue Office

for further information.



These are days of turmoil and con¬fusion in political life. Great issuesaifecting human welfare are beingdiscussed. Some of these issues defi¬nitely involve moral considerations.The current investigation by a con¬gressional committee regarding Com¬munism in the movie industry is one

example. President Truman's loyaltyoath is another. In New York City weare on the eve of an election. Thevoters will be asked to decide on

matters pertaining to veteran's hous¬ing and similar problems involvingthe well-being of large masses of thepopulation. In the realm of interna¬tional relations far-reaching decisionsare about to be made by our govern¬ment.

Are all these matters purely po¬litical? Are they merely the concernof civilian authorities? Has religionnothing to contribute by way of guid¬ance and evaluation to their propersolution?These questions will be considered

by Rabbi Joseph H. Lookstein in his(continued on page 3)



A Pre-Election Day Sermon



Something NewHas Been Added—

Something new, something excitinghas been added to the activities ofthe Sisterhood. A new venture intothe social service field has been in¬augurated, and has brought greatenthusiasm from those instrumentalin its inception. Its outlook is tremen¬dous; its appeal is sure to be wide¬spread, since it is patterned after the"100 Neediest Cases of the New YorkTimes." The new project, to be knownas the Kehilath Jeshurun NeediestCases Project, will follow that pattern,but will be limited in scope to ourown Jewish community.

Our Annual Donor Luncheon thisyear is taking on added significancethereby, since the proceeds will beused to further this latest and mostimportant activity. Mrs. Jacob Rudd,chairman of the Annual Luncheon,announces that an unprecedented re¬

sponse has resulted from the enthus¬iasm aroused by this new venture.

Annual Luncheon—

Our plans for our Annual Luncheonhave been completed. While the re¬

sponse has been most encouraging,we find that a number of our mem¬

bers have not as yet manifested theirwillingness to participate. We there¬fore urge those of the Sisterhood fromwhom we have not as yet heard, tolose no time in joining with us tomake this affair the success it de¬serves to be. The details follow:

Date—December 16th, 12:30 p.m.

At—-Wedgwood Room of the HotelWaldorf-Astoria.Donor Tickets—$20.00, or $40.00 in


Guest Tickets—$15.00, or $30.00 inads.

We look forward to t he whole¬hearted support of the entire Sister¬hood and their friends.


Birthdays—Many Happy Returns of the Day to

the following members who celebratetheir birthdays this week: A. MiltonBrown, Mrs. Maurice Finkelstein, Mrs.Gedeon Heller, Mrs. Jacob A. Kaplan,Mrs. Paul Lehman and Benedict I.Lubell.

Engagement—Our heartiest Mazel Tov is extend¬

ed to Jerome Margareten upon hisbetrothal to Miss Betty Ruth Cohen.To his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred¬erick Margareten, we convey oursincerest wish that they derive much"nachas" from their children andthat the Almighty grant them manyyears replete with happy and joyousoccasions.

We Congratulate—Mr. Morris Neiman of the Ramaz

School teaching staff, upon his ap¬pointment as Instructor of Hebrew atBrooklyn College.Mr. and Mrs. Irving Neuman on

the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah oftheir son, Sheldon, a student at Ra¬maz.

CONDOLENCEIt is with deep sorrow that we re¬

cord the passing of Max Asinof, sonof our esteemed senior member,Morris Asinof. We extend to Mr.Asinof our heartfelt sympathies, andour hope that the Almighty spare himfurther grief for many years to come.

Happy Day Fund—We are happy to acknowledge

with thanks the generous contribu¬tion to the Happy Day Fund made byMrs. Jacob D. Cohen, on the occasionof the birthdays of both Mr. and Mrs.Cohen. (Ed. note: We can't think of anobler way to celebrate a happyoccasion. Can you?)


THE MEN'S CLUBannounces the Third of its Forum Meetings

to be held Tuesday, November 18thSymposium:

"A Layman's View of the Prospects of Jews and Judaismin America"Participants:

Members of the Men's Club and Sisterhoodi

MEN'S CLUB NEWSThe Second Forum Meeting of the

Men's Club, held a week ago Tues¬day, heard Mr. Murray Gurfein re¬

late the "Inside Story of the UnitedNations Special Commission on Pal¬estine." As General Counsel of theJewish Agency to the Commission,Mr. Gurfein had occasion to visit Pal¬estine with members of the Commis¬sion and see at first hand the accom¬

plishments of the Jewish pioneers onland long considered barren and un¬

productive. It was indeed interestingto the large audience in the Auditor¬ium to hear Mr. Gurfein tell of thepersonal reactions of some of themembers of the Commission, and thepolitical milieu under which theyserved on the Commission.

The address was followed by aquestion-and-answer period, afterwhich Rabbi Lookstein commentedbriefly on Mr. Gurfein's talk, whichwas most warmly received by allthose present.

Symposium—The next Forum Meeting of the

Men's Club, scheduled for Tuesday,November 18th, will take the form ofa Symposium in which members ofthe Men's Club and Sisterhood willparticipate. The subject matter to bediscussed is "A Layman's View ofthe Prospects of Jews and Judaism inAmerica", and the participants willpresent points of view from many dif¬ferent angles. It promises to be amost interesting and enjoyable event,and the Men's Club looks forward tohaving its members, and members ofthe Congregation and Sisterhood withthem.

Date of ChanukahParty Changed—The date of the Chanukah Party,

sponsored jointly by the Men's Cluband Sisterhood and previously an¬nounced for December 14th, will beheld instead on Sunday, December7th. The change in date was madenecessary by a number of considera¬tions which rendered the original dateinopportune. Please mark the newdate on your diaries and plan to bewith us. You are assured a mostenjoyable time.Welcome—We are happy to welcome as new

members the following, and wishthem a long and happy stay withus: Max Berenstein, Charles B. Hoch-berg, Samuel Greenblatt, HarryGlemby and Dr. Ned Wachtel.Welfare Fund —

Many thanks to Alexander Kom-mel for his generous contribution tothe Welfare Fund. Our members are

asked to join in this activity and helpin relieving someone, somewhere, insome unpleasant and pressing situa¬tion.

RELIGION AND POLITICS(continued from page 1)

sermon this Saturday entitled, "Re-*-ligion's Interest in Political Affairs—A Pre-Election Day Sermon." It is a

timely subject and requires forthrightand courageous treatment. Our con¬

gregation may expect that from theRabbi. Attend services this Saturdayand you will be grateful for the ad¬vice to do so.


Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun117-25 East 85th StreetSAcramento 2-2272

Synagogue Officials

Joseph H. Lookstein RabbiHyman Gertler CantorJoseph E. Adler Ritual DirectorJerome H. Rosenblum. Executive Director

Officers of the CongregationMax J. Etra PresidentSaul J. Lance Vice-PresidentAbraham R. Winer. TreasurerAlexander Kommel SecretaryIra F. Weisman. . .President, Men's ClubMrs. Alexander Kommel. .Pres. Sisterhood


FRIDAYLighting of Candles 4:35Mincha 4:40

SATURDAYMorning 9:00Children's Services 10:00Weekly Portion: Vayera, Genesis

18:1-22:24Haftorah: II Kings 4:1-37Mincha 4:40Conclusion of Sabbath .. 5:25

DAILY SERVICESMorning 7:30Sunday Morning 8:30Evening 4:40

RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NOTESThe children of the afternoon Re¬

ligious School, who are in the highergrades, are making plans to attenda showing of "My Father's House,"'the first full-length motion picture toemanate from Palestine. We know thechildren will be thrilled at the sightof the various parts of Palestine,which unfold during the course of theifilm.

The Dramatics Club, under the di¬rection of Miss Viola Harris, startedits activities by selecting a play tobe presented Chanukah, in conjunc¬tion with the Dancing Club, the Artsand Crafts Club, and the MusicGroup. Casting for the presentationis now under way, and we have theassurance of the officers of the Dra¬matics Club that the show will be an

outstanding one, and will be enjoyedby children and adults alike.



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