Katrina A Journey Of Faith 061011 B

A Journey of Faith

Transcript of Katrina A Journey Of Faith 061011 B

A Journey of Faith

H - 3Fri, 26 August 2005

“Honor your father and your mother as the Lord your God

commanded you...”

Deuteronomy 5: 16

H - 2Sat, 27 August 2005“For I know the plans I have foryou, declares the Lord, plans to

prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future …”

Jeremiah 29:11

729 miles – 13 hours

H - 1Sun, 28 August 2005

“Go and make further preparation.”

1 Samuel 23:21-22

Our home

Pascagoula River

Gulf of Mexico

Inner Harbor

H – 1, Sunday 5:30 PM, 28 August 2005

“I will never leave younor forsake you.”

Hebrews 13:5






259 miles – 6 hrs

H-Day, Monday 7:30 AM, 29 August 2005

“The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat

against that house…”

Matthew 7:27

Pascagoula, MS

Hurricane Katrina

Senator Trent Lott’s Home

H + 3Thurs,1 September 2005

“Leave your country, your peopleand your father’s household andgo to the land I will show you.”

Genesis 12:7

415 miles – 7 hrs

Garland, TX La Quinta

H + 1916 September 2005

“But Naomi said,‘return home.’”

Ruth 1:11

606 miles – 10 hrs

Mold• Red• Green• BlackMitigation

• Remove sheet rock• Remove cabinets• Remove floors/subfloors• Spray Chlorine bleach

What We Lost • A home and possessions• A sense of belonging & identity• A way of life• A church family• Support systems What We Didn’t Lose

• Our faith• A Christian community• Our family• Our desire to be productive• The ability to learn• Our desire for worship• Our ability to serve• Our salvation


TornadoesHurricanesFloods/FiresEarthquakesTerrorism/WarsEnvironmental disasters

Surviving Calamity

Life isn’t fair. God doesn’t create a calamity…He redeems it. Be thankful—count your blessings Look forward—move forward Focus on what you have, not … Get a clearer picture of what’s … Continue to be engaged and productive.

H + 2111Tues, 21 September 2010

“And my god will meet allof your needs according to

His glorious riches in Christ Jesus”

Philippians 4:19

Postscript …

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,

neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Romans 8:38-39