K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum in English English Grade 4...

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Transcript of K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum in English English Grade 4...

  • K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum in English

    English Grade 4 Competencies Allocation for


    LC - Listening Comprehension RC - Reading Comprehension G - Grammar OL - Oral Language F - Oral Reading Fluency WC - Writing / Composition V - Vocabulary Development SS - Study Strategy Research VC - Viewing A - Attitude


    Date Specific Skills

    Competencies Support Instructional Materials

    JUNE 2 OL Speak clearly using appropriate rate and voice projection

    Eng. Made Easy 4 pp.22-23

    3 OL A

    Speak clearly using appropriate pitch Observe politeness at all times

    Fun in Eng. Lang. pp22-23

    4 OL Speak clearly with appropriate stress Eng. Made Easy 4 pp4-9 Fun in Eng/ Lang. p 5

    5 OL Speak clearly with appropriate intonation Eng. Made Easy 4 p.9 Fun in Eng. Lang. pp 13-


    6 OR Read aloud grade level texts with accuracy rate of 95-100 percent

    9 LC Identify the elements of a fable Eng. Made Easy 4 p 223 Eng. For You & Me RTX

    pp. 133-134

    10 RC Analyze a narrative in terms of its settings Eng. Made Easy 4 pp 94-97

    11 RC Analyze a narrative in terms of its characters Eng. Made Easy 4 pp. 94-97

    12 I N D E P E N D E N C E D A Y

    13 ORF Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words

    Eng 4 textbook/ Old PHIL IRI passages

    16 LC Identify the elements of the myth Eng. Made Easy 4 p 191-192

    17 LC A

    Identify elements of a legend Observe politeness at all times

    Eng For All Times Reading 4 p 62

    18 RC Analyze a narrative in terms of its theme

    19 RC Analyze a narrative in terms of its plot (conflict, problem)

    Eng. For You & Me RTX pp 76-77, 78-80

    20 RC Analyze a narrative in terms of its plot ( reaction, resolution, ending)

    23 V Use context clues (synonym) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words

    Eng. Made Easy 4 pp. 46-50

  • Grade Sch. Eng. 5 RTX pp. 11-12

    24 V Use context clues ( antonym) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words

    Eng. Made Easy 4 pp. 51-53

    25 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures -Kinds of Nouns

    Eng/ For All Times LTX pp76-83

    26 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: Kinds of Nouns

    Eng. For All Times LTX pp. 76-83

    27 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: Plural of regular nouns

    30 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: Plural of regular nouns

    Eng. For All Times 4 LTX pp 63-70

    Fun in Eng 4 LTX pp 87-89

    Eng. Made Easy 4 pp 70-71

    JULY 1

    WC Write 2-3 connected sentences Eng. Foa All Times LTX p 146


    LC Sequence series of events from stories listened to

    Eng. Made Easy 4 pp 118-119

    3 OL OL

    Give oral directions Respond to questions involving directions

    Fun in Eng. 4 Ltx pp 39-40

    Eng. Made Easy 4 pp 19-20

    4 WC Revise writing for clarity: Capitalization, appropriate punctuation marks

    Eng. Made Easy 4 pp 111-113

    7 WC Revise writing for clarity -Signal Words

    Fun in Eng. LTX pp 39-40, Eng. Made Easy 4

    pp. 19-20

    8 WC Revise writing for clarity -Spelling

    9 V Use context clues ( definition) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words

    Eng. Made easy 4 pp. 42, 44, 46

    10 V Use context clues ( definition) to find the meaning of unfamiliar words

    Eng. Made easy 4 pp 42, 44, 46

    11 LC Infer authors purpose Eng. For All Times 5 RTX pp. 16-18

    14 LC Share inferences, thoughts and feelings based on text listened to

    Grade Sch. Eng. 4 RTX pp. 200-207

    15 RC Analyze a 3-4 line poem in terms of its elements (rhymes, sound, devices)

    Fun in Eng. Reading Tx 4 pp.74-76

    Growing in Eng. RTX p 217

    16 WC Write a 3-4 line poem in terms of its elements

    Fun in Eng. Reading tx 4 pp. 74-76

    17 G Compose clear and coherent sentences Eng For All Times 4 Lang

  • using appropriate grammatical structures: Noun Phrases

    pp. 75-91

    18 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: Noun Phrases

    Eng For All Times 4 Lang pp. 75-91

    21 WC Revise writing for clarity Flash cards, show-me-board

    22 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: Present tense of verbs

    Fun in Eng. Lang. 4 pp 151, Eng. Made Easy 4 pp. 131

    23 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: Present tense of verbs

    Fun in Eng. Lang. 4 pp 151, Eng. Made Easy 4 p


    24 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: Past tense of verbs

    Eng. For All Times LTX pp. 141-144

    Eng. Made Easy 4 pp. 133-144

    25 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: Past tense of verbs

    Eng. For All Times LTX pp. 141-144

    Eng. Made Easy 4 pp. 133-144

    28 Eidel Fitre

    29 V Use context clues (exemplification) to find meaning of unfamiliar words

    30 V Use context clues (exemplification) to find meaning of unfamiliar words

    31 OL Speak clearly with appropriate juncture, tone Growing Eng. LTX p. 57

    Aug. 1 OL Speak clearly with correct pronunciation Growing Eng. LTX 6 p. 58

    4 V Tell the uses of colors, lines and shapes in still images

    Concrete images, real objects, TV

    5 V Tell the uses of colors, lines and shapes in moving images

    Concrete images, real objects, TV

    6 ORF Read grade level texts with 98 words correct per minute

    Grade level texts




    Date Specific Skills

    Competencies Support Instructional Materials

    Aug. 11 LC

    Identify main idea and supporting details from the text heard

    -Grade Sch. Eng. (Reading.) pp70-74 -Eng. Made Easy 4 pp. 81-83 -Eng. For You & Me Reading. pp. 37-38;47-4

  • 12 V Clarify meaning of words using dictionary

    -Eng. Expressways 5 (Reading.)pp 59-61 -Eng. For You & ME 4 pp. 7 -13 - Grade School Eng. 4 (Reading.)pp. 136-143

    13 RC A

    Raise question based on text heard

    Observe politeness at all times

    -Eng. For All Times 4 (Reading.)pp. 10-14

    14 F Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words

    -Eng. For All Times 4 (Reading.)pp. 80-83 -Eng. Expressways 5 (Reading.)pp. 72-74

    15 SS Locate information from reference materials using dictionaries

    -Eng. For You & Me 4 (Reading.) pp. 7-13 - Eng. For You & Me 6 (Reading.)pp. 49-50

    18 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures

    (regular nouns)

    -Eng. For You & Me 4 (Lang.) pp. 38-44 -Grade Level Eng. 4 (Lang.)pp. 9-23

    19 WC Recognize the basic parts of a paragraph

    -Eng. Made Easy 4 pp 84-86

    20 VC Describe different forms and conventions use in print, non-print and digital materials


    21 X X x

    22 RC


    Identify the main idea and key sentence of a given paragraph

    Read with automaticity grade level frequently occurring content area words

    25 X X X

    26 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures

    (verb agreement)

    -Grade School Eng. 4 (Lang.) pp. 135-140 -Eng. Made Easy 4 (Lang.) pp. 137-138

    -Fun in English 4 (Lang.) pp. 225-227

    27 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures

    (compound Subject)

    -Eng. Expressways 5 (Lang.) pp. 24-31 - Eng. For You & Me 6 (Lang.) pp. 60-63

    28 RC

    Identify the supporting details of a given paragraph

    -Growing in Eng. 6 (Reading.)pp. 68-74 -Grade School Eng. 4 (Reading.)pp. 63-75

    29 SS Locate information from reference materials using glossaries

    -Grade School Eng.4 (Reading.)pp. 144-152 -Grade School Eng. 4 (Reading.) pp. 209-216

  • Sept. 1 WC Organize ideas to form coherent paragraph

    -English Made Easy pp. 60-62

    2 VC Describe different forms and conventions used in print, non-print and digital materials (line and colors)

    -Internet -pictures of lines and different colors

    3 V Clarify meaning of words using thesaurus


    4 WC Describe different forms and conventions used in print, non-print and digital materials (lay-out)

    -Internet -pictures/lay-out

    5 LC Use appropriate graphic organizers to show sequence of events

    -English Made Easy 4 pp. 118-119 -English Made Easy pp. 101-104

    8 WC Write a paragraph showing time order -Eng. Made Easy 4 pp 139-144 -Eng. For You &Me 4 (Reading.)pp. 103-109

    9 RC Make an outline from a selection read

    -Fun in Eng. 4 (Reading.)pp. 119, 127 -Eng. For All Times 4 (Reading.)p. 67 -Eng. For You & Me (Reading.)pp. 98-100 -Eng. Made Easy pp 114-116

    10 VC Describe different forms and conventions used in print, non-print and digital materials (icons and images)

    -Internet -Printed icons and images

    11 LC Use appropriate organizers to


    -Eng. For All Time (Lang.) pp. 181-184, 194-196

    12 V Clarify meaning of words using on-line resources


    15 RC Identify text types according to purpose: classify or describe

    -stories, poems, rhymes, paragraph

    16 RC Identify text types according to purpose: to recall and to explain series of events

    -Eng. For You & Me 4 (Reading.)pp. 103-109

    17 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structure: Pronoun (Number and Gender)

    -Eng. Made Easy 4 p 127-128 -Eng. Expressway 5 (Lang.) pp. 84-86

    18 VC Describe different forms and conventions used in print, non-print and digital materials (verbal use)

    -Internet -magazines

    19 LC Identify rhymes and sounds device in poems

    -Eng. For All Times 4 (Reading.)p.4

  • -Eng. For You & Me (Reading.)pp. 2, 67 , 73

    22 OL Deliver familiar poems -Eng. For You & Me 4(Reading.)pp. 2, 67,73

    23 OL Deliver quotable lines with ease and confidence

    -Eng. For You & Me 4 (Reading.)pp. 73-74

    24 WC Use appropriate graphic organizers for pre-writing tasks

    -Eng. For You & Me 6 (Reading.)pp. 63-68

    25 V Clarify meaning of words using on-line resources


    26 RC Identify figure of speech-Onomatopoeia

    -Growing in Eng. (Reading.)6 p 217

    29 RC Identify figure of speech- Assonance -Growing in Eng. (Reading.)6 pp. 216-221

    30 RC Identify figure of speech Alliteration -Eng/ For All Times (Reading.)6 pp. 144-147

    Oct. 1 RC Identify figure of speech Simile -Eng. For You & Me 6 (Reading.)pp. 50-52

    2 RC Identify figure of speech Metaphor -Eng. For You & Me 6 (Reading.) pp. 50-52

    3 RC Identify figure of speech Personification

    -Eng. For You & Me 6 (Reading)pp. 50-52

    6 VC Tell the uses of colors, lines and shapes

    -concrete objects, charts and pictures

    7 F Read grade four level texts using intonation

    -Eng. For You & Me 4 (Lang.) pp. 2-7 -Fun in English 4 (Lang.) pp. 13,14,17

    8 F Read grade four level texts using expressions

    -Fun in Eng. 4 (Lang.) p 11 -Fun in Eng

    (Reading.). p 211

    9 F Read grade four level texts using punctuation marks

    -Grade Sch. Eng. 4 (Lang.) pp. 28-32

    10 WC Write a paragraph showing enumeration

    -Eng. For You & Me 4 (Reading.)p.67

    13 RC Analyze lead of the news report -Newspaper, news reports

    14 WC Write a brief news report -Newspaper

    15 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: pronoun reference agreement

    -Eng. For All Times 4 pp. 113-123 -Grade Sch. Eng. 4 (Lang.) pp. 88-91

  • 16 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: pronoun reference kind

    -Eng. Made Easy 4 pp 127-130



    21 INSET





    Date Specific Skills Competencies Support Instructional Materials

    Oct. 27

    RC Identify Figures of Speech ( Alliteration ) English for All Times 6 (Reading) pp.144- 147


    G Read Grade 4 level texts using intonation expression and punctuation marks

    Fun in English 4 (Language) p.11 Fun in English 4 (Reading) p.211


    WC Write a paragraph showing enumeration English For you and Me 4 (Reading) p.67 English For All Times (Reading)p83


    G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures:

    - Pronoun reference agreement

    Fun in English 4 (Language) pp.142-143

    31 G - Pronoun number English Made Easy 4 pp.127-128

    Nov. 3 G - Pronoun gender English Expressways 5 (Language) pp.84- 86

    4 VC Describe various types of viewing materials Film clips, magazines, comic strips, videos, maps, almanacs

    5 LC Distinguish reality from fantasy English For You and Me 4 (Reading) p.173 English For All Times (Reading) p.147

    6 F Read Grade four level text using intonation, expression and punctuation marks

    English For you & Me 4 (Language) pp.2-3 Fun in English 4 (Language) pp.10-17

    7 RC Note significant details Grade School English 4 (Reading)p.39

  • Nov. 10

    OL Use verbal cues in oral public announcements

    Enjoying English Workbook 4 pp.145-147


    G Compose clear and coherent sentences using grammatical structures

    - Coordinate conjunctions

    English for You and Me 4 (Lang) pp.29-36


    G - Subordinate conjunctions English Expressways (Lang) pp.25-27


    SS Locate information from dictionaries English For you and Me 4 (Reading) pp. 7- 13 Dictionaries


    V Identify shades of meaning in words ( words with multiple meanings)

    Fun in English 4 (Reading) pp.204- 205 Expressways 5 (Reading) pp.59-61

    Nov. 17 RC Identify various text-types according to structure

    - enumeration

    English for You and Me 4 (Language) pp.2-3

    18 RC - time- order sequence recounts process

    Enjoying English Workbook 4 pp.85-89

    19 WC Write a paragraph showing time - order Growing in English 4 (Reading) p.175

    20 VC Describe various types of viewing materials Catalogs, videos, slides, films Almanacs, Magazines

    21 SS Use card catalog to locate resources English for All Times 6 (Reading) pp.84-87 English for You and Me 6 (Reading) pp.198-199

    Nov. 24 LC Use indirect speech to clarify the speakers ideas

    Growing in English 6 (Language) pp.129 - 131

    25 V Identify different meanings of content specific words

    - general

    English For All Times 4 (Reading) pp.4-5

    26 V - denotation English For All Times 4 (Reading) pp.4-5

    27 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures:

    - order of adjectives

    Growing in English 6 (Language) p. 247

    28 V Identify different meaning of content specific words (Mathematics) - denotation

    Basic Speech For You and Me 4 p.52

    Dec. 1 V - connotation Basic Speech for You and Me p.52

    2 F Read grade four level texts using intonation, Basic Speech For

  • expression and punctuation marks You and Me p.52

    3 RC Identify various text types according to structure

    - cause and effect

    Fun in English 4 (Language) pp.18- 21, Fun in English 4 (Reading) pp.99-101, English for You and Me (Reading) pp.119 - 134

    4 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures: adverbs of place and time

    Fun in English 4 (Language) pp.242-250, Grade School English 4 (Language) pp.176-179

    5 OL Use verbal cues in oral public announcements

    Fun in English 4 (Language)p.248

    Dec. 8 RC Identify various text types according to structure

    - problem and solution

    English Expressways 5(Reading)pp.33-38, English for all Times (Reading)pp.176-183

    9 F Read grade four level texts using intonation, expression and punctuation marks

    English for All Times 4 (Reading)p.184

    10 SS Locate information from glossaries Grade School English 4 (Reading) pp.144-151

    11 G Compose clear and coherent sentences using appropriate grammatical structures:

    - simple and compound prepositions

    English Expressways 5 (Language) pp.243-250, English for all Times 4 (Reading)pp.221-222

    12 G - prepositional phrases English For All Times 4 (Language)pp.224-246

    Dec. 15 V Identify different meanings of content words (Science) denotation

    Grade School English 4 (Reading) pp.116-119

    16 V - connotation Growing in English 6 (Language)pp.117-118

    17 RC Identify various types according to structure - comparison and contrast

    English Made Easy 4 pp.195-196

    18 F Read grade four level texts using intonation, expression and punctuation marks

    Grade School English 4 (Language) pp.128-130

    19 WC Write a one- paragraph essay on waste segregation

    Fun in English 4 (Language)p.51

    Jan. 5

    SS Locate information from indices Grade School English 4

  • (Language)pp.144-152


    VC Identify the visual elements used in a print/non-print materials

    Magazines, slides


    OL Use verbal cues in oral public announcements

    Grade School English 4 (Language)pp.174-177


    Quarter Test


    Quarter Test



    F Read grade four level texts using intonation, expression and punctuation marks

    Fun in English 4 (Language)p.96


    V Identify different meanings of content specific words (Health)

    - denotation, connotation

    Fun in English 4 (Language) pp.100- 101, Grade School English 4 (Reading)pp.93-95


    SS Locate information from available on line resources



    RC Make generalizations Grade School English 4 (Reading) pp.175-181


    WC Write a one- paragraph essay on waste segregation

    Fun in English 4(Language)pp.62-65, English For All Times 4 (Language)pp.34-36

    Jan. 9 G Use a particular kind of sentence for a specific purpose

    - asking permission

    Fun in English 4 (Language)pp.66-75 English For All Times pp.28-33

    20 G - responding to questions Grade School English 4 (Language)pp.28-29 Fun in English 4 (Language)64-75 English For All Times 4 (Language)pp.16-23

    21 G - making requests English For All Times 4(Language)pp.40-49, Fun in English 4(Language) pp.78-79

    22 G - following and giving information English For All Times 4(Language)pp.40-43, Fun in English 4 (Language) pp. 78-79, 82-83

    23 OL Use verbal cues in oral public Fun in English

  • announcements 4(Language) pp.229- 230

    Jan. 26 F

    Read Grade four level texts using intonation, expression and punctuation marks

    Fun in English 4 (Language)p.58

    27 RC

    Use appropriate graphic organizers for text read e.g. semantic web

    Fun in English 4 (Language)p.56, English For All Times 4(Reading) p.204-205 English For You and Me 6 (Reading)pp.162-166

    28 SS Interpret graphs Grade School English 4 (Reading)pp.153-157, Fun in English 4 (Language)p.64,English For All Times 4 (Reading) pp.196-197, Growing English 4(Reading).209

    29 VC

    Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences

    Film Showing, Slides

    30 WC Write a one- paragraph essay on waste segregation

    Growing in English 6 (Reading)pp91-92

    Feb. 2 V Identify different meanings of content specific words (Arts)

    - denotation

    Growing in English 4(Reading)pp.106 - 107

    3 V - connotation Growing in English 4 (Reading) pp.106-107

    4 OL Use verbal cues in a radio broadcast Radio reports and ads

    5 LC Distinguish fact from opinion English For All Times 4(Reading)pp.222-223

    6 OL Expresses facts and opinions from informational text

    Grade School English 4(Reading) pp.130- 135

    9 RC Interpret the messages of the different authentic text

    - product labels

    Product ads, labels


    SS Take down relevant information Product ads, labels


    G Use simple and compound sentences - to enumerate ideas

    Growing in English 6 (Language) pp.46-47


    G - to show sequence of events/information

    Growing in English 6 (Language) pp.49-54

    G - to compare and contrast ideas/objects Growing in English

  • 13

    6(Language)pp.49-54 Writing and Language Handbook p.144

    - Feb. 16 F Read aloud Grade 4 level texts with accuracy

    rate of 95-100 percent Grade School English 4 (Reading) pp192-194



    Interpret the messages of the different authentic texts

    - medical prescriptions

    Grade School English 4 (Reading) p.197, English For All Times 4(Reading) pp.200-201,medicine labels,


    RC - pamphlets pamphlets


    SS Interpret pictures Grade School English 4 (Reading) pp.153-157


    VC Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences

    Slides, tapes, film showing

    Feb. 23 F

    Read grade level text with 118 words correct per minute

    Grade School English 4 (Reading )pp.9-10

    24 V Use context clues (synonym and antonym to find the meaning of unfamiliar words

    Grade School English 4 (Reading) pp.13-14, Growing in English 4 (Reading) pp.235-237

    25 Holiday

    26 Holiday

    27 VC Identify the visual elements used in a print/non- print materials

    Magazines, videos, books

    Mar. 2 F Read grade level texts with 118 words correct per minute

    Growing in English 4(Reading)pp.68-69

    3 V Identify the meaning of unfamiliar words according to structure (affixes)

    Growing in English 4 (Reading) pp.75,82,87,91,99,104,105

    4 RC Evaluate a variety of literary texts Fun in English 4 (Language)p.168,172, Growing in English 4

    5 V Identify the meaning of unfamiliar words according to structure (inflections)

    Fun in English 4 (Language) pp.169-173 Growing in English 4 (Reading)p.203

    6 SS Take down relevant information Fun in English 4 (Language) pp.170-171

  • 9 F Read grade level text with 118 words correct per minute

    English For All Times 4 (Reading)p.198


    RC Interpret the messages of the different authentic texts (illustrations, maps, symbols)

    English for All Times 4 (Reading) pp.198-199,217-220


    VC Explain how specific aspects of a texts illustrations contribute to what is conveyed by the words in a text

    Fun in English 4 (Language) p.47,222


    NAT 3


    NAT 6

    16 V Identify the meaning of unfamiliar words according to structure (root words)

    Grade School English 4 (Reading) pp.16 -23


    SS Take down relevant information Grade School English 4 (Reading) pp.16-23


    VC Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences

    Slides, film showing





  • K to 12 CURRICULUM

    English Grade 4 BUDGET OUTLAY

    Prepared and Submitted by:






    MRS. SHIELA R. DE PEDRO, Cainaman Elem. School MRS. MERYLENE A. CASIO, Cainaman Elem. School MS. KRIZZA B. VALENZUELA, Ara-al Elem. School

    MERLITA P. PEACUBA, San Miguel Elem. School GRACE P. PIELDAD, Ayungon Elem. School




    EPS I-English


    OIC- Schools Division Superintendent

    Division of La Carlota City


    Schools Division Superintendent

    Division of La Carlota City