Kalonji Benefits Imp

1. Benefits Of Kalonji Kalonji also called as nigella belongs to the Renunculcea family of plants and is abundantly found in countries like Bangladesh, India, Turkey, and some Eastern countries of the world. Kalonji not only adds flavor to the various foods, but is also a herbal remedy for curing many diseases. Kalonji seeds are extremely healthy for the human body. Some of these benefits include: 1. Provides nutrients to the body. Kalonji seeds provide many essential nutrients like Monosaccharides and polysaccharide sugars to the body. The polysaccharide component is a good source of dietary fiber, which promotes the movement of bowels. The seeds are also rich in essential fatty acids such as Linoleic acid, which cannot be produced inside the body and need to be obtained from food. Black seed is a source of minerals like calcium, sodium, iron, and potassium and is thus important for the body. 2. Boosts up the immune system. Research conducted in the field shows that intake of kalonji seeds helps to boost up the immune system and prevents the occurrence of many diseases. 3. Rich source of essential amino acids. The protein content of black seeds or kalonji contains fifteen amino acids, which include eight essential amino acids. These cannot be produced within the human body and need to be consumed through diet. 4. Helps in infant growth Arginine- an amino acid present in kalonji helps in infant growth. Chemical analysis has further revealed that the black seed contains carotene, which is converted by the liver into vitamin A, the vitamin known for its anti-cancer activity. 5. Anti-histamine action The human body tissues release a substance called histamine, which is responsible for causing allergic reactions and conditions like bronchial asthma. Kalonji has anti histamine effects on the body and helps in treating allergies and respiratory problems like asthma. 6. Anti-tumor properties. Regular use of kalonji helps to prevent the occurrence of deadly diseases like tumor. 1

Transcript of Kalonji Benefits Imp

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1. Benefits Of Kalonji

Kalonji also called as nigella belongs to the Renunculcea family of plants and is abundantly found in countries like Bangladesh, India, Turkey, and some Eastern countries of the world. Kalonji not only adds flavor to the various foods, but is also a herbal remedy for curing many diseases. Kalonji seeds are extremely healthy for the human body. Some of these benefits include:

1. Provides nutrients to the body.Kalonji seeds provide many essential nutrients like Monosaccharides and polysaccharide sugars to the body. The polysaccharide component is a good source of dietary fiber, which promotes the movement of bowels. The seeds are also rich in essential fatty acids such as Linoleic acid, which cannot be produced inside the body and need to be obtained from food. Black seed is a source of minerals like calcium, sodium, iron, and potassium and is thus important for the body.

2. Boosts up the immune system.Research conducted in the field shows that intake of kalonji seeds helps to boost up the immune system and prevents the occurrence of many diseases.

3. Rich source of essential amino acids.The protein content of black seeds or kalonji contains fifteen amino acids, which include eight essential amino acids. These cannot be produced within the human body and need to be consumed through diet.

4. Helps in infant growthArginine- an amino acid present in kalonji helps in infant growth.Chemical analysis has further revealed that the black seed contains carotene, which is converted by the liver into vitamin A, the vitamin known for its anti-cancer activity.

5. Anti-histamine actionThe human body tissues release a substance called histamine, which is responsible for causing allergic reactions and conditions like bronchial asthma. Kalonji has anti histamine effects on the body and helps in treating allergies and respiratory problems like asthma.

6. Anti-tumor properties.Regular use of kalonji helps to prevent the occurrence of deadly diseases like tumor.

7. Antibacterial in nature.The volatile oil obtained from black seed has antibacterial properties that can be compared to five antibiotics such as tetracycline, ampicillin, gentamicin, cotrimoxazole, and nalidixic acid. Intake of kalonji helps in the prevention of many bacterial diseases.

8. Anti-inflammatory in nature.Kalonji or black seeds are anti-inflammatory in nature and help in relieving inflammatory conditions like arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

9. Encourage lactation.Kalonji seeds have a combination of hormonal structures and lipid portion, which helps to increase the flow of milk in lactating mothers.


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Kalonji can be added to many recipes such as pickles, curries and vegetables. Along with providing a typical flavor, it also makes the cookery healthy and beneficial for the body.

Health benefits of kalonji seeds

Black seed, in its natural form, assists the body in the healing process, illness overcoming and health maintenance. It concentrates on certain body parts without disturbing the overall balance of the body. Black seeds have important medicinal and nutritional values which are helpful in relieving conditions and building resistance against any future ailments.

Black seed is rich monosaccharides and non-starch polysaccharides so it makes for a great source of dietary fiber. The seed is also abundant in essential fatty and unsaturated acids and fifteen different types of amino acids. Infants may benefit from black seed because it contains arginine. The black seed is rich in carotene which is very beneficial in preventing the cancer. Besides all the aforementioned, black seed is also very rich in iron, calcium, potassium and sodium.

Black seeds are very efficient in enhancing the human immunity and they could be playing an important role in treating AIDS and cancer. A substance called Nigellone can be extracted from the black seeds and used very efficiently in treatment of bronchial asthma and allergic reactions triggered by histamine. Nigellone inhibits certain types of proteins that cause the histamine to be released and it also decreases the uptake of calcium in mast cells.

Black seeds can be used in the treatment of certain types of cancer. Fatty acids efficiently inhibit the development of Ehrlich ascites carcinoma and Dalton’s lymphoma ascites. Black seeds can completely prevent the development of tumors.

The strong anti-tumor properties come from a potent agent called nigella sativa. Black seeds also have very strong antifungal and antibacterial properties that can even be compared to certain types of commonly used antibiotic medications such as gentamicin, ampicillin, cotrimoxazole, tetracycline and nalidixic acid. In some cases, black seeds are even more effective against various bacteria than the commonly used antibiotics and chemotherapeutic medications. Black seeds have been used in homeopathy for the treatment of conditions of the digestive tract, diarrhea, vomiting and flatulent colic.

Black seed has very powerful anti-inflammatory properties and can be used to relieve the symptoms of arthritis. The seed prevents eicosanoid from being generated and provides antioxidant activity in the cells of the human body. Certain types of fatty acids found in the black seed contribute to the aforementioned activities as well. It can be also used externally as an ointment in order to relieve inflammations without any concerns about possible allergic reactions. Black seed is also very beneficial in increasing the output of milk in breastfeeding due to its richness of certain lipids and specific hormonal structures.

Kalonji (Nigella sativa)

By Dr. M. Laiq Ali Khan


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The plants of Kalonji are found throughout India in the form of bushes. The height of the plant is approximately half a meter. It possesses blue flowers. It is originated from Turkey and Italy. Later on, it was brought to Asia by physicians and cultivated in India. Now a days, it is cultivated throughout India, whereas it is wildly grown too. Seeds are triangular in shape, black in colour and possess a severe pungent smell, contain a considerable amount of oil. It is incorrect that Arabs learnt its use from Greeks, because before the advent of Islam in middle east no description is found on record about it’s use. It’s therapeutic use was initiated after the advent of Islam, since, Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) mentioned its therapeutic efficacy and potential of cure.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah States - “I have heard from Rasool Allah (Pbuh) that there is cure for every disease in black seeds except death and black seeds are shooneez.”

Salim Bin Abdullah narrates with reference to his father Hazrat Abdullah Bin Omar that Rasool Allah (Pbuh) said, “Let fall these black seeds upon you, these contain cure for all diseases except death.”

The same narration is found in Sanad-e-Ahmed from Hazrat Aisha (t) and in Ibn-al-Jozi and Trimizi from Abu Huraira. Hazrat Buraida narrates that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) stated - “Shooneez is cure for all ailments except death.”

It is stated in the books of seerat that Nabi-e-Akram (Pbuh) himself used to take these seeds for therapeutic purpose but with the syrup of Honey.

Khalid Bin Saad states that he was travelling with Ghalib Bin Jabr, when fell ill during the journey. Ibn Abi Ateeq (nephew of Hazrat Aisha) Came to meet us. On seeing the patient, he took 5 or 7 seeds of Kalonji and ground it, mixed it in olive oil and dropped in both nostrils, Hazrat Aisha told us that Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) stated that there was cure in black seeds for all ailments except sam. I asked him, what was sam? he told “Death”. Ghalib Bin Jabr became healthy with that treatment. Observations of the scholars of Hadith reveal that shooneez is equally effective for the diseases due to heat and cold. Zahbi states that kalonji removes the obstruction of any part of the body, expels the gases and strengthens the stomach. It is Emmenagogue, Lactogogue and Diuretic. It is an Anti-Helminthic, if taken with vinegar. It is useful in chronic cold. Inhalation of its smell is useful in common cold. The oil of Kalonji is effective in Alopecia. Half tea-spoonful, if boiled in water and taken, is helpful in Asthma and diffuses the toxic effects of Bee and Wasps. Continuous use of kalonji is effective in mad dog biting. Fumigation of kalonji is useful in respiratory diseases. It is useful in paralysis, Facial Palsy, Migraine, Amnesia and Palpitation. It is also an expectorant and antipyretic. It mormalises the secretions of stomach and pancreas. This phenomenon is very much effective and significant in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. It expels the kidney and urinary bladder stones, if taken with the syrup of honey. It is effective in jaundice also if taken with milk. It’s powder if taken with water is effective in Hemorrhoids. If Kalonji seeds are boiled in vinegar and this solution is applied on Gums and Teeth, it removes the inflammation of the gums and relieves the pain also. It is also reported that its fine powder is effective if applied in early stages of cataract. Kalonji is also used in skin disorders. The oil of the seeds is also effective in earache.

Chemical Composition - seeds contain 1.5% volatile oil, while 37.5% Non-volatile oil. In addition to this Albumen, Sugar, Organic acids, Glucoside Melanthin Metarbin and bitter substances are


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also found. The Glucoside is toxic in nature, hence the use of Kalonji in large doses and prolonged use might be harmful.

If it is taken with Qust Sheering after breakfast and Dinner, it is effective in chronic dysentery and Asthma. Qust Sheering is a good medicine for sexual debility, but if it is taken with Kalonji seeds and Habburrashad, it becomes more fortified. Modern upto date trials have proved that Kalonji seeds alone or in combination with other drugs are highly effective in Diabetes Mellitus, vitiligo and other skin ailments.

(* Director, Shah Faisal Institute of Hadith & Medical Sciences, Kasganj-207123 ,UP)


Additional Information

Kalonji refers to the small black seeds of the Love-in-a-Mist plant. Sometimes they are confused with "onion" seeds or black cumin or caraway. The seeds are deep black and sharp-cornered.

Kalonji seeds are reported to be beneficial for the respiratory system. They have also been shown to have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Crushed kalonji has an aroma somewhat like oregano. They are normally used whole, mainly in breads. The seeds taste pleasantly bitter and slightly pungent.

Kalonji seeds are generally sauteed in Ghee or dry-roasted to release the aroma and flavor and then added to vegetable dishes.

Historical Uses

Cultivation of black seed has been traced back more than 3,000 years to the kingdom of the Assyrians and ancient Egyptians. A bottle of black cumin oil was found in the tomb of King Tutankhamun, perhaps to protect the ruler in the afterlife. Black cumin was a vital ingredient in many Egyptian dishes. Physicians of the pharaohs used the seeds as a digestive aid after opulent feasts and as a remedy for colds, headaches, toothaches, infections, inflammatory disorders and allergies. Black seed oil has been a beauty secret of women since ancient times. Queen Nefertiti, praised for her exquisite complexion, was an avid user of black seed oil.

Pliny the Elder crushed black seeds, mixed them with vinegar and honey, and applied the paste to snake bites and scorpion stings. Black cumin and its oil have been used to purge parasites and worms, detoxify, ameliorate amoebic dysentery, shigellosis, abscesses, old tumors, ulcers of the mouth and rhinitis. Recent research confirms these uses for humans, dogs, cats and horses.

Modern Research

More than 200 university studies conducted since 1959 attest to the effectiveness of traditional uses of black seed. The essential oil of N. sativa seeds is antimicrobial and successful in the ratification of intestinal worms. In vitro studies in Jordan and the United States have shown its volatile oil to be anti-leukemic. Other studies suggest this same active ingredient may serve as an immune-system booster and is proven effective in treating asthma and whooping cough.


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Black seed is a complex substance of more than 100 compounds, some of which have not yet been identified or studied. A combination of fatty acids, volatile oils and trace elements are believed to contribute to its effectiveness. As for all the benefits packed into this tiny seed waiting to be discovered, ongoing research will have to judge.

English = Nigella, love-in-a-mist, fennel flower, black cumin, black caraway, black coriander, black seed English, Old (also in King James Version of the Bible) = Fitch Finnish = Neidonkuka French = Cheveux de venus, Nigelle or Faux cumin German = Schwarzhuemmel, later protvurz or brotchrut Greek, Ancient = Melánthion or meláspermom Hebrew = Ketzah , Hindi and Urdu = Kalonji , Indian = Nutmeg flower , Italian = Nigela Persian = Schonaiz , Sri Lankan = Kaladuru

Benefits of Kalonji

“Accept the seeds of Kalonji for your self because it has powerful remedy for each & every disease except death.”

Diseases and its Treatment:

1) ASTHMA, COUGH & ALLERGY: For the treatment of these diseases the following method is adopted. Take a cup of warm water, one spoon of honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Mix this together and drink in the morning before the breakfast. Similarly after dinner in the night. Treatment for forty days. Avoid cool food stuff.

2) DIABETES (SUGAR): For the treatment of these diseases the following method is adopted. Take one cup decoction (Black tea), Mix half table spoon of kalonji oil and drink it in the morning and before going to bed. Avoid oily food stuff, particularly fried items. If any other allopathic treatment is going on continue it that treatment. After 20 days check the sugar, is its normal Allopathic treatment should be stopped and kalonji treatment be continued. After forty days, sweet can be taken to check the sugar level. If it’s normal stop the treatment.

3) Heart Attack: In a cup of goat milk add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and us this mixture twice a day. Avoid all fatty food items. Continue treatment for ten days. After ten days use daily once.

4) POLIO AND PARALYSIS (Laqwa): Take one cup of warm water, add one spoon of honey and half tea spoon kalonji oil and use this mixture twice daily and for children’s in two spoons milk add 3 drops of Kalonji oil of warm water, this mixture three times a day. Treatment continues forty days.

5) JOINT-PAINS AND ARTHRITIS, etc.: Take one spoon of vinegar, add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and mix two spoons honey, use twice a day (In the morning before the breakfast and in the night after dinner)

6) DYSPEPISA INDIGESTION, GASES, STOMACH IRRITATION AND STOMACH ACHE: In this case take one spoon of Ginger juice and half tea spoon of kalonji oil and drink twice day. This treatment is also useful for removing obesity. This medicine makes the patient slim.

7) OPTHALMIC DISEASE: Redness of eyes, cataract, eye’s trouble, eye weakness and


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watering etc. Treatment- Take one cup of carrot juice mix with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day ( in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner), Treatment many continue for forty days. Avoid Pickle, Brinjal8) LADIES SECRET DISEASES: (Leucorrhoea, White Discharge, Menses discharges 2 to 4 times a month, stomach pain, back pain) Treatment – Take mint (Pudina leaves) add two glasses of water and boil, then add half tea spoon kalonji oil and drink one time in the morning before the breakfast and in the night at the morning before breakfast and in the night at the time going to bed. Treatment may continue for forty days. Avoid Pickles, brinjal egg and fish.

9) LADIES DISEASES: (Stoppage of menses for long term, stomach pain): Take one cup of warm water add half tea spoon kalonji oil and two spoons honey one time in the morning before the breakfast and in the night after dinner. Treatment may continue for month. Avoid potato and Brinjal.

10) CANCER: (Intestine cancer, Blood cancer, Throat cencer, etc.): Take one glass grape juice and half tea spoon kalonji oil and use thrice a day once in the morning before breakfast, after lunch and after dinner. Take one Kg. barley and two Kg. wheat flour, mix together, make bread (Roti) or Daliya of Harira and give to the patient. Treatment may continue for forty days. Avoid Potato, Arvee, Brinjal and Ambada vegetables.

11) POISONOUS VIRUS: Take one glass warm water, add one spoon date (Khajur) powder half spoon kalonji oil and two spoons of kalonji oil and two spoons on Honey, mix together and use thrice a day once in the morning before breakfast, after lunch and after dinner. Treatment may continue for forty days. Avoid Potato’s, Brinjal, Pulses (Chana ki Dal), and Pulses (Masoor kid Dal).

12) REVITAL OF THE BODY, (Azme-e-Hali): Take juices of Orange (Malta) add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it. Laziness and tiredness will be removed.

13) MEMORY POWER: To increase the memory power and take 10 gm. Mint (Pudina leaves) and boil it with the water and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day. Treatment continues for twenty days.

14) RENAL COLI (Kidney pain): Take 250 grams Kalonji grind it and take one cup of honey, mix together. Out of this mixture take two spoons mixture and add half cup water and add half tea spoon of kalonji oil use it once a day. Treatment may continue for twenty days.

15) NAUSEA OR VOMITING: Take one spoon of Caration powder and add half tea spoon kalonji oil and boil it. Now in this warm mixture add mint (Pudina leaves) & use thrice a day.

16) FRESHNESS AND HANDSOMENESS: Take one spoon of olive oil. Mix together with half tea spoon of kalonji oil and rub it on the face. After one hour wash it with soap water. Treatment may continue for one week.

17) GENERAL WEAKNESS: Take half tea spoon of kalonji oil and add one spoon honey. Mix together and use it once a day. General weakness and other diseases will be removed.

18) TREATMENT OF SWELLING ON VITAL ORGAN: On swelling below thigh and pulse, first wash it with soap water and dry. Rub the Kalonji oil on the swelling part and keep it as it is for the next day morning. Treatment may continue for three days.


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19) LEPROSY: Take apple juice and Kalonji oil, First rub apple juice and then Kalonji oil one by one the effected part.

20) TUMOUR: Rub the Kalonji oil on the effected part and drink half tea spoon of Kalonji oil once. Treatment may continue of fifteen days.

21) HEADACHE: Rub Kalonji oil on the forehead and near ears, and also drink half tea spoon Kalonji oil twice a day.

22) CHEST IRRITATION AND STOMACH TROUBLE: Take half tea spoon of Kalonji oil mixed with a cup of milk and use this mixture twice daily. Treatment may continue for 3 days.

23) HICCUPS: Take one big spoon cream (Malai) Mixed with 2 drops of Kalonji oil and drink in the morning and in the night. Treatment may continue for seven days.

24) BLOOD PRESSURE:- In any hot drink tea/ coffee , add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day. Also eat two cloves of Garlic daily.

25) FALLING HAIRS PREMATURELY: Rub Lime Juice on the head and leave it for fifteen minutes, then wash it with shampoo, after getting dried rub the Kalonji oil all over the head. Falling hairs will be controlled with in a week. Treatment may continue for one week.

26) BRAIN FEVER: Allow the vapours of Kalonji oil enter the body through breath. Take one lemon juice and half tea spoon kalonji oil and use for 3 days twice a day. From fourth day tea spoon kalonji oil in one cup of decoction twice day.

27) KIDNEY TROUBLE, INFECTION IN THE KIDNEYS: Take half tea spoon of Kalonji oil; add 2 grams Akar khara Powder, mix one spoon honey with one cup of water and drink. This treatment is also useful for chronic cough (Purani Khansi). Treatment may continue 21 days.

28) STOMACH ACHE OF THE CHILDRENS: Take two drops of Kalonji oil mix it with mother’s milk or cow milk and give to the child. Kalonji oil also should be rubbed on the ribs.

29) PILES, FLOW OF BLOOD, CONSTIPATION: Take half tea spoon of Kalonji oil mixed with one cup of Decoction (Bleak tea) twice a day (once in the morning before breakfast, and one in the night). Avoid hot and spicy items.

30) SKIN DISEASES – (White/Black spots): In one cup of vinegar add half spoon Kalonji oil and apply that on the affected area before going to sleep in the night and take bath in the morning. Treatment may continue until you get relief.

31) SIMPLE FEVER: Take half cup of water and add half lemon Juice mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day. Treatment may continue until you get relief. Avoid use of Rice.

32) ROUND WORMS AND TAPS WORMS IN THE STOMACH: Take half spoon Vinegar mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day and eat some coconut pieces. Avoid sugar items.


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33) Stone in Kidney, Bladder and Uterus: Take one cup of warm water and add two spoon of honey mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use that twice a day. (Once in the morning before the breakfast and once in the night after dinner). Avoid tomatoes, spinach (Palak), lemon diet, sitaphal for three years.

34) EPILEPSY: Take one cup of warm water and add two spoons of honey mix them and add half tea spoon Kalonji oil use it twice a day. During this treatment cold food should not be taken. Avoid guava, Banana, Sitaphal for three years.

35) EAR DISEASES, EAR ACHE, FLOW OF PUS, LOW HEARING: Heat the Kalonji oil and let it cool and put it two drops of cooled Kalonji oil in ear.

36) CRACKED HAND AND CRACK FOOT WITH BLOOD FLOW: Take one glass of sweet lime (Mausambhi) Juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this twice a day (In the morning before the breakfast and in the night before going to bed). Avoid chicken, egg, brinjal. Use the herbal ointment made of Kalonji.

37) FACIAL PROBLEMS, PIMPLES, RED GRANULES AND ANY TYPE OF SPOTS: Take one cup of Orange Mausambhi (sweet lime) juice or Pineapple juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (in the morning before the breakfast and in the night before going to bed). Also use Kalonji Pimple cream for application. Treatment may continue for four weeks. Avoid hot eatable items.

38) DENTAL DISEASES: Fall of teeth prematurely, weakness of the teeth, flow of blood from the teeth, bad smell of the mouth, swelling on gums: Take one cup of curd and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil, use this mixture twice a day (once in the morning before the breakfast and in at night after dinner). Also use Kalonji Herbal Tooth powder.

39) MALE RELATED DISEASES: Night discharge: Take one cup of apple juice and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner. Daily four drops of Kalonji oil should be rubbed on the head. Treatment may continue for 21 days. Avoid hot/spicy eatable items.

40) BLOOD DEFICIENCY (Anemia) and Ulcer in the Intestine: Take a branch of mint (Pudina Leaves), mix with water, boil it and make a cup of juice and add half tea spoon of kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (once in the morning and at evening). Treatment may continue for 21 days.

41) JAUNDICE: Take one cup of milk, add half tea spoon of kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day (one in the morning and once after the dinner). Treatment may continue for a week. Avoid fatty and sour eatable items.

42) SWELLING OF THROAT, LUNGS PROBLEM: Take one cup of warm water and add two spoons of honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day (Once in the morning before breakfast and in the night after dinner, before going to bed). Treatment may continue for 10 days. Avoid ice Cream, ice water, coconuts, lemon, orange and Mausambhi.

43) COUGH: Take one cup of warm water, add two spoons of honey mix with half tea spoon of


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Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day once in the morning before breakfast, and once after the dinner. Treatment may continue for two weeks. Avoid cold stuff items.

44) HEART ATTACK, SWELLING ON BREATHING VEINS: Blockage of heart valve, breathing problem, cold sweating, pressure on heart. Take one cup of Goat’s milk add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day, once in the morning before the breakfast and once in the evening before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 21 days. Avoid fatty items.

45) MATERNITY: The mental weakness after the child born, tiredness, and bleeding related diseases: Take one cup of cucumber juice, add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day once before the breakfast in the morning and once in the night before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 40 days.

46) DIGESTION OF FOOD, COLOR OF FACE ETC: Treatment: Mix 2 spoons of ginger, half spoon of Kalonji oil and one spoon of sugar. Use this mixture twice a day (Morning and evening). Continue the treatment for 10 days. Avoid gas creating food.

47) BURNING MICTURIATION: Take one cup sweet lime (Mausambhi) juice, add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Use this mixture twice a day (in the morning before breakfast and at night before going to bed). Treatment may continue for 10 days. Avoid hot stuff items chilly and sour food items.

48) WORMS IN THE STOMACH: Mix one spoon vinegar with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil. Take thrice a day (In the morning before the breakfast, after noon and at night). Continue the treatment for 10 days.

49) JOINT PAIN: Swelling on ankle and other pains in the joints. Take one spoon vinegar and two spoons of honey and add half tea spoon of kalonji oil. Use this mixture two times a day and also massage with same (Til) oil. Avoid gas producing elements for 21 days.

50) BALDNESS OF HEAD: Rub the kalonji oil on the head twice a day and use a mixture of one cup of coffee mixed with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use it twice a day.

51) TO MAINTAIN HEALTHY BODY: 1 Kg. of wheat flour add half tea spoon of kalonji oil and make roti and eat. Insha-Allah! You will remain healthy.

52) MADNESS AND PILES: Take half tea spoon of kalonji oil and mix with cold water and drink. If you mix the same (TIL) oil with boiled water and let it cool and drink, Insha-Allah piles will be cured. For SNAKE POISON same process should be adopted. Avoid Guava, Banana and Sitaphal.

53) TOOTH PAIN AND SWELLING OF GUMS: Take one spoon of vinegar and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and apply on affected area for two or three minutes and rinse the mouth. Repeat this process twice a day. Treatment may continue for one week.

54) SEVERE COLD: Take half cup of water and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and quarter spoon of Olive oil and mix together and filter. Put two drops of filtered mixture into the nose. This method is the best for cold. Use this process twice a day.

55) SKIN DISEASE RELEATED TO PIMPLES BOILS: Before going to bed apply Kalonji oil on


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the affected areas of the body and sleep, in the morning wash with soap. This treatment may continue of 21 days.

56) TO KEEP THE FACE AND SKIN SMOOTH: Take two big spoons of honey and half spoon of Kalonji oil and half spoon of Olive oil and mix altogether. Use this mixture two times a day in the morning and before going to bed. Treatment may continue for 40 days.

57) PILES: Take one spoon of Vinegar and add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and apply on piles. This process may be used twice a day.

58) DISEASES OF LIVER & ABDOMENT: Take 200 grams of honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and drink this mixture half in the morning before breakfast and half in the evening. Use this process for one month. Avoid Tamarind items.

59) MENSTRUATIONS PROBLEMS: Take one spoon of honey and mix with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and drink one tea spoon in the morning before the breakfast and one tea spoon in the evening. Use this process for two weeks.

60) ANYTYPE OF SWELLING: Heat required quantity of Kalonji oil and apply on affected area. Half tea spoon of Kalonji oil to be consumed twice a day.

61) POISONOUS ATTACKS: Eat two pieces of fig and take half spoon of Kalonji oil and mix with two spoons of honey and drink, with this mixture you will be protected from snake bites. Don’t allow the patient to sleep for four hours. Use this mixture for seven days.

62) HIGH TEMPERATURE: Take half tea spoon of Kalonji oil with decoction (tea without Milk or Black tea). Continue till the temperature comes to normal.

63) BURNS: 30 grams of Olive oil and 5 grams of Kalonji oil, 15 grams of Calamus (BUCH) and 80 grams of Mehendi leaves. Mix together and apply on affected parts.

64) OBESITY: Half tea spoon of Kalonji oil, two spoons of honey mixed in luke warm water and take twice a day. Avoid taking rice.

65) DANDRUFF: Mix 10 grams of Kalonji oil, 30 grams of Olive oil, and 30 grams of Mehendi powder Heat of a while. Apply after the past becomes cool.

66) SOUND SLEEP: After dinner take half tea spoon of Kalonji oil with one spoon of honey, you will get sound sleep.

67) FOR ACTIVENESS: Half tea spoon of Kalonji oil with 2 spoon honey daily before breakfast.

68) FOR INCREASING MOTHER’S MILK: One cup milk two drops of kalonji oil in the morning before breakfast and at night before going to bed.

69) LEPROSY, WHITE SPOTS OF ANY KIND: Take half spoon of Kalonji oil in one cup of orange juice and use this portion twice a day or take one spoon vinegar (home made), one spoon honey and half spoon kalonji oil mixed together and use this mixture twice a day. Treatment may continue until the symptoms disappear.


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70) SKIN DISEASES: In one cup of vinegar add half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and apply this mixture on the affected areas before going to bed. Treatment may continue until you get relief.

71) STOMACH PAIN: (all types): In a glass of sweet lime (Mausambhi) juice add to spoon of homey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil and use this mixture twice a day. Avoid all gas elements. Treatment may continue for 20 day.

72) STONE IN KEDNEY: In a cup of warm water add two tea spoons of honey and half tea spoon of Kalonji oil, dilute and use this mixture twice a day. Avoid spinach, lemon, sweet lime (mausambhi), tomatoes. Treatment should be continued until the stone is discharged.

73) FROM HEAD TO TOE: Mix one cup of orange juice with half tea spoon of Kalonji oil, take morning before breakfast and at night bed time. Treatment may continue for four months.

74) SWELLING OF STOMACH: Mix 3 grams of Ajwan, 3 grams Methi, 4 drops of Kalonji oil together. Take this mixture before breakfast and before dinner

75) JOINT PAINS, BACK ACHE & NECK PAIN: Eat two pieces of dry fig and add 4 drops of kalonji oil in one cup of Milk. Do not eat anything till two hours. Treatment is to be continued for 2 months. Avoid potatoes, tomatoes, green chills and bottlegaud.

76) PERSISTENT COUGH: Mix 10 grams of Akal kara, 200 grams honey, 100 grams of Kalonji oil together. Take the mixture, one spoon thrice a day. Restrict from ice cream, fridge water, custard apple. Treatment for 40 days.

Benefits of Kalonji(Black Seed)

By Dr. M. Laiq Ali Khanhttp://www.crescentlife.com/dietnutrition/kalonji.htm

The plants of Kalonji are found throughout India in the form of bushes. The height of the plant is approximately half a meter. It possesses blue flowers. It originated from Turkey and Italy. Later on, it was brought to Asia by physicians and cultivated in India. Seeds are triangular in shape, black in colour and possess a severe pungent smell, contain a considerable amount of oil. It is incorrect that Arabs learnt its use from the Greeks, because before the advent of Islam, no description or record is found about its use. Its therapeutic use was initiated after the advent of Islam, since; Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) mentioned its therapeutic efficacy and potential of cure. Chemical Composition - seeds contain 1.5% volatile oil, while 37.5% Nonvolatile oil. In addition to this Albumen, Sugar, Organic acids, Glucoside Melanthin Metarbin and bitter substances are also found. The Glucoside is toxic in nature, hence the use of Kalonji in large doses and prolonged use might be harmful.

Hazrat Abu Hurairah States - “I have heard from Rasool(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) that there is cure for every disease in black seeds except death and black seeds are shooneez.”

Salim Bin Abdullah(R.A.) narrates with reference to his father Hazrat Abdullah Bin Omar that Rasool(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) said, “Let fall these black seeds upon you, these contain cure for all diseases except death.”


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The same narration is found in Sanad-e-Ahmed from Hazrat Aisha (R.A.) and in Ibn-al-Jozi and Trimizi from Abu Huraira(R.A.). Hazrat Buraida(R.A.) narrates that Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated - “Shooneez is cure for all ailments except death.”

It is stated in the books of seerat that Nabi-e-Akram (sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) himself used to take these seeds for therapeutic purpose but with the syrup of Honey.

Khalid Bin Saad states that he was travelling with Ghalib Bin Jabr, when he fell ill during the journey. Ibn Abi Ateeq (nephew of Hazrat Aisha(R.A.)) came to meet us. On seeing the patient, he took 5 or 7 seeds of Kalonji and ground it, mixed it in olive oil and dropped in both nostrils, Hazrat Aisha(R.A.) told us that Prophet Muhammad(sallallahu alaiyhi wassallam) stated that there was cure in black seeds for all ailments except sam. I asked him, what was sam? He said “Death”. Ghalib Bin Jabr became healthy with that treatment.

Observations of the scholars of Hadith reveal that shooneez is equally effective for the diseases due to heat and cold. Zahbi states that kalonji removes the obstruction of any part of the body, expels the gases and strengthens the stomach.It is Emmenagogue, Lactogogue and Diuretic. It is an Anti-Helminthic, if taken with vinegar. It is useful in chronic cold. Inhalation of its smell is useful in common cold. The oil of Kalonji is effective in Alopecia. Half teaspoonful, if boiled in water and taken, is helpful in Asthma and diffuses the toxic effects of Bee and Wasps. Continuous use of kalonji is effective in mad dog bites. Fumigation of kalonji is useful in Respiratory Diseases. It is useful in Paralysis, Facial Palsy, Migraine, Amnesia and Palpitation. It is also an Expectorant and Antipyretic. It normalizes the secretions of stomach and pancreas. This phenomenon is very much effective and significant in the treatment of Diabetes Mellitus. It expels the Kidney and Urinary Bladder stones, if taken with the syrup of honey. It is effective in Jaundice if taken with milk. Its powder if taken with water is effective in treating Haemorrhoids. If Kalonji seeds are boiled in vinegar and this solution is applied on Gums and Teeth, it removes the Inflammation of the gums and relieves the pain also. It is also reported that its fine powder is effective if applied in early stages of Cataract. Kalonji is also used in Skin disorders. The oil of the seeds is also effective in Earache. If it is taken with Qust Sheering after breakfast and dinner, it is effective in chronic Dysentery and Asthma. Qust Sheering is a good medicine for sexual debility, but if it is taken with Kalonji seeds and Habburrashad, it becomes more fortified. Modern trials have proven that Kalonji seeds alone or in combination with other drugs are highly effective in Diabetes Mellitus, Vitiligo and other Skin ailments.

Kalonji Seeds:-

The extraordinary healing powers of black seed or black cumin have been known for centuries in the Middle East and Africa.  Its botanical name is Nigella Sativa. There are several common names attributed to Nigella sativa. These names differ between different regions and countries. In


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Europe it is called black caraway, fennel-flower, nutmeg flower or sometimes "Love in the Mist."In America it is called black cumin or black seed. Its name in Egypt is Habaat el Baraka and in the rest of the Arabic world it is called Habaa Sawdaa. The earliest written reference to Blackseed is found in the book of Isiah in the Old Testament.

It is most famous for the saying of the holy prophet Muhammad P.B.U H.  'Hold on to use of the Blackseed, for it has a remedy for every illness except death.' The wording  'hold onto' indicates a long term use.

The Ancient civilizations also took notice of the importance of the black seed as a medicine. These civilizations included the Roman empire, in which Nigella Sativa was named with the Latin word "Panacea" meaning cure all; and for centuries in the Arabian peninsula where this healing plant has been used as a nutritional plant.The Greek physician Dioskorides used Blackseed to treat headaches, nasal congestion, toothache and intestinal parasites. Black seeds were also used, he reported, as a diuretic to promote menstruation and increase milk production.

The Muslim scholar Al-biruni (973-1048), who composed a treatise on the early origins of Indian and Chinese drugs, mentions that the black seed is a kind of grain called alwanak in the sigzi dialect. Later, this was confirmed by suhar bakht who explained it to be habb-i-sajzi (viz. sigzi grains). This reference to black seed as grains points to the seed's possible nutritional use. During the tenth and eleventh centuries, Hypocrates, the grandfather of today’s scientific medicineregarded Nigella Sativa as a valuable remedy in hepatic and digestive disorders.

Ibn Sina, the author of the Canon of Medicine, one of the most famous books in the history of medicine recommended Blackseed as it stimulates the metabolism and to recover from dispiritedness and lethargy.

Black seed is also included in the list of natural drugs of al-Tibb al-nabawi, and, according to tradition, "hold onto the use of the black seed for in it is healing for all illnesses except death" (Sahih Bukhari vol 7 bk 71 #592). This prophetic reference in describing black seed as having a healing for all illnesses is not exaggerated as it at first appears. the many uses of black seed has earned for this ancient herb the Arabic approbation habbat-ul-barakah, meaning the seed of blessing.

Black Cumin is a small plant, of the order Ranunculaceae which grows in the wild, originating in the Middle East like so many other spice plants and culinary herbs. Nigella Sativa is cultivated in France and Germany and it is found abundantly growing wild in Egypt, Asiatic Turkey and the Balkan States. The taste of the seeds are of hot, peppery or spicy flavor.

The parts used are the seeds. Nigella sativa belongs to the order Ranunculaceae and is an annual herb, 8 to 12 inches high, with leaves cut into numerous, narrow, pinnate segments. The flowers are solitary, terminal, without an involucre; the petals blue and white, with greenish glands. The capsule is formed of 3 to 6 carpels, opening by the ventral suture. The plant grows on the Mediterranean coasts, in Egypt, but has been cultivated into other parts of the world including Saudi Arabia, northern Africa and parts of Asia, whence it has spread to India The seeds are tiny and hairy ( 1-2 mm long), black, 3 sided and look a bit like pieces of flint under a microscope Nigella sativa is sometimes mistakenly confused with the fennel herb plant (Foeniculum vulgare).The plant has finely divided foliage and pale bluish purple or white flowers. The flowers grow terminally on its branches while the leaves grow opposite each other in pairs, on either side of


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the stem. Its lower leaves are small and petiole, and the upper leaves are long (6-10cm). The stalk of the plant reaches a height of twelve to eighteen inches as its fruit, the black seed, matures. Nigella sativa reproduces with itself and forms a fruit capsule which consists of many white trigonal seeds. Once the fruit capsule has matured, it opens up and the seeds contained within are exposed to the air, becoming black in color (black seeds).

The constituents of the black seed give it the importance of being an immune system booster. The seeds contain the components Nigellone and Thymoquinone.  Black seed contains numerous esters of unsaturated fatty acids with terpene alcohols. Furthermore, traces of alkaloids (nigelline-N-oxide, nigellone, nigellimine) are reported. In the essential oil thymoquinone was identified as the main component besides p-cymene, α-pinene, dithymoquinone and thymohydroquinone. Oil is cold pressed from the seeds. Oil of Nigella Sativa is a yellowish to dark amber liquid.

 It does not show fluorescence, not even when diluted with alcohol. A fixed oil is produced by hydraulic expression of the seeds of nigella sativa. The reported oil content of N. sativa seeds ranges from about 0.1-1.5%, depending also on the isolation method and duration of distillation (2-4). The pharmaceutical properties of this species have recently been reviewed (3,5). Thymoquinone has generally been recognized as one of the more abundant components of the oil, and the one responsible for the pharmaceutical interest of the plant.


Nigella Sativa is traditionally known in Middle Eastern countries as "Habbat Al Barakah" - 'TheBlessed Seed', due to its powerful healing qualities for many ailments. It is an excellent natural medicine used for millenniums to treat a variety of conditions related to respiratory health, skin,stomach and intestinal disorders, kidney & liver function, circulatory and immune systemsupport, and to maintain and improve overall health.

It acts as a stimulant, aromatic, carminative, digestive, diuretic, emmenagogue, excitant, galactatagogue, purgative, resolvent, stomachic, sudorific, tonic, and vermifuge. Black seed has been traditionally used in the middle and Far east countries for centuries to treat ailments including bronchial asthma and bronchitis, rheumatism and related inflammatory diseases, to increase milk production in nursing mothers, to treat digestive disturbances, to support the body's immune system, to promote digestion and elimination, and to fight parasitic infestation. Its oil has been used to treat skin conditions such as eczema and boils and is used topically to treat cold symptoms.

Recent research has provided evidence that most illnesses arise because of an imbalanced or dysfunctional immune system which cannot perform its primary function of defending the body optimally. Research also indicates that black seed contains an ability to significantly boost the human immune system - if taken over time.

Great research has been done on Nigella Sativa in regards to its anti-cancer properties, especially breast cancer with promising results. , one of the largest experimental studies so far proved that Nigella Sativa oil had enormous success in tumour therapy without the negative side effects of common chemo-therapy. They found that it increased the growth rate of bone marrow cells by a staggering 250% and it inhibited tumour growth by 50%. It stimulated immune cells and raised the interferon production which protect cells from the cell destroying effect of viruses. They confirmed the strongly anti-bacterial and anti-micotic effects and that it has an effect in lowering the blood sugar level which is essential for the treatment of diabetes.


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The oil of nigella sativa is so beneficial due to its content of over a hundred components such as aromatic oils, trace elements, vitamins and enzymes. It contains 58% of essential fatty acids including omega 6 and omega 3. These are necessary for the forming of Prostaglandin E1 which balances and strengthens the immune system giving it the power to prevent infections and allergies and control chronic illnesses. Healthy cells are protected from viruses thus inhibiting tumors. Blackseed oil also contains about 0.5 - 1.5% volatile oils including nigellone and thymochinone which are responsible for its anti-histamine, anti-oxidant, anti-infective and bronchia-dilating effect.

The healing secrets of black seed oil have been found to provide medicinal properties ranging from immunostimulant, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-ulcerative, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, anti-tumorous, anti-pyretic (an agent that relieves or reduces fever) hypoglycemic, immune modulatory, anti-hypertensive, anti-depressant, anti-spasmic, respiratory system rebuilder, hepato (liver) protective, anti-parasitic worm and bronchodilator. As an oil it is digested through the lymphatic’s consequently purifying and unblocking the lymphatic system.

Experiences of doctors in Munich displayed that 70% of patients with allergic conditions, among them being pollen and dust allergies, asthma and neuro-dermitis were cured by Nigella Sativa. For upper respiratory conditions, at least a few of its constituents have shown an antihistamine-like action, which explains is positive effects for upper respiratory diseases including asthma, bronchitis, and cough. The oils of the seed increase milk flow which explains its folk use as a galactagogue. In large quantities, however, the seeds have also been used to abortion.

Externally the seeds can be ground to a powder, mixed with a little flour as a binder and applied directly to abscesses, on the forehead for headache, nasal ulcers, orchitis, and rheumatism. The seeds also are a rich source of sterols, especially beta-sitosterol, which is known to have anticarcinogenic activity. This substantiates its folk use for indurations and/or tumors of the abdomen, eyes and liver. In India, Nigella seeds are combined with various purgatives to allay gripping and colic and also help kill and expel parasites.

 Culinary uses.

The seeds are used both as a condiment in bread and cakes and various confections and like pepper or combined with pepper such as cayenne in sauces. In Algeria, the roasted seeds are combined with butter for cough and honey and taken for colic. Still another use is to sprinkle them with woolen garments as a moth repellant.Both Kalonji oil and seed are equally good but kalonji oil is preferred over seeds as it is 35to 50% more potent and convenient to use


Kalonji seeds have been found in several sites from ancient Egypt, including Tutankhamen’s tomb. Although its exact role in Egyptian culture is unknown, it is known that items entombed with a pharaoh were carefully selected to assist him in the afterlife.

The earliest written reference to N. sativa is thought to be in the book of Isaiah in the OldTestament where the reaping of nigella and wheat is contrasted (Isaiah 28: 25, 27). Easton’s

Bible dictionary states that the Hebrew word ketsah refers to without doubt to N. sativa (although not all translations are in agreement)


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In Islam, it is regarded as one of the greatest forms of healing medicine available. Muhammad (S.A.W.) once stated that the black seed can heal every disease-except death-as recounted in the following hadith:

[Sahih Muslim: Book 26 Kitab As-Salam, Number 5489]

It is also included in the list of natural drugs of ‘Tibb-e-Nabavi’, or “Medicine of the Prophet (Muhammad)(S.A.W.)”, according to the tradition “hold onto the use of the black seeds for in it is healing for all diseases except death” (Sahih Bukhari vol. 7 book 71 # 592).

Nutritional Components of Kalonji

Kalonji contains over 100 valuable nutrients. It is comprised of approximately 21% protein, 38% carbohydrates, and 35% plant fats and oils. The active ingredients of Kalonji are nigellone, thymoquinone, and fixed oils.

Kalonji contains significant proportions of protein, carbohydrates and essential unsaturated fatty acids, namely linoleic acid and gamma linoleic acid(omega3 &6), which are essential for a healthy immune system other than calcium, potassium, iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, niacin, and vitamin C.

Nigellon semohiprepinon is an effective treatment of bronchial asthma and respiratory allergies because of its ability to expand and relax the air ways. It also reduces the release of histamines into the bloodstream and thus works against allergic reactions.

Another active ingredient of kalonji isThymohydrochionon, also acts as an antihistamine and pain reliever.

Use of kalonji helps in synthesis of prostaglandin E1. Prostaglandin E1 suppresses the release of allergic messenger substances and harmonizes the immune system. During the course of long term use the body’s defense mechanism stops its excess activity and regains its balance. This ameliorates ailments caused by allergic hyper-reactions, such as asthma, hay fever, and eczema

Long-term supplementation with Kalonji can reduce allergic symptoms greatly

It has been traditionally used for a variety of conditions and treatments related to respiratory health, stomach and intestinal health, kidney and liver function, circulatory and immune system support, as analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti- allergic, antioxidants, anticancer, antiviral and for general well-being

Scientific research

Thymoquinone and pancreatic cancer treatment:

Researchers at the Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia have found that thymoquinone, an extract of nigella sativa seed oil, blocked pancreatic cancer cell growth and killed the cells by enhancing the process of programmed cell death, (apoptosis). While the studies are in the early stages, the findings suggest that thymoquinone could


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eventually have some use as a preventative strategy in patients who have gone through surgery and chemotherapy or in individuals who are at a high risk of developing cancer.

“The seeds are also rich in sterols, especially beta-sitosterol, which is known to have anti-carcinogenic activity.”

Black Seed stimulates bone marrow and immune cells and raises the interferon production, protects normal cells against cell destroying effects of viruses, destroys tumor cells and raises the number of anti-bodies producing B cells.. U.S. Patents Sections, Antiviral Agents Bulletin #5,482,711

Black Seed proves to have an anti-histamine, ant-oxidant, anti=biotic, anti-mycotic and bronchia-dilating effect. Cancer Immune-biology Laboratory, South Carolina

Black Seed is valuable source of protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, C and niacin as well as minerals such as calcium, potassium, iron magnesium & zinc Study of Black Seed oil on humans, American Scientists

Kalonji /Black seed/oil uses/home remedies:

Cough and Asthma Mix a teaspoon of Kalonji Oil in boiling water and inhale the vapors twice a day. Half a teaspoon (2.5 ml) of Kalonji Oil mixed in a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of honey is also to be given twice daily in the morning and evening. Continue the treatment for 40 days

Dry Cough 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil should be mixed in coffee and given twice a day before meals.

High Chloestrol Give 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil mixed with hot milk daily in the mornings (only once a day). This dissolves fats and dilates veins and arteries

Headache and Ear ache Apply Kalonji Oil on the forehead, sides of the face adjacent to the ears and behind the ears and then bandage the forehead. Give 2.5 ml Kalonji twice a day and continue for 3 days.

Loss of Hair & Premature Graying. Scrub the scalp thoroughly with lemon, leave it for 15 minutes. Wash with water and shampoo after thoroughly drying, Thereafter apply Kalonji Oil to the scalp. Repeat for one week and the loss of hair will stop completely. Kalonji Oil stops falling of hair, and gives a new life to dry, damage, dull unmanageable hairs and prevents premature graying of hair. Use continuously for one month.

Weak Eyesight. Take half a teaspoon of Kalonji Oil along with a cup of carrot juice twice a day before meals. For weak eyesight continue the treatment for about 6 months

Backache and Rheumatic pain Mix 2,5 ml Kalonji Oil with one spoon of vinegar and a tablespoon of honey and take this mixture in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner. Continue the treatment for 40 days.

Nausea/Vomiting Take half tsp of fresh ginger juice mixed with equal amount of Kalonji Oil, twice a day.


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Toothache Mix half teaspoon (2.5 ml) of Kalonji Oil with warm water and gargle. Apply oil on the affected tooth, it will alleviate pain quickly

Nervous Tension/ Stress 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil with a cup of tea twice a day before meals makes you calm down and eliminates all symptoms of tension.

General Weakness & Lethargy/Ed Take half teaspoon (2.5 ml) of Kalonji Oil with one cup orange juice in the morning for ten days.

For Improvement of of Memory Take half a teaspoon of Kalonji Oil mixed with 10 gms. of boiled mint twice a day before meals for 20 days.

Diabetes Mix 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil in a cup of Black Tea and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner. Continue the treatment till sugar level becomes normal.

Dyspepsia, Acidity & Stomachache

A cup of milk mixed with a teaspoon (5 ml) of Kalonji Oil to be taken two times a day for 5 days.

Restful Sleep 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil mixed in a hot drink after supper gives a quiet sleep all through the night.

Leucorrhoea, Amenorrhea and PMS Take 1 g dried mint leaves and boil in 2 glasses of water till one cup of water is left. Put half teaspoon of Kalonji Oil and give on an empty stomach in the morning and at night. Continue the treatment for 40 days.

Piles and Constipation Mix 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil in a cup of Black Tea and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner.

Obesity Mix 2.5 ml of Kalonji Oil and a tablespoon of honey in lukewarm water and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner

Burning Sensation Mix 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil in one cup of Sweet Lime Juice and drink in the morning before breakfast and at night after dinner. Continue the treatment for 10 days.

Psoriasis Mix 50 ml Kalonji Oil with 60 ml Lemon Juice and apply on the affected area..

Burning in Urine Mix 2.5 ml Kalonji Oil and 10 ml Honey in 250 ml milk and drink twice a day.

Half tsp(2.5 ml) daily with pure honey two times a day is good for general health