June 30, 2010 Hardy - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · 2010. 6. 29. · June 30, 2010 The...

XXXV No.14 June 30, 2010 The Hardy Heartline FROM MICAH What a success “Smoke on the Mountain” was! We had over 1,100 people come out and see the program! (Yes, a few of those were repeats, but even with repeats we had 1,000 folks show up!) We also cleared our budget by over $3,000! What a blessing God gave us through this program! There are so many folks who made this possible. First, I have to thank Richard Fant for selflessly coming up for about six weeks in a row to every single rehearsal to run sound and lighting. We could NEVER have done it without Richard! Second, I want to thank Jimmy Gross who was at every performance making sure the parking lot was taken care of, the guests were treated kindly, and the church was secure. Third, I have to thank Mary Lou Thornton who you all know did more than was asked of her and worked tirelessly behind the scenes to produce the art exhibit and sell tickets and just whatever needed to be done. Fourth, is Charlotte Nyman who drove all over town selling ads, finding easels, putting up posters, taking pictures, and getting our program to the printers. Fifth, our ticket sales were handled every night and prior to the program by the indomitable Jerry Black who is an asset to any team. Finally, a huge thank you to George McCasland who printed all our posters and tickets (and cut the tickets by hand!) and to Theresa Harris who printed our beautiful programs! These folks were key players in our run-up to the program and were invaluable to our efforts. THANK YOU ALL! As you know, however, the program was not put together just by this small group. It took lots of volunteers to make this a success. Thanks to our production team members who came to meetings and contributed time, efforts, and ideas: Ann Felling, Cindy Masterson, Bennie Raney, Julie McBay, Richard Fant, Jimmy Gross, Mary Lou Thornton, Charlotte Nyman, and Kathy Chambers. Thanks to Sharma Castillo and Linda McClemens for altering our graphics as needed (they know what I mean!). Special thanks to our artists who were featured in the exhibit: Carrol Means, Garry Masterson, Cindy Masterson, Quata Gilliam, Flora Quinn, Marie Poore, Kath- ryn Franklin, Ann Baker & Jean Stephens. Thanks to Dianne Bagley and Pat Reynolds for setting up the art dis- play. Thanks to Joy Richardson and Mark Roberts for providing easels for the art exhibit. Thanks to Renda Gross and Ladelle Ivey for supervising the workers out front during the program. Finally, a special thanks to the myriad volunteers who worked out front each night handing out programs, taking tickets, telling folks where the bathrooms were, and opening the doors: Patti and Tommy Pierce, Meaghan and Alex McBay, Fran- cie Anderson, Connor Patterson, Jeanette Akin, Kristin McCasland, Bob and Kathy Koon, Nona and Greg Phil- lips, Sydnee Russ, Kristi McCasland, Leighton Weber, Chris and Terri Carroll, Hanna Pate, Lana Rogers, Emilee Carroll, Linda McClemens, Nick Quinn, Molly Pate, Hailey Woods, Barbara and Carol Means, Elli Mohon, Ann Felling, Mack and Jane Walker, Mary and Mickey Spencer, Jennie Fedric, Mary Ann and John Resecker, and Sharma Castillo. WHEW! I sincerely hope I did not leave ANYONE out…if I did please let me know because it was unintentional! Finally, a BIG thank you to the members of Hardy who supported this effort with your time, your presence, your gifts, and your service. I know many of you were in prayer for this program and I also know that the ma- jority of our members came to the program at least once. Without the support of the body, these types of events cannot be produced by our church. Please remember that when other events are in the making. There is no doubt in my mind that at least one or two folks probably thought this musical would be a failure because you couldn’t see how it could work. However, when we work together as a body with a common purpose and a focus on the Lord, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. Let that be a lesson we take from the musical and put into practice in all that we do here at Hardy as the Lord guides us into the future. We’re the church with a warm heart

Transcript of June 30, 2010 Hardy - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · 2010. 6. 29. · June 30, 2010 The...

Page 1: June 30, 2010 Hardy - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · 2010. 6. 29. · June 30, 2010 The Hardy Heartline FROM MICAH What a success “Smoke on the Mountain” was! We had

XXXV No.14

June 30, 2010

The Hardy

Heartline FROM MICAH

What a success “Smoke on the Mountain” was! We had over 1,100 people come out and see the program! (Yes, a few of those were repeats, but even with repeats we had 1,000 folks show up!) We also cleared our budget by over $3,000! What a

blessing God gave us through this program! There are so many folks who made this possible. First, I have to thank Richard Fant for selflessly coming up for about six weeks in a row to every single rehearsal to run sound and lighting. We could NEVER have done it without Richard! Second, I want to thank Jimmy Gross who was at every performance making sure the parking lot was taken care of, the guests were treated kindly, and the church was secure. Third, I have to thank Mary Lou Thornton who you all know did more than was asked of her and worked tirelessly behind the scenes to produce the art exhibit and sell tickets and just whatever needed to be done. Fourth, is Charlotte Nyman who drove all over town selling ads, finding easels, putting up posters, taking pictures, and getting our program to the printers. Fifth, our ticket sales were handled every night and prior to the program by the indomitable Jerry Black who is an asset to any team. Finally, a huge thank you to George McCasland who printed all our posters and tickets (and cut the tickets by hand!) and to Theresa Harris who printed our beautiful programs! These folks were key players in our run-up to the program and were invaluable to our efforts. THANK YOU ALL! As you know, however, the program was not put together just by this small group. It took lots of volunteers to make this a success. Thanks to our production team members who came to meetings and contributed time, efforts, and ideas: Ann Felling, Cindy Masterson, Bennie Raney, Julie McBay, Richard Fant, Jimmy Gross, Mary Lou Thornton, Charlotte Nyman, and Kathy Chambers. Thanks to Sharma Castillo and Linda McClemens for altering our graphics as needed (they know what I mean!). Special thanks to our artists who were featured in the exhibit: Carrol Means, Garry Masterson, Cindy Masterson, Quata Gilliam, Flora Quinn, Marie Poore, Kath-ryn Franklin, Ann Baker & Jean Stephens. Thanks to Dianne Bagley and Pat Reynolds for setting up the art dis-play. Thanks to Joy Richardson and Mark Roberts for providing easels for the art exhibit. Thanks to Renda Gross and Ladelle Ivey for supervising the workers out front during the program. Finally, a special thanks to the myriad volunteers who worked out front each night handing out programs, taking tickets, telling folks where the bathrooms were, and opening the doors: Patti and Tommy Pierce, Meaghan and Alex McBay, Fran-cie Anderson, Connor Patterson, Jeanette Akin, Kristin McCasland, Bob and Kathy Koon, Nona and Greg Phil-lips, Sydnee Russ, Kristi McCasland, Leighton Weber, Chris and Terri Carroll, Hanna Pate, Lana Rogers, Emilee Carroll, Linda McClemens, Nick Quinn, Molly Pate, Hailey Woods, Barbara and Carol Means, Elli Mohon, Ann Felling, Mack and Jane Walker, Mary and Mickey Spencer, Jennie Fedric, Mary Ann and John Resecker, and Sharma Castillo. WHEW! I sincerely hope I did not leave ANYONE out…if I did please let me know because it was unintentional! Finally, a BIG thank you to the members of Hardy who supported this effort with your time, your presence, your gifts, and your service. I know many of you were in prayer for this program and I also know that the ma-jority of our members came to the program at least once. Without the support of the body, these types of events cannot be produced by our church. Please remember that when other events are in the making. There is no doubt in my mind that at least one or two folks probably thought this musical would be a failure because you couldn’t see how it could work. However, when we work together as a body with a common purpose and a focus on the Lord, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. Let that be a lesson we take from the musical and put into practice in all that we do here at Hardy as the Lord guides us into the future.

We’re the church

with a warm heart

Page 2: June 30, 2010 Hardy - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · 2010. 6. 29. · June 30, 2010 The Hardy Heartline FROM MICAH What a success “Smoke on the Mountain” was! We had


By Our Prayers: All Hardy homebound members, all nursing home residents, all our brave service men & women & their families, Billie Davis, Buddy Nettles, Emily Coulter, Delphia Seitz, Sara Vickers, Lil Miller, Dale Ivey & Jean Godfrey. For more details go to www.hardyumc.org and click on Prayer.

SYMPATHY is extended to the family of L.D. Estes, Jr. following his death on June 4. Also, sympathy is extended to the family of Robert Brown following his death on June 11. Sympathy is also extended to Linda McClemens in the death of her sister on June 17th. Please keep these families in your prayers.

By Our Presence: Month ending June 27, 2010 Sunday School 165 (monthly Morning Worship 227 average) Evening Worship 44

By Our Gifts: Month ending June 27, 2010 2010 Budget Received in June Received to date 434,061 35,010 221,604

Apportionments Paid to Date Balance 52,642 37,719 14,923

Hardy Memorial United Methodist

Church Texarkana, Texas

Phone: 903-793-1116 Fax - 903-793-6663

Rev. Garry Masterson Pastor

Home: (903) 794-7746 Cell: (713) 906-2537

[email protected]

Mary Lou Thornton Director of Education

[email protected]

Jennie Fedric Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Mary Ann Resecker Financial Secretary

[email protected]

Micah McBay Director of Music Ministries

[email protected]

Dee Dee Williams Director of Youth Ministries [email protected]

Sharma Castillo Director of Children’s Ministries

[email protected]

David Favors Director of Maintenance


Sue Jones Nursery Director


USHERS Mickey Spencer, Joe Williams, Carvel Good, Tom Quinn, John Miller, George McCasland, Joe Strickland & Mark Roberts CHILDREN’S CHURCH

July 4—Bonnie Miller July 11—Makki Currie July 18—Kristi McCasland July 25—Dee Dee Williams


Beginning July 11, the sanctuary altar will

be available for prayer from 9:15-9:30am.

Please take this opportunity to especially

pray for the Sunday services: Sunday school, morn-

ing worship, youth meetings, prayer group meeting,

and evening praise and worship service.


If you happen to be running a little late for morn-

ing services, keep in mind that at 11:00am all

outside doors will be locked except for the front

doors leading into the foyer. Don’t let this safety

feature deter you from coming! You are obviously

welcomed at any time.

Trustees Thanks The Hardy Trustee’s would like to sincerely thank the following individu-als and groups for maintaining and beautifying Hardy’s flower beds. Please take a minute to thank these individuals for their efforts. They are volunteering their time to make sure Hardy is a warm, inviting and pleasing place to come and worship: Diane Hill, Bob & Lou Pickens, Bar-bara & Carol Means, Greg & Ann Felling, Mack & Jane Walker, Mary Ann Davis, Mickey & Mary Spencer, the Ephesians Class and the office Staff. The church appreciates your dedication.

Page 3: June 30, 2010 Hardy - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · 2010. 6. 29. · June 30, 2010 The Hardy Heartline FROM MICAH What a success “Smoke on the Mountain” was! We had

We need “Choir Parents” to adopt a kid during the Sunday morning service so

that their parents or grandparents can participate in choir. Some of these little

ones will only be with you during the first part of the service because they’ll go

to children’s church. The older ones will sit with you for the entire service.

PLEASE VOLUNTEER! Contact Micah if you are interested!.

Choir will meet through June 30 and then will take a break until August 11.

If you are interested in singing with the choir for our Christmas music this year, please mark your calendars for

August 11 at 6:00! We will have our annual Christmas Music Kick-Off Dinner in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 p.m. on

Wednesday, August 11, and I hope to see everyone there!

Thank You Notes Thank you for all the items your

church has so generously donated to

the Rainbow Room. A special thank

you to the BIG Kids Afterschool Pro-

gram for the fantastic blankets. God has truly blessed

us—with you!

Bowie Co. CPS Board

Dear Ladies of the UMW,

Thank you so such for preparing the breakfast for all

of the graduates! I really appreciate your thoughtful-

ness and consideration. I am very proud to have

Hardy as my church home.


Wes Mills

PREPARING FOR THE SUMMER DROUGHT Summer is almost here, and often church attendance is lower and subsequently the offering. As you are aware, the finances of the church during summer months can be very challenging! Think about it: God blesses us with summer as a time for re-newal, connecting with family and vacation, but even in the midst of our absence, the Lord’s work is still on-going and requires fi-nancial support. Those of us who may be “Missing in Action” during these months of sun and fun might consider e-giving or electronic giving. Online giving or pre-authorized drafts allow consistent giving not only during summer months, but throughout the year. However we choose to fulfill our commitments to the church while we are “out of pocket” is up to each individual, but we do need to remem-ber what should be a major priority in our lives: our pledge to serve through our gifts.

Dear Compassion Ministry,

Thank you for the wonderful fruit and sandwich trays and

all the food. They were enjoyed by all and we had a

lovely luncheon before T.J.’s service. We appreciate your

gift of love for the life of our dad, T.J. Fountain.


Tommy, Larry, Steve Fountain Family

The family of Bob Collins would like to extend heartfelt

appreciation to our Hardy family for their calls, visits,

prayers, cards, flowers, and expressions of support dur-

ing this difficult time. Many thanks to the ladies of the

church for providing delicious food, and special thanks to

Rev. Masterson for his visits, prayers, kindness and the

beautiful service he conducted.

Lucille Collins

SHEEP NEED SHEPHERDS Hardy’s shepherding program is in need of more shepherds. This outreach program is one of our strongest and most important ministries as it helps us to keep in touch

with our church family. It also lets us know if anyone is sick or in the hospital and reassures our members that they are loved and cared about greatly. For more infor-mation on becoming a part of this ministry, please contact Jean Stephens at 903-792-7638 or the church office

Thank You Note We would like to thank Hardy for the cards, calls and the many prayers that went up for me in the recent situation I was going through. Thank you to Garry for praying with me. May God bless this wonderful church. All our love, Don & Jean Stephens

Thank You Note Dear Church Family, Thank you so much for my beautiful picture frame! Also, thanks to the UMW for the nice breakfast for all the gradu-ates. Hardy has always been a valued part of my life. A special thanks also to Jordan McConnell for her tribute to the graduates in worship. Love, Mallory Pate

Memorial/Honorarium Contributions Please remember the compassion Fund when recogniz-ing a loved one through contributions in their memory or honor. This fund is used to purchase food for family meals when a member of Hardy has experienced a death in their family. It also goes to help families or individuals who are going through a tough time financially.

Page 4: June 30, 2010 Hardy - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · 2010. 6. 29. · June 30, 2010 The Hardy Heartline FROM MICAH What a success “Smoke on the Mountain” was! We had

We’re on the web:


“We’re The Church With The Warm Heart”

Hardy Memorial United Methodist Church

6203 N. Kings Hwy.

Texarkana, Texas 75503

Phone No. (903) 793-1116 Return Service Requested





GOING ON A CAMPING TRIP! VBS Camp Edge July 12-14th 10-1:30

Tents are being put up and camp fires built! You won’t want to miss a moment. All we need are campers! Camp Edge is just around the corner! Children ages K to 5th grade are invited to at-tend. We will sing, make crafts, and listen to Bible stories around the camp fire. In addition to campers, we are still looking for volunteers to help. We also need newspapers and baby food jars. All supplies can be placed in the basket outside the K Sunday school room. If you would like to help, see Sue Jones in the nursery or call Sharma in the church office. Register early if you can! Go to www.hardyumc.org and click on ―Children‖. Then click on ―VBS Camp Edge‖, print the VBS registration form and bring it back up to the church office. The main thing is to be prayerful for the week to be successful! Pray for the campers, youth, and adults who will be working and camping at Camp Edge. Pray that we show the love of Christ to everyone who comes into our church home.

A SNEAKY PEAK AT THE FUTURE—MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Well, August takes you back to the classroom so we’ve planned a Back-to-School-Bash which will be on Sunday, August 22nd from 4-6p.m. There will be food, games and a huge slip-n-slide for the kids, and kids at heart, as well as music and a spiritual message for the entire family. Everyone is welcomed! More information will follow. Stay tuned.

Page 5: June 30, 2010 Hardy - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · 2010. 6. 29. · June 30, 2010 The Hardy Heartline FROM MICAH What a success “Smoke on the Mountain” was! We had

New Horizons Fun time for over 55ers

Devotional—Paul Coen Sandwiches— Mary Coen and Elaine Merrell Each person should bring a salad, veggie or dessert of your choice. This group will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 12:30pm on July 28th. BINGO will be played every month.

Hardy Dinner Club

All members and friends of Hardy are welcome! This group meets every month at a different restaurant. This month:

Saturday, July 19th at 5:30pm China Inn on State Line

Altar Rail Offering

for July —

Compassion Fund

Please give generously

July 1—James Rhoades Ashley Spriggs July 2—Caje Fedric Kathy Chambers Hannah Patterson Jim McConnell July 3– Morgan Yost Raimon & Gail Swanger

July 4—John Miller, Jr. Sharma Castillo Shelby & Delphia Seitz July 5—John Resecker July 6—Riley Richardson Matt & Katie Clark July 7—Sybil Pugh Marylyn Hall July 8—Shane & Joy Richardson July 10—Swede & Jeanne Lee July 11—LeJean TerAvest Geraldine Willett Don Cannon July 12—Courtney DaSilva Bobby & Sue Jones Randy & Becky Moore July 13—Beth Melton

July 13—Mike Whitehurst Jimmy Norwood July 15—Joe Bell July 16—Gwen Yocom Gloria Miller Ken & Billie Davis Joe & Sharon Bell July 17—Emmett Marlowe Rosalie Compton Jessica F. Morris July 18—Scott McVey July 20—Shane Richardson Kathleen Flournoy Sigrunn Yost July 21—Raimon Swanger July 22—Don & Diane Cannon July 23—Madison Bagley July 24—Sierra Rutledge July 25—Jean Fountain July 26—Richard Gilbert July 28—Julie McBay July 29—Rebecca Schneider July 30—Conner Patterson Tom Elder July 31—Larry Quick

WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER Many have requested that we resume the Wednesday Night Dinner on August 25 rather than September

8. By that point, most of our members will be back in town from vacation, school will be back in session,

and choir rehearsals will have resumed. If you are a regular diner and think this is a good idea, we would

appreciate your feedback. Email Mary Lou at [email protected], drop a card in the mail, or give

us a call in the office. We will let you know the outcome.

United Methodist Men Update The UMM wish to express thanks to Bil-lie and Ken Davis and Jennifer Biggar for making their pond available for Hardy’s children’s recent fishing trip. Thanks to Mr. Carol for helping the young people to be successful in catch-ing a few fish. We are sure the kids can tell some whopping fish tales. The UMM also wish to thank the congre-gation for making their fundraiser lunch-eon a success. Close to $1000 was netted in this venture, and then addi-tional generous donations were received making it possible for the golf cart to be purchased. For those unaware, the golf cart will make it possible for members and guests to be carried to and from their vehicles to close church entrances. What a valuable asset especially during inclement weather. (The congregation also extends thanks to the UMM for al-ways being so helpful on different church projects.)

Page 6: June 30, 2010 Hardy - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · 2010. 6. 29. · June 30, 2010 The Hardy Heartline FROM MICAH What a success “Smoke on the Mountain” was! We had

Acolyte Schedule for July July 4—Alyssa Igyarto & Gracie Williams July 11th—Ethan Yost & Miller Hornsby

July 18—Hailey Bagley & Audrey Mohon

July 25th— Alyssa Igyarto & Gracie Williams

Children’s Ministry We’re Having BIG Adventures at Hardy!

Want to be a part? Join us on July 6th for a skating party! Please notice that there is a different time for this BIG Adventure. We will meet at the church by the picnic tables at 1pm. Please bring $5 and money to buy snacks if you like. We will return to the church at 3:30pm. I will need parents to help drive on this adventure! Please call Sharma in the church office if you are available to attend. How about a day at the movies? On July 20th the BIG kids will enjoy a movie day at the church, and you don’t even need a ticket! The Fellowship Hall will be converted into a theatre. The doors will open at 10:00am, and the snack bar will be serving pizza. Parents, please pick up the movie go-ers at 1:00pm. Registration is important for all the BIG events.


The word is out! There is a playground in Hardy’s future! Here’s how you can help:

Fundraising for the playground will begin on July 11th. Donations will be taken before

Sunday school, before and after worship. Each time we reach $1,000.00 we will dis-

play a piece of the playground as a puzzle piece. Once we have raised the entire

$30,000.00 we will then reveal what the playground will look like. So far, we have

collected over $9,000.00 towards the playground. Be in prayer with me as we begin

to reach out to children in the community. Our children are our future!

WELCOMING OUR NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHER Maybe you remember Sonny McBay as the chef for the Wednesday night dinners, or perhaps you remember him as Stanley of the Sanders family in the recent musical ―Smoke on the Mountain‖. Well, this versatile man is now teaching Sunday school. The Elementary I-II class is currently seeing Sonny on a regular basis because he and his son Andrew are teaching the class. The first Sunday the kids got to blow a trumpet in anticipation of the walls of Jericho coming down! His love for Christ and his church is evident in all he does. Sonny has many new ways to capture your atten-tion and speak to your heart, so kids, you don’t want to miss a Sunday!


Page 7: June 30, 2010 Hardy - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · 2010. 6. 29. · June 30, 2010 The Hardy Heartline FROM MICAH What a success “Smoke on the Mountain” was! We had

New Youth Welcome to the Youth Group: Leighton Weber, Ellie Mohon, Victoria Pierce, Meaghan McBay, Raga Justin and Sarah Grace Little. We Are SO happy to have you!

UM ARMY Update UM ARMY has come and gone. We had an excellent trip to Nacogdoches, TX. The youth got to experience God’s Grace and first-hand experience of serving others. Thank you to everyone who made this trip possible. A special thanks to Carolyn Fant for preparing all the first timers, Ken Markham, Carolyn and Rick deBie for all their expertise and help getting tools together; the Ephesians and Faith Seekers Class for purchasing new first aid kits; Joy and Shane Richard-son for lending a lawn mower.

Mystery Trip Update Mystery Trip is set for July 17 – July 20. Cost is $50 per person. Deadline to sign up for trip was June 9th. Money due by July 5th. Packing list will be mailed to youth homes by July 9th.

Vacation Bible School, July 12, 13, 14 from 10am—1:30pm Youth signed up to help: Dawson Woods, Alex Quinn, Hannah Patterson, Morgan Williams, Sydnee Russ, Hailey Woods, Meaghan McBay, Leighton Weber, Victoria Pierce, Kristin McCasland, Alex McBay ** There is still time to sign up to help!!!!

Youth Snack Supper Youth Balcony Offering Ushers July 4th—NO YOUTH July 4th—Morgan Williams & Sydnee Russ July 11th—Becky Pierce July 11th—Conner Patterson & Dawson Woods July 18th—NO YOUTH July 18th—Hanna Pate & Emilee Carroll July 25th—McCasland July 25th—Alex Quinn & Kristin McCasland

Youth Children’s Church Helpers Thank You Youth: July 4th—Laura Miller & Conner Patterson Special thanks to all the youth that helped with July 11th— Jenni deBie & Marshall McPherson ―Smoke on the Mountain‖: Alex & Meaghan McBay, July 18th—Kristen McCasland Conner Patterson, Kristin McCasland, Nick Quinn, July 25th—Morgan Williams & Sydnee Russ Hanna Pate, Emilee Carroll, Ellie Mohon, Hailey Woods, Sydnee Russ, Lakin Resecker & Leighton Weber

You are invited to Hardy’s Summer Celebration Women’s Ministry Event!!

Monday, August 9 from 6:30-8:30 PM

Light Snack & Door Prizes!

Guest speaker, Rev. Michelle Hall

Worship with singing, Prayer time Our guest speaker is the Chaplain at Wiley College in Marshall. She was recently the opening preacher at

Methodist Annual Conference down in Houston. She is an outstanding speaker and you won’t want to miss out!

We will meet in the Fellowship Hall. There is no cost for this event, but an offering will be taken.

This will be a fun time together as women!

Plan to come and bring a friend with you. Babysitting is provided by reservation.

For more info or to say “Count me in!” call Lou at 903-838-3507 or email at [email protected]